/** * endian.h * * This is external code. Streams bytes to output depending on the * endianness of the system. * * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender * Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under * the Blender License. See http://www.blender.org/BL/ for information * about this. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "AVI_avi.h" #include "endian.h" #include "avi_intern.h" #if defined(__sgi) || defined (__sparc) || defined (__sparc__) || defined (__PPC__) || defined (__ppc__) || defined (__BIG_ENDIAN__) #define WORDS_BIGENDIAN #endif static void invert (int *num) { int new=0,i,j; for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { for (i=0; i<8; i++) { new |= ((*num>>(j*8+i))&1)<<((3-j)*8+i); } } *num = new; } static void sinvert (short int *num) { short int new=0; int i,j; for (j=0; j < 2; j++) { for (i=0; i<8; i++) { new |= ((*num>>(j*8+i))&1)<<((1-j)*8+i); } } *num = new; } static void Ichunk (AviChunk *chunk) { invert (&chunk->fcc); invert (&chunk->size); } #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN static void Ilist (AviList *list){ invert (&list->fcc); invert (&list->size); invert (&list->ids); } static void Imainh (AviMainHeader *mainh) { invert (&mainh->fcc); invert (&mainh->size); invert (&mainh->MicroSecPerFrame); invert (&mainh->MaxBytesPerSec); invert (&mainh->PaddingGranularity); invert (&mainh->Flags); invert (&mainh->TotalFrames); invert (&mainh->InitialFrames); invert (&mainh->Streams); invert (&mainh->SuggestedBufferSize); invert (&mainh->Width); invert (&mainh->Height); invert (&mainh->Reserved[0]); invert (&mainh->Reserved[1]); invert (&mainh->Reserved[2]); invert (&mainh->Reserved[3]); } static void Istreamh (AviStreamHeader *streamh) { invert (&streamh->fcc); invert (&streamh->size); invert (&streamh->Type); invert (&streamh->Handler); invert (&streamh->Flags); sinvert (&streamh->Priority); sinvert (&streamh->Language); invert (&streamh->InitialFrames); invert (&streamh->Scale); invert (&streamh->Rate); invert (&streamh->Start); invert (&streamh->Length); invert (&streamh->SuggestedBufferSize); invert (&streamh->Quality); invert (&streamh->SampleSize); sinvert (&streamh->left); sinvert (&streamh->right); sinvert (&streamh->top); sinvert (&streamh->bottom); } static void Ibitmaph (AviBitmapInfoHeader *bitmaph) { invert (&bitmaph->fcc); invert (&bitmaph->size); invert (&bitmaph->Size); invert (&bitmaph->Width); invert (&bitmaph->Height); sinvert (&bitmaph->Planes); sinvert (&bitmaph->BitCount); invert (&bitmaph->Compression); invert (&bitmaph->SizeImage); invert (&bitmaph->XPelsPerMeter); invert (&bitmaph->YPelsPerMeter); invert (&bitmaph->ClrUsed); invert (&bitmaph->ClrImportant); } static void Imjpegu (AviMJPEGUnknown *mjpgu) { invert (&mjpgu->a); invert (&mjpgu->b); invert (&mjpgu->c); invert (&mjpgu->d); invert (&mjpgu->e); invert (&mjpgu->f); invert (&mjpgu->g); } static void Iindexe (AviIndexEntry *indexe) { invert (&indexe->ChunkId); invert (&indexe->Flags); invert (&indexe->Offset); invert (&indexe->Size); } #endif /* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ void awrite (AviMovie *movie, void *datain, int block, int size, FILE *fp, int type) { #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN void *data; data = MEM_mallocN (size, "avi endian"); memcpy (data, datain, size); switch (type) { case AVI_RAW: fwrite (data, block, size, fp); break; case AVI_CHUNK: Ichunk ((AviChunk *) data); fwrite (data, block, size, fp); break; case AVI_LIST: Ilist ((AviList *) data); fwrite (data, block, size, fp); break; case AVI_MAINH: Imainh ((AviMainHeader *) data); fwrite (data, block, size, fp); break; case AVI_STREAMH: Istreamh ((AviStreamHeader *) data); fwrite (data, block, size, fp); break; case AVI_BITMAPH: Ibitmaph ((AviBitmapInfoHeader *) data); if (size==sizeof(AviBitmapInfoHeader) + sizeof(AviMJPEGUnknown)) { Imjpegu((AviMJPEGUnknown*)((char*)data+sizeof(AviBitmapInfoHeader))); } fwrite (data, block, size, fp); break; case AVI_MJPEGU: Imjpegu ((AviMJPEGUnknown *) data); fwrite (data, block, size, fp); break; case AVI_INDEXE: Iindexe ((AviIndexEntry *) data); fwrite (data, block, size, fp); break; default: break; } MEM_freeN (data); #else /* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ fwrite (datain, block, size, fp); #endif /* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ }