# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy from bpy.types import Operator from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, EnumProperty, FloatProperty, IntProperty, StringProperty, ) class SelectPattern(Operator): """Select objects matching a naming pattern""" bl_idname = "object.select_pattern" bl_label = "Select Pattern" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} pattern = StringProperty( name="Pattern", description="Name filter using '*', '?' and " "'[abc]' unix style wildcards", maxlen=64, default="*", ) case_sensitive = BoolProperty( name="Case Sensitive", description="Do a case sensitive compare", default=False, ) extend = BoolProperty( name="Extend", description="Extend the existing selection", default=True, ) def execute(self, context): import fnmatch if self.case_sensitive: pattern_match = fnmatch.fnmatchcase else: pattern_match = (lambda a, b: fnmatch.fnmatchcase(a.upper(), b.upper())) is_ebone = False workspace = context.workspace obj = context.object if obj and workspace.object_mode == 'POSE': items = obj.data.bones if not self.extend: bpy.ops.pose.select_all(action='DESELECT') elif obj and obj.type == 'ARMATURE' and workspace.object_mode == 'EDIT': items = obj.data.edit_bones if not self.extend: bpy.ops.armature.select_all(action='DESELECT') is_ebone = True else: items = context.visible_objects if not self.extend: bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Can be pose bones or objects for item in items: if pattern_match(item.name, self.pattern): # hrmf, perhaps there should be a utility function for this. if is_ebone: item.select = True item.select_head = True item.select_tail = True if item.use_connect: item_parent = item.parent if item_parent is not None: item_parent.select_tail = True else: item.select_set(action='SELECT') return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_popup(self, event) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.prop(self, "pattern") row = layout.row() row.prop(self, "case_sensitive") row.prop(self, "extend") class SelectCamera(Operator): """Select the active camera""" bl_idname = "object.select_camera" bl_label = "Select Camera" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} extend = BoolProperty( name="Extend", description="Extend the selection", default=False ) def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene view = context.space_data if view.type == 'VIEW_3D' and not view.lock_camera_and_layers: camera = view.camera else: camera = scene.camera if camera is None: self.report({'WARNING'}, "No camera found") elif camera.name not in scene.objects: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Active camera is not in this scene") else: if not self.extend: bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') scene.objects.active = camera camera.hide = False camera.select_set(action='SELECT') return {'FINISHED'} return {'CANCELLED'} class SelectHierarchy(Operator): """Select object relative to the active object's position """ \ """in the hierarchy""" bl_idname = "object.select_hierarchy" bl_label = "Select Hierarchy" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} direction = EnumProperty( items=(('PARENT', "Parent", ""), ('CHILD', "Child", ""), ), name="Direction", description="Direction to select in the hierarchy", default='PARENT') extend = BoolProperty( name="Extend", description="Extend the existing selection", default=False, ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.object def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene select_new = [] act_new = None selected_objects = context.selected_objects obj_act = context.object if context.object not in selected_objects: selected_objects.append(context.object) if self.direction == 'PARENT': for obj in selected_objects: parent = obj.parent if parent: if obj_act == obj: act_new = parent select_new.append(parent) else: for obj in selected_objects: select_new.extend(obj.children) if select_new: select_new.sort(key=lambda obj_iter: obj_iter.name) act_new = select_new[0] # don't edit any object settings above this if select_new: if not self.extend: bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') for obj in select_new: obj.select_set(action='SELECT') scene.objects.active = act_new return {'FINISHED'} return {'CANCELLED'} class SubdivisionSet(Operator): """Sets a Subdivision Surface Level (1-5)""" bl_idname = "object.subdivision_set" bl_label = "Subdivision Set" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} level = IntProperty( name="Level", min=-100, max=100, soft_min=-6, soft_max=6, default=1, ) relative = BoolProperty( name="Relative", description=("Apply the subsurf level as an offset " "relative to the current level"), default=False, ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): obs = context.selected_editable_objects return (obs is not None) def execute(self, context): level = self.level relative = self.relative if relative and level == 0: return {'CANCELLED'} # nothing to do if not relative and level < 0: self.level = level = 0 workspace = context.workspace def set_object_subd(obj): for mod in obj.modifiers: if mod.type == 'MULTIRES': if not relative: if level > mod.total_levels: sub = level - mod.total_levels for i in range(sub): bpy.ops.object.multires_subdivide(modifier="Multires") if workspace.object_mode == 'SCULPT': if mod.sculpt_levels != level: mod.sculpt_levels = level elif workspace.object_mode == 'OBJECT': if mod.levels != level: mod.levels = level return else: if workspace.object_mode == 'SCULPT': if mod.sculpt_levels + level <= mod.total_levels: mod.sculpt_levels += level elif workspace.object_mode == 'OBJECT': if mod.levels + level <= mod.total_levels: mod.levels += level return elif mod.type == 'SUBSURF': if relative: mod.levels += level else: if mod.levels != level: mod.levels = level return # add a new modifier try: if workspace.object_mode == 'SCULPT': mod = obj.modifiers.new("Multires", 'MULTIRES') if level > 0: for i in range(0, level): bpy.ops.object.multires_subdivide(modifier="Multires") else: mod = obj.modifiers.new("Subsurf", 'SUBSURF') mod.levels = level except: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Modifiers cannot be added to object: " + obj.name) for obj in context.selected_editable_objects: set_object_subd(obj) return {'FINISHED'} class ShapeTransfer(Operator): """Copy another selected objects active shape to this one by """ \ """applying the relative offsets""" bl_idname = "object.shape_key_transfer" bl_label = "Transfer Shape Key" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} mode = EnumProperty( items=(('OFFSET', "Offset", "Apply the relative positional offset", ), ('RELATIVE_FACE', "Relative Face", "Calculate relative position (using faces)", ), ('RELATIVE_EDGE', "Relative Edge", "Calculate relative position (using edges)", ), ), name="Transformation Mode", description="Relative shape positions to the new shape method", default='OFFSET', ) use_clamp = BoolProperty( name="Clamp Offset", description=("Clamp the transformation to the distance each " "vertex moves in the original shape"), default=False, ) def _main(self, ob_act, objects, mode='OFFSET', use_clamp=False): def me_nos(verts): return [v.normal.copy() for v in verts] def me_cos(verts): return [v.co.copy() for v in verts] def ob_add_shape(ob, name): me = ob.data key = ob.shape_key_add(from_mix=False) if len(me.shape_keys.key_blocks) == 1: key.name = "Basis" key = ob.shape_key_add(from_mix=False) # we need a rest key.name = name ob.active_shape_key_index = len(me.shape_keys.key_blocks) - 1 ob.show_only_shape_key = True from mathutils.geometry import barycentric_transform from mathutils import Vector if use_clamp and mode == 'OFFSET': use_clamp = False me = ob_act.data orig_key_name = ob_act.active_shape_key.name orig_shape_coords = me_cos(ob_act.active_shape_key.data) orig_normals = me_nos(me.vertices) # actual mesh vertex location isn't as reliable as the base shape :S #~ orig_coords = me_cos(me.vertices) orig_coords = me_cos(me.shape_keys.key_blocks[0].data) for ob_other in objects: if ob_other.type != 'MESH': self.report({'WARNING'}, ("Skipping '%s', " "not a mesh") % ob_other.name) continue me_other = ob_other.data if len(me_other.vertices) != len(me.vertices): self.report({'WARNING'}, ("Skipping '%s', " "vertex count differs") % ob_other.name) continue target_normals = me_nos(me_other.vertices) if me_other.shape_keys: target_coords = me_cos(me_other.shape_keys.key_blocks[0].data) else: target_coords = me_cos(me_other.vertices) ob_add_shape(ob_other, orig_key_name) # editing the final coords, only list that stores wrapped coords target_shape_coords = [v.co for v in ob_other.active_shape_key.data] median_coords = [[] for i in range(len(me.vertices))] # Method 1, edge if mode == 'OFFSET': for i, vert_cos in enumerate(median_coords): vert_cos.append(target_coords[i] + (orig_shape_coords[i] - orig_coords[i])) elif mode == 'RELATIVE_FACE': for poly in me.polygons: idxs = poly.vertices[:] v_before = idxs[-2] v = idxs[-1] for v_after in idxs: pt = barycentric_transform(orig_shape_coords[v], orig_coords[v_before], orig_coords[v], orig_coords[v_after], target_coords[v_before], target_coords[v], target_coords[v_after], ) median_coords[v].append(pt) v_before = v v = v_after elif mode == 'RELATIVE_EDGE': for ed in me.edges: i1, i2 = ed.vertices v1, v2 = orig_coords[i1], orig_coords[i2] edge_length = (v1 - v2).length n1loc = v1 + orig_normals[i1] * edge_length n2loc = v2 + orig_normals[i2] * edge_length # now get the target nloc's v1_to, v2_to = target_coords[i1], target_coords[i2] edlen_to = (v1_to - v2_to).length n1loc_to = v1_to + target_normals[i1] * edlen_to n2loc_to = v2_to + target_normals[i2] * edlen_to pt = barycentric_transform(orig_shape_coords[i1], v2, v1, n1loc, v2_to, v1_to, n1loc_to) median_coords[i1].append(pt) pt = barycentric_transform(orig_shape_coords[i2], v1, v2, n2loc, v1_to, v2_to, n2loc_to) median_coords[i2].append(pt) # apply the offsets to the new shape from functools import reduce VectorAdd = Vector.__add__ for i, vert_cos in enumerate(median_coords): if vert_cos: co = reduce(VectorAdd, vert_cos) / len(vert_cos) if use_clamp: # clamp to the same movement as the original # breaks copy between different scaled meshes. len_from = (orig_shape_coords[i] - orig_coords[i]).length ofs = co - target_coords[i] ofs.length = len_from co = target_coords[i] + ofs target_shape_coords[i][:] = co return {'FINISHED'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): workspace = context.workspace obj = context.active_object return (obj and workspace.object_mode != 'EDIT') def execute(self, context): ob_act = context.active_object objects = [ob for ob in context.selected_editable_objects if ob != ob_act] if 1: # swap from/to, means we cant copy to many at once. if len(objects) != 1: self.report({'ERROR'}, ("Expected one other selected " "mesh object to copy from")) return {'CANCELLED'} ob_act, objects = objects[0], [ob_act] if ob_act.type != 'MESH': self.report({'ERROR'}, "Other object is not a mesh") return {'CANCELLED'} if ob_act.active_shape_key is None: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Other object has no shape key") return {'CANCELLED'} return self._main(ob_act, objects, self.mode, self.use_clamp) class JoinUVs(Operator): """Transfer UV Maps from active to selected objects """ \ """(needs matching geometry)""" bl_idname = "object.join_uvs" bl_label = "Transfer UV Maps" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): obj = context.active_object return (obj and obj.type == 'MESH') def _main(self, context): import array workspace = context.workspace obj = context.active_object mesh = obj.data is_editmode = (workspace.object_mode == 'EDIT') if is_editmode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False) if not mesh.uv_layers: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Object: %s, Mesh: '%s' has no UVs" % (obj.name, mesh.name)) else: nbr_loops = len(mesh.loops) # seems to be the fastest way to create an array uv_array = array.array('f', [0.0] * 2) * nbr_loops mesh.uv_layers.active.data.foreach_get("uv", uv_array) objects = context.selected_editable_objects[:] for obj_other in objects: if obj_other.type == 'MESH': obj_other.data.tag = False for obj_other in objects: if obj_other != obj and obj_other.type == 'MESH': mesh_other = obj_other.data if mesh_other != mesh: if mesh_other.tag is False: mesh_other.tag = True if len(mesh_other.loops) != nbr_loops: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Object: %s, Mesh: " "'%s' has %d loops (for %d faces)," " expected %d\n" % (obj_other.name, mesh_other.name, len(mesh_other.loops), len(mesh_other.polygons), nbr_loops, ), ) else: uv_other = mesh_other.uv_layers.active if not uv_other: mesh_other.uv_layers.new() uv_other = mesh_other.uv_layers.active if not uv_other: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Could not add " "a new UV map tp object " "'%s' (Mesh '%s')\n" % (obj_other.name, mesh_other.name, ), ) # finally do the copy uv_other.data.foreach_set("uv", uv_array) if is_editmode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False) def execute(self, context): self._main(context) return {'FINISHED'} class MakeDupliFace(Operator): """Convert objects into dupli-face instanced""" bl_idname = "object.make_dupli_face" bl_label = "Make Dupli-Face" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @staticmethod def _main(context): from mathutils import Vector SCALE_FAC = 0.01 offset = 0.5 * SCALE_FAC base_tri = (Vector((-offset, -offset, 0.0)), Vector((+offset, -offset, 0.0)), Vector((+offset, +offset, 0.0)), Vector((-offset, +offset, 0.0)), ) def matrix_to_quad(matrix): # scale = matrix.median_scale trans = matrix.to_translation() rot = matrix.to_3x3() # also contains scale return [(rot * b) + trans for b in base_tri] scene = context.scene linked = {} for obj in context.selected_objects: data = obj.data if data: linked.setdefault(data, []).append(obj) for data, objects in linked.items(): face_verts = [axis for obj in objects for v in matrix_to_quad(obj.matrix_world) for axis in v] nbr_verts = len(face_verts) // 3 nbr_faces = nbr_verts // 4 faces = list(range(nbr_verts)) mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(data.name + "_dupli") mesh.vertices.add(nbr_verts) mesh.loops.add(nbr_faces * 4) # Safer than nbr_verts. mesh.polygons.add(nbr_faces) mesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", face_verts) mesh.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index", faces) mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", range(0, nbr_faces * 4, 4)) mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (4,) * nbr_faces) mesh.update() # generates edge data # pick an object to use obj = objects[0] ob_new = bpy.data.objects.new(mesh.name, mesh) base = scene.objects.link(ob_new) base.layers[:] = obj.layers ob_inst = bpy.data.objects.new(data.name, data) base = scene.objects.link(ob_inst) base.layers[:] = obj.layers for obj in objects: scene.objects.unlink(obj) ob_new.dupli_type = 'FACES' ob_inst.parent = ob_new ob_new.use_dupli_faces_scale = True ob_new.dupli_faces_scale = 1.0 / SCALE_FAC ob_inst.select_set(action='SELECT') ob_new.select_set(action='SELECT') def execute(self, context): self._main(context) return {'FINISHED'} class IsolateTypeRender(Operator): """Hide unselected render objects of same type as active """ \ """by setting the hide render flag""" bl_idname = "object.isolate_type_render" bl_label = "Restrict Render Unselected" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): act_type = context.object.type for obj in context.visible_objects: if obj.select_get(): obj.hide_render = False else: if obj.type == act_type: obj.hide_render = True return {'FINISHED'} class ClearAllRestrictRender(Operator): """Reveal all render objects by setting the hide render flag""" bl_idname = "object.hide_render_clear_all" bl_label = "Clear All Restrict Render" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): for obj in context.scene.objects: obj.hide_render = False return {'FINISHED'} class TransformsToDeltas(Operator): """Convert normal object transforms to delta transforms, """ \ """any existing delta transforms will be included as well""" bl_idname = "object.transforms_to_deltas" bl_label = "Transforms to Deltas" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} mode = EnumProperty( items=(('ALL', "All Transforms", "Transfer location, rotation, and scale transforms", ), ('LOC', "Location", "Transfer location transforms only", ), ('ROT', "Rotation", "Transfer rotation transforms only", ), ('SCALE', "Scale", "Transfer scale transforms only", ), ), name="Mode", description="Which transforms to transfer", default='ALL', ) reset_values = BoolProperty( name="Reset Values", description=("Clear transform values after transferring to deltas"), default=True, ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): obs = context.selected_editable_objects return (obs is not None) def execute(self, context): for obj in context.selected_editable_objects: if self.mode in {'ALL', 'LOC'}: self.transfer_location(obj) if self.mode in {'ALL', 'ROT'}: self.transfer_rotation(obj) if self.mode in {'ALL', 'SCALE'}: self.transfer_scale(obj) return {'FINISHED'} def transfer_location(self, obj): obj.delta_location += obj.location if self.reset_values: obj.location.zero() def transfer_rotation(self, obj): # TODO: add transforms together... if obj.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION': obj.delta_rotation_quaternion += obj.rotation_quaternion if self.reset_values: obj.rotation_quaternion.identity() elif obj.rotation_mode == 'AXIS_ANGLE': pass # Unsupported else: delta = obj.delta_rotation_euler.copy() obj.delta_rotation_euler = obj.rotation_euler obj.delta_rotation_euler.rotate(delta) if self.reset_values: obj.rotation_euler.zero() def transfer_scale(self, obj): obj.delta_scale[0] *= obj.scale[0] obj.delta_scale[1] *= obj.scale[1] obj.delta_scale[2] *= obj.scale[2] if self.reset_values: obj.scale[:] = (1, 1, 1) class TransformsToDeltasAnim(Operator): """Convert object animation for normal transforms to delta transforms""" bl_idname = "object.anim_transforms_to_deltas" bl_label = "Animated Transforms to Deltas" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): obs = context.selected_editable_objects return (obs is not None) def execute(self, context): # map from standard transform paths to "new" transform paths STANDARD_TO_DELTA_PATHS = { "location" : "delta_location", "rotation_euler" : "delta_rotation_euler", "rotation_quaternion" : "delta_rotation_quaternion", #"rotation_axis_angle" : "delta_rotation_axis_angle", "scale" : "delta_scale" } DELTA_PATHS = STANDARD_TO_DELTA_PATHS.values() # try to apply on each selected object for obj in context.selected_editable_objects: adt = obj.animation_data if (adt is None) or (adt.action is None): self.report({'WARNING'}, "No animation data to convert on object: %r" % obj.name) continue # first pass over F-Curves: ensure that we don't have conflicting # transforms already (e.g. if this was applied already) [#29110] existingFCurves = {} for fcu in adt.action.fcurves: # get "delta" path - i.e. the final paths which may clash path = fcu.data_path if path in STANDARD_TO_DELTA_PATHS: # to be converted - conflicts may exist... dpath = STANDARD_TO_DELTA_PATHS[path] elif path in DELTA_PATHS: # already delta - check for conflicts... dpath = path else: # non-transform - ignore continue # a delta path like this for the same index shouldn't # exist already, otherwise we've got a conflict if dpath in existingFCurves: # ensure that this index hasn't occurred before if fcu.array_index in existingFCurves[dpath]: # conflict self.report({'ERROR'}, "Object '%r' already has '%r' F-Curve(s). " "Remove these before trying again" % (obj.name, dpath)) return {'CANCELLED'} else: # no conflict here existingFCurves[dpath] += [fcu.array_index] else: # no conflict yet existingFCurves[dpath] = [fcu.array_index] # if F-Curve uses standard transform path # just append "delta_" to this path for fcu in adt.action.fcurves: if fcu.data_path == "location": fcu.data_path = "delta_location" obj.location.zero() elif fcu.data_path == "rotation_euler": fcu.data_path = "delta_rotation_euler" obj.rotation_euler.zero() elif fcu.data_path == "rotation_quaternion": fcu.data_path = "delta_rotation_quaternion" obj.rotation_quaternion.identity() # XXX: currently not implemented #~ elif fcu.data_path == "rotation_axis_angle": #~ fcu.data_path = "delta_rotation_axis_angle" elif fcu.data_path == "scale": fcu.data_path = "delta_scale" obj.scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 # hack: force animsys flush by changing frame, so that deltas get run context.scene.frame_set(context.scene.frame_current) return {'FINISHED'} class DupliOffsetFromCursor(Operator): """Set offset used for DupliGroup based on cursor position""" bl_idname = "object.dupli_offset_from_cursor" bl_label = "Set Offset From Cursor" bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return (context.active_object is not None) def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene group = context.group group.dupli_offset = scene.cursor_location return {'FINISHED'} class LodByName(Operator): """Add levels of detail to this object based on object names""" bl_idname = "object.lod_by_name" bl_label = "Setup Levels of Detail By Name" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return (context.active_object is not None) def execute(self, context): ob = context.active_object prefix = "" suffix = "" name = "" if ob.name.lower().startswith("lod0"): prefix = ob.name[:4] name = ob.name[4:] elif ob.name.lower().endswith("lod0"): name = ob.name[:-4] suffix = ob.name[-4:] else: return {'CANCELLED'} level = 0 while True: level += 1 if prefix: prefix = prefix[:3] + str(level) if suffix: suffix = suffix[:3] + str(level) lod = None try: lod = bpy.data.objects[prefix + name + suffix] except KeyError: break try: ob.lod_levels[level] except IndexError: bpy.ops.object.lod_add() ob.lod_levels[level].object = lod return {'FINISHED'} class LodClearAll(Operator): """Remove all levels of detail from this object""" bl_idname = "object.lod_clear_all" bl_label = "Clear All Levels of Detail" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return (context.active_object is not None) def execute(self, context): ob = context.active_object if ob.lod_levels: while 'CANCELLED' not in bpy.ops.object.lod_remove(): pass return {'FINISHED'} class LodGenerate(Operator): """Generate levels of detail using the decimate modifier""" bl_idname = "object.lod_generate" bl_label = "Generate Levels of Detail" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} count = IntProperty( name="Count", default=3, ) target = FloatProperty( name="Target Size", min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.1, ) package = BoolProperty( name="Package into Group", default=False, ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return (context.active_object is not None) def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene ob = scene.objects.active lod_name = ob.name lod_suffix = "lod" lod_prefix = "" if lod_name.lower().endswith("lod0"): lod_suffix = lod_name[-3:-1] lod_name = lod_name[:-3] elif lod_name.lower().startswith("lod0"): lod_suffix = "" lod_prefix = lod_name[:3] lod_name = lod_name[4:] group_name = lod_name.strip(' ._') if self.package: try: bpy.ops.object.group_link(group=group_name) except TypeError: bpy.ops.group.create(name=group_name) step = (1.0 - self.target) / (self.count - 1) for i in range(1, self.count): scene.objects.active = ob bpy.ops.object.duplicate() lod = context.selected_objects[0] scene.objects.active = ob bpy.ops.object.lod_add() scene.objects.active = lod if lod_prefix: lod.name = lod_prefix + str(i) + lod_name else: lod.name = lod_name + lod_suffix + str(i) lod.location.y = ob.location.y + 3.0 * i if i == 1: modifier = lod.modifiers.new("lod_decimate", 'DECIMATE') else: modifier = lod.modifiers[-1] modifier.ratio = 1.0 - step * i ob.lod_levels[i].object = lod if self.package: bpy.ops.object.group_link(group=group_name) lod.parent = ob if self.package: for level in ob.lod_levels[1:]: level.object.hide = level.object.hide_render = True lod.select_set(action='DESELECT') ob.select_set(action='SELECT') scene.objects.active = ob return {'FINISHED'} classes = ( ClearAllRestrictRender, DupliOffsetFromCursor, IsolateTypeRender, JoinUVs, LodByName, LodClearAll, LodGenerate, MakeDupliFace, SelectCamera, SelectHierarchy, SelectPattern, ShapeTransfer, SubdivisionSet, TransformsToDeltas, TransformsToDeltasAnim, )