# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # """ This module has utility functions for renaming rna values in fcurves and drivers. Currently unused, but might become useful later again. """ import sys import bpy IS_TESTING = False def classes_recursive(base_type, clss=None): if clss is None: clss = [base_type] else: clss.append(base_type) for base_type_iter in base_type.__bases__: if base_type_iter is not object: classes_recursive(base_type_iter, clss) return clss class DataPathBuilder: """Dummy class used to parse fcurve and driver data paths.""" __slots__ = ("data_path", ) def __init__(self, attrs): self.data_path = attrs def __getattr__(self, attr): str_value = ".%s" % attr return DataPathBuilder(self.data_path + (str_value, )) def __getitem__(self, key): if type(key) is int: str_value = '[%d]' % key elif type(key) is str: str_value = '["%s"]' % bpy.utils.escape_identifier(key) else: raise Exception("unsupported accessor %r of type %r (internal error)" % (key, type(key))) return DataPathBuilder(self.data_path + (str_value, )) def resolve(self, real_base, rna_update_from_map, fcurve, log): """Return (attribute, value) pairs.""" pairs = [] base = real_base for item in self.data_path: if base is not Ellipsis: base_new = Ellipsis # find the new name if item.startswith("."): for class_name, item_new, options in ( rna_update_from_map.get(item[1:], []) + [(None, item[1:], None)] ): if callable(item_new): # No type check here, callback is assumed to know what it's doing. base_new, item_new = item_new(base, class_name, item[1:], fcurve, options) if base_new is not Ellipsis: break # found, don't keep looking else: # Type check! type_ok = True if class_name is not None: type_ok = False for base_type in classes_recursive(type(base)): if base_type.__name__ == class_name: type_ok = True break if type_ok: try: #print("base." + item_new) base_new = eval("base." + item_new) break # found, don't keep looking except: pass item_new = "." + item_new else: item_new = item try: base_new = eval("base" + item_new) except: pass if base_new is Ellipsis: print("Failed to resolve data path:", self.data_path, file=log) base = base_new else: item_new = item pairs.append((item_new, base)) return pairs def id_iter(): type_iter = type(bpy.data.objects) for attr in dir(bpy.data): data_iter = getattr(bpy.data, attr, None) if type(data_iter) == type_iter: for id_data in data_iter: if id_data.library is None: yield id_data def anim_data_actions(anim_data): actions = [] actions.append(anim_data.action) for track in anim_data.nla_tracks: for strip in track.strips: actions.append(strip.action) # filter out None return [act for act in actions if act] def find_path_new(id_data, data_path, rna_update_from_map, fcurve, log): # note!, id_data can be ID type or a node tree # ignore ID props for now if data_path.startswith("["): return data_path # recursive path fixing, likely will be one in most cases. data_path_builder = eval("DataPathBuilder(tuple())." + data_path) data_resolve = data_path_builder.resolve(id_data, rna_update_from_map, fcurve, log) path_new = [pair[0] for pair in data_resolve] return "".join(path_new)[1:] # skip the first "." def update_data_paths(rna_update, log=sys.stdout): """ rna_update triple [(class_name, from, to or to_callback, callback options), ...] to_callback is a function with this signature: update_cb(base, class_name, old_path, fcurve, options) where base is current object, class_name is the expected type name of base (callback has to handle this), old_path it the org name of base's property, fcurve is the affected fcurve (!), and options is an opaque data. class_name, fcurve and options may be None! """ rna_update_from_map = {} for ren_class, ren_from, ren_to, options in rna_update: rna_update_from_map.setdefault(ren_from, []).append((ren_class, ren_to, options)) for id_data in id_iter(): # check node-trees too anim_data_ls = [(id_data, getattr(id_data, "animation_data", None))] node_tree = getattr(id_data, "node_tree", None) if node_tree: anim_data_ls.append((node_tree, node_tree.animation_data)) for anim_data_base, anim_data in anim_data_ls: if anim_data is None: continue for fcurve in anim_data.drivers: data_path = fcurve.data_path data_path_new = find_path_new(anim_data_base, data_path, rna_update_from_map, fcurve, log) # print(data_path_new) if data_path_new != data_path: if not IS_TESTING: fcurve.data_path = data_path_new fcurve.driver.is_valid = True # reset to allow this to work again print("driver-fcurve (%s): %s -> %s" % (id_data.name, data_path, data_path_new), file=log) for var in fcurve.driver.variables: if var.type == 'SINGLE_PROP': for tar in var.targets: id_data_other = tar.id data_path = tar.data_path if id_data_other and data_path: data_path_new = find_path_new(id_data_other, data_path, rna_update_from_map, None, log) # print(data_path_new) if data_path_new != data_path: if not IS_TESTING: tar.data_path = data_path_new print("driver (%s): %s -> %s" % (id_data_other.name, data_path, data_path_new), file=log) for action in anim_data_actions(anim_data): for fcu in action.fcurves: data_path = fcu.data_path data_path_new = find_path_new(anim_data_base, data_path, rna_update_from_map, fcu, log) # print(data_path_new) if data_path_new != data_path: if not IS_TESTING: fcu.data_path = data_path_new print("fcurve (%s): %s -> %s" % (id_data.name, data_path, data_path_new), file=log) if __name__ == "__main__": # Example, should be called externally # (class, from, to or to_callback, callback_options) replace_ls = [ ("AnimVizMotionPaths", "frame_after", "frame_after", None), ("AnimVizMotionPaths", "frame_before", "frame_before", None), ("AnimVizOnionSkinning", "frame_after", "frame_after", None), ] update_data_paths(replace_ls)