"""The Blender Mesh module This module provides routines for more extensive mesh manipulation. Later, this Mesh type will also allow interactive access (like in EditMode). In the Publisher, Ngons will also be supported (and converted to triangles on mesh.update(). The following code demonstrates creation of an Ngon. Example:: from Blender import Mesh, Object, Scene m = Mesh.New() # new empty mesh vlist = [] vlist.append(m.addVert((-0.0, -1.0, 0.0))) vlist.append(m.addVert((1.0, 0.0, 0.0))) vlist.append(m.addVert((1.0, 1.0, 0.0))) vlist.append(m.addVert((0.0, 3.0, 0.0))) vlist.append(m.addVert((-1.0, 2.0, 0.0))) vlist.append(m.addVert((-3.0, 1.0, 0.0))) vlist.append(m.addVert((-3.0, 3.0, 0.0))) vlist.append(m.addVert((-4.0, 3.0, 0.0))) vlist.append(m.addVert((-4.0, 0.0, 0.0))) f = m.addFace(vlist) # do some calculations: top project vertex coordinates to # UV coordinates and normalize them to the square [0.0, 1.0]*[0.0, 1.0] uvlist = map(lambda x: (x.co[0], x.co[1]), vlist) maxx = max(map(lambda x: x[0], uvlist)) maxy = max(map(lambda x: x[1], uvlist)) minx = min(map(lambda x: x[0], uvlist)) miny = min(map(lambda x: x[1], uvlist)) len = max((maxx - minx), (maxy - miny)) offx = -minx / len offy = -miny / len f.uv = map(lambda x: (x[0]/len + offx, x[1]/len + offy), uvlist) # assign UV coordinates by 'top' projection m.update() # update and triangulate mesh ob = Object.New('Mesh') # create new Object ob.link(m) # link mesh data sc = Scene.getCurrent() # get current Scene sc.link(ob) # link Object to scene """ from Blender.Types import NMFaceType import Blender.Material as Material from _Blender import NMesh as _NMesh FACEFLAGS = _NMesh.Const DEFAULTFLAGS = FACEFLAGS.LIGHT + FACEFLAGS.DYNAMIC import shadow def makeFace(f): face = _NMesh.Face() for v in f: face.v.append(v) face.uv.append((v.uvco[0], v.uvco[1])) return face def toTriangles(ngon): from utils import tesselation # This should be a Publisher only feature...once the tesselation # is improved. The GLU tesselator of Mesa < 4.0 is crappy... if len(ngon.uv) == len(ngon.v): i = 0 for v in ngon.v: v.uvco = ngon.uv[i] i += 1 return tesselation.NgonAsTriangles(ngon, makeFace) # return triangles def Color(r, g, b, a = 1.0): return _NMesh.Col(255 * r, 255 * g, 255 * b, 255 * a) class Vert: #shadow NMVert class for the tesselator """Vertex wrapper class This class emulates a float coordinate vector triple """ def __init__(self): self.vert = None self.uv = [] def __len__(self): return 3 def __setitem__(self, i, val): self.vert[i] = val def __getitem__(self, i): return self.vert.co[i] class Face: """Face wrapper class This class emulates a list of vertex references """ def __init__(self, vlist): self.v= vlist self.uv = [] def __len__(self): return len(self.v) def __setitem__(self, i, val): self.v[i] = val def __getitem__(self, i): return self.v[i] # override: Vert = _NMesh.Vert Face = _NMesh.Face class rawMesh: """Wrapper for raw Mesh data""" def __init__(self, object = None): if object: self._object = object else: self._object = _NMesh.GetRaw() self.flags = DEFAULTFLAGS self.smooth = 0 self.recalc_normals = 1 self.faces = self._object.faces[:] def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'vertices': return self._object.verts elif name == 'has_col': return self._object.hasVertexColours() elif name == 'has_uv': return self._object.hasFaceUV() else: return getattr(self._object, name) def __repr__(self): return "Mesh: %d faces, %d vertices" % (len(self.faces), len(self.verts)) def hasFaceUV(self, true = None): """Sets the per-face UV texture flag, if 'true' specified (either 0 or 1). Returns the texture flag in any case.""" if true == None: return self._object.hasFaceUV() return self._object.hasFaceUV(true) def hasVertexUV(self, true = None): """Sets the per-vertex UV texture flag, if 'true' specified (either 0 or 1). Returns the texture flag in any case.""" if true == None: return self._object.hasVertexUV() return self._object.hasVertexUV(true) def hasVertexColours(self, true = None): """Sets the per-face UV texture flag, if 'true' specified (either 0 or 1). Returns the texture flag in any case.""" if true == None: return self._object.hasVertexColours() return self._object.hasVertexColours(true) def addVert(self, v): """Adds a vertex to the mesh and returns a reference to it. 'v' can be a float triple or any data type emulating a sequence, containing the coordinates of the vertex. Note that the returned value references an *owned* vertex""" vert = _NMesh.Vert(v[0], v[1], v[2]) self._object.verts.append(vert) return vert def addFace(self, vlist, flags = None, makedefaultUV = 0): """Adds a face to the mesh and returns a reference to it. 'vlist' must be a list of vertex references returned by addVert(). Note that the returned value references an *owned* face""" if type(vlist) == NMFaceType: face = vlist else: n = len(vlist) face = _NMesh.Face(vlist) if makedefaultUV: face.uv = defaultUV[:n] self.faces.append(face) # turn on default flags: if not flags: face.mode = self.flags else: face.mode = flags return face def update(self): """Updates the mesh datablock in Blender""" o = self._object o = self._object o.faces = [] smooth = self.smooth for f in self.faces: if len(f) > 4: #it's a NGON faces = toTriangles(f) for nf in faces: nf.smooth = smooth o.faces.append(nf) else: o.faces.append(f) o.update() def link(self, material): """Link material 'material' with the mesh. Note that a mesh can currently have up to 16 materials, which are referenced by Face().materialIndex""" mats = self._object.materials if material in mats: print "material already assigned to mesh" return mats.append(material._object) def unlink(self, material): """Unlink (remove) material 'material' from the mesh. Note that the material indices per face need to be updated.""" self._object.materials.remove(material._object) def setMaterials(self, materials = []): """Sets materials. 'materials' must be a list of valid material objects Note that a mesh can currently have up to 16 materials, which are referenced by Face().materialIndex""" self._object.materials = (map(lambda x: x._object, materials)) def getMaterials(self, materials = []): """Returns materials assigned to the mesh""" return shadow._List(self._object.materials, Material.Material) def New(): return rawMesh() def get(name = None): """If 'name' given, the Mesh 'name' is returned if existing, 'None' otherwise.""" if name: ob = _NMesh.GetRaw(name) if ob: return rawMesh(ob) else: return None else: raise SystemError, "get() for Meshes is not yet supported"