#!BPY """ Name: 'Landscape Generator (A.N.T)' Blender: 248 Group: 'Wizards' Tip: 'Create landscape mesh.' """ __author__ = "Jimmy Hazevoet" __url__ = ('http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/Wizards/ANTLandscape','elysiun') __version__ = "v.1.05 03-2007" __bpydoc__ = """\ Another Noise Tool 'Landscape' v.1.05 This script uses noise functions to create a terrain from a grid mesh. Usage: Make new terrain: press the "Add New Grid" button, change some noise settings and press the "Update" button. Work on previous made grid: select the grid/terrain in the 3D view, and press the "Assign" button. Tip: use a low resolution grid mesh and add some Multires levels for detail Note: when using Multires materials can get weird, only apply materials when your terrain is ready, or not use Multires. This Script creates a landscape mesh. Press the Auto button when you start the script. Then the Generate Button & read it's tooltip. The mesh created is average 16000 verts. To me the mesh appears quite small in the 3d view. Just Press S in the 3d view to scale it up. This saves overhead drawing the Mesh. Known Issues: If the mesh is not drawn in the 3d view first time, Move your mouse to the 3d view, or press the button again. Not really an issue, more to be aware. Due to the complex nature & design of the script, it only creates one mesh at a time. When you press Generate or Reset, Even if you have Closed then Opened the script or .blend file, The mesh Will be Overwritten. To create Multiple Landscapes you Must Re-Name or save the Mesh in Blender's F7 menu Links & Materials Panel. Readme: v.1.04: _ New G.U.I. _ New noise types like: Double_Terrain, StatsByAlt_Terrain, slickRock, ditorted_heteroTerrain, vlNoise_turbulence, and many more. New fractalized Effect functions. Effect types such as: gradient, waves and bumps, dome, piramide, squares, grid, shattered rocks, lunar, and many more. Bias types: Sin, Cos, Tri, Saw, and Default(no bias). For example the 'Rings' effect with 'Sin Bias' makes 'Rings' and 'Default Bias' makes 'Dome'. The Effect 'Mix factor' Slider gives control over how much of the Effect is vissible, -1.0=noise, 0.0=average, 1.0=effect this slider controls also the 'Warp amount' if mix type 'Warp' is selected. Image effect: mix image with noise _ IPOCurve Filter: use Ipo curve to filter terrain height. I know it's a bit strange to use animation curves for landscape modelling, (actualy i want a curves panel in my G.U.I. but i dont know how to do that) the downside of this method is that you have this 'Empty' moving around in your scene, so put it on another layer and 'Pin' the Ipo block so that it stays visible. Usage: Add one 'Empty' Object to your scene, now add one Loc Key at Frame 1, go to Frame 101 (UpArrow ten times), move the 'Empty' +100 units in X+ direction and add another Loc Key, open the Ipo Curve Editor Window, rename this IpoBlock if you want, Copie the first curve to buffer and Paste it in the empty slots (from top to bottom), now you can edit the curves freely. (use the 'Pin' option to keep the curves visible while other objects are selected) Set the CurveLength and CurveHeight Button value's according to the length and height of the selected curve. A curve filter is very versatile when it comes to 'height' filtering. _ PreView in UV/Image Editor Window: The preview image is now rendered as Blender.Image and will be saved to file directory as 'ANTview_size.tga' you have to select 'ANTview_size.tga' in the UV/Image Editor Window now it's posible to render and save a large HeightMap image (you can also create nice texture images when the VertCol gradient is enabled), ! If you Change the preview image Size a New Blender.Image object is created. (one for size 256, one for size 512 one for.....) ! _ VertexColours: use any image as colour gradient. This function actualy uses one 'row' of pixels from a image to produce the color gradient, Make one or more custom gradient images with the Gimp or any other graphics software, the gradients must go from left to right (left is bottom and right is top. you only need one row of pixels so you can put 10 gradients in a 256*10 image.(higher resolutions like 512*n or 1024*n gives smoother result) Set Window DrawMode 'Textured' , and set the 'VCol Paint' option in the Materials panel ! _ Mesh Tiles: Create large scale terrains. _ Vertices Selection: select flat areas. _ Keyboard HotKeys: SPACE = Update mesh. R = Randomise. V = Redraw preview. _ and more... """ ### # # Alt+P to start script. # ### # scroll down to see info about updates ## ################################################################################################################ # Another Noise Tool 'Landscape' # Jimmy Hazevoet # license: Do whatever you want with it. ################################################################################################################ ################################################################################################################ # v.1.04: # # _ New G.U.I. # _ New noise types like: Double_Terrain, StatsByAlt_Terrain, slickRock, ditorted_heteroTerrain, vlNoise_turbulence, and many more. # _ New fractalized Effect functions. # Effect types such as: gradient, waves and bumps, dome, piramide, squares, grid, shattered rocks, lunar, and many more. # Bias types: Sin, Cos, Tri, Saw, and Default(no bias). # For example the 'Rings' effect with 'Sin Bias' makes 'Rings' and 'Default Bias' makes 'Dome'. # _ The Effect 'Mix factor' Slider gives control over how much of the Effect is vissible, -1.0=noise, 0.0=average, 1.0=effect # this slider controls also the 'Warp amount' if mix type 'Warp' is selected. # _ Image effect: mix image with noise # _ IPOCurve Filter: use Ipo curve to filter terrain height. # I know it's a bit strange to use animation curves for landscape modelling, (actualy i want a curves panel in my G.U.I. but i dont know how to do that) # the downside of this method is that you have this 'Empty' moving around in your scene, so put it on another layer and 'Pin' the Ipo block so that it stays visible. # Usage: # Add one 'Empty' Object to your scene, now add one Loc Key at Frame 1, go to Frame 101 (UpArrow ten times), # move the 'Empty' +100 units in X+ direction and add another Loc Key, open the Ipo Curve Editor Window, rename this IpoBlock if you want, # Copie the first curve to buffer and Paste it in the empty slots (from top to bottom), now you can edit the curves freely. # (use the 'Pin' option to keep the curves visible while other objects are selected) # Set the CurveLength and CurveHeight Button value's according to the length and height of the selected curve. # A curve filter is very versatile when it comes to 'height' filtering. # _ PreView in UV/Image Editor Window: # The preview image is now rendered as Blender.Image and will be saved to file directory as 'ANTview_size.tga' # you have to select 'ANTview_size.tga' in the UV/Image Editor Window # now it's posible to render and save a large HeightMap image (you can also create nice texture images when the VertCol gradient is enabled), # ! If you Change the preview image Size a New Blender.Image object is created. (one for size 256, one for size 512 one for.....) ! # _ VertexColours: use any image as colour gradient. # This function actualy uses one 'row' of pixels from a image to produce the color gradient, # Make one or more custom gradient images with the Gimp or any other graphics software, the gradients must go from left to right (left is bottom and right is top. # you only need one row of pixels so you can put 10 gradients in a 256*10 image.(higher resolutions like 512*n or 1024*n gives smoother result) # Set Window DrawMode 'Textured' , and set the 'VCol Paint' option in the Materials panel ! # _ Mesh Tiles: Create large scale terrains. # _ Vertices Selection: select flat areas. # _ Keyboard HotKeys: # SPACE = Update mesh. # R = Randomise. # V = Redraw preview. # _ and more... ################################################################################################################ ################################################################################################################ # BugFix: Sept./2006 v.1.04a #----------------------------- # _Image Effect did not worked well with tiled mesh. Fixed (now use Freq. and Loc. buttons to scale and position image). # ################################################################################################################ ################################################################################################################ # UPDATE: v.1.05 03-2007 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # _ New: Save and Load function, save your settings to a .ant file. # __NOTE: when saving/loading settings to/from a file, # make sure the filename/path is not too long! # __HOTKEY__ Load from file: L # __HOTKEY__ Save to file : S # # _ New mesh code, uses Mesh instead of NMesh, # this gives a small speed improvement and alows you to use Multires. # # Usage: Select a Grid/Terrain mesh and hit the Assign button, now you can work on it, when ready you assign another. # # _ New: 'Musgrave' noise types, 'Random noise' and 'Constant' in 'Effects' section. # _ New: 'Custom Effect', write custom formulae ( x,y, a,b, from math import *, from Blender.Noise import * ) # _ New: 'Custom Height Filter', write custom formulae ( x,y, h, a,b, from math import *, from Blender.Noise import * ) # _ New: 'Change Filter Order', Toggle: OFF = Noise+Effect+Falloff+FILTER / ON = Noise+FILTER+Effect+Falloff # # _ If you want to make a tiled terrain, you need to set the coordinates to "WorldSpace" or "Center at Cursor" (in G.U.I.Noise panel), # create and place the grid meshes. now one by one select, assign and update, you may need to adjust the "EdgeFalloff" size. # # WARNING!: when using Multires, materials can get weird (?), so apply materials when your terrain is finnished. # ############################################################################################################### ############################################################################################################### # ## Execute Script: Alt P # import Blender from Blender import * from math import * from Blender.Noise import * from Blender.Draw import * from Blender.BGL import * from Blender import Image import string from string import strip import BPyMathutils from BPyMathutils import genrand from random import choice scene = Scene.GetCurrent() ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CurVersion = 'A.N.T.Landscape v.1.05' ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Customise default settings: ---------------------------------------------- # Names: antfilename = 'Terrain' # Default filename previewname = Create('') # Default preview Image name DefaultIpoName = '' # Default Ipo DataBlock name (for height filter) # G.U.I.: FullScreen = Create( 0 ) # FullScreen on/off # gui colors: ledcolors = [ [1.0,0.498,0.498], [1.0,0.698,0.498], [1.0,0.898,0.498], [0.898,1.0,0.498], [0.698,1.0,0.498], [0.498,1.0,0.498], [0.498,1.0,0.698], [0.498,1.0,0.898], [0.600,0.918,1.0], [0.6,0.757,1.0], [0.6,0.6,1.0], [0.757,0.6,1.0], [0.898,0.498,1.0], [1.0,0.498,0.898] ] #ledcolor = [ 1.0, 0.5, 0.0 ] lightgrey = [ 0.76, 0.76, 0.76 ] # gui col. grey = [ 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 ] # panel col. background = [ 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0 ] # background col. black = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] # text col. white = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ] # gui size size_x = 320 # gui x size size_y = 280 # gui y size # tabs guitabs = [ Create( 1 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 0 ) ] # gui Tabs # How long does it take to generate a mesh or image ? print_time = 0 # 1 = Print time in console. # end customise. ---------------------------------------------------------- ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- dirpath=Blender.sys.dirname(Blender.Get('filename')) fname=dirpath.replace('\\','/')+'/' + antfilename + '.ant' txtFile = Create( fname ) ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------- columns = 10 # gui columns rows = 13 # gui rows actob = [] # active object actme = [] # active mesh ipoblockname='' thiscurve=[] selectedcurve=0 phi=3.14159265359 # events App_Evt = 144 New_Evt = 166 SelFile_Evt = 71 LoadFile_Evt = 72 SaveFile_Evt = 73 UseMe_Evt = 74 No_Evt = 1 Btn_Evt = 2 Msh_Evt = 12 Upd_Evt = 3 Rndm_Evt = 4 Load_Evt = 5 Sel_Evt = 6 Save_Evt = 7 Rend_Evt = 8 End_Evt = 9 Scrn_Evt = 15 Im_Evt = 16 gt0_Evt = 20 gt1_Evt = 21 gt2_Evt = 22 gt3_Evt = 23 gt4_Evt = 24 Ipo_Evt = 17 New_Ipo_Evt=700 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # menus noisetypemenu = "Noise type: %t|multiFractal %x0|ridgedMFractal %x1|hybridMFractal %x2|heteroTerrain %x3|fBm %x4|turbulence %x5|Voronoi turb. %x6|vlNoise turb. %x7|noise %x8|cellNoise %x9|Marble %x10|lava_multiFractal %x11|slopey_noise %x12|duo_multiFractal %x13|distorted_heteroTerrain %x14|slickRock %x15|terra_turbulence %x16|rocky_fBm %x17|StatsByAlt_Terrain %x18|Double_Terrain %x19|Shattered_hTerrain %x20|vlhTerrain %x21" noisebasismenu = "Basis %t|Blender Original%x0|Original Perlin%x1|Improved Perlin%x2|Voronoi_F1%x3|Voronoi_F2%x4|Voronoi_F3%x5|Voronoi_F4%x6|Voronoi_F2-F1%x7|Voronoi Crackle%x8|CellNoise%x9" voronitypemenu = "Voronoi type %t|Distance %x0|Distance Squared %x1|Manhattan %x2|Chebychev %x3|Minkovsky 1/2 %x4|Minkovsky 4 %x5|Minkovsky %x6" tBasismodemenu = "Terrain basis mode: %t|noise %x0|ridged noise %x1|vlNoise %x2|ridged vlNoise %x3" effecttypemenu = ['Effect Type %t','No Effect %x0','Image %x1','Turbulence %x2','vlNoise %x3','Marble %x4', 'multiFractal %x5','ridgedMFractal %x6','hybridMFractal %x7','heteroTerrain %x8','fBm %x9', 'Gradient %x10','Waves and Bumps %x11','ZigZag %x12','Wavy %x13','Sine Bump %x14','Dots %x15','Rings / Dome %x16','Spiral %x17','Square / Piramide %x18','Blocks %x19','Grid %x20','Tech %x21','Crackle %x22','Sparse Cracks %x23','Shattered Rocks %x24','Lunar %x25','Cosine noise %x26','Spike noise %x27','Stone noise %x28','Flat Turb %x29','Flat Voroni %x30','Random noise %x31','Constant %x32','Custom Effect %x33' ] mixtypemenu = ['Mix Type %t','Effect only %x0','%l','Mix %x1','Add %x2','Subtract %x3','Multiply %x4','Difference %x5','Screen %x6','addmodulo %x7','Minimum %x8','Maximum %x9','%l','Warp Effect %x10','Warp Noise %x11'] biastypemenu = "Bias %t|Sin bias %x0|Cos bias %x1|Tri bias %x2|Saw bias %x3|Default (no bias)%x4" sharptypemenu = "Sharpen %t|Soft %x0|Sharp %x1|Sharper %x2" filtermodemenu = "Filter Mode %t|No Filter %x0| %l|Default Filters %x1|IPOCurve Filter %x2|Custom Filter %x3" filtertypemenu = "Filter Type %t|Default Terrace %x0|Sharper Terrace %x1|Rounded Terrace %x2|Posterise Mixed %x3|Posterise %x4|Layered Peaks %x5|Peaked %x6|Smooth-thing %x7|Sin bias %x8|Cos bias %x9|Tri bias %x10|Saw bias %x11|Clamp Max. %x12" falloftypemenu = "Edge Falloff %t|No Edge Falloff %x0| %l|Soft Falloff %x1|Default Falloff %x2|Hard Falloff %x3|Linear Falloff Y %x4|Linear Falloff X %x5|Diagonal Falloff + %x6|Diagonal Falloff - %x7|Square %x8|Round %x9" randomtypemenu = "Random type: %t|setRandomSeed() : Blender.Noise %x0|Rand() : Blender.Mathutils %x1|genrand() : BPyMathutils MersenneTwister %x2" ##-------------------------------------------------- def Set_ReSet_Values(): global fileinfo, filemessage global iScale, Offset, Invert, NSize, Sx, Sy, Lx, Ly, WorldSpaceCo global NType, Basis, musgr, vlnoi, vlnoiTwo, voron, turbOne, turbTwo, marbleOne, marbleTwo, tBasismod, musgrTwo global CustomFX, effect_image, Effect_Ctrl, Min, Max, Falloff, CustomFilt, Filter_Mode, Def_Filter_Ctrl, Ipo_Filter_Ctrl, Filter_Order global RandMod, RSeed, rand_H, rand_S, rand_L, rand_I, AutoUpd, PreView, DefaultIpoName filemessage = '' fileinfo = '' effect_image = 'Load and Select image.' AutoUpd = Create( 0 ) PreView = [ Create( 0 ), Create( 1.0 ), Create( 0.0 ) ] ## Coords controls: WorldSpaceCo = Create(0) iScale = [ Create( 1.0 ), Create( 1.0 ), Create( 0.25) ] Offset = [ Create( 0.0 ), Create( 0.0), Create( 0.0) ] Invert = [ Create( 0 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 0 ) ] NSize = [ Create( 1.0 ), Create( 2.0 ) ] Sx = [ Create( 1.0 ), Create( 1.0 ) ] Sy = [ Create( 1.0 ), Create( 1.0 ) ] Lx = [ Create( 0.0 ), Create( 0.0 ) ] Ly = [ Create( 0.0 ), Create( 0.0 ) ] ## Noise controls: NType = Create( 3 ) Basis = [ Create( 0 ), Create( 0 ) ] musgr = [ Create( 1.0 ), Create( 2.0 ), Create( 8 ), Create( 1.0 ), Create( 1.0 ), Create( 0.5 ) ] vlnoi = [ Create( 1.0 ), Create( 0 ) ] vlnoiTwo = [ Create( 1.0 ), Create( 0 ) ] voron = [ Create( 0 ), Create( 2.5 ) ] turbOne = [ Create( 6 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 0.5 ), Create( 2.0 ) ] marbleOne = [ Create( 6 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 2.0 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 1.0 ) ] tBasismod = Create(0) ## Effect controls: musgrTwo = [ Create( 1.0 ), Create( 2.0 ), Create( 8 ), Create( 1.0 ), Create( 1.0 ) ] turbTwo = [ Create( 6 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 0.5 ), Create( 2.0 ) ] marbleTwo = [ Create( 6 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 2.0 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 0 ), Create( 1.0 ) ] Effect_Ctrl = [ Create( 0 ),Create( 2 ),Create( 0.0 ),Create( 0 ),Create( 0.0 ) ,Create( 0 ),Create( 2.0 ),Create( 0.5 ),Create( 0.5 ) ] CustomFX = [ Create('sin(x*pi)'), Create('cos(y*pi)'), Create('abs(a*b)*0.5') ] ## Filter controls: Min = Create( 0.0 ) Max = Create( 1.0 ) Falloff = [ Create( 2 ), Create( 1.0 ), Create( 1.0 ), Create( 0 ) , Create( 0 ) ] Filter_Mode = Create( 0 ) Def_Filter_Ctrl = [ Create( 0 ), Create( 3.0 ) ] Ipo_Filter_Ctrl = [ Create( DefaultIpoName ), Create( 0 ), Create( 100.0 ), Create( 100.0 ) ] Filter_Order = Create( 0 ) CustomFilt = [ Create('sqrt(h*h)**2'), Create('0'), Create('a') ] ## Randomise noise buttons: RandMod = Create( 1 ) RSeed = Create( 0 ) rand_I = Create( 0 ) rand_H = Create( 0 ) rand_S = Create( 0 ) rand_L = Create( 1 ) ##------------------------- Set_ReSet_Values() ####---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## G.U.I.: text,backpanel,panel #-------------------------------------------------- def draw_Text( ( x, y ), text, color, size ): glColor3f( color[0],color[1],color[2] ) glRasterPos2d(x,y) txtsize = 'small', 'normal', 'large' Text( text, txtsize[ size ] ) def draw_BackPanel( text, x, y, w, h, colors ): glColor3f( colors[0]*0.76, colors[1]*0.76, colors[2]*0.76 ) glRecti( x, h, w, h+20 ) glColor3f( colors[0], colors[1], colors[2] ) glRecti( x, y, w, h ) glColor3f( colors[0], colors[1], colors[2] ) glRasterPos2d( x+10, h+5 ) Text( text, 'small' ) def draw_Panel( x, y, w, h, colors ): glColor3f( colors[0], colors[1], colors[2] ) glRecti( x,y, w,h ) def draw_Frame( text, x, y, w, h, color ): glColor3f( color[0], color[1], color[2] ) glRasterPos2i(x+3,h-3) Text(text ,'small') stringwidth = GetStringWidth( text,'small' ) glColor3f( color[0], color[1], color[2] ) glBegin(Blender.BGL.GL_LINE_STRIP) glVertex2i(x,h) glVertex2i(x,y) glVertex2i(w,y) glVertex2i(w,h) glVertex2i(x+stringwidth+10,h) glEnd() def draw_Led( x, y, colors ): glColor3f( colors[0], colors[1], colors[2] ) glRecti( x,y, x+4,y+4 ) ###---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## G.U.I. Buttons: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###------------------------- ## Main / Mesh Buttons: # def MeshButtons( col, row, width, height ): global actme, actob, AutoUpd, txtFile, filemessage, fileinfo PushButton("I", UseMe_Evt, col[8], row[3], width[0], height[1], "Info: Here you can write some text to save with the file." ) draw_Text( ( col[0], row[1]+5 ), 'Info: ' + fileinfo, black, 0 ) txtFile = String("", No_Evt, col[0], row[2], width[9], height[1], txtFile.val, 256, "File: Full path and filename" ) PushButton( "Select", SelFile_Evt, col[1], row[3], width[0], height[1], "File: Open FileBrowser and select *.ant file" ) PushButton( "Load", LoadFile_Evt,col[2], row[3], width[2], height[1], "File: Load settings from file ( HotKey: L )" ) PushButton( "Save", SaveFile_Evt,col[5], row[3], width[2], height[1], "File: Save settings to file ( HotKey: S )" ) activeobname = '' if actme !=[]: activeobname = actob[0].name draw_Text( ( col[5]+5, row[7]-5 ), 'OB: ' + activeobname, [0.0,0.0,1.0], 1 ) PushButton( "Add New Grid", New_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[2] ) PushButton( "Assign Selected", App_Evt, col[5], row[6], width[4], height[2], 'Assign selected terrain') ###------------------------- ## Noise Buttons: # def NoiseButtons( col, row, width, height ): global NSize, iScale, Offset, Invert, Lx, Ly, Sx, Sy, WorldSpaceCo global Ha, La, Oc, Of, Ga, Basis, NType, musgr, vlnoi, voron, turbOne, tBasismod global Depth, Hard, Amp, Freq, vlBasis, Distort, VFunc, VExp, VDep, marbleOne global RandMod, RSeed, rand_H, rand_S, rand_L, rand_I bth = height[1]/2+5 iScale[0] = Number("iScale:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[2]+bth, width[3], height[1], iScale[0].val, -10.0, 10.0 , "Noise: Intensity Scale." ) Invert[0] = Toggle("Inv.", Btn_Evt, col[9], row[2]+bth, width[0], height[1], Invert[0].val, "Noise: Invert") Offset[0] = Number("Offset:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[3]+bth, width[4], height[1], Offset[0].val, -10.0, 10.0 , "Noise: Offset " ) NSize[0] = Number("Noise Size:",Btn_Evt, col[5], row[5], width[4], height[2], NSize[0].val, 0.001, 10.0 , "Noise Size" ) Sx[0] = Number("Size X:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[6], width[4], height[1], Sx[0].val, 0.001, 10.0 , "Size X" ) Sy[0] = Number("Size Y:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[7], width[4], height[1], Sy[0].val, 0.001, 10.0 , "Size Y" ) Lx[0] = Number("Loc X:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[8], width[4], height[1], Lx[0].val, -10000.0, 10000.0 , "Loc X" ) Ly[0] = Number("Loc Y:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[9],width[4], height[1], Ly[0].val, -10000.0, 10000.0 , "Loc Y" ) WorldSpaceCo = Menu( "Coordinates %t|Local Space %x0|World Space %x1|Center at CursorPos %x2", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[10], width[4], height[1], WorldSpaceCo.val, "x,y,z coordinates for noise, effect and height falloff " ) NType = Menu( noisetypemenu, Btn_Evt, col[0], row[2], width[4], height[2], NType.val, "Noise type" ) if NType.val == 6: voron[0] = Menu( voronitypemenu, Btn_Evt, col[0], row[3], width[4], height[1], voron[0].val, "Voronoi type" ) else: if NType.val != 9: Basis[0] = Menu( noisebasismenu, Btn_Evt, col[0], row[3], width[4], height[1], Basis[0].val, "Noise Basis" ) if NType.val in [0,1,2,3,4,11,12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21]: musgr[0] = Slider( "H: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[5], width[4], height[1], musgr[0].val, 0.0, 3.0, 0 , "H" ) musgr[1] = Slider( "Lacu: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[1], musgr[1].val, 0.0, 6.0, 0 , "Lacunarity" ) musgr[2] = Slider( "Octs: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[4], width[4], height[1], musgr[2].val, 0, 12, 0 , "Octaves" ) if NType.val in [1,2,3,13,14,15,18,19,20,21]: musgr[3] = Slider( "Offst: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[7], width[4], height[1], musgr[3].val, 0.0, 6.0, 0 , "Offset" ) if NType.val in [1,2,13,15,18]: musgr[4] = Slider( "Gain: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[8], width[4], height[1], musgr[4].val, 0.0, 6.0, 0 , "Gain" ) if NType.val == 19: musgr[5] = Slider( "Thresh: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[8], width[4], height[1], musgr[5].val, 0.001, 2.0, 0 , "Threshold" ) if NType.val in [5,6,7,16]: turbOne[0] = Number( "Depth:", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[4], width[4], height[1], turbOne[0].val, 0, 12, "Octaves") turbOne[1] = Toggle( "Hard noise", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[5], width[4], height[1], turbOne[1].val, "Soft noise / Hard noise") turbOne[2] = Slider( "Amp:", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[1], turbOne[2].val, 0.0, 3.0, 0, "Ampscale ") turbOne[3] = Slider( "Freq:", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[7], width[4], height[1], turbOne[3].val, 0.0, 6.0, 0, "Freqscale") if NType.val in [18,19]: tBasismod = Menu( tBasismodemenu, Btn_Evt, col[0], row[9], width[4], height[1], tBasismod.val, "Terrain basis mode.") if NType.val == 6: if voron[0].val == 6: voron[1] = Slider( "Exp: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[8], width[4], height[1], voron[1].val, 0.0,10.0, 0, "Minkovsky exponent") if NType.val in [7,11,12,14,20,21]: vlnoi[0] = Slider( "Dist: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[8], width[4], height[1], vlnoi[0].val, 0.0, 10.0, 0 , "Distort" ) if NType.val in [7,13,14,15,21]: vlnoi[1] = Menu(noisebasismenu, Btn_Evt, col[0], row[9], width[4], height[1], vlnoi[1].val, "Distortion Noise") if NType.val == 10: marbleOne[0] = Number( "Depth: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[1], marbleOne[0].val, 0, 12, "Octaves") marbleOne[2] = Slider( "Turb: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[7], width[4], height[1], marbleOne[2].val, 0.0,20.0, 0, "Turbulence ") marbleOne[3] = Menu( biastypemenu, Btn_Evt ,col[0], row[4], width[4], height[1], marbleOne[3].val, "Bias") marbleOne[5] = Slider("ReScale: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[8], width[4], height[1], marbleOne[5].val, 0.0,20.0, 0, "ReScale") if marbleOne[3].val != 4: marbleOne[4] = Menu(sharptypemenu, Btn_Evt ,col[0], row[5], width[4], height[1], marbleOne[4].val, "Sharpen") RandMod = Menu( randomtypemenu, No_Evt, col[0], row[10], width[0], height[1], RandMod.val, "Random Type" ) rand_H = Toggle("TH",No_Evt ,col[1], row[10], width[0], height[1], rand_H.val, "Randomise Terrain Height ( in Height panel )") rand_I = Toggle("NH",No_Evt ,col[2], row[10], width[0], height[1], rand_I.val, "Randomise Noise Height") rand_S = Toggle("NS",No_Evt ,col[3], row[10], width[0], height[1], rand_S.val, "Randomise Noise Size") rand_L = Toggle("NL",No_Evt ,col[4], row[10], width[0], height[1], rand_L.val, "Randomise Noise Location") ###------------------------- ## Effect Buttons: # def EffectButtons( col, row, width, height ): global Effect_Type, Effect_Ctrl, Blend_Effect, CustomFX global NSize, iScale, Offset, Invert, Lx, Ly, Sx, Sy global BasisTwo, turbTwo, marbleTwo, vlnoiTwo, musgrTwo Effect_Ctrl[0] = Menu( '|'.join( effecttypemenu ), Btn_Evt, col[0], row[2], width[4], height[2], Effect_Ctrl[0].val, "Effect: Type" ) if Effect_Ctrl[0].val != 0: Effect_Ctrl[1] = Menu( '|'.join( mixtypemenu ), Btn_Evt, col[5], row[2], width[4], height[2], Effect_Ctrl[1].val, "Mix: Type" ) if Effect_Ctrl[1].val in [10,11]: Effect_Ctrl[2] = Slider("Warp: ", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[3], width[4], height[1], Effect_Ctrl[2].val, -1.0, 1.0, 0, "Mix factor / Warp amount" ) else: Effect_Ctrl[2] = Slider("Mix: ",Btn_Evt, col[5], row[3], width[4], height[1], Effect_Ctrl[2].val, -1.0, 1.0, 0, "Mix factor / Warp amount" ) iScale[1] = Number("iScale:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[4], width[3], height[1], iScale[1].val, -20.0, 20.0 , "Effect: Intensity Scale " ) Invert[1] = Toggle("Inv.", Btn_Evt, col[9], row[4], width[0], height[1], Invert[1].val, "Effect: Invert") Offset[1] = Number("Offset:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[5], width[4], height[1], Offset[1].val, -20.0, 20.0 , "Effect: Offset " ) NSize[1] = Number("Frequency:",Btn_Evt, col[5], row[6], width[4], height[1], NSize[1].val, 0.001, 100.0, "Effect Frequency ( Scale )" ) Sx[1] = Number("Freq X:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[7], width[4], height[1], Sx[1].val, -50.0, 50.0 , "Effect Frequency X ( ScaleX )" ) Sy[1] = Number("Freq Y:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[8], width[4], height[1], Sy[1].val, -50.0, 50.0 , "Effect Frequency Y ( ScaleY )" ) Lx[1] = Number("Loc X:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[9], width[4], height[1], Lx[1].val, -1000.0, 1000.0 , "Effect Loc X" ) Ly[1] = Number("Loc Y:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[10], width[4], height[1], Ly[1].val, -1000.0, 1000.0 , "Effect Loc Y" ) if Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 1: PushButton("Load Image", Load_Evt, col[0], row[4], width[4], height[2] , "Load Image") PushButton("Select Image", Sel_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[3] , "Select Image") draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[7] ), effect_image, black, 1 ) if Effect_Ctrl[0].val in [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]: Basis[1] = Menu( noisebasismenu, Btn_Evt, col[0], row[3], width[4], height[1], Basis[1].val, "Basis" ) if Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 2: turbTwo[0] = Number( "Depth:", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[4], width[4], height[1], turbTwo[0].val, 1, 12, "Octaves") turbTwo[1] = Toggle("Hard noise", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[5], width[4], height[1], turbTwo[1].val, "Hard noise") turbTwo[2] = Slider( "Amp:", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[1], turbTwo[2].val, 0.0, 3.0, 0, "Ampscale ") turbTwo[3] = Slider( "Freq:", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[7], width[4], height[1], turbTwo[3].val, 0.0, 6.0, 0, "Freqscale") if Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 3: vlnoiTwo[1] = Menu(noisebasismenu, Btn_Evt, col[0], row[4], width[4], height[1], vlnoiTwo[1].val, "Distortion Noise") vlnoiTwo[0] = Slider( "Dist: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[5], width[4], height[1], vlnoiTwo[0].val, 0.0, 10.0, 0 , "Distort" ) if Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 4: marbleTwo[0] = Number( "Depth: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[1], marbleTwo[0].val, 1, 12, "Octaves") marbleTwo[2] = Slider( "Turb: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[7], width[4], height[1], marbleTwo[2].val, 0.0,20.0, 0, "Turbulence") marbleTwo[3] = Menu( biastypemenu, Btn_Evt ,col[0], row[4], width[4], height[1], marbleTwo[3].val, "Bias") marbleTwo[5] = Slider("ReScale: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[8], width[4], height[1], marbleTwo[5].val, 0.0,20.0, 0, "ReScale") if marbleTwo[3].val != 4: marbleTwo[4] = Menu(sharptypemenu,Btn_Evt ,col[0], row[5], width[4], height[1], marbleTwo[4].val, "Sharpen") if Effect_Ctrl[0].val in [5,6,7,8,9]: musgrTwo[0] = Slider( "H: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[5], width[4], height[1], musgrTwo[0].val, 0.0, 3.0, 0 , "H" ) musgrTwo[1] = Slider( "Lacu: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[1], musgrTwo[1].val, 0.0, 6.0, 0 , "Lacunarity" ) musgrTwo[2] = Slider( "Octs: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[4], width[4], height[1], musgrTwo[2].val, 0, 12, 0 , "Octaves" ) if Effect_Ctrl[0].val in [6,7,8]: musgrTwo[3] = Slider( "Offst: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[7], width[4], height[1], musgrTwo[3].val, 0.0, 6.0, 0 , "Offset" ) if Effect_Ctrl[0].val in [6,7]: musgrTwo[4] = Slider( "Gain: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[8], width[4], height[1], musgrTwo[4].val, 0.0, 6.0, 0 , "Gain" ) if Effect_Ctrl[0].val > 9 and Effect_Ctrl[0].val < 31: Effect_Ctrl[5] = Number("Depth:", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[4], width[4], height[1], Effect_Ctrl[5].val, 0, 12 , "Fractalize Effect: Octaves" ) Effect_Ctrl[4] = Number("Distort:",Btn_Evt, col[0], row[7], width[4], height[1], Effect_Ctrl[4].val, 0.0, 50.0 , "Distort Effect: Amount" ) Effect_Ctrl[6] = Slider("Freq:", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[5], width[4], height[1], Effect_Ctrl[6].val, 0.0, 6.0, 0, "Fractalize Effect: Frequency" ) Effect_Ctrl[7] = Slider("Amp:", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[1], Effect_Ctrl[7].val, 0.0, 3.0, 0, "Fractalize Effect: Amplitude" ) if Effect_Ctrl[0].val < 22: Effect_Ctrl[3] = Menu(biastypemenu, Btn_Evt ,col[0], row[3], width[4], height[1], Effect_Ctrl[3].val, "Effect bias") if Effect_Ctrl[0].val in [31,32]: Effect_Ctrl[8] = Number("Amount:", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[4], width[4], height[1], Effect_Ctrl[8].val, -20.0, 20.0, "Effect: Amount" ) if Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 33: draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[4] ), 'Custom math ( h, x,y, a,b )' , black, 0 ) CustomFX[0] = String( "a = ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[5], width[4], height[1] ,CustomFX[0].val,96, "a" ) CustomFX[1] = String( "b = ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[1] ,CustomFX[1].val,96, "b" ) CustomFX[2] = String( "result = ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[7], width[4], height[1] ,CustomFX[2].val,96, "result" ) ###------------------------- ## Filter / Height Buttons: # def FilterButtons( col, row, width, height ): global iScale, Offset, Invert, Min, Max, Falloff, CustomFilt global Filter_Mode, Def_Filter_Ctrl, Ipo_Filter_Ctrl, DefaultIpoName, Filter_Order iScale[2] = Number("Height:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[2], width[3], height[2], iScale[2].val, -10.0, 10.0 , "Terrain Height: Scale" ) Invert[2] = Toggle("Inv.", Btn_Evt, col[9], row[2], width[0], height[2], Invert[2].val, "Terrain Height: Invert") Offset[2] = Number("Offset:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[3], width[4], height[1], Offset[2].val, -10.0, 10.0 , "Terrain Height: Offset" ) Max = Number( "Plateau:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[5], width[4], height[1], Max.val, Min.val, 1.0 , "Terrain Height: Clamp Max. ( Plateau )" ) Min = Number( "Sealevel:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[6], width[4], height[1], Min.val, -1.0, Max.val , "Terrain Height: Clamp Min. ( Sealevel )" ) Falloff[0] = Menu( falloftypemenu, Btn_Evt ,col[5], row[9], width[4], height[2], Falloff[0].val, "Terrain Height: Edge falloff") if Falloff[0].val !=0: Falloff[1] = Number("X:", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[10], width[1], height[1], Falloff[1].val , 0.01, 100.0 , "Edge falloff: X Size" ) Falloff[2] = Number("Y:", Btn_Evt, col[8], row[10], width[1], height[1], Falloff[2].val , 0.01, 100.0 , "Edge falloff: Y Size" ) Falloff[4] = Toggle("Inv.", Btn_Evt, col[7], row[10], width[0], height[1], Falloff[4].val, "Edge falloff: Invert") Falloff[3] = Toggle("Edge At Sealevel", Btn_Evt, col[5], row[7], width[4], height[1], Falloff[3].val, "Edge falloff: Edge at Sealevel") Filter_Mode = Menu( filtermodemenu, No_Evt, col[0], row[2], width[4], height[2], Filter_Mode.val, "Filter: Mode") if Filter_Mode.val ==1: Def_Filter_Ctrl[0] = Menu( filtertypemenu, Btn_Evt, col[0], row[5], width[4], height[2], Def_Filter_Ctrl[0].val, "Filter: Type") Def_Filter_Ctrl[1] = Number("Amount: ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[1], Def_Filter_Ctrl[1].val, 0.1, 100.0 , "Filter: Amount" ) if Filter_Mode.val ==2: Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[0] = String("IP:", Ipo_Evt, col[0], row[5], width[4], height[2], Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[0].val,20, "Ipo datablock name" ) if Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[0].val !='': Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[1] = Number("Use This Curve:",Ipo_Evt, col[0], row[7], width[4], height[3], Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[1].val, 0, 29, "Select curve to use" ) Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[2] = Number("Curve Length:", Ipo_Evt, col[0], row[8], width[4], height[1], Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[2].val, 0.0, 1000.0, "X: Length (number of frames) of the selected curve." ) Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[3] = Number("Curve Height:", Ipo_Evt, col[0], row[9], width[4], height[1], Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[3].val, 0.0, 1000.0, "Y: Height (offset) of the selected curve." ) else: draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[6] ), 'Enter Ipo DataBlock name,' , black, 0 ) draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[9] ), 'or else:' , black, 0 ) PushButton( "New IpoDataBlock/Object", New_Ipo_Evt, col[0], row[10], width[4], height[1], "Creates new Ipo Object(Empty), and Ipo DataBlock(curves)' to use as height filter") if Filter_Mode.val ==3: draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[4] ), 'Custom math ( h, x,y, a,b )' , black, 0 ) CustomFilt[0] = String( "a = ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[5], width[4], height[1] ,CustomFilt[0].val,96, "a" ) CustomFilt[1] = String( "b = ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[6], width[4], height[1] ,CustomFilt[1].val,96, "b" ) CustomFilt[2] = String( "result = ", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[7], width[4], height[1] ,CustomFilt[2].val,96, "result" ) if Filter_Mode.val !=0: Filter_Order = Toggle("Change Filter Order", Btn_Evt, col[0], row[3], width[4], height[1], Filter_Order.val, "Filter Order: OFF = Noise+Effect+Falloff+FILTER / ON = Noise+FILTER+Effect+Falloff.") ###------------------------- ## Option / Generate Image Buttons: # def OptionButtons( col, row, width, height ): global PreView, previewname PreView[0] = Toggle("Make Image", No_Evt, col[0], row[2], width[4], height[2], PreView[0].val, "Image: On/Off (Make a new Image in UV/ImageEditor Window, and give a name to it)") if PreView[0].val !=0: previewname = String( "IM:", No_Evt, col[0], row[3], width[4], height[1] ,previewname.val, 16, "IM:Name, Render terrain height to this image" ) PreView[1] = Number("", Im_Evt, col[0], row[4], width[1], height[1], PreView[1].val, 0.0, 10.0, "Image: Intensity Scale") PreView[2] = Number("", Im_Evt, col[3], row[4], width[1], height[1], PreView[2].val,-10.0, 10.0, "Image: Offset") PushButton( "Draw Image", Im_Evt, col[0], row[5], width[4], height[1] , "Image: Update image ( KEY: V )") draw_Text( ( col[5], row[1] ), 'Create yourself a new image', black, 0 ) draw_Text( ( col[5], row[2] ), 'in UV/Image Editor Window,', black, 0 ) draw_Text( ( col[5], row[3] ), 'give it a name,', black, 0 ) draw_Text( ( col[5], row[4] ), 'and save it manualy.', black, 0 ) ####-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Draw G.U.I. ------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def drawgui(): global guitabs, ledcolor, FullScreen, AutoUpd, RandMod, RSeed, filemessage global Effect_Ctrl, Filter_Mode, Falloff, PreView, rand_H, rand_S, rand_L, rand_I glClearColor(background[0],background[1],background[2],background[3]) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) scissorbox=Buffer(GL_FLOAT,4) glGetFloatv(GL_SCISSOR_BOX,scissorbox) scissbleft=int(scissorbox[0]) scissbbase=int(scissorbox[1]) scissbwidth=int(scissorbox[2]) scissbheight=int(scissorbox[3]) xstart = 5 ystart = 5 xgap = 5 ygap = 5 if FullScreen.val==1: guiwidth = scissbwidth-10 guiheight = scissbheight-25 if guiwidth < size_x/2: guiwidth = size_x/2 if guiheight < size_y/2: guiheight = size_y/2 else: guiwidth = size_x guiheight = size_y col,row = [],[] xpart = ( ( guiwidth-xstart ) / columns ) ypart = ( ( guiheight-ystart ) / rows ) width = [] for c in xrange( columns ): col.append( xgap + xpart * c + xstart ) width.append( xpart*(c+1)-xgap ) height = [ (ypart-ygap)/2 , ypart-ygap, (ypart*3-ygap)/2, ypart*2-ygap, (ypart*5-ygap)/2 ] for r in xrange( rows ): row.append( ygap + ypart * r + ystart ) row.reverse() ###------------------------- ## Draw G.U.I.: draw_BackPanel( 'Another Noise Tool 1.05', xstart, ystart, guiwidth, guiheight + ygap, lightgrey ) FullScreen = Toggle("", Scrn_Evt, guiwidth-32, guiheight+ygap+3, 15, 15, FullScreen.val ,"FullScreen" ) PushButton( "X", End_Evt, guiwidth-16, guiheight+ygap+3, 15, 15, "Exit" ) draw_Text(( guiwidth-(guiwidth/2)-width[0], guiheight+ygap+5 ), filemessage, white, 0 ) # gui tabs guitabs[0] = Toggle("Main", gt0_Evt, col[0], row[0], width[1], height[1], guitabs[0].val ,"Main / Mesh settings" ) guitabs[1] = Toggle("Noise", gt1_Evt, col[2], row[0], width[1], height[1], guitabs[1].val ,"Noise settings" ) guitabs[2] = Toggle("Effect", gt2_Evt, col[4], row[0], width[1], height[1], guitabs[2].val ,"Add Effect" ) guitabs[3] = Toggle("Height", gt3_Evt, col[6], row[0], width[1], height[1], guitabs[3].val ,"Height Filter" ) guitabs[4] = Toggle("Options", gt4_Evt, col[8], row[0], width[1], height[1], guitabs[4].val ,"Options" ) if guitabs[0].val !=0: MeshButtons( col, row, width, height ) elif guitabs[1].val !=0: NoiseButtons( col, row, width, height ) elif guitabs[2].val !=0: EffectButtons( col, row, width, height ) elif guitabs[3].val !=0: FilterButtons( col, row, width, height ) elif guitabs[4].val !=0: OptionButtons( col, row, width, height ) else: # some info draw_Panel( col[0], row[0]-5, col[9]+width[0], row[10]-10, black ) draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[1] ), 'Another Noise Tool v.1.05', ledcolors[0], 2 ) draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[2] ), 'by: Jimmy Hazevoet, 01/2005-03/2007', ledcolors[1], 2 ) draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[3] ), 'v.1.05: build/tested in: Blender 2.43 (Wndws)', ledcolors[2], 1 ) draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[4] ), 'HotKeys: ----------------------------', ledcolors[3], 2 ) draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[5] ), 'Space = Update mesh', ledcolors[4], 2 ) draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[6] ), 'V = Update Image', ledcolors[5], 2 ) draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[7] ), 'R = Randomise', ledcolors[6], 2 ) draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[8] ), 'L = Load from file', ledcolors[7], 2 ) draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[9] ), 'S = Save to file', ledcolors[8], 2 ) draw_Text( ( col[0]+5, row[10] ),'Q = Quit', ledcolors[9], 2 ) # auto/generate/randomise buttons rand_on_off = 0 if rand_H.val !=0: rand_on_off = 1 elif rand_I.val !=0: rand_on_off = 1 elif rand_S.val !=0: rand_on_off = 1 elif rand_L.val !=0: rand_on_off = 1 else: rand_on_off = 0 if rand_on_off != 0: if RandMod.val in [1,2]: PushButton( "Randomise", Rndm_Evt, col[2], row[12], width[2], height[2] , "Randomise Noise ( KEY: R )") else: RSeed = Number("Seed: ", Rndm_Evt, col[2], row[12], width[2], height[2], RSeed.val, 0, 255 , "Random Seed: If seed = 0, the current time will be used as seed." ) AutoUpd = Toggle("Auto", No_Evt, col[0], row[12], width[1], height[2], AutoUpd.val ,"Automatic update" ) PushButton("Update", Upd_Evt, col[5], row[12], width[4], height[2] , "Generate / Update. ( KEY: SPACE )") else: AutoUpd = Toggle("Auto", No_Evt, col[0], row[12], width[1], height[2], AutoUpd.val ,"Automatic update" ) PushButton("Update", Upd_Evt, col[2], row[12], width[7], height[2] , "Generate / Update. ( KEY: SPACE )") ####--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Key Events: def events(evt, val): global PreView, txtFile, AutoUpd, PreView ## hotkey: Q = Quit if (evt == QKEY and not val): name = "Quit ?%t|No %x0|Yes %x1" result = Blender.Draw.PupMenu(name) if result==1: Exit() ## hotkey: Space = Generate/Update terrain if (evt == SPACEKEY and not val): do_it() ## hotkey: R = Randomise noise if (evt in [ RKEY ] and not val): if AutoUpd.val != 0: do_it_random() else: randomiseNoise() Draw() ## hotkey: V = Update image if PreView[0].val != 0: if (evt in [ VKEY, RKEY ] and not val): do_it_preview() ## hotkey: L = Load from file if (evt == LKEY and not val): loadmenu = "Load file ?%t|" + txtFile.val loadresult = Blender.Draw.PupMenu(loadmenu) if loadresult==1: LoadPreset(txtFile.val) if AutoUpd.val != 0: do_it() else: Draw() ## hotkey: S = Save to file if (evt == SKEY and not val): savemenu = "Save file ?%t|" + txtFile.val saveresult = Blender.Draw.PupMenu(savemenu) if saveresult==1: SavePreset(txtFile.val) Draw() ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Button events: def bevents(evt): global txtFile, effect_image, PreView, fileinfo, filemessage global Filter_Mode, Ipo_Filter_Ctrl, iponame, thiscurve, selectedcurve global antfilename, terrainname global actob, actme # quit/reset event if (evt == End_Evt ): name = "OK ?%t|Reset %x1|Quit %x2" result = Blender.Draw.PupMenu(name) if result==1: Set_ReSet_Values() Draw() elif result==2: Exit() ## file info string event if (evt == UseMe_Evt ): result = Blender.Draw.PupStrInput("Info: ", fileinfo, 96) if result: fileinfo = result Draw() else: return ## none event if (evt in [No_Evt, Scrn_Evt] ): Draw() ## image event if (evt == Im_Evt ): do_it_preview() ## generate/update event if (evt == Upd_Evt ): if PreView[0].val != 0: do_it_preview() do_it() ## mesh button event if (evt == Msh_Evt): if AutoUpd.val != 0: do_it() else: Draw() ## button event if (evt == Btn_Evt ): if AutoUpd.val != 0: if PreView[0].val != 0: do_it_preview() do_it() else: Draw() ## randomise event if (evt == Rndm_Evt ): if AutoUpd.val != 0: do_it_random() else: randomiseNoise() if PreView[0].val != 0: do_it_preview() Draw() ###--------------------------------------------------------- ## Effect Image Load/Select: if (evt == Load_Evt ): Blender.Window.FileSelector ( load_image, 'LOAD IMAGE') if (evt == Sel_Evt ): try: effect_image = Image_Menu() except: pass if AutoUpd.val != 0: do_it() else: Draw() ###--------------------------------------------------------- ## Make New IPOCurve to use as Filter: if (evt == New_Ipo_Evt ): objname = Create("ANT_Ipo_Empty") iponame = Create("ANT_IPO") block = [] block.append("Enter new names") block.append("and hit OK button") block.append(("OB: ", objname, 0, 30, "New Ipo Object Name. (Object type = 'Empty')")) block.append(("IP: ", iponame, 0, 30, "New Ipo DataBlock Name")) block.append("Open IpoCurveEditor") block.append("select Ipo DataBlock" ) block.append("'Pin' the view" ) block.append("and edit the curves." ) retval = PupBlock("Make A.N.T. IpoCurve Object", block) if retval !=0: ANTAutoIpo( objname.val, iponame.val ) Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[0].val = iponame.val ###--------------------------------------------------------- ## get IPOCurve to use as Filter: if (evt in [Ipo_Evt, New_Ipo_Evt] ): if Filter_Mode.val == 2: if AutoUpd.val != 0: try: ipoblockname = Ipo.Get( Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[0].val ) thiscurve = ipoblockname.getCurves() selectedcurve = thiscurve[ Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[1].val ] if PreView[0].val != 0: do_it_preview() #if AutoUpd.val != 0: do_it() except: pass else: try: ipoblockname = Ipo.Get( Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[0].val ) thiscurve = ipoblockname.getCurves() selectedcurve = thiscurve[ Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[1].val ] if PreView[0].val != 0: do_it_preview() else: Draw() except: pass ###--------------------------------------------------------- ## gui tabs if (evt == gt0_Evt ): if guitabs[0].val == 1: guitabs[1].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[2].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[3].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[4].val = ( 0 ) Draw() if (evt == gt1_Evt ): if guitabs[1].val == 1: guitabs[0].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[2].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[3].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[4].val = ( 0 ) Draw() if (evt == gt2_Evt ): if guitabs[2].val == 1: guitabs[0].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[1].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[3].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[4].val = ( 0 ) Draw() if (evt == gt3_Evt ): if guitabs[3].val == 1: guitabs[0].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[1].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[2].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[4].val = ( 0 ) Draw() if (evt == gt4_Evt ): if guitabs[4].val == 1: guitabs[0].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[1].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[2].val = ( 0 ) guitabs[3].val = ( 0 ) Draw() ###--------------------------------------------------------- ## load and save all settings: if (evt == SelFile_Evt ): Blender.Window.FileSelector ( callback, "Select .ant File") if (evt == LoadFile_Evt ): loadmenu = "Load file ?%t|" + txtFile.val loadresult = Blender.Draw.PupMenu(loadmenu) if loadresult==1: LoadPreset(txtFile.val) Draw() if AutoUpd.val != 0: do_it() if (evt == SaveFile_Evt ): savemenu = "Save file ?%t|" + txtFile.val saveresult = Blender.Draw.PupMenu(savemenu) if saveresult==1: SavePreset(txtFile.val) Draw() ###--------------------------------------------------------- # New Grid ###------------------------- if (evt == New_Evt): scn = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() gridname = Create("Terrain") gridres = Create(256) curspos = Create(0) block = [] block.append(("OB: ", gridname, 0, 30, "New Object Name.")) block.append(("Resol: ", gridres, 4, 1024, "New grid resolution")) block.append(("At Cursor", curspos, "New grid at cursor position")) retval = PupBlock("New Grid Mesh", block) if retval !=0: MakeGridMesh( gridres.val, gridname.val, curspos.val, scn ) obj = scn.objects.active if obj.type == 'Mesh': actob=[] actme=[] actob.append( obj ) actme.append( actob[0].getData(mesh=1) ) Blender.Redraw() ###--------------------------------------------------------- # Assign Grid ###------------------------- if (evt == App_Evt): scn = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() obj = scn.objects.active if obj: if obj.type == 'Mesh': actob=[] actme=[] actob.append( obj ) actme.append( actob[0].getData(mesh=1) ) Draw() ###------------------------- if (evt not in [LoadFile_Evt,SaveFile_Evt] ): filemessage = '' #Draw() ### end events. ------------------------- ####------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##---------------------------------- # A.N.T. Auto Ipo generator: def ANTAutoIpo( objname, iponame ): scn=Scene.GetCurrent() # Deselect all objects: scn.objects.selected=[] # Create new 'ANT_IPO_OBJECT': obj = scn.objects.new('Empty', objname ) obj.setDrawMode(8) obj.select(1) obj.layers = Window.ViewLayers() # Set current frame at 1: frame = Get('curframe') if frame !=1: Set('curframe',1) frame = Get('curframe') # Insert IpoKeys: obj.setLocation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) obj.insertIpoKey(0) Set('curframe',101) obj.setLocation(100.0, 100.0, 100.0) obj.insertIpoKey(0) Set('curframe',1) # Set Ipo name: ip = obj.getIpo() ip.name = iponame #------------------------- print "New ANT_IPO: " + objname +" (Object) and " + iponame + " (Ipo DataBlock) Created!" #------------------------- ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##------------------------- # Generate random numbers: def randnum(low,high): global RandMod, RSeed if RandMod.val == 0: # Noise.random setRandomSeed s = Noise.setRandomSeed( RSeed.val ) num = Noise.random() num = num*(high-low) num = num+low elif RandMod.val == 1: # Mathutils.Rand num = Mathutils.Rand(low,high) else: # BPyMathutils Mersenne Twister genrand num = genrand() num = num*(high-low) num = num+low return num ##------------------------- # Randomise noise: height, size and location: def randomiseNoise(): global rand_I, rand_H, rand_S, rand_L, NSize, iScale, Offset, Invert, Lx, Ly, Sx, Sy if rand_I.val !=0: iScale[0] = Create( randnum( 0.2 , 3.0 ) ) Offset[0] = Create( randnum(-1.0 , 1.0 ) ) if rand_H.val !=0: iScale[2] = Create( randnum( 0.10 , 1.0 ) ) Offset[2] = Create( randnum(-0.25 , 0.25 ) ) if rand_S.val !=0: NSize[0] = Create( randnum( 0.25 , 2.5 ) ) #Sx[0] = Create( randnum( 0.5 , 1.5 ) ) #Sy[0] = Create( randnum( 0.5 , 1.5 ) ) if rand_L.val !=0: Lx[0] = Create( randnum( -10000 , 10000 ) ) Ly[0] = Create( randnum( -10000 , 10000 ) ) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###-------------------------- # Load Image: def load_image( ImageFileName ): Image.Load( ImageFileName ) ###-------------------------- # Select Image Menu: def Image_Menu(): try: names=[] imagelist = Image.Get() imagelist.reverse() for numbers, obnames in enumerate( imagelist ): n = obnames.getName() names.append( n ) imlistText = string.join( [ '|' + str(names[key]) + '%x' + str(key) for key in xrange(numbers+1) ], '' ) image_menu = Blender.Draw.PupMenu( "Images: %t" + imlistText ) if image_menu == -1: return '' return imagelist[ image_menu ].getName() except: return 'No image found!' ###-------------------------- # Get Image Pixels: def Image_Func( x,y ): try: pic = Image.Get( effect_image ) except: return 0.0 w, h = pic.getSize() x, y = x,-y x = int(w * ((x + 1.0) % 2.0) / 2.0) y = int((h-1) - h * ((y + 1.0) % 2.0) / 2.0) c = pic.getPixelF( x,y ) return ( c[0] + c[1] + c[2] ) / 3.0 ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Transpose noise coords: def Trans((x,y,z), size, loc ): x = ( x / size[1] / size[0] + loc[0] ) y = ( y / size[2] / size[0] + loc[1] ) z = 0.0 #( z / size[3] / size[0] + loc[2] ) return x,y,z # Transpose effect coords: def Trans_Effect((x,y,z), size, loc ): x = ( x * size[1] * size[0] + loc[0] ) y = ( y * size[2] * size[0] + loc[1] ) z = 0.0 return x,y,z # Height scale: def HeightScale( input, iscale, offset, invert ): if invert !=0: return (1.0-input) * iscale + offset else: return input * iscale + offset # dist. def Dist(x,y): return sqrt( (x*x)+(y*y) ) ##----------------------------------- # bias types: def no_bias(a): return a def sin_bias(a): return 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(a) def cos_bias(a): return 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(a) def tri_bias(a): b = 2 * phi a = 1 - 2 * abs(floor((a * (1/b))+0.5) - (a*(1/b))) return a def saw_bias(a): b = 2 * phi n = int(a/b) a -= n * b if a < 0: a += b return a / b # sharpen types: def soft(a): return a def sharp(a): return a**0.5 def sharper(a): return sharp(sharp(a)) Bias_Types = [ sin_bias, cos_bias, tri_bias, saw_bias, no_bias ] Sharp_Types = [ soft, sharp, sharper ] ##----------------------------------- # clamp height def clamp( height, min, max ): if ( height < min ): height = min if ( height > max ): height = max return height ##----------------------------------- # Mix modes def maximum( a, b ): if ( a > b ): b = a return b def minimum( a, b ): if ( a < b ): b = a return b def Mix_Modes( (i,j),(x,y,z) , a,b, mixfactor, mode ): a = a * ( 1.0 - mixfactor ) b = b * ( 1.0 + mixfactor ) if mode == 0: return ( b ) #0 effect only elif mode == 1: return ( a*(1.0-0.5) + (b*0.5) ) #1 mix elif mode == 2: return ( a + b ) #2 add elif mode == 3: return ( a - b ) #3 sub. elif mode == 4: return ( a * b ) #4 mult. elif mode == 5: return (abs( a - b )) #5 abs diff. elif mode == 6: return 1.0-((1.0-a)*(1.0-b)/1.0) #6 screen elif mode == 7: return ( a + b ) % 1.0 #7 addmodulo elif mode == 8: return min( a, b ) #8 min. elif mode == 9: return max( a, b ) #9 max. elif mode == 10: #10 warp: effect noise = mixfactor * Noise_Function(x,y,z) return Effects( (i,j),(x+noise,y+noise,z) ) elif mode == 11: #11 warp: noise effect = mixfactor * Effects( (i,j),(x,y,z) ) return Noise_Function( x+effect, y+effect, z ) else: return a ###---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Effect functions: # Effect_Basis_Function: def Effect_Basis_Function((x,y), type, bias ): iscale = 1.0 offset = 0.0 ## gradient: if type == 0: effect = offset + iscale * ( Bias_Types[ bias ]( x + y ) ) ## waves / bumps: if type == 1: effect = offset + iscale * 0.5 * ( Bias_Types[ bias ]( x*phi ) + Bias_Types[ bias ]( y*phi ) ) ## zigzag: if type == 2: effect = offset + iscale * Bias_Types[ bias ]( offset + iscale * sin( x*phi + sin( y*phi ) ) ) ## wavy: if type == 3: effect = offset + iscale * ( Bias_Types[ bias ]( cos( x ) + sin( y ) + cos( x*2+y*2 ) - sin( -x*4+y*4) ) ) ## sine bump: if type == 4: effect = offset + iscale * 1-Bias_Types[ bias ](( sin( x*phi ) + sin( y*phi ) )) ## dots: if type == 5: effect = offset + iscale * ( Bias_Types[ bias ](x*phi*2) * Bias_Types[ bias ](y*phi*2) )-0.5 ## rings / dome: if type == 6: effect = offset + iscale * ( Bias_Types[ bias ]( 1.0-(x*x+y*y) ) ) ## spiral: if type == 7: effect = offset + iscale * Bias_Types[ bias ](( x*sin( x*x+y*y ) + y*cos( x*x+y*y ) ))*0.5 ## square / piramide: if type == 8: effect = offset + iscale * Bias_Types[ bias ](1.0-sqrt( (x*x)**10 + (y*y)**10 )**0.1) ## blocks: if type == 9: effect = ( 0.5-max( Bias_Types[ bias ](x*phi) , Bias_Types[ bias ](y*phi) )) if effect > 0.0: effect = 1.0 effect = offset + iscale * effect ## grid: if type == 10: effect = ( 0.025-min( Bias_Types[ bias ](x*phi) , Bias_Types[ bias ](y*phi) )) if effect > 0.0: effect = 1.0 effect = offset + iscale * effect ## tech: if type == 11: a = ( max( Bias_Types[ bias ](x*pi) , Bias_Types[ bias ](y*pi) )) b = ( max( Bias_Types[ bias ](x*pi*2+2) , Bias_Types[ bias ](y*pi*2+2) )) effect = ( min( Bias_Types[ bias ](a) , Bias_Types[ bias ](b) ))*3.0-2.0 if effect > 0.5: effect = 1.0 effect = offset + iscale * effect ## crackle: if type == 12: t = turbulence(( x, y, 0 ), 6, 0, 0 ) * 0.25 effect = vlNoise(( x, y, t ), 0.25, 0, 8 ) if effect > 0.5: effect = 0.5 effect = offset + iscale * ( effect ) ## sparse cracks noise: if type == 13: effect = 2.5 * abs( noise((x*0.5,y*0.5, 0 ), 1 ) )-0.1 if effect > 0.25: effect = 0.25 effect = offset + iscale * ( effect * 2.5 ) ## shattered rock noise: if type == 14: effect = 0.5 + noise((x,y,0), 7 ) if effect > 0.75: effect = 0.75 effect = offset + iscale * effect ## lunar noise: if type == 15: effect = 0.25 + 1.5 * voronoi(( x+2, y+2, 0 ), 1 )[0][0] if effect > 0.5: effect = 0.5 effect = offset + iscale * ( effect * 2.0 ) ## cosine noise: if type == 16: effect = cos( 5*noise(( x, y, 0 ), 0 ) ) effect = offset + iscale * ( effect*0.5 ) ## spikey noise: if type == 17: n = 0.5 + 0.5 * turbulence(( x*5, y*5, 0 ), 8, 0, 0 ) effect = ( ( n*n )**5 ) effect = offset + iscale * effect ## stone noise: if type == 18: effect = offset + iscale *( noise((x*2,y*2, 0 ), 0 ) * 1.5 - 0.75) ## Flat Turb: if type == 19: t = turbulence(( x, y, 0 ), 6, 0, 0 ) effect = t*2.0 if effect > 0.25: effect = 0.25 effect = offset + iscale * ( effect ) ## Flat Voroni: if type == 20: t = 1-noise(( x, y, 0 ), 3 ) effect = t*2-1.75 if effect > 0.25: effect = 0.25 effect = offset + iscale * ( effect ) if effect < 0.0: effect = 0.0 return effect # fractalize Effect_Basis_Function: ------------------------------ def Effect_Function((x,y), type,bias, turb, depth,frequency,amplitude ): ## effect distortion: if turb != 0.0: t = vTurbulence(( x, y, 0 ), 6, 0, 0 ) x = x + ( 0.5 + 0.5 * t[0] ) * turb y = y + ( 0.5 + 0.5 * t[1] ) * turb result = Effect_Basis_Function((x,y), type, bias ) ## fractalize effect: if depth != 0: i=0 while i < depth: i+=1 x *= frequency y *= frequency amplitude = amplitude / i result += Effect_Basis_Function( (x,y), type, bias ) * amplitude return result ###-------------------------------------------------- # Custom effect: def CustomEffect( x,y,z,h ): global CustomFX try: a = eval( CustomFX[0].val ) b = eval( CustomFX[1].val ) result = eval( CustomFX[2].val ) return result except: return 0.0 ###-------------------------------------------------- ## Effect Selector: def Effects( (i,j),(x,y,z), h=0.0 ): global Effect_Type, Effect_Ctrl, iScale, Offset, Invert global NSize, Lx, Ly, Lz, Sx, Sy, Sz, marbleTwo, turbTwo, vlnoiTwo, Basis, musgrTwo x,y,z = Trans_Effect((x,y,z),( NSize[1].val, Sx[1].val, Sy[1].val, 0 ),( Lx[1].val, Ly[1].val, 0 ) ) basis = Basis[1].val if basis == 9: basis = 14 vbasis = vlnoiTwo[1].val if vbasis == 9: vbasis = 14 if Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 1: try: effect = Image_Func( x,y ) except: effect = 0.0 elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 2: effect = 0.5+0.5*turbulence(( x,y,z ),turbTwo[0].val, turbTwo[1].val, basis, turbTwo[2].val, turbTwo[3].val ) elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 3: effect = 0.5+0.5*vlNoise(( x,y,z ),vlnoiTwo[0].val, vbasis, basis ) elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 4: effect = 0.5*marbleNoise((x,y,z), marbleTwo[0].val, basis, marbleTwo[2].val, marbleTwo[3].val, marbleTwo[4].val, marbleTwo[5].val ) elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 5: effect = 0.5*multiFractal(( x,y,z ),musgrTwo[0].val, musgrTwo[1].val, musgrTwo[2].val, basis ) elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 6: effect = 0.5*ridgedMFractal(( x,y,z ),musgrTwo[0].val, musgrTwo[1].val, musgrTwo[2].val, musgrTwo[3].val, musgrTwo[4].val, basis ) elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 7: effect = 0.5*hybridMFractal(( x,y,z ),musgrTwo[0].val, musgrTwo[1].val, musgrTwo[2].val, musgrTwo[3].val, musgrTwo[4].val, basis ) elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 8: effect = 0.5*heteroTerrain(( x,y,z ),musgrTwo[0].val, musgrTwo[1].val, musgrTwo[2].val, musgrTwo[3].val, basis )*0.5 elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 9: effect = 0.5*fBm(( x,y,z ),musgrTwo[0].val, musgrTwo[1].val, musgrTwo[2].val, basis )+0.5 elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val > 9 and Effect_Ctrl[0].val < 31: effect = Effect_Function((x,y), Effect_Ctrl[0].val-10, Effect_Ctrl[3].val, Effect_Ctrl[4].val, Effect_Ctrl[5].val, Effect_Ctrl[6].val, Effect_Ctrl[7].val ) elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 31: effect = Effect_Ctrl[8].val * random() elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 32: effect = Effect_Ctrl[8].val elif Effect_Ctrl[0].val == 33: effect = CustomEffect( x,y,z, h ) effect = HeightScale( effect, iScale[1].val , Offset[1].val, Invert[1].val ) return effect*2.0 ###---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Noise: ##----------------------------------- ## voronoi_turbulence: def voroTurbMode((x,y,z), voro, mode ): if mode == 0: # soft return voronoi(( x,y,z ),voro[0], voro[1] )[0][0] if mode == 1: # hard return ( abs( 0.5-voronoi(( x,y,z ),voro[0], voro[1] )[0][0] ) )+0.5 def voronoi_turbulence((x,y,z), voro, tur ): result = voroTurbMode((x,y,z), voro, tur[1] ) depth = tur[0] amp = tur[2] freq = tur[3] i=0 for i in xrange( depth ): i+=1 result += voroTurbMode( ( x*(freq*i), y*(freq*i), z ), voro, tur[1] )* ( amp*0.5/i ) return (result*4.0-2.0) ## DistortedNoise / vlNoise_turbulence: def vlnTurbMode((x,y,z), vlno, basis, mode ): if mode == 0: # soft return vlNoise(( x,y,z ),vlno[0], vlno[1], basis ) if mode == 1: # hard return ( abs( -vlNoise(( x,y,z ),vlno[0], vlno[1], basis ) ) ) def vlNoise_turbulence((x,y,z), vlno, tur, basis ): result = vlnTurbMode((x,y,z), vlno, basis, tur[1] ) depth = tur[0] amp = tur[2] freq = tur[3] i=0 for i in xrange( depth ): i+=1 result += vlnTurbMode( ( x*(freq*i), y*(freq*i), z ), vlno, basis, tur[1] ) * ( amp*0.5/i ) return result*2.0+0.5 ## marbleNoise: def marbleNoise( (x,y,z), depth, basis, turb, bias, sharpnes, rescale ): m = ( x * rescale + y * rescale + z ) * 5 height = m + turb * turbulence( ( x ,y ,z ), depth, 0, basis, 0.5, 2.0 ) height = Bias_Types[ bias ]( height ) if bias != 4: height = Sharp_Types[ sharpnes ]( height ) return height*2.0 ## lava_multiFractal: def lava_multiFractal( ( x,y,z ),Ha, La, Oc, distort, Basis ): m = multiFractal( ( x,y,z ), Ha, La, Oc, Basis) d = m * distort m2 = 0.5 * multiFractal( ( x+d,y+d,d*0.5 ), Ha, La, Oc, Basis) return (m * m2)**0.5 ## slopey_noise: def slopey_noise((x,y,z), H, lacunarity, octaves, distort, basis ): x=x*2 y=y*2 turb = fBm((x,y,z), H, lacunarity, octaves, 2 ) * 0.5 map = 0.5 + noise( ( x+turb, y+turb, z ), basis ) result = map + turb * distort return result ## duo_multiFractal: def double_multiFractal((x,y,z), H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, gain, basis ): n1 = multiFractal( (x*1.5+1,y*1.5+1,z), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, basis[0] ) * offset n2 = multiFractal( (x-1,y-1,z), H, lacunarity, octaves, basis[1] ) * gain result = ( n1*n1 + n2*n2 )*0.5 return result ## distorted_heteroTerrain: def distorted_heteroTerrain((x,y,z), H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, distort, basis ): h1 = ( heteroTerrain((x,y,z), 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, basis[0] ) * 0.5 ) h2 = ( heteroTerrain(( x, y, h1*distort ), H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, basis[1] ) * 0.25 ) result = ( h1*h1 + h2*h2 ) return result ## SlickRock: def SlickRock((x,y,z), H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, gain, basis ): n = multiFractal( (x,y,z), 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, basis[0] ) r = ridgedMFractal((x,y,n*0.5), H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, gain, basis[1] )*0.5 return n+(n*r) ## terra_turbulence: def terra_turbulence((x,y,z), depth, hard, basis, amp, freq ): t2 = turbulence( ( x, y, z ), depth, hard , basis, amp, freq ) return (t2*t2*t2)+0.5 ## rocky_fBm: def rocky_fBm((x,y,z), H, lacunarity, octaves, basis ): turb = fBm((x,y,z), H, lacunarity, octaves, 2 ) * 0.25 coords = ( x+turb, y+turb, z ) map = noise( coords, 7 ) result = map + fBm( coords, H, lacunarity, octaves, basis ) + 1.0 return result ## Shattered_hTerrain: def Shattered_hTerrain((x,y,z), H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, distort, basis ): d = ( turbulence( ( x, y, z ), 6, 0, 0, 0.5, 2.0 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 )*distort*0.25 t0 = ( turbulence( ( x+d, y+d, z ), 0, 0, 7, 0.5, 2.0 ) + 0.5 ) t2 = ( heteroTerrain(( x*2, y*2, t0*0.5 ), H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, basis ) ) return (( t0*t2 )+t2*0.5)*0.75 ## vlhTerrain def vlhTerrain((x,y,z), H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, basis, vlbasis, distort ): ht = heteroTerrain(( x, y, z ), H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, basis )*0.5 vl = ht * vlNoise((x,y,z), distort, basis, vlbasis )*0.5+0.5 return vl * ht ####---------------------------------------. ### StatsByAlt, double terrain basis mode: def TerrainBasisMode((x,y,z), basis, mode ): if mode == 0: # noise return noise((x,y,z),basis) if mode == 1: # noise ridged return ( 1.0-abs( noise((x,y,z),basis) ) )-0.5 if mode == 2: # vlNoise return vlNoise((x,y,z), 1.0, 0, basis ) else: # vlNoise ridged return ( 1.0-abs( vlNoise((x,y,z), 1.0, 0, basis ) ) )-0.5 #### StatsByAlt terrain: def StatsByAltTerrain((x,y,z), exp, lacu, octs, offset, amp, basis, mode ): result = 0.5 * (offset + TerrainBasisMode((x,y,z), basis, mode ) ) octs = int( octs ) i = 0 for i in xrange( 1, octs ): i += 1 result += result * amp * 0.5 * (offset + TerrainBasisMode((x,y,z), basis, mode ) ) x *= lacu y *= lacu amp /= ( exp * 0.5 ) * i return result ##### double terrain: def doubleTerrain((x,y,z), exp, lacu, octs, offset, threshold, basis, mode ): result = amp = freq = 1.0 #octs = int( octs ) offset*=0.5 i = 1 signal = result = 0.5 * (offset + TerrainBasisMode((x,y,z), basis, mode ) ) for i in xrange( 1, octs ): i += 1 x = x * lacu y = y * lacu freq *= lacu amp = pow( freq, -exp ) amp *= i weight = signal / threshold if weight > 1.0: weight = 1.0 if weight < 0.0: weigth = 0.0 signal = weight * 0.5 * ( offset + TerrainBasisMode((x,y,z), basis, mode ) ) result += amp * signal return result * 2.0 ##------------------------------------------------------------ # Noise Functions: def Noise_Function(x,y,z): global Basis, NType, musgr, vlnoi, voron, turbOne, marbleOne, tBasismod global vlBasis, Distort, VFunc, VExp, VDep global iScale, Offset, Invert, NSize, Lx, Ly, Sx, Sy x,y,z = Trans((x,y,z),( NSize[0].val, Sx[0].val, Sy[0].val, 0 ),( Lx[0].val, Ly[0].val, 0 ) ) basis = Basis[0].val if basis == 9: basis = 14 vbasis = vlnoi[1].val if vbasis == 9: vbasis = 14 if NType.val == 0: z = multiFractal(( x,y,z ),musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, basis ) elif NType.val == 1: z = ridgedMFractal(( x,y,z ),musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, musgr[3].val, musgr[4].val, basis ) elif NType.val == 2: z = hybridMFractal(( x,y,z ),musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, musgr[3].val, musgr[4].val, basis ) elif NType.val == 3: z = heteroTerrain(( x,y,z ),musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, musgr[3].val, basis )*0.5 elif NType.val == 4: z = fBm(( x,y,z ),musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, basis )+0.5 elif NType.val == 5: z = turbulence(( x,y,z ),turbOne[0].val, turbOne[1].val, basis, turbOne[2].val, turbOne[3].val )+0.5 elif NType.val == 6: z = voronoi_turbulence((x,y,z),(voron[0].val,voron[1].val),(turbOne[0].val,turbOne[1].val,turbOne[2].val,turbOne[3].val) )*0.5+0.5 elif NType.val == 7: z = vlNoise_turbulence((x,y,z),(vlnoi[0].val,vbasis), (turbOne[0].val,turbOne[1].val,turbOne[2].val,turbOne[3].val), basis )*0.5+0.5 elif NType.val == 8: z = noise(( x,y,z ),basis )+0.5 elif NType.val == 9: z = cellNoise(( x,y,z ))+0.5 elif NType.val == 10: z = marbleNoise(( x,y,z), marbleOne[0].val, basis, marbleOne[2].val, marbleOne[3].val, marbleOne[4].val, marbleOne[5].val ) elif NType.val == 11: z = lava_multiFractal(( x,y,z ), musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, vlnoi[0].val, basis ) elif NType.val == 12: z = slopey_noise(( x,y,z), musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, vlnoi[0].val, basis )+0.5 elif NType.val == 13: z = double_multiFractal(( x,y,z), musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, musgr[3].val, musgr[4].val, (vbasis,basis) ) elif NType.val == 14: z = distorted_heteroTerrain((x,y,z), musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, musgr[3].val, vlnoi[0].val, (vbasis,basis) ) elif NType.val == 15: z = SlickRock(( x,y,z), musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, musgr[3].val, musgr[4].val, (vbasis,basis) ) elif NType.val == 16: z = terra_turbulence(( x,y,z), turbOne[0].val, turbOne[1].val, basis, turbOne[2].val, turbOne[3].val ) elif NType.val == 17: z = rocky_fBm(( x,y,z ),musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, basis ) elif NType.val == 18: z = StatsByAltTerrain( (x,y,z), musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, musgr[3].val, musgr[4].val*0.5, basis, tBasismod.val ) elif NType.val == 19: z = doubleTerrain( (x,y,z), musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, musgr[3].val, musgr[5].val, basis, tBasismod.val ) elif NType.val == 20: z = Shattered_hTerrain((x,y,z), musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, musgr[3].val, vlnoi[0].val, basis ) elif NType.val == 21: z = vlhTerrain((x,y,z), musgr[0].val, musgr[1].val, musgr[2].val, musgr[3].val, basis, vbasis, vlnoi[0].val ) else: z = 0.0 return HeightScale( z, iScale[0].val , Offset[0].val, Invert[0].val ) ###---------------------------------------------------------------------- ##----------------------------------- # Filter functions: ##----------------------------------- # Filter: Clamp height def Clamp_Max( height, max ): if ( height > max ): height = max return height def Clamp_Min( height, min ): if ( height < min ): height = min return height ##----------------------------------- # Filters: terrace / posterise / peaked / bias: def Def_Filter((x,y,z), input, numb, type ): if type == 0: s = ( sin( input*numb*phi ) * ( 0.1/numb*phi ) ) return ( input * (1.0-0.5) + s*0.5 ) * 2.0 elif type == 1: s = -abs( sin( input*(numb*0.5)*phi ) * ( 0.1/(numb*0.5)*phi ) ) return ( input * (1.0-0.5) + s*0.5 ) * 2.0 elif type == 2: s = abs( sin( input*(numb*0.5)*phi ) * ( 0.1/(numb*0.5)*phi ) ) return ( input * (1.0-0.5) + s*0.5 ) * 2.0 elif type == 3: numb = numb*0.5 s = ( int( input*numb ) * 1.0/numb ) return ( input * (1.0-0.5) + s*0.5 ) * 2.0 elif type == 4: numb = numb*0.5 s = ( int( input*numb ) * 1.0/numb ) return ( s ) * 2.0 elif type == 5: s = ( sin( input*(2*numb)*phi ) * ( 0.1/(2*numb)*phi ) ) l = ( input * (1.0-0.5) + s*0.5 ) * 2.0 p = ( ( l*numb*0.25 ) * ( l*numb*0.25 ) )**2 return ( l * (1.0-0.5) + p*0.5 ) * 2.0 elif type == 6: return ( input*numb*0.25 )**4 elif type == 7: return 2.0-exp( 1.0-(input*numb/3.0) ) elif type == 8: return sin_bias( input*numb )*2.0 elif type == 9: return cos_bias( input*numb )*2.0 elif type == 10: return tri_bias( input*numb )*2.0 elif type == 11: return saw_bias( input*numb )*2.0 elif type == 12: return Clamp_Max( input, numb ) else: return input ##----------------------------------- # Filter: Edge falloff def EdgeFalloff( (x,y,z), height, type ): global Falloff, iScale, Offset x = x / Falloff[1].val y = y / Falloff[2].val if Falloff[3].val != 0: sealevel = (Min.val-Offset[2].val)*2.0/iScale[2].val else: sealevel = 0.0 falltypes = ( 0, sqrt(x*x+y*y), sqrt((x*x)**2+(y*y)**2), sqrt((x*x)**10+(y*y)**10), sqrt(y*y), sqrt(x*x), abs(x-y), abs(x+y), ((x*x)**10+(y*y)**10)**0.1, ((x*x)+(y*y)) ) dist = falltypes[ type ] if Falloff[4].val != 0: dist = 1.0 - dist radius = 1.0 height = height - sealevel if( dist < radius ): dist = dist / radius dist = ( (dist) * (dist) * ( 3-2*(dist) ) ) height = ( height - height * dist ) + sealevel else: height = sealevel if Falloff[3].val != 0: height = Clamp_Min( height, sealevel ) else: height = Clamp_Min( height, Min.val ) return height ##----------------------------------- # Filter: Custom height filter: def CustomFilter( x,y,z, h ): global CustomFilt try: a = eval(CustomFilt[0].val) b = eval(CustomFilt[1].val) result = eval(CustomFilt[2].val) return result except: return 0.0 #####-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------##### ####-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#### ### Combine Functions: (get noise, Add effect, filter height and return result) ### ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------## def Combine_Functions( (i,j),(x,y,z) ): global Effect_Ctrl, Blend_Effect, Filter_Mode, Def_Filter_Ctrl, Ipo_Filter_Ctrl, Filter_Order global iScale, Offset, Invert, Min, Max, Falloff # get noise height: height = Noise_Function(x,y,0.0) ### Filter On if Filter_Mode.val !=0: ### 0= Default Filter Order: Noise>Effect>Filter --------------------- if Filter_Order.val ==0: # mix noise with effect: if Effect_Ctrl[0].val !=0: height = Mix_Modes( (i,j),(x,y,z), height , Effects( (i,j),(x,y,z),height ), Effect_Ctrl[2].val, Effect_Ctrl[1].val ) # edge fallof: if Falloff[0].val !=0: height = EdgeFalloff( (x,y,z), height, Falloff[0].val ) #else: pass if Filter_Mode.val !=0: # height Def_Filter (Terrace/peaked/bias): if Filter_Mode.val ==1: height = Def_Filter((x,y,z), height, Def_Filter_Ctrl[ 1 ].val, Def_Filter_Ctrl[ 0 ].val ) ## 'IPOCurve' height filter: elif Filter_Mode.val ==2: try: height = selectedcurve.evaluate( 1 + ( height*Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[2].val/2 ) )*2.0/Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[3].val except: height = height ## Custom filter: elif Filter_Mode.val ==3: height = CustomFilter( x,y,z, height ) ### 1= Changed Filter Order: Noise>Filter>Effect --------------------- if Filter_Order.val !=0: # mix noise with effect: if Effect_Ctrl[0].val !=0: height = Mix_Modes( (i,j),(x,y,z), height , Effects( (i,j),(x,y,z),height ), Effect_Ctrl[2].val, Effect_Ctrl[1].val ) # edge fallof: if Falloff[0].val !=0: height = EdgeFalloff( (x,y,z), height, Falloff[0].val ) #else: pass ### Filter Off --------------------- else: # mix noise with effect: if Effect_Ctrl[0].val !=0: height = Mix_Modes( (i,j),(x,y,z), height , Effects( (i,j),(x,y,z),height ), Effect_Ctrl[2].val, Effect_Ctrl[1].val ) # edge fallof: if Falloff[0].val !=0: height = EdgeFalloff( (x,y,z), height, Falloff[0].val ) # height scale: height = HeightScale( height, 0.5*iScale[2].val , Offset[2].val, Invert[2].val ) # clamp height min. max.: if Falloff[0].val !=1: height = Clamp_Min( height, Min.val ) height = Clamp_Max( height, Max.val ) # return height: return height #------------------------------------------------------------ ##------------------------------------------------------------ ### Render Noise to a Image('NAME') (you must create one first) ##------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ def HeightFieldImage(): global PreView, previewname iname = previewname.val try: pic = Image.Get( iname ) except: #print iname, ' No Image with this name' PupMenu( 'No Image with this name' ) return res = pic.getMaxXY() for i in xrange( res[0] ): x = i - (res[0]) / 2.0 x = (x*2.0) / (res[0]) for j in xrange( res[1] ): y = j - (res[1]) / 2.0 y = (y*2.0) / (res[1]) height = PreView[2].val + PreView[1].val * Combine_Functions( (i,j),(x,y,0) ) if height > 1.0: height = 1.0 if height < 0.0: height = 0.0 pic.setPixelF( i, j, ( height,height,height, 1.0 ) ) #------------------------------------------------------------ ##------------------------------------------------------------ ### Mesh ##------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------ ## Mesh: make new grid ###------------------------------------------------------------ def MakeGridMesh( RESOL=32, NAME='GridMesh', CURSORPOS=0, SCENE=None ): # scene, object, mesh --------------------------------------- if not SCENE: SCENE = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() SCENE.objects.selected=[] newme = Blender.Mesh.New( NAME ) newob = SCENE.objects.new( newme, NAME ) n = RESOL # verts --------------------------------------- v=[] for i in xrange( n ): x = i-(n-1)/2.0 x = x*2.0/(n-1) for j in xrange( n ): y = j-(n-1)/2.0 y = y*2.0/(n-1) v.append( [ x, y, 0 ] ) newme.verts.extend(v) # faces --------------------------------------- f=[] for i in xrange( n-1 ): for j in xrange( n-1 ): f.append( [ i*n+j,\ (i+1)*n+j,\ (i+1)*n+j+1,\ i*n+j+1 ] ) newme.faces.extend(f, smooth=True) #--------------------------------------- newme.calcNormals() #--------------------------------------- if CURSORPOS !=0: newob.loc = Window.GetCursorPos() newob.select(1) #------------------------------------------------------------ ## Mesh: Grid vert displace / update terrain ###------------------------------------------------------------ def displace( OB, ME, WORLD=0 ): if WORLD == 1: wx,wy,wz = OB.getLocation( 'worldspace' ) elif WORLD ==2: l = OB.getLocation( 'worldspace' ) w = Window.GetCursorPos() wx,wy,wz = l[0]-w[0], l[1]-w[1], l[2]-w[2] else: wx,wy,wz = 0,0,0 for v in ME.verts: co = v.co co[2] = Combine_Functions( (co[0]+wx,co[1]+wy),(co[0]+wx, co[1]+wy, 0.0+wz) ) ME.update() ME.calcNormals() #OB.makeDisplayList() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Do_it: #-------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------- def do_it(): global PreView, actme, actob, WorldSpaceCo if actme !=[]: if print_time !=0: t= sys.time() Window.WaitCursor(1) in_editmode = Window.EditMode() if in_editmode: Window.EditMode(0) if PreView[0].val != 0: do_it_preview() displace( actob[0], actme[0], WorldSpaceCo.val ) Window.RedrawAll() else: displace( actob[0], actme[0], WorldSpaceCo.val ) Window.RedrawAll() if in_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) Window.WaitCursor(0) if print_time !=0: print 'Generate Mesh: done in %.6f' % (sys.time()-t) #-------------------------------------- def do_it_random(): global PreView, actme, actob if actme !=[]: if print_time !=0: t= sys.time() Window.WaitCursor(1) in_editmode = Window.EditMode() if in_editmode: Window.EditMode(0) randomiseNoise() if PreView[0].val != 0: do_it_preview() displace( actob[0], actme[0], WorldSpaceCo.val ) Window.RedrawAll() else: displace( actob[0], actme[0], WorldSpaceCo.val ) Window.RedrawAll() if in_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) Window.WaitCursor(0) if print_time !=0: print 'Generate Mesh: done in %.6f' % (sys.time()-t) #-------------------------------------- def do_it_preview(): if print_time !=0: t= sys.time() HeightFieldImage() Window.RedrawAll() if print_time !=0: print 'Generate Image: done in %.6f' % (sys.time()-t) ###--------------------------------------------------------- ###--------------------------------------------------------- ## load and save: #------------------------- def callback( filename ): txtFile.val = filename Register(drawgui, events, bevents) def writeln(f,x): f.write(str(x)) f.write("\n") def readint(f): return int(f.readline()) def readfloat(f): return float(f.readline()) def readstr(f): s = (f.readline()) return strip(s) #-------------------------------------------------- # Save settings to .ant file def SavePreset(FName): global iScale, Offset, Invert, NSize, Sx, Sy, Lx, Ly global NType, Basis, musgr, tBasismod, vlnoi, vlnoiTwo, voron, turbOne, turbTwo, marbleOne, marbleTwo, musgrTwo global CustomFX, effect_image, Effect_Ctrl, Min, Max, Falloff, CustomFilt, Filter_Mode, Def_Filter_Ctrl, Ipo_Filter_Ctrl, Filter_Order global RandMod, RSeed, rand_H, rand_S, rand_L, rand_I, filemessage, fileinfo try: f = open(FName,'w') writeln(f,CurVersion) except: filemessage = "Unable to save file." return writeln(f,fileinfo) writeln(f,iScale[0].val) writeln(f,iScale[1].val) writeln(f,iScale[2].val) writeln(f,Offset[0].val) writeln(f,Offset[1].val) writeln(f,Offset[2].val) writeln(f,Invert[0].val) writeln(f,Invert[1].val) writeln(f,Invert[2].val) writeln(f,NSize[0].val) writeln(f,NSize[1].val) writeln(f,Sx[0].val) writeln(f,Sx[1].val) writeln(f,Sy[0].val) writeln(f,Sy[1].val) writeln(f,Lx[0].val) writeln(f,Lx[1].val) writeln(f,Ly[0].val) writeln(f,Ly[1].val) writeln(f,NType.val) writeln(f,Basis[0].val) writeln(f,Basis[1].val) writeln(f,musgr[0].val) writeln(f,musgr[1].val) writeln(f,musgr[2].val) writeln(f,musgr[3].val) writeln(f,musgr[4].val) writeln(f,musgr[5].val) writeln(f,tBasismod.val) writeln(f,vlnoi[0].val) writeln(f,vlnoi[1].val) writeln(f,vlnoiTwo[0].val) writeln(f,vlnoiTwo[1].val) writeln(f,voron[0].val) writeln(f,voron[1].val) writeln(f,turbOne[0].val) writeln(f,turbOne[1].val) writeln(f,turbOne[2].val) writeln(f,turbOne[3].val) writeln(f,turbTwo[0].val) writeln(f,turbTwo[1].val) writeln(f,turbTwo[2].val) writeln(f,turbTwo[3].val) writeln(f,marbleOne[0].val) writeln(f,marbleOne[1].val) writeln(f,marbleOne[2].val) writeln(f,marbleOne[3].val) writeln(f,marbleOne[4].val) writeln(f,marbleOne[5].val) writeln(f,marbleTwo[0].val) writeln(f,marbleTwo[1].val) writeln(f,marbleTwo[2].val) writeln(f,marbleTwo[3].val) writeln(f,marbleTwo[4].val) writeln(f,marbleTwo[5].val) writeln(f,musgrTwo[0].val) writeln(f,musgrTwo[1].val) writeln(f,musgrTwo[2].val) writeln(f,musgrTwo[3].val) writeln(f,musgrTwo[4].val) writeln(f,effect_image) writeln(f,Effect_Ctrl[0].val) writeln(f,Effect_Ctrl[1].val) writeln(f,Effect_Ctrl[2].val) writeln(f,Effect_Ctrl[3].val) writeln(f,Effect_Ctrl[4].val) writeln(f,Effect_Ctrl[5].val) writeln(f,Effect_Ctrl[6].val) writeln(f,Effect_Ctrl[7].val) writeln(f,Effect_Ctrl[8].val) writeln(f,CustomFX[0].val) writeln(f,CustomFX[1].val) writeln(f,CustomFX[2].val) writeln(f,Min.val) writeln(f,Max.val) writeln(f,Falloff[0].val) writeln(f,Falloff[1].val) writeln(f,Falloff[2].val) writeln(f,Falloff[3].val) writeln(f,Falloff[4].val) writeln(f,Filter_Mode.val) writeln(f,Filter_Order.val) writeln(f,CustomFilt[0].val) writeln(f,CustomFilt[1].val) writeln(f,CustomFilt[2].val) writeln(f,Def_Filter_Ctrl[0].val) writeln(f,Def_Filter_Ctrl[1].val) writeln(f,Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[0].val) writeln(f,Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[1].val) writeln(f,Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[2].val) writeln(f,Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[3].val) writeln(f,RandMod.val) writeln(f,RSeed.val) writeln(f,rand_H.val) writeln(f,rand_I.val) writeln(f,rand_S.val) writeln(f,rand_L.val) filemessage = 'Settings saved to file.' f.close() #-------------------------------------------------- # load settings from .ant file def LoadPreset(FName): global iScale, Offset, Invert, NSize, Sx, Sy, Lx, Ly global NType, Basis, musgr, tBasismod, vlnoi, vlnoiTwo, voron, turbOne, turbTwo, marbleOne, marbleTwo, musgrTwo global CustomFX, effect_image, Effect_Ctrl, Min, Max, Falloff, CustomFilt, Filter_Mode, Def_Filter_Ctrl, Ipo_Filter_Ctrl, Filter_Order global RandMod, RSeed, rand_H, rand_S, rand_L, rand_I, filemessage, fileinfo try: f = open(FName,'r') FVersion = readstr(f) except: filemessage = "Unable to open file." return fileinfo = readstr(f) iScale[0].val = readfloat(f) iScale[1].val = readfloat(f) iScale[2].val = readfloat(f) Offset[0].val = readfloat(f) Offset[1].val = readfloat(f) Offset[2].val = readfloat(f) Invert[0].val = readint(f) Invert[1].val = readint(f) Invert[2].val = readint(f) NSize[0].val = readfloat(f) NSize[1].val = readfloat(f) Sx[0].val = readfloat(f) Sx[1].val = readfloat(f) Sy[0].val = readfloat(f) Sy[1].val = readfloat(f) Lx[0].val = readfloat(f) Lx[1].val = readfloat(f) Ly[0].val = readfloat(f) Ly[1].val = readfloat(f) NType.val = readint(f) Basis[0].val = readint(f) Basis[1].val = readint(f) musgr[0].val = readfloat(f) musgr[1].val = readfloat(f) musgr[2].val = readint(f) musgr[3].val = readfloat(f) musgr[4].val = readfloat(f) musgr[5].val = readfloat(f) tBasismod.val = readint(f) vlnoi[0].val = readfloat(f) vlnoi[1].val = readint(f) vlnoiTwo[0].val = readfloat(f) vlnoiTwo[1].val = readint(f) voron[0].val = readint(f) voron[1].val = readfloat(f) turbOne[0].val = readint(f) turbOne[1].val = readint(f) turbOne[2].val = readfloat(f) turbOne[3].val = readfloat(f) turbTwo[0].val = readint(f) turbTwo[1].val = readint(f) turbTwo[2].val = readfloat(f) turbTwo[3].val = readfloat(f) marbleOne[0].val = readint(f) marbleOne[1].val = readint(f) marbleOne[2].val = readfloat(f) marbleOne[3].val = readint(f) marbleOne[4].val = readint(f) marbleOne[5].val = readfloat(f) marbleTwo[0].val = readint(f) marbleTwo[1].val = readint(f) marbleTwo[2].val = readfloat(f) marbleTwo[3].val = readint(f) marbleTwo[4].val = readint(f) marbleTwo[5].val = readfloat(f) musgrTwo[0].val = readfloat(f) musgrTwo[1].val = readfloat(f) musgrTwo[2].val = readint(f) musgrTwo[3].val = readfloat(f) musgrTwo[4].val = readfloat(f) effect_image = readstr(f) Effect_Ctrl[0].val = readint(f) Effect_Ctrl[1].val = readint(f) Effect_Ctrl[2].val = readfloat(f) Effect_Ctrl[3].val = readint(f) Effect_Ctrl[4].val = readfloat(f) Effect_Ctrl[5].val = readint(f) Effect_Ctrl[6].val = readfloat(f) Effect_Ctrl[7].val = readfloat(f) Effect_Ctrl[8].val = readfloat(f) CustomFX[0].val = readstr(f) CustomFX[1].val = readstr(f) CustomFX[2].val = readstr(f) Min.val = readfloat(f) Max.val = readfloat(f) Falloff[0].val = readint(f) Falloff[1].val = readfloat(f) Falloff[2].val = readfloat(f) Falloff[3].val = readint(f) Falloff[4].val = readint(f) Filter_Mode.val = readint(f) Filter_Order.val = readint(f) CustomFilt[0].val = readstr(f) CustomFilt[1].val = readstr(f) CustomFilt[2].val = readstr(f) Def_Filter_Ctrl[0].val = readint(f) Def_Filter_Ctrl[1].val = readfloat(f) Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[0].val = readstr(f) Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[1].val = readint(f) Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[2].val = readfloat(f) Ipo_Filter_Ctrl[3].val = readfloat(f) RandMod.val = readint(f) RSeed.val = readint(f) rand_H.val = readint(f) rand_I.val = readint(f) rand_S.val = readint(f) rand_L.val = readint(f) filemessage = 'Settings loaded from file.' f.close() ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Register: Register( drawgui, events, bevents ) ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------