/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. */ #pragma once /** \file * \ingroup bke */ #include "BLI_listbase.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif struct AnimationEvalContext; struct BMEditMesh; struct Bone; struct Depsgraph; struct IDProperty; struct ListBase; struct Main; struct Mesh; struct Object; struct PoseTree; struct Scene; struct bAction; struct bArmature; struct bConstraint; struct bGPDstroke; struct bPose; struct bPoseChannel; typedef struct EditBone { struct EditBone *next, *prev; /** User-Defined Properties on this Bone */ struct IDProperty *prop; /** * Editbones have a one-way link (i.e. children refer * to parents. This is converted to a two-way link for * normal bones when leaving editmode. */ struct EditBone *parent; /** (64 == MAXBONENAME) */ char name[64]; /** * Roll along axis. We'll ultimately use the axis/angle method * for determining the transformation matrix of the bone. The axis * is tail-head while roll provides the angle. Refer to Graphics * Gems 1 p. 466 (section IX.6) if it's not already in here somewhere. */ float roll; /** Orientation and length is implicit during editing */ float head[3]; float tail[3]; /** * All joints are considered to have zero rotation with respect to * their parents. Therefore any rotations specified during the * animation are automatically relative to the bones' rest positions. */ int flag; int layer; char inherit_scale_mode; /* Envelope distance & weight */ float dist, weight; /** put them in order! transform uses this as scale */ float xwidth, length, zwidth; float rad_head, rad_tail; /* Bendy-Bone parameters */ short segments; float roll1, roll2; float curve_in_x, curve_in_z; float curve_out_x, curve_out_z; float ease1, ease2; float scale_in[3], scale_out[3]; /** for envelope scaling */ float oldlength; /** Type of next/prev bone handles */ char bbone_prev_type; char bbone_next_type; /** B-Bone flags. */ int bbone_flag; short bbone_prev_flag; short bbone_next_flag; /** Next/prev bones to use as handle references when calculating bbones (optional) */ struct EditBone *bbone_prev; struct EditBone *bbone_next; /* Used for display */ /** in Armature space, rest pos matrix */ float disp_mat[4][4]; /** in Armature space, rest pos matrix */ float disp_tail_mat[4][4]; /** in Armature space, rest pos matrix (32 == MAX_BBONE_SUBDIV) */ float disp_bbone_mat[32][4][4]; /** connected child temporary during drawing */ struct EditBone *bbone_child; /* Used to store temporary data */ union { struct EditBone *ebone; struct Bone *bone; void *p; int i; } temp; } EditBone; typedef struct PoseTarget { struct PoseTarget *next, *prev; struct bConstraint *con; /* the constraint of this target */ int tip; /* index of tip pchan in PoseTree */ } PoseTarget; typedef struct PoseTree { struct PoseTree *next, *prev; int type; /* type of IK that this serves (CONSTRAINT_TYPE_KINEMATIC or ..._SPLINEIK) */ int totchannel; /* number of pose channels */ struct ListBase targets; /* list of targets of the tree */ struct bPoseChannel **pchan; /* array of pose channels */ int *parent; /* and their parents */ float (*basis_change)[3][3]; /* basis change result from solver */ int iterations; /* iterations from the constraint */ int stretch; /* disable stretching */ } PoseTree; /* Core armature functionality. */ struct bArmature *BKE_armature_add(struct Main *bmain, const char *name); struct bArmature *BKE_armature_from_object(struct Object *ob); int BKE_armature_bonelist_count(const struct ListBase *lb); void BKE_armature_bonelist_free(struct ListBase *lb, const bool do_id_user); void BKE_armature_editbonelist_free(struct ListBase *lb, const bool do_id_user); void BKE_armature_copy_bone_transforms(struct bArmature *armature_dst, const struct bArmature *armature_src); void BKE_armature_transform(struct bArmature *arm, const float mat[4][4], const bool do_props); /* Bounding box. */ struct BoundBox *BKE_armature_boundbox_get(struct Object *ob); bool BKE_pose_minmax( struct Object *ob, float r_min[3], float r_max[3], bool use_hidden, bool use_select); /** * Finds the best possible extension to the name on a particular axis. * (For renaming, check for unique names afterwards) * \param strip_number: removes number extensions (TODO: not used). * \param axis: The axis to name on. * \param head: The head co-ordinate of the bone on the specified axis. * \param tail: The tail co-ordinate of the bone on the specified axis. */ bool bone_autoside_name(char name[64], int strip_number, short axis, float head, float tail); /** * Walk the list until the bone is found (slow!), * use #BKE_armature_bone_from_name_map for multiple lookups. */ struct Bone *BKE_armature_find_bone_name(struct bArmature *arm, const char *name); void BKE_armature_bone_hash_make(struct bArmature *arm); void BKE_armature_bone_hash_free(struct bArmature *arm); bool BKE_armature_bone_flag_test_recursive(const struct Bone *bone, int flag); void BKE_armature_refresh_layer_used(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct bArmature *arm); /** * Using `vec` with dist to bone `b1 - b2`. */ float distfactor_to_bone( const float vec[3], const float b1[3], const float b2[3], float rad1, float rad2, float rdist); /** * Updates vectors and matrices on rest-position level, only needed * after editing armature itself, now only on reading file. */ void BKE_armature_where_is(struct bArmature *arm); /** * Recursive part, calculates rest-position of entire tree of children. * \note Used when exiting edit-mode too. */ void BKE_armature_where_is_bone(struct Bone *bone, const struct Bone *bone_parent, const bool use_recursion); /** * Clear pointers of object's pose * (needed in remap case, since we cannot always wait for a complete pose rebuild). */ void BKE_pose_clear_pointers(struct bPose *pose); void BKE_pose_remap_bone_pointers(struct bArmature *armature, struct bPose *pose); /** * Update the links for the B-Bone handles from Bone data. */ void BKE_pchan_rebuild_bbone_handles(struct bPose *pose, struct bPoseChannel *pchan); void BKE_pose_channels_clear_with_null_bone(struct bPose *pose, const bool do_id_user); /** * Only after leave edit-mode, duplicating, validating older files, library syncing. * * \note pose->flag is set for it. * * \param bmain: May be NULL, only used to tag depsgraph as being dirty. */ void BKE_pose_rebuild(struct Main *bmain, struct Object *ob, struct bArmature *arm, const bool do_id_user); /** * Ensures object's pose is rebuilt if needed. * * \param bmain: May be NULL, only used to tag depsgraph as being dirty. */ void BKE_pose_ensure(struct Main *bmain, struct Object *ob, struct bArmature *arm, const bool do_id_user); /** * \note This is the only function adding poses. * \note This only reads anim data from channels, and writes to channels. */ void BKE_pose_where_is(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob); /** * The main armature solver, does all constraints excluding IK. * * \param pchan: pose-channel - validated, as having bone and parent pointer. * \param do_extra: when zero skips loc/size/rot, constraints and strip modifiers. */ void BKE_pose_where_is_bone(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, struct bPoseChannel *pchan, float ctime, bool do_extra); /** * Calculate tail of pose-channel. */ void BKE_pose_where_is_bone_tail(struct bPoseChannel *pchan); /** * Evaluate the action and apply it to the pose. If any pose bones are selected, only FCurves that * relate to those bones are evaluated. */ void BKE_pose_apply_action_selected_bones(struct Object *ob, struct bAction *action, struct AnimationEvalContext *anim_eval_context); /** * Evaluate the action and apply it to the pose. Ignore selection state of the bones. */ void BKE_pose_apply_action_all_bones(struct Object *ob, struct bAction *action, struct AnimationEvalContext *anim_eval_context); void BKE_pose_apply_action_blend(struct Object *ob, struct bAction *action, struct AnimationEvalContext *anim_eval_context, float blend_factor); void vec_roll_to_mat3(const float vec[3], const float roll, float r_mat[3][3]); /** * Calculates the rest matrix of a bone based on its vector and a roll around that vector. */ void vec_roll_to_mat3_normalized(const float nor[3], const float roll, float r_mat[3][3]); /** * Computes vector and roll based on a rotation. * "mat" must contain only a rotation, and no scaling. */ void mat3_to_vec_roll(const float mat[3][3], float r_vec[3], float *r_roll); /** * Computes roll around the vector that best approximates the matrix. * If `vec` is the Y vector from purely rotational `mat`, result should be exact. */ void mat3_vec_to_roll(const float mat[3][3], const float vec[3], float *r_roll); /* Common Conversions Between Co-ordinate Spaces */ /** * Convert World-Space Matrix to Pose-Space Matrix. */ void BKE_armature_mat_world_to_pose(struct Object *ob, const float inmat[4][4], float outmat[4][4]); /** * Convert World-Space Location to Pose-Space Location * \note this cannot be used to convert to pose-space location of the supplied * pose-channel into its local space (i.e. 'visual'-keyframing). */ void BKE_armature_loc_world_to_pose(struct Object *ob, const float inloc[3], float outloc[3]); /** * Convert Pose-Space Matrix to Bone-Space Matrix. * \note this cannot be used to convert to pose-space transforms of the supplied * pose-channel into its local space (i.e. 'visual'-keyframing). */ void BKE_armature_mat_pose_to_bone(struct bPoseChannel *pchan, const float inmat[4][4], float outmat[4][4]); /** * Convert Pose-Space Location to Bone-Space Location * \note this cannot be used to convert to pose-space location of the supplied * pose-channel into its local space (i.e. 'visual'-keyframing). */ void BKE_armature_loc_pose_to_bone(struct bPoseChannel *pchan, const float inloc[3], float outloc[3]); /** * Convert Bone-Space Matrix to Pose-Space Matrix. */ void BKE_armature_mat_bone_to_pose(struct bPoseChannel *pchan, const float inmat[4][4], float outmat[4][4]); /** * Remove rest-position effects from pose-transform for obtaining * 'visual' transformation of pose-channel. * (used by the Visual-Keyframing stuff). */ void BKE_armature_mat_pose_to_delta(float delta_mat[4][4], float pose_mat[4][4], float arm_mat[4][4]); void BKE_armature_mat_pose_to_bone_ex(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Object *ob, struct bPoseChannel *pchan, const float inmat[4][4], float outmat[4][4]); /** * Same as #BKE_object_mat3_to_rot(). */ void BKE_pchan_mat3_to_rot(struct bPoseChannel *pchan, const float mat[3][3], bool use_compat); /** * Same as #BKE_object_rot_to_mat3(). */ void BKE_pchan_rot_to_mat3(const struct bPoseChannel *pchan, float r_mat[3][3]); /** * Apply a 4x4 matrix to the pose bone, * similar to #BKE_object_apply_mat4(). */ void BKE_pchan_apply_mat4(struct bPoseChannel *pchan, const float mat[4][4], bool use_compat); /** * Convert the loc/rot/size to \a r_chanmat (typically #bPoseChannel.chan_mat). */ void BKE_pchan_to_mat4(const struct bPoseChannel *pchan, float r_chanmat[4][4]); /** * Convert the loc/rot/size to mat4 (`pchan.chan_mat`), * used in `constraint.c` too. */ void BKE_pchan_calc_mat(struct bPoseChannel *pchan); /** * Simple helper, computes the offset bone matrix: * `offs_bone = yoffs(b-1) + root(b) + bonemat(b)`. */ void BKE_bone_offset_matrix_get(const struct Bone *bone, float offs_bone[4][4]); /* Transformation inherited from the parent bone. These matrices apply the effects of * HINGE/NO_SCALE/NO_LOCAL_LOCATION options over the pchan loc/rot/scale transformations. */ typedef struct BoneParentTransform { float rotscale_mat[4][4]; /* parent effect on rotation & scale pose channels */ float loc_mat[4][4]; /* parent effect on location pose channel */ float post_scale[3]; /* additional scale to apply with post-multiply */ } BoneParentTransform; /* Matrix-like algebra operations on the transform */ void BKE_bone_parent_transform_clear(struct BoneParentTransform *bpt); void BKE_bone_parent_transform_invert(struct BoneParentTransform *bpt); void BKE_bone_parent_transform_combine(const struct BoneParentTransform *in1, const struct BoneParentTransform *in2, struct BoneParentTransform *result); void BKE_bone_parent_transform_apply(const struct BoneParentTransform *bpt, const float inmat[4][4], float outmat[4][4]); /** * Get the current parent transformation for the given pose bone. * * Construct the matrices (rot/scale and loc) * to apply the PoseChannels into the armature (object) space. * I.e. (roughly) the "pose_mat(b-1) * yoffs(b-1) * d_root(b) * bone_mat(b)" in the * pose_mat(b)= pose_mat(b-1) * yoffs(b-1) * d_root(b) * bone_mat(b) * chan_mat(b) * ...function. * * This allows to get the transformations of a bone in its object space, * *before* constraints (and IK) get applied (used by pose evaluation code). * And reverse: to find pchan transformations needed to place a bone at a given loc/rot/scale * in object space (used by interactive transform, and snapping code). * * Note that, with the HINGE/NO_SCALE/NO_LOCAL_LOCATION options, the location matrix * will differ from the rotation/scale matrix... * * \note This cannot be used to convert to pose-space transforms of the supplied * pose-channel into its local space (i.e. 'visual'-keyframing). * (NOTE(@mont29): I don't understand that, so I keep it :p). */ void BKE_bone_parent_transform_calc_from_pchan(const struct bPoseChannel *pchan, struct BoneParentTransform *r_bpt); /** * Compute the parent transform using data decoupled from specific data structures. * * \param bone_flag: #Bone.flag containing settings. * \param offs_bone: delta from parent to current arm_mat (or just arm_mat if no parent). * \param parent_arm_mat: arm_mat of parent, or NULL. * \param parent_pose_mat: pose_mat of parent, or NULL. * \param r_bpt: OUTPUT parent transform. */ void BKE_bone_parent_transform_calc_from_matrices(int bone_flag, int inherit_scale_mode, const float offs_bone[4][4], const float parent_arm_mat[4][4], const float parent_pose_mat[4][4], struct BoneParentTransform *r_bpt); /** * Rotation Mode Conversions - Used for Pose-Channels + Objects. * * Called from RNA when rotation mode changes * - the result should be that the rotations given in the provided pointers have had conversions * applied (as appropriate), such that the rotation of the element hasn't 'visually' changed. */ void BKE_rotMode_change_values( float quat[4], float eul[3], float axis[3], float *angle, short oldMode, short newMode); /* B-Bone support */ #define MAX_BBONE_SUBDIV 32 typedef struct Mat4 { float mat[4][4]; } Mat4; typedef struct BBoneSplineParameters { int segments; float length; /* Non-uniform scale correction. */ bool do_scale; float scale[3]; /* Handle control bone data. */ bool use_prev, prev_bbone; bool use_next, next_bbone; float prev_h[3], next_h[3]; float prev_mat[4][4], next_mat[4][4]; /* Control values. */ float ease1, ease2; float roll1, roll2; float scale_in[3], scale_out[3]; float curve_in_x, curve_in_z, curve_out_x, curve_out_z; } BBoneSplineParameters; /** * Get "next" and "prev" bones - these are used for handle calculations. */ void BKE_pchan_bbone_handles_get(struct bPoseChannel *pchan, struct bPoseChannel **r_prev, struct bPoseChannel **r_next); /** * Compute B-Bone spline parameters for the given channel. */ void BKE_pchan_bbone_spline_params_get(struct bPoseChannel *pchan, const bool rest, struct BBoneSplineParameters *r_param); /** * Fills the array with the desired amount of bone->segments elements. * This calculation is done within unit bone space. */ void BKE_pchan_bbone_spline_setup(struct bPoseChannel *pchan, const bool rest, const bool for_deform, Mat4 *result_array); /** * Computes the bezier handle vectors and rolls coming from custom handles. */ void BKE_pchan_bbone_handles_compute(const BBoneSplineParameters *param, float h1[3], float *r_roll1, float h2[3], float *r_roll2, bool ease, bool offsets); /** * Fills the array with the desired amount of `bone->segments` elements. * This calculation is done within unit bone space. */ int BKE_pchan_bbone_spline_compute(struct BBoneSplineParameters *param, const bool for_deform, Mat4 *result_array); /** * Compute and cache the B-Bone shape in the channel runtime struct. */ void BKE_pchan_bbone_segments_cache_compute(struct bPoseChannel *pchan); /** * Copy cached B-Bone segments from one channel to another. */ void BKE_pchan_bbone_segments_cache_copy(struct bPoseChannel *pchan, struct bPoseChannel *pchan_from); /** * Calculate index and blend factor for the two B-Bone segment nodes * affecting the point at 0 <= pos <= 1. */ void BKE_pchan_bbone_deform_segment_index(const struct bPoseChannel *pchan, float pos, int *r_index, float *r_blend_next); /* like EBONE_VISIBLE */ #define PBONE_VISIBLE(arm, bone) \ (CHECK_TYPE_INLINE(arm, bArmature *), \ CHECK_TYPE_INLINE(bone, Bone *), \ (((bone)->layer & (arm)->layer) && !((bone)->flag & BONE_HIDDEN_P))) #define PBONE_SELECTABLE(arm, bone) \ (PBONE_VISIBLE(arm, bone) && !((bone)->flag & BONE_UNSELECTABLE)) #define PBONE_SELECTED(arm, bone) (((bone)->flag & BONE_SELECTED) & PBONE_VISIBLE(arm, bone)) /* context.selected_pose_bones */ #define FOREACH_PCHAN_SELECTED_IN_OBJECT_BEGIN(_ob, _pchan) \ for (bPoseChannel *_pchan = (_ob)->pose->chanbase.first; _pchan; _pchan = _pchan->next) { \ if (PBONE_VISIBLE(((bArmature *)(_ob)->data), (_pchan)->bone) && \ ((_pchan)->bone->flag & BONE_SELECTED)) { #define FOREACH_PCHAN_SELECTED_IN_OBJECT_END \ } \ } \ ((void)0) /* context.visible_pose_bones */ #define FOREACH_PCHAN_VISIBLE_IN_OBJECT_BEGIN(_ob, _pchan) \ for (bPoseChannel *_pchan = (_ob)->pose->chanbase.first; _pchan; _pchan = _pchan->next) { \ if (PBONE_VISIBLE(((bArmature *)(_ob)->data), (_pchan)->bone)) { #define FOREACH_PCHAN_VISIBLE_IN_OBJECT_END \ } \ } \ ((void)0) /* Evaluation helpers */ struct bKinematicConstraint; struct bPose; struct bSplineIKConstraint; struct bPoseChannel *BKE_armature_ik_solver_find_root(struct bPoseChannel *pchan, struct bKinematicConstraint *data); struct bPoseChannel *BKE_armature_splineik_solver_find_root(struct bPoseChannel *pchan, struct bSplineIKConstraint *data); void BKE_pose_splineik_init_tree(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, float ctime); void BKE_splineik_execute_tree(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, struct bPoseChannel *pchan_root, float ctime); void BKE_pose_pchan_index_rebuild(struct bPose *pose); void BKE_pose_eval_init(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *object); void BKE_pose_eval_init_ik(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *object); void BKE_pose_eval_bone(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *object, int pchan_index); void BKE_pose_constraints_evaluate(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *object, int pchan_index); void BKE_pose_bone_done(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Object *object, int pchan_index); void BKE_pose_eval_bbone_segments(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Object *object, int pchan_index); void BKE_pose_iktree_evaluate(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *object, int rootchan_index); void BKE_pose_splineik_evaluate(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *object, int rootchan_index); void BKE_pose_eval_done(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Object *object); void BKE_pose_eval_cleanup(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *object); void BKE_pose_eval_proxy_init(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Object *object); void BKE_pose_eval_proxy_done(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Object *object); void BKE_pose_eval_proxy_cleanup(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Object *object); void BKE_pose_eval_proxy_copy_bone(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Object *object, int pchan_index); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Deform 3D Coordinates by Armature (armature_deform.c) * \{ */ /* Note that we could have a 'BKE_armature_deform_coords' that doesn't take object data * currently there are no callers for this though. */ void BKE_armature_deform_coords_with_gpencil_stroke(const struct Object *ob_arm, const struct Object *ob_target, float (*vert_coords)[3], float (*vert_deform_mats)[3][3], int vert_coords_len, int deformflag, float (*vert_coords_prev)[3], const char *defgrp_name, struct bGPDstroke *gps_target); void BKE_armature_deform_coords_with_mesh(const struct Object *ob_arm, const struct Object *ob_target, float (*vert_coords)[3], float (*vert_deform_mats)[3][3], int vert_coords_len, int deformflag, float (*vert_coords_prev)[3], const char *defgrp_name, const struct Mesh *me_target); void BKE_armature_deform_coords_with_editmesh(const struct Object *ob_arm, const struct Object *ob_target, float (*vert_coords)[3], float (*vert_deform_mats)[3][3], int vert_coords_len, int deformflag, float (*vert_coords_prev)[3], const char *defgrp_name, struct BMEditMesh *em_target); /** \} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif