#!BPY """ Name: 'MD2 (.md2)' Blender: 239 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import from Quake file format (.md2).' """ __author__ = 'Bob Holcomb' __version__ = '0.15' __url__ = ["Bob's site, http://bane.servebeer.com", "Support forum, http://scourage.servebeer.com/phpbb/", "blender", "elysiun"] __email__ = ["Bob Holcomb, bob_holcomb:hotmail*com", "scripts"] __bpydoc__ = """\ This script imports a Quake 2 file (MD2), textures, and animations into blender for editing. Loader is based on MD2 loader from www.gametutorials.com-Thanks DigiBen! and the md3 blender loader by PhaethonH
Additional help from: Shadwolf, Skandal, Rojo, Cambo
Thanks Guys! """ # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Script copyright (C) Bob Holcomb # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Blender from Blender import NMesh, Object, sys from Blender.BGL import * from Blender.Draw import * from Blender.Window import * from Blender.Image import * import struct, string from types import * ###################################################### # Main Body ###################################################### #returns the string from a null terminated string def asciiz (s): n = 0 while (ord(s[n]) != 0): n = n + 1 return s[0:n] ###################################################### # MD2 Model Constants ###################################################### MD2_MAX_TRIANGLES=4096 MD2_MAX_VERTICES=2048 MD2_MAX_TEXCOORDS=2048 MD2_MAX_FRAMES=512 MD2_MAX_SKINS=32 MD2_MAX_FRAMESIZE=(MD2_MAX_VERTICES * 4 + 128) ###################################################### # MD2 data structures ###################################################### class md2_alias_triangle: vertices=[] lightnormalindex=0 binary_format="<3BB" #little-endian (<), 3 Unsigned char def __init__(self): self.vertices=[0]*3 self.lightnormalindex=0 def load(self, file): temp_data = file.read(struct.calcsize(self.binary_format)) data = struct.unpack(self.binary_format, temp_data) self.vertices[0]=data[0] self.vertices[1]=data[1] self.vertices[2]=data[2] self.lightnormalindex=data[3] return self def dump(self): print "MD2 Alias_Triangle Structure" print "vertex: ", self.vertices[0] print "vertex: ", self.vertices[1] print "vertex: ", self.vertices[2] print "lightnormalindex: ",self.lightnormalindex print "" class md2_face: vertex_index=[] texture_index=[] binary_format="<3h3h" #little-endian (<), 3 short, 3 short def __init__(self): self.vertex_index = [ 0, 0, 0 ] self.texture_index = [ 0, 0, 0] def load (self, file): temp_data=file.read(struct.calcsize(self.binary_format)) data=struct.unpack(self.binary_format, temp_data) self.vertex_index[0]=data[0] self.vertex_index[1]=data[1] self.vertex_index[2]=data[2] self.texture_index[0]=data[3] self.texture_index[1]=data[4] self.texture_index[2]=data[5] return self def dump (self): print "MD2 Face Structure" print "vertex index: ", self.vertex_index[0] print "vertex index: ", self.vertex_index[1] print "vertex index: ", self.vertex_index[2] print "texture index: ", self.texture_index[0] print "texture index: ", self.texture_index[1] print "texture index: ", self.texture_index[2] print "" class md2_tex_coord: u=0 v=0 binary_format="<2h" #little-endian (<), 2 unsigned short def __init__(self): self.u=0 self.v=0 def load (self, file): temp_data=file.read(struct.calcsize(self.binary_format)) data=struct.unpack(self.binary_format, temp_data) self.u=data[0] self.v=data[1] return self def dump (self): print "MD2 Texture Coordinate Structure" print "texture coordinate u: ",self.u print "texture coordinate v: ",self.v print "" class md2_skin: name="" binary_format="<64s" #little-endian (<), char[64] def __init__(self): self.name="" def load (self, file): temp_data=file.read(struct.calcsize(self.binary_format)) data=struct.unpack(self.binary_format, temp_data) self.name=asciiz(data[0]) return self def dump (self): print "MD2 Skin" print "skin name: ",self.name print "" class md2_alias_frame: scale=[] translate=[] name=[] vertices=[] binary_format="<3f3f16s" #little-endian (<), 3 float, 3 float char[16] #did not add the "3bb" to the end of the binary format #because the alias_vertices will be read in through #thier own loader def __init__(self): self.scale=[0.0]*3 self.translate=[0.0]*3 self.name="" self.vertices=[] def load (self, file): temp_data=file.read(struct.calcsize(self.binary_format)) data=struct.unpack(self.binary_format, temp_data) self.scale[0]=data[0] self.scale[1]=data[1] self.scale[2]=data[2] self.translate[0]=data[3] self.translate[1]=data[4] self.translate[2]=data[5] self.name=asciiz(data[6]) return self def dump (self): print "MD2 Alias Frame" print "scale x: ",self.scale[0] print "scale y: ",self.scale[1] print "scale z: ",self.scale[2] print "translate x: ",self.translate[0] print "translate y: ",self.translate[1] print "translate z: ",self.translate[2] print "name: ",self.name print "" class md2_obj: #Header Structure ident=0 #int 0 This is used to identify the file version=0 #int 1 The version number of the file (Must be 8) skin_width=0 #int 2 The skin width in pixels skin_height=0 #int 3 The skin height in pixels frame_size=0 #int 4 The size in bytes the frames are num_skins=0 #int 5 The number of skins associated with the model num_vertices=0 #int 6 The number of vertices (constant for each frame) num_tex_coords=0 #int 7 The number of texture coordinates num_faces=0 #int 8 The number of faces (polygons) num_GL_commands=0 #int 9 The number of gl commands num_frames=0 #int 10 The number of animation frames offset_skins=0 #int 11 The offset in the file for the skin data offset_tex_coords=0 #int 12 The offset in the file for the texture data offset_faces=0 #int 13 The offset in the file for the face data offset_frames=0 #int 14 The offset in the file for the frames data offset_GL_commands=0#int 15 The offset in the file for the gl commands data offset_end=0 #int 16 The end of the file offset binary_format="<17i" #little-endian (<), 17 integers (17i) #md2 data objects tex_coords=[] faces=[] frames=[] skins=[] def __init__ (self): self.tex_coords=[] self.faces=[] self.frames=[] self.skins=[] def load (self, file): temp_data = file.read(struct.calcsize(self.binary_format)) data = struct.unpack(self.binary_format, temp_data) self.ident=data[0] self.version=data[1] if (self.ident!=844121161 or self.version!=8): print "Not a valid MD2 file" Exit() self.skin_width=data[2] self.skin_height=data[3] self.frame_size=data[4] #make the # of skin objects for model self.num_skins=data[5] for i in xrange(0,self.num_skins): self.skins.append(md2_skin()) self.num_vertices=data[6] #make the # of texture coordinates for model self.num_tex_coords=data[7] for i in xrange(0,self.num_tex_coords): self.tex_coords.append(md2_tex_coord()) #make the # of triangle faces for model self.num_faces=data[8] for i in xrange(0,self.num_faces): self.faces.append(md2_face()) self.num_GL_commands=data[9] #make the # of frames for the model self.num_frames=data[10] for i in xrange(0,self.num_frames): self.frames.append(md2_alias_frame()) #make the # of vertices for each frame for j in xrange(0,self.num_vertices): self.frames[i].vertices.append(md2_alias_triangle()) self.offset_skins=data[11] self.offset_tex_coords=data[12] self.offset_faces=data[13] self.offset_frames=data[14] self.offset_GL_commands=data[15] #load the skin info file.seek(self.offset_skins,0) for i in xrange(0, self.num_skins): self.skins[i].load(file) #self.skins[i].dump() #load the texture coordinates file.seek(self.offset_tex_coords,0) for i in xrange(0, self.num_tex_coords): self.tex_coords[i].load(file) #self.tex_coords[i].dump() #load the face info file.seek(self.offset_faces,0) for i in xrange(0, self.num_faces): self.faces[i].load(file) #self.faces[i].dump() #load the frames file.seek(self.offset_frames,0) for i in xrange(0, self.num_frames): self.frames[i].load(file) #self.frames[i].dump() for j in xrange(0,self.num_vertices): self.frames[i].vertices[j].load(file) #self.frames[i].vertices[j].dump() return self def dump (self): print "Header Information" print "ident: ", self.ident print "version: ", self.version print "skin width: ", self.skin_width print "skin height: ", self.skin_height print "frame size: ", self.frame_size print "number of skins: ", self.num_skins print "number of texture coordinates: ", self.num_tex_coords print "number of faces: ", self.num_faces print "number of frames: ", self.num_frames print "number of vertices: ", self.num_vertices print "offset skins: ", self.offset_skins print "offset texture coordinates: ", self.offset_tex_coords print "offset faces: ", self.offset_faces print "offset frames: ",self.offset_frames print "" ###################################################### # Import functions ###################################################### def load_textures(md2, texture_filename): #did the user specify a texture they wanted to use? if (texture_filename!="texture"): if (Blender.sys.exists(texture_filename)): mesh_image=Blender.Image.Load(texture_filename) return mesh_image else: result=Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Cannot find texture: "+texture_filename+"-Continue?%t|OK") if(result==1): return -1 #does the model have textures specified with it? if int(md2.num_skins) > 0: for i in xrange(0,md2.num_skins): #md2.skins[i].dump() if (Blender.sys.exists(md2.skins[i].name)): mesh_image=Blender.Image.Load(md2.skins[i].name) else: result=Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Cannot find texture: "+md2.skins[i].name+"-Continue?%t|OK") if(result==1): return -1 return mesh_image else: result=Blender.Draw.PupMenu("There will be no Texutre"+"-Continue?%t|OK") if(result==1): return -1 def animate_md2(md2, mesh_obj): ######### Animate the verts through keyframe animation mesh=mesh_obj.getData() for i in xrange(1, md2.num_frames): #update the vertices for j in xrange(0,md2.num_vertices): x=(md2.frames[i].scale[0]*md2.frames[i].vertices[j].vertices[0]+md2.frames[i].translate[0])*g_scale.val y=(md2.frames[i].scale[1]*md2.frames[i].vertices[j].vertices[1]+md2.frames[i].translate[1])*g_scale.val z=(md2.frames[i].scale[2]*md2.frames[i].vertices[j].vertices[2]+md2.frames[i].translate[2])*g_scale.val #put the vertex in the right spot mesh.verts[j].co[0]=y mesh.verts[j].co[1]=-x mesh.verts[j].co[2]=z mesh.update() NMesh.PutRaw(mesh, mesh_obj.name) #absolute keys, need to figure out how to get them working around the 100 frame limitation mesh.insertKey(i,"absolute") #not really necissary, but I like playing with the frame counter Blender.Set("curframe", i) def load_md2 (md2_filename, texture_filename): #read the file in file=open(md2_filename,"rb") md2=md2_obj() md2.load(file) #md2.dump() file.close() ######### Creates a new mesh mesh = NMesh.New() uv_coord=[] uv_list=[] #load the textures to use later #-1 if there is no texture to load mesh_image=load_textures(md2, texture_filename) ######### Make the verts DrawProgressBar(0.25,"Loading Vertex Data") for i in xrange(0,md2.num_vertices): #use the first frame for the mesh vertices x=(md2.frames[0].scale[0]*md2.frames[0].vertices[i].vertices[0]+md2.frames[0].translate[0])*g_scale.val y=(md2.frames[0].scale[1]*md2.frames[0].vertices[i].vertices[1]+md2.frames[0].translate[1])*g_scale.val z=(md2.frames[0].scale[2]*md2.frames[0].vertices[i].vertices[2]+md2.frames[0].translate[2])*g_scale.val vertex=NMesh.Vert(y,-x,z) mesh.verts.append(vertex) ######## Make the UV list DrawProgressBar(0.50,"Loading UV Data") mesh.hasFaceUV(1) #turn on face UV coordinates for this mesh for i in xrange(0, md2.num_tex_coords): u=(float(md2.tex_coords[i].u)/float(md2.skin_width)) v=(float(md2.tex_coords[i].v)/float(md2.skin_height)) #for some reason quake2 texture maps are upside down, flip that uv_coord=(u,1-v) uv_list.append(uv_coord) ######### Make the faces DrawProgressBar(0.75,"Loading Face Data") for i in xrange(0,md2.num_faces): face = NMesh.Face() #draw the triangles in reverse order so they show up face.v.append(mesh.verts[md2.faces[i].vertex_index[0]]) face.v.append(mesh.verts[md2.faces[i].vertex_index[2]]) face.v.append(mesh.verts[md2.faces[i].vertex_index[1]]) #append the list of UV #ditto in reverse order with the texture verts face.uv.append(uv_list[md2.faces[i].texture_index[0]]) face.uv.append(uv_list[md2.faces[i].texture_index[2]]) face.uv.append(uv_list[md2.faces[i].texture_index[1]]) #set the texture that this face uses if it has one if (mesh_image!=-1): face.image=mesh_image #add the face mesh.faces.append(face) mesh_obj=NMesh.PutRaw(mesh) animate_md2(md2, mesh_obj) DrawProgressBar(0.999,"Loading Animation Data") #locate the Object containing the mesh at the cursor location cursor_pos=Blender.Window.GetCursorPos() mesh_obj.setLocation(float(cursor_pos[0]),float(cursor_pos[1]),float(cursor_pos[2])) DrawProgressBar (1.0, "Finished") #*********************************************** # MAIN #*********************************************** # Import globals g_md2_filename=Create("model") g_texture_filename=Create("texture") g_filename_search=Create("model") g_texture_search=Create("texture") #Globals g_scale=Create(1.0) # Events EVENT_NOEVENT=1 EVENT_LOAD_MD2=2 EVENT_CHOOSE_FILENAME=3 EVENT_CHOOSE_TEXTURE=4 EVENT_SAVE_MD2=5 EVENT_EXIT=100 ###################################################### # Callbacks for Window functions ###################################################### def filename_callback(input_filename): global g_md2_filename g_md2_filename.val=input_filename def texture_callback(input_texture): global g_texture_filename g_texture_filename.val=input_texture ###################################################### # GUI Loader ###################################################### def draw_gui(): global g_scale global g_md2_filename global g_texture_filename global EVENT_NOEVENT,EVENT_LOAD_MD2,EVENT_CHOOSE_FILENAME,EVENT_CHOOSE_TEXTURE,EVENT_EXIT ########## Titles glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glRasterPos2d(8, 125) Text("MD2 loader") ######### Parameters GUI Buttons g_md2_filename = String("MD2 file to load: ", EVENT_NOEVENT, 10, 55, 210, 18, g_md2_filename.val, 255, "MD2 file to load") ########## MD2 File Search Button Button("Search",EVENT_CHOOSE_FILENAME,220,55,80,18) g_texture_filename = String("Texture file to load: ", EVENT_NOEVENT, 10, 35, 210, 18, g_texture_filename.val, 255, "Texture file to load-overrides MD2 file") ########## Texture Search Button Button("Search",EVENT_CHOOSE_TEXTURE,220,35,80,18) ########## Scale slider-default is 1/8 which is a good scale for md2->blender g_scale= Slider("Scale Factor: ", EVENT_NOEVENT, 10, 75, 210, 18, 1.0, 0.001, 10.0, 1, "Scale factor for obj Model"); ######### Draw and Exit Buttons Button("Load",EVENT_LOAD_MD2 , 10, 10, 80, 18) Button("Exit",EVENT_EXIT , 170, 10, 80, 18) def event(evt, val): if (evt == QKEY and not val): Blender.Draw.Exit() def bevent(evt): global g_md2_filename global g_texture_filename global EVENT_NOEVENT,EVENT_LOAD_MD2,EVENT_SAVE_MD2,EVENT_EXIT ######### Manages GUI events if (evt==EVENT_EXIT): Blender.Draw.Exit() elif (evt==EVENT_CHOOSE_FILENAME): FileSelector(filename_callback, "MD2 File Selection") elif (evt==EVENT_CHOOSE_TEXTURE): FileSelector(texture_callback, "Texture Selection") elif (evt==EVENT_LOAD_MD2): if (g_md2_filename.val == "model"): Blender.Draw.Exit() return else: load_md2(g_md2_filename.val, g_texture_filename.val) Blender.Redraw() Blender.Draw.Exit() return Register(draw_gui, event, bevent)