#!BPY """ Registration info for Blender menus: Name: 'OpenFlight (.flt)...' Blender: 245 Group: 'Export' Tip: 'Export to OpenFlight v16.0 (.flt)' """ __author__ = "Greg MacDonald, Geoffrey Bantle" __version__ = "2.0 11/21/07" __url__ = ("blender", "elysiun", "Author's homepage, http://sourceforge.net/projects/blight/") __bpydoc__ = """\ This script exports v16.0 OpenFlight files. OpenFlight is a registered trademark of MultiGen-Paradigm, Inc. Feature overview and more availible at: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/Export/openflight_flt """ # flt_export.py is an OpenFlight exporter for blender. # # Copyright (C) 2005 Greg MacDonald, 2007 Blender Foundation. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. import Blender from Blender import Modifier import os.path import flt_properties import flt_defaultp as defaultp from flt_filewalker import FltOut from flt_filewalker import FileFinder from flt_properties import * import shutil FF = FileFinder() records = process_recordDefs() class ExporterOptions: def __init__(self): self.verbose = 1 self.tolerance = 0.001 self.writevcol = True #new stuff self.export_shading = 0 self.shading_default = 45.0 self.basepath = os.path.dirname(Blender.Get('filename')) self.scale = 1.0 #set externals path if(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.basepath,'externals'))): self.externalspath = os.path.join(self.basepath,'externals') else: self.externalspath = self.basepath self.doxrefs = 1 #texture options if(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.basepath,'textures'))): self.texturespath = os.path.join(self.basepath,'textures') else: self.texturespath = self.basepath #misc self.write_attrib_files = 0 self.copy_textures = 0 self.export_transform = 0 self.flattenmesh = False self.xapp = 1 reg = Blender.Registry.GetKey('flt_export',1) if(reg and 'xappath' in reg.keys()): self.xappath = reg['xappath'] else: self.xappath = '' options = ExporterOptions() tex_files = dict() #a list of (possibly) modified texture path names tex_layers = ['Layer0', 'Layer1', 'Layer2', 'Layer3', 'Layer4', 'Layer5', 'Layer6', 'Layer7'] mask = 2147483648 mtexmasks = [] for i in xrange(7): mtexmasks.append(mask) mask = mask / 2 FLOAT_TOLERANCE = options.tolerance #need to move all this stuff to flt_properties.py. identity_matrix = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] alltypes = [2,4,11,73,63,111] childtypes = { 2 : [111,2,73,4,14,63], 4 : [111], 73 : [111,2,73,4,14,63], 63 : [], 14 : [111,2,73,4,14,63], 111 : [] } recordlen = { 2: 44, 4: 28, 73: 80, 63: 216, 14: 384, 111: 156 } def is_identity(m): for i in xrange(4): for j in xrange(4): if abs(m[i][j] - identity_matrix[i][j]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE: return False return True class MaterialDesc: def __init__(self): self.name = 'Blender' # Colors, List of 3 floats. self.diffuse = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] self.specular = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] # Scalars self.ambient = 0.1 # [0.0, 1.0] self.emissive = 0.0 # [0.0, 1.0] self.shininess = 32.0 # Range is [0.0, 128.0] self.alpha = 1.0 # Range is [0.0, 1.0] class VertexDesc: def __init__(self, co=None, no=None, uv=None, fltindex=None,cindex=None): if co: self.x, self.y, self.z = tuple(co) else: self.x = self.y = self.z = 0.0 if no: self.nx, self.ny, self.nz = tuple(no) else: self.nx = self.ny = self.nz = 0.0 if uv: self.u, self.v = tuple(uv) else: self.u = self.v = 0.0 if cindex: self.cindex = cindex else: self.cindex = 127 self.fltindex = fltindex self.accum = 0 class shadowVert: def __init__(self,bvert,object,world,normal): global options self.co = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(bvert.co[0],bvert.co[1],bvert.co[2]) #if world: # vec = self.co # vec = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(vec[0] * options.scale, vec[1] * options.scale, vec[2] * options.scale) #scale # self.co = Blender.Mathutils.TranslationMatrix(vec) * (self.co * object.getMatrix('worldspace')) if normal: #if world: # self.no = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(normal * object.getMatrix('worldspace')).normalize() #else: self.no = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(normal[0],normal[1],normal[2]) else: #if world: #self.no = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(bvert.no * object.getMatrix('worldspace')).normalize() #else: self.no = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(bvert.no[0],bvert.no[1],bvert.no[2]) #do scaling factor #if options.scale != 1.0: #self.co[0] = self.co[0] * options.scale #self.co[1] = self.co[1] * options.scale #self.co[2] = self.co[2] * options.scale self.index = bvert.index class GlobalResourceRepository: def new_face_name(self): self.face_name += 1 return 'f%i' % (self.face_name-1) def vertex_count(self): return len(self.vertex_lst) def request_vertex_desc(self, i): return self.vertex_lst[i] def request_vertex_index(self, object, mesh, face, vfindex, uvok,cindex): flatShadeNorm = None if type(face) is list: vertex = face[vfindex] elif str(type(face)) == "": vertex = face elif str(type(face)) == "": if vfindex == 1: vertex = face.v1 elif vfindex == 2: vertex = face.v2 elif str(type(face)) == "": if not face.smooth: flatShadeNorm = face.no vertex = face.v[vfindex] else: return None if not self.namehash.has_key(object.name): self.namehash[object.name] = dict() indexhash = self.namehash[object.name] #export in global space? THIS HAS BEEN MADE REDUNDANT... REMOVE ME if not options.export_transform: vertex = shadowVert(vertex,object,True,flatShadeNorm) else: vertex = shadowVert(vertex,object,False,flatShadeNorm) #Check to see if this vertex has been visited before. If not, add if not indexhash.has_key(vertex.index): if uvok: newvdesc = VertexDesc(vertex.co, vertex.no, face.uv[vfindex], self.nextvindex,cindex=cindex) else: newvdesc = VertexDesc(co=vertex.co, no=vertex.no,fltindex=self.nextvindex,cindex=cindex) indexhash[vertex.index] = [newvdesc] self.vertex_lst.append(newvdesc) self.nextvindex = self.nextvindex + 1 return newvdesc.fltindex else: desclist = indexhash[vertex.index] if uvok: faceu = face.uv[vfindex][0] facev = face.uv[vfindex][1] else: faceu = 0.0 facev = 0.0 for vdesc in desclist: if\ abs(vdesc.x - vertex.co[0]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(vdesc.y - vertex.co[1]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(vdesc.z - vertex.co[2]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(vdesc.nx - vertex.no[0]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(vdesc.ny - vertex.no[1]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(vdesc.nz - vertex.no[2]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ vdesc.cindex != cindex or\ abs(vdesc.u - faceu) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE or\ abs(vdesc.v - facev) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE: pass else: return vdesc.fltindex #if we get this far, we didnt find a match. Add a new one and return if uvok: newvdesc = VertexDesc(vertex.co, vertex.no, face.uv[vfindex], self.nextvindex,cindex=cindex) else: newvdesc = VertexDesc(co=vertex.co, no=vertex.no,fltindex=self.nextvindex,cindex=cindex) indexhash[vertex.index].append(newvdesc) self.vertex_lst.append(newvdesc) self.nextvindex = self.nextvindex + 1 return newvdesc.fltindex def request_texture_index(self, image): match = None for i in xrange(len(self.texture_lst)): if self.texture_lst[i] != image: continue match = i break if match != None: return match else: self.texture_lst.append(image) return len(self.texture_lst) - 1 def request_texture_filename(self, index): return Blender.sys.expandpath(self.texture_lst[index].getFilename()) def texture_count(self): return len(self.texture_lst) def request_material_index(self, desc): match = None for i in xrange(len(self.material_lst)): if self.material_lst[i].diffuse != desc.diffuse: continue if self.material_lst[i].specular != desc.specular: continue if self.material_lst[i].ambient != desc.ambient: continue if self.material_lst[i].emissive != desc.emissive: continue if self.material_lst[i].shininess != desc.shininess: continue if self.material_lst[i].alpha != desc.alpha: continue match = i break if match != None: return i else: self.material_lst.append(desc) return len(self.material_lst) - 1 def request_material_desc(self, index): return self.material_lst[index] def material_count(self): return len(self.material_lst) # Returns not actual index but one that includes intensity information. # color_index = 127*intensity + 128*actual_index def request_color_index(self, col): r,g,b = tuple(col) m = max(r, g, b) if m > 0.0: intensity = m / 1.0 r = int(round(r/m * 255.0)) g = int(round(g/m * 255.0)) b = int(round(b/m * 255.0)) brightest = [r, g, b] else: brightest = [255, 255, 255] intensity = 0.0 match = None for i in xrange(len(self.color_lst)): if self.color_lst[i] != brightest: continue match = i break if match != None: index = match else: length = len(self.color_lst) if length <= 1024: self.color_lst.append(brightest) index = length else: if options.verbose >= 1: print 'Warning: Exceeded max color limit.' index = 0 color_index = int(round(127.0*intensity)) + 128*index return color_index # Returns color from actual index. def request_max_color(self, index): return self.color_lst[index] def color_count(self): return len(self.color_lst) def __init__(self): #Vertex handling self.vertex_lst = [] self.nextvindex = 0 self.namehash = dict() self.texture_lst = [] self.material_lst = [] self.color_lst = [[255, 255, 255]] self.face_name = 0 class Node: # Gathers info from blender needed for export. # The =[0] is a trick to emulate c-like static function variables # that are persistant between calls. def blender_export(self, level=[0]): if self.object: if options.verbose >= 2: print '\t' * level[0], self.name, self.object.type level[0] += 1 for child in self.children: child.blender_export() level[0] -= 1 # Exports this node's info to file. def write(self): pass def write_matrix(self): if self.matrix and not is_identity(self.matrix): self.header.fw.write_short(49) # Matrix opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(68) # Length of record for i in xrange(4): for j in xrange(4): self.header.fw.write_float(self.matrix[i][j]) def write_push(self): self.header.fw.write_short(10) self.header.fw.write_ushort(4) def write_pop(self): self.header.fw.write_short(11) self.header.fw.write_ushort(4) def write_longid(self, name): length = len(name) if length >= 8: self.header.fw.write_short(33) # Long ID opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(length+5) # Length of record self.header.fw.write_string(name, length+1) # name + zero terminator def write_comment(self,comment): length = len(comment) if length >= 65535: comment = comment[:65530] length = len(comment) pad = (length % 4) - 1 if pad < 0: pad = None reclength = length + 5 else: reclength = length + 5 + pad self.header.fw.write_short(31) # Comment Opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(reclength) # Length of record is 4 + comment length + null terminator + pad self.header.fw.write_string(comment,length+1) # comment + zero terminator if pad: self.header.fw.pad(pad) # pad to multiple of 4 bytes # Initialization sets up basic tree structure. def __init__(self, parent, header, object,props): global options self.header = header self.object = object if object: self.name = self.object.name if not options.export_transform: oloc = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(object.getLocation('worldspace')) vec = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(oloc[0] * options.scale, oloc[1] * options.scale, oloc[2] * options.scale) #scale self.matrix = self.object.getMatrix('worldspace') * Blender.Mathutils.TranslationMatrix(vec - oloc) else: self.matrix = self.object.getMatrix('localspace') #do matrix mult here. self.props = props self.child_objects = self.header.parenthash[object.name] else: self.name = 'no name' self.matrix = None self.props = None self.child_objects = self.header.child_objects self.children = [] self.parent = parent if parent: parent.children.append(self) # Spawn children. for child in self.child_objects: if(not child.restrictDisplay): childprops = None type = None if not child.properties.has_key('FLT'): if child.type == 'Empty': if child.DupGroup: childprops = FLTXRef.copy() type = 63 else: childprops = FLTGroup.copy() type = 2 elif child.type == 'Mesh': if self.header.childhash[child.name] or not child.parent: childprops = FLTGroup.copy() type = 2 else: childprops = FLTObject.copy() type = 4 else: childprops = dict() for prop in child.properties['FLT']: childprops[prop] = child.properties['FLT'][prop] type = child.properties['FLT']['type'] if type in self.childtypes and type in alltypes: Newnode = FLTNode(self,header,child,childprops,type) if child.type == 'Mesh': self.header.mnodes.append(Newnode) class FaceDesc: def __init__(self): self.vertex_index_lst = [] self.mface = None self.texture_index = -1 self.material_index = -1 self.color_index = 127 self.renderstyle = 0 self.twoside = 0 self.name = None #uses next FLT name if not set... fix resolution of conflicts! #Multi-Tex info. Dosn't include first UV Layer! self.uvlayer = list() #list of list of tuples for UV coordinates. self.images = list() #list of texture indices for seperate UV layers self.mtex = list() self.subface = None #can either be 'Push' or 'Pop' def edge_get_othervert(vert, edge): if edge.v1 == vert: return edge.v2 elif edge.v2 == vert: return edge.v1 return None class FLTNode(Node): def walkLoop(self, targetvert, startvert, startedge, edgelist, visited, vedges, closeloop): loop = [targetvert] curvert = startvert curedge = startedge visited[curedge] = True found = False while not found: loop.append(curvert) disk = vedges[curvert.index] if not closeloop: if len(disk) == 1: visited[curedge] = True break else: if len(disk) < 2: #what? visited[curedge] = True return None if disk[0] == curedge: curedge = disk[1] else: curedge = disk[0] if curedge.v1.index == curvert.index: curvert = curedge.v2 else: curvert = curedge.v1 visited[curedge] = True if(curvert == targetvert): found = True return loop def buildVertFaces(self,vertuse): for vert in self.exportmesh.verts: if vertuse[vert.index][0] == False and vertuse[vert.index][1] == 0: face_desc = FaceDesc() face_desc.vertex_index_lst.append(self.header.GRR.request_vertex_index(self.object, self.exportmesh, vert, 0,0,0)) face_desc.renderstyle = 3 face_desc.color_index = 227 self.face_lst.append(face_desc) def buildEdgeFaces(self,vertuse): for edge in self.exportmesh.edges: v1 = vertuse[edge.v1.index] v2 = vertuse[edge.v2.index] if v1[0] == False and v2[0] == False: if v1[1] == 1 and v2[1] == 1: face_desc = FaceDesc() face_desc.vertex_index_lst.append(self.header.GRR.request_vertex_index(self.object, self.exportmesh, edge, 1, 0,0)) face_desc.vertex_index_lst.append(self.header.GRR.request_vertex_index(self.object, self.exportmesh, edge, 2, 0,0)) face_desc.renderstyle = 3 face_desc.color_index = 227 self.face_lst.append(face_desc) def vertwalk(self, startvert, loop, disk, visited): visited[startvert] = True for edge in disk[startvert]: othervert = edge_get_othervert(startvert, edge) if not visited[othervert]: loop.append(othervert) self.vertwalk(othervert,loop,disk,visited) def buildOpenFacesNew(self, vertuse): wireverts = list() wiredges = list() visited = dict() disk = dict() loops = list() for edge in self.exportmesh.edges: v1 = vertuse[edge.v1.index] v2 = vertuse[edge.v2.index] if v1[0] == False and v2[0] == False: if v1[1] < 3 and v2[1] < 3: wireverts.append(edge.v1) wireverts.append(edge.v2) wiredges.append(edge) #build disk data for vert in wireverts: visited[vert] = False disk[vert] = list() for edge in wiredges: disk[edge.v1].append(edge) disk[edge.v2].append(edge) #first pass: do open faces for vert in wireverts: if not visited[vert] and vertuse[vert.index][1] == 1: visited[vert] = True loop = [vert] othervert = edge_get_othervert(vert, disk[vert][0]) self.vertwalk(othervert, loop, disk, visited) if len(loop) > 2: loops.append( ('Open', loop) ) for vert in wireverts: if not visited[vert]: visited[vert] = True loop = [vert] othervert = edge_get_othervert(vert,disk[vert][0]) self.vertwalk(othervert, loop, disk, visited) if len(loop) > 2: loops.append( ('closed', loop) ) #now go through the loops and append. for l in loops: (type, loop) = l face_desc = FaceDesc() for i,vert in enumerate(loop): face_desc.vertex_index_lst.append(self.header.GRR.request_vertex_index(self.object,self.exportmesh,loop,i,0,0)) if type == 'closed': face_desc.renderstyle = 2 else: face_desc.renderstyle = 3 face_desc.color_index = 227 self.face_lst.append(face_desc) def sortFLTFaces(self,a,b): aindex = a.getProperty("FLT_ORIGINDEX") bindex = b.getProperty("FLT_ORIGINDEX") if aindex > bindex: return 1 elif aindex < bindex: return -1 return 0 def buildNormFaces(self): global options meshlayers = self.exportmesh.getUVLayerNames() oldlayer = self.exportmesh.activeUVLayer uvok = 0 subfaceok = 0 subfacelevel = 0 #special case if self.exportmesh.faceUV and len(meshlayers) == 1: uvok = 1 elif self.exportmesh.faceUV and tex_layers[0] in meshlayers: self.exportmesh.activeUVLayer = tex_layers[0] uvok = 1 #Sort faces according to the subfaces/FLT indices if "FLT_ORIGINDEX" in self.exportmesh.faces.properties and "FLT_SFLEVEL" in self.exportmesh.faces.properties: exportfaces = list() for face in self.exportmesh.faces: exportfaces.append(face) exportfaces.sort(self.sortFLTFaces) subfaceok = 1 else: exportfaces = self.exportmesh.faces # Faces described as lists of indices into the GRR's vertex_lst. for face in exportfaces: descs = list() #first we export the face as normal index_lst = [] face_v = face.verts for i, v in enumerate(face_v): index_lst.append(self.header.GRR.request_vertex_index(self.object,self.exportmesh,face,i,uvok,0)) face_desc = FaceDesc() face_desc.vertex_index_lst = index_lst face_desc.mface = face descs.append(face_desc) #deal with subfaces if subfaceok: fsflevel = face.getProperty("FLT_SFLEVEL") for face_desc in descs: if fsflevel > subfacelevel: face_desc.subface = 'Push' subfacelevel = fsflevel elif fsflevel < subfacelevel: face_desc.subface = 'Pop' subfacelevel = fsflevel if uvok and (face.mode & Blender.Mesh.FaceModes.TWOSIDE): face_desc.renderstyle = 1 for face_desc in descs: if "FLT_COL" in self.exportmesh.faces.properties: color_index = face.getProperty("FLT_COL") # if(color_index < 127): # color_index = 127 #sanity check for face color indices if(color_index == 0): color_index = 127 face_desc.color_index = color_index else: face_desc.color_index = 127 if "FLT_ID" in self.exportmesh.faces.properties: face_desc.name = face.getProperty("FLT_ID") #need better solution than this. self.face_lst.append(face_desc) if uvok: self.exportmesh.activeUVLayer = oldlayer def buildTexData(self): meshlayers = self.exportmesh.getUVLayerNames() oldlayer = self.exportmesh.activeUVLayer uvok = 0 if self.exportmesh.faceUV and len(meshlayers) == 1: uvok = 1 if self.exportmesh.faceUV and tex_layers[0] in meshlayers: self.exportmesh.activeUVLayer = tex_layers[0] uvok = 1 if uvok: #do base layer. UVs have been stored on vertices directly already. for i, face in enumerate(self.face_lst): if face.mface: mface = face.mface image = mface.image if image != None and mface.mode & Blender.Mesh.FaceModes["TEX"]: index = self.header.GRR.request_texture_index(image) else: index = -1 face.texture_index = index for i, face in enumerate(self.face_lst): if face.mface: mface_v = face.mface.v for v in mface_v: face.uvlayer.append([]) for layername in tex_layers[1:]: if layername in meshlayers: self.exportmesh.activeUVLayer=layername for i, face in enumerate(self.face_lst): if face.mface: face.mtex.append(layername) mface = face.mface mface_v = mface.v image = mface.image if image != None and mface.mode & Blender.Mesh.FaceModes["TEX"]: index = self.header.GRR.request_texture_index(image) face.images.append(index) else: face.images.append(-1) for j, v in enumerate(mface_v): face.uvlayer[j].append(tuple(mface.uv[j])) if uvok: self.exportmesh.activeUVLayer = oldlayer def blender_export(self): global options Node.blender_export(self) if self.opcode == 111: self.exportmesh = Blender.Mesh.New() self.exportmesh.getFromObject(self.object.name) for vert in self.exportmesh.verts: if not options.export_transform: vec = vert.co vec = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(vec[0] * options.scale, vec[1] * options.scale, vec[2] * options.scale) #scale vert.co = Blender.Mathutils.TranslationMatrix(vec) * (vert.co * self.object.getMatrix('worldspace')) if options.scale != 1.0: vert.co = vert.co * options.scale if("FLT_VCOL") in self.mesh.verts.properties: for v in self.exportmesh.verts: self.vert_lst.append(self.header.GRR.request_vertex_index(self.object,self.exportmesh,v,0,0,v.getProperty("FLT_VCOL"))) else: for v in self.mesh.verts: self.vert_lst.append(self.header.GRR.request_vertex_index(self.object,self.mesh,v,0,0,127)) elif self.mesh: orig_mesh = self.object.getData(mesh=True) self.exportmesh = Blender.Mesh.New() default = None if options.export_shading: mods = self.object.modifiers hasedsplit = False for mod in mods: if mod.type == Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT: hasedsplit = True break if not hasedsplit: default = mods.append(Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT) default[Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = options.shading_default default[Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = True default[Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = False self.object.makeDisplayList() self.exportmesh.getFromObject(self.object.name) #recalculate vertex positions for vert in self.exportmesh.verts: if not options.export_transform: vec = vert.co vec = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(vec[0] * options.scale, vec[1] * options.scale, vec[2] * options.scale) #scale vert.co = Blender.Mathutils.TranslationMatrix(vec) * (vert.co * self.object.getMatrix('worldspace')) if options.scale != 1.0: vert.co = vert.co * options.scale flipped = self.object.getMatrix('worldspace').determinant() if not options.export_transform: self.exportmesh.calcNormals() if default: #remove modifier from list mods.remove(default) self.object.makeDisplayList() #build some adjacency data vertuse = list() wiredges = list() openends = list() for v in self.exportmesh.verts: vertuse.append([False,0]) #build face incidence data for face in self.exportmesh.faces: for i, v in enumerate(face.verts): vertuse[v.index][0] = True for edge in self.exportmesh.edges: #count valance vertuse[edge.v1.index][1] = vertuse[edge.v1.index][1] + 1 vertuse[edge.v2.index][1] = vertuse[edge.v2.index][1] + 1 #create all face types self.buildVertFaces(vertuse) self.buildEdgeFaces(vertuse) self.buildOpenFacesNew(vertuse) self.buildNormFaces() self.buildTexData() if not options.export_transform: if flipped < 0: for vdesc in self.header.GRR.vertex_lst: vdesc.accum = 0 for face in self.face_lst: face.vertex_index_lst.reverse() for vert in face.vertex_index_lst: self.header.GRR.vertex_lst[vert].accum = 1 for vdesc in self.header.GRR.vertex_lst: if vdesc.accum: vdesc.nx = vdesc.nx * -1 vdesc.ny = vdesc.ny * -1 vdesc.nz = vdesc.nz * -1 def write_faces(self): sublevel = 0 for face_desc in self.face_lst: if face_desc.name: face_name = face_desc.name else: face_name = self.header.GRR.new_face_name() #grab the alpha value. alpha = 0 if face_desc.texture_index > -1: try: typestring = os.path.splitext(self.header.GRR.texture_lst[face_desc.texture_index].getFilename())[1] if typestring == '.inta' or typestring == '.rgba': alpha = 1 except: pass if not alpha: for index in face_desc.images: try: typestring = os.path.splitext(self.header.GRR.texture_lst[index].getFilename())[1] if typestring == '.inta' or typestring == '.rgba': alpha = 1 except: pass if face_desc.subface: if face_desc.subface == 'Push': self.header.fw.write_short(19) self.header.fw.write_ushort(4) sublevel += 1 else: self.header.fw.write_short(20) self.header.fw.write_ushort(4) sublevel -= 1 self.header.fw.write_short(5) # Face opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(80) # Length of record self.header.fw.write_string(face_name, 8) # ASCII ID self.header.fw.write_int(-1) # IR color code self.header.fw.write_short(0) # Relative priority self.header.fw.write_char(face_desc.renderstyle) # Draw type self.header.fw.write_char(0) # Draw textured white. self.header.fw.write_ushort(0) # Color name index self.header.fw.write_ushort(0) # Alt color name index self.header.fw.write_char(0) # Reserved self.header.fw.write_char(alpha) # Template self.header.fw.write_short(-1) # Detail tex pat index self.header.fw.write_short(face_desc.texture_index) # Tex pattern index self.header.fw.write_short(face_desc.material_index) # material index self.header.fw.write_short(0) # SMC code self.header.fw.write_short(0) # Feature code self.header.fw.write_int(0) # IR material code self.header.fw.write_ushort(0) # transparency 0 = opaque self.header.fw.write_uchar(0) # LOD generation control self.header.fw.write_uchar(0) # line style index self.header.fw.write_int(0) # Flags self.header.fw.write_uchar(2) # Light mode #self.header.fw.write_uchar(3) # Light mode self.header.fw.pad(7) # Reserved self.header.fw.write_uint(0) # Packed color self.header.fw.write_uint(0) # Packed alt color self.header.fw.write_short(-1) # Tex map index self.header.fw.write_short(0) # Reserved self.header.fw.write_uint(face_desc.color_index) # Color index self.header.fw.write_uint(127) # Alt color index self.header.fw.write_short(0) # Reserved self.header.fw.write_short(-1) # Shader index self.write_longid(face_name) #Write Multitexture field if appropriate mtex = len(face_desc.mtex) if mtex: uvmask = 0 for layername in face_desc.mtex: mask = mtexmasks[tex_layers.index(layername)-1] uvmask |= mask self.header.fw.write_ushort(52) # MultiTexture Opcode self.header.fw.write_ushort(8 + (mtex * 8)) # Length self.header.fw.write_uint(uvmask) # UV mask for i in xrange(mtex): self.header.fw.write_ushort(face_desc.images[i]) # Tex pattern index self.header.fw.write_ushort(0) # Tex effect self.header.fw.write_ushort(0) # Tex Mapping index self.header.fw.write_ushort(0) # Tex data. User defined self.write_push() # Vertex list record self.header.fw.write_short(72) # Vertex list opcode num_verts = len(face_desc.vertex_index_lst) self.header.fw.write_ushort(4*num_verts+4) # Length of record for vert_index in face_desc.vertex_index_lst: # Offset into vertex palette self.header.fw.write_int(vert_index*64+8) #UV list record if mtex: #length = 8 + (numverts * multitex * 8) self.header.fw.write_ushort(53) # UV List Ocode self.header.fw.write_ushort(8 + (num_verts*mtex*8)) # Record Length self.header.fw.write_uint(uvmask) # UV mask for i, vert_index in enumerate(face_desc.vertex_index_lst): for uv in face_desc.uvlayer[i]: self.header.fw.write_float(uv[0]) #U coordinate self.header.fw.write_float(uv[1]) #V coordinate self.write_pop() #clean up faces at the end of meshes.... if sublevel: self.header.fw.write_short(20) self.header.fw.write_ushort(4) def write_lps(self): # Vertex list record self.write_push() self.header.fw.write_short(72) # Vertex list opcode num_verts = len(self.vert_lst) self.header.fw.write_ushort(4*num_verts+4) # Length of record for vert_index in self.vert_lst: # Offset into vertex palette self.header.fw.write_int(vert_index*64+8) self.write_pop() def write(self): self.header.fw.write_short(self.opcode) self.header.fw.write_ushort(recordlen[self.opcode]) exportdict = FLT_Records[self.opcode].copy() for key in exportdict.keys(): if self.props.has_key(key): exportdict[key] = self.props[key] if self.opcode == 63 and options.externalspath: try: exportdict['3t200!filename'] = os.path.join(options.externalspath,self.object.DupGroup.name+'.flt') self.header.xrefnames.append(self.object.DupGroup.name) except: pass for key in records[self.opcode]: (type,length,propname) = records[self.opcode][key] write_prop(self.header.fw,type,exportdict[propname],length) if self.props.has_key('comment'): self.write_comment(self.props['comment']) self.write_longid(self.name) #fix this! if options.export_transform or self.opcode == 63: #writing transform matrix.... self.write_matrix() if self.opcode == 111: self.write_lps() elif self.face_lst != [] or self.children: self.write_push() if self.face_lst != []: #self.write_push() self.write_faces() #self.write_pop() if self.children: #self.write_push() for child in self.children: child.write() #self.write_pop() self.write_pop() def __init__(self, parent, header, object,props,type): self.opcode = type #both these next two lines need to be in the node class.... self.childtypes = childtypes[self.opcode] Node.__init__(self, parent, header, object,props) self.face_lst = [] self.vert_lst = [] #for light points. self.mesh = None self.uvlayer = 0 self.flipx = False self.flipy = False self.flipz = False if self.object.type == 'Mesh': self.mesh = self.object.getData(mesh=True) if(self.mesh.faceUV): self.uvLayer = len(self.mesh.getUVLayerNames()) class Database(Node): def write_header(self): if options.verbose >= 2: print 'Writing header.' self.fw.write_short(1) # Header opcode self.fw.write_ushort(324) # Length of record self.fw.write_string('db', 8) # ASCII ID self.fw.write_int(1600) # Revision Number self.fw.pad(44) self.fw.write_short(1) # Unit multiplier. self.fw.write_char(0) # Units, 0 = meters self.fw.write_char(0) # texwhite on new faces 0 = false self.fw.write_uint(0x80000000) # misc flags set to saving vertex normals self.fw.pad(24) self.fw.write_int(0) # projection type, 0 = flat earth self.fw.pad(30) self.fw.write_short(1) # double precision self.fw.write_int(100) # database origin type self.fw.pad(88) try: self.fw.write_double(self.header.scene.properties['FLT']['origin lat']) #database origin lattitude except: self.fw.write_double(0) try: self.fw.write_double(self.header.scene.properties['FLT']['origin lon']) #database origin longitude except: self.fw.write_double(0) self.fw.pad(32) self.fw.write_int(0) # ellipsoid model, 0 = WSG 1984 self.fw.pad(52) def write_vert_pal(self): if options.verbose >= 2: print 'Writing vertex palette.' # Write record for vertex palette self.fw.write_short(67) # Vertex palette opcode. self.fw.write_short(8) # Length of record self.fw.write_int(self.GRR.vertex_count() * 64 + 8) # Length of everything. # Write records for individual vertices. for i in xrange(self.GRR.vertex_count()): desc = self.GRR.request_vertex_desc(i) self.fw.write_short(70) # Vertex with color normal and uv opcode. self.fw.write_ushort(64) # Length of record self.fw.write_ushort(0) # Color name index self.fw.write_short(0x20000000) # Flags self.fw.write_double(desc.x) self.fw.write_double(desc.y) self.fw.write_double(desc.z) self.fw.write_float(desc.nx) self.fw.write_float(desc.ny) self.fw.write_float(desc.nz) self.fw.write_float(desc.u) self.fw.write_float(desc.v) self.fw.pad(4) self.fw.write_uint(desc.cindex) self.fw.pad(4) def write_tex_pal(self): if options.verbose >= 2: print 'Writing texture palette.' # Write record for texture palette for i, img in enumerate(self.GRR.texture_lst): filename = tex_files[img.name] self.fw.write_short(64) # Texture palette opcode. self.fw.write_short(216) # Length of record self.fw.write_string(filename, 200) # Filename self.fw.write_int(i) # Texture index self.fw.write_int(0) # X self.fw.write_int(0) # Y def write_mat_pal(self): if options.verbose >= 2: print 'Writing material palette.' for i in xrange(self.GRR.material_count()): desc = self.GRR.request_material_desc(i) self.fw.write_short(113) # Material palette opcode. self.fw.write_short(84) # Length of record self.fw.write_int(i) # Material index self.fw.write_string(desc.name, 12) # Material name self.fw.write_uint(0x80000000) # Flags self.fw.write_float(desc.ambient[0]) # Ambient color. self.fw.write_float(desc.ambient[1]) # Ambient color. self.fw.write_float(desc.ambient[2]) # Ambient color. self.fw.write_float(desc.diffuse[0]) # Diffuse color. self.fw.write_float(desc.diffuse[1]) # Diffuse color. self.fw.write_float(desc.diffuse[2]) # Diffuse color. self.fw.write_float(desc.specular[0]) # Specular color. self.fw.write_float(desc.specular[1]) # Specular color. self.fw.write_float(desc.specular[2]) # Specular color. self.fw.write_float(desc.emissive[0]) # Emissive color. self.fw.write_float(desc.emissive[1]) # Emissive color. self.fw.write_float(desc.emissive[2]) # Emissive color. self.fw.write_float(desc.shininess) self.fw.write_float(desc.alpha) self.fw.write_int(0) # Reserved def write_col_pal(self): if options.verbose >= 2: print 'Writing color palette.' self.fw.write_short(32) # Color palette opcode. self.fw.write_short(4228) # Length of record self.fw.pad(128) try: cpalette = self.scene.properties['FLT']['Color Palette'] except: cpalette = defaultp.pal count = len(cpalette) for i in xrange(count): color = struct.unpack('>BBBB',struct.pack('>I',cpalette[i])) self.fw.write_uchar(color[3]) # alpha self.fw.write_uchar(color[2]) # b self.fw.write_uchar(color[1]) # g self.fw.write_uchar(color[0]) # r self.fw.pad(max(4096-count*4, 0)) def write(self): self.write_header() self.write_vert_pal() self.write_tex_pal() self.write_mat_pal() self.write_col_pal() self.write_push() if options.flattenmesh: self.mnodes.reverse() for mnode in self.mnodes: mnode.write_faces() else: for child in self.children: child.write() self.write_pop() def export_textures(self,texturepath): for i in xrange(self.GRR.texture_count()): texture = self.GRR.texture_lst[i] if options.copy_textures: filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(options.texturespath, os.path.basename(self.GRR.request_texture_filename(i)))) else: filename = os.path.normpath(self.GRR.request_texture_filename(i)) tex_files[texture.name] = filename def blender_export(self): Node.blender_export(self) self.export_textures(self) return self.xrefnames def __init__(self, scene, fw): self.fw = fw self.opcode = 1 self.childtypes = [73,14,2,63] self.scene = scene self.childhash = dict() self.parenthash = dict() self.child_objects = list() self.mnodes = list() self.xrefnames = list() for i in self.scene.objects: self.parenthash[i.name] = list() self.childhash[i.name] = False for i in self.scene.objects: if i.parent: self.childhash[i.parent.name] = True self.parenthash[i.parent.name].append(i) else: self.child_objects.append(i) self.GRR = GlobalResourceRepository() Node.__init__(self, None, self, None,None) def write_attribute_files(): for imgname in tex_files: blentex = Blender.Image.Get(imgname) exportdict = FLT_Records['Image'].copy() if blentex.properties.has_key('FLT'): for key in exportdict.keys(): if blentex.properties.has_key(key): exportdict[key] = blentex.properties['FLT'][key] # ClampX/Y override if blentex.clampX: exportdict['11i!WrapU'] = 1 if blentex.clampY: exportdict['12i!WrapV'] = 1 exportdict['16i!Enviorment'] = 0 # File type typecode = 0 try: typestring = os.path.splitext(blentex.getFilename())[1] if typestring == '.rgba': typecode = 5 elif typestring == '.rgb': typecode = 4 elif typestring == '.inta': typecode = 3 elif typestring == '.int': typecode = 2 except: pass exportdict['7i!File Format'] = typecode fw = FltOut(tex_files[imgname] + '.attr') size = blentex.getSize() fw.write_int(size[0]) fw.write_int(size[1]) for key in records['Image']: (type,length,propname) = records['Image'][key] write_prop(fw,type,exportdict[propname],length) fw.close_file() #globals used by the scene export function exportlevel = None xrefsdone = None def dbexport_internal(scene): global exportlevel global xrefsdone global options if exportlevel == 0 or not options.externalspath: fname = os.path.join(options.basepath,scene.name + '.flt') else: fname = os.path.join(options.externalspath,scene.name + '.flt') fw = FltOut(fname) db = Database(scene,fw) if options.verbose >= 1: print 'Pass 1: Exporting ', scene.name,'.flt from Blender.\n' xreflist = db.blender_export() if options.verbose >= 1: print 'Pass 2: Writing %s\n' % fname db.write() fw.close_file() if options.doxrefs: for xname in xreflist: try: xrefscene = Blender.Scene.Get(xname) except: xrefscene = None if xrefscene and xname not in xrefsdone: xrefsdone.append(xname) exportlevel+=1 dbexport_internal(xrefscene) exportlevel-=1 return fname #main database export function def dbexport(): global exportlevel global xrefsdone exportlevel = 0 xrefsdone = list() Blender.Window.WaitCursor(True) time1 = Blender.sys.time() # Start timing if options.verbose >= 1: print '\nOpenFlight Exporter' print 'Version:', __version__ print 'Author: Greg MacDonald, Geoffrey Bantle' print __url__[2] print fname = dbexport_internal(Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()) if options.verbose >=1: print 'Done in %.4f sec.\n' % (Blender.sys.time() - time1) Blender.Window.WaitCursor(False) #optional: Copy textures if options.copy_textures: for imgname in tex_files: #Check to see if texture exists in target directory if not os.path.exists(tex_files[imgname]): #Get original Blender file name origpath = Blender.sys.expandpath(Blender.Image.Get(imgname).getFilename()) #copy original to new if os.path.exists(origpath): shutil.copyfile(origpath,tex_files[imgname]) #optional: Write attribute files if options.write_attrib_files: write_attribute_files() if options.xapp: cmd= options.xappath + " " + fname status = os.system(cmd) #Begin UI code FLTExport = None FLTClose = None FLTLabel = None FLTBaseLabel = None FLTTextureLabel = None FLTXRefLabel = None FLTBaseString = None FLTTextureString = None FLTXRefString = None FLTBasePath = None FLTTexturePath = None FLTXRefPath = None FLTShadeExport = None FLTShadeDefault = None FLTCopyTex = None FLTDoXRef = None FLTGlobal = None FLTScale = None FLTXAPP = None FLTXAPPath = None FLTXAPPString = None FLTXAPPLabel = None FLTXAPPChooser = None FLTAttrib = None def setshadingangle(ID,val): global options options.shading_default = val def setBpath(fname): global options options.basepath = os.path.dirname(fname) #update xref and textures path too.... if(os.path.exists(os.path.join(options.basepath,'externals'))): options.externalspath = os.path.join(options.basepath,'externals') if(os.path.exists(os.path.join(options.texturespath,'textures'))): options.texturespath = os.path.join(options.basepath,'textures') def setexportscale(ID,val): global options options.scale = val def setTpath(fname): global options options.texturespath = os.path.dirname(fname) def setXpath(fname): global options options.externalspath = os.path.dirname(fname) def setXApath(fname): global options options.xappath = fname d = dict() d['xappath'] = options.xappath Blender.Registry.SetKey('flt_export', d, 1) def event(evt, val): x = 1 def but_event(evt): global options global FLTExport global FLTClose global FLTLabel global FLTBaseLabel global FLTTextureLabel global FLTXRefLabel global FLTBaseString global FLTTextureString global FLTXRefString global FLTBasePath global FLTTexturePath global FLTXRefPath global FLTShadeExport global FLTShadeDefault global FLTCopyTex global FLTDoXRef global FLTGlobal global FLTScale global FLTXAPP global FLTXAPPath global FLTXAPPString global FLTXAPPLabel global FLTXAPPChooser global FLTAttrib #choose base path for export if evt == 4: Blender.Window.FileSelector(setBpath, "DB Root", options.basepath) #choose XREF path if evt == 6: Blender.Window.FileSelector(setXpath,"DB Externals",options.externalspath) #choose texture path if evt == 8: Blender.Window.FileSelector(setTpath,"DB Textures",options.texturespath) #export shading toggle if evt == 9: options.export_shading = FLTShadeExport.val #export Textures if evt == 11: options.copy_textures = FLTCopyTex.val #export XRefs if evt == 13: options.doxrefs = FLTDoXRef.val #export Transforms if evt == 12: options.export_transform = FLTGlobal.val if evt == 14: options.xapp = FLTXAPP.val if evt == 16: Blender.Window.FileSelector(setXApath,"External Application",options.xappath) if evt == 20: options.write_attrib_files = FLTAttrib.val #Export DB if evt == 1: dbexport() #exit if evt == 2: Draw.Exit() from Blender.BGL import * from Blender import Draw def gui(): global options global FLTExport global FLTClose global FLTLabel global FLTBaseLabel global FLTTextureLabel global FLTXRefLabel global FLTBaseString global FLTTextureString global FLTXRefString global FLTBasePath global FLTTexturePath global FLTXRefPath global FLTShadeExport global FLTShadeDefault global FLTCopyTex global FLTDoXRef global FLTGlobal global FLTScale global FLTXAPP global FLTXAPPath global FLTXAPPString global FLTXAPPLabel global FLTXAPPChooser global FLTAttrib glClearColor(0.880,0.890,0.730,1.0 ) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) areas = Blender.Window.GetScreenInfo() curarea = Blender.Window.GetAreaID() curRect = None for area in areas: if area['id'] == curarea: curRect = area['vertices'] break width = curRect[2] - curRect[0] height = curRect[3] - curRect[1] #draw from top to bottom.... cx = 50 #Draw Title Bar... #glRasterPos2d(cx, curRect[3]-100) #FLTLabel = Draw.Text("FLT Exporter V2.0",'large') cy = height - 80 #base path FLTBaseLabel = Draw.Label("Base Path:",cx,cy,100,20) FLTBaseString = Draw.String("",3,cx+100,cy,300,20,options.basepath,255,"Folder to export to") FLTBaseChooser = Draw.PushButton("...",4,cx+400,cy,20,20,"Choose Folder") cy = cy-40 #externals path FLTXRefLabel = Draw.Label("XRefs:",cx,cy,100,20) FLTXRefString = Draw.String("",5,cx+100,cy,300,20,options.externalspath,255,"Folder for external references") FLTXRefChooser = Draw.PushButton("...",6,cx+400,cy,20,20,"Choose Folder") cy = cy-40 #Textures path FLTTextureLabel = Draw.Label("Textures:",cx,cy,100,20) FLTTextureString = Draw.String("",7,cx+100,cy,300,20,options.texturespath,255,"Folder for texture files") FLTTextureChooser = Draw.PushButton("...",8,cx+400,cy,20,20,"Choose Folder") cy=cy-40 #External application path FLTXAPPLabel = Draw.Label("XApp:",cx,cy,100,20) FLTXAPPString = Draw.String("",15,cx+100,cy,300,20,options.xappath,255,"External application to launch when done") FLTXAPPChooser = Draw.PushButton("...",16,cx+400, cy,20,20,"Choose Folder") cy = cy-60 #Shading Options FLTShadeExport = Draw.Toggle("Default Shading",9,cx,cy,100,20,options.export_shading,"Turn on export of custom shading") FLTShadDefault = Draw.Number("",10,cx + 120,cy,100,20,options.shading_default,0.0,180.0,"Default shading angle for objects with no custom shading assigned",setshadingangle) cy = cy-40 FLTScale = Draw.Number("Export Scale",14,cx,cy,220,20,options.scale,0.0,100.0,"Export scaling factor",setexportscale) cy = cy-40 #misc Options FLTCopyTex = Draw.Toggle("Copy Textures",11,cx,cy,220,20,options.copy_textures,"Copy textures to folder indicated above") cy = cy-40 FLTGlobal = Draw.Toggle("Export Transforms",12,cx,cy,220,20,options.export_transform,"If unchecked, Global coordinates are used (recommended)") cy = cy-40 FLTDoXRef = Draw.Toggle("Export XRefs", 13,cx,cy,220,20,options.doxrefs,"Export External references (only those below current scene!)") cy = cy-40 FLTXAPP = Draw.Toggle("Launch External App", 14, cx,cy,220,20,options.xapp,"Launch External Application on export") cy = cy-40 FLTAttrib = Draw.Toggle("Write Attribute Files", 20, cx, cy, 220,20,options.write_attrib_files, "Write Texture Attribute files") #FLTXAPPATH = Draw.String("",15,cx,cy,300,20,options.xappath,255,"External application path") #Draw export/close buttons FLTExport = Draw.PushButton("Export",1,cx,20,100,20,"Export to FLT") FLTClose = Draw.PushButton("Close", 2, cx+120,20,100,20,"Close window") Draw.Register(gui,event,but_event)