# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later """ Give access to blender data and utility functions. """ __all__ = ( "app", "context", "data", "ops", "path", "props", "types", "utils", ) # internal blender C module from _bpy import ( app, context, data, msgbus, props, types, ) # python modules from . import ( ops, path, utils, ) def main(): import sys # Possibly temp. addons path from os.path import join, dirname sys.path.extend([ join(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__))), "addons", "modules"), join(utils.user_resource('SCRIPTS'), "addons", "modules"), ]) # fake module to allow: # from bpy.types import Panel sys.modules.update({ "bpy.app": app, "bpy.app.handlers": app.handlers, "bpy.app.translations": app.translations, "bpy.types": types, }) # Initializes Python classes. # (good place to run a profiler or trace). utils.load_scripts() main() del main