/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2012 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): Peter Larabell. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file raskter_mt.c * \ingroup RASKTER */ #include #include "raskter.h" static int rast_scan_init(struct r_fill_context *ctx, struct poly_vert *verts, int num_verts) { int x_curr; /* current pixel position in X */ int y_curr; /* current scan line being drawn */ int yp; /* y-pixel's position in frame buffer */ int swixd = 0; /* whether or not edges switched position in X */ int i=0; /* counter */ float *cpxl; /* pixel pointers... */ float *mpxl; float *spxl; struct e_status *e_curr; /* edge pointers... */ struct e_status *e_temp; struct e_status *edgbuf; struct e_status **edgec; if(num_verts < 3) { return(1); } if((edgbuf = (struct e_status *)(malloc(sizeof(struct e_status) * num_verts))) == NULL) { return(0); } /* set initial bounds length to 0 */ ctx->bounds_length=0; /* round 1, count up all the possible spans in the base buffer */ preprocess_all_edges(ctx, verts, num_verts, edgbuf); /* can happen with a zero area mask */ if (ctx->all_edges == NULL) { free(edgbuf); return(1); } ctx->possible_edges = NULL; for(y_curr = ctx->all_edges->ybeg; (ctx->all_edges || ctx->possible_edges); y_curr++) { for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; ctx->all_edges && (ctx->all_edges->ybeg == y_curr);) { x_curr = ctx->all_edges->x; /* Set current X position. */ for(;;) { /* Start looping edges. Will break when edges run out. */ e_curr = *edgec; /* Set up a current edge pointer. */ if(!e_curr || (e_curr->x >= x_curr)) { /* If we have an no edge, or we need to skip some X-span, */ e_temp = ctx->all_edges->e_next; /* set a temp "next" edge to test. */ *edgec = ctx->all_edges; /* Add this edge to the list to be scanned. */ ctx->all_edges->e_next = e_curr; /* Set up the next edge. */ edgec = &ctx->all_edges->e_next; /* Set our list to the next edge's location in memory. */ ctx->all_edges = e_temp; /* Skip the NULL or bad X edge, set pointer to next edge. */ break; /* Stop looping edges (since we ran out or hit empty X span. */ } else { edgec = &e_curr->e_next; /* Set the pointer to the edge list the "next" edge. */ } } } yp = y_curr * ctx->rb.sizex; spxl = ctx->rb.buf + (yp); for(e_curr = ctx->possible_edges; e_curr; e_curr = e_curr->e_next) { /* set up xmin and xmax bounds on this scan line */ cpxl = spxl + MAX2(e_curr->x, 0); e_curr = e_curr->e_next; mpxl = spxl + MIN2(e_curr->x, ctx->rb.sizex) - 1; if((y_curr >= 0) && (y_curr < ctx->rb.sizey)) { ctx->bounds_length++; } } for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec);) { if(!(--(e_curr->num))) { *edgec = e_curr->e_next; } else { e_curr->x += e_curr->xshift; if((e_curr->drift += e_curr->drift_inc) > 0) { e_curr->x += e_curr->xdir; e_curr->drift -= e_curr->drift_dec; } edgec = &e_curr->e_next; } } if(ctx->possible_edges) { for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec)->e_next; edgec = &(*edgec)->e_next) { /* if the current edge hits scan line at greater X than the next edge, we need to exchange the edges */ if(e_curr->x > e_curr->e_next->x) { *edgec = e_curr->e_next; /* exchange the pointers */ e_temp = e_curr->e_next->e_next; e_curr->e_next->e_next = e_curr; e_curr->e_next = e_temp; /* set flag that we had at least one switch */ swixd = 1; } } /* if we did have a switch, look for more (there will more if there was one) */ for(;;) { /* reset exchange flag so it's only set if we encounter another one */ swixd = 0; for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec)->e_next; edgec = &(*edgec)->e_next) { /* again, if current edge hits scan line at higher X than next edge, exchange the edges and set flag */ if(e_curr->x > e_curr->e_next->x) { *edgec = e_curr->e_next; /* exchange the pointers */ e_temp = e_curr->e_next->e_next; e_curr->e_next->e_next = e_curr; e_curr->e_next = e_temp; /* flip the exchanged flag */ swixd = 1; } } /* if we had no exchanges, we're done reshuffling the pointers */ if(!swixd) { break; } } } } /*initialize index buffer and bounds buffers*/ //gets the +1 for dummy at the end if((ctx->bound_indexes = (int *)(malloc(sizeof(int) * ctx->rb.sizey+1)))==NULL) { return(0); } //gets the +1 for dummy at the start if((ctx->bounds = (struct scan_line *)(malloc(sizeof(struct scan_line) * ctx->bounds_length+1)))==NULL){ return(0); } //init all the indexes to zero (are they already zeroed from malloc???) for(i=0;irb.sizey+1;i++){ ctx->bound_indexes[i]=0; } /* round 2, fill in the full list of bounds, and create indexes to the list... */ preprocess_all_edges(ctx, verts, num_verts, edgbuf); /* can happen with a zero area mask */ if (ctx->all_edges == NULL) { free(edgbuf); return(1); } ctx->possible_edges = NULL; /* restart i as a counter for total span placement in buffer */ i=1; for(y_curr = ctx->all_edges->ybeg; (ctx->all_edges || ctx->possible_edges); y_curr++) { for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; ctx->all_edges && (ctx->all_edges->ybeg == y_curr);) { x_curr = ctx->all_edges->x; /* Set current X position. */ for(;;) { /* Start looping edges. Will break when edges run out. */ e_curr = *edgec; /* Set up a current edge pointer. */ if(!e_curr || (e_curr->x >= x_curr)) { /* If we have an no edge, or we need to skip some X-span, */ e_temp = ctx->all_edges->e_next; /* set a temp "next" edge to test. */ *edgec = ctx->all_edges; /* Add this edge to the list to be scanned. */ ctx->all_edges->e_next = e_curr; /* Set up the next edge. */ edgec = &ctx->all_edges->e_next; /* Set our list to the next edge's location in memory. */ ctx->all_edges = e_temp; /* Skip the NULL or bad X edge, set pointer to next edge. */ break; /* Stop looping edges (since we ran out or hit empty X span. */ } else { edgec = &e_curr->e_next; /* Set the pointer to the edge list the "next" edge. */ } } } yp = y_curr * ctx->rb.sizex; spxl = ctx->rb.buf + (yp); if((y_curr >=0) && (y_curr < ctx->rb.sizey)){ ctx->bound_indexes[y_curr]=i; } for(e_curr = ctx->possible_edges; e_curr; e_curr = e_curr->e_next) { /* set up xmin and xmax bounds on this scan line */ cpxl = spxl + MAX2(e_curr->x, 0); e_curr = e_curr->e_next; mpxl = spxl + MIN2(e_curr->x, ctx->rb.sizex) - 1; if((y_curr >= 0) && (y_curr < ctx->rb.sizey)) { ctx->bounds[i].xstart=cpxl-spxl; ctx->bounds[i].xend=mpxl-spxl; i++; } } for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec);) { if(!(--(e_curr->num))) { *edgec = e_curr->e_next; } else { e_curr->x += e_curr->xshift; if((e_curr->drift += e_curr->drift_inc) > 0) { e_curr->x += e_curr->xdir; e_curr->drift -= e_curr->drift_dec; } edgec = &e_curr->e_next; } } if(ctx->possible_edges) { for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec)->e_next; edgec = &(*edgec)->e_next) { /* if the current edge hits scan line at greater X than the next edge, we need to exchange the edges */ if(e_curr->x > e_curr->e_next->x) { *edgec = e_curr->e_next; /* exchange the pointers */ e_temp = e_curr->e_next->e_next; e_curr->e_next->e_next = e_curr; e_curr->e_next = e_temp; /* set flag that we had at least one switch */ swixd = 1; } } /* if we did have a switch, look for more (there will more if there was one) */ for(;;) { /* reset exchange flag so it's only set if we encounter another one */ swixd = 0; for(edgec = &ctx->possible_edges; (e_curr = *edgec)->e_next; edgec = &(*edgec)->e_next) { /* again, if current edge hits scan line at higher X than next edge, exchange the edges and set flag */ if(e_curr->x > e_curr->e_next->x) { *edgec = e_curr->e_next; /* exchange the pointers */ e_temp = e_curr->e_next->e_next; e_curr->e_next->e_next = e_curr; e_curr->e_next = e_temp; /* flip the exchanged flag */ swixd = 1; } } /* if we had no exchanges, we're done reshuffling the pointers */ if(!swixd) { break; } } } } free(edgbuf); return 1; } /* static */ int init_base_data(float(*base_verts)[2], int num_base_verts, float *buf, int buf_x, int buf_y) { int i; /* i: Loop counter. */ struct poly_vert *ply; /* ply: Pointer to a list of integer buffer-space vertex coordinates. */ struct r_fill_context ctx = {0}; const float buf_x_f = (float)(buf_x); const float buf_y_f = (float)(buf_y); if((ply = (struct poly_vert *)(malloc(sizeof(struct poly_vert) * num_base_verts))) == NULL) { return(0); } ctx.rb.buf = buf; /* Set the output buffer pointer. */ ctx.rb.sizex = buf_x; /* Set the output buffer size in X. (width) */ ctx.rb.sizey = buf_y; /* Set the output buffer size in Y. (height) */ for(i = 0; i < num_base_verts; i++) { /* Loop over all base_verts. */ ply[i].x = (int)((base_verts[i][0] * buf_x_f) + 0.5f); /* Range expand normalized X to integer buffer-space X. */ ply[i].y = (int)((base_verts[i][1] * buf_y_f) + 0.5f); /* Range expand normalized Y to integer buffer-space Y. */ } i = rast_scan_init(&ctx, ply, num_base_verts); /* Call our rasterizer, passing in the integer coords for each vert. */ free(ply); /* Free the memory allocated for the integer coordinate table. */ return(i); /* Return the value returned by the rasterizer. */ }