/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2009 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/blenfont/intern/blf_font.c * \ingroup blf */ #include #include #include #include #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include FT_GLYPH_H #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "DNA_vec_types.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_linklist.h" /* linknode */ #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "BLF_api.h" #include "blf_internal_types.h" #include "blf_internal.h" /* freetype2 handle ONLY for this file!. */ static FT_Library ft_lib; int blf_font_init(void) { return FT_Init_FreeType(&ft_lib); } void blf_font_exit(void) { FT_Done_FreeType(ft_lib); } void blf_font_size(FontBLF *font, int size, int dpi) { GlyphCacheBLF *gc; FT_Error err; err = FT_Set_Char_Size(font->face, 0, (size * 64), dpi, dpi); if (err) { /* FIXME: here we can go through the fixed size and choice a close one */ printf("The current font don't support the size, %d and dpi, %d\n", size, dpi); return; } font->size = size; font->dpi = dpi; gc = blf_glyph_cache_find(font, size, dpi); if (gc) font->glyph_cache = gc; else { gc = blf_glyph_cache_new(font); if (gc) font->glyph_cache = gc; else font->glyph_cache = NULL; } } static void blf_font_ensure_ascii_table(FontBLF *font) { GlyphBLF **glyph_ascii_table = font->glyph_cache->glyph_ascii_table; /* build ascii on demand */ if (glyph_ascii_table['0'] == NULL) { GlyphBLF *g; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { g = blf_glyph_search(font->glyph_cache, i); if (!g) { FT_UInt glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(font->face, i); g = blf_glyph_add(font, glyph_index, i); } glyph_ascii_table[i] = g; } } } /* Fast path for runs of ASCII characters. Given that common UTF-8 * input will consist of an overwhelming majority of ASCII * characters. */ /* Note, * blf_font_ensure_ascii_table(font); must be called before this macro */ #define BLF_UTF8_NEXT_FAST(_font, _g, _str, _i, _c, _glyph_ascii_table) \ if (((_c) = (_str)[_i]) < 0x80) { \ _g = (_glyph_ascii_table)[_c]; \ _i++; \ } \ else if ((_c = BLI_str_utf8_as_unicode_step(_str, &(_i))) != BLI_UTF8_ERR) { \ if ((_g = blf_glyph_search((_font)->glyph_cache, _c)) == NULL) { \ _g = blf_glyph_add(_font, \ FT_Get_Char_Index((_font)->face, _c), _c); \ } \ } (void)0 #define BLF_KERNING_VARS(_font, _has_kerning, _kern_mode) \ const short _has_kerning = FT_HAS_KERNING((_font)->face); \ const FT_UInt _kern_mode = (_has_kerning == 0) ? 0 : \ (((_font)->flags & BLF_KERNING_DEFAULT) ? \ ft_kerning_default : FT_KERNING_UNFITTED) \ #define BLF_KERNING_STEP(_font, _kern_mode, _g_prev, _g, _delta, _pen_x) \ { \ if (_g_prev) { \ _delta.x = _delta.y = 0; \ if (FT_Get_Kerning((_font)->face, \ (_g_prev)->idx, \ (_g)->idx, \ _kern_mode, \ &(_delta)) == 0) \ { \ _pen_x += delta.x >> 6; \ } \ } \ } (void)0 void blf_font_draw(FontBLF *font, const char *str, unsigned int len) { unsigned int c; GlyphBLF *g, *g_prev = NULL; FT_Vector delta; int pen_x = 0, pen_y = 0; size_t i = 0; GlyphBLF **glyph_ascii_table = font->glyph_cache->glyph_ascii_table; BLF_KERNING_VARS(font, has_kerning, kern_mode); blf_font_ensure_ascii_table(font); while (str[i] && i < len) { BLF_UTF8_NEXT_FAST(font, g, str, i, c, glyph_ascii_table); if (c == BLI_UTF8_ERR) break; if (g == NULL) continue; if (has_kerning) BLF_KERNING_STEP(font, kern_mode, g_prev, g, delta, pen_x); /* do not return this loop if clipped, we want every character tested */ blf_glyph_render(font, g, (float)pen_x, (float)pen_y); pen_x += g->advance; g_prev = g; } } /* faster version of blf_font_draw, ascii only for view dimensions */ void blf_font_draw_ascii(FontBLF *font, const char *str, unsigned int len) { unsigned char c; GlyphBLF *g, *g_prev = NULL; FT_Vector delta; int pen_x = 0, pen_y = 0; GlyphBLF **glyph_ascii_table = font->glyph_cache->glyph_ascii_table; BLF_KERNING_VARS(font, has_kerning, kern_mode); blf_font_ensure_ascii_table(font); while ((c = *(str++)) && len--) { if ((g = glyph_ascii_table[c]) == NULL) continue; if (has_kerning) BLF_KERNING_STEP(font, kern_mode, g_prev, g, delta, pen_x); /* do not return this loop if clipped, we want every character tested */ blf_glyph_render(font, g, (float)pen_x, (float)pen_y); pen_x += g->advance; g_prev = g; } } /* Sanity checks are done by BLF_draw_buffer() */ void blf_font_buffer(FontBLF *font, const char *str) { unsigned int c; GlyphBLF *g, *g_prev = NULL; FT_Vector delta; int pen_x = (int)font->pos[0], pen_y = 0; size_t i = 0; GlyphBLF **glyph_ascii_table = font->glyph_cache->glyph_ascii_table; /* buffer specific vars */ FontBufInfoBLF *buf_info = &font->buf_info; float b_col_float[4]; const unsigned char b_col_char[4] = {buf_info->col[0] * 255, buf_info->col[1] * 255, buf_info->col[2] * 255, buf_info->col[3] * 255}; unsigned char *cbuf; int chx, chy; int y, x; float a, *fbuf; BLF_KERNING_VARS(font, has_kerning, kern_mode); blf_font_ensure_ascii_table(font); /* another buffer spesific call for color conversion */ if (buf_info->do_color_management) { srgb_to_linearrgb_v4(b_col_float, buf_info->col); } else { copy_v4_v4(b_col_float, buf_info->col); } while (str[i]) { BLF_UTF8_NEXT_FAST(font, g, str, i, c, glyph_ascii_table); if (c == BLI_UTF8_ERR) break; if (g == NULL) continue; if (has_kerning) BLF_KERNING_STEP(font, kern_mode, g_prev, g, delta, pen_x); chx = pen_x + ((int)g->pos_x); chy = (int)font->pos[1] + g->height; if (g->pitch < 0) { pen_y = (int)font->pos[1] + (g->height - (int)g->pos_y); } else { pen_y = (int)font->pos[1] - (g->height - (int)g->pos_y); } if ((chx + g->width) >= 0 && chx < buf_info->w && (pen_y + g->height) >= 0 && pen_y < buf_info->h) { /* don't draw beyond the buffer bounds */ int width_clip = g->width; int height_clip = g->height; int yb_start = g->pitch < 0 ? 0 : g->height - 1; if (width_clip + chx > buf_info->w) width_clip -= chx + width_clip - buf_info->w; if (height_clip + pen_y > buf_info->h) height_clip -= pen_y + height_clip - buf_info->h; /* drawing below the image? */ if (pen_y < 0) { yb_start += (g->pitch < 0) ? -pen_y : pen_y; height_clip += pen_y; pen_y = 0; } if (buf_info->fbuf) { int yb = yb_start; for (y = ((chy >= 0) ? 0 : -chy); y < height_clip; y++) { for (x = ((chx >= 0) ? 0 : -chx); x < width_clip; x++) { a = *(g->bitmap + x + (yb * g->pitch)) / 255.0f; if (a > 0.0f) { float alphatest; fbuf = buf_info->fbuf + buf_info->ch * ((chx + x) + ((pen_y + y) * buf_info->w)); if (a >= 1.0f) { fbuf[0] = b_col_float[0]; fbuf[1] = b_col_float[1]; fbuf[2] = b_col_float[2]; fbuf[3] = (alphatest = (fbuf[3] + (b_col_float[3]))) < 1.0f ? alphatest : 1.0f; } else { fbuf[0] = (b_col_float[0] * a) + (fbuf[0] * (1.0f - a)); fbuf[1] = (b_col_float[1] * a) + (fbuf[1] * (1.0f - a)); fbuf[2] = (b_col_float[2] * a) + (fbuf[2] * (1.0f - a)); fbuf[3] = (alphatest = (fbuf[3] + (b_col_float[3] * a))) < 1.0f ? alphatest : 1.0f; } } } if (g->pitch < 0) yb++; else yb--; } } if (buf_info->cbuf) { int yb = yb_start; for (y = 0; y < height_clip; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width_clip; x++) { a = *(g->bitmap + x + (yb * g->pitch)) / 255.0f; if (a > 0.0f) { int alphatest; cbuf = buf_info->cbuf + buf_info->ch * ((chx + x) + ((pen_y + y) * buf_info->w)); if (a >= 1.0f) { cbuf[0] = b_col_char[0]; cbuf[1] = b_col_char[1]; cbuf[2] = b_col_char[2]; cbuf[3] = (alphatest = ((int)cbuf[3] + (int)b_col_char[3])) < 255 ? alphatest : 255; } else { cbuf[0] = (b_col_char[0] * a) + (cbuf[0] * (1.0f - a)); cbuf[1] = (b_col_char[1] * a) + (cbuf[1] * (1.0f - a)); cbuf[2] = (b_col_char[2] * a) + (cbuf[2] * (1.0f - a)); cbuf[3] = (alphatest = ((int)cbuf[3] + (int)((b_col_float[3] * a) * 255.0f))) < 255 ? alphatest : 255; } } } if (g->pitch < 0) yb++; else yb--; } } } pen_x += g->advance; g_prev = g; } } void blf_font_boundbox(FontBLF *font, const char *str, rctf *box) { unsigned int c; GlyphBLF *g, *g_prev = NULL; FT_Vector delta; int pen_x = 0, pen_y = 0; size_t i = 0; GlyphBLF **glyph_ascii_table = font->glyph_cache->glyph_ascii_table; rctf gbox; BLF_KERNING_VARS(font, has_kerning, kern_mode); box->xmin = 32000.0f; box->xmax = -32000.0f; box->ymin = 32000.0f; box->ymax = -32000.0f; blf_font_ensure_ascii_table(font); while (str[i]) { BLF_UTF8_NEXT_FAST(font, g, str, i, c, glyph_ascii_table); if (c == BLI_UTF8_ERR) break; if (g == NULL) continue; if (has_kerning) BLF_KERNING_STEP(font, kern_mode, g_prev, g, delta, pen_x); gbox.xmin = pen_x; gbox.xmax = pen_x + g->advance; gbox.ymin = g->box.ymin + pen_y; gbox.ymax = g->box.ymax + pen_y; if (gbox.xmin < box->xmin) box->xmin = gbox.xmin; if (gbox.ymin < box->ymin) box->ymin = gbox.ymin; if (gbox.xmax > box->xmax) box->xmax = gbox.xmax; if (gbox.ymax > box->ymax) box->ymax = gbox.ymax; pen_x += g->advance; g_prev = g; } if (box->xmin > box->xmax) { box->xmin = 0.0f; box->ymin = 0.0f; box->xmax = 0.0f; box->ymax = 0.0f; } } void blf_font_width_and_height(FontBLF *font, const char *str, float *width, float *height) { float xa, ya; rctf box; if (font->flags & BLF_ASPECT) { xa = font->aspect[0]; ya = font->aspect[1]; } else { xa = 1.0f; ya = 1.0f; } blf_font_boundbox(font, str, &box); *width = ((box.xmax - box.xmin) * xa); *height = ((box.ymax - box.ymin) * ya); } float blf_font_width(FontBLF *font, const char *str) { float xa; rctf box; if (font->flags & BLF_ASPECT) xa = font->aspect[0]; else xa = 1.0f; blf_font_boundbox(font, str, &box); return (box.xmax - box.xmin) * xa; } float blf_font_height(FontBLF *font, const char *str) { float ya; rctf box; if (font->flags & BLF_ASPECT) ya = font->aspect[1]; else ya = 1.0f; blf_font_boundbox(font, str, &box); return (box.ymax - box.ymin) * ya; } float blf_font_fixed_width(FontBLF *font) { const unsigned int c = ' '; GlyphBLF *g = blf_glyph_search(font->glyph_cache, c); if (!g) { g = blf_glyph_add(font, FT_Get_Char_Index(font->face, c), c); /* if we don't find the glyph. */ if (!g) { return 0.0f; } } return g->advance; } void blf_font_free(FontBLF *font) { GlyphCacheBLF *gc; font->glyph_cache = NULL; while (font->cache.first) { gc = font->cache.first; BLI_remlink(&font->cache, gc); blf_glyph_cache_free(gc); } FT_Done_Face(font->face); if (font->filename) MEM_freeN(font->filename); if (font->name) MEM_freeN(font->name); MEM_freeN(font); } static void blf_font_fill(FontBLF *font) { unsigned int i; font->aspect[0] = 1.0f; font->aspect[1] = 1.0f; font->aspect[2] = 1.0f; font->pos[0] = 0.0f; font->pos[1] = 0.0f; font->angle = 0.0f; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) font->m[i] = 0; font->clip_rec.xmin = 0.0f; font->clip_rec.xmax = 0.0f; font->clip_rec.ymin = 0.0f; font->clip_rec.ymax = 0.0f; font->flags = 0; font->dpi = 0; font->size = 0; font->cache.first = NULL; font->cache.last = NULL; font->glyph_cache = NULL; font->blur = 0; font->max_tex_size = -1; font->buf_info.fbuf = NULL; font->buf_info.cbuf = NULL; font->buf_info.w = 0; font->buf_info.h = 0; font->buf_info.ch = 0; font->buf_info.col[0] = 0; font->buf_info.col[1] = 0; font->buf_info.col[2] = 0; font->buf_info.col[3] = 0; font->ft_lib = ft_lib; } FontBLF *blf_font_new(const char *name, const char *filename) { FontBLF *font; FT_Error err; char *mfile; font = (FontBLF *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(FontBLF), "blf_font_new"); err = FT_New_Face(ft_lib, filename, 0, &font->face); if (err) { MEM_freeN(font); return NULL; } err = FT_Select_Charmap(font->face, ft_encoding_unicode); if (err) { printf("Can't set the unicode character map!\n"); FT_Done_Face(font->face); MEM_freeN(font); return NULL; } mfile = blf_dir_metrics_search(filename); if (mfile) { err = FT_Attach_File(font->face, mfile); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "FT_Attach_File failed to load '%s' with error %d\n", filename, (int)err); } MEM_freeN(mfile); } font->name = BLI_strdup(name); font->filename = BLI_strdup(filename); blf_font_fill(font); return font; } void blf_font_attach_from_mem(FontBLF *font, const unsigned char *mem, int mem_size) { FT_Open_Args open; open.flags = FT_OPEN_MEMORY; open.memory_base = (const FT_Byte *)mem; open.memory_size = mem_size; FT_Attach_Stream(font->face, &open); } FontBLF *blf_font_new_from_mem(const char *name, const unsigned char *mem, int mem_size) { FontBLF *font; FT_Error err; font = (FontBLF *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(FontBLF), "blf_font_new_from_mem"); err = FT_New_Memory_Face(ft_lib, mem, mem_size, 0, &font->face); if (err) { MEM_freeN(font); return NULL; } err = FT_Select_Charmap(font->face, ft_encoding_unicode); if (err) { printf("Can't set the unicode character map!\n"); FT_Done_Face(font->face); MEM_freeN(font); return NULL; } font->name = BLI_strdup(name); font->filename = NULL; blf_font_fill(font); return font; }