#!BPY """ Name: 'xfig export (.fig)' Blender: 244 Group: 'Export' Tooltip: 'Export selected mesh to xfig Format (.fig)' """ __author__ = 'Dino Ghilardi', 'Campbell Barton AKA Ideasman42' __url__ = ("blender", "elysiun") __version__ = "1.1" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script exports the selected mesh to xfig (www.xfig.org) file format (i.e.: .fig) The starting point of this script was Anthony D'Agostino's raw triangle format export. (some code is still here and there, cut'n pasted from his script) Usage:
Select the mesh to be exported and run this script from "File->Export" menu. The toggle button 'export 3 files' enables the generation of 4 files: one global and three with the three different views of the object. This script is licensed under the GPL license. (c) Dino Ghilardi, 2005 """ # .fig export, mostly brutally cut-n pasted from the # 'Raw triangle export' (Anthony D'Agostino, http://www.redrival.com/scorpius)| import Blender from Blender import Draw import BPyObject #, meshtools import sys import bpy #import time # ================================= # === Write xfig Format.=== # ================================= def collect_edges(edges): """Gets the max-min coordinates of the mesh""" """Getting the extremes of the mesh to be exported""" maxX=maxY=maxZ = -1000000000 minX=minY=minZ = 1000000000 FGON= Blender.Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON me = bpy.data.meshes.new() for ob_base in bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.context: for ob in BPyObject.getDerivedObjects(ob_base): me.verts = None try: me.getFromObject(ob[0]) except: pass if me.edges: me.transform(ob[1]) for ed in me.edges: if not ed.flag & FGON: x,y,z = v1 = tuple(ed.v1.co) maxX = max(maxX, x) maxY = max(maxY, y) maxZ = max(maxZ, z) minX = min(minX, x) minY = min(minY, y) minZ = min(minZ, z) x,y,z = v2 = tuple(ed.v2.co) maxX = max(maxX, x) maxY = max(maxY, y) maxZ = max(maxZ, z) minX = min(minX, x) minY = min(minY, y) minZ = min(minZ, z) edges.append( (v1, v2) ) me.verts = None # free memory return maxX,maxY,maxZ,minX,minY,minZ def xfigheader(file): file.write('#FIG 3.2 Produced by xfig version 3.2.5-alpha5\n') file.write('Landscape\n') file.write('Center\n') file.write('Metric\n') file.write('A4\n') file.write('100.00\n') file.write('Single\n') file.write('-2\n') file.write('1200 2\n') def figdata(file, edges, expview, bounds, scale, space): maxX,maxY,maxZ,minX,minY,minZ = bounds def xytransform(ed): """gives the face vertexes coordinates in the xfig format/translation (view xy)""" x1,y1,z1 = ed[0] x2,y2,z2 = ed[1] y1=-y1; y2=-y2 return x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 def xztransform(ed): """gives the face vertexes coordinates in the xfig format/translation (view xz)""" x1,y1,z1 = ed[0] x2,y2,z2 = ed[1] y1=-y1 y2=-y2 z1=-z1+maxZ-minY +space z2=-z2+maxZ-minY +space return x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 def yztransform(ed): """gives the face vertexes coordinates in the xfig format/translation (view xz)""" x1,y1,z1 = ed[0] x2,y2,z2 = ed[1] y1=-y1; y2=-y2 z1=-(z1-maxZ-maxX-space) z2=-(z2-maxZ-maxX-space) return x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 def transform(ed, expview, scale): if expview=='xy': x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 = xytransform(ed) return int(x1*scale),int(y1*scale),int(x2*scale),int(y2*scale) elif expview=='xz': x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 = xztransform(ed) return int(x1*scale),int(z1*scale),int(x2*scale),int(z2*scale) elif expview=='yz': x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 = yztransform(ed) return int(z1*scale),int(y1*scale),int(z2*scale),int(y2*scale) """Prints all the xfig data (no header)""" for ed in edges: file.write('2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n') file.write('\t %i %i %i %i\n' % transform(ed, expview, scale)) def writexy(edges, bounds, filename, scale, space): """writes the x-y view file exported""" file = open(filename, 'wb') xfigheader(file) figdata(file, edges, 'xy', bounds, scale, space) file.close() print 'Successfully exported ', Blender.sys.basename(filename)# + seconds def writexz(edges, bounds, filename, scale, space): """writes the x-z view file exported""" #start = time.clock() file = open(filename, 'wb') xfigheader(file) figdata(file, edges, 'xz', bounds, scale, space) file.close() print 'Successfully exported ', Blender.sys.basename(filename)# + seconds def writeyz(edges, bounds, filename, scale, space): """writes the y-z view file exported""" #start = time.clock() file = open(filename, 'wb') xfigheader(file) figdata(file, edges, 'yz', bounds, scale, space) file.close() #end = time.clock() #seconds = " in %.2f %s" % (end-start, "seconds") print 'Successfully exported ', Blender.sys.basename(filename)# + seconds def writeall(edges, bounds, filename, scale=450, space=2.0): """writes all 3 views Every view is a combined object in the resulting xfig. file.""" maxX,maxY,maxZ,minX,minY,minZ = bounds file = open(filename, 'wb') xfigheader(file) file.write('#upper view (7)\n') file.write('6 % i % i % i % i ') file.write('%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (minX, minY, maxX, maxY)) figdata(file, edges, 'xy', bounds, scale, space) file.write('-6\n') file.write('#bottom view (1)\n') file.write('6 %i %i %i %i ') file.write('%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (minX, -minZ+maxZ-minY +space, maxX,-maxZ+maxZ-minY +space)) figdata(file, edges, 'xz', bounds, scale, space) file.write('-6\n') file.write('#right view (3)\n') file.write('6 %i %i %i %i ') file.write('%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (minX, -minZ+maxZ-minY +space, maxX,-maxZ+maxZ-minY +space)) figdata(file, edges, 'yz', bounds, scale, space) file.write('-6\n') file.close() print 'Successfully exported ', Blender.sys.basename(filename)# + seconds import BPyMessages def write_ui(filename): if filename.lower().endswith('.fig'): filename = filename[:-4] PREF_SEP= Draw.Create(0) PREF_SCALE= Draw.Create(1200) PREF_SPACE= Draw.Create(2.0) block = [\ ("Separate Files", PREF_SEP, "Export each view axis as a seperate file"),\ ("Space: ", PREF_SPACE, 0.0, 10.0, "Space between views in blender units"),\ ("Scale: ", PREF_SCALE, 10, 100000, "Scale, 1200 is a good default")] if not Draw.PupBlock("Export FIG", block): return edges = [] bounds = collect_edges(edges) if PREF_SEP.val: writexy(edges, bounds, filename + '_XY.fig', PREF_SCALE.val, PREF_SPACE.val) writexz(edges, bounds, filename + '_XZ.fig', PREF_SCALE.val, PREF_SPACE.val) writeyz(edges, bounds, filename + '_YZ.fig', PREF_SCALE.val, PREF_SPACE.val) writeall(edges, bounds, filename + '.fig', PREF_SCALE.val, PREF_SPACE.val) if __name__ == '__main__': Blender.Window.FileSelector(write_ui, 'Export XFIG', Blender.sys.makename(ext='.fig'))