# This sample shows the an efficient way of doing image processing # over Blender's images using Python. import bpy import numpy as np input_image_name = "Image" output_image_name = "NewImage" # Retrieve input image. input_image = bpy.data.images[input_image_name] w, h = input_image.size # Allocate a numpy array to manipulate pixel data. pixel_data = np.zeros((w, h, 4), 'f') # Fast copy of pixel data from bpy.data to numpy array. input_image.pixels.foreach_get(pixel_data.ravel()) # Do whatever image processing you want using numpy here: # Example 1: Inverse red green and blue channels. pixel_data[:, :, :3] = 1.0 - pixel_data[:, :, :3] # Example 2: Change gamma on the red channel. pixel_data[:, :, 0] = np.power(pixel_data[:, :, 0], 1.5) # Create output image. if output_image_name in bpy.data.images: output_image = bpy.data.images[output_image_name] else: output_image = bpy.data.images.new(output_image_name, width=w, height=h) # Copy of pixel data from numpy array back to the output image. output_image.pixels.foreach_set(pixel_data.ravel()) output_image.update()