import bpy class IMAGE_MT_view(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "View" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout sima = context.space_data uv = sima.uv_editor show_uvedit = sima.show_uvedit layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_properties") # icon layout.itemS() layout.itemR(sima, "update_automatically") # XXX if show_uvedit: # XXX layout.itemR(uv, "local_view") # "UV Local View", Numpad / layout.itemS() layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_view_zoom_in") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_view_zoom_out") layout.itemS() ratios = [[1, 8], [1, 4], [1, 2], [1, 1], [2, 1], [4, 1], [8, 1]]; for a, b in ratios: text = "Zoom %d:%d" % (a, b) layout.item_floatO("IMAGE_OT_view_zoom_ratio", "ratio", a/b, text=text) layout.itemS() if show_uvedit: layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_view_selected") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_view_all") layout.itemO("SCREEN_OT_screen_full_area") class IMAGE_MT_select(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Select" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.itemO("UV_OT_select_border") layout.item_booleanO("UV_OT_select_border", "pinned", True) layout.itemS() layout.itemO("UV_OT_select_all_toggle") layout.itemO("UV_OT_select_invert") layout.itemO("UV_OT_unlink_selection") layout.itemS() layout.itemO("UV_OT_select_pinned") layout.itemO("UV_OT_select_linked") class IMAGE_MT_image(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Image" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout sima = context.space_data ima = sima.image layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_new") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_open") show_render = sima.show_render if ima: if show_render: layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_replace") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_reload") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_save") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_save_as") if ima.source == "SEQUENCE": layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_save_sequence") if not show_render: layout.itemS() if ima.packed_file: layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_unpack") else: layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_pack") # only for dirty && specific image types : XXX poll? #if(ibuf && (ibuf->userflags & IB_BITMAPDIRTY)) if False: if ima.source in ("FILE", "GENERATED") and ima.type != "MULTILAYER": layout.item_booleanO("IMAGE_OT_pack", "as_png", True, text="Pack As PNG") layout.itemS() layout.itemR(sima, "image_painting") class IMAGE_MT_uvs_showhide(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Show/Hide Faces" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.itemO("UV_OT_reveal") layout.itemO("UV_OT_hide") layout.item_booleanO("UV_OT_hide", "unselected", True) class IMAGE_MT_uvs_transform(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Transform" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.item_enumO("TFM_OT_transform", "mode", "TRANSLATION") layout.item_enumO("TFM_OT_transform", "mode", "ROTATION") layout.item_enumO("TFM_OT_transform", "mode", "RESIZE") class IMAGE_MT_uvs_mirror(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Mirror" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.item_enumO("UV_OT_mirror", "axis", "MIRROR_X") # "X Axis", M, layout.item_enumO("UV_OT_mirror", "axis", "MIRROR_Y") # "Y Axis", M, class IMAGE_MT_uvs_weldalign(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Weld/Align" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.itemO("UV_OT_weld") # W, 1 layout.items_enumO("UV_OT_align", "axis") # W, 2/3/4 class IMAGE_MT_uvs(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "UVs" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout sima = context.space_data uv = sima.uv_editor scene = context.scene layout.itemR(uv, "snap_to_pixels") layout.itemR(uv, "constrain_to_image_bounds") layout.itemS() layout.itemR(uv, "live_unwrap") layout.itemO("UV_OT_unwrap") layout.item_booleanO("UV_OT_pin", "clear", True, text="Unpin") layout.itemO("UV_OT_pin") layout.itemS() layout.itemO("UV_OT_pack_islands") layout.itemO("UV_OT_average_islands_scale") layout.itemO("UV_OT_minimize_stretch") layout.itemO("UV_OT_stitch") layout.itemS() layout.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_uvs_transform") layout.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_uvs_mirror") layout.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_uvs_weldalign") layout.itemS() # XXX layout.itemR(scene, "proportional_editing") layout.item_menu_enumR(scene, "proportional_editing_falloff") layout.itemS() layout.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_uvs_showhide") class IMAGE_HT_header(bpy.types.Header): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" def draw(self, context): sima = context.space_data ima = sima.image layout = self.layout show_render = sima.show_render show_paint = sima.show_paint show_uvedit = sima.show_uvedit layout.template_header(context) # menus if context.area.show_menus: row = layout.row() row.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_view") if show_uvedit: row.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_select") # XXX menuname= (ibuf && (ibuf->userflags & IB_BITMAPDIRTY))? "Image*": "Image"; row.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_image") if show_uvedit: row.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_uvs") layout.template_ID(context, sima, "image", new="IMAGE_OT_new", open="IMAGE_OT_open") """ /* image select */ pinflag= (show_render)? 0: UI_ID_PIN; xco= uiDefIDPoinButs(block, CTX_data_main(C), NULL, (ID*)sima->image, ID_IM, &sima->pin, xco, yco, sima_idpoin_handle, UI_ID_BROWSE|UI_ID_BROWSE_RENDER|UI_ID_RENAME|UI_ID_ADD_NEW|UI_ID_OPEN|UI_ID_DELETE|pinflag); xco += 8; """ """ if(ima && !ELEM3(ima->source, IMA_SRC_SEQUENCE, IMA_SRC_MOVIE, IMA_SRC_VIEWER) && ima->ok) { /* XXX this should not be a static var */ static int headerbuttons_packdummy; headerbuttons_packdummy = 0; if (ima->packedfile) { headerbuttons_packdummy = 1; } if (ima->packedfile && ibuf && (ibuf->userflags & IB_BITMAPDIRTY)) uiDefIconButBitI(block, TOG, 1, 0 /* XXX B_SIMA_REPACK */, ICON_UGLYPACKAGE, xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &headerbuttons_packdummy, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Re-Pack this image as PNG"); else uiDefIconButBitI(block, TOG, 1, 0 /* XXX B_SIMAPACKIMA */, ICON_PACKAGE, xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &headerbuttons_packdummy, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Pack/Unpack this image"); xco+= XIC+8; } """ # uv editing if show_uvedit: pass """ /* uv editing */ if(show_uvedit) { /* pivot */ uiDefIconTextButS(block, ICONTEXTROW, B_NOP, ICON_ROTATE, "Pivot: %t|Bounding Box Center %x0|Median Point %x3|2D Cursor %x1", xco,yco,XIC+10,YIC, &ar->v2d.around, 0, 3.0, 0, 0, "Rotation/Scaling Pivot (Hotkeys: Comma, Shift Comma, Period)"); xco+= XIC + 18; /* selection modes */ uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, UV_SYNC_SELECTION, B_REDR, ICON_EDIT, xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->toolsettings->uv_flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Sync UV and Mesh Selection"); xco+= XIC+8; if(scene->toolsettings->uv_flag & UV_SYNC_SELECTION) { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_VERTEX, B_REDR, ICON_VERTEXSEL, xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Vertex select mode"); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_EDGE, B_REDR, ICON_EDGESEL, xco+=XIC,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Edge select mode"); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_FACE, B_REDR, ICON_FACESEL, xco+=XIC,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Face select mode"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } else { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefIconButS(block, ROW, B_REDR, ICON_VERTEXSEL, xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->toolsettings->uv_selectmode, 1.0, UV_SELECT_VERTEX, 0, 0, "Vertex select mode"); uiDefIconButS(block, ROW, B_REDR, ICON_EDGESEL, xco+=XIC,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->toolsettings->uv_selectmode, 1.0, UV_SELECT_EDGE, 0, 0, "Edge select mode"); uiDefIconButS(block, ROW, B_REDR, ICON_FACESEL, xco+=XIC,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->toolsettings->uv_selectmode, 1.0, UV_SELECT_FACE, 0, 0, "Face select mode"); uiDefIconButS(block, ROW, B_REDR, ICON_LINKEDSEL, xco+=XIC,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->toolsettings->uv_selectmode, 1.0, UV_SELECT_ISLAND, 0, 0, "Island select mode"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); /* would use these if const's could go in strings * SI_STICKY_LOC SI_STICKY_DISABLE SI_STICKY_VERTEX */ but = uiDefIconTextButC(block, ICONTEXTROW, B_REDR, ICON_STICKY_UVS_LOC, "Sticky UV Selection: %t|Disable%x1|Shared Location%x0|Shared Vertex%x2", xco+=XIC+10,yco,XIC+10,YIC, &(sima->sticky), 0, 3.0, 0, 0, "Sticky UV Selection (Hotkeys: Shift C, Alt C, Ctrl C)"); } xco+= XIC + 16; /* snap options, identical to options in 3d view header */ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); if (scene->snap_flag & SCE_SNAP) { uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SNAP, B_REDR, ICON_SNAP_GEO,xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->snap_flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use Snap or Grid (Shift Tab)."); xco+= XIC; uiDefButS(block, MENU, B_NOP, "Mode%t|Closest%x0|Center%x1|Median%x2",xco,yco,70,YIC, &scene->snap_target, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Snap Target Mode."); xco+= 70; } else { uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SNAP, B_REDR, ICON_SNAP_GEAR,xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->snap_flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Snap while Ctrl is held during transform (Shift Tab)."); xco+= XIC; } uiBlockEndAlign(block); xco+= 8; /* uv layers */ { Object *obedit= CTX_data_edit_object(C); char menustr[34*MAX_MTFACE]; static int act; image_menu_uvlayers(obedit, menustr, &act); but = uiDefButI(block, MENU, B_NOP, menustr ,xco,yco,85,YIC, &act, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Active UV Layer for editing."); // uiButSetFunc(but, do_image_buttons_set_uvlayer_callback, &act, NULL); xco+= 85; } xco+= 8; } """ if ima: """ RenderResult *rr; /* render layers and passes */ rr= BKE_image_get_renderresult(scene, ima); if(rr) { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); #if 0 uiblock_layer_pass_buttons(block, rr, &sima->iuser, B_REDR, xco, 0, 160); #endif uiBlockEndAlign(block); xco+= 166; } """ # painting layout.itemR(sima, "image_painting", text="") # draw options row = layout.row(align=True) row.itemR(sima, "draw_channels", text="", expand=True) row = layout.row(align=True) if ima.type == "COMPOSITE": row.itemO("IMAGE_OT_record_composite", icon="ICON_REC") if ima.type == "COMPOSITE" and ima.source in ("MOVIE", "SEQUENCE"): row.itemO("IMAGE_OT_play_composite", icon="ICON_PLAY") layout.itemR(sima, "update_automatically", text="") class IMAGE_PT_game_properties(bpy.types.Panel): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __region_type__ = "UI" __label__ = "Game Properties" def draw(self, context): sima = context.space_data layout = self.layout ima = sima.image if ima: split = layout.split() col = split.column(align=True) col.itemR(ima, "animated") subcol = col.column() subcol.itemR(ima, "animation_start", text="Start") subcol.itemR(ima, "animation_end", text="End") subcol.itemR(ima, "animation_speed", text="Speed") = ima.animated col = split.column() col.itemR(ima, "tiles") subrow = col.row(align=True) subrow.itemR(ima, "tiles_x", text="X") subrow.itemR(ima, "tiles_y", text="Y") = ima.tiles col.itemS() col.itemR(ima, "clamp_x") col.itemR(ima, "clamp_y") col.itemR(ima, "mapping", expand=True) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_view) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_select) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_image) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_uvs_showhide) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_uvs_transform) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_uvs_mirror) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_uvs_weldalign) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_uvs) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_HT_header) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_PT_game_properties) import bpy class IMAGE_MT_view(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "View" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout sima = context.space_data uv = sima.uv_editor show_uvedit = sima.show_uvedit layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_properties") # icon layout.itemS() layout.itemR(sima, "update_automatically") # XXX if show_uvedit: # XXX layout.itemR(uv, "local_view") # "UV Local View", Numpad / layout.itemS() layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_view_zoom_in") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_view_zoom_out") layout.itemS() ratios = [[1, 8], [1, 4], [1, 2], [1, 1], [2, 1], [4, 1], [8, 1]]; for a, b in ratios: text = "Zoom %d:%d" % (a, b) layout.item_floatO("IMAGE_OT_view_zoom_ratio", "ratio", a/b, text=text) layout.itemS() if show_uvedit: layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_view_selected") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_view_all") layout.itemO("SCREEN_OT_screen_full_area") class IMAGE_MT_select(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Select" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.itemO("UV_OT_select_border") layout.item_booleanO("UV_OT_select_border", "pinned", True) layout.itemS() layout.itemO("UV_OT_select_all_toggle") layout.itemO("UV_OT_select_invert") layout.itemO("UV_OT_unlink_selection") layout.itemS() layout.itemO("UV_OT_select_pinned") layout.itemO("UV_OT_select_linked") class IMAGE_MT_image(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Image" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout sima = context.space_data ima = sima.image layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_new") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_open") show_render = sima.show_render if ima: if show_render: layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_replace") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_reload") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_save") layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_save_as") if ima.source == "SEQUENCE": layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_save_sequence") if not show_render: layout.itemS() if ima.packed_file: layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_unpack") else: layout.itemO("IMAGE_OT_pack") # only for dirty && specific image types : XXX poll? #if(ibuf && (ibuf->userflags & IB_BITMAPDIRTY)) if False: if ima.source in ("FILE", "GENERATED") and ima.type != "MULTILAYER": layout.item_booleanO("IMAGE_OT_pack", "as_png", True, text="Pack As PNG") layout.itemS() layout.itemR(sima, "image_painting") class IMAGE_MT_uvs_showhide(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Show/Hide Faces" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.itemO("UV_OT_reveal") layout.itemO("UV_OT_hide") layout.item_booleanO("UV_OT_hide", "unselected", True) class IMAGE_MT_uvs_transform(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Transform" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.item_enumO("TFM_OT_transform", "mode", "TRANSLATION") layout.item_enumO("TFM_OT_transform", "mode", "ROTATION") layout.item_enumO("TFM_OT_transform", "mode", "RESIZE") class IMAGE_MT_uvs_mirror(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Mirror" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.item_enumO("UV_OT_mirror", "axis", "MIRROR_X") # "X Axis", M, layout.item_enumO("UV_OT_mirror", "axis", "MIRROR_Y") # "Y Axis", M, class IMAGE_MT_uvs_weldalign(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "Weld/Align" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.itemO("UV_OT_weld") # W, 1 layout.items_enumO("UV_OT_align", "axis") # W, 2/3/4 class IMAGE_MT_uvs(bpy.types.Menu): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __label__ = "UVs" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout sima = context.space_data uv = sima.uv_editor scene = context.scene layout.itemR(uv, "snap_to_pixels") layout.itemR(uv, "constrain_to_image_bounds") layout.itemS() layout.itemR(uv, "live_unwrap") layout.itemO("UV_OT_unwrap") layout.item_booleanO("UV_OT_pin", "clear", True, text="Unpin") layout.itemO("UV_OT_pin") layout.itemS() layout.itemO("UV_OT_pack_islands") layout.itemO("UV_OT_average_islands_scale") layout.itemO("UV_OT_minimize_stretch") layout.itemO("UV_OT_stitch") layout.itemS() layout.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_uvs_transform") layout.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_uvs_mirror") layout.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_uvs_weldalign") layout.itemS() # XXX layout.itemR(scene, "proportional_editing") layout.item_menu_enumR(scene, "proportional_editing_falloff") layout.itemS() layout.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_uvs_showhide") class IMAGE_HT_header(bpy.types.Header): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" def draw(self, context): sima = context.space_data ima = sima.image layout = self.layout show_render = sima.show_render show_paint = sima.show_paint show_uvedit = sima.show_uvedit layout.template_header(context) # menus if context.area.show_menus: row = layout.row() row.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_view") if show_uvedit: row.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_select") # XXX menuname= (ibuf && (ibuf->userflags & IB_BITMAPDIRTY))? "Image*": "Image"; row.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_image") if show_uvedit: row.itemM(context, "IMAGE_MT_uvs") layout.template_ID(context, sima, "image", new="IMAGE_OT_new", open="IMAGE_OT_open") """ /* image select */ pinflag= (show_render)? 0: UI_ID_PIN; xco= uiDefIDPoinButs(block, CTX_data_main(C), NULL, (ID*)sima->image, ID_IM, &sima->pin, xco, yco, sima_idpoin_handle, UI_ID_BROWSE|UI_ID_BROWSE_RENDER|UI_ID_RENAME|UI_ID_ADD_NEW|UI_ID_OPEN|UI_ID_DELETE|pinflag); xco += 8; """ """ if(ima && !ELEM3(ima->source, IMA_SRC_SEQUENCE, IMA_SRC_MOVIE, IMA_SRC_VIEWER) && ima->ok) { /* XXX this should not be a static var */ static int headerbuttons_packdummy; headerbuttons_packdummy = 0; if (ima->packedfile) { headerbuttons_packdummy = 1; } if (ima->packedfile && ibuf && (ibuf->userflags & IB_BITMAPDIRTY)) uiDefIconButBitI(block, TOG, 1, 0 /* XXX B_SIMA_REPACK */, ICON_UGLYPACKAGE, xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &headerbuttons_packdummy, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Re-Pack this image as PNG"); else uiDefIconButBitI(block, TOG, 1, 0 /* XXX B_SIMAPACKIMA */, ICON_PACKAGE, xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &headerbuttons_packdummy, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Pack/Unpack this image"); xco+= XIC+8; } """ # uv editing if show_uvedit: pass """ /* uv editing */ if(show_uvedit) { /* pivot */ uiDefIconTextButS(block, ICONTEXTROW, B_NOP, ICON_ROTATE, "Pivot: %t|Bounding Box Center %x0|Median Point %x3|2D Cursor %x1", xco,yco,XIC+10,YIC, &ar->v2d.around, 0, 3.0, 0, 0, "Rotation/Scaling Pivot (Hotkeys: Comma, Shift Comma, Period)"); xco+= XIC + 18; /* selection modes */ uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, UV_SYNC_SELECTION, B_REDR, ICON_EDIT, xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->toolsettings->uv_flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Sync UV and Mesh Selection"); xco+= XIC+8; if(scene->toolsettings->uv_flag & UV_SYNC_SELECTION) { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_VERTEX, B_REDR, ICON_VERTEXSEL, xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Vertex select mode"); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_EDGE, B_REDR, ICON_EDGESEL, xco+=XIC,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Edge select mode"); uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SELECT_FACE, B_REDR, ICON_FACESEL, xco+=XIC,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->selectmode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Face select mode"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } else { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefIconButS(block, ROW, B_REDR, ICON_VERTEXSEL, xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->toolsettings->uv_selectmode, 1.0, UV_SELECT_VERTEX, 0, 0, "Vertex select mode"); uiDefIconButS(block, ROW, B_REDR, ICON_EDGESEL, xco+=XIC,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->toolsettings->uv_selectmode, 1.0, UV_SELECT_EDGE, 0, 0, "Edge select mode"); uiDefIconButS(block, ROW, B_REDR, ICON_FACESEL, xco+=XIC,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->toolsettings->uv_selectmode, 1.0, UV_SELECT_FACE, 0, 0, "Face select mode"); uiDefIconButS(block, ROW, B_REDR, ICON_LINKEDSEL, xco+=XIC,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->toolsettings->uv_selectmode, 1.0, UV_SELECT_ISLAND, 0, 0, "Island select mode"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); /* would use these if const's could go in strings * SI_STICKY_LOC SI_STICKY_DISABLE SI_STICKY_VERTEX */ but = uiDefIconTextButC(block, ICONTEXTROW, B_REDR, ICON_STICKY_UVS_LOC, "Sticky UV Selection: %t|Disable%x1|Shared Location%x0|Shared Vertex%x2", xco+=XIC+10,yco,XIC+10,YIC, &(sima->sticky), 0, 3.0, 0, 0, "Sticky UV Selection (Hotkeys: Shift C, Alt C, Ctrl C)"); } xco+= XIC + 16; /* snap options, identical to options in 3d view header */ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); if (scene->snap_flag & SCE_SNAP) { uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SNAP, B_REDR, ICON_SNAP_GEO,xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->snap_flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use Snap or Grid (Shift Tab)."); xco+= XIC; uiDefButS(block, MENU, B_NOP, "Mode%t|Closest%x0|Center%x1|Median%x2",xco,yco,70,YIC, &scene->snap_target, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Snap Target Mode."); xco+= 70; } else { uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, SCE_SNAP, B_REDR, ICON_SNAP_GEAR,xco,yco,XIC,YIC, &scene->snap_flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Snap while Ctrl is held during transform (Shift Tab)."); xco+= XIC; } uiBlockEndAlign(block); xco+= 8; /* uv layers */ { Object *obedit= CTX_data_edit_object(C); char menustr[34*MAX_MTFACE]; static int act; image_menu_uvlayers(obedit, menustr, &act); but = uiDefButI(block, MENU, B_NOP, menustr ,xco,yco,85,YIC, &act, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Active UV Layer for editing."); // uiButSetFunc(but, do_image_buttons_set_uvlayer_callback, &act, NULL); xco+= 85; } xco+= 8; } """ if ima: """ RenderResult *rr; /* render layers and passes */ rr= BKE_image_get_renderresult(scene, ima); if(rr) { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); #if 0 uiblock_layer_pass_buttons(block, rr, &sima->iuser, B_REDR, xco, 0, 160); #endif uiBlockEndAlign(block); xco+= 166; } """ # painting layout.itemR(sima, "image_painting", text="") # draw options row = layout.row(align=True) row.itemR(sima, "draw_channels", text="", expand=True) row = layout.row(align=True) if ima.type == "COMPOSITE": row.itemO("IMAGE_OT_record_composite", icon="ICON_REC") if ima.type == "COMPOSITE" and ima.source in ("MOVIE", "SEQUENCE"): row.itemO("IMAGE_OT_play_composite", icon="ICON_PLAY") layout.itemR(sima, "update_automatically", text="") class IMAGE_PT_game_properties(bpy.types.Panel): __space_type__ = "IMAGE_EDITOR" __region_type__ = "UI" __label__ = "Game Properties" def draw(self, context): sima = context.space_data layout = self.layout ima = sima.image if ima: split = layout.split() col = split.column(align=True) col.itemR(ima, "animated") subcol = col.column() subcol.itemR(ima, "animation_start", text="Start") subcol.itemR(ima, "animation_end", text="End") subcol.itemR(ima, "animation_speed", text="Speed") = ima.animated col = split.column() col.itemR(ima, "tiles") subrow = col.row(align=True) subrow.itemR(ima, "tiles_x", text="X") subrow.itemR(ima, "tiles_y", text="Y") = ima.tiles col.itemS() col.itemR(ima, "clamp_x") col.itemR(ima, "clamp_y") col.itemR(ima, "mapping", expand=True) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_view) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_select) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_image) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_uvs_showhide) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_uvs_transform) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_uvs_mirror) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_uvs_weldalign) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_MT_uvs) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_HT_header) bpy.types.register(IMAGE_PT_game_properties)