/* displist.c * * * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender * Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under * the Blender License. See http://www.blender.org/BL/ for information * about this. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include "BLI_winstuff.h" #endif #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "IMB_imbuf_types.h" #include "DNA_texture_types.h" #include "DNA_meta_types.h" #include "DNA_curve_types.h" #include "DNA_listBase.h" #include "DNA_lamp_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_image_types.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "DNA_view3d_types.h" #include "DNA_lattice_types.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "BLI_editVert.h" #include "BKE_bad_level_calls.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_displist.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BKE_world.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_effect.h" #include "BKE_mball.h" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "BKE_curve.h" #include "BKE_anim.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "BKE_texture.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_font.h" #include "BKE_lattice.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "BKE_subsurf.h" #include "nla.h" /* For __NLA: Please do not remove yet */ #include "render.h" /***/ typedef struct _FastLamp FastLamp; struct _FastLamp { FastLamp *next; short type, mode, lay, rt; float co[3]; float vec[3]; float dist, distkw, att1, att2, spotsi, spotbl, r, g, b; }; /***/ static FastLamp *fastlamplist= NULL; static float fviewmat[4][4]; static void displistmesh_free(DispListMesh *dlm) { // also check on mvert and mface, can be NULL after decimator (ton) if( dlm->mvert) MEM_freeN(dlm->mvert); if (dlm->mface) MEM_freeN(dlm->mface); if (dlm->mcol) MEM_freeN(dlm->mcol); if (dlm->tface) MEM_freeN(dlm->tface); MEM_freeN(dlm); } static DispListMesh *displistmesh_copy(DispListMesh *odlm) { DispListMesh *ndlm= MEM_dupallocN(odlm); ndlm->mvert= MEM_dupallocN(odlm->mvert); ndlm->mface= MEM_dupallocN(odlm->mface); if (odlm->mcol) ndlm->mcol= MEM_dupallocN(odlm->mcol); if (odlm->tface) ndlm->tface= MEM_dupallocN(odlm->tface); return ndlm; } void free_disp_elem(DispList *dl) { if(dl) { if(dl->verts) MEM_freeN(dl->verts); if(dl->nors) MEM_freeN(dl->nors); if(dl->index) MEM_freeN(dl->index); if(dl->col1) MEM_freeN(dl->col1); if(dl->col2) MEM_freeN(dl->col2); if(dl->mesh) displistmesh_free(dl->mesh); MEM_freeN(dl); } } void freedisplist(ListBase *lb) { DispList *dl; dl= lb->first; while(dl) { BLI_remlink(lb, dl); free_disp_elem(dl); dl= lb->first; } } void free_displist_by_type(ListBase *lb, int type) { DispList *dl; for (dl= lb->first; dl; ) { DispList *next= dl->next; if (dl->type==type) { BLI_remlink(lb, dl); free_disp_elem(dl); } dl= next; } } DispList *find_displist_create(ListBase *lb, int type) { DispList *dl; dl= lb->first; while(dl) { if(dl->type==type) return dl; dl= dl->next; } dl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "find_disp"); dl->type= type; BLI_addtail(lb, dl); return dl; } DispList *find_displist(ListBase *lb, int type) { DispList *dl; dl= lb->first; while(dl) { if(dl->type==type) return dl; dl= dl->next; } return 0; } void copy_displist(ListBase *lbn, ListBase *lb) { DispList *dln, *dl; lbn->first= lbn->last= 0; dl= lb->first; while(dl) { dln= MEM_dupallocN(dl); BLI_addtail(lbn, dln); dln->verts= MEM_dupallocN(dl->verts); dln->nors= MEM_dupallocN(dl->nors); dln->index= MEM_dupallocN(dl->index); dln->col1= MEM_dupallocN(dl->col1); dln->col2= MEM_dupallocN(dl->col2); if (dl->mesh) dln->mesh= displistmesh_copy(dl->mesh); dl= dl->next; } } static void initfastshade(void) { Base *base; Object *ob; Lamp *la; FastLamp *fl; float mat[4][4]; init_render_world(); if(fastlamplist) return; if(G.scene->camera==0) G.scene->camera= scene_find_camera(G.scene); if(G.scene->camera==0) return; /* copied from 'roteerscene' (does that function still exist? (ton) */ where_is_object(G.scene->camera); Mat4CpyMat4(R.viewinv, G.scene->camera->obmat); Mat4Ortho(R.viewinv); Mat4Invert(fviewmat, R.viewinv); /* initrendertexture(); */ base= G.scene->base.first; while(base) { ob= base->object; if( ob->type==OB_LAMP && (base->lay & G.scene->lay)) { Mat4MulMat4(mat, ob->obmat, fviewmat); la= ob->data; fl= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(FastLamp), "initfastshade2"); fl->next= fastlamplist; fastlamplist= fl; fl->type= la->type; fl->mode= la->mode; fl->lay= base->lay; fl->vec[0]= mat[2][0]; fl->vec[1]= mat[2][1]; fl->vec[2]= mat[2][2]; Normalise(fl->vec); fl->co[0]= mat[3][0]; fl->co[1]= mat[3][1]; fl->co[2]= mat[3][2]; fl->dist= la->dist; fl->distkw= fl->dist*fl->dist; fl->att1= la->att1; fl->att2= la->att2; fl->spotsi= (float)cos( M_PI*la->spotsize/360.0 ); fl->spotbl= (1.0f-fl->spotsi)*la->spotblend; fl->r= la->energy*la->r; fl->g= la->energy*la->g; fl->b= la->energy*la->b; } if(base->next==0 && G.scene->set && base==G.scene->base.last) base= G.scene->set->base.first; else base= base->next; } } void freefastshade() { while (fastlamplist) { FastLamp *fl= fastlamplist; fastlamplist= fl->next; MEM_freeN(fl); } } static void fastshade(float *co, float *nor, float *orco, Material *ma, char *col1, char *col2, char *vertcol) { ShadeInput shi; FastLamp *fl; float i, t, inp, soft, inpr, inpg, inpb, isr=0, isg=0, isb=0, lv[3], view[3], lampdist, ld; float inpr1, inpg1, inpb1, isr1=0, isg1=0, isb1=0; int a, back; if(ma==0) return; shi.mat= ma; shi.matren= ma->ren; shi.vlr= NULL; // have to do this! ma= shi.matren; shi.osatex= 0; // also prevents reading vlr if(ma->mode & MA_VERTEXCOLP) { if(vertcol) { ma->r= vertcol[3]/255.0; ma->g= vertcol[2]/255.0; ma->b= vertcol[1]/255.0; } } if(ma->texco) { VECCOPY(shi.lo, orco); VECCOPY(shi.vn, nor); if(ma->texco & TEXCO_GLOB) { VECCOPY(shi.gl, shi.lo); } if(ma->texco & TEXCO_WINDOW) { VECCOPY(shi.winco, shi.lo); } if(ma->texco & TEXCO_STICKY) { VECCOPY(shi.sticky, shi.lo); } if(ma->texco & TEXCO_UV) { VECCOPY(shi.uv, shi.lo); } if(ma->texco & TEXCO_OBJECT) { VECCOPY(shi.co, shi.lo); } if(ma->texco & TEXCO_NORM) { VECCOPY(shi.orn, shi.vn); } if(ma->texco & TEXCO_REFL) { inp= 2.0*(shi.vn[2]); shi.ref[0]= (inp*shi.vn[0]); shi.ref[1]= (inp*shi.vn[1]); shi.ref[2]= (-1.0+inp*shi.vn[2]); } if(ma->mode & MA_VERTEXCOLP) { shi.mat->r= ma->r; shi.mat->g= ma->g; shi.mat->b= ma->b; } do_material_tex(&shi); } if(ma->mode & MA_SHLESS) { if(vertcol && (ma->mode & (MA_VERTEXCOL+MA_VERTEXCOLP))== MA_VERTEXCOL ) { col1[3]= vertcol[3]*ma->r; col1[2]= vertcol[2]*ma->g; col1[1]= vertcol[1]*ma->b; } else { col1[3]= (255.0*ma->r); col1[2]= (255.0*ma->g); col1[1]= (255.0*ma->b); } if(col2) { col2[3]= col1[3]; col2[2]= col1[2]; col2[1]= col1[1]; } return; } if( vertcol && (ma->mode & (MA_VERTEXCOL+MA_VERTEXCOLP))== MA_VERTEXCOL ) { inpr= inpr1= ma->emit+vertcol[3]/255.0; inpg= inpg1= ma->emit+vertcol[2]/255.0; inpb= inpb1= ma->emit+vertcol[1]/255.0; } else { inpr= inpg= inpb= inpr1= inpg1= inpb1= ma->emit; } view[0]= 0.0; view[1]= 0.0; view[2]= 1.0; Normalise(view); for (fl= fastlamplist; fl; fl= fl->next) { /* if(fl->mode & LA_LAYER) if((fl->lay & ma->lay)==0) continue; */ if(fl->type==LA_SUN || fl->type==LA_HEMI) { VECCOPY(lv, fl->vec); lampdist= 1.0; } else { lv[0]= fl->co[0] - co[0]; lv[1]= fl->co[1] - co[1]; lv[2]= fl->co[2] - co[2]; ld= sqrt(lv[0]*lv[0]+lv[1]*lv[1]+lv[2]*lv[2]); lv[0]/=ld; lv[1]/=ld; lv[2]/=ld; if(fl->mode & LA_QUAD) { t= 1.0; if(fl->att1>0.0) t= fl->dist/(fl->dist+fl->att1*ld); if(fl->att2>0.0) t*= fl->distkw/(fl->distkw+fl->att2*ld*ld); lampdist= t; } else { lampdist= (fl->dist/(fl->dist+ld)); } if(fl->mode & LA_SPHERE) { t= fl->dist - ld; if(t<0.0) continue; t/= fl->dist; lampdist*= (t); } } if(fl->type==LA_SPOT) { inp= lv[0]*fl->vec[0]+lv[1]*fl->vec[1]+lv[2]*fl->vec[2]; if(inpspotsi) continue; else { t= inp-fl->spotsi; i= 1.0; soft= 1.0; if(tspotbl && fl->spotbl!=0.0) { /* soft area */ i= t/fl->spotbl; t= i*i; soft= (3.0*t-2.0*t*i); inp*= soft; } lampdist*=inp; } } if(fl->mode & LA_NO_DIFF) inp= 0.0; else { inp= nor[0]*lv[0]+ nor[1]*lv[1]+ nor[2]*lv[2]; if(ma->diff_shader==MA_DIFF_ORENNAYAR) inp= OrenNayar_Diff(nor, lv, view, ma->roughness); else if(ma->diff_shader==MA_DIFF_TOON) inp= Toon_Diff(nor, lv, view, ma->param[0], ma->param[1]); } back= 0; if(inp<0.0) { back= 1; inp= -inp; } inp*= lampdist*ma->ref; if(back==0) { inpr+= inp*fl->r; inpg+= inp*fl->g; inpb+= inp*fl->b; } else if(col2) { inpr1+= inp*fl->r; inpg1+= inp*fl->g; inpb1+= inp*fl->b; } if(ma->spec && (fl->mode & LA_NO_SPEC)==0) { if(ma->spec_shader==MA_SPEC_PHONG) t= Phong_Spec(nor, lv, view, ma->har); else if(ma->spec_shader==MA_SPEC_COOKTORR) t= CookTorr_Spec(nor, lv, view, ma->har); else if(ma->spec_shader==MA_SPEC_BLINN) t= Blinn_Spec(nor, lv, view, ma->refrac, (float)ma->har); else t= Toon_Spec(nor, lv, view, ma->param[2], ma->param[3]); if(t>0) { t*= ma->spec*lampdist; if(back==0) { isr+= t*(fl->r * ma->specr); isg+= t*(fl->g * ma->specg); isb+= t*(fl->b * ma->specb); } else if(col2) { isr1+= t*(fl->r * ma->specr); isg1+= t*(fl->g * ma->specg); isb1+= t*(fl->b * ma->specb); } } } } a= 256*(inpr*ma->r + ma->ambr +isr); if(a>255) col1[3]= 255; else col1[3]= a; a= 256*(inpg*ma->g + ma->ambg +isg); if(a>255) col1[2]= 255; else col1[2]= a; a= 256*(inpb*ma->b + ma->ambb +isb); if(a>255) col1[1]= 255; else col1[1]= a; if(col2) { a= 256*(inpr1*ma->r + ma->ambr +isr1); if(a>255) col2[3]= 255; else col2[3]= a; a= 256*(inpr1*ma->g + ma->ambg +isg1); if(a>255) col2[2]= 255; else col2[2]= a; a= 256*(inpr1*ma->b + ma->ambb +isb1); if(a>255) col2[1]= 255; else col2[1]= a; } } void addnormalsDispList(Object *ob, ListBase *lb) { DispList *dl = NULL; Mesh *me; MVert *ve1, *ve2, *ve3, *ve4; MFace *mface; float *vdata, *ndata, nor[3]; float *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4; float *n1, *n2, *n3, *n4; int a, b, p1, p2, p3, p4; if(ob->type==OB_MESH) { me= get_mesh(ob); if (mesh_uses_displist(me)) { DispList *dl= find_displist(&me->disp, DL_MESH); if (dl && !dl->nors) { DispListMesh *dlm= dl->mesh; int i; dl->nors= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*dl->nors)*3*dlm->totface, "meshnormals"); for (i=0; itotface; i++) { MFaceInt *mf= &dlm->mface[i]; float *no= &dl->nors[i*3]; if (mf->v3) { if (mf->v4) CalcNormFloat4(dlm->mvert[mf->v1].co, dlm->mvert[mf->v2].co, dlm->mvert[mf->v3].co, dlm->mvert[mf->v4].co, no); else CalcNormFloat(dlm->mvert[mf->v1].co, dlm->mvert[mf->v2].co, dlm->mvert[mf->v3].co, no); } } } } else { if(me->totface==0) return; if(me->disp.first==0) { dl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "meshdisp"); dl->type= DL_NORS; dl->parts= 1; dl->nr= me->totface; BLI_addtail(&me->disp, dl); } if(dl->nors==0) { dl->nors= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float)*3*me->totface, "meshnormals"); n1= dl->nors; mface= me->mface; a= me->totface; while(a--) { if(mface->v3) { ve1= me->mvert+mface->v1; ve2= me->mvert+mface->v2; ve3= me->mvert+mface->v3; ve4= me->mvert+mface->v4; if(mface->v4) CalcNormFloat4(ve1->co, ve2->co, ve3->co, ve4->co, n1); else CalcNormFloat(ve1->co, ve2->co, ve3->co, n1); } n1+= 3; mface++; } } } return; } dl= lb->first; while(dl) { if(dl->type==DL_INDEX3) { if(dl->nors==0) { dl->nors= MEM_callocN(sizeof(float)*3, "dlnors"); if(dl->verts[2]<0.0) dl->nors[2]= -1.0; else dl->nors[2]= 1.0; } } else if(dl->type==DL_SURF) { if(dl->nors==0) { dl->nors= MEM_callocN(sizeof(float)*3*dl->nr*dl->parts, "dlnors"); vdata= dl->verts; ndata= dl->nors; for(a=0; aparts; a++) { DL_SURFINDEX(dl->flag & 1, dl->flag & 2, dl->nr, dl->parts); v1= vdata+ 3*p1; n1= ndata+ 3*p1; v2= vdata+ 3*p2; n2= ndata+ 3*p2; v3= vdata+ 3*p3; n3= ndata+ 3*p3; v4= vdata+ 3*p4; n4= ndata+ 3*p4; for(; bnr; b++) { CalcNormFloat4(v1, v3, v4, v2, nor); VecAddf(n1, n1, nor); VecAddf(n2, n2, nor); VecAddf(n3, n3, nor); VecAddf(n4, n4, nor); v2= v1; v1+= 3; v4= v3; v3+= 3; n2= n1; n1+= 3; n4= n3; n3+= 3; } } a= dl->parts*dl->nr; v1= ndata; while(a--) { Normalise(v1); v1+= 3; } } } dl= dl->next; } } void shadeDispList(Object *ob) { MFace *mface; MVert *mvert; DispList *dl, *dlob, *dldeform; Material *ma = NULL; Mesh *me; Curve *cu; /* extern Material defmaterial; *//* initrender.c, already in bad lev calls*/ float *orco=NULL, imat[3][3], tmat[4][4], mat[4][4], vec[3], xn, yn, zn; float *fp, *nor, n1[3]; unsigned int *col1, *col2, *vertcol; int a, lastmat= -1, need_orco = 0; if(ob->flag & OB_FROMDUPLI) return; initfastshade(); Mat4MulMat4(mat, ob->obmat, fviewmat); Mat4Invert(tmat, mat); Mat3CpyMat4(imat, tmat); /* we extract dl_verts, deform info */ dldeform= find_displist(&ob->disp, DL_VERTS); if(dldeform) BLI_remlink(&ob->disp, dldeform); /* Metaballs have the standard displist in the Object */ if(ob->type!=OB_MBALL) freedisplist(&ob->disp); if((R.flag & R_RENDERING)==0) { need_orco= 0; for(a=0; atotcol; a++) { ma= give_current_material(ob, a+1); if(ma) { init_render_material(ma); if(ma->ren->texco & TEXCO_ORCO) need_orco= 1; } } } if(ob->type==OB_MESH) { me= ob->data; if (mesh_uses_displist(me)) { if (need_orco) { make_orco_displist_mesh(ob, me->subdiv); orco= me->orco; } dl= me->disp.first; while(dl) { if(dl->type==DL_MESH && dl->mesh && dl->mesh->totvert) { DispListMesh *dlm= dl->mesh; float *vnors, *vn; int i; dlob= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "displistshade"); BLI_addtail(&ob->disp, dlob); dlob->type= DL_VERTCOL; dlob->col1= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*dlob->col1)*dlm->totface*4, "col1"); if (me->flag & ME_TWOSIDED) dlob->col2= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*dlob->col2)*dlm->totface*4, "col1"); /* vertexnormals */ vn=vnors= MEM_mallocN(dlm->totvert*3*sizeof(float), "vnors disp"); mvert= dlm->mvert; a= dlm->totvert; while(a--) { xn= mvert->no[0]; yn= mvert->no[1]; zn= mvert->no[2]; /* transpose ! */ vn[0]= imat[0][0]*xn+imat[0][1]*yn+imat[0][2]*zn; vn[1]= imat[1][0]*xn+imat[1][1]*yn+imat[1][2]*zn; vn[2]= imat[2][0]*xn+imat[2][1]*yn+imat[2][2]*zn; Normalise(vn); mvert++; vn+=3; } for (i=0; itotface; i++) { MFaceInt *mf= &dlm->mface[i]; if (mf->v3) { int j, vidx[4], nverts= mf->v4?4:3; unsigned int *col1base= &dlob->col1[i*4]; unsigned int *col2base= dlob->col2?&dlob->col2[i*4]:NULL; MCol *mcolbase= dlm->mcol?&dlm->mcol[i*4]:NULL; float nor[3]; ma= give_current_material(ob, mf->mat_nr+1); if(ma==0) ma= &defmaterial; vidx[0]= mf->v1; vidx[1]= mf->v2; vidx[2]= mf->v3; vidx[3]= mf->v4; if (mf->v4) CalcNormFloat4(dlm->mvert[mf->v1].co, dlm->mvert[mf->v2].co, dlm->mvert[mf->v3].co, dlm->mvert[mf->v4].co, nor); else CalcNormFloat(dlm->mvert[mf->v1].co, dlm->mvert[mf->v2].co, dlm->mvert[mf->v3].co, nor); n1[0]= imat[0][0]*nor[0]+imat[0][1]*nor[1]+imat[0][2]*nor[2]; n1[1]= imat[1][0]*nor[0]+imat[1][1]*nor[1]+imat[1][2]*nor[2]; n1[2]= imat[2][0]*nor[0]+imat[2][1]*nor[1]+imat[2][2]*nor[2]; Normalise(n1); for (j=0; jmvert[vidx[j]]; unsigned int *col1= &col1base[j]; unsigned int *col2= col2base?&col2base[j]:NULL; MCol *mcol= mcolbase?&mcolbase[j]:NULL; VECCOPY(vec, mv->co); Mat4MulVecfl(mat, vec); if(mf->flag & ME_SMOOTH) vn= vnors+3*vidx[j]; else vn= n1; if (need_orco && orco) fastshade(vec, vn, &orco[vidx[j]*3], ma, (char *)col1, (char*)col2, (char*) mcol); else fastshade(vec, vn, mv->co, ma, (char *)col1, (char*)col2, (char*) mcol); } } } MEM_freeN(vnors); } dl= dl->next; } if (need_orco && orco) { MEM_freeN(me->orco); me->orco= NULL; } } else if(me->totvert>0) { float *vnors, *vn; if(me->orco==0 && need_orco) { make_orco_mesh(me); } orco= me->orco; /* ms= me->msticky; */ dl= me->disp.first; if(dl==0 || dl->nors==0) addnormalsDispList(ob, &me->disp); dl= me->disp.first; if(dl==0 || dl->nors==0) return; nor= dl->nors; dl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "displistshade"); BLI_addtail(&ob->disp, dl); dl->type= DL_VERTCOL; col1= dl->col1= MEM_mallocN(4*sizeof(int)*me->totface, "col1"); col2= 0; if(me->tface) tface_to_mcol(me); vertcol= (unsigned int *)me->mcol; if( me->flag & ME_TWOSIDED) { col2= dl->col2= MEM_mallocN(4*sizeof(int)*me->totface, "col2"); } /* vertexnormals */ vn=vnors= MEM_mallocN(me->totvert*3*sizeof(float), "vnors disp"); mvert= me->mvert; a= me->totvert; while(a--) { xn= mvert->no[0]; yn= mvert->no[1]; zn= mvert->no[2]; /* transpose ! */ vn[0]= imat[0][0]*xn+imat[0][1]*yn+imat[0][2]*zn; vn[1]= imat[1][0]*xn+imat[1][1]*yn+imat[1][2]*zn; vn[2]= imat[2][0]*xn+imat[2][1]*yn+imat[2][2]*zn; Normalise(vn); mvert++; vn+=3; } mface= me->mface; a= me->totface; while(a--) { if(mface->v3) { /* transpose ! */ n1[0]= imat[0][0]*nor[0]+imat[0][1]*nor[1]+imat[0][2]*nor[2]; n1[1]= imat[1][0]*nor[0]+imat[1][1]*nor[1]+imat[1][2]*nor[2]; n1[2]= imat[2][0]*nor[0]+imat[2][1]*nor[1]+imat[2][2]*nor[2]; Normalise(n1); if(lastmat!=mface->mat_nr) { ma= give_current_material(ob, mface->mat_nr+1); if(ma==0) ma= &defmaterial; lastmat= mface->mat_nr; } mvert= me->mvert+mface->v1; VECCOPY(vec, mvert->co); Mat4MulVecfl(mat, vec); if(mface->flag & ME_SMOOTH) vn= vnors+3*mface->v1; else vn= n1; if(orco) fastshade(vec, vn, orco+3*mface->v1, ma, (char *)col1, (char *)col2, (char *)vertcol); else fastshade(vec, vn, mvert->co, ma, (char *)col1, (char *)col2, (char *)vertcol); col1++; if(vertcol) vertcol++; if(col2) col2++; mvert= me->mvert+mface->v2; VECCOPY(vec, mvert->co); Mat4MulVecfl(mat, vec); if(mface->flag & ME_SMOOTH) vn= vnors+3*mface->v2; else vn= n1; if(orco) fastshade(vec, vn, orco+3*mface->v2, ma, (char *)col1, (char *)col2, (char *)vertcol); else fastshade(vec, vn, mvert->co, ma, (char *)col1, (char *)col2, (char *)vertcol); col1++; if(vertcol) vertcol++; if(col2) col2++; mvert= me->mvert+mface->v3; VECCOPY(vec, mvert->co); Mat4MulVecfl(mat, vec); if(mface->flag & ME_SMOOTH) vn= vnors+3*mface->v3; else vn= n1; if(orco) fastshade(vec, vn, orco+3*mface->v3, ma, (char *)col1, (char *)col2, (char *)vertcol); else fastshade(vec, vn, mvert->co, ma, (char *)col1, (char *)col2, (char *)vertcol); col1++; if(vertcol) vertcol++; if(col2) col2++; if(mface->v4) { mvert= me->mvert+mface->v4; VECCOPY(vec, mvert->co); Mat4MulVecfl(mat, vec); if(mface->flag & ME_SMOOTH) vn= vnors+3*mface->v4; else vn= n1; if(orco) fastshade(vec, vn, orco+3*mface->v4, ma, (char *)col1, (char *)col2, (char *)vertcol); else fastshade(vec, vn, mvert->co, ma, (char *)col1, (char *)col2, (char *)vertcol); } col1++; if(vertcol) vertcol++; if(col2) col2++; } else { col1+=4; if(vertcol) vertcol+=4; if(col2) col2+=4; } nor+= 3; mface++; } MEM_freeN(vnors); if(me->orco) { MEM_freeN(me->orco); me->orco= 0; } if(me->tface) { MEM_freeN(me->mcol); me->mcol= 0; } } } else if ELEM3(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF, OB_FONT) { /* now we need the normals */ cu= ob->data; dl= cu->disp.first; while(dl) { dlob= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "displistshade"); BLI_addtail(&ob->disp, dlob); dlob->type= DL_VERTCOL; dlob->parts= dl->parts; dlob->nr= dl->nr; if(dl->type==DL_INDEX3) { col1= dlob->col1= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int)*dl->nr, "col1"); } else { col1= dlob->col1= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int)*dl->parts*dl->nr, "col1"); } ma= give_current_material(ob, dl->col+1); if(ma==0) ma= &defmaterial; if(dl->type==DL_INDEX3) { if(dl->nors) { /* there's just one normal */ n1[0]= imat[0][0]*dl->nors[0]+imat[0][1]*dl->nors[1]+imat[0][2]*dl->nors[2]; n1[1]= imat[1][0]*dl->nors[0]+imat[1][1]*dl->nors[1]+imat[1][2]*dl->nors[2]; n1[2]= imat[2][0]*dl->nors[0]+imat[2][1]*dl->nors[1]+imat[2][2]*dl->nors[2]; Normalise(n1); fp= dl->verts; a= dl->nr; while(a--) { VECCOPY(vec, fp); Mat4MulVecfl(mat, vec); fastshade(vec, n1, fp, ma, (char *)col1, 0, 0); fp+= 3; col1++; } } } else if(dl->type==DL_SURF) { if(dl->nors) { a= dl->nr*dl->parts; fp= dl->verts; nor= dl->nors; while(a--) { VECCOPY(vec, fp); Mat4MulVecfl(mat, vec); n1[0]= imat[0][0]*nor[0]+imat[0][1]*nor[1]+imat[0][2]*nor[2]; n1[1]= imat[1][0]*nor[0]+imat[1][1]*nor[1]+imat[1][2]*nor[2]; n1[2]= imat[2][0]*nor[0]+imat[2][1]*nor[1]+imat[2][2]*nor[2]; Normalise(n1); fastshade(vec, n1, fp, ma, (char *)col1, 0, 0); fp+= 3; nor+= 3; col1++; } } } dl= dl->next; } } else if(ob->type==OB_MBALL) { /* there are normals already */ dl= ob->disp.first; while(dl) { if(dl->type==DL_INDEX4) { if(dl->nors) { if(dl->col1) MEM_freeN(dl->col1); col1= dl->col1= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int)*dl->nr, "col1"); ma= give_current_material(ob, dl->col+1); if(ma==0) ma= &defmaterial; fp= dl->verts; nor= dl->nors; a= dl->nr; while(a--) { VECCOPY(vec, fp); Mat4MulVecfl(mat, vec); /* transpose ! */ n1[0]= imat[0][0]*nor[0]+imat[0][1]*nor[1]+imat[0][2]*nor[2]; n1[1]= imat[1][0]*nor[0]+imat[1][1]*nor[1]+imat[1][2]*nor[2]; n1[2]= imat[2][0]*nor[0]+imat[2][1]*nor[1]+imat[2][2]*nor[2]; Normalise(n1); fastshade(vec, n1, fp, ma, (char *)col1, 0, 0); fp+= 3; col1++; nor+= 3; } } } dl= dl->next; } } if((R.flag & R_RENDERING)==0) { for(a=0; atotcol; a++) { ma= give_current_material(ob, a+1); if(ma) end_render_material(ma); } } /* this one was temporally removed */ if(dldeform) BLI_addtail(&ob->disp, dldeform); } void reshadeall_displist(void) { DispList *dldeform; Base *base; Object *ob; freefastshade(); base= G.scene->base.first; while(base) { if(base->lay & G.scene->lay) { ob= base->object; /* we extract dl_verts, deform info */ dldeform= find_displist(&ob->disp, DL_VERTS); if(dldeform) BLI_remlink(&ob->disp, dldeform); /* Metaballs have standard displist at the Object */ if(ob->type==OB_MBALL) shadeDispList(ob); else freedisplist(&ob->disp); if(dldeform) BLI_addtail(&ob->disp, dldeform); } base= base->next; } } void count_displist(ListBase *lb, int *totvert, int *totface) { DispList *dl; dl= lb->first; while(dl) { switch(dl->type) { case DL_SURF: *totvert+= dl->nr*dl->parts; *totface+= (dl->nr-1)*(dl->parts-1); break; case DL_INDEX3: case DL_INDEX4: *totvert+= dl->nr; *totface+= dl->parts; break; case DL_POLY: case DL_SEGM: *totvert+= dl->nr*dl->parts; } dl= dl->next; } } static void curve_to_displist(ListBase *nubase, ListBase *dispbase) { Nurb *nu; DispList *dl; BezTriple *bezt, *prevbezt; BPoint *bp; float *data, *v1, *v2; int a, len; nu= nubase->first; while(nu) { if(nu->hide==0) { if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { /* count */ len= 0; a= nu->pntsu-1; if(nu->flagu & 1) a++; prevbezt= nu->bezt; bezt= prevbezt+1; while(a--) { if(a==0 && (nu->flagu & 1)) bezt= nu->bezt; if(prevbezt->h2==HD_VECT && bezt->h1==HD_VECT) len++; else len+= nu->resolu; if(a==0 && (nu->flagu & 1)==0) len++; prevbezt= bezt; bezt++; } dl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListbez"); /* len+1 because of 'maakbez' function */ dl->verts= MEM_callocN( (len+1)*3*sizeof(float), "dlverts"); BLI_addtail(dispbase, dl); dl->parts= 1; dl->nr= len; dl->col= nu->mat_nr; data= dl->verts; if(nu->flagu & 1) { dl->type= DL_POLY; a= nu->pntsu; } else { dl->type= DL_SEGM; a= nu->pntsu-1; } prevbezt= nu->bezt; bezt= prevbezt+1; while(a--) { if(a==0 && dl->type== DL_POLY) bezt= nu->bezt; if(prevbezt->h2==HD_VECT && bezt->h1==HD_VECT) { VECCOPY(data, prevbezt->vec[1]); data+= 3; } else { v1= prevbezt->vec[1]; v2= bezt->vec[0]; maakbez(v1[0], v1[3], v2[0], v2[3], data, nu->resolu); maakbez(v1[1], v1[4], v2[1], v2[4], data+1, nu->resolu); if((nu->type & 8)==0) maakbez(v1[2], v1[5], v2[2], v2[5], data+2, nu->resolu); data+= 3*nu->resolu; } if(a==0 && dl->type==DL_SEGM) { VECCOPY(data, bezt->vec[1]); } prevbezt= bezt; bezt++; } } else if((nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS) { len= nu->pntsu*nu->resolu; dl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListsurf"); dl->verts= MEM_callocN(len*3*sizeof(float), "dlverts"); BLI_addtail(dispbase, dl); dl->parts= 1; dl->nr= len; dl->col= nu->mat_nr; data= dl->verts; if(nu->flagu & 1) dl->type= DL_POLY; else dl->type= DL_SEGM; makeNurbcurve(nu, data, 3); } else if((nu->type & 7)==CU_POLY) { len= nu->pntsu; dl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListpoly"); dl->verts= MEM_callocN(len*3*sizeof(float), "dlverts"); BLI_addtail(dispbase, dl); dl->parts= 1; dl->nr= len; dl->col= nu->mat_nr; data= dl->verts; if(nu->flagu & 1) dl->type= DL_POLY; else dl->type= DL_SEGM; a= len; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { VECCOPY(data, bp->vec); bp++; data+= 3; } } } nu= nu->next; } } static void filldisplist(ListBase *dispbase, ListBase *to) { EditVert *eve, *v1, *vlast; EditVlak *evl; DispList *dlnew=0, *dl; float *f1; int colnr=0, cont=1, tot, a, *index; long totvert; if(dispbase==0) return; if(dispbase->first==0) return; /* tijd= clock(); */ /* bit-wise and comes after == .... so this doesn't work... */ /* if(G.f & G_PLAYANIM == 0) waitcursor(1); */ if( !(G.f & G_PLAYANIM) ) waitcursor(1); while(cont) { cont= 0; totvert=0; dl= dispbase->first; while(dl) { if(dl->type==DL_POLY) { if(colnrcol) cont= 1; else if(colnr==dl->col) { colnr= dl->col; /* make editverts and edges */ f1= dl->verts; a= dl->nr; eve= v1= 0; while(a--) { vlast= eve; eve= BLI_addfillvert(f1); totvert++; if(vlast==0) v1= eve; else { BLI_addfilledge(vlast, eve); } f1+=3; } if(eve!=0 && v1!=0) { BLI_addfilledge(eve, v1); } } } dl= dl->next; } /* to make edgefill work G.obedit can be 0 on file load */ if (G.obedit) { BLI_setScanFillObjectRef(G.obedit); BLI_setScanFillColourRef(&G.obedit->actcol); } if(totvert && BLI_edgefill(0)!=0) { /* count faces (vlak in dutch!) */ tot= 0; evl= fillvlakbase.first; while(evl) { tot++; evl= evl->next; } if(tot) { dlnew= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "filldisplist"); dlnew->type= DL_INDEX3; dlnew->col= colnr; dlnew->nr= totvert; dlnew->parts= tot; dlnew->index= MEM_mallocN(tot*3*sizeof(int), "dlindex"); dlnew->verts= MEM_mallocN(totvert*3*sizeof(float), "dlverts"); /* vert data */ f1= dlnew->verts; totvert= 0; eve= fillvertbase.first; while(eve) { VECCOPY(f1, eve->co); f1+= 3; /* index number */ eve->vn= (EditVert *)totvert; totvert++; eve= eve->next; } /* index data */ evl= fillvlakbase.first; index= dlnew->index; while(evl) { index[0]= (long)evl->v1->vn; index[1]= (long)evl->v2->vn; index[2]= (long)evl->v3->vn; index+= 3; evl= evl->next; } } BLI_addhead(to, dlnew); } BLI_end_edgefill(); colnr++; } /* do not free polys, needed for wireframe display */ /* same as above ... */ /* if(G.f & G_PLAYANIM == 0) waitcursor(0); */ if( !(G.f & G_PLAYANIM) ) waitcursor(0); /* printf("time: %d\n",(clock()-tijd)/1000); */ } static void bevels_to_filledpoly(Curve *cu, ListBase *dispbase) { ListBase front, back; DispList *dl, *dlnew; float *fp, *fp1; int a, dpoly; front.first= front.last= back.first= back.last= 0; if(cu->flag & CU_3D) return; if( (cu->flag & (CU_FRONT+CU_BACK))==0 ) return; dl= dispbase->first; while(dl) { if(dl->type==DL_SURF) { if(dl->flag==2) { if(cu->flag & CU_BACK) { dlnew= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "filldisp"); BLI_addtail(&front, dlnew); dlnew->verts= fp1= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float)*3*dl->parts, "filldisp1"); dlnew->nr= dl->parts; dlnew->parts= 1; dlnew->type= DL_POLY; dlnew->col= dl->col; fp= dl->verts; dpoly= 3*dl->nr; a= dl->parts; while(a--) { VECCOPY(fp1, fp); fp1+= 3; fp+= dpoly; } } if(cu->flag & CU_FRONT) { dlnew= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "filldisp"); BLI_addtail(&back, dlnew); dlnew->verts= fp1= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float)*3*dl->parts, "filldisp1"); dlnew->nr= dl->parts; dlnew->parts= 1; dlnew->type= DL_POLY; dlnew->col= dl->col; fp= dl->verts+3*(dl->nr-1); dpoly= 3*dl->nr; a= dl->parts; while(a--) { VECCOPY(fp1, fp); fp1+= 3; fp+= dpoly; } } } } dl= dl->next; } filldisplist(&front, dispbase); filldisplist(&back, dispbase); freedisplist(&front); freedisplist(&back); filldisplist(dispbase, dispbase); } void curve_to_filledpoly(Curve *cu, ListBase *dispbase) { DispList *dl; Nurb *nu; dl= dispbase->first; if(cu->flag & CU_3D) return; nu= cu->nurb.first; while(nu) { if(nu->flagu & CU_CYCLIC) break; nu= nu->next; } if(nu==0) return; if(dl->type==DL_SURF) bevels_to_filledpoly(cu, dispbase); else { if(cu->flag & CU_FRONT) filldisplist(dispbase, dispbase); } } static int dl_onlyzero= 0; void set_displist_onlyzero(int val) { dl_onlyzero= val; } void makeDispList(Object *ob) { Mesh *me; Nurb *nu; Curve *cu; BPoint *bp; ListBase dlbev, *dispbase; DispList *dl, *dlb; BevList *bl; BevPoint *bevp; float *data, *fp1, widfac, vec[3]; int len, a, b, draw=0; if(ob==0) return; if(ob->flag & OB_FROMDUPLI) return; freedisplist(&(ob->disp)); if(ob->type==OB_MESH) { me= ob->data; freedisplist(&(me->disp)); tex_space_mesh(ob->data); object_deform(ob); if(ob->effect.first) object_wave(ob); if ((me->flag & ME_SUBSURF) && me->subdiv>0) { if (ob==G.obedit) subsurf_make_editmesh(ob); else subsurf_make_mesh(ob, me->subdiv); } } else if(ob->type==OB_MBALL) { ob= find_basis_mball(ob); metaball_polygonize(ob); tex_space_mball(ob); object_deform(ob); } else if(ob->type==OB_SURF) { draw= ob->dt; cu= ob->data; dispbase= &(cu->disp); if(dl_onlyzero && dispbase->first) return; freedisplist(dispbase); if(ob==G.obedit) nu= editNurb.first; else nu= cu->nurb.first; while(nu) { if(nu->hide==0) { if(nu->pntsv==1) { if(draw==0) len= nu->pntsu; else len= nu->pntsu*nu->resolu; dl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListsurf"); dl->verts= MEM_callocN(len*3*sizeof(float), "dlverts"); BLI_addtail(dispbase, dl); dl->parts= 1; dl->nr= len; dl->col= nu->mat_nr; data= dl->verts; if(nu->flagu & 1) dl->type= DL_POLY; else dl->type= DL_SEGM; if(draw==0) { bp= nu->bp; while(len--) { VECCOPY(data, bp->vec); bp++; data+= 3; } } else makeNurbcurve(nu, data, 3); } else { if(draw==0 && ob==G.obedit) ; else { if(draw==0) len= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; else len= nu->resolu*nu->resolv; dl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListsurf"); dl->verts= MEM_callocN(len*3*sizeof(float), "dlverts"); BLI_addtail(dispbase, dl); if(draw==0) { dl->parts= nu->pntsv; dl->nr= nu->pntsu; if(nu->flagu & 1) dl->flag|= 1; if(nu->flagv & 1) dl->flag|= 2; } else { dl->parts= nu->resolu; /* in reverse, because makeNurbfaces works that way */ dl->nr= nu->resolv; if(nu->flagv & 1) dl->flag|= 1; /* reverse too! */ if(nu->flagu & 1) dl->flag|= 2; } dl->col= nu->mat_nr; data= dl->verts; dl->type= DL_SURF; if(draw==0) { bp= nu->bp; while(len--) { VECCOPY(data, bp->vec); bp++; data+= 3; } } else makeNurbfaces(nu, data); } } } nu= nu->next; } tex_space_curve(cu); if(ob!=G.obedit) object_deform(ob); } else if ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_FONT) { draw= ob->dt; cu= ob->data; dispbase= &(cu->disp); if(dl_onlyzero && dispbase->first) return; freedisplist(dispbase); if(cu->path) free_path(cu->path); cu->path= 0; BLI_freelistN(&(cu->bev)); if(ob==G.obedit) { if(ob->type==OB_CURVE) curve_to_displist(&editNurb, dispbase); else curve_to_displist(&cu->nurb, dispbase); if(cu->flag & CU_PATH) makeBevelList(ob); } else if(cu->ext1==0.0 && cu->ext2==0.0 && cu->bevobj==0 && cu->width==1.0) { curve_to_displist(&cu->nurb, dispbase); if(cu->flag & CU_PATH) makeBevelList(ob); } else { makeBevelList(ob); dlbev.first= dlbev.last= 0; if(cu->ext1!=0.0 || cu->ext2!=0.0 || cu->bevobj) { if(ob->dt!=0) makebevelcurve(ob, &dlbev); } /* work with bevellist */ widfac= cu->width-1.0; bl= cu->bev.first; nu= cu->nurb.first; while(bl) { if(dlbev.first==0) { dl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListbev"); dl->verts= MEM_callocN(3*sizeof(float)*bl->nr, "dlverts"); BLI_addtail(dispbase, dl); if(bl->poly!= -1) dl->type= DL_POLY; else dl->type= DL_SEGM; dl->parts= 1; dl->nr= bl->nr; dl->col= nu->mat_nr; a= dl->nr; bevp= (BevPoint *)(bl+1); data= dl->verts; while(a--) { data[0]= bevp->x+widfac*bevp->sina; data[1]= bevp->y+widfac*bevp->cosa; data[2]= bevp->z; bevp++; data+=3; } } else { /* for each part of the bevel use a separate displblock */ dlb= dlbev.first; while(dlb) { dl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListbev1"); dl->verts= MEM_callocN(3*sizeof(float)*dlb->nr*bl->nr, "dlverts"); BLI_addtail(dispbase, dl); /* dl->type= dlb->type; */ dl->type= DL_SURF; dl->flag= 0; if(dlb->type==DL_POLY) dl->flag++; if(bl->poly>=0) dl->flag+=2; dl->parts= bl->nr; dl->nr= dlb->nr; dl->col= nu->mat_nr; data= dl->verts; bevp= (BevPoint *)(bl+1); a= bl->nr; while(a--) { /* for each point of poly make a bevel piece */ /* rotate bevel piece and write in data */ fp1= dlb->verts; b= dlb->nr; while(b--) { if(cu->flag & CU_3D) { vec[0]= fp1[1]+widfac; vec[1]= fp1[2]; vec[2]= 0.0; Mat3MulVecfl(bevp->mat, vec); data[0]= bevp->x+ vec[0]; data[1]= bevp->y+ vec[1]; data[2]= bevp->z+ vec[2]; } else { data[0]= bevp->x+ (fp1[1]+widfac)*bevp->sina; data[1]= bevp->y+ (fp1[1]+widfac)*bevp->cosa; data[2]= bevp->z+ fp1[2]; } data+=3; fp1+=3; } bevp++; } dlb= dlb->next; } } bl= bl->next; nu= nu->next; } if(cu->ext1!=0.0 || cu->ext2!=0.0 || cu->bevobj) { freedisplist(&dlbev); } } if(ob!=G.obedit) object_deform(ob); tex_space_curve(cu); } } /*******************************/ /***** OUTLINE *****/ /*******************************/ typedef struct Sample{ short x, y; } Sample; typedef struct Segment{ /* coordinates */ struct Segment * next, * prev; float co[2]; } Segment; static int dflt_in_out(struct ImBuf * ibuf, int x, int y) { unsigned char * rect; if (ibuf == 0) return (0); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= ibuf->x || y >= ibuf->y || ibuf->rect == 0) return (-1); rect = (unsigned char *) (ibuf->rect + (y * ibuf->x) + x); if (rect[0] > 0x81) return (1); return(0); } static Sample * outline(struct ImBuf * ibuf, int (*in_or_out)(struct ImBuf *, int, int)) { static int dirs[8][2] = { {-1, 0}, {-1, 1}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, -1}, {0, -1}, {-1, -1} }; int dir, x, y, in, i; int count, sampcount; int startx = 0, starty = 0; Sample * samp, * oldsamp; /* input: * 1 - image * 2 - pointer to function that defines which pixel 'in' or 'out' is */ if (ibuf == 0) return (0); if (ibuf->rect == 0) return (0); if (in_or_out == 0) in_or_out = dflt_in_out; in = in_or_out(ibuf, 0, 0); /* search for first transition, and continue from there */ for (y = 0; y < ibuf->y; y++) { for (x = 0; x < ibuf->x; x++) { if (in_or_out(ibuf, x, y) != in) { /* found first 'other' point !! */ if (x != startx) dir = 0; else dir = 6; startx = x; starty = y; count = 1; sampcount = 2000; samp = MEM_mallocN(sampcount * sizeof(Sample), "wire_samples"); do{ samp[count].x = x; samp[count].y = y; count++; if (count >= sampcount) { oldsamp = samp; samp = MEM_mallocN(2 * sampcount * sizeof(Sample), "wire_samples"); memcpy(samp, oldsamp, sampcount * sizeof(Sample)); sampcount *= 2; MEM_freeN(oldsamp); } i = 0; while(in_or_out(ibuf, x + dirs[dir][0], y + dirs[dir][1]) == in) { dir = (dir + 1) & 0x7; if (i++ == 9) break; } if (i >= 8) { /* this has to be a loose point */ break; } x += dirs[dir][0]; y += dirs[dir][1]; dir = (dir - 3) & 0x7; } while(x != startx || y != starty); if (i >= 8) { /* patch for loose points */ MEM_freeN(samp); } else { count = count - 1; samp[0].x = count >> 16; samp[0].y = count; return(samp); } } } } /* printf("no transition \n"); */ return(0); } /*******************************/ /***** WIREFRAME *****/ /*******************************/ static float DistToLine2D(short *v1, short *v2, short *v3) /* using Hesse formula :NO LINE PIECE! */ { float a[2],deler; a[0] = v2[1]-v3[1]; a[1] = v3[0]-v2[0]; deler = sqrt(a[0]*a[0]+a[1]*a[1]); if(deler == 0.0) return 0; return fabs((v1[0]-v2[0])*a[0]+(v1[1]-v2[1])*a[1])/deler; } static float ComputeMaxShpError(Sample *samp, int first, int last, int *splitPoint) /* samp: Array of digitized points */ /* first, last: Indices defining region */ /* splitpoint: Point of maximum error */ { int i; float maxDist; /* Maximum error */ float dist; /* Current error */ *splitPoint = (last - first + 1) / 2; maxDist = 0.0; for (i = first + 1; i < last; i++) { dist = DistToLine2D((short *)(samp+i), (short *)(samp+first), (short *)(samp+last)); if (dist >= maxDist) { maxDist = dist; *splitPoint = i; } } return (maxDist); } static void FitPoly(Sample *samp, int first, int last, float shperr, ListBase *seglist) /* Samp: Array of digitized points */ /* first,last: Indices of first and last pts in region */ /* spherr: User-defined error squared */ { Segment * seg; /* Control points segment*/ float maxError; /* Maximum fitting error */ int splitPoint; /* Point to split point set at */ int nPts; /* Number of points in subset */ nPts = last - first + 1; /* Use heuristic if region only has two points in it */ seg = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(Segment), "wure_segment"); seg->co[0] = samp[first].x; seg->co[1] = samp[first].y; if (nPts == 2) { BLI_addtail(seglist, seg); return; } maxError = ComputeMaxShpError(samp, first, last, &splitPoint); if (maxError < shperr) { BLI_addtail(seglist, seg); return; } /* Fitting failed -- split at max error point and fit recursively */ FitPoly(samp, first, splitPoint, shperr, seglist); FitPoly(samp, splitPoint, last, shperr, seglist); MEM_freeN(seg); } static void ibuf2wire(ListBase * wireframe, struct ImBuf * ibuf) { int count; Sample * samp; /* first make a list of samples */ samp = outline(ibuf, 0); if (samp == 0) return; count = (samp[0].x << 16) + samp[0].y; if (count) FitPoly(samp, 1, count, 1.0, wireframe); /* was 3.0. Frank */ MEM_freeN(samp); } void imagestodisplist(void) { Base *base; Object *ob; Material *ma; Tex *tex; Mesh *me; ListBase _wireframe, *wireframe; DispList *dl; Segment *seg; float *data, xfac, yfac, xsi, ysi, vec[3]; int tot; _wireframe.first= 0; _wireframe.last= 0; wireframe = &_wireframe; init_render_textures(); base= G.scene->base.first; while(base) { if(( (base->flag & SELECT) && (base->lay & G.scene->lay) ) ) { if( base->object->type==OB_MESH) { ob= base->object; me= ob->data; ma= give_current_material(ob, 1); if(ma && ma->mtex[0] && ma->mtex[0]->tex) { tex= ma->mtex[0]->tex; /* this takes care of correct loading of new imbufs */ externtex(ma->mtex[0], vec); if(tex->type==TEX_IMAGE && tex->ima && tex->ima->ibuf) { ob->dtx |= OB_DRAWIMAGE; ibuf2wire(wireframe, tex->ima->ibuf); tot= 0; seg = wireframe->first; while (seg) { tot++; seg = seg->next; } if(tot) { freedisplist(&(ob->disp)); dl= MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListimage"); dl->verts= MEM_callocN(3*sizeof(float)*tot, "dlverts"); BLI_addtail(&(ob->disp), dl); dl->type= DL_POLY; dl->parts= 1; dl->nr= tot; xsi= 0.5*(tex->ima->ibuf->x); ysi= 0.5*(tex->ima->ibuf->y); xfac= me->size[0]/xsi; yfac= me->size[1]/ysi; data= dl->verts; seg = wireframe->first; while (seg) { data[0]= xfac*(seg->co[0]-xsi); data[1]= yfac*(seg->co[1]-ysi); data+= 3; seg = seg->next; } BLI_freelistN(wireframe); } } } } } base= base->next; } end_render_textures(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } /* on frame change */ void test_all_displists(void) { Base *base; Object *ob; unsigned int lay; /* background */ lay= G.scene->lay; base= G.scene->base.first; while(base) { if(base->lay & lay) { ob= base->object; if(ob->type==OB_MBALL && ob->ipo) { // find metaball object holding the displist // WARNING: if more metaballs have IPO's the displist // is recalculated to often... if(ob->disp.first == NULL) { ob= find_basis_mball(ob); } makeDispList(ob); } else if(ob->parent) { if (ob->parent->type == OB_LATTICE) makeDispList(ob); else if ((ob->parent->type == OB_IKA) && (ob->partype == PARSKEL)) makeDispList(ob); #ifdef __NLA else if ((ob->parent->type==OB_ARMATURE) && (ob->partype == PARSKEL)) makeDispList(ob); #endif } if ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) { if(ob!=G.obedit) { if( ((Curve *)(ob->data))->key ) makeDispList(ob); } } else if(ob->type==OB_FONT) { Curve *cu= ob->data; if(cu->textoncurve) { if( ((Curve *)cu->textoncurve->data)->key ) { text_to_curve(ob, 0); makeDispList(ob); } } } else if(ob->type==OB_MESH) { if(ob->effect.first) object_wave(ob); if(ob!=G.obedit) { if( ((Mesh *)(ob->data))->key ) makeDispList(ob); } } } if(base->next==0 && G.scene->set && base==G.scene->base.last) base= G.scene->set->base.first; else base= base->next; } } void boundbox_displist(Object *ob) { BoundBox *bb=0; float min[3], max[3]; DispList *dl; float *vert; int a, tot=0; INIT_MINMAX(min, max); if(ob->type==OB_MESH) { Mesh *me= ob->data; dl= find_displist(&ob->disp, DL_VERTS); if(!dl) return; if(me->bb==0) me->bb= MEM_callocN(sizeof(BoundBox), "boundbox"); bb= me->bb; vert= dl->verts; for(a=0; anr; a++, vert+=3) { DO_MINMAX(vert, min, max); } } else if(ELEM3(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF, OB_FONT)) { Curve *cu= ob->data; if(cu->bb==0) cu->bb= MEM_callocN(sizeof(BoundBox), "boundbox"); bb= cu->bb; dl= cu->disp.first; while (dl) { if(dl->type==DL_INDEX3 || dl->type==DL_INDEX3) tot= dl->nr; else tot= dl->nr*dl->parts; vert= dl->verts; for(a=0; anext; } } if(bb) { bb->vec[0][0]=bb->vec[1][0]=bb->vec[2][0]=bb->vec[3][0]= min[0]; bb->vec[4][0]=bb->vec[5][0]=bb->vec[6][0]=bb->vec[7][0]= max[0]; bb->vec[0][1]=bb->vec[1][1]=bb->vec[4][1]=bb->vec[5][1]= min[1]; bb->vec[2][1]=bb->vec[3][1]=bb->vec[6][1]=bb->vec[7][1]= max[1]; bb->vec[0][2]=bb->vec[3][2]=bb->vec[4][2]=bb->vec[7][2]= min[2]; bb->vec[1][2]=bb->vec[2][2]=bb->vec[5][2]=bb->vec[6][2]= max[2]; } }