#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import datetime DESCRIPTION = ("This python script is used to generate the download urls " "which we can copy-paste directly into the CMS of " "www.blender.org") USAGE = "create_download_urls --version=2.83.7" # Used date format: "September 30, 2020" DATE_FORMAT = "%B %d, %Y" class Version: """ Version class that extracts the major, minor and build from a version string """ def __init__(self, version: str): self.version = version v = version.split(".") self.major = v[0] self.minor = v[1] self.build = v[2] def __str__(self) -> str: return self.version def get_download_file_names(version: Version): yield f"blender-{version}-linux64.tar.xz" yield f"blender-{version}-macOS.dmg" yield f"blender-{version}-windows64.msi" yield f"blender-{version}-windows64.zip" def get_download_url(version: Version, file_name: str) -> str: """ Get the download url for the given version and file_name """ return (f"https://www.blender.org/download/Blender{version.major}" f".{version.minor}/{file_name}") def generate_html(version: Version) -> str: """ Generate download urls and format them into an HTML string """ today = datetime.date.today() lines = [] lines.append(f"Released on {today.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)}.") lines.append("") lines.append("") return "\n".join(lines) def print_download_urls(version: Version): """ Generate the download urls and print them to the console. """ print(generate_html(version)) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION, usage=USAGE) parser.add_argument("--version", required=True, help=("Version string in the form of {major}.{minor}." "{build} (eg 2.83.7)")) args = parser.parse_args() print_download_urls(version=Version(args.version))