# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import enchant import os import pickle import re class SpellChecker: """ A basic spell checker. """ # These must be all lower case for comparisons uimsgs = { # OK words "adaptively", "adaptivity", "aren", # aren't "betweens", # yuck! in-betweens! "boolean", "booleans", "chamfer", "couldn", # couldn't "customizable", "decrement", "derivate", "deterministically", "doesn", # doesn't "duplications", "effector", "equi", # equi-angular, etc. "fader", "globbing", "haptics", "hasn", # hasn't "hetero", "hoc", # ad-hoc "incompressible", "indices", "instantiation", "iridas", "isn", # isn't "iterable", "kyrgyz", "latin", "merchantability", "mplayer", "ons", # add-ons "pong", # ping pong "scalable", "shadeless", "shouldn", # shouldn't "smoothen", "spacings", "teleport", "teleporting", "vertices", "wasn", # wasn't # Merged words "antialiasing", "antialias", "arcsine", "arccosine", "arctangent", "autoclip", "autocomplete", "autoexec", "autoexecution", "autogenerated", "autolock", "automask", "automasking", "automerge", "autoname", "autopack", "autosave", "autoscale", "autosmooth", "autosplit", "backface", "backfacing", "backimage", "backscattered", "bandnoise", "bindcode", "bitdepth", "bitflag", "bitflags", "bitrate", "blackbody", "blendfile", "blendin", "bonesize", "boundbox", "boxpack", "buffersize", "builtin", "builtins", "bytecode", "chunksize", "customdata", "dataset", "datasets", "de", "deadzone", "deconstruct", "defocus", "denoise", "denoised", "denoising", "denoiser", "deselect", "deselecting", "deselection", "despill", "despilling", "dirtree", "editcurve", "editmesh", "faceforward", "filebrowser", "filelist", "filename", "filenames", "filepath", "filepaths", "forcefield", "forcefields", "fulldome", "fulldomes", "fullscreen", "gridline", "gridlines", "hardlight", "hemi", "hostname", "inbetween", "inscatter", "inscattering", "libdata", "lightcache", "lightprobe", "lightprobes", "lightless", "lineset", "linestyle", "linestyles", "localview", "lookup", "lookups", "mathutils", "micropolygon", "midlevel", "midground", "mixdown", "monospaced", "multi", "multifractal", "multiframe", "multilayer", "multipaint", "multires", "multiresolution", "multisampling", "multiscatter", "multitexture", "multithreaded", "multiuser", "multiview", "namespace", "nodetree", "nodetrees", "keyconfig", "offscreen", "online", "playhead", "popup", "popups", "pointcloud", "pre", "precache", "precaching", "precalculate", "precomputing", "prefetch", "premultiply", "premultiplied", "prepass", "prepend", "preprocess", "preprocessing", "preprocessor", "preseek", "promillage", "pushdown", "raytree", "readonly", "realtime", "reinject", "reinjected", "rekey", "remesh", "reprojection", "reproject", "reprojecting", "resize", "restpose", "resync", "resynced", "retarget", "retargets", "retargeting", "retargeted", "retiming", "rigidbody", "ringnoise", "rolloff", "runtime", "scanline", "screenshot", "screenshots", "seekability", "selfcollision", "shadowbuffer", "shadowbuffers", "singletexture", "softbox", "spellcheck", "spellchecking", "startup", "stateful", "starfield", "studiolight", "subflare", "subflares", "subframe", "subframes", "subclass", "subclasses", "subclassing", "subdirectory", "subdirectories", "subdir", "subdirs", "subitem", "submode", "submodule", "submodules", "subpath", "subsize", "substep", "substeps", "targetless", "textbox", "textboxes", "tilemode", "timestamp", "timestamps", "timestep", "timesteps", "todo", "tradeoff", "un", "unassociate", "unassociated", "unbake", "uncheck", "unclosed", "uncomment", "unculled", "undeformed", "undistort", "undistorted", "undistortion", "ungroup", "ungrouped", "unhide", "unindent", "unkeyed", "unlink", "unlinked", "unmute", "unphysical", "unpremultiply", "unprojected", "unprotect", "unreacted", "unreferenced", "unregister", "unselect", "unselected", "unselectable", "unsets", "unshadowed", "unspill", "unstitchable", "unstitch", "unsubdivided", "unsubdivide", "untrusted", "vectorscope", "whitespace", "whitespaces", "worldspace", "workflow", "workspace", "workspaces", # Neologisms, slangs "affectable", "animatable", "automagic", "automagically", "blobby", "blockiness", "blocky", "collider", "colliders", "deformer", "deformers", "determinator", "editability", "effectors", "expander", "instancer", "keyer", "lacunarity", "linkable", "numerics", "occluder", "occluders", "overridable", "passepartout", "perspectively", "pixelate", "pointiness", "polycount", "polygonization", "polygonalization", # yuck! "scalings", "selectable", "selectability", "shaper", "smoothen", "smoothening", "spherize", "spherized", "stitchable", "symmetrize", "trackability", "transmissivity", "rasterized", "rasterization", "rasterizer", "renderer", "renderers", "renderable", "renderability", # Really bad!!! "convertor", "fullscr", # Abbreviations "aero", "amb", "anim", "aov", "app", "bbox", "bboxes", "bksp", # Backspace "bool", "calc", "cfl", "config", "configs", "const", "coord", "coords", "degr", "diff", "dof", "dupli", "duplis", "eg", "esc", "expr", "fac", "fra", "fract", "frs", "grless", "http", "init", "irr", # Irradiance "kbit", "kb", "lang", "langs", "lclick", "rclick", "lensdist", "loc", "rot", "pos", "lorem", "luma", "mbs", # mouse button 'select'. "mem", "multicam", "num", "ok", "orco", "ortho", "pano", "persp", "pref", "prefs", "prev", "param", "premul", "quad", "quads", "quat", "quats", "recalc", "recalcs", "refl", "sce", "sel", "spec", "struct", "structs", "subdiv", "sys", "tex", "texcoord", "tmr", # timer "tri", "tris", "udim", "udims", "upres", # Upresolution "usd", "uv", "uvs", "uvw", "uw", "uvmap", "ve", "vec", "vel", # velocity! "vert", "verts", "vis", "vram", "xor", "xyz", "xzy", "yxz", "yzx", "zxy", "zyx", "xy", "xz", "yx", "yz", "zx", "zy", # General computer/science terms "affine", "albedo", "anamorphic", "anisotropic", "anisotropy", "bimanual", # OpenXR? "bitangent", "boid", "boids", "ceil", "compressibility", "curvilinear", "equiangular", "equisolid", "euler", "eulers", "fribidi", "gettext", "hashable", "hotspot", "interocular", "intrinsics", "irradiance", "isosurface", "jitter", "jittering", "jittered", "keymap", "keymaps", "lambertian", "laplacian", "metadata", "msgfmt", "nand", "xnor", "normals", "numpad", "octahedral", "octree", "omnidirectional", "opengl", "openmp", "parametrization", "photoreceptor", "poly", "polyline", "polylines", "probabilistically", "pulldown", "pulldowns", "quantized", "quartic", "quaternion", "quaternions", "quintic", "samplerate", "sawtooth", "scrollback", "scrollbar", "scroller", "searchable", "spacebar", "subtractive", "superellipse", "thumbstick", "tooltip", "tooltips", "trackpad", "tuple", "unicode", "viewport", "viewports", "viscoelastic", "vorticity", "waveform", "waveforms", "wildcard", "wildcards", "wintab", # Some Windows tablet API # General computer graphics terms "anaglyph", "bezier", "beziers", "bicubic", "bilinear", "bindpose", "binormal", "blackpoint", "whitepoint", "blinn", "bokeh", "catadioptric", "centroid", "chroma", "chrominance", "clearcoat", "codec", "codecs", "collada", "compositing", "crossfade", "cubemap", "cubemaps", "cuda", "deinterlace", "dropoff", "duotone", "dv", "eigenvectors", "emissive", "equirectangular", "filmlike", "fisheye", "framerate", "gimbal", "grayscale", "icosphere", "inpaint", "kerning", "lightmap", "linearlight", "lossless", "lossy", "luminance", "mantaflow", "matcap", "midtones", "mipmap", "mipmaps", "mip", "ngon", "ngons", "ntsc", "nurb", "nurbs", "perlin", "phong", "pinlight", "qi", "radiosity", "raycast", "raycasting", "raytrace", "raytracing", "raytraced", "refractions", "remesher", "remeshing", "remesh", "renderfarm", "scanfill", "shader", "shaders", "shadowmap", "shadowmaps", "softlight", "specular", "specularity", "spillmap", "sobel", "stereoscopy", "texel", "timecode", "tonemap", "toon", "transmissive", "vividlight", "volumetrics", "voronoi", "voxel", "voxels", "vsync", "wireframe", "zmask", "ztransp", # Blender terms "audaspace", "azone", # action zone "backwire", "bbone", "bendy", # bones "bmesh", "breakdowner", "bspline", "bweight", "colorband", "datablock", "datablocks", "despeckle", "depsgraph", "dopesheet", "dupliface", "duplifaces", "dupliframe", "dupliframes", "dupliobject", "dupliob", "dupligroup", "duplivert", "dyntopo", "editbone", "editmode", "eevee", "fcurve", "fcurves", "fedge", "fedges", "filmic", "fluidsim", "freestyle", "enum", "enums", "gizmogroup", "gon", "gons", # N-Gon(s) "gpencil", "idcol", "keyframe", "keyframes", "keyframing", "keyframed", "lookdev", "luminocity", "mathvis", "metaball", "metaballs", "mball", "metaelement", "metaelements", "metastrip", "metastrips", "movieclip", "mpoly", "mtex", "nabla", "navmesh", "outliner", "overscan", "paintmap", "paintmaps", "polygroup", "polygroups", "poselib", "pushpull", "pyconstraint", "pyconstraints", "qe", # keys... "shaderfx", "shaderfxs", "shapekey", "shapekeys", "shrinkfatten", "shrinkwrap", "softbody", "stucci", "subdiv", "subtype", "sunsky", "tessface", "tessfaces", "texface", "timeline", "timelines", "tosphere", "uilist", "userpref", "vcol", "vcols", "vgroup", "vgroups", "vinterlace", "vse", "wasd", "wasdqe", # keys... "wetmap", "wetmaps", "wpaint", "uvwarp", # UOC (Ugly Operator Categories) "cachefile", "paintcurve", "ptcache", "dpaint", # Algorithm/library names "ashikhmin", # Ashikhmin-Shirley "arsloe", # Texel-Marsen-Arsloe "beckmann", "blackman", # Blackman-Harris "blosc", "burley", # Christensen-Burley "catmull", "catrom", "chebychev", "conrady", # Brown-Conrady "courant", "cryptomatte", "crypto", "embree", "gmp", "hosek", "kutta", "lennard", "marsen", # Texel-Marsen-Arsloe "mikktspace", "minkowski", "minnaert", "moskowitz", # Pierson-Moskowitz "musgrave", "nayar", "netravali", "nishita", "ogawa", "oren", "peucker", # Ramer-Douglas-Peucker "pierson", # Pierson-Moskowitz "preetham", "prewitt", "ramer", # Ramer-Douglas-Peucker "runge", "sobol", "verlet", "wilkie", "worley", # Acronyms "aa", "msaa", "ao", "aov", "aovs", "api", "apic", # Affine Particle-In-Cell "asc", "cdl", "ascii", "atrac", "avx", "bsdf", "bssrdf", "bw", "ccd", "cmd", "cmos", "cpus", "ctrl", "cw", "ccw", "dev", "djv", "dpi", "dvar", "dx", "eo", "fh", "fk", "fov", "fft", "futura", "fx", "gfx", "ggx", "gl", "glsl", "gpl", "gpu", "gpus", "hc", "hdc", "hdr", "hdri", "hdris", "hh", "mm", "ss", "ff", # hh:mm:ss:ff timecode "hsv", "hsva", "hsl", "id", "ies", "ior", "itu", "jonswap", "lhs", "lmb", "mmb", "rmb", "kb", "mocap", "msgid", "msgids", "mux", "ndof", "pbr", # Physically Based Rendering "ppc", "precisa", "px", "qmc", "rdp", "rgb", "rgba", "rhs", "rv", "sdl", "sl", "smpte", "ssao", "ssr", "svn", "tma", "ui", "unix", "vbo", "vbos", "vr", "wxyz", "xr", "ycc", "ycca", "yrgb", "yuv", "yuva", # Blender acronyms "bli", "bpy", "bvh", "dbvt", "dop", # BLI K-Dop BVH "ik", "nla", "py", "qbvh", "rna", "rvo", "simd", "sph", "svbvh", # Files types/formats "avi", "attrac", "autocad", "autodesk", "bmp", "btx", "cineon", "dpx", "dwaa", "dwab", "dxf", "eps", "exr", "fbx", "fbxnode", "ffmpeg", "flac", "gltf", "gzip", "ico", "jpg", "jpeg", "jpegs", "json", "matroska", "mdd", "mkv", "mpeg", "mjpeg", "mtl", "ogg", "openjpeg", "osl", "oso", "piz", "png", "pngs", "po", "quicktime", "rle", "sgi", "stl", "svg", "targa", "tga", "tiff", "theora", "vorbis", "vp9", "wav", "webm", "xiph", "xml", "xna", "xvid", } _valid_before = "(?<=[\\s*'\"`])|(?<=[a-zA-Z][/-])|(?<=^)" _valid_after = "(?=[\\s'\"`.!?,;:])|(?=[/-]\\s*[a-zA-Z])|(?=$)" _valid_words = "(?:{})(?:(?:[A-Z]+[a-z]*)|[A-Z]*|[a-z]*)(?:{})".format(_valid_before, _valid_after) _split_words = re.compile(_valid_words).findall @classmethod def split_words(cls, text): return [w for w in cls._split_words(text) if w] def __init__(self, settings, lang="en_US"): self.settings = settings self.dict_spelling = enchant.Dict(lang) self.cache = set(self.uimsgs) cache = self.settings.SPELL_CACHE if cache and os.path.exists(cache): with open(cache, 'rb') as f: self.cache |= set(pickle.load(f)) def __del__(self): cache = self.settings.SPELL_CACHE if cache and os.path.exists(cache): with open(cache, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self.cache, f) def check(self, txt): ret = [] if txt in self.cache: return ret for w in self.split_words(txt): w_lower = w.lower() if w_lower in self.cache: continue if not self.dict_spelling.check(w): ret.append((w, self.dict_spelling.suggest(w))) else: self.cache.add(w_lower) if not ret: self.cache.add(txt) return ret