"appbuild" { "appid" "[APPID]" "desc" "Blender [VERSION]" // description for this build "buildoutput" "./[OUTPUT]" // build output folder for .log, .csm & .csd files, relative to location of this file "contentroot" "./[CONTENT]" // root content folder, relative to location of this file "setlive" "" // branch to set live after successful build, non if empty "preview" "[DRYRUN]" // 1 to enable preview builds, 0 to commit build to steampipe "local" "" // set to flie path of local content server "depots" { "[WINID]" "depot_build_win.vdf" "[LINUXID]" "depot_build_linux.vdf" "[MACOSID]" "depot_build_macos.vdf" } }