# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import re _valid_before = "(?<=[\\s*'\"`])|(?<=[a-zA-Z][/-])|(?<=^)" _valid_after = "(?=[\\s'\"`.!?,;:])|(?=[/-]\\s*[a-zA-Z])|(?=$)" _valid_words = "(?:{})(?:(?:[A-Z]+[a-z]*)|[A-Z]*|[a-z]*)(?:{})".format(_valid_before, _valid_after) _reg = re.compile(_valid_words) def split_words(text): return [w for w in _reg.findall(text) if w] # These must be all lower case for comparisons dict_uimsgs = { # OK words "aren", # aren't "betweens", # yuck! in-betweens! "boolean", "booleans", "couldn", #couldn't "decrement", "derivate", "doesn", # doesn't "fader", "hasn", # hasn't "hoc", # ad-hoc "indices", "iridas", "isn", # isn't "iterable", "kyrgyz", "latin", "merchantability", "mplayer", "vertices", # Merged words "addon", "addons", "antialiasing", "arcsine", "arccosine", "arctangent", "autoclip", "autocomplete", "autoname", "autosave", "autoscale", "autosmooth", "autosplit", "backface", "backfacing", "backimage", "backscattered", "bandnoise", "bindcode", "bitrate", "blendin", "bonesize", "boundbox", "boxpack", "buffersize", "builtin", "builtins", "bytecode", "chunksize", "de", "defocus", "denoise", "despill", "despilling", "filebrowser", "filelist", "filename", "filenames", "filepath", "filepaths", "forcefield", "forcefields", "fulldome", "fulldomes", "fullscreen", "gridline", "hemi", "inbetween", "inscatter", "inscattering", "libdata", "lightless", "lookup", "lookups", "mathutils", "midlevel", "midground", "mixdown", "multi", "multifractal", "multires", "multiresolution", "multisampling", "multitexture", "multiuser", "namespace", "keyconfig", "playhead", "polyline", "popup", "popups", "pre", "precalculate", "prefetch", "premultiply", "premultiplied", "prepass", "prepend", "preprocess", "preprocessing", "preseek", "readonly", "realtime", "rekey", "remesh", "reprojection", "resize", "restpose", "retarget", "retargets", "retargeting", "retargeted", "ringnoise", "rolloff", "screencast", "screenshot", "screenshots", "selfcollision", "singletexture", "startup", "stateful", "starfield", "subflare", "subflares", "subframe", "subframes", "subclass", "subclasses", "subclassing", "subdirectory", "subdirectories", "subdir", "subdirs", "submodule", "submodules", "subpath", "subsize", "substep", "substeps", "targetless", "textbox", "textboxes", "tilemode", "timestamp", "timestamps", "timestep", "timesteps", "todo", "un", "unbake", "uncomment", "undeformed", "undistort", "undistortion", "ungroup", "unhide", "unindent", "unkeyed", "unpremultiply", "unprojected", "unreacted", "unregister", "unselected", "unsubdivided", "unsubdivide", "unshadowed", "unspill", "unstitchable", "vectorscope", "whitespace", "whitespaces", "worldspace", "workflow", # Neologisms, slangs "affectable", "automagic", "automagically", "blobby", "blockiness", "blocky", "collider", "colliders", "deformer", "deformers", "determinator", "editability", "keyer", "lacunarity", "numerics", "occluder", "passepartout", "perspectively", "pixelate", "polygonization", "selectability", "slurph", "stitchable", "symmetrize", "trackability", "transmissivity", "rasterized", "rasterization", "rasterizer", "renderer", "renderable", "renderability", # Abbreviations "aero", "amb", "anim", "bool", "calc", "config", "configs", "const", "coord", "coords", "degr", "dof", "dupli", "duplis", "eg", "esc", "expr", "fac", "fra", "frs", "grless", "http", "init", "kbit", "lensdist", "loc", "rot", "pos", "lorem", "luma", "multicam", "num", "ok", "orco", "ortho", "persp", "pref", "prefs", "prev", "param", "premul", "quad", "quads", "quat", "quats", "recalc", "recalcs", "refl", "sel", "spec", "struct", "structs", "tex", "tri", "tris", "uv", "uvs", "uvw", "uw", "uvmap", "vec", "vert", "verts", "vis", "xyz", "xzy", "yxz", "yzx", "zxy", "zyx", "xy", "xz", "yx", "yz", "zx", "zy", # General computer/science terms "boid", "boids", "equisolid", "euler", "eulers", "hashable", "intrinsics", "isosurface", "jitter", "jittering", "jittered", "keymap", "keymaps", "lambertian", "laplacian", "metadata", "nand", "xnor", "normals", "numpad", "octree", "opengl", "pulldown", "pulldowns", "quantized", "samplerate", "scrollback", "scrollbar", "scroller", "searchable", "spacebar", "tooltip", "tooltips", "trackpad", "unicode", "viewport", "viewports", "viscoelastic", "wildcard", "wildcards", # General computer graphics terms "anaglyph", "bezier", "beziers", "bicubic", "bilinear", "blackpoint", "whitepoint", "blinn", "bokeh", "catadioptric", "centroid", "chrominance", "codec", "codecs", "collada", "compositing", "crossfade", "deinterlace", "dropoff", "dv", "eigenvectors", "equirectangular", "fisheye", "framerate", "gimbal", "grayscale", "icosphere", "inpaint", "lightmap", "lossless", "lossy", "midtones", "mipmap", "mipmaps", "mip", "ngon", "ngons", "ntsc", "nurb", "nurbs", "perlin", "phong", "radiosity", "raytrace", "raytracing", "raytraced", "renderfarm", "shader", "shaders", "specular", "specularity", "spillmap", "sobel", "tonemap", "toon", "timecode", "voronoi", "voxel", "voxels", "wireframe", "zmask", "ztransp", # Blender terms "audaspace", "bbone", "breakdowner", "bspline", "bweight", "colorband", "datablock", "datablocks", "despeckle", "dopesheet", "dupliface", "duplifaces", "dupliframe", "dupliframes", "dupliobject", "dupliob", "dupligroup", "duplivert", "editbone", "editmode", "fcurve", "fcurves", "fluidsim", "frameserver", "enum", "keyframe", "keyframes", "keyframing", "keyframed", "metaball", "metaballs", "metaelement", "metaelements", "metastrip", "metastrips", "movieclip", "mpoly", "mtex", "nabla", "navmesh", "outliner", "paintmap", "paintmaps", "polygroup", "polygroups", "poselib", "pushpull", "pyconstraint", "pyconstraints", "shapekey", "shapekeys", "shrinkfatten", "shrinkwrap", "softbody", "stucci", "sunsky", "subsurf", "tessface", "tessfaces", "texface", "timeline", "timelines", "tosphere", "uilist", "vcol", "vcols", "vgroup", "vgroups", "vinterlace", "wetmap", "wetmaps", "wpaint", "uvwarp", # Algorithm names "beckmann", "catmull", "catrom", "chebychev", "courant", "kutta", "lennard", "minkowski", "minnaert", "musgrave", "nayar", "netravali", "oren", "prewitt", "runge", "verlet", "worley", # Acronyms "aa", "msaa", "api", "asc", "cdl", "ascii", "atrac", "bw", "ccd", "cmd", "cpus", "ctrl", "cw", "ccw", "dev", "djv", "dpi", "dvar", "dx", "eo", "fh", "fov", "fft", "futura", "gfx", "gl", "glsl", "gpl", "gpu", "gpus", "hc", "hdc", "hdr", "hh", "mm", "ss", "ff", # hh:mm:ss:ff timecode "hsv", "hsva", "id", "itu", "lhs", "lmb", "mmb", "rmb", "mux", "ndof", "ppc", "precisa", "px", "qmc", "rgb", "rgba", "rhs", "rv", "sdl", "sl", "smpte", "svn", "ui", "unix", "vbo", "vbos", "ycc", "ycca", "yuv", "yuva", # Blender acronyms "bge", "bli", "bvh", "dbvt", "dop", # BLI K-Dop BVH "ik", "nla", "py", "qbvh", "rna", "rvo", "simd", "sph", "svbvh", # CG acronyms "ao", "bsdf", "ior", "mocap", # Files types/formats "avi", "attrac", "autodesk", "bmp", "btx", "cineon", "dpx", "dxf", "eps", "exr", "fbx", "ffmpeg", "flac", "gzip", "ico", "jpg", "jpeg", "matroska", "mdd", "mkv", "mpeg", "mjpeg", "mtl", "ogg", "openjpeg", "osl", "oso", "piz", "png", "po", "quicktime", "rle", "sgi", "stl", "svg", "targa", "tga", "tiff", "theora", "vorbis", "wav", "xiph", "xml", "xna", "xvid", }