/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/blenfont/intern/blf_lang.c * \ingroup blf */ #include "BLF_translation.h" /* own include */ #ifdef WITH_INTERNATIONAL #include #include #include #include "boost_locale_wrapper.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "RNA_types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_fileops.h" #include "BLI_linklist.h" #include "BLI_path_util.h" #include "BLI_string.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" /* Locale options. */ static const char **locales = NULL; static int num_locales = 0; static EnumPropertyItem *locales_menu = NULL; static int num_locales_menu = 0; #define ULANGUAGE ((U.language >= 0 && U.language < num_locales) ? U.language : 0) #define LOCALE(_id) (locales ? locales[_id] : "") static void free_locales(void) { if (locales) { int idx = num_locales_menu - 1; /* Last item does not need to be freed! */ while (idx--) { MEM_freeN((void *)locales_menu[idx].identifier); MEM_freeN((void *)locales_menu[idx].name); MEM_freeN((void *)locales_menu[idx].description); /* Also frees locales's relevant value! */ } MEM_freeN(locales); locales = NULL; } if (locales_menu) { MEM_freeN(locales_menu); locales_menu = NULL; } num_locales = num_locales_menu = 0; } static void fill_locales(void) { char *languages_path = BLI_get_folder(BLENDER_DATAFILES, "locale"); LinkNode *lines = NULL, *line; char *str; int idx = 0; free_locales(); BLI_join_dirfile(languages_path, FILE_MAX, languages_path, "languages"); line = lines = BLI_file_read_as_lines(languages_path); /* This whole "parsing" code is a bit weak, in that it expects strictly formated input file... * Should not be a problem, though, as this file is script-generated! */ /* First loop to find highest locale ID */ while (line) { int t; str = (char*) line->link; if (str[0] == '#' || str[0] == '\0') { line = line->next; continue; /* Comment or void... */ } t = atoi(str); if (t >= num_locales) num_locales = t + 1; num_locales_menu++; line = line->next; } num_locales_menu++; /* The "closing" void item... */ /* And now, buil locales and locale_menu! */ locales_menu = MEM_callocN(num_locales_menu * sizeof(EnumPropertyItem), __func__); line = lines; /* Do not allocate locales with zero-sized mem, as LOCALE macro uses NULL locales as invalid marker! */ if (num_locales > 0) { locales = MEM_callocN(num_locales * sizeof(char*), __func__); while (line) { int id; char *loc, *sep1, *sep2, *sep3; str = (char*) line->link; if (str[0] == '#' || str[0] == '\0') { line = line->next; continue; } id = atoi(str); sep1 = strchr(str, ':'); if (sep1) { sep1++; sep2 = strchr(sep1, ':'); if (sep2) { locales_menu[idx].value = id; locales_menu[idx].icon = 0; locales_menu[idx].name = BLI_strdupn(sep1, sep2 - sep1); sep2++; sep3 = strchr(sep2, ':'); if (sep3) { locales_menu[idx].identifier = loc = BLI_strdupn(sep2, sep3 - sep2); } else { locales_menu[idx].identifier = loc = BLI_strdup(sep2); } if (id == 0) { /* The DEFAULT item... */ if (BLI_strnlen(loc, 2)) { locales[id] = locales_menu[idx].description = BLI_strdup(""); } /* Menu "label", not to be stored in locales! */ else { locales_menu[idx].description = BLI_strdup(""); } } else { locales[id] = locales_menu[idx].description = BLI_strdup(loc); } idx++; } } line = line->next; } } /* Add closing item to menu! */ locales_menu[idx].identifier = NULL; locales_menu[idx].value = locales_menu[idx].icon = 0; locales_menu[idx].name = locales_menu[idx].description = ""; BLI_file_free_lines(lines); } EnumPropertyItem *BLF_RNA_lang_enum_properties(void) { return locales_menu; } void BLF_lang_init(void) { char *messagepath = BLI_get_folder(BLENDER_DATAFILES, "locale"); if (messagepath) { bl_locale_init(messagepath, TEXT_DOMAIN_NAME); fill_locales(); } else { printf("%s: 'locale' data path for translations not found, continuing\n", __func__); } } void BLF_lang_free(void) { free_locales(); } void BLF_lang_set(const char *str) { int ulang = ULANGUAGE; const char *short_locale = str ? str : LOCALE(ulang); const char *short_locale_utf8 = NULL; if ((U.transopts & USER_DOTRANSLATE) == 0) return; /* We want to avoid locales like '.UTF-8'! */ if (short_locale[0]) { /* Hurrey! encoding needs to be placed *before* variant! */ char *variant = strchr(short_locale, '@'); if (variant) { char *locale = BLI_strdupn(short_locale, variant - short_locale); short_locale_utf8 = BLI_sprintfN("%s.UTF-8%s", locale, variant); MEM_freeN(locale); } else { short_locale_utf8 = BLI_sprintfN("%s.UTF-8", short_locale); } } else { short_locale_utf8 = short_locale; } bl_locale_set(short_locale_utf8); if (short_locale[0]) { MEM_freeN((void*)short_locale_utf8); } } const char *BLF_lang_get(void) { int uilang = ULANGUAGE; return LOCALE(uilang); } #undef LOCALE #undef ULANGUAGE #else /* ! WITH_INTERNATIONAL */ void BLF_lang_init(void) { return; } void BLF_lang_free(void) { return; } void BLF_lang_set(const char *str) { (void)str; return; } const char *BLF_lang_get(void) { return ""; } #endif /* WITH_INTERNATIONAL */