This folder contains several scripts to smoothen the Blender LTS releases. ======================= This python script is used to generate the download urls which we can copy-paste directly into the CMS of Usage: --version 2.83.7 Arguments: --version VERSION Version string in the form of {major}.{minor}.{build} (eg 2.83.7) The resulting html will be printed to the console. ======================= This python script is used to generate the release notes which we can copy-paste directly into the CMS of and stores. Usage: ./ --task=T77348 --version=2.83.7 Arguments: --version VERSION Version string in the form of {major}.{minor}.{build} (e.g. 2.83.7) --task TASK Phabricator ticket that is contains the release notes information (e.g. T77348) --format FORMAT Format the result in `text`, `steam`, `wiki` or `html` Requirements ============ * Python 3.8 or later * Python phabricator client version 0.7.0 For convenience the python modules can be installed using pip pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt