# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # Version History: # 1.0 original release bakes an armature into a matrix # 1.1 optional params (ACTION_BAKE, ACTION_BAKE_FIRST_FRAME, direct function to key and return the Action import Blender from Blender import sys import bpy def getBakedPoseData(ob_arm, start_frame, end_frame, ACTION_BAKE = False, ACTION_BAKE_FIRST_FRAME = True): ''' If you are currently getting IPO's this function can be used to ACTION_BAKE==False: return a list of frame aligned bone dictionary's ACTION_BAKE==True: return an action with keys aligned to bone constrained movement if ACTION_BAKE_FIRST_FRAME is not supplied or is true: keys begin at frame 1 The data in these can be swaped in for the IPO loc and quat If you want to bake an action, this is not as hard and the ipo hack can be removed. ''' # --------------------------------- Dummy Action! Only for this functon backup_action = ob_arm.action backup_frame = Blender.Get('curframe') DUMMY_ACTION_NAME = '~DONT_USE~' # Get the dummy action if it has no users try: new_action = bpy.data.actions[DUMMY_ACTION_NAME] if new_action.users: new_action = None except: new_action = None if not new_action: new_action = bpy.data.actions.new(DUMMY_ACTION_NAME) new_action.fakeUser = False # ---------------------------------- Done Matrix = Blender.Mathutils.Matrix Quaternion = Blender.Mathutils.Quaternion Vector = Blender.Mathutils.Vector POSE_XFORM= [Blender.Object.Pose.LOC, Blender.Object.Pose.ROT] # Each dict a frame bake_data = [{} for i in xrange(1+end_frame-start_frame)] pose= ob_arm.getPose() armature_data= ob_arm.getData(); pose_bones= pose.bones # --------------------------------- Build a list of arma data for reuse armature_bone_data = [] bones_index = {} for bone_name, rest_bone in armature_data.bones.items(): pose_bone = pose_bones[bone_name] rest_matrix = rest_bone.matrix['ARMATURESPACE'] rest_matrix_inv = rest_matrix.copy().invert() armature_bone_data.append( [len(bones_index), -1, bone_name, rest_bone, rest_matrix, rest_matrix_inv, pose_bone, None ]) bones_index[bone_name] = len(bones_index) # Set the parent ID's for bone_name, pose_bone in pose_bones.items(): parent = pose_bone.parent if parent: bone_index= bones_index[bone_name] parent_index= bones_index[parent.name] armature_bone_data[ bone_index ][1]= parent_index # ---------------------------------- Done # --------------------------------- Main loop to collect IPO data frame_index = 0 NvideoFrames= end_frame-start_frame for current_frame in xrange(start_frame, end_frame+1): if frame_index==0: start=sys.time() elif frame_index==15: print NvideoFrames*(sys.time()-start),"seconds estimated..." #slows as it grows *3 elif frame_index >15: percom= frame_index*100/NvideoFrames print "Frame %i Overall %i percent complete\r" % (current_frame, percom), ob_arm.action = backup_action #pose.update() # not needed Blender.Set('curframe', current_frame) #Blender.Window.RedrawAll() #frame_data = bake_data[frame_index] ob_arm.action = new_action ###for i,pose_bone in enumerate(pose_bones): for index, parent_index, bone_name, rest_bone, rest_matrix, rest_matrix_inv, pose_bone, ipo in armature_bone_data: matrix= pose_bone.poseMatrix parent_bone= rest_bone.parent if parent_index != -1: parent_pose_matrix = armature_bone_data[parent_index][6].poseMatrix parent_bone_matrix_inv = armature_bone_data[parent_index][5] matrix= matrix * parent_pose_matrix.copy().invert() rest_matrix= rest_matrix * parent_bone_matrix_inv matrix=matrix * rest_matrix.copy().invert() pose_bone.quat= matrix.toQuat() pose_bone.loc= matrix.translationPart() if ACTION_BAKE==False: pose_bone.insertKey(ob_arm, 1, POSE_XFORM) # always frame 1 # THIS IS A BAD HACK! IT SUCKS BIGTIME BUT THE RESULT ARE NICE # - use a temp action and bake into that, always at the same frame # so as not to make big IPO's, then collect the result from the IPOs # Now get the data from the IPOs if not ipo: ipo = armature_bone_data[index][7] = new_action.getChannelIpo(bone_name) loc = Vector() quat = Quaternion() for curve in ipo: val = curve.evaluate(1) curve_name= curve.name if curve_name == 'LocX': loc[0] = val elif curve_name == 'LocY': loc[1] = val elif curve_name == 'LocZ': loc[2] = val elif curve_name == 'QuatW': quat[3] = val elif curve_name == 'QuatX': quat[0] = val elif curve_name == 'QuatY': quat[1] = val elif curve_name == 'QuatZ': quat[2] = val bake_data[frame_index][bone_name] = loc, quat else: if ACTION_BAKE_FIRST_FRAME: pose_bone.insertKey(ob_arm, frame_index+1, POSE_XFORM) else: pose_bone.insertKey(ob_arm, current_frame , POSE_XFORM) frame_index+=1 print "\nBaking Complete." ob_arm.action = backup_action if ACTION_BAKE==False: Blender.Set('curframe', backup_frame) return bake_data elif ACTION_BAKE==True: return new_action else: print "ERROR: Invalid ACTION_BAKE %i sent to BPyArmature" % ACTION_BAKE