/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup bke * * Deform coordinates by a lattice object (used by modifier). */ #include #include #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_task.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "DNA_curve_types.h" #include "DNA_lattice_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "BKE_curve.h" #include "BKE_displist.h" #include "BKE_editmesh.h" #include "BKE_key.h" #include "BKE_lattice.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "BKE_deform.h" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Lattice Deform API * \{ */ typedef struct LatticeDeformData { Object *object; float *latticedata; float latmat[4][4]; } LatticeDeformData; LatticeDeformData *BKE_lattice_deform_data_create(Object *oblatt, Object *ob) { /* we make an array with all differences */ Lattice *lt = oblatt->data; BPoint *bp; DispList *dl = oblatt->runtime.curve_cache ? BKE_displist_find(&oblatt->runtime.curve_cache->disp, DL_VERTS) : NULL; const float *co = dl ? dl->verts : NULL; float *fp, imat[4][4]; float fu, fv, fw; int u, v, w; float *latticedata; float latmat[4][4]; LatticeDeformData *lattice_deform_data; if (lt->editlatt) { lt = lt->editlatt->latt; } bp = lt->def; fp = latticedata = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * lt->pntsu * lt->pntsv * lt->pntsw, "latticedata"); /* for example with a particle system: (ob == NULL) */ if (ob == NULL) { /* in deformspace, calc matrix */ invert_m4_m4(latmat, oblatt->obmat); /* back: put in deform array */ invert_m4_m4(imat, latmat); } else { /* in deformspace, calc matrix */ invert_m4_m4(imat, oblatt->obmat); mul_m4_m4m4(latmat, imat, ob->obmat); /* back: put in deform array */ invert_m4_m4(imat, latmat); } for (w = 0, fw = lt->fw; w < lt->pntsw; w++, fw += lt->dw) { for (v = 0, fv = lt->fv; v < lt->pntsv; v++, fv += lt->dv) { for (u = 0, fu = lt->fu; u < lt->pntsu; u++, bp++, co += 3, fp += 3, fu += lt->du) { if (dl) { fp[0] = co[0] - fu; fp[1] = co[1] - fv; fp[2] = co[2] - fw; } else { fp[0] = bp->vec[0] - fu; fp[1] = bp->vec[1] - fv; fp[2] = bp->vec[2] - fw; } mul_mat3_m4_v3(imat, fp); } } } lattice_deform_data = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(LatticeDeformData), "Lattice Deform Data"); lattice_deform_data->latticedata = latticedata; lattice_deform_data->object = oblatt; copy_m4_m4(lattice_deform_data->latmat, latmat); return lattice_deform_data; } void BKE_lattice_deform_data_eval_co(LatticeDeformData *lattice_deform_data, float co[3], float weight) { Object *ob = lattice_deform_data->object; Lattice *lt = ob->data; float u, v, w, tu[4], tv[4], tw[4]; float vec[3]; int idx_w, idx_v, idx_u; int ui, vi, wi, uu, vv, ww; /* vgroup influence */ int defgrp_index = -1; float co_prev[3], weight_blend = 0.0f; MDeformVert *dvert = BKE_lattice_deform_verts_get(ob); float *__restrict latticedata = lattice_deform_data->latticedata; if (lt->editlatt) { lt = lt->editlatt->latt; } if (latticedata == NULL) { return; } if (lt->vgroup[0] && dvert) { defgrp_index = BKE_object_defgroup_name_index(ob, lt->vgroup); copy_v3_v3(co_prev, co); } /* co is in local coords, treat with latmat */ mul_v3_m4v3(vec, lattice_deform_data->latmat, co); /* u v w coords */ if (lt->pntsu > 1) { u = (vec[0] - lt->fu) / lt->du; ui = (int)floor(u); u -= ui; key_curve_position_weights(u, tu, lt->typeu); } else { tu[0] = tu[2] = tu[3] = 0.0; tu[1] = 1.0; ui = 0; } if (lt->pntsv > 1) { v = (vec[1] - lt->fv) / lt->dv; vi = (int)floor(v); v -= vi; key_curve_position_weights(v, tv, lt->typev); } else { tv[0] = tv[2] = tv[3] = 0.0; tv[1] = 1.0; vi = 0; } if (lt->pntsw > 1) { w = (vec[2] - lt->fw) / lt->dw; wi = (int)floor(w); w -= wi; key_curve_position_weights(w, tw, lt->typew); } else { tw[0] = tw[2] = tw[3] = 0.0; tw[1] = 1.0; wi = 0; } for (ww = wi - 1; ww <= wi + 2; ww++) { w = tw[ww - wi + 1]; if (w != 0.0f) { if (ww > 0) { if (ww < lt->pntsw) { idx_w = ww * lt->pntsu * lt->pntsv; } else { idx_w = (lt->pntsw - 1) * lt->pntsu * lt->pntsv; } } else { idx_w = 0; } for (vv = vi - 1; vv <= vi + 2; vv++) { v = w * tv[vv - vi + 1]; if (v != 0.0f) { if (vv > 0) { if (vv < lt->pntsv) { idx_v = idx_w + vv * lt->pntsu; } else { idx_v = idx_w + (lt->pntsv - 1) * lt->pntsu; } } else { idx_v = idx_w; } for (uu = ui - 1; uu <= ui + 2; uu++) { u = weight * v * tu[uu - ui + 1]; if (u != 0.0f) { if (uu > 0) { if (uu < lt->pntsu) { idx_u = idx_v + uu; } else { idx_u = idx_v + (lt->pntsu - 1); } } else { idx_u = idx_v; } madd_v3_v3fl(co, &latticedata[idx_u * 3], u); if (defgrp_index != -1) { weight_blend += (u * BKE_defvert_find_weight(dvert + idx_u, defgrp_index)); } } } } } } } if (defgrp_index != -1) { interp_v3_v3v3(co, co_prev, co, weight_blend); } } void BKE_lattice_deform_data_destroy(LatticeDeformData *lattice_deform_data) { if (lattice_deform_data->latticedata) { MEM_freeN(lattice_deform_data->latticedata); } MEM_freeN(lattice_deform_data); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Lattice Deform #BKE_lattice_deform_coords API * * #BKE_lattice_deform_coords and related functions. * \{ */ typedef struct LatticeDeformUserdata { LatticeDeformData *lattice_deform_data; float (*vert_coords)[3]; const MDeformVert *dvert; int defgrp_index; float fac; bool invert_vgroup; /** Specific data types. */ struct { int cd_dvert_offset; } bmesh; } LatticeDeformUserdata; static void lattice_deform_vert_with_dvert(const LatticeDeformUserdata *data, const int index, const MDeformVert *dvert) { if (dvert != NULL) { const float weight = data->invert_vgroup ? 1.0f - BKE_defvert_find_weight(dvert, data->defgrp_index) : BKE_defvert_find_weight(dvert, data->defgrp_index); if (weight > 0.0f) { BKE_lattice_deform_data_eval_co( data->lattice_deform_data, data->vert_coords[index], weight * data->fac); } } else { BKE_lattice_deform_data_eval_co( data->lattice_deform_data, data->vert_coords[index], data->fac); } } static void lattice_deform_vert_task(void *__restrict userdata, const int index, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls)) { const LatticeDeformUserdata *data = userdata; lattice_deform_vert_with_dvert(data, index, data->dvert ? &data->dvert[index] : NULL); } static void lattice_vert_task_editmesh(void *__restrict userdata, MempoolIterData *iter) { const LatticeDeformUserdata *data = userdata; BMVert *v = (BMVert *)iter; MDeformVert *dvert = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(v, data->bmesh.cd_dvert_offset); lattice_deform_vert_with_dvert(data, BM_elem_index_get(v), dvert); } static void lattice_vert_task_editmesh_no_dvert(void *__restrict userdata, MempoolIterData *iter) { const LatticeDeformUserdata *data = userdata; BMVert *v = (BMVert *)iter; lattice_deform_vert_with_dvert(data, BM_elem_index_get(v), NULL); } static void lattice_deform_coords_impl(Object *ob_lattice, Object *ob_target, float (*vert_coords)[3], const int vert_coords_len, const short flag, const char *defgrp_name, const float fac, const Mesh *me_target, BMEditMesh *em_target) { LatticeDeformData *lattice_deform_data; const MDeformVert *dvert = NULL; int defgrp_index = -1; int cd_dvert_offset = -1; if (ob_lattice->type != OB_LATTICE) { return; } lattice_deform_data = BKE_lattice_deform_data_create(ob_lattice, ob_target); /* Check whether to use vertex groups (only possible if ob_target is a Mesh or Lattice). * We want either a Mesh/Lattice with no derived data, or derived data with deformverts. */ if (defgrp_name && defgrp_name[0] && ob_target && ELEM(ob_target->type, OB_MESH, OB_LATTICE)) { defgrp_index = BKE_object_defgroup_name_index(ob_target, defgrp_name); if (defgrp_index != -1) { /* if there's derived data without deformverts, don't use vgroups */ if (em_target) { cd_dvert_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&em_target->bm->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT); } else if (me_target) { dvert = CustomData_get_layer(&me_target->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT); } else if (ob_target->type == OB_LATTICE) { dvert = ((Lattice *)ob_target->data)->dvert; } else { dvert = ((Mesh *)ob_target->data)->dvert; } } } LatticeDeformUserdata data = { .lattice_deform_data = lattice_deform_data, .vert_coords = vert_coords, .dvert = dvert, .defgrp_index = defgrp_index, .fac = fac, .invert_vgroup = (flag & MOD_LATTICE_INVERT_VGROUP) != 0, .bmesh = { .cd_dvert_offset = cd_dvert_offset, }, }; if (em_target != NULL) { /* While this could cause an extra loop over mesh data, in most cases this will * have already been properly set. */ BM_mesh_elem_index_ensure(em_target->bm, BM_VERT); if (cd_dvert_offset != -1) { BLI_task_parallel_mempool(em_target->bm->vpool, &data, lattice_vert_task_editmesh, true); } else { BLI_task_parallel_mempool( em_target->bm->vpool, &data, lattice_vert_task_editmesh_no_dvert, true); } } else { TaskParallelSettings settings; BLI_parallel_range_settings_defaults(&settings); settings.min_iter_per_thread = 32; BLI_task_parallel_range(0, vert_coords_len, &data, lattice_deform_vert_task, &settings); } BKE_lattice_deform_data_destroy(lattice_deform_data); } void BKE_lattice_deform_coords(Object *ob_lattice, Object *ob_target, float (*vert_coords)[3], int vert_coords_len, short flag, const char *defgrp_name, float fac) { lattice_deform_coords_impl( ob_lattice, ob_target, vert_coords, vert_coords_len, flag, defgrp_name, fac, NULL, NULL); } void BKE_lattice_deform_coords_with_mesh(Object *ob_lattice, Object *ob_target, float (*vert_coords)[3], const int vert_coords_len, const short flag, const char *defgrp_name, const float fac, const Mesh *me_target) { lattice_deform_coords_impl(ob_lattice, ob_target, vert_coords, vert_coords_len, flag, defgrp_name, fac, me_target, NULL); } void BKE_lattice_deform_coords_with_editmesh(struct Object *ob_lattice, struct Object *ob_target, float (*vert_coords)[3], const int vert_coords_len, const short flag, const char *defgrp_name, const float influence, struct BMEditMesh *em_target) { lattice_deform_coords_impl(ob_lattice, ob_target, vert_coords, vert_coords_len, flag, defgrp_name, influence, NULL, em_target); } /** \} */