#!BPY """ Registration info for Blender menus: Name: 'AC3D (.ac)...' Blender: 233 Group: 'Export' Submenu: 'All meshes...' all Submenu: 'Only selected...' sel Submenu: 'Configure +' config Tip: 'Export to AC3D (.ac) format.' """ # $Id$ # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AC3DExport version 2.34 # Program versions: Blender 2.34 and AC3Db files (means version 0xb) # new: minor cosmetic tweaks, exporter itself didn't change # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Copyright (C) 2004: Willian P. Germano, wgermano _at_ ig.com.br # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Blender ARG = __script__['arg'] # user selected argument HELPME = 0 # help window SKIP_DATA = 1 MIRCOL_AS_AMB = 0 MIRCOL_AS_EMIS = 0 ADD_DEFAULT_MAT = 1 # Looking for a saved key in Blender.Registry dict: rd = Blender.Registry.GetKey('AC3DExport') if rd: SKIP_DATA = rd['SKIP_DATA'] MIRCOL_AS_AMB = rd['MIRCOL_AS_AMB'] MIRCOL_AS_EMIS = rd['MIRCOL_AS_EMIS'] ADD_DEFAULT_MAT = rd['ADD_DEFAULT_MAT'] def update_RegistryInfo(): d = {} d['SKIP_DATA'] = SKIP_DATA d['MIRCOL_AS_AMB'] = MIRCOL_AS_AMB d['MIRCOL_AS_EMIS'] = MIRCOL_AS_EMIS d['ADD_DEFAULT_MAT'] = ADD_DEFAULT_MAT Blender.Registry.SetKey('AC3DExport', d) # The default material to be used when necessary (see ADD_DEFAULT_MAT) DEFAULT_MAT = \ 'MATERIAL "DefaultWhite" rgb 1 1 1 amb 1 1 1 emis 0 0 0 spec 0.5 0.5 0.5 shi 64 trans 0' # This transformation aligns Blender and AC3D coordinate systems: acmatrix = [[1,0,0,0],[0,0,-1,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,1]] def Round(f): r = round(f,6) # precision set to 10e-06 if r == int(r): return str(int(r)) else: return str(r) def transform_verts(verts, m): r = [] for v in verts: t = [0,0,0] t[0] = m[0][0]*v[0] + m[1][0]*v[1] + m[2][0]*v[2] + m[3][0] t[1] = m[0][1]*v[0] + m[1][1]*v[1] + m[2][1]*v[2] + m[3][1] t[2] = m[0][2]*v[0] + m[1][2]*v[1] + m[2][2]*v[2] + m[3][2] r.append(t) return r def matrix_mul(m, n = acmatrix): indices = [0,1,2,3] t = [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]] for i in indices: for j in indices: for k in indices: t[i][j] += m[i][k]*n[k][j] return t # --- class AC3DExport: def __init__(self, scene, filename): global ARG, SKIP_DATA, ADD_DEFAULT_MAT, DEFAULT_MAT print 'Trying AC3DExport...' header = 'AC3Db' self.buf = '' self.mbuf = '' world_kids = 0 self.mlist = [] kids_dict = {} objlist = [] bl_objlist2 = [] if ARG == 'all': bl_objlist = scene.getChildren() elif ARG == 'sel': bl_objlist = Blender.Object.GetSelected() for obj in bl_objlist: if obj.getType() != 'Mesh' and obj.getType() != 'Empty': continue else: kids_dict[obj.name] = 0 if obj.getParent() == None: objlist.append(obj.name) else: bl_objlist2.append(obj) bl_objlist = bl_objlist2[:] world_kids = len(objlist) while bl_objlist2: for obj in bl_objlist: obj2 = obj dad = obj.getParent() kids_dict[dad.name] += 1 while dad.name not in objlist: obj2 = dad dad = dad.getParent() kids_dict[dad.name] += 1 objlist.insert(objlist.index(dad.name)+1, obj2.name) bl_objlist2.remove(obj2) for object in objlist: obj = Blender.Object.Get(object) self.obj = obj if obj.getType() == 'Empty': self.OBJECT("group") self.name(obj.name) #self.rot(obj.rot) #self.loc(obj.loc) else: mesh = self.mesh = obj.getData() self.MATERIAL(mesh.materials) self.OBJECT("poly") self.name(obj.name) if not SKIP_DATA: self.data(mesh.name) self.texture(mesh.faces) self.numvert(mesh.verts, obj.getMatrix()) self.numsurf(mesh.faces, mesh.hasFaceUV()) self.kids(kids_dict[object]) if not self.mbuf or ADD_DEFAULT_MAT: self.mbuf = DEFAULT_MAT + '\n' + self.mbuf print "\nNo materials: a default (white) has been assigned.\n" self.mbuf = self.mbuf + "%s\n%s %s\n" \ % ('OBJECT world', 'kids', world_kids) buf = "%s\n%s%s" % (header, self.mbuf, self.buf) if filename.find('.ac', -3) <= 0: filename += '.ac' try: file = open(filename, 'w') except IOError, (errno, strerror): errmsg = "IOError #%s" % errno errmsg = errmsg + "%t|" + strerror Blender.Draw.PupMenu(errmsg) return None file.write(buf) file.close() print "Done. Saved to %s\n" % filename def MATERIAL(self, mat): if mat == [None]: print "Notice -- object %s has no material linked to it:" % self.name print "\tThe first entry in the .ac file will be used." return mbuf = '' mlist = self.mlist for m in xrange(len(mat)): name = mat[m].name try: mlist.index(name) except ValueError: mlist.append(name) M = Blender.Material.Get(name) material = 'MATERIAL "%s"' % name mirCol = "%s %s %s" % (Round(M.mirCol[0]), Round(M.mirCol[1]), Round(M.mirCol[2])) rgb = "rgb %s %s %s" % (Round(M.R), Round(M.G), Round(M.B)) amb = "amb %s %s %s" % (Round(M.amb), Round(M.amb), Round(M.amb)) if MIRCOL_AS_AMB: amb = "amb %s" % mirCol emis = "emis 0 0 0" if MIRCOL_AS_EMIS: emis = "emis %s" % mirCol spec = "spec %s %s %s" % (Round(M.specCol[0]), Round(M.specCol[1]), Round(M.specCol[2])) shi = "shi 72" trans = "trans %s" % (Round(1 - M.alpha)) mbuf = mbuf + "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n" \ % (material, rgb, amb, emis, spec, shi, trans) self.mlist = mlist self.mbuf = self.mbuf + mbuf def OBJECT(self, type): self.buf = self.buf + "OBJECT %s\n" % type def name(self, name): self.buf = self.buf + 'name "%s"\n' % name def data(self, name): self.buf = self.buf + 'data %s\n%s\n' % (len(name), name) def texture(self, faces): tex = [] for f in faces: if f.image and f.image.name not in tex: tex.append(f.image.name) if tex: if len(tex) > 1: print "\nAC3Db format supports only one texture per object." print "Object %s -- using only the first one: %s\n" % (self.obj.name, tex[0]) image = Blender.Image.Get(tex[0]) buf = 'texture "%s"\n' % image.filename xrep = image.xrep yrep = image.yrep buf += 'texrep %s %s\n' % (xrep, yrep) self.buf = self.buf + buf def rot(self, matrix): rot = '' not_I = 0 for i in [0, 1, 2]: r = map(Round, matrix[i]) not_I += (r[0] != '0.0')+(r[1] != '0.0')+(r[2] != '0.0') not_I -= (r[i] == '1.0') for j in [0, 1, 2]: rot = "%s %s" % (rot, r[j]) if not_I: rot = rot.strip() buf = 'rot %s\n' % rot self.buf = self.buf + buf def loc(self, loc): loc = map(Round, loc) if loc[0] or loc[1] or loc[2]: buf = 'loc %s %s %s\n' % (loc[0], loc[1], loc[2]) self.buf = self.buf + buf def numvert(self, verts, matrix): buf = "numvert %s\n" % len(verts) m = matrix_mul(matrix) verts = transform_verts(verts, m) for v in verts: v = map(Round, v) buf = buf + "%s %s %s\n" % (v[0], v[1], v[2]) self.buf = self.buf + buf def numsurf(self, faces, hasFaceUV): global ADD_DEFAULT_MAT buf = "numsurf %s\n" % len(faces) mlist = self.mlist indexerror = 0 omlist = {} objmats = self.mesh.materials for i in range(len(objmats)): objmats[i] = objmats[i].name for f in faces: m_idx = f.materialIndex try: m_idx = mlist.index(objmats[m_idx]) except IndexError: if not indexerror: print "\nNotice: object " + self.obj.name + \ " has at least one material *index* assigned" print "\tbut not defined (not linked to an existing material)." print "\tThis can cause some of its faces to be exported with a wrong color." print "\tYou can fix the problem in the Blender Edit Buttons Window (F9).\n" indexerror = 1 m_idx = 0 refs = len(f) flaglow = (refs == 2) << 1 two_side = f.mode & Blender.NMesh.FaceModes['TWOSIDE'] two_side = (two_side > 0) << 1 flaghigh = f.smooth | two_side buf = buf + "SURF 0x%d%d\n" % (flaghigh, flaglow) if ADD_DEFAULT_MAT and objmats: m_idx += 1 buf = buf + "mat %s\n" % m_idx buf = buf + "refs %s\n" % refs u, v, vi = 0, 0, 0 for vert in f.v: vindex = self.mesh.verts.index(vert) if hasFaceUV: u = f.uv[vi][0] v = f.uv[vi][1] vi += 1 buf = buf + "%s %s %s\n" % (vindex, u, v) self.buf = self.buf + buf def kids(self, kids = 0): self.buf = self.buf + "kids %s\n" % kids # End of Class AC3DExport from Blender import Draw, BGL def gui(): global SKIP_DATA, MIRCOL_AS_AMB, MIRCOL_AS_EMIS, ADD_DEFAULT_MAT, HELPME global HELPME if HELPME: BGL.glClearColor(0.6,0.6,0.9,1) BGL.glClear(BGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) BGL.glColor3f(1,1,1) BGL.glRasterPos2i(18, 150) Draw.Text("AC3D is a simple, affordable commercial 3d modeller that can " "be found at www.ac3d.org .") BGL.glRasterPos2i(18, 130) Draw.Text("It uses a nice text file format (extension .ac) which supports " "uv-textured meshes") BGL.glRasterPos2i(18, 110) Draw.Text("with parenting (grouping) information.") BGL.glRasterPos2i(18, 90) Draw.Text("Notes: AC3D has a 'data' token that assigns a string to each " "mesh, useful for games,") BGL.glRasterPos2i(55, 70) Draw.Text("for example. You can use Blender's mesh 'ME:' field for that.") BGL.glRasterPos2i(55, 50) Draw.Text("The .ac format is well supported by the PLib 3d gaming library.") Draw.Button("Ok", 21, 285, 10, 45, 20, "Click to return to previous screen.") else: BGL.glClearColor(0,0,1,1) BGL.glClear(BGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) BGL.glColor3f(1,1,1) BGL.glRasterPos2i(20, 150) Draw.Text("AC3D Exporter") Draw.Toggle("Default mat", 1, 15, 100, 90, 20, ADD_DEFAULT_MAT, "Objects without materials assigned get a default (white) one" " automatically.") Draw.Toggle("Skip data", 2, 15, 80, 90, 20, SKIP_DATA, "Don't export mesh names as 'data' info.") Draw.Toggle("Mir2Amb", 3, 15, 50, 90, 20, MIRCOL_AS_AMB, "Get AC3D's ambient RGB color for each object from its mirror color " "in Blender.") Draw.Toggle("Mir2Emis", 4, 15, 30, 90, 20, MIRCOL_AS_EMIS, "Get AC3D's emissive RGB color for each object from its mirror color " "in Blender.") Draw.Button("Export All...", 10, 140, 80, 110, 30, "Export all meshes to an AC3D file.") Draw.Button("Export Selected...", 11, 140, 40, 110, 30, "Export selected meshes to an AC3D file.") Draw.Button("HELP", 20, 285, 80, 100, 40, "Click for additional info.") Draw.Button("EXIT", 22, 285, 30, 100, 40, "Click to leave.") def event(evt, val): global HELPME if not val: return if HELPME: if evt == Draw.ESCKEY: HELPME = 0 Draw.Register(gui, event, b_event) return else: return if evt == Draw.ESCKEY: update_RegistryInfo() Draw.Exit() return else: return Draw.Register(gui, event, b_event) def b_event(evt): global ARG, SKIP_DATA, MIRCOL_AS_AMB, MIRCOL_AS_EMIS, ADD_DEFAULT_MAT global HELPME if evt == 1: ADD_DEFAULT_MAT = 1 - ADD_DEFAULT_MAT Draw.Redraw(1) elif evt == 2: SKIP_DATA = 1 - SKIP_DATA Draw.Redraw(1) elif evt == 3: MIRCOL_AS_AMB = 1 - MIRCOL_AS_AMB Draw.Redraw(1) elif evt == 4: MIRCOL_AS_EMIS = 1 - MIRCOL_AS_EMIS Draw.Redraw(1) elif evt == 10: ARG = 'all' fname = Blender.sys.makename(ext=".ac") Blender.Window.FileSelector(fs_callback, "Export AC3D", fname) elif evt == 11: ARG = 'sel' fname = Blender.sys.makename(ext=".ac") Blender.Window.FileSelector(fs_callback, "Export AC3D", fname) elif evt == 20: HELPME = 1 - HELPME Draw.Redraw(1) elif evt == 21: # leave Help screen HELPME = 0 Draw.Register(gui, event, b_event) elif evt == 22: update_RegistryInfo() Draw.Exit() else: Draw.Register(gui, event, b_event) def fs_callback(filename): scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() test = AC3DExport(scene, filename) if __script__['arg'] == 'config': Draw.Register(gui, event, b_event) else: fname = Blender.sys.makename(ext=".ac") Blender.Window.FileSelector(fs_callback, "Export AC3D", fname)