#!BPY """ Registration info for Blender menus: Name: 'DirectX8(.x)...' Blender: 239 Group: 'Export' Submenu: 'Export all the scene' export Submenu: 'Export selected obj' exportsel Tip: 'Export to DirectX8 text file format format.' """ __author__ = "Arben (Ben) Omari" __url__ = ("blender", "elysiun", "Author's site, http://www.omariben.too.it") __version__ = "1.0" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script exports a Blender mesh with armature to DirectX 8's text file format. Notes:
Check author's site or the elYsiun forum for a new beta version of the DX exporter. """ # DirectX8Exporter.py version 1.0 # Copyright (C) 2003 Arben OMARI -- omariarben@everyday.com # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # This script export meshes created with Blender in DirectX8 file format # it exports meshes,armatures,materials,normals,texturecoords and animations # Grab the latest version here :www.omariben.too.it import Blender from Blender import Types, Object, NMesh, Material,Armature from Blender.Mathutils import * global new_bon,mat_flip,index_list index_list = [] new_bon = {} mat_flip = Matrix([1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) #*********************************************** #*********************************************** # EXPORTER #*********************************************** #*********************************************** class xExport: def __init__(self, filename): self.file = open(filename, "w") #********************************************************************************************************************************************* #*********************************************** #Select Scene objects #*********************************************** def SelectObjs(self): print "exporting..." self.writeHeader() for obj in Object.Get(): mesh = obj.getData() if type(mesh) == Types.NMeshType : chld_obj = obj.getParent() if chld_obj : dt_chld_obj = chld_obj.getData() if type(dt_chld_obj) == Types.ArmatureType : self.writeRootBone(chld_obj, obj) else : self.exportMesh(obj) self.file.write("AnimationSet {\n") for obj in Object.Get(): mesh = obj.getData() if type(mesh) == Types.NMeshType : ip_list = obj.getIpo() if ip_list != None : self.writeAnimationObj(obj) elif type(mesh) == Types.ArmatureType : act_list = obj.getAction() if act_list != None : self.writeAnimation(obj) ip_list = obj.getIpo() if ip_list != None : self.writeAnimationObjArm(obj) self.file.write("}\n") self.writeEnd() #*********************************************** #Export Mesh without Armature #*********************************************** def exportMesh(self, obj): tex = [] mesh = obj.getData() self.writeTextures(obj, tex) self.writeMeshcoord(obj, mesh) self.writeMeshMaterialList(obj, mesh, tex) self.writeMeshNormals(obj, mesh) self.writeMeshTextureCoords(obj, mesh) self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write("}\n") #*********************************************** #Export the Selected Mesh #*********************************************** def exportSelMesh(self): print "exporting ..." self.writeHeader() tex = [] obj = Object.GetSelected()[0] mesh = obj.getData() if type(mesh) == Types.NMeshType : self.writeTextures(obj, tex) self.writeMeshcoord(obj, mesh) self.writeMeshMaterialList(obj, mesh, tex) self.writeMeshNormals(obj, mesh) self.writeMeshTextureCoords(obj, mesh) self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write("}\n") ip_list = obj.getIpo() if ip_list != None : self.file.write("AnimationSet {\n") self.writeAnimationObj(obj) self.file.write("}\n") print "exporting ..." else : print "The selected object is not a mesh" print "...finished" #*********************************************** #Export Mesh with Armature #*********************************************** def exportMeshArm(self,arm,arm_ob,ch_obj): tex = [] mesh = ch_obj.getData() self.writeTextures(ch_obj, tex) self.writeMeshcoordArm(ch_obj, mesh,arm_ob) self.writeMeshMaterialList(ch_obj, mesh, tex) self.writeMeshNormals(ch_obj, mesh) self.writeMeshTextureCoords(ch_obj, mesh) self.writeSkinWeights(arm,mesh) self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write("}\n") #*********************************************** #Export Root Bone #*********************************************** def writeRootBone(self,am_ob,child_obj): global new_bon,mat_flip space = 0 arm = am_ob.getData() Blender.Set('curframe',1) mat_ob = mat_flip * am_ob.matrixWorld self.writeArmFrames(mat_ob, "RootFrame", 0) root_bon = arm.getBones() mat_r = self.writeCombineMatrix(root_bon[0]) name_r = root_bon[0].getName() new_bon[name_r] = len(root_bon[0].getChildren()) self.writeArmFrames(mat_r, name_r, 1) self.writeListOfChildrens(root_bon[0],2,arm) self.file.write("}\n") self.exportMeshArm(arm,am_ob,child_obj) #*********************************************** #Export Children Bones #*********************************************** def writeListOfChildrens(self,bon,space,arm): global new_bon bon_c = bon.getChildren() Blender.Set('curframe',1) for n in range(len(bon_c)): name_h = bon_c[n].getName() chi_h = bon_c[n].getChildren() new_bon[name_h] = len(chi_h) if bon_c == [] : self.CloseBrackets(bon, new_bon, space, arm.getBones()[0]) for nch in range(len(bon_c)): mat = self.writeCombineMatrix(bon_c[nch]) name_ch = bon_c[nch].getName() self.writeArmFrames(mat, name_ch,space) self.findChildrens(bon_c[nch],space,arm) #*********************************************** #Create Children structure #*********************************************** def CloseBrackets(self, bon, new_bon, space, root_bon): tab = " " self.file.write("%s" % (tab * (space -1))) self.file.write("}\n") while bon.hasParent(): if new_bon[bon.getName()] == 0: pare = bon.getParent() name_p = pare.getName() if new_bon[name_p] > 0: new_bon[name_p] = new_bon[name_p] - 1 if new_bon[name_p] == 0 and pare != root_bon: self.file.write("%s" % (tab * (space-2))) self.file.write("}\n") space = space - 1 bon = pare else: break #*********************************************** #Create Children structure #*********************************************** def findChildrens(self,bon_c,space,arm): bon_cc = bon_c space += 1 self.writeListOfChildrens(bon_cc,space,arm) #*********************************************** #Offset Matrix #*********************************************** def writeMatrixOffset(self,bon): Blender.Set('curframe',1) mat_b = bon.getRestMatrix() mat_b.invert() return mat_b #*********************************************** #Combine Matrix #*********************************************** def writeCombineMatrix(self,bon): Blender.Set('curframe',1) mat_b = bon.getRestMatrix() if bon.hasParent(): pare = bon.getParent() mat_p = pare.getRestMatrix() else : mat_p = Matrix([1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) mat_p.invert() mat_rb = mat_b * mat_p return mat_rb #*********************************************** #Combine Matrix #*********************************************** def writeCombineAnimMatrix(self,bon): mat_b = bon.getRestMatrix() if bon.hasParent(): pare = bon.getParent() mat_p = pare.getRestMatrix() else : mat_p = Matrix([1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]) mat_p.invert() mat_rb = mat_b * mat_p return mat_rb #********************************************************************************************************************************************* #*********************************************** #Write SkinWeights #*********************************************** def writeSkinWeights(self, arm, mesh): global index_list Blender.Set('curframe',1) self.file.write(" XSkinMeshHeader {\n") max_infl = 0 for bo in arm.getBones() : name = bo.getName() try : vertx_list = mesh.getVertsFromGroup(name,1) for inde in vertx_list : vert_infl = mesh.getVertexInfluences(inde[0]) ln_infl = len(vert_infl) if ln_infl > max_infl : max_infl = ln_infl except: pass self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (max_infl)) self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (max_infl * 3)) self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (len(arm.getBones()))) self.file.write(" }\n") for bo in arm.getBones() : bo_list = [] weight_list = [] name = bo.getName() try : vert_list = mesh.getVertsFromGroup(name,1) le = 0 for indx in vert_list: ver_infl = mesh.getVertexInfluences(indx[0]) len_infl = float(len(ver_infl)) infl = 1 / len_infl i = -1 for el in index_list : i += 1 if el == indx[0] : le +=1 bo_list.append(i) weight_list.append(infl) self.file.write(" SkinWeights {\n") self.file.write(' "%s"; \n' % (name)) self.file.write(' %s; \n' % (le)) count = 0 for ind in bo_list : count += 1 if count == len(bo_list): self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (ind)) else : self.file.write(" %s, \n" % (ind)) cou = 0 for wegh in weight_list : cou += 1 if cou == len(weight_list): self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (round(wegh,6))) else : self.file.write(" %s, \n" % (round(wegh,6))) matx = self.writeMatrixOffset(bo) self.writeOffsFrames(matx, name, 1) except : pass self.file.write(" }\n") #*********************************************** # Write Matrices #*********************************************** def writeArmFrames(self, matx, name, space): tab = " " self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write("Frame ") self.file.write("%s {\n\n" % (name)) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" FrameTransformMatrix {\n") self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[0][0],4),round(matx[0][1],4),round(matx[0][2],4),round(matx[0][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[1][0],4),round(matx[1][1],4),round(matx[1][2],4),round(matx[1][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[2][0],4),round(matx[2][1],4),round(matx[2][2],4),round(matx[2][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s;;\n" % (round(matx[3][0],4),round(matx[3][1],4),round(matx[3][2],4),round(matx[3][3],6))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" }\n") #*********************************************** # Write Matrices #*********************************************** def writeOffsFrames(self, matx, name, space): tab = " " self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[0][0],4),round(matx[0][1],4),round(matx[0][2],4),round(matx[0][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[1][0],4),round(matx[1][1],4),round(matx[1][2],4),round(matx[1][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s,\n" % (round(matx[2][0],4),round(matx[2][1],4),round(matx[2][2],4),round(matx[2][3],4))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" %s,%s,%s,%s;;\n" % (round(matx[3][0],4),round(matx[3][1],4),round(matx[3][2],4),round(matx[3][3],6))) self.file.write("%s" % (tab * space)) self.file.write(" }\n") #********************************************************************************************************************************************* #*********************************************** #HEADER #*********************************************** def writeHeader(self): self.file.write("xof 0303txt 0032\n\n\n") self.file.write("template VertexDuplicationIndices { \n\ \n\ DWORD nIndices;\n\ DWORD nOriginalVertices;\n\ array DWORD indices[nIndices];\n\ }\n\ template XSkinMeshHeader {\n\ <3cf169ce-ff7c-44ab-93c0-f78f62d172e2>\n\ WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerVertex;\n\ WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerFace;\n\ WORD nBones;\n\ }\n\ template SkinWeights {\n\ <6f0d123b-bad2-4167-a0d0-80224f25fabb>\n\ STRING transformNodeName;\n\ DWORD nWeights;\n\ array DWORD vertexIndices[nWeights];\n\ array float weights[nWeights];\n\ Matrix4x4 matrixOffset;\n\ }\n\n") #*********************************************** #CLOSE FILE #*********************************************** def writeEnd(self): self.file.close() print "... finished" #*********************************************** #EXPORT TEXTURES #*********************************************** def writeTextures(self,name, tex): mesh = name.data for face in mesh.faces: if face.image and face.image.name not in tex: tex.append(face.image.name) #*********************************************** #EXPORT MESH DATA with Armature #*********************************************** def writeMeshcoordArm(self, name, meshEX,arm_ob): global index_list #ROTATION mat_arm = arm_ob.matrixWorld mat_ob = name.getMatrix('localspace') mat_ob.invert() mat = mat_arm * mat_ob mat.invert() self.writeArmFrames(mat, name.name, 1) mesh = NMesh.GetRawFromObject(name.name) self.file.write("Mesh {\n") numface=len(mesh.faces) #VERTICES NUMBER numvert = 0 for face in mesh.faces: numvert = numvert + len(face.v) self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numvert)) #VERTICES COORDINATES counter = 0 for face in mesh.faces: counter += 1 for n in range(len(face.v)): index_list.append(face.v[n].index) vec_vert = Vector([face.v[n].co[0], face.v[n].co[1], face.v[n].co[2], 1]) f_vec_vert = VecMultMat(vec_vert, mat) self.file.write("%s; %s; %s;" % (f_vec_vert[0], f_vec_vert[1], f_vec_vert[2])) if counter == numface : if n == len(face.v)-1 : self.file.write(";\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") #FACES NUMBER self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numface)) coun,counter = 0, 0 for face in mesh.faces : coun += 1 if coun == numface: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 elif len(face.v) == 4: self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 elif len(face.v) < 3: print "WARNING:the mesh has faces with less then 3 vertices" print " It my be not exported correctly." else: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 elif len(face.v) == 4: self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 elif len(face.v) < 3: print "WARNING:the mesh has faces with less then 3 vertices" print " It my be not exported correctly." #*********************************************** #EXPORT MESH DATA without Armature #*********************************************** def writeMeshcoord(self, name, mesh): global index_list #ROTATION mat_ob = mat_flip * name.matrixWorld self.writeArmFrames(mat_ob, name.name, 0) self.file.write("Mesh {\n") numface=len(mesh.faces) #VERTICES NUMBER numvert = 0 for face in mesh.faces: numvert = numvert + len(face.v) self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numvert)) #VERTICES COORDINATES counter = 0 for face in mesh.faces: counter += 1 for n in range(len(face.v)): index_list.append(face.v[n].index) self.file.write("%s; %s; %s;" % (face.v[n].co[0], face.v[n].co[1], face.v[n].co[2])) if counter == numface : if n == len(face.v)-1 : self.file.write(";\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") #FACES NUMBER self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numface)) coun,counter = 0, 0 for face in mesh.faces : coun += 1 if coun == numface: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 elif len(face.v) == 4: self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 elif len(face.v) < 3: print "WARNING:the mesh has faces with less then 3 vertices(edges and points)" print " It my be not exported correctly." else: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 elif len(face.v) == 4: self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 elif len(face.v) < 3: print "WARNING:the mesh has faces with less then 3 vertices(edges and points)\n" print " It my be not exported correctly." #*********************************************** #MESH MATERIAL LIST #*********************************************** def writeMeshMaterialList(self, name, obj, tex): self.file.write(" MeshMaterialList {\n") #HOW MANY MATERIALS ARE USED count = 0 for mat in Material.Get(): count+=1 self.file.write(" %s;\n" % (len(tex) + count)) #HOW MANY FACES IT HAS numfaces=len(obj.faces) self.file.write(" %s;\n" % (numfaces)) ##MATERIALS INDEX FOR EVERY FACE counter = 0 for face in obj.faces : counter += 1 mater = face.materialIndex if counter == numfaces: if face.image and face.image.name in tex : self.file.write(" %s;;\n" % (tex.index(face.image.name) + count)) else : self.file.write(" %s;;\n" % (mater)) else : if face.image and face.image.name in tex : self.file.write(" %s,\n" % (tex.index(face.image.name) + count)) else : self.file.write(" %s,\n" % (mater)) ##MATERIAL NAME for mat in Material.Get(): self.file.write(" Material") for a in range(0,len(mat.name)): if mat.name[a] == ".": print "WARNING:the material " + mat.name + " contains '.' within.Many viewers may refuse to read the exported file" self.file.write(" %s "% (mat.name)) self.file.write("{\n") self.file.write(" %s; %s; %s;" % (mat.R, mat.G, mat.B)) self.file.write("%s;;\n" % (mat.alpha)) self.file.write(" %s;\n" % (mat.spec)) self.file.write(" %s; %s; %s;;\n" % (mat.specR, mat.specG, mat.specB)) self.file.write(" 0.0; 0.0; 0.0;;\n") self.file.write(" }\n") for mat in tex: self.file.write(" Material Mat") self.file.write("%s "% (len(tex))) self.file.write("{\n") self.file.write(" 1.0; 1.0; 1.0; 1.0;;\n") self.file.write(" 1.0;\n") self.file.write(" 1.0; 1.0; 1.0;;\n") self.file.write(" 0.0; 0.0; 0.0;;\n") self.file.write(" TextureFilename {\n") self.file.write(' "%s" ;'% (mat)) self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write(" }\n") #*********************************************** #MESH NORMALS #*********************************************** def writeMeshNormals(self,name,mesh): self.file.write(" MeshNormals {\n") #VERTICES NUMBER numvert = 0 for face in mesh.faces: numvert = numvert + len(face.v) self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numvert)) numfaces=len(mesh.faces) #VERTICES NORMAL counter = 0 for face in mesh.faces: counter += 1 for n in range(len(face.v)): self.file.write(" %s; %s; %s;" % ((round(face.v[n].no[0],6)),(round(face.v[n].no[1],6)),(round(face.v[n].no[2],6)))) if counter == numfaces : if n == len(face.v)-1 : self.file.write(";\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") #FACES NUMBER self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numfaces)) coun,counter = 0, 0 for face in mesh.faces : coun += 1 if coun == numfaces: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 else : self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;;\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 else: if len(face.v) == 3: self.file.write("3; %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 3 else : self.file.write("4; %s, %s, %s, %s;,\n" % (counter, counter + 3, counter + 2, counter + 1)) counter += 4 self.file.write("}\n") #*********************************************** #MESH TEXTURE COORDS #*********************************************** def writeMeshTextureCoords(self, name, mesh): if mesh.hasFaceUV(): self.file.write("MeshTextureCoords {\n") #VERTICES NUMBER numvert = 0 for face in mesh.faces: numvert += len(face.v) self.file.write("%s;\n" % (numvert)) #UV COORDS numfaces = len(mesh.faces) counter = -1 co = 0 for face in mesh.faces: counter += 1 co += 1 for n in range(len(face.v)): self.file.write("%s;%s;" % (mesh.faces[counter].uv[n][0], -mesh.faces[counter].uv[n][1])) if co == numfaces : if n == len(face.v) - 1 : self.file.write(";\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") else : self.file.write(",\n") self.file.write("}\n") #***********************************************#***********************************************#*********************************************** #*********************************************** #FRAMES #*********************************************** def writeFrames(self, matx): self.file.write("%s,%s,%s,%s," % (round(matx[0][0],4),round(matx[0][1],4),round(matx[0][2],4),round(matx[0][3],6))) self.file.write("%s,%s,%s,%s," % (round(matx[1][0],4),round(matx[1][1],4),round(matx[1][2],4),round(matx[1][3],6))) self.file.write("%s,%s,%s,%s," % (round(matx[2][0],4),round(matx[2][1],4),round(matx[2][2],4),round(matx[2][3],6))) self.file.write("%s,%s,%s,%s;;" % (round(matx[3][0],4),round(matx[3][1],4),round(matx[3][2],4),round(matx[3][3],6))) #*********************************************** #WRITE ANIMATION KEYS #*********************************************** def writeAnimation(self,arm_ob): arm = arm_ob.getData() act_list = arm_ob.getAction() ip = act_list.getAllChannelIpos() for bon in arm.getBones() : point_list = [] try : ip_bon_channel = ip[bon.name] ip_bon_name = ip_bon_channel.getName() ip_bon = Blender.Ipo.Get(ip_bon_name) poi = ip_bon.getCurves() for po in poi[3].getPoints(): a = po.getPoints() point_list.append(int(a[0])) point_list.pop(0) self.file.write(" Animation { \n") self.file.write(" {%s}\n" %(bon.getName())) self.file.write(" AnimationKey { \n") self.file.write(" 4;\n") self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (len(point_list)+1)) self.file.write(" %s;" % (1)) self.file.write("16;") mat = self.writeCombineMatrix(bon) self.writeFrames(mat) self.file.write(",\n") for fr in point_list: self.file.write(" %s;" % (fr)) self.file.write("16;") Blender.Set('curframe',fr) mat_new = self.writeCombineAnimMatrix(bon) self.writeFrames(mat_new) if fr == point_list[len(point_list)-1]: self.file.write(";\n") else: self.file.write(",\n") self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write("\n") except: pass #*********************************************** #WRITE ANIMATION KEYS #*********************************************** def writeAnimationObj(self, obj): point_list = [] ip = obj.getIpo() poi = ip.getCurves() for po in poi[0].getPoints(): a = po.getPoints() point_list.append(int(a[0])) point_list.pop(0) self.file.write(" Animation {\n") self.file.write(" {") self.file.write("%s }\n" % (obj.name)) self.file.write(" AnimationKey { \n") self.file.write(" 4;\n") self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (len(point_list)+1)) self.file.write(" %s;" % (1)) self.file.write("16;") Blender.Set('curframe',1) mat = obj.matrixWorld * mat_flip self.writeFrames(mat) self.file.write(",\n") for fr in point_list: self.file.write(" %s;" % (fr)) self.file.write("16;") Blender.Set('curframe',fr) mat_new = obj.matrixWorld * mat_flip self.writeFrames(mat_new) if fr == point_list[len(point_list)-1]: self.file.write(";\n") else: self.file.write(",\n") self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write(" }\n") #*********************************************** #WRITE ANIMATION KEYS #*********************************************** def writeAnimationObjArm(self, obj): point_list = [] ip = obj.getIpo() poi = ip.getCurves() for po in poi[0].getPoints(): a = po.getPoints() point_list.append(int(a[0])) point_list.pop(0) self.file.write(" Animation {\n") self.file.write(" {RootFrame}\n" ) self.file.write(" AnimationKey { \n") self.file.write(" 4;\n") self.file.write(" %s; \n" % (len(point_list)+1)) self.file.write(" %s;" % (1)) self.file.write("16;") Blender.Set('curframe',1) mat = mat_flip * obj.getMatrix('worldspace') self.writeFrames(mat) self.file.write(",\n") for fr in point_list: self.file.write(" %s;" % (fr)) self.file.write("16;") Blender.Set('curframe',fr) mat_new = mat_flip * obj.getMatrix('worldspace') self.writeFrames(mat_new) if fr == point_list[len(point_list)-1]: self.file.write(";\n") else: self.file.write(",\n") self.file.write(" }\n") self.file.write(" }\n") #***********************************************#***********************************************#*********************************************** #*********************************************** # MAIN #*********************************************** def my_callback(filename): if filename.find('.x', -2) <= 0: filename += '.x' xexport = xExport(filename) xexport.SelectObjs() def my_callback_sel(filename): if filename.find('.x', -2) <= 0: filename += '.x' xexport = xExport(filename) xexport.exportSelMesh() arg = __script__['arg'] if arg == 'exportsel': fname = Blender.sys.makename(ext = ".x") Blender.Window.FileSelector(my_callback_sel, "Export DirectX8", fname) else: fname = Blender.sys.makename(ext = ".x") Blender.Window.FileSelector(my_callback, "Export DirectX8", fname)