#!BPY """ Name: 'Mirror Vertex Locations & Weight' Blender: 241 Group: 'Mesh' Tooltip: 'Snap Verticies to X mirrored locations and weights.' """ __author__ = "Campbell Barton aka ideasman42" __url__ = ["www.blender.org", "blenderartists.org", "www.python.org"] __version__= '1.0' __bpydoc__= '''\ This script is used to mirror vertex locations and weights It is useful if you have a model that was made symmetrical but has verts that have moved from their mirrored locations slightly, causing blenders X-Mirror options not to work. Weights can be mirrored too, this is useful if you want to model 1 side of a mesh, copy the mesh and flip it. You can then use this script to mirror to the copy, even creating new flipped vertex groups, renaming group name left to right or .L to .R Vertex positions are mirrored by doing a locational lookup, finding matching verts on both sides of a mesh and moving to the left/right or mid location. The vertex weights work differently, they are mirrored my location also, but they mirror in pairs, rather it works by finding the closest vertex on the flip side and using its weight. When a location mirror is finished, verts that have not been mirrored will remain selected. a good way to check both sides are mirrord is to select the mirrored parts, run this script with default options and then see of there are any selected verts. For details on each option read the tooltips. ''' # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Script copyright (C) Campbell Barton # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from Blender import Draw, Window, Scene, Mesh, Mathutils, sys, Object import BPyMesh BIGNUM= 1<<30 def mesh_mirror(me, PREF_MIRROR_LOCATION, PREF_XMID_SNAP, PREF_MAX_DIST, PREF_XZERO_THRESH, PREF_MODE, PREF_SEL_ONLY, PREF_EDGE_USERS, PREF_MIRROR_WEIGHTS, PREF_FLIP_NAMES, PREF_CREATE_FLIP_NAMES): ''' PREF_MIRROR_LOCATION, Will we mirror locations? PREF_XMID_SNAP, Should we snap verts to X-0? PREF_MAX_DIST, Maximum distance to test snapping verts. PREF_XZERO_THRESH, How close verts must be to the middle before they are considered X-Zero verts. PREF_MODE, 0:middle, 1: Left. 2:Right. PREF_SEL_ONLY, only snap the selection PREF_EDGE_USERS, match only verts with the same number of edge users. PREF_MIRROR_LOCATION, ''' # Operate on all verts if not PREF_SEL_ONLY: for v in me.verts: v.sel=1 if PREF_EDGE_USERS: edge_users= [0]*len(me.verts) for ed in me.edges: edge_users[ed.v1.index]+=1 edge_users[ed.v2.index]+=1 if PREF_XMID_SNAP: # Do we snap locations at all? for v in me.verts: if v.sel: if abs(v.co.x) <= PREF_XZERO_THRESH: v.co.x= 0 v.sel= 0 # alredy de-selected verts neg_vts = [v for v in me.verts if v.sel and v.co.x < 0] pos_vts = [v for v in me.verts if v.sel and v.co.x > 0] else: # Use a small margin verts must be outside before we mirror them. neg_vts = [v for v in me.verts if v.sel if v.co.x < -PREF_XZERO_THRESH] pos_vts = [v for v in me.verts if v.sel if v.co.x > PREF_XZERO_THRESH] #*Mirror Location*********************************************************# if PREF_MIRROR_LOCATION: mirror_pairs= [] # allign the negative with the positive. flipvec= Mathutils.Vector() len_neg_vts= float(len(neg_vts)) for i1, nv in enumerate(neg_vts): if nv.sel: # we may alredy be mirrored, if so well be deselected nv_co= nv.co for i2, pv in enumerate(pos_vts): if pv.sel: # Enforce edge users. if not PREF_EDGE_USERS or edge_users[i1]==edge_users[i2]: flipvec[:]= pv.co flipvec.x= -flipvec.x l= (nv_co-flipvec).length if l==0.0: # Both are alredy mirrored so we dont need to think about them. # De-Select so we dont use again/ pv.sel= nv.sel= 0 # Record a match. elif l<=PREF_MAX_DIST: # We can adjust the length by the normal, now we know the length is under the limit. # DISABLED, WASNT VERY USEFULL ''' if PREF_NOR_WEIGHT>0: # Get the normal and flipm reuse flipvec flipvec[:]= pv.no flipvec.x= -flipvec.x try: ang= Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(nv.no, flipvec)/180.0 except: # on rare occasions angle between vecs will fail.- zero length vec. ang= 0 l=l*(1+(ang*PREF_NOR_WEIGHT)) ''' # Record the pairs for sorting to see who will get joined mirror_pairs.append((l, nv, pv)) # Update every 20 loops if i1 % 10 == 0: Window.DrawProgressBar(0.8 * (i1/len_neg_vts), 'Mirror verts %i of %i' % (i1, len_neg_vts)) Window.DrawProgressBar(0.9, 'Mirror verts: Updating locations') # Now we have a list of the pairs we might use, lets find the best and do them first. # de-selecting as we go. so we can makke sure not to mess it up. try: mirror_pairs.sort(key = lambda a: a[0]) except: mirror_pairs.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[0], b[0])) for dist, v1,v2 in mirror_pairs: # dist, neg, pos if v1.sel and v2.sel: if PREF_MODE==0: # Middle flipvec[:]= v2.co # positive flipvec.x= -flipvec.x # negatve v2.co= v1.co= (flipvec+v1.co)*0.5 # midway v2.co.x= -v2.co.x elif PREF_MODE==2: # Left v2.co= v1.co v2.co.x= -v2.co.x elif PREF_MODE==1: # Right v1.co= v2.co v1.co.x= -v1.co.x v1.sel= v2.sel= 0 #*Mirror Weights**********************************************************# if PREF_MIRROR_WEIGHTS: groupNames, vWeightDict= BPyMesh.meshWeight2Dict(me) mirror_pairs_l2r= [] # Stor a list of matches for these verts. mirror_pairs_r2l= [] # Stor a list of matches for these verts. # allign the negative with the positive. flipvec= Mathutils.Vector() len_neg_vts= float(len(neg_vts)) # Here we make a tuple to look through, if were middle well need to look through both. if PREF_MODE==0: # Middle find_set= ((neg_vts, pos_vts, mirror_pairs_l2r), (pos_vts, neg_vts, mirror_pairs_r2l)) elif PREF_MODE==1: # Left find_set= ((neg_vts, pos_vts, mirror_pairs_l2r), ) elif PREF_MODE==2: # Right find_set= ((pos_vts, neg_vts, mirror_pairs_r2l), ) # Do a locational lookup again :/ - This isnt that good form but if we havnt mirrored weights well need to do it anyway. # The Difference with this is that we dont need to have 1:1 match for each vert- just get each vert to find another mirrored vert # and use its weight. # Use "find_set" so we can do a flipped search L>R and R>L without duplicate code. for vtls_A, vtls_B, pair_ls in find_set: for i1, vA in enumerate(vtls_A): best_len=1<<30 # BIGNUM best_idx=-1 # Find the BEST match vA_co= vA.co for i2, vB in enumerate(vtls_B): # Enforce edge users. if not PREF_EDGE_USERS or edge_users[i1]==edge_users[i2]: flipvec[:]= vB.co flipvec.x= -flipvec.x l= (vA_co-flipvec).length if l Right', PREF_MODE_L2R, 'Copy from the Left to Right of the mesh. Enable Both for a mid loc/weight.'),\ ('Right > Left', PREF_MODE_R2L, 'Copy from the Right to Left of the mesh. Enable Both for a mid loc/weight.'),\ '',\ ('MaxDist:', PREF_MAX_DIST, 0.0, 1.0, 'Generate interpolated verts so closer vert weights can be copied.'),\ ('XZero limit:', PREF_XZERO_THRESH, 0.0, 1.0, 'Mirror verts above this distance from the middle, else lock to X/zero.'),\ ('Sel Verts Only', PREF_SEL_ONLY, 'Only mirror selected verts. Else try and mirror all'),\ ('Edge Users', PREF_EDGE_USERS, 'Only match up verts that have the same number of edge users.'),\ 'Location Prefs',\ ('Mirror Location', PREF_MIRROR_LOCATION, 'Mirror vertex locations.'),\ ('XMidSnap Verts', PREF_XMID_SNAP, 'Snap middle verts to X Zero (uses XZero limit)'),\ 'Weight Prefs',\ ('Mirror Weights', PREF_MIRROR_WEIGHTS, 'Mirror vertex locations.'),\ ('Flip Groups', PREF_FLIP_NAMES, 'Mirror flip names.'),\ ('New Flip Groups', PREF_CREATE_FLIP_NAMES, 'Make new groups for flipped names.'),\ ] if not Draw.PupBlock("X Mirror mesh tool", pup_block): return # WORK OUT THE MODE 0 # PREF_MODE, 0:middle, 1: Left. 2:Right. PREF_MODE_R2L= PREF_MODE_R2L.val PREF_MODE_L2R= PREF_MODE_L2R.val if PREF_MODE_R2L and PREF_MODE_L2R: PREF_MODE= 0 # Middle elif not PREF_MODE_R2L and PREF_MODE_L2R: PREF_MODE= 1 # Left to Right elif PREF_MODE_R2L and not PREF_MODE_L2R: PREF_MODE= 2 # Right to Left else: # Neither Selected. Do middle anyway PREF_MODE= 0 PREF_EDITMESH_ONLY= PREF_EDITMESH_ONLY.val PREF_MIRROR_LOCATION= PREF_MIRROR_LOCATION.val PREF_XMID_SNAP= PREF_XMID_SNAP.val PREF_MAX_DIST= PREF_MAX_DIST.val PREF_XZERO_THRESH= PREF_XZERO_THRESH.val PREF_SEL_ONLY= PREF_SEL_ONLY.val PREF_EDGE_USERS= PREF_EDGE_USERS.val # weights PREF_MIRROR_WEIGHTS= PREF_MIRROR_WEIGHTS.val PREF_FLIP_NAMES= PREF_FLIP_NAMES.val PREF_CREATE_FLIP_NAMES= PREF_CREATE_FLIP_NAMES.val t= sys.time() is_editmode = Window.EditMode() # Exit Editmode. if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(0) Mesh.Mode(Mesh.SelectModes['VERTEX']) Window.WaitCursor(1) if act_ob: mesh_mirror(act_ob.getData(mesh=1), PREF_MIRROR_LOCATION, PREF_XMID_SNAP, PREF_MAX_DIST, PREF_XZERO_THRESH, PREF_MODE, PREF_SEL_ONLY, PREF_EDGE_USERS, PREF_MIRROR_WEIGHTS, PREF_FLIP_NAMES, PREF_CREATE_FLIP_NAMES) if (not PREF_EDITMESH_ONLY) and sel: for ob in sel: mesh_mirror(ob.getData(mesh=1), PREF_MIRROR_LOCATION, PREF_XMID_SNAP, PREF_MAX_DIST, PREF_XZERO_THRESH, PREF_MODE, PREF_SEL_ONLY, PREF_EDGE_USERS, PREF_MIRROR_WEIGHTS, PREF_FLIP_NAMES, PREF_CREATE_FLIP_NAMES) if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) Window.WaitCursor(0) Window.DrawProgressBar(1.0, '') Window.RedrawAll() print 'Mirror done in %.6f sec.' % (sys.time()-t) if __name__ == '__main__': main()