# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # classes for extracting info from blenders internal classes def write_sysinfo(filepath): import sys import subprocess import bpy import bgl # pretty repr def prepr(v): r = repr(v) vt = type(v) if vt is bytes: r = r[2:-1] elif vt is list or vt is tuple: r = r[1:-1] return r with open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as output: try: header = "= Blender %s System Information =\n" % bpy.app.version_string lilies = "%s\n\n" % ((len(header) - 1) * "=") output.write(lilies[:-1]) output.write(header) output.write(lilies) def title(text): return "\n%s:\n%s" % (text, lilies) # build info output.write(title("Blender")) output.write( "version: %s, branch: %s, commit date: %s %s, hash: %s, type: %s\n" % (bpy.app.version_string, prepr(bpy.app.build_branch), prepr(bpy.app.build_commit_date), prepr(bpy.app.build_commit_time), prepr(bpy.app.build_hash), prepr(bpy.app.build_type), )) output.write("build date: %s, %s\n" % (prepr(bpy.app.build_date), prepr(bpy.app.build_time))) output.write("platform: %s\n" % prepr(bpy.app.build_platform)) output.write("binary path: %s\n" % prepr(bpy.app.binary_path)) output.write("build cflags: %s\n" % prepr(bpy.app.build_cflags)) output.write("build cxxflags: %s\n" % prepr(bpy.app.build_cxxflags)) output.write("build linkflags: %s\n" % prepr(bpy.app.build_linkflags)) output.write("build system: %s\n" % prepr(bpy.app.build_system)) # Python info. output.write(title("Python")) output.write("version: %s\n" % (sys.version.replace("\n", " "))) output.write("file system encoding: %s:%s\n" % ( sys.getfilesystemencoding(), sys.getfilesystemencodeerrors(), )) output.write("paths:\n") for p in sys.path: output.write("\t%r\n" % p) output.write(title("Python (External Binary)")) output.write("binary path: %s\n" % prepr(bpy.app.binary_path_python)) try: py_ver = prepr(subprocess.check_output([ bpy.app.binary_path_python, "--version", ]).strip()) except Exception as e: py_ver = str(e) output.write("version: %s\n" % py_ver) del py_ver output.write(title("Directories")) output.write("scripts:\n") for p in bpy.utils.script_paths(): output.write("\t%r\n" % p) output.write("user scripts: %r\n" % (bpy.utils.script_path_user())) output.write("pref scripts: %r\n" % (bpy.utils.script_path_pref())) output.write("datafiles: %r\n" % (bpy.utils.user_resource('DATAFILES'))) output.write("config: %r\n" % (bpy.utils.user_resource('CONFIG'))) output.write("scripts : %r\n" % (bpy.utils.user_resource('SCRIPTS'))) output.write("autosave: %r\n" % (bpy.utils.user_resource('AUTOSAVE'))) output.write("tempdir: %r\n" % (bpy.app.tempdir)) output.write(title("FFmpeg")) ffmpeg = bpy.app.ffmpeg if ffmpeg.supported: for lib in ("avcodec", "avdevice", "avformat", "avutil", "swscale"): output.write( "%s:%s%r\n" % (lib, " " * (10 - len(lib)), getattr(ffmpeg, lib + "_version_string"))) else: output.write("Blender was built without FFmpeg support\n") if bpy.app.build_options.sdl: output.write(title("SDL")) output.write("Version: %s\n" % bpy.app.sdl.version_string) output.write("Loading method: ") if bpy.app.build_options.sdl_dynload: output.write("dynamically loaded by Blender (WITH_SDL_DYNLOAD=ON)\n") else: output.write("linked (WITH_SDL_DYNLOAD=OFF)\n") if not bpy.app.sdl.available: output.write("WARNING: Blender could not load SDL library\n") output.write(title("Other Libraries")) ocio = bpy.app.ocio output.write("OpenColorIO: ") if ocio.supported: if ocio.version_string == "fallback": output.write("Blender was built with OpenColorIO, " + "but it currently uses fallback color management.\n") else: output.write("%s\n" % (ocio.version_string)) else: output.write("Blender was built without OpenColorIO support\n") oiio = bpy.app.oiio output.write("OpenImageIO: ") if ocio.supported: output.write("%s\n" % (oiio.version_string)) else: output.write("Blender was built without OpenImageIO support\n") output.write("OpenShadingLanguage: ") if bpy.app.build_options.cycles: if bpy.app.build_options.cycles_osl: from _cycles import osl_version_string output.write("%s\n" % (osl_version_string)) else: output.write("Blender was built without OpenShadingLanguage support in Cycles\n") else: output.write("Blender was built without Cycles support\n") opensubdiv = bpy.app.opensubdiv output.write("OpenSubdiv: ") if opensubdiv.supported: output.write("%s\n" % opensubdiv.version_string) else: output.write("Blender was built without OpenSubdiv support\n") openvdb = bpy.app.openvdb output.write("OpenVDB: ") if openvdb.supported: output.write("%s\n" % openvdb.version_string) else: output.write("Blender was built without OpenVDB support\n") alembic = bpy.app.alembic output.write("Alembic: ") if alembic.supported: output.write("%s\n" % alembic.version_string) else: output.write("Blender was built without Alembic support\n") usd = bpy.app.usd output.write("USD: ") if usd.supported: output.write("%s\n" % usd.version_string) else: output.write("Blender was built without USD support\n") if not bpy.app.build_options.sdl: output.write("SDL: Blender was built without SDL support\n") if bpy.app.background: output.write("\nOpenGL: missing, background mode\n") else: output.write(title("OpenGL")) version = bgl.glGetString(bgl.GL_RENDERER) output.write("renderer:\t%r\n" % version) output.write("vendor:\t\t%r\n" % (bgl.glGetString(bgl.GL_VENDOR))) output.write("version:\t%r\n" % (bgl.glGetString(bgl.GL_VERSION))) output.write("extensions:\n") limit = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, 1) bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, limit) glext = [] for i in range(limit[0]): glext.append(bgl.glGetStringi(bgl.GL_EXTENSIONS, i)) glext = sorted(glext) for l in glext: output.write("\t%s\n" % l) output.write(title("Implementation Dependent OpenGL Limits")) bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES, limit) output.write("Maximum DrawElements Vertices:\t%d\n" % limit[0]) bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES, limit) output.write("Maximum DrawElements Indices:\t%d\n" % limit[0]) output.write("\nGLSL:\n") bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATS, limit) output.write("Maximum Varying Floats:\t%d\n" % limit[0]) bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, limit) output.write("Maximum Vertex Attributes:\t%d\n" % limit[0]) bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS, limit) output.write("Maximum Vertex Uniform Components:\t%d\n" % limit[0]) bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS, limit) output.write("Maximum Fragment Uniform Components:\t%d\n" % limit[0]) bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, limit) output.write("Maximum Vertex Image Units:\t%d\n" % limit[0]) bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, limit) output.write("Maximum Fragment Image Units:\t%d\n" % limit[0]) bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, limit) output.write("Maximum Pipeline Image Units:\t%d\n" % limit[0]) if bpy.app.build_options.cycles: import cycles output.write(title("Cycles")) output.write(cycles.engine.system_info()) import addon_utils addon_utils.modules() output.write(title("Enabled add-ons")) for addon in bpy.context.preferences.addons.keys(): addon_mod = addon_utils.addons_fake_modules.get(addon, None) if addon_mod is None: output.write("%s (MISSING)\n" % (addon)) else: output.write("%s (version: %s, path: %s)\n" % (addon, addon_mod.bl_info.get('version', "UNKNOWN"), addon_mod.__file__)) except Exception as e: output.write("ERROR: %s\n" % e)