/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup bke */ #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "DNA_cloth_types.h" #include "DNA_collection_types.h" #include "DNA_effect_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_object_force_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_edgehash.h" #include "BLI_linklist.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_task.h" #include "BLI_threads.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BKE_cloth.h" #include "BKE_collection.h" #include "BKE_effect.h" #include "BKE_layer.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "BKE_collision.h" #include "BLI_kdopbvh.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_physics.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h" #ifdef WITH_ELTOPO # include "eltopo-capi.h" #endif typedef struct ColDetectData { ClothModifierData *clmd; CollisionModifierData *collmd; BVHTreeOverlap *overlap; CollPair *collisions; bool culling; bool use_normal; bool collided; } ColDetectData; typedef struct SelfColDetectData { ClothModifierData *clmd; BVHTreeOverlap *overlap; CollPair *collisions; bool collided; } SelfColDetectData; /*********************************** * Collision modifier code start ***********************************/ void collision_move_object(CollisionModifierData *collmd, const float step, const float prevstep, const bool moving_bvh) { uint i = 0; /* the collider doesn't move this frame */ if (collmd->is_static) { for (i = 0; i < collmd->mvert_num; i++) { zero_v3(collmd->current_v[i].co); } return; } for (i = 0; i < collmd->mvert_num; i++) { interp_v3_v3v3(collmd->current_x[i].co, collmd->x[i].co, collmd->xnew[i].co, prevstep); interp_v3_v3v3(collmd->current_xnew[i].co, collmd->x[i].co, collmd->xnew[i].co, step); sub_v3_v3v3(collmd->current_v[i].co, collmd->current_xnew[i].co, collmd->current_x[i].co); } bvhtree_update_from_mvert(collmd->bvhtree, collmd->current_xnew, collmd->current_x, collmd->tri, collmd->tri_num, moving_bvh); } BVHTree *bvhtree_build_from_mvert(const MVert *mvert, const struct MVertTri *tri, int tri_num, float epsilon) { BVHTree *tree = BLI_bvhtree_new(tri_num, epsilon, 4, 26); /* fill tree */ int i; const MVertTri *vt; for (i = 0, vt = tri; i < tri_num; i++, vt++) { float co[3][3]; copy_v3_v3(co[0], mvert[vt->tri[0]].co); copy_v3_v3(co[1], mvert[vt->tri[1]].co); copy_v3_v3(co[2], mvert[vt->tri[2]].co); BLI_bvhtree_insert(tree, i, co[0], 3); } /* balance tree */ BLI_bvhtree_balance(tree); return tree; } void bvhtree_update_from_mvert(BVHTree *bvhtree, const MVert *mvert, const MVert *mvert_moving, const MVertTri *tri, int tri_num, bool moving) { if ((bvhtree == NULL) || (mvert == NULL)) { return; } if (mvert_moving == NULL) { moving = false; } const MVertTri *vt; int i; for (i = 0, vt = tri; i < tri_num; i++, vt++) { float co[3][3]; bool ret; copy_v3_v3(co[0], mvert[vt->tri[0]].co); copy_v3_v3(co[1], mvert[vt->tri[1]].co); copy_v3_v3(co[2], mvert[vt->tri[2]].co); /* copy new locations into array */ if (moving) { float co_moving[3][3]; /* update moving positions */ copy_v3_v3(co_moving[0], mvert_moving[vt->tri[0]].co); copy_v3_v3(co_moving[1], mvert_moving[vt->tri[1]].co); copy_v3_v3(co_moving[2], mvert_moving[vt->tri[2]].co); ret = BLI_bvhtree_update_node(bvhtree, i, &co[0][0], &co_moving[0][0], 3); } else { ret = BLI_bvhtree_update_node(bvhtree, i, &co[0][0], NULL, 3); } /* check if tree is already full */ if (ret == false) { break; } } BLI_bvhtree_update_tree(bvhtree); } /* *************************** * Collision modifier code end * *************************** */ BLI_INLINE int next_ind(int i) { return (++i < 3) ? i : 0; } static float compute_collision_point_tri_tri(const float a1[3], const float a2[3], const float a3[3], const float b1[3], const float b2[3], const float b3[3], bool culling, bool use_normal, float r_a[3], float r_b[3], float r_vec[3]) { float a[3][3]; float b[3][3]; float dist = FLT_MAX; float tmp_co1[3], tmp_co2[3]; float isect_a[3], isect_b[3]; float tmp, tmp_vec[3]; float normal[3], cent[3]; bool backside = false; copy_v3_v3(a[0], a1); copy_v3_v3(a[1], a2); copy_v3_v3(a[2], a3); copy_v3_v3(b[0], b1); copy_v3_v3(b[1], b2); copy_v3_v3(b[2], b3); /* Find intersections. */ int tri_a_edge_isect_count; const bool is_intersecting = isect_tri_tri_v3_ex( a, b, isect_a, isect_b, &tri_a_edge_isect_count); /* Determine collision side. */ if (culling) { normal_tri_v3(normal, b[0], b[1], b[2]); mid_v3_v3v3v3(cent, b[0], b[1], b[2]); if (!is_intersecting) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec, a[i], cent); if (dot_v3v3(tmp_vec, normal) < 0.0f) { backside = true; break; } } } else if (tri_a_edge_isect_count != 1) { /* It is not Edge intersection. */ backside = true; } } else if (use_normal) { normal_tri_v3(normal, b[0], b[1], b[2]); } if (tri_a_edge_isect_count == 1) { /* Edge intersection. */ copy_v3_v3(r_a, isect_a); copy_v3_v3(r_b, isect_b); if (use_normal) { copy_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); } else { sub_v3_v3v3(r_vec, r_b, r_a); } return 0.0f; } if (backside) { float maxdist = 0.0f; bool found = false; /* Point projections. */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (isect_ray_tri_v3(a[i], normal, b[0], b[1], b[2], &tmp, NULL)) { if (tmp > maxdist) { maxdist = tmp; copy_v3_v3(r_a, a[i]); madd_v3_v3v3fl(r_b, a[i], normal, tmp); found = true; } } } negate_v3(normal); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (isect_ray_tri_v3(b[i], normal, a[0], a[1], a[2], &tmp, NULL)) { if (tmp > maxdist) { maxdist = tmp; madd_v3_v3v3fl(r_a, b[i], normal, tmp); copy_v3_v3(r_b, b[i]); found = true; } } } negate_v3(normal); /* Edge projections. */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float dir[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec, b[next_ind(i)], b[i]); cross_v3_v3v3(dir, tmp_vec, normal); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (isect_line_plane_v3(tmp_co1, a[j], a[next_ind(j)], b[i], dir) && point_in_slice_seg(tmp_co1, a[j], a[next_ind(j)]) && point_in_slice_seg(tmp_co1, b[i], b[next_ind(i)])) { closest_to_line_v3(tmp_co2, tmp_co1, b[i], b[next_ind(i)]); sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec, tmp_co1, tmp_co2); tmp = len_v3(tmp_vec); if ((tmp > maxdist) && (dot_v3v3(tmp_vec, normal) < 0.0f)) { maxdist = tmp; copy_v3_v3(r_a, tmp_co1); copy_v3_v3(r_b, tmp_co2); found = true; } } } } /* If no point is found, will fallback onto regular proximity test below. */ if (found) { sub_v3_v3v3(r_vec, r_b, r_a); if (use_normal) { if (dot_v3v3(normal, r_vec) >= 0.0f) { copy_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); } else { negate_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); } } return 0.0f; } } /* Closest point. */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { closest_on_tri_to_point_v3(tmp_co1, a[i], b[0], b[1], b[2]); tmp = len_squared_v3v3(tmp_co1, a[i]); if (tmp < dist) { dist = tmp; copy_v3_v3(r_a, a[i]); copy_v3_v3(r_b, tmp_co1); } } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { closest_on_tri_to_point_v3(tmp_co1, b[i], a[0], a[1], a[2]); tmp = len_squared_v3v3(tmp_co1, b[i]); if (tmp < dist) { dist = tmp; copy_v3_v3(r_a, tmp_co1); copy_v3_v3(r_b, b[i]); } } /* Closest edge. */ if (!is_intersecting) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { isect_seg_seg_v3(a[i], a[next_ind(i)], b[j], b[next_ind(j)], tmp_co1, tmp_co2); tmp = len_squared_v3v3(tmp_co1, tmp_co2); if (tmp < dist) { dist = tmp; copy_v3_v3(r_a, tmp_co1); copy_v3_v3(r_b, tmp_co2); } } } } if (!is_intersecting) { sub_v3_v3v3(r_vec, r_a, r_b); dist = sqrtf(dist); } else { sub_v3_v3v3(r_vec, r_b, r_a); dist = 0.0f; } if (culling && use_normal) { copy_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); } else if (use_normal) { if (dot_v3v3(normal, r_vec) >= 0.0f) { copy_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); } else { negate_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); } } else if (culling && (dot_v3v3(r_vec, normal) < 0.0f)) { return FLT_MAX; } return dist; } static float compute_collision_point_edge_tri(const float a1[3], const float a2[3], const float b1[3], const float b2[3], const float b3[3], bool culling, bool use_normal, float r_a[3], float r_b[3], float r_vec[3]) { float a[2][3]; float b[3][3]; float dist = FLT_MAX; float tmp_co1[3], tmp_co2[3]; float isect_a[3]; bool isect = false; float tmp, tmp_vec[3]; float normal[3], cent[3]; bool backside = false; copy_v3_v3(a[0], a1); copy_v3_v3(a[1], a2); copy_v3_v3(b[0], b1); copy_v3_v3(b[1], b2); copy_v3_v3(b[2], b3); normal_tri_v3(normal, b[0], b[1], b[2]); /* Find intersection. */ if (isect_line_segment_tri_v3(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], b[2], &tmp, NULL)) { interp_v3_v3v3(isect_a, a[0], a[1], tmp); isect = true; } /* Determine collision side. */ if (culling) { if (isect) { backside = true; } else { mid_v3_v3v3v3(cent, b[0], b[1], b[2]); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec, a[i], cent); if (dot_v3v3(tmp_vec, normal) < 0.0f) { backside = true; break; } } } } if (isect) { /* Edge intersection. */ copy_v3_v3(r_a, isect_a); copy_v3_v3(r_b, isect_a); copy_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); return 0.0f; } if (backside) { float maxdist = 0.0f; bool found = false; /* Point projections. */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (isect_ray_tri_v3(a[i], normal, b[0], b[1], b[2], &tmp, NULL)) { if (tmp > maxdist) { maxdist = tmp; copy_v3_v3(r_a, a[i]); madd_v3_v3v3fl(r_b, a[i], normal, tmp); found = true; } } } /* Edge projections. */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float dir[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec, b[next_ind(i)], b[i]); cross_v3_v3v3(dir, tmp_vec, normal); if (isect_line_plane_v3(tmp_co1, a[0], a[1], b[i], dir) && point_in_slice_seg(tmp_co1, a[0], a[1]) && point_in_slice_seg(tmp_co1, b[i], b[next_ind(i)])) { closest_to_line_v3(tmp_co2, tmp_co1, b[i], b[next_ind(i)]); sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec, tmp_co1, tmp_co2); tmp = len_v3(tmp_vec); if ((tmp > maxdist) && (dot_v3v3(tmp_vec, normal) < 0.0f)) { maxdist = tmp; copy_v3_v3(r_a, tmp_co1); copy_v3_v3(r_b, tmp_co2); found = true; } } } /* If no point is found, will fallback onto regular proximity test below. */ if (found) { sub_v3_v3v3(r_vec, r_b, r_a); if (use_normal) { if (dot_v3v3(normal, r_vec) >= 0.0f) { copy_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); } else { negate_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); } } return 0.0f; } } /* Closest point. */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { closest_on_tri_to_point_v3(tmp_co1, a[i], b[0], b[1], b[2]); tmp = len_squared_v3v3(tmp_co1, a[i]); if (tmp < dist) { dist = tmp; copy_v3_v3(r_a, a[i]); copy_v3_v3(r_b, tmp_co1); } } /* Closest edge. */ if (!isect) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { isect_seg_seg_v3(a[0], a[1], b[j], b[next_ind(j)], tmp_co1, tmp_co2); tmp = len_squared_v3v3(tmp_co1, tmp_co2); if (tmp < dist) { dist = tmp; copy_v3_v3(r_a, tmp_co1); copy_v3_v3(r_b, tmp_co2); } } } if (isect) { sub_v3_v3v3(r_vec, r_b, r_a); dist = 0.0f; } else { sub_v3_v3v3(r_vec, r_a, r_b); dist = sqrtf(dist); } if (culling && use_normal) { copy_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); } else if (use_normal) { if (dot_v3v3(normal, r_vec) >= 0.0f) { copy_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); } else { negate_v3_v3(r_vec, normal); } } else if (culling && (dot_v3v3(r_vec, normal) < 0.0f)) { return FLT_MAX; } return dist; } /* `w3` is not perfect. */ static void collision_compute_barycentric(const float pv[3], const float p1[3], const float p2[3], const float p3[3], float *w1, float *w2, float *w3) { /* dot_v3v3 */ #define INPR(v1, v2) ((v1)[0] * (v2)[0] + (v1)[1] * (v2)[1] + (v1)[2] * (v2)[2]) double tempV1[3], tempV2[3], tempV4[3]; double a, b, c, d, e, f; sub_v3db_v3fl_v3fl(tempV1, p1, p3); sub_v3db_v3fl_v3fl(tempV2, p2, p3); sub_v3db_v3fl_v3fl(tempV4, pv, p3); a = INPR(tempV1, tempV1); b = INPR(tempV1, tempV2); c = INPR(tempV2, tempV2); e = INPR(tempV1, tempV4); f = INPR(tempV2, tempV4); d = (a * c - b * b); if (fabs(d) < (double)ALMOST_ZERO) { *w1 = *w2 = *w3 = 1.0 / 3.0; return; } w1[0] = (float)((e * c - b * f) / d); if (w1[0] < 0) { w1[0] = 0; } w2[0] = (float)((f - b * (double)w1[0]) / c); if (w2[0] < 0) { w2[0] = 0; } w3[0] = 1.0f - w1[0] - w2[0]; #undef INPR } #ifdef __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdouble-promotion" #endif DO_INLINE void collision_interpolateOnTriangle(float to[3], const float v1[3], const float v2[3], const float v3[3], const double w1, const double w2, const double w3) { zero_v3(to); VECADDMUL(to, v1, w1); VECADDMUL(to, v2, w2); VECADDMUL(to, v3, w3); } static void cloth_collision_impulse_vert(const float clamp_sq, const float impulse[3], struct ClothVertex *vert) { float impulse_len_sq = len_squared_v3(impulse); if ((clamp_sq > 0.0f) && (impulse_len_sq > clamp_sq)) { return; } if (fabsf(vert->impulse[0]) < fabsf(impulse[0])) { vert->impulse[0] = impulse[0]; } if (fabsf(vert->impulse[1]) < fabsf(impulse[1])) { vert->impulse[1] = impulse[1]; } if (fabsf(vert->impulse[2]) < fabsf(impulse[2])) { vert->impulse[2] = impulse[2]; } vert->impulse_count++; } static int cloth_collision_response_static(ClothModifierData *clmd, CollisionModifierData *collmd, Object *collob, CollPair *collpair, uint collision_count, const float dt) { int result = 0; Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject; const float clamp_sq = square_f(clmd->coll_parms->clamp * dt); const float time_multiplier = 1.0f / (clmd->sim_parms->dt * clmd->sim_parms->timescale); const float epsilon2 = BLI_bvhtree_get_epsilon(collmd->bvhtree); const float min_distance = (clmd->coll_parms->epsilon + epsilon2) * (8.0f / 9.0f); const bool is_hair = (clmd->hairdata != NULL); for (int i = 0; i < collision_count; i++, collpair++) { float i1[3], i2[3], i3[3]; float w1, w2, w3, u1, u2, u3; float v1[3], v2[3], relativeVelocity[3]; zero_v3(i1); zero_v3(i2); zero_v3(i3); /* Only handle static collisions here. */ if (collpair->flag & (COLLISION_IN_FUTURE | COLLISION_INACTIVE)) { continue; } /* Compute barycentric coordinates and relative "velocity" for both collision points. */ if (is_hair) { w2 = line_point_factor_v3( collpair->pa, cloth->verts[collpair->ap1].tx, cloth->verts[collpair->ap2].tx); w1 = 1.0f - w2; interp_v3_v3v3(v1, cloth->verts[collpair->ap1].tv, cloth->verts[collpair->ap2].tv, w2); } else { collision_compute_barycentric(collpair->pa, cloth->verts[collpair->ap1].tx, cloth->verts[collpair->ap2].tx, cloth->verts[collpair->ap3].tx, &w1, &w2, &w3); collision_interpolateOnTriangle(v1, cloth->verts[collpair->ap1].tv, cloth->verts[collpair->ap2].tv, cloth->verts[collpair->ap3].tv, w1, w2, w3); } collision_compute_barycentric(collpair->pb, collmd->current_xnew[collpair->bp1].co, collmd->current_xnew[collpair->bp2].co, collmd->current_xnew[collpair->bp3].co, &u1, &u2, &u3); collision_interpolateOnTriangle(v2, collmd->current_v[collpair->bp1].co, collmd->current_v[collpair->bp2].co, collmd->current_v[collpair->bp3].co, u1, u2, u3); sub_v3_v3v3(relativeVelocity, v2, v1); /* Calculate the normal component of the relative velocity * (actually only the magnitude - the direction is stored in 'normal'). */ const float magrelVel = dot_v3v3(relativeVelocity, collpair->normal); const float d = min_distance - collpair->distance; /* If magrelVel < 0 the edges are approaching each other. */ if (magrelVel > 0.0f) { /* Calculate Impulse magnitude to stop all motion in normal direction. */ float magtangent = 0, repulse = 0; double impulse = 0.0; float vrel_t_pre[3]; float temp[3]; /* Calculate tangential velocity. */ copy_v3_v3(temp, collpair->normal); mul_v3_fl(temp, magrelVel); sub_v3_v3v3(vrel_t_pre, relativeVelocity, temp); /* Decrease in magnitude of relative tangential velocity due to coulomb friction * in original formula "magrelVel" should be the * "change of relative velocity in normal direction". */ magtangent = min_ff(collob->pd->pdef_cfrict * 0.01f * magrelVel, len_v3(vrel_t_pre)); /* Apply friction impulse. */ if (magtangent > ALMOST_ZERO) { normalize_v3(vrel_t_pre); impulse = magtangent / 1.5; VECADDMUL(i1, vrel_t_pre, (double)w1 * impulse); VECADDMUL(i2, vrel_t_pre, (double)w2 * impulse); if (!is_hair) { VECADDMUL(i3, vrel_t_pre, (double)w3 * impulse); } } /* Apply velocity stopping impulse. */ impulse = magrelVel / 1.5f; VECADDMUL(i1, collpair->normal, (double)w1 * impulse); VECADDMUL(i2, collpair->normal, (double)w2 * impulse); if (!is_hair) { VECADDMUL(i3, collpair->normal, (double)w3 * impulse); } if ((magrelVel < 0.1f * d * time_multiplier) && (d > ALMOST_ZERO)) { repulse = MIN2(d / time_multiplier, 0.1f * d * time_multiplier - magrelVel); /* Stay on the safe side and clamp repulse. */ if (impulse > ALMOST_ZERO) { repulse = min_ff(repulse, 5.0f * impulse); } repulse = max_ff(impulse, repulse); impulse = repulse / 1.5f; VECADDMUL(i1, collpair->normal, impulse); VECADDMUL(i2, collpair->normal, impulse); if (!is_hair) { VECADDMUL(i3, collpair->normal, impulse); } } result = 1; } else if (d > ALMOST_ZERO) { /* Stay on the safe side and clamp repulse. */ float repulse = d / time_multiplier; float impulse = repulse / 4.5f; VECADDMUL(i1, collpair->normal, w1 * impulse); VECADDMUL(i2, collpair->normal, w2 * impulse); if (!is_hair) { VECADDMUL(i3, collpair->normal, w3 * impulse); } result = 1; } if (result) { cloth_collision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, i1, &cloth->verts[collpair->ap1]); cloth_collision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, i2, &cloth->verts[collpair->ap2]); if (!is_hair) { cloth_collision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, i3, &cloth->verts[collpair->ap3]); } } } return result; } static int cloth_selfcollision_response_static(ClothModifierData *clmd, CollPair *collpair, uint collision_count, const float dt) { int result = 0; Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject; const float clamp_sq = square_f(clmd->coll_parms->self_clamp * dt); const float time_multiplier = 1.0f / (clmd->sim_parms->dt * clmd->sim_parms->timescale); const float min_distance = (2.0f * clmd->coll_parms->selfepsilon) * (8.0f / 9.0f); for (int i = 0; i < collision_count; i++, collpair++) { float ia[3][3] = {{0.0f}}; float ib[3][3] = {{0.0f}}; float w1, w2, w3, u1, u2, u3; float v1[3], v2[3], relativeVelocity[3]; /* Only handle static collisions here. */ if (collpair->flag & (COLLISION_IN_FUTURE | COLLISION_INACTIVE)) { continue; } /* Compute barycentric coordinates for both collision points. */ collision_compute_barycentric(collpair->pa, cloth->verts[collpair->ap1].tx, cloth->verts[collpair->ap2].tx, cloth->verts[collpair->ap3].tx, &w1, &w2, &w3); collision_compute_barycentric(collpair->pb, cloth->verts[collpair->bp1].tx, cloth->verts[collpair->bp2].tx, cloth->verts[collpair->bp3].tx, &u1, &u2, &u3); /* Calculate relative "velocity". */ collision_interpolateOnTriangle(v1, cloth->verts[collpair->ap1].tv, cloth->verts[collpair->ap2].tv, cloth->verts[collpair->ap3].tv, w1, w2, w3); collision_interpolateOnTriangle(v2, cloth->verts[collpair->bp1].tv, cloth->verts[collpair->bp2].tv, cloth->verts[collpair->bp3].tv, u1, u2, u3); sub_v3_v3v3(relativeVelocity, v2, v1); /* Calculate the normal component of the relative velocity * (actually only the magnitude - the direction is stored in 'normal'). */ const float magrelVel = dot_v3v3(relativeVelocity, collpair->normal); const float d = min_distance - collpair->distance; /* TODO: Impulses should be weighed by mass as this is self col, * this has to be done after mass distribution is implemented. */ /* If magrelVel < 0 the edges are approaching each other. */ if (magrelVel > 0.0f) { /* Calculate Impulse magnitude to stop all motion in normal direction. */ float magtangent = 0, repulse = 0; double impulse = 0.0; float vrel_t_pre[3]; float temp[3]; /* Calculate tangential velocity. */ copy_v3_v3(temp, collpair->normal); mul_v3_fl(temp, magrelVel); sub_v3_v3v3(vrel_t_pre, relativeVelocity, temp); /* Decrease in magnitude of relative tangential velocity due to coulomb friction * in original formula "magrelVel" should be the * "change of relative velocity in normal direction". */ magtangent = min_ff(clmd->coll_parms->self_friction * 0.01f * magrelVel, len_v3(vrel_t_pre)); /* Apply friction impulse. */ if (magtangent > ALMOST_ZERO) { normalize_v3(vrel_t_pre); impulse = magtangent / 1.5; VECADDMUL(ia[0], vrel_t_pre, (double)w1 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ia[1], vrel_t_pre, (double)w2 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ia[2], vrel_t_pre, (double)w3 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[0], vrel_t_pre, (double)u1 * -impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[1], vrel_t_pre, (double)u2 * -impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[2], vrel_t_pre, (double)u3 * -impulse); } /* Apply velocity stopping impulse. */ impulse = magrelVel / 3.0f; VECADDMUL(ia[0], collpair->normal, (double)w1 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ia[1], collpair->normal, (double)w2 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ia[2], collpair->normal, (double)w3 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[0], collpair->normal, (double)u1 * -impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[1], collpair->normal, (double)u2 * -impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[2], collpair->normal, (double)u3 * -impulse); if ((magrelVel < 0.1f * d * time_multiplier) && (d > ALMOST_ZERO)) { repulse = MIN2(d / time_multiplier, 0.1f * d * time_multiplier - magrelVel); if (impulse > ALMOST_ZERO) { repulse = min_ff(repulse, 5.0 * impulse); } repulse = max_ff(impulse, repulse); impulse = repulse / 1.5f; VECADDMUL(ia[0], collpair->normal, (double)w1 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ia[1], collpair->normal, (double)w2 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ia[2], collpair->normal, (double)w3 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[0], collpair->normal, (double)u1 * -impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[1], collpair->normal, (double)u2 * -impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[2], collpair->normal, (double)u3 * -impulse); } result = 1; } else if (d > ALMOST_ZERO) { /* Stay on the safe side and clamp repulse. */ float repulse = d * 1.0f / time_multiplier; float impulse = repulse / 9.0f; VECADDMUL(ia[0], collpair->normal, w1 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ia[1], collpair->normal, w2 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ia[2], collpair->normal, w3 * impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[0], collpair->normal, u1 * -impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[1], collpair->normal, u2 * -impulse); VECADDMUL(ib[2], collpair->normal, u3 * -impulse); result = 1; } if (result) { cloth_collision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ia[0], &cloth->verts[collpair->ap1]); cloth_collision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ia[1], &cloth->verts[collpair->ap2]); cloth_collision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ia[2], &cloth->verts[collpair->ap3]); cloth_collision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ib[0], &cloth->verts[collpair->bp1]); cloth_collision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ib[1], &cloth->verts[collpair->bp2]); cloth_collision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ib[2], &cloth->verts[collpair->bp3]); } } return result; } #ifdef __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif static bool cloth_bvh_collision_is_active(const ClothModifierData *UNUSED(clmd), const Cloth *cloth, const MVertTri *tri_a) { const ClothVertex *verts = cloth->verts; /* Fully pinned triangles don't need collision processing. */ const int flags_a = verts[tri_a->tri[0]].flags & verts[tri_a->tri[1]].flags & verts[tri_a->tri[2]].flags; if (flags_a & (CLOTH_VERT_FLAG_PINNED | CLOTH_VERT_FLAG_NOOBJCOLL)) { return false; } return true; } static void cloth_collision(void *__restrict userdata, const int index, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls)) { ColDetectData *data = (ColDetectData *)userdata; ClothModifierData *clmd = data->clmd; CollisionModifierData *collmd = data->collmd; CollPair *collpair = data->collisions; const MVertTri *tri_a, *tri_b; ClothVertex *verts1 = clmd->clothObject->verts; float distance = 0.0f; float epsilon1 = clmd->coll_parms->epsilon; float epsilon2 = BLI_bvhtree_get_epsilon(collmd->bvhtree); float pa[3], pb[3], vect[3]; tri_a = &clmd->clothObject->tri[data->overlap[index].indexA]; tri_b = &collmd->tri[data->overlap[index].indexB]; /* Compute distance and normal. */ distance = compute_collision_point_tri_tri(verts1[tri_a->tri[0]].tx, verts1[tri_a->tri[1]].tx, verts1[tri_a->tri[2]].tx, collmd->current_xnew[tri_b->tri[0]].co, collmd->current_xnew[tri_b->tri[1]].co, collmd->current_xnew[tri_b->tri[2]].co, data->culling, data->use_normal, pa, pb, vect); if ((distance <= (epsilon1 + epsilon2 + ALMOST_ZERO)) && (len_squared_v3(vect) > ALMOST_ZERO)) { collpair[index].ap1 = tri_a->tri[0]; collpair[index].ap2 = tri_a->tri[1]; collpair[index].ap3 = tri_a->tri[2]; collpair[index].bp1 = tri_b->tri[0]; collpair[index].bp2 = tri_b->tri[1]; collpair[index].bp3 = tri_b->tri[2]; copy_v3_v3(collpair[index].pa, pa); copy_v3_v3(collpair[index].pb, pb); copy_v3_v3(collpair[index].vector, vect); normalize_v3_v3(collpair[index].normal, collpair[index].vector); collpair[index].distance = distance; collpair[index].flag = 0; data->collided = true; } else { collpair[index].flag = COLLISION_INACTIVE; } } static bool cloth_bvh_selfcollision_is_active(const ClothModifierData *clmd, const Cloth *cloth, const MVertTri *tri_a, const MVertTri *tri_b) { const ClothVertex *verts = cloth->verts; /* Skip when either triangle is excluded. */ const int flags_a = verts[tri_a->tri[0]].flags & verts[tri_a->tri[1]].flags & verts[tri_a->tri[2]].flags; const int flags_b = verts[tri_b->tri[0]].flags & verts[tri_b->tri[1]].flags & verts[tri_b->tri[2]].flags; if ((flags_a | flags_b) & CLOTH_VERT_FLAG_NOSELFCOLL) { return false; } /* Skip when both triangles are pinned. */ if ((flags_a & flags_b) & CLOTH_VERT_FLAG_PINNED) { return false; } /* Ignore overlap of neighboring triangles and triangles connected by a sewing edge. */ bool sewing_active = (clmd->sim_parms->flags & CLOTH_SIMSETTINGS_FLAG_SEW); for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (uint j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (tri_a->tri[i] == tri_b->tri[j]) { return false; } if (sewing_active) { if (BLI_edgeset_haskey(cloth->sew_edge_graph, tri_a->tri[i], tri_b->tri[j])) { return false; } } } } return true; } static void cloth_selfcollision(void *__restrict userdata, const int index, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls)) { SelfColDetectData *data = (SelfColDetectData *)userdata; ClothModifierData *clmd = data->clmd; CollPair *collpair = data->collisions; const MVertTri *tri_a, *tri_b; ClothVertex *verts1 = clmd->clothObject->verts; float distance = 0.0f; float epsilon = clmd->coll_parms->selfepsilon; float pa[3], pb[3], vect[3]; tri_a = &clmd->clothObject->tri[data->overlap[index].indexA]; tri_b = &clmd->clothObject->tri[data->overlap[index].indexB]; BLI_assert(cloth_bvh_selfcollision_is_active(clmd, clmd->clothObject, tri_a, tri_b)); /* Compute distance and normal. */ distance = compute_collision_point_tri_tri(verts1[tri_a->tri[0]].tx, verts1[tri_a->tri[1]].tx, verts1[tri_a->tri[2]].tx, verts1[tri_b->tri[0]].tx, verts1[tri_b->tri[1]].tx, verts1[tri_b->tri[2]].tx, false, false, pa, pb, vect); if ((distance <= (epsilon * 2.0f + ALMOST_ZERO)) && (len_squared_v3(vect) > ALMOST_ZERO)) { collpair[index].ap1 = tri_a->tri[0]; collpair[index].ap2 = tri_a->tri[1]; collpair[index].ap3 = tri_a->tri[2]; collpair[index].bp1 = tri_b->tri[0]; collpair[index].bp2 = tri_b->tri[1]; collpair[index].bp3 = tri_b->tri[2]; copy_v3_v3(collpair[index].pa, pa); copy_v3_v3(collpair[index].pb, pb); copy_v3_v3(collpair[index].vector, vect); normalize_v3_v3(collpair[index].normal, collpair[index].vector); collpair[index].distance = distance; collpair[index].flag = 0; data->collided = true; } else { collpair[index].flag = COLLISION_INACTIVE; } } static void hair_collision(void *__restrict userdata, const int index, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls)) { ColDetectData *data = (ColDetectData *)userdata; ClothModifierData *clmd = data->clmd; CollisionModifierData *collmd = data->collmd; CollPair *collpair = data->collisions; const MVertTri *tri_coll; const MEdge *edge_coll; ClothVertex *verts1 = clmd->clothObject->verts; float distance = 0.0f; float epsilon1 = clmd->coll_parms->epsilon; float epsilon2 = BLI_bvhtree_get_epsilon(collmd->bvhtree); float pa[3], pb[3], vect[3]; /* TODO: This is not efficient. Might be wise to instead build an array before iterating, to * avoid walking the list every time. */ edge_coll = &clmd->clothObject->edges[data->overlap[index].indexA]; tri_coll = &collmd->tri[data->overlap[index].indexB]; /* Compute distance and normal. */ distance = compute_collision_point_edge_tri(verts1[edge_coll->v1].tx, verts1[edge_coll->v2].tx, collmd->current_x[tri_coll->tri[0]].co, collmd->current_x[tri_coll->tri[1]].co, collmd->current_x[tri_coll->tri[2]].co, data->culling, data->use_normal, pa, pb, vect); if ((distance <= (epsilon1 + epsilon2 + ALMOST_ZERO)) && (len_squared_v3(vect) > ALMOST_ZERO)) { collpair[index].ap1 = edge_coll->v1; collpair[index].ap2 = edge_coll->v2; collpair[index].bp1 = tri_coll->tri[0]; collpair[index].bp2 = tri_coll->tri[1]; collpair[index].bp3 = tri_coll->tri[2]; copy_v3_v3(collpair[index].pa, pa); copy_v3_v3(collpair[index].pb, pb); copy_v3_v3(collpair[index].vector, vect); normalize_v3_v3(collpair[index].normal, collpair[index].vector); collpair[index].distance = distance; collpair[index].flag = 0; data->collided = true; } else { collpair[index].flag = COLLISION_INACTIVE; } } static void add_collision_object(ListBase *relations, Object *ob, int level, unsigned int modifier_type) { /* only get objects with collision modifier */ ModifierData *cmd = BKE_modifiers_findby_type(ob, modifier_type); if (cmd) { CollisionRelation *relation = MEM_callocN(sizeof(CollisionRelation), "CollisionRelation"); relation->ob = ob; BLI_addtail(relations, relation); } /* objects in dupli groups, one level only for now */ /* TODO: this doesn't really work, we are not taking into account the * dupli transforms and can get objects in the list multiple times. */ if (ob->instance_collection && level == 0) { Collection *collection = ob->instance_collection; /* add objects */ FOREACH_COLLECTION_OBJECT_RECURSIVE_BEGIN (collection, object) { add_collision_object(relations, object, level + 1, modifier_type); } FOREACH_COLLECTION_OBJECT_RECURSIVE_END; } } ListBase *BKE_collision_relations_create(Depsgraph *depsgraph, Collection *collection, unsigned int modifier_type) { const Scene *scene = DEG_get_input_scene(depsgraph); ViewLayer *view_layer = DEG_get_input_view_layer(depsgraph); Base *base = BKE_collection_or_layer_objects(scene, view_layer, collection); const bool for_render = (DEG_get_mode(depsgraph) == DAG_EVAL_RENDER); const int base_flag = (for_render) ? BASE_ENABLED_RENDER : BASE_ENABLED_VIEWPORT; ListBase *relations = MEM_callocN(sizeof(ListBase), "CollisionRelation list"); for (; base; base = base->next) { if (base->flag & base_flag) { add_collision_object(relations, base->object, 0, modifier_type); } } return relations; } void BKE_collision_relations_free(ListBase *relations) { if (relations) { BLI_freelistN(relations); MEM_freeN(relations); } } Object **BKE_collision_objects_create(Depsgraph *depsgraph, Object *self, Collection *collection, unsigned int *numcollobj, unsigned int modifier_type) { ListBase *relations = DEG_get_collision_relations(depsgraph, collection, modifier_type); if (!relations) { *numcollobj = 0; return NULL; } int maxnum = BLI_listbase_count(relations); int num = 0; Object **objects = MEM_callocN(sizeof(Object *) * maxnum, __func__); LISTBASE_FOREACH (CollisionRelation *, relation, relations) { /* Get evaluated object. */ Object *ob = (Object *)DEG_get_evaluated_id(depsgraph, &relation->ob->id); if (modifier_type == eModifierType_Collision && !(ob->pd && ob->pd->deflect)) { continue; } if (ob != self) { objects[num] = ob; num++; } } if (num == 0) { MEM_freeN(objects); objects = NULL; } *numcollobj = num; return objects; } void BKE_collision_objects_free(Object **objects) { if (objects) { MEM_freeN(objects); } } ListBase *BKE_collider_cache_create(Depsgraph *depsgraph, Object *self, Collection *collection) { ListBase *relations = DEG_get_collision_relations( depsgraph, collection, eModifierType_Collision); ListBase *cache = NULL; if (!relations) { return NULL; } LISTBASE_FOREACH (CollisionRelation *, relation, relations) { /* Get evaluated object. */ Object *ob = (Object *)DEG_get_evaluated_id(depsgraph, &relation->ob->id); if (ob == self) { continue; } CollisionModifierData *cmd = (CollisionModifierData *)BKE_modifiers_findby_type( ob, eModifierType_Collision); if (cmd && cmd->bvhtree) { if (cache == NULL) { cache = MEM_callocN(sizeof(ListBase), "ColliderCache array"); } ColliderCache *col = MEM_callocN(sizeof(ColliderCache), "ColliderCache"); col->ob = ob; col->collmd = cmd; /* make sure collider is properly set up */ collision_move_object(cmd, 1.0, 0.0, true); BLI_addtail(cache, col); } } return cache; } void BKE_collider_cache_free(ListBase **colliders) { if (*colliders) { BLI_freelistN(*colliders); MEM_freeN(*colliders); *colliders = NULL; } } static bool cloth_bvh_objcollisions_nearcheck(ClothModifierData *clmd, CollisionModifierData *collmd, CollPair **collisions, int numresult, BVHTreeOverlap *overlap, bool culling, bool use_normal) { const bool is_hair = (clmd->hairdata != NULL); *collisions = (CollPair *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(CollPair) * numresult, "collision array"); ColDetectData data = { .clmd = clmd, .collmd = collmd, .overlap = overlap, .collisions = *collisions, .culling = culling, .use_normal = use_normal, .collided = false, }; TaskParallelSettings settings; BLI_parallel_range_settings_defaults(&settings); settings.use_threading = true; BLI_task_parallel_range( 0, numresult, &data, is_hair ? hair_collision : cloth_collision, &settings); return data.collided; } static bool cloth_bvh_selfcollisions_nearcheck(ClothModifierData *clmd, CollPair *collisions, int numresult, BVHTreeOverlap *overlap) { SelfColDetectData data = { .clmd = clmd, .overlap = overlap, .collisions = collisions, .collided = false, }; TaskParallelSettings settings; BLI_parallel_range_settings_defaults(&settings); settings.use_threading = true; BLI_task_parallel_range(0, numresult, &data, cloth_selfcollision, &settings); return data.collided; } static int cloth_bvh_objcollisions_resolve(ClothModifierData *clmd, Object **collobjs, CollPair **collisions, uint *collision_counts, const uint numcollobj, const float dt) { Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject; int i = 0, j = 0, mvert_num = 0; ClothVertex *verts = NULL; int ret = 0; int result = 0; mvert_num = clmd->clothObject->mvert_num; verts = cloth->verts; result = 1; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { result = 0; for (i = 0; i < numcollobj; i++) { Object *collob = collobjs[i]; CollisionModifierData *collmd = (CollisionModifierData *)BKE_modifiers_findby_type( collob, eModifierType_Collision); if (collmd->bvhtree) { result += cloth_collision_response_static( clmd, collmd, collob, collisions[i], collision_counts[i], dt); } } /* Apply impulses in parallel. */ if (result) { for (i = 0; i < mvert_num; i++) { // calculate "velocities" (just xnew = xold + v; no dt in v) if (verts[i].impulse_count) { add_v3_v3(verts[i].tv, verts[i].impulse); add_v3_v3(verts[i].dcvel, verts[i].impulse); zero_v3(verts[i].impulse); verts[i].impulse_count = 0; ret++; } } } else { break; } } return ret; } static int cloth_bvh_selfcollisions_resolve(ClothModifierData *clmd, CollPair *collisions, int collision_count, const float dt) { Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject; int i = 0, j = 0, mvert_num = 0; ClothVertex *verts = NULL; int ret = 0; int result = 0; mvert_num = clmd->clothObject->mvert_num; verts = cloth->verts; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { result = 0; result += cloth_selfcollision_response_static(clmd, collisions, collision_count, dt); /* Apply impulses in parallel. */ if (result) { for (i = 0; i < mvert_num; i++) { if (verts[i].impulse_count) { // VECADDMUL ( verts[i].tv, verts[i].impulse, 1.0f / verts[i].impulse_count ); add_v3_v3(verts[i].tv, verts[i].impulse); add_v3_v3(verts[i].dcvel, verts[i].impulse); zero_v3(verts[i].impulse); verts[i].impulse_count = 0; ret++; } } } if (!result) { break; } } return ret; } static bool cloth_bvh_obj_overlap_cb(void *userdata, int index_a, int UNUSED(index_b), int UNUSED(thread)) { ClothModifierData *clmd = (ClothModifierData *)userdata; struct Cloth *clothObject = clmd->clothObject; const MVertTri *tri_a = &clothObject->tri[index_a]; return cloth_bvh_collision_is_active(clmd, clothObject, tri_a); } static bool cloth_bvh_self_overlap_cb(void *userdata, int index_a, int index_b, int UNUSED(thread)) { /* No need for equal combinations (eg. (0,1) & (1,0)). */ if (index_a < index_b) { ClothModifierData *clmd = (ClothModifierData *)userdata; struct Cloth *clothObject = clmd->clothObject; const MVertTri *tri_a, *tri_b; tri_a = &clothObject->tri[index_a]; tri_b = &clothObject->tri[index_b]; if (cloth_bvh_selfcollision_is_active(clmd, clothObject, tri_a, tri_b)) { return true; } } return false; } int cloth_bvh_collision( Depsgraph *depsgraph, Object *ob, ClothModifierData *clmd, float step, float dt) { Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject; BVHTree *cloth_bvh = cloth->bvhtree; uint i = 0, mvert_num = 0; int rounds = 0; ClothVertex *verts = NULL; int ret = 0, ret2 = 0; Object **collobjs = NULL; unsigned int numcollobj = 0; uint *coll_counts_obj = NULL; BVHTreeOverlap **overlap_obj = NULL; uint coll_count_self = 0; BVHTreeOverlap *overlap_self = NULL; if ((clmd->sim_parms->flags & CLOTH_SIMSETTINGS_FLAG_COLLOBJ) || cloth_bvh == NULL) { return 0; } verts = cloth->verts; mvert_num = cloth->mvert_num; if (clmd->coll_parms->flags & CLOTH_COLLSETTINGS_FLAG_ENABLED) { bvhtree_update_from_cloth(clmd, false, false); /* Enable self collision if this is a hair sim */ const bool is_hair = (clmd->hairdata != NULL); collobjs = BKE_collision_objects_create(depsgraph, is_hair ? NULL : ob, clmd->coll_parms->group, &numcollobj, eModifierType_Collision); if (collobjs) { coll_counts_obj = MEM_callocN(sizeof(uint) * numcollobj, "CollCounts"); overlap_obj = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*overlap_obj) * numcollobj, "BVHOverlap"); for (i = 0; i < numcollobj; i++) { Object *collob = collobjs[i]; CollisionModifierData *collmd = (CollisionModifierData *)BKE_modifiers_findby_type( collob, eModifierType_Collision); if (!collmd->bvhtree) { continue; } /* Move object to position (step) in time. */ collision_move_object(collmd, step + dt, step, false); overlap_obj[i] = BLI_bvhtree_overlap(cloth_bvh, collmd->bvhtree, &coll_counts_obj[i], is_hair ? NULL : cloth_bvh_obj_overlap_cb, clmd); } } } if (clmd->coll_parms->flags & CLOTH_COLLSETTINGS_FLAG_SELF) { bvhtree_update_from_cloth(clmd, false, true); overlap_self = BLI_bvhtree_overlap( cloth->bvhselftree, cloth->bvhselftree, &coll_count_self, cloth_bvh_self_overlap_cb, clmd); } do { ret2 = 0; /* Object collisions. */ if ((clmd->coll_parms->flags & CLOTH_COLLSETTINGS_FLAG_ENABLED) && collobjs) { CollPair **collisions; bool collided = false; collisions = MEM_callocN(sizeof(CollPair *) * numcollobj, "CollPair"); for (i = 0; i < numcollobj; i++) { Object *collob = collobjs[i]; CollisionModifierData *collmd = (CollisionModifierData *)BKE_modifiers_findby_type( collob, eModifierType_Collision); if (!collmd->bvhtree) { continue; } if (coll_counts_obj[i] && overlap_obj[i]) { collided = cloth_bvh_objcollisions_nearcheck( clmd, collmd, &collisions[i], coll_counts_obj[i], overlap_obj[i], (collob->pd->flag & PFIELD_CLOTH_USE_CULLING), (collob->pd->flag & PFIELD_CLOTH_USE_NORMAL)) || collided; } } if (collided) { ret += cloth_bvh_objcollisions_resolve( clmd, collobjs, collisions, coll_counts_obj, numcollobj, dt); ret2 += ret; } for (i = 0; i < numcollobj; i++) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(collisions[i]); } MEM_freeN(collisions); } /* Self collisions. */ if (clmd->coll_parms->flags & CLOTH_COLLSETTINGS_FLAG_SELF) { CollPair *collisions = NULL; verts = cloth->verts; mvert_num = cloth->mvert_num; if (cloth->bvhselftree) { if (coll_count_self && overlap_self) { collisions = (CollPair *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(CollPair) * coll_count_self, "collision array"); if (cloth_bvh_selfcollisions_nearcheck( clmd, collisions, coll_count_self, overlap_self)) { ret += cloth_bvh_selfcollisions_resolve(clmd, collisions, coll_count_self, dt); ret2 += ret; } } } MEM_SAFE_FREE(collisions); } /* Apply all collision resolution. */ if (ret2) { for (i = 0; i < mvert_num; i++) { if (clmd->sim_parms->vgroup_mass > 0) { if (verts[i].flags & CLOTH_VERT_FLAG_PINNED) { continue; } } add_v3_v3v3(verts[i].tx, verts[i].txold, verts[i].tv); } } rounds++; } while (ret2 && (clmd->coll_parms->loop_count > rounds)); if (overlap_obj) { for (i = 0; i < numcollobj; i++) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(overlap_obj[i]); } MEM_freeN(overlap_obj); } MEM_SAFE_FREE(coll_counts_obj); MEM_SAFE_FREE(overlap_self); BKE_collision_objects_free(collobjs); return MIN2(ret, 1); } BLI_INLINE void max_v3_v3v3(float r[3], const float a[3], const float b[3]) { r[0] = max_ff(a[0], b[0]); r[1] = max_ff(a[1], b[1]); r[2] = max_ff(a[2], b[2]); } void collision_get_collider_velocity(float vel_old[3], float vel_new[3], CollisionModifierData *collmd, CollPair *collpair) { float u1, u2, u3; /* compute barycentric coordinates */ collision_compute_barycentric(collpair->pb, collmd->current_x[collpair->bp1].co, collmd->current_x[collpair->bp2].co, collmd->current_x[collpair->bp3].co, &u1, &u2, &u3); collision_interpolateOnTriangle(vel_new, collmd->current_v[collpair->bp1].co, collmd->current_v[collpair->bp2].co, collmd->current_v[collpair->bp3].co, u1, u2, u3); /* XXX assume constant velocity of the collider for now */ copy_v3_v3(vel_old, vel_new); }