#!BPY """ Name: 'Clean Mesh' Blender: 234 Group: 'Mesh' Tooltip: 'Clean unused data from all selected meshes' """ __author__ = "Campbell Barton" __url__ = ("blender", "elysiun") __version__ = "1.1 04/25/04" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script cleans specific data from all selected meshes. Usage: Select the meshes to be cleaned and run this script. A pop-up will ask you what you want to remove: - Free standing vertices;
- Edges that are not part of any face;
- Edges below a threshold length;
- Faces below a threshold area;
- All of the above. After choosing one of the above alternatives, if your choice requires a threshold value you'll be prompted with a number pop-up to set it. """ # $Id$ # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mesh Cleaner 1.0 By Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Made by Ideasman/Campbell 2004/04/25 - ideasman@linuxmail.org import Blender from Blender import * from math import sqrt time1 = Blender.sys.time() VRemNum = ERemNum = FRemNum = 0 # Remember for statistics #================# # Math functions # #================# def compare(f1, f2, limit): if f1 + limit > f2 and f1 - limit < f2: return 1 return 0 def measure(v1, v2): return Mathutils.Vector([v1[0]-v2[0], v1[1] - v2[1], v1[2] - v2[2]]).length def triArea2D(v1, v2, v3): e1 = measure(v1, v2) e2 = measure(v2, v3) e3 = measure(v3, v1) p = e1+e2+e3 return 0.25 * sqrt(p*(p-2*e1)*(p-2*e2)*(p-2*e3)) #=============================# # Blender functions/shortcuts # #=============================# def error(str): Draw.PupMenu('ERROR%t|'+str) def getLimit(text): return Draw.PupFloatInput(text, 0.001, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, 3) def faceArea(f): if len(f.v) == 4: return triArea2D(f.v[0].co, f.v[1].co, f.v[2].co) + triArea2D(f.v[0].co, f.v[2].co, f.v[3].co) elif len(f.v) == 3: return triArea2D(f.v[0].co, f.v[1].co, f.v[2].co) #================# # Mesh functions # #================# def delFreeVert(mesh): global VRemNum usedList = eval('[' + ('False,' * len(mesh.verts) )+ ']') # Now tag verts that areused for f in mesh.faces: for v in f.v: usedList[mesh.verts.index(v)] = True vIdx = 0 for bool in usedList: if bool == False: mesh.verts.pop(vIdx) vIdx -= 1 VRemNum += 1 vIdx += 1 mesh.update() def delEdge(mesh): global ERemNum fIdx = 0 while fIdx < len(mesh.faces): if len(mesh.faces[fIdx].v) == 2: mesh.faces.pop(fIdx) ERemNum += 1 fIdx -= 1 fIdx +=1 mesh.update() def delEdgeLen(mesh, limit): global ERemNum fIdx = 0 while fIdx < len(mesh.faces): if len(mesh.faces[fIdx].v) == 2: if measure(mesh.faces[fIdx].v[0].co, mesh.faces[fIdx].v[1].co) <= limit: mesh.faces(fIdx) ERemNum += 1 fIdx -= 1 fIdx +=1 mesh.update() def delFaceArea(mesh, limit): global FRemNum fIdx = 0 while fIdx < len(mesh.faces): if len(mesh.faces[fIdx].v) > 2: if faceArea(mesh.faces[fIdx]) <= limit: mesh.faces.pop(fIdx) FRemNum += 1 fIdx -= 1 fIdx +=1 mesh.update() #====================# # Make a mesh list # #====================# is_editmode = Window.EditMode() if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(0) meshList = [] if len(Object.GetSelected()) > 0: for ob in Object.GetSelected(): if ob.getType() == 'Mesh': meshList.append(ob.getData()) #====================================# # Popup menu to select the functions # #====================================# if len(meshList) == 0: error('no meshes in selection') else: method = Draw.PupMenu(\ 'Clean Mesh, Remove...%t|\ Verts: free standing|\ Edges: not in a face|\ Edges: below a length|\ Faces: below an area|%l|\ All of the above|') if method >= 3: limit = getLimit('threshold: ') if method != -1: for mesh in meshList: if method == 1: delFreeVert(mesh) elif method == 2: delEdge(mesh) elif method == 3: delEdgeLen(mesh, limit) elif method == 4: delFaceArea(mesh, limit) elif method == 6: # All of them delFaceArea(mesh, limit) delEdge(mesh) delFreeVert(mesh) mesh.update(0) Redraw() print 'mesh cleanup time',Blender.sys.time() - time1 if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) if method != -1: Draw.PupMenu('Removed from ' + str(len(meshList)) +' Mesh(es)%t|' + 'Verts:' + str(VRemNum) + ' Edges:' + str(ERemNum) + ' Faces:' + str(FRemNum))