# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later from __future__ import annotations from bpy.types import ( Operator, ) from bpy.props import ( IntProperty, ) class CONSTRAINT_OT_add_target(Operator): """Add a target to the constraint""" bl_idname = "constraint.add_target" bl_label = "Add Target" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): constraint = getattr(context, "constraint", None) return constraint def execute(self, context): context.constraint.targets.new() return {'FINISHED'} class CONSTRAINT_OT_remove_target(Operator): """Remove the target from the constraint""" bl_idname = "constraint.remove_target" bl_label = "Remove Target" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'} index: IntProperty() @classmethod def poll(cls, context): constraint = getattr(context, "constraint", None) return constraint def execute(self, context): tgts = context.constraint.targets tgts.remove(tgts[self.index]) return {'FINISHED'} class CONSTRAINT_OT_normalize_target_weights(Operator): """Normalize weights of all target bones""" bl_idname = "constraint.normalize_target_weights" bl_label = "Normalize Weights" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): constraint = getattr(context, "constraint", None) return constraint def execute(self, context): tgts = context.constraint.targets total = sum(t.weight for t in tgts) if total > 0: for t in tgts: t.weight = t.weight / total return {'FINISHED'} class CONSTRAINT_OT_disable_keep_transform(Operator): """Set the influence of this constraint to zero while """ \ """trying to maintain the object's transformation. Other active """ \ """constraints can still influence the final transformation""" bl_idname = "constraint.disable_keep_transform" bl_label = "Disable and Keep Transform" bl_options = {'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): constraint = getattr(context, "constraint", None) return constraint and constraint.influence > 0.0 def execute(self, context): """Disable constraint while maintaining the visual transform.""" # This works most of the time, but when there are multiple constraints active # there could still be one that overrides the visual transform. # # Note that executing this operator and then increasing the constraint # influence may move the object; this happens when the constraint is # additive rather than replacing the transform entirely. # Get the matrix in world space. is_bone_constraint = context.space_data.context == 'BONE_CONSTRAINT' ob = context.object if is_bone_constraint: bone = context.pose_bone mat = ob.matrix_world @ bone.matrix else: mat = ob.matrix_world context.constraint.influence = 0.0 # Set the matrix. if is_bone_constraint: bone.matrix = ob.matrix_world.inverted() @ mat else: ob.matrix_world = mat return {'FINISHED'} classes = ( CONSTRAINT_OT_add_target, CONSTRAINT_OT_remove_target, CONSTRAINT_OT_normalize_target_weights, CONSTRAINT_OT_disable_keep_transform, )