# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Global settings used by all scripts in this dir. # XXX Before any use of the tools in this dir, please make a copy of this file # named "setting.py" # XXX This is a template, most values should be OK, but some you’ll have to # edit (most probably, BLENDER_EXEC and SOURCE_DIR). import json import os import sys import types try: import bpy except ModuleNotFoundError: print("Could not import bpy, some features are not available when not run from Blender.") bpy = None ############################################################################### # MISC ############################################################################### # The languages defined in Blender. LANGUAGES_CATEGORIES = ( # Min completeness level, UI english label. (0.95, "Complete"), (0.33, "In Progress"), (-1.0, "Starting"), ) LANGUAGES = ( # ID, UI english label, ISO code. (0, "Automatic (Automatic)", "DEFAULT"), (1, "English (English)", "en_US"), (2, "Japanese (日本語)", "ja_JP"), (3, "Dutch (Nederlandse taal)", "nl_NL"), (4, "Italian (Italiano)", "it_IT"), (5, "German (Deutsch)", "de_DE"), (6, "Finnish (Suomi)", "fi_FI"), (7, "Swedish (Svenska)", "sv_SE"), (8, "French (Français)", "fr_FR"), (9, "Spanish (Español)", "es"), (10, "Catalan (Català)", "ca_AD"), (11, "Czech (Český)", "cs_CZ"), (12, "Portuguese (Português)", "pt_PT"), (13, "Simplified Chinese (简体中文)", "zh_CN"), (14, "Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)", "zh_TW"), (15, "Russian (Русский)", "ru_RU"), (16, "Croatian (Hrvatski)", "hr_HR"), (17, "Serbian (Српски)", "sr_RS"), (18, "Ukrainian (Українська)", "uk_UA"), (19, "Polish (Polski)", "pl_PL"), (20, "Romanian (Român)", "ro_RO"), # Using the utf8 flipped form of Arabic (العربية). (21, "Arabic (ﺔﻴﺑﺮﻌﻟﺍ)", "ar_EG"), (22, "Bulgarian (Български)", "bg_BG"), (23, "Greek (Ελληνικά)", "el_GR"), (24, "Korean (한국어)", "ko_KR"), (25, "Nepali (नेपाली)", "ne_NP"), # Using the utf8 flipped form of Persian (فارسی). (26, "Persian (ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ)", "fa_IR"), (27, "Indonesian (Bahasa indonesia)", "id_ID"), (28, "Serbian Latin (Srpski latinica)", "sr_RS@latin"), (29, "Kyrgyz (Кыргыз тили)", "ky_KG"), (30, "Turkish (Türkçe)", "tr_TR"), (31, "Hungarian (Magyar)", "hu_HU"), (32, "Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil)", "pt_BR"), # Using the utf8 flipped form of Hebrew (עִבְרִית)). (33, "Hebrew (תירִבְעִ)", "he_IL"), (34, "Estonian (Eestlane)", "et_EE"), (35, "Esperanto (Esperanto)", "eo"), (36, "Spanish from Spain (Español de España)", "es_ES"), (37, "Amharic (አማርኛ)", "am_ET"), (38, "Uzbek (Oʻzbek)", "uz_UZ"), (39, "Uzbek Cyrillic (Ўзбек)", "uz_UZ@cyrillic"), (40, "Hindi (मानक हिन्दी)", "hi_IN"), (41, "Vietnamese (tiếng Việt)", "vi_VN"), (42, "Basque (Euskara)", "eu_EU"), (43, "Hausa (Hausa)", "ha"), (44, "Kazakh (қазақша)", "kk_KZ"), (45, "Abkhaz (Аԥсуа бызшәа)", "ab"), (46, "Thai (ภาษาไทย)", "th_TH"), (47, "Slovak (Slovenčina)", "sk_SK"), (48, "Georgian (ქართული)", "ka"), ) # Default context, in py (keep in sync with `BLT_translation.h`)! if bpy is not None: assert bpy.app.translations.contexts.default == "*" DEFAULT_CONTEXT = "*" # Name of language file used by Blender to generate translations' menu. LANGUAGES_FILE = "languages" # The min level of completeness for a po file to be imported from /branches into /trunk, as a percentage. IMPORT_MIN_LEVEL = 0.0 # Languages in /branches we do not want to import in /trunk currently... IMPORT_LANGUAGES_SKIP = { 'am_ET', 'bg_BG', 'fi_FI', 'el_GR', 'et_EE', 'ne_NP', 'ro_RO', 'uz_UZ', 'uz_UZ@cyrillic', 'kk_KZ', 'es_ES', } # Languages that need RTL pre-processing. IMPORT_LANGUAGES_RTL = { 'ar_EG', 'fa_IR', 'he_IL', } # The comment prefix used in generated messages.txt file. MSG_COMMENT_PREFIX = "#~ " # The comment prefix used in generated messages.txt file. MSG_CONTEXT_PREFIX = "MSGCTXT:" # The default comment prefix used in po's. PO_COMMENT_PREFIX = "# " # The comment prefix used to mark sources of msgids, in po's. PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE = "#: " # The comment prefix used to mark sources of msgids, in po's. PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE_CUSTOM = "#. :src: " # The general "generated" comment prefix, in po's. PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_GENERATED = "#. " # The comment prefix used to comment entries in po's. PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_MSG = "#~ " # The comment prefix used to mark fuzzy msgids, in po's. PO_COMMENT_FUZZY = "#, fuzzy" # The prefix used to define context, in po's. PO_MSGCTXT = "msgctxt " # The prefix used to define msgid, in po's. PO_MSGID = "msgid " # The prefix used to define msgstr, in po's. PO_MSGSTR = "msgstr " # The 'header' key of po files. PO_HEADER_KEY = (DEFAULT_CONTEXT, "") PO_HEADER_MSGSTR = ( "Project-Id-Version: {blender_ver} ({blender_hash})\\n\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \\n\n" "POT-Creation-Date: {time}\\n\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\\n\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \\n\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \\n\n" "Language: {uid}\\n\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" ) PO_HEADER_COMMENT_COPYRIGHT = ( "# Blender's translation file (po format).\n" "# Copyright (C) {year} The Blender Foundation.\n" "# This file is distributed under the same license as the Blender package.\n" "#\n" ) PO_HEADER_COMMENT = ( "# FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR.\n" "#" ) TEMPLATE_ISO_ID = "__TEMPLATE__" # Num buttons report their label with a trailing ': '... NUM_BUTTON_SUFFIX = ": " # Undocumented operator placeholder string. UNDOC_OPS_STR = "(undocumented operator)" # The gettext domain. DOMAIN = "blender" # Our own "gettext" stuff. # File type (ext) to parse. PYGETTEXT_ALLOWED_EXTS = {".c", ".cc", ".cpp", ".cxx", ".hh", ".hpp", ".hxx", ".h"} # Max number of contexts into a BLT_I18N_MSGID_MULTI_CTXT macro... PYGETTEXT_MAX_MULTI_CTXT = 16 # Where to search contexts definitions, relative to SOURCE_DIR (defined below). PYGETTEXT_CONTEXTS_DEFSRC = os.path.join("source", "blender", "blentranslation", "BLT_translation.h") # Regex to extract contexts defined in BLT_translation.h # XXX Not full-proof, but should be enough here! PYGETTEXT_CONTEXTS = "#define\\s+(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_[A-Z_0-9]+)\\s+\"([^\"]*)\"" # autopep8: off # Keywords' regex. # XXX Most unfortunately, we can't use named backreferences inside character sets, # which makes the regexes even more twisty... :/ _str_base = ( # Match void string "(?P<{_}1>[\"'])(?P={_}1)" # Get opening quote (' or "), and closing immediately. "|" # Or match non-void string "(?P<{_}2>[\"'])" # Get opening quote (' or "). "(?{capt}(?:" # This one is for crazy things like "hi \\\\\" folks!"... r"(?:(?!<\\)(?:\\\\)*\\(?=(?P={_}2)))|" # The most common case. ".(?!(?P={_}2))" ")+.)" # Don't forget the last char! "(?P={_}2)" # And closing quote. ) str_clean_re = _str_base.format(_="g", capt="P") _inbetween_str_re = ( # XXX Strings may have comments between their pieces too, not only spaces! r"(?:\s*(?:" # A C comment r"/\*.*(?!\*/).\*/|" # Or a C++ one! r"//[^\n]*\n" # And we are done! r")?)*" ) # Here we have to consider two different cases (empty string and other). _str_whole_re = ( _str_base.format(_="{_}1_", capt=":") + # Optional loop start, this handles "split" strings... "(?:(?<=[\"'])" + _inbetween_str_re + "(?=[\"'])(?:" + _str_base.format(_="{_}2_", capt=":") + # End of loop. "))*" ) _ctxt_re_gen = lambda uid : r"(?P(?:".format(uid=uid) + \ _str_whole_re.format(_="_ctxt{uid}".format(uid=uid)) + \ r")|(?:[A-Z_0-9]+))" _ctxt_re = _ctxt_re_gen("") _msg_re = r"(?P" + _str_whole_re.format(_="_msg") + r")" PYGETTEXT_KEYWORDS = (() + tuple((r"{}\(\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*\)").format(it) for it in ("IFACE_", "TIP_", "DATA_", "N_")) + tuple((r"{}\(\s*" + _ctxt_re + r"\s*,\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*\)").format(it) for it in ("CTX_IFACE_", "CTX_TIP_", "CTX_DATA_", "CTX_N_")) + tuple(("{}\\((?:[^\"',]+,){{1,2}}\\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*(?:\)|,)").format(it) for it in ("BKE_report", "BKE_reportf", "BKE_reports_prepend", "BKE_reports_prependf", "CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_set")) + tuple(("{}\\((?:[^\"',]+,){{3}}\\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*\)").format(it) for it in ("BMO_error_raise",)) + tuple(("{}\\((?:[^\"',]+,){{2}}\\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*(?:\)|,)").format(it) for it in ("BKE_modifier_set_error",)) + # This one is a tad more risky, but in practice would not expect a name/uid string parameter # (the second one in those functions) to ever have a comma in it, so think this is fine. tuple(("{}\\((?:[^,]+,){{2}}\\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*(?:\)|,)").format(it) for it in ("modifier_subpanel_register", "gpencil_modifier_subpanel_register")) + # bUnitDef unit names. # NOTE: regex is a bit more complex than it would need too. Since the actual # identifier (`B_UNIT_DEF_`) is at the end, if it's simpler/too general it # becomes extremely slow to process some (unrelated) source files. ((r"\{(?:(?:\s*\"[^\"',]+\"\s*,)|(?:\s*NULL\s*,)){4}\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*,(?:(?:\s*\"[^\"',]+\"\s*,)|(?:\s*NULL\s*,))(?:[^,]+,){2}" + "\s*B_UNIT_DEF_[_A-Z]+\s*\}"),) + tuple((r"{}\(\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*,\s*(?:" + r"\s*,\s*)?(?:".join(_ctxt_re_gen(i) for i in range(PYGETTEXT_MAX_MULTI_CTXT)) + r")?\s*\)").format(it) for it in ("BLT_I18N_MSGID_MULTI_CTXT",)) ) # autopep8: on # Check printf mismatches between msgid and msgstr. CHECK_PRINTF_FORMAT = ( r"(?!<%)(?:%%)*%" # Beginning, with handling for crazy things like '%%%%%s' r"[-+#0]?" # Flags (note: do not add the ' ' (space) flag here, generates too much false positives!) r"(?:\*|[0-9]+)?" # Width r"(?:\.(?:\*|[0-9]+))?" # Precision r"(?:[hljztL]|hh|ll)?" # Length r"[tldiuoxXfFeEgGaAcspn]" # Specifiers (note we have Blender-specific %t and %l ones too) ) # Should po parser warn when finding a first letter not capitalized? WARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED = True # Strings that should not raise above warning! WARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED_ALLOWED = { "", # Simplifies things... :p "ac3", "along X", "along Y", "along Z", "along %s X", "along %s Y", "along %s Z", "along local Z", "arccos(A)", "arcsin(A)", "arctan(A)", "ascii", "author", # Addons' field. :/ "bItasc", "blender.org", "color_index is invalid", "cos(A)", "cosh(A)", "dbl-", # Compacted for 'double', for keymap items. "description", # Addons' field. :/ "dx", "fBM", "flac", "fps: %.2f", "fps: %i", "gimbal", "global", "glTF 2.0 (.glb/.gltf)", "glTF Binary (.glb)", "glTF Embedded (.gltf)", "glTF Material Output", "glTF Original PBR data", "glTF Separate (.gltf + .bin + textures)", "invoke() needs to be called before execute()", "iScale", "iso-8859-15", "iTaSC", "iTaSC parameters", "kb", "local", "location", # Addons' field. :/ "locking %s X", "locking %s Y", "locking %s Z", "mkv", "mm", "mp2", "mp3", "normal", "ogg", "oneAPI", "p0", "px", "re", "res", "rv", "sin(A)", "sin(x) / x", "sinh(A)", "sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)", "sRGB", "sRGB display space", "sRGB display space with Filmic view transform", "tan(A)", "tanh(A)", "utf-8", "uv_on_emitter() requires a modifier from an evaluated object", "var", "vBVH", "view", "wav", "wmOwnerID '%s' not in workspace '%s'", "y", "y = (Ax + B)", # Sub-strings. "all", "all and invert unselected", "and AMD driver version 22.10 or newer", "and AMD Radeon Pro 21.Q4 driver or newer", "and Linux driver version xx.xx.23570 or newer", "and NVIDIA driver version 470 or newer", "and Windows driver version 101.3268 or newer", "available with", "brown fox", "can't save image while rendering", "category", "constructive modifier", "cursor", "custom", "custom matrix", "custom orientation", "edge data", "exp(A)", "expected a timeline/animation area to be active", "expected a view3d region", "expected a view3d region & editcurve", "expected a view3d region & editmesh", "face data", "gimbal", "global", "glTF Settings", "image file not found", "image format is read-only", "image path can't be written to", "in memory to enable editing!", "insufficient content", "into", "jumps over", "left", "local", "matrices", "no matrices", "multi-res modifier", "name", "non-triangle face", "normal", "or AMD with macOS 12.3 or newer", "performance impact!", "positions", "no positions", "read", "remove", "right", "selected", "selected and lock unselected", "selected and unlock unselected", "the lazy dog", "this legacy pose library to pose assets", "to the top level of the tree", "unable to load movie clip", "unable to load text", "unable to open the file", "unknown error reading file", "unknown error stating file", "unknown error writing file", "unselected", "unsupported font format", "unsupported format", "unsupported image format", "unsupported movie clip format", "untitled", "vertex data", "verts only", "view", "virtual parents", "which was replaced by the Asset Browser", "write", } WARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED_ALLOWED |= set(lng[2] for lng in LANGUAGES) WARN_MSGID_END_POINT_ALLOWED = { "Circle|Alt .", "Float Neg. Exp.", "Max Ext.", "Newer graphics drivers may be available to improve Blender support.", "Numpad .", "Pad.", " RNA Path: bpy.types.", "Temp. Diff.", "Temperature Diff.", "The program will now close.", "Your graphics card or driver has limited support. It may work, but with issues.", "Your graphics card or driver is not supported.", "Invalid surface UVs on %d curves.", } PARSER_CACHE_HASH = 'sha1' PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID = "__POT__" PARSER_PY_ID = "__PY__" PARSER_PY_MARKER_BEGIN = "\n# ##### BEGIN AUTOGENERATED I18N SECTION #####\n" PARSER_PY_MARKER_END = "\n# ##### END AUTOGENERATED I18N SECTION #####\n" PARSER_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2 ** 24 # in bytes, i.e. 16 Mb. ############################################################################### # PATHS ############################################################################### # The Python3 executable.You’ll likely have to edit it in your user_settings.py # if you’re under Windows. PYTHON3_EXEC = "python3" # The Blender executable! # This is just an example, you’ll have to edit it in your user_settings.py! BLENDER_EXEC = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("foo", "bar", "blender")) # check for blender.bin if not os.path.exists(BLENDER_EXEC): if os.path.exists(BLENDER_EXEC + ".bin"): BLENDER_EXEC = BLENDER_EXEC + ".bin" # The gettext msgfmt "compiler". You’ll likely have to edit it in your user_settings.py if you’re under Windows. GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE = "msgfmt" # The FriBidi C compiled library (.so under Linux, .dll under windows...). # You’ll likely have to edit it in your user_settings.py if you’re under Windows., e.g. using the included one: # FRIBIDI_LIB = os.path.join(TOOLS_DIR, "libfribidi.dll") FRIBIDI_LIB = "libfribidi.so.0" # The name of the (currently empty) file that must be present in a po's directory to enable rtl-preprocess. RTL_PREPROCESS_FILE = "is_rtl" # The Blender source root path. # This is just an example, you’ll have to override it in your user_settings.py! SOURCE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("blender")) # The bf-translation repository (you'll have to override this in your user_settings.py). I18N_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("i18n")) # The /branches path (relative to I18N_DIR). REL_BRANCHES_DIR = os.path.join("branches") # The /trunk path (relative to I18N_DIR). REL_TRUNK_DIR = os.path.join("trunk") # The /trunk/po path (relative to I18N_DIR). REL_TRUNK_PO_DIR = os.path.join(REL_TRUNK_DIR, "po") # The /trunk/mo path (relative to I18N_DIR). REL_TRUNK_MO_DIR = os.path.join(REL_TRUNK_DIR, "locale") # The path to the *git* translation repository (relative to SOURCE_DIR). REL_GIT_I18N_DIR = os.path.join("release/datafiles/locale") # The /po path of the *git* translation repository (relative to REL_GIT_I18N_DIR). REL_GIT_I18N_PO_DIR = os.path.join("po") # The Blender source path to check for i18n macros (relative to SOURCE_DIR). REL_POTFILES_SOURCE_DIR = os.path.join("source") # Where to search for preset names (relative to SOURCE_DIR). REL_PRESETS_DIR = os.path.join("release", "scripts", "presets") # Where to search for templates (relative to SOURCE_DIR). REL_TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join("release", "scripts", "startup", "bl_app_templates_system") # The template messages file (relative to I18N_DIR). REL_FILE_NAME_POT = os.path.join(REL_BRANCHES_DIR, DOMAIN + ".pot") # Mo root datapath. REL_MO_PATH_ROOT = os.path.join(REL_TRUNK_DIR, "locale") # Mo path generator for a given language. REL_MO_PATH_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(REL_MO_PATH_ROOT, "{}", "LC_MESSAGES") # Mo path generator for a given language (relative to any "locale" dir). MO_PATH_ROOT_RELATIVE = os.path.join("locale") MO_PATH_TEMPLATE_RELATIVE = os.path.join(MO_PATH_ROOT_RELATIVE, "{}", "LC_MESSAGES") # Mo file name. MO_FILE_NAME = DOMAIN + ".mo" # Where to search for py files that may contain ui strings (relative to one of the 'resource_path' of Blender). CUSTOM_PY_UI_FILES = [ os.path.join("scripts", "startup", "bl_ui"), os.path.join("scripts", "startup", "bl_operators"), os.path.join("scripts", "modules", "rna_prop_ui.py"), os.path.join("scripts", "presets", "keyconfig"), ] # An optional text file listing files to force include/exclude from py_xgettext process. SRC_POTFILES = "" # A cache storing validated msgids, to avoid re-spellchecking them. SPELL_CACHE = os.path.join("/tmp", ".spell_cache") # Threshold defining whether a new msgid is similar enough with an old one to reuse its translation... SIMILAR_MSGID_THRESHOLD = 0.75 # Additional import paths to add to sys.path (';' separated)... INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS = "" # Custom override settings must be one dir above i18n tools itself! sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))) try: from bl_i18n_settings_override import * except ImportError: # If no i18n_override_settings available, it’s no error! pass # Override with custom user settings, if available. try: from settings_user import * except ImportError: # If no user_settings available, it’s no error! pass for p in set(INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS.split(";")): if p: sys.path.append(p) # The settings class itself! def _do_get(ref, path): return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ref, path)) def _do_set(ref, path): path = os.path.normpath(path) # If given path is absolute, make it relative to current ref one (else we consider it is already the case!) if os.path.isabs(path): # can't always find the relative path (between drive letters on windows) try: return os.path.relpath(path, ref) except ValueError: pass return path def _gen_get_set_path(ref, name): def _get(self): return _do_get(getattr(self, ref), getattr(self, name)) def _set(self, value): setattr(self, name, _do_set(getattr(self, ref), value)) return _get, _set def _check_valid_data(uid, val): return not uid.startswith("_") and type(val) not in tuple(types.__dict__.values()) + (type,) class I18nSettings: """ Class allowing persistence of our settings! Saved in JSon format, so settings should be JSon'able objects! """ _settings = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # Addon preferences are singleton by definition, so is this class! if not I18nSettings._settings: cls._settings = super(I18nSettings, cls).__new__(cls) cls._settings.__dict__ = {uid: val for uid, val in globals().items() if _check_valid_data(uid, val)} return I18nSettings._settings def __getstate__(self): return self.to_dict() def __setstate__(self, mapping): return self.from_dict(mapping) def from_dict(self, mapping): # Special case... :/ if "INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS" in mapping: self.PY_SYS_PATHS = mapping["INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS"] self.__dict__.update(mapping) def to_dict(self): glob = globals() return {uid: val for uid, val in self.__dict__.items() if _check_valid_data(uid, val) and uid in glob} def from_json(self, string): self.from_dict(dict(json.loads(string))) def to_json(self): # Only save the diff from default i18n_settings! glob = globals() export_dict = { uid: val for uid, val in self.__dict__.items() if _check_valid_data(uid, val) and glob.get(uid) != val } return json.dumps(export_dict) def load(self, fname, reset=False): reset = reset or fname is None if reset: self.__dict__ = {uid: data for uid, data in globals().items() if not uid.startswith("_")} if fname is None: return if isinstance(fname, str): if not os.path.isfile(fname): # Assume it is already real JSon string... self.from_json(fname) return with open(fname, encoding="utf8") as f: self.from_json(f.read()) # Else assume fname is already a file(like) object! else: self.from_json(fname.read()) def save(self, fname): if isinstance(fname, str): with open(fname, 'w', encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(self.to_json()) # Else assume fname is already a file(like) object! else: fname.write(self.to_json()) BRANCHES_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("I18N_DIR", "REL_BRANCHES_DIR"))) TRUNK_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("I18N_DIR", "REL_TRUNK_DIR"))) TRUNK_PO_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("I18N_DIR", "REL_TRUNK_PO_DIR"))) TRUNK_MO_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("I18N_DIR", "REL_TRUNK_MO_DIR"))) GIT_I18N_ROOT = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("SOURCE_DIR", "REL_GIT_I18N_DIR"))) GIT_I18N_PO_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("GIT_I18N_ROOT", "REL_GIT_I18N_PO_DIR"))) POTFILES_SOURCE_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("SOURCE_DIR", "REL_POTFILES_SOURCE_DIR"))) PRESETS_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("SOURCE_DIR", "REL_PRESETS_DIR"))) TEMPLATES_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("SOURCE_DIR", "REL_TEMPLATES_DIR"))) FILE_NAME_POT = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("I18N_DIR", "REL_FILE_NAME_POT"))) MO_PATH_ROOT = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("I18N_DIR", "REL_MO_PATH_ROOT"))) MO_PATH_TEMPLATE = property(*(_gen_get_set_path("I18N_DIR", "REL_MO_PATH_TEMPLATE"))) def _get_py_sys_paths(self): return self.INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS def _set_py_sys_paths(self, val): old_paths = set(self.INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS.split(";")) - {""} new_paths = set(val.split(";")) - {""} for p in old_paths - new_paths: if p in sys.path: sys.path.remove(p) for p in new_paths - old_paths: sys.path.append(p) self.INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS = val PY_SYS_PATHS = property(_get_py_sys_paths, _set_py_sys_paths)