/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "BKE_geometry_set_instances.hh" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_mesh_wrapper.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "BKE_pointcloud.h" #include "DNA_collection_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_pointcloud_types.h" namespace blender::bke { static void geometry_set_collect_recursive(const GeometrySet &geometry_set, const float4x4 &transform, Vector &r_sets); static void geometry_set_collect_recursive_collection(const Collection &collection, const float4x4 &transform, Vector &r_sets); /** * \note This doesn't extract instances from the "dupli" system for non-geometry-nodes instances. */ static GeometrySet object_get_geometry_set_for_read(const Object &object) { /* Objects evaluated with a nodes modifier will have a geometry set already. */ if (object.runtime.geometry_set_eval != nullptr) { return *object.runtime.geometry_set_eval; } /* Otherwise, construct a new geometry set with the component based on the object type. */ GeometrySet new_geometry_set; if (object.type == OB_MESH) { Mesh *mesh = BKE_modifier_get_evaluated_mesh_from_evaluated_object( &const_cast(object), false); if (mesh != nullptr) { BKE_mesh_wrapper_ensure_mdata(mesh); MeshComponent &mesh_component = new_geometry_set.get_component_for_write(); mesh_component.replace(mesh, GeometryOwnershipType::ReadOnly); mesh_component.copy_vertex_group_names_from_object(object); } } /* TODO: Cover the case of point-clouds without modifiers-- they may not be covered by the * #geometry_set_eval case above. */ /* TODO: Add volume support. */ /* Return by value since there is not always an existing geometry set owned elsewhere to use. */ return new_geometry_set; } static void geometry_set_collect_recursive_collection_instance( const Collection &collection, const float4x4 &transform, Vector &r_sets) { float4x4 offset_matrix; unit_m4(offset_matrix.values); sub_v3_v3(offset_matrix.values[3], collection.instance_offset); const float4x4 instance_transform = transform * offset_matrix; geometry_set_collect_recursive_collection(collection, instance_transform, r_sets); } static void geometry_set_collect_recursive_object(const Object &object, const float4x4 &transform, Vector &r_sets) { GeometrySet instance_geometry_set = object_get_geometry_set_for_read(object); geometry_set_collect_recursive(instance_geometry_set, transform, r_sets); if (object.type == OB_EMPTY) { const Collection *collection_instance = object.instance_collection; if (collection_instance != nullptr) { geometry_set_collect_recursive_collection_instance(*collection_instance, transform, r_sets); } } } static void geometry_set_collect_recursive_collection(const Collection &collection, const float4x4 &transform, Vector &r_sets) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (const CollectionObject *, collection_object, &collection.gobject) { BLI_assert(collection_object->ob != nullptr); const Object &object = *collection_object->ob; const float4x4 object_transform = transform * object.obmat; geometry_set_collect_recursive_object(object, object_transform, r_sets); } LISTBASE_FOREACH (const CollectionChild *, collection_child, &collection.children) { BLI_assert(collection_child->collection != nullptr); const Collection &collection = *collection_child->collection; geometry_set_collect_recursive_collection(collection, transform, r_sets); } } static void geometry_set_collect_recursive(const GeometrySet &geometry_set, const float4x4 &transform, Vector &r_sets) { r_sets.append({geometry_set, {transform}}); if (geometry_set.has_instances()) { const InstancesComponent &instances_component = *geometry_set.get_component_for_read(); Span transforms = instances_component.transforms(); Span instances = instances_component.instanced_data(); for (const int i : instances.index_range()) { const InstancedData &data = instances[i]; const float4x4 instance_transform = transform * transforms[i]; if (data.type == INSTANCE_DATA_TYPE_OBJECT) { BLI_assert(data.data.object != nullptr); const Object &object = *data.data.object; geometry_set_collect_recursive_object(object, instance_transform, r_sets); } else if (data.type == INSTANCE_DATA_TYPE_COLLECTION) { BLI_assert(data.data.collection != nullptr); const Collection &collection = *data.data.collection; geometry_set_collect_recursive_collection_instance(collection, instance_transform, r_sets); } } } } /** * Return flattened vector of the geometry component's recursive instances. I.e. all collection * instances and object instances will be expanded into the instances of their geometry components. * Even the instances in those geometry components' will be included. * * \note For convenience (to avoid duplication in the caller), the returned vector also contains * the argument geometry set. * * \note This doesn't extract instances from the "dupli" system for non-geometry-nodes instances. */ Vector geometry_set_gather_instances(const GeometrySet &geometry_set) { Vector result_vector; float4x4 unit_transform; unit_m4(unit_transform.values); geometry_set_collect_recursive(geometry_set, unit_transform, result_vector); return result_vector; } void gather_attribute_info(Map &attributes, Span component_types, Span set_groups, const Set &ignored_attributes) { for (const GeometryInstanceGroup &set_group : set_groups) { const GeometrySet &set = set_group.geometry_set; for (const GeometryComponentType component_type : component_types) { if (!set.has(component_type)) { continue; } const GeometryComponent &component = *set.get_component_for_read(component_type); component.attribute_foreach([&](StringRefNull name, const AttributeMetaData &meta_data) { if (ignored_attributes.contains(name)) { return true; } auto add_info = [&](AttributeKind *attribute_kind) { attribute_kind->domain = meta_data.domain; attribute_kind->data_type = meta_data.data_type; }; auto modify_info = [&](AttributeKind *attribute_kind) { attribute_kind->domain = meta_data.domain; /* TODO: Use highest priority domain. */ attribute_kind->data_type = bke::attribute_data_type_highest_complexity( {attribute_kind->data_type, meta_data.data_type}); }; attributes.add_or_modify(name, add_info, modify_info); return true; }); } } } static Mesh *join_mesh_topology_and_builtin_attributes(Span set_groups, const bool convert_points_to_vertices) { int totverts = 0; int totloops = 0; int totedges = 0; int totpolys = 0; int64_t cd_dirty_vert = 0; int64_t cd_dirty_poly = 0; int64_t cd_dirty_edge = 0; int64_t cd_dirty_loop = 0; for (const GeometryInstanceGroup &set_group : set_groups) { const GeometrySet &set = set_group.geometry_set; const int tot_transforms = set_group.transforms.size(); if (set.has_mesh()) { const Mesh &mesh = *set.get_mesh_for_read(); totverts += mesh.totvert * tot_transforms; totloops += mesh.totloop * tot_transforms; totedges += mesh.totedge * tot_transforms; totpolys += mesh.totpoly * tot_transforms; cd_dirty_vert |= mesh.runtime.cd_dirty_vert; cd_dirty_poly |= mesh.runtime.cd_dirty_poly; cd_dirty_edge |= mesh.runtime.cd_dirty_edge; cd_dirty_loop |= mesh.runtime.cd_dirty_loop; } if (convert_points_to_vertices && set.has_pointcloud()) { const PointCloud &pointcloud = *set.get_pointcloud_for_read(); totverts += pointcloud.totpoint * tot_transforms; } } Mesh *new_mesh = BKE_mesh_new_nomain(totverts, totedges, 0, totloops, totpolys); /* Copy settings from the first input geometry set with a mesh. */ for (const GeometryInstanceGroup &set_group : set_groups) { const GeometrySet &set = set_group.geometry_set; if (set.has_mesh()) { const Mesh &mesh = *set.get_mesh_for_read(); BKE_mesh_copy_settings(new_mesh, &mesh); break; } } new_mesh->runtime.cd_dirty_vert = cd_dirty_vert; new_mesh->runtime.cd_dirty_poly = cd_dirty_poly; new_mesh->runtime.cd_dirty_edge = cd_dirty_edge; new_mesh->runtime.cd_dirty_loop = cd_dirty_loop; int vert_offset = 0; int loop_offset = 0; int edge_offset = 0; int poly_offset = 0; for (const GeometryInstanceGroup &set_group : set_groups) { const GeometrySet &set = set_group.geometry_set; if (set.has_mesh()) { const Mesh &mesh = *set.get_mesh_for_read(); for (const float4x4 &transform : set_group.transforms) { for (const int i : IndexRange(mesh.totvert)) { const MVert &old_vert = mesh.mvert[i]; MVert &new_vert = new_mesh->mvert[vert_offset + i]; new_vert = old_vert; const float3 new_position = transform * float3(old_vert.co); copy_v3_v3(new_vert.co, new_position); } for (const int i : IndexRange(mesh.totedge)) { const MEdge &old_edge = mesh.medge[i]; MEdge &new_edge = new_mesh->medge[edge_offset + i]; new_edge = old_edge; new_edge.v1 += vert_offset; new_edge.v2 += vert_offset; } for (const int i : IndexRange(mesh.totloop)) { const MLoop &old_loop = mesh.mloop[i]; MLoop &new_loop = new_mesh->mloop[loop_offset + i]; new_loop = old_loop; new_loop.v += vert_offset; new_loop.e += edge_offset; } for (const int i : IndexRange(mesh.totpoly)) { const MPoly &old_poly = mesh.mpoly[i]; MPoly &new_poly = new_mesh->mpoly[poly_offset + i]; new_poly = old_poly; new_poly.loopstart += loop_offset; } vert_offset += mesh.totvert; loop_offset += mesh.totloop; edge_offset += mesh.totedge; poly_offset += mesh.totpoly; } } if (convert_points_to_vertices && set.has_pointcloud()) { const PointCloud &pointcloud = *set.get_pointcloud_for_read(); for (const float4x4 &transform : set_group.transforms) { for (const int i : IndexRange(pointcloud.totpoint)) { MVert &new_vert = new_mesh->mvert[vert_offset + i]; const float3 old_position = pointcloud.co[i]; const float3 new_position = transform * old_position; copy_v3_v3(new_vert.co, new_position); } vert_offset += pointcloud.totpoint; } } } return new_mesh; } static void join_attributes(Span set_groups, Span component_types, const Map &attribute_info, GeometryComponent &result) { for (Map::Item entry : attribute_info.items()) { StringRef name = entry.key; const AttributeDomain domain_output = entry.value.domain; const CustomDataType data_type_output = entry.value.data_type; const CPPType *cpp_type = bke::custom_data_type_to_cpp_type(data_type_output); BLI_assert(cpp_type != nullptr); result.attribute_try_create(entry.key, domain_output, data_type_output); WriteAttributePtr write_attribute = result.attribute_try_get_for_write(name); if (!write_attribute || &write_attribute->cpp_type() != cpp_type || write_attribute->domain() != domain_output) { continue; } fn::GMutableSpan dst_span = write_attribute->get_span_for_write_only(); int offset = 0; for (const GeometryInstanceGroup &set_group : set_groups) { const GeometrySet &set = set_group.geometry_set; for (const GeometryComponentType component_type : component_types) { if (set.has(component_type)) { const GeometryComponent &component = *set.get_component_for_read(component_type); const int domain_size = component.attribute_domain_size(domain_output); if (domain_size == 0) { continue; /* Domain size is 0, so no need to increment the offset. */ } ReadAttributePtr source_attribute = component.attribute_try_get_for_read( name, domain_output, data_type_output); if (source_attribute) { fn::GSpan src_span = source_attribute->get_span(); const void *src_buffer = src_span.data(); for (const int UNUSED(i) : set_group.transforms.index_range()) { void *dst_buffer = dst_span[offset]; cpp_type->copy_to_initialized_n(src_buffer, dst_buffer, domain_size); offset += domain_size; } } else { offset += domain_size * set_group.transforms.size(); } } } } write_attribute->apply_span(); } } static void join_instance_groups_mesh(Span set_groups, bool convert_points_to_vertices, GeometrySet &result) { Mesh *new_mesh = join_mesh_topology_and_builtin_attributes(set_groups, convert_points_to_vertices); MeshComponent &dst_component = result.get_component_for_write(); dst_component.replace(new_mesh); Vector component_types; component_types.append(GeometryComponentType::Mesh); if (convert_points_to_vertices) { component_types.append(GeometryComponentType::PointCloud); } /* Don't copy attributes that are stored directly in the mesh data structs. */ Map attributes; gather_attribute_info(attributes, component_types, set_groups, {"position", "material_index"}); join_attributes( set_groups, component_types, attributes, static_cast(dst_component)); } static void join_instance_groups_pointcloud(Span set_groups, GeometrySet &result) { int totpoint = 0; for (const GeometryInstanceGroup &set_group : set_groups) { const GeometrySet &set = set_group.geometry_set; if (set.has()) { const PointCloudComponent &component = *set.get_component_for_read(); totpoint += component.attribute_domain_size(ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT); } } PointCloudComponent &dst_component = result.get_component_for_write(); PointCloud *pointcloud = BKE_pointcloud_new_nomain(totpoint); dst_component.replace(pointcloud); Map attributes; gather_attribute_info(attributes, {GeometryComponentType::PointCloud}, set_groups, {}); join_attributes(set_groups, {GeometryComponentType::PointCloud}, attributes, static_cast(dst_component)); } static void join_instance_groups_volume(Span set_groups, GeometrySet &result) { /* Not yet supported. Joining volume grids with the same name requires resampling of at least * one of the grids. The cell size of the resulting volume has to be determined somehow. */ VolumeComponent &dst_component = result.get_component_for_write(); UNUSED_VARS(set_groups, dst_component); } GeometrySet geometry_set_realize_mesh_for_modifier(const GeometrySet &geometry_set) { if (!geometry_set.has_instances() && !geometry_set.has_pointcloud()) { return geometry_set; } GeometrySet new_geometry_set = geometry_set; Vector set_groups = geometry_set_gather_instances(geometry_set); join_instance_groups_mesh(set_groups, true, new_geometry_set); /* Remove all instances, even though some might contain other non-mesh data. We can't really * keep only non-mesh instances in general. */ new_geometry_set.remove(); /* If there was a point cloud, it is now part of the mesh. */ new_geometry_set.remove(); return new_geometry_set; } GeometrySet geometry_set_realize_instances(const GeometrySet &geometry_set) { if (!geometry_set.has_instances()) { return geometry_set; } GeometrySet new_geometry_set; Vector set_groups = geometry_set_gather_instances(geometry_set); join_instance_groups_mesh(set_groups, false, new_geometry_set); join_instance_groups_pointcloud(set_groups, new_geometry_set); join_instance_groups_volume(set_groups, new_geometry_set); return new_geometry_set; } } // namespace blender::bke