/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup bke * * Contains management of #Main database itself. */ #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_ghash.h" #include "BLI_mempool.h" #include "BLI_threads.h" #include "DNA_ID.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_lib_id.h" #include "BKE_lib_query.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "IMB_imbuf.h" #include "IMB_imbuf_types.h" Main *BKE_main_new(void) { Main *bmain = MEM_callocN(sizeof(Main), "new main"); bmain->lock = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(SpinLock), "main lock"); BLI_spin_init((SpinLock *)bmain->lock); return bmain; } void BKE_main_free(Main *mainvar) { /* also call when reading a file, erase all, etc */ ListBase *lbarray[MAX_LIBARRAY]; int a; /* Since we are removing whole main, no need to bother 'properly' * (and slowly) removing each ID from it. */ const int free_flag = (LIB_ID_FREE_NO_MAIN | LIB_ID_FREE_NO_UI_USER | LIB_ID_FREE_NO_USER_REFCOUNT | LIB_ID_FREE_NO_DEG_TAG); MEM_SAFE_FREE(mainvar->blen_thumb); a = set_listbasepointers(mainvar, lbarray); while (a--) { ListBase *lb = lbarray[a]; ID *id, *id_next; for (id = lb->first; id != NULL; id = id_next) { id_next = id->next; #if 1 BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); #else /* errors freeing ID's can be hard to track down, * enable this so valgrind will give the line number in its error log */ switch (a) { case 0: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 1: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 2: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 3: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 4: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 5: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 6: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 7: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 8: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 9: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 10: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 11: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 12: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 13: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 14: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 15: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 16: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 17: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 18: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 19: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 20: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 21: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 22: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 23: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 24: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 25: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 26: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 27: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 28: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 29: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 30: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 31: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 32: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 33: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; case 34: BKE_id_free_ex(mainvar, id, free_flag, false); break; default: BLI_assert(0); break; } #endif } BLI_listbase_clear(lb); } if (mainvar->relations) { BKE_main_relations_free(mainvar); } BLI_spin_end((SpinLock *)mainvar->lock); MEM_freeN(mainvar->lock); MEM_freeN(mainvar); } void BKE_main_lock(struct Main *bmain) { BLI_spin_lock((SpinLock *)bmain->lock); } void BKE_main_unlock(struct Main *bmain) { BLI_spin_unlock((SpinLock *)bmain->lock); } static int main_relations_create_idlink_cb(LibraryIDLinkCallbackData *cb_data) { MainIDRelations *bmain_relations = cb_data->user_data; ID *id_self = cb_data->id_self; ID **id_pointer = cb_data->id_pointer; const int cb_flag = cb_data->cb_flag; if (*id_pointer) { MainIDRelationsEntry **entry_p; /* Add `id_pointer` as child of `id_self`. */ { if (!BLI_ghash_ensure_p( bmain_relations->relations_from_pointers, id_self, (void ***)&entry_p)) { *entry_p = MEM_callocN(sizeof(**entry_p), __func__); (*entry_p)->session_uuid = id_self->session_uuid; } else { BLI_assert((*entry_p)->session_uuid == id_self->session_uuid); } MainIDRelationsEntryItem *to_id_entry = BLI_mempool_alloc(bmain_relations->entry_items_pool); to_id_entry->next = (*entry_p)->to_ids; to_id_entry->id_pointer.to = id_pointer; to_id_entry->session_uuid = (*id_pointer != NULL) ? (*id_pointer)->session_uuid : MAIN_ID_SESSION_UUID_UNSET; to_id_entry->usage_flag = cb_flag; (*entry_p)->to_ids = to_id_entry; } /* Add `id_self` as parent of `id_pointer`. */ if (*id_pointer != NULL) { if (!BLI_ghash_ensure_p( bmain_relations->relations_from_pointers, *id_pointer, (void ***)&entry_p)) { *entry_p = MEM_callocN(sizeof(**entry_p), __func__); (*entry_p)->session_uuid = (*id_pointer)->session_uuid; } else { BLI_assert((*entry_p)->session_uuid == (*id_pointer)->session_uuid); } MainIDRelationsEntryItem *from_id_entry = BLI_mempool_alloc( bmain_relations->entry_items_pool); from_id_entry->next = (*entry_p)->from_ids; from_id_entry->id_pointer.from = id_self; from_id_entry->session_uuid = id_self->session_uuid; from_id_entry->usage_flag = cb_flag; (*entry_p)->from_ids = from_id_entry; } } return IDWALK_RET_NOP; } /** Generate the mappings between used IDs and their users, and vice-versa. */ void BKE_main_relations_create(Main *bmain, const short flag) { if (bmain->relations != NULL) { BKE_main_relations_free(bmain); } bmain->relations = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*bmain->relations), __func__); bmain->relations->relations_from_pointers = BLI_ghash_new( BLI_ghashutil_ptrhash, BLI_ghashutil_ptrcmp, __func__); bmain->relations->entry_items_pool = BLI_mempool_create( sizeof(MainIDRelationsEntryItem), 128, 128, BLI_MEMPOOL_NOP); bmain->relations->flag = flag; ID *id; FOREACH_MAIN_ID_BEGIN (bmain, id) { const int idwalk_flag = IDWALK_READONLY | ((flag & MAINIDRELATIONS_INCLUDE_UI) != 0 ? IDWALK_INCLUDE_UI : 0); BKE_library_foreach_ID_link( NULL, id, main_relations_create_idlink_cb, bmain->relations, idwalk_flag); } FOREACH_MAIN_ID_END; } void BKE_main_relations_free(Main *bmain) { if (bmain->relations != NULL) { if (bmain->relations->relations_from_pointers != NULL) { BLI_ghash_free(bmain->relations->relations_from_pointers, NULL, MEM_freeN); } BLI_mempool_destroy(bmain->relations->entry_items_pool); MEM_freeN(bmain->relations); bmain->relations = NULL; } } /** * Create a GSet storing all IDs present in given \a bmain, by their pointers. * * \param gset: If not NULL, given GSet will be extended with IDs from given \a bmain, * instead of creating a new one. */ GSet *BKE_main_gset_create(Main *bmain, GSet *gset) { if (gset == NULL) { gset = BLI_gset_new(BLI_ghashutil_ptrhash, BLI_ghashutil_ptrcmp, __func__); } ID *id; FOREACH_MAIN_ID_BEGIN (bmain, id) { BLI_gset_add(gset, id); } FOREACH_MAIN_ID_END; return gset; } /** * Generates a raw .blend file thumbnail data from given image. * * \param bmain: If not NULL, also store generated data in this Main. * \param img: ImBuf image to generate thumbnail data from. * \return The generated .blend file raw thumbnail data. */ BlendThumbnail *BKE_main_thumbnail_from_imbuf(Main *bmain, ImBuf *img) { BlendThumbnail *data = NULL; if (bmain) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(bmain->blen_thumb); } if (img) { const size_t sz = BLEN_THUMB_MEMSIZE(img->x, img->y); data = MEM_mallocN(sz, __func__); IMB_rect_from_float(img); /* Just in case... */ data->width = img->x; data->height = img->y; memcpy(data->rect, img->rect, sz - sizeof(*data)); } if (bmain) { bmain->blen_thumb = data; } return data; } /** * Generates an image from raw .blend file thumbnail \a data. * * \param bmain: Use this bmain->blen_thumb data if given \a data is NULL. * \param data: Raw .blend file thumbnail data. * \return An ImBuf from given data, or NULL if invalid. */ ImBuf *BKE_main_thumbnail_to_imbuf(Main *bmain, BlendThumbnail *data) { ImBuf *img = NULL; if (!data && bmain) { data = bmain->blen_thumb; } if (data) { /* Note: we cannot use IMB_allocFromBuffer(), since it tries to dupalloc passed buffer, * which will fail here (we do not want to pass the first two ints!). */ img = IMB_allocImBuf( (unsigned int)data->width, (unsigned int)data->height, 32, IB_rect | IB_metadata); memcpy(img->rect, data->rect, BLEN_THUMB_MEMSIZE(data->width, data->height) - sizeof(*data)); } return img; } /** * Generates an empty (black) thumbnail for given Main. */ void BKE_main_thumbnail_create(struct Main *bmain) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(bmain->blen_thumb); bmain->blen_thumb = MEM_callocN(BLEN_THUMB_MEMSIZE(BLEN_THUMB_SIZE, BLEN_THUMB_SIZE), __func__); bmain->blen_thumb->width = BLEN_THUMB_SIZE; bmain->blen_thumb->height = BLEN_THUMB_SIZE; } /** * Return filepath of given \a main. */ const char *BKE_main_blendfile_path(const Main *bmain) { return bmain->name; } /** * Return filepath of global main #G_MAIN. * * \warning Usage is not recommended, * you should always try to get a valid Main pointer from context... */ const char *BKE_main_blendfile_path_from_global(void) { return BKE_main_blendfile_path(G_MAIN); } /** * \return A pointer to the \a ListBase of given \a bmain for requested \a type ID type. */ ListBase *which_libbase(Main *bmain, short type) { switch ((ID_Type)type) { case ID_SCE: return &(bmain->scenes); case ID_LI: return &(bmain->libraries); case ID_OB: return &(bmain->objects); case ID_ME: return &(bmain->meshes); case ID_CU: return &(bmain->curves); case ID_MB: return &(bmain->metaballs); case ID_MA: return &(bmain->materials); case ID_TE: return &(bmain->textures); case ID_IM: return &(bmain->images); case ID_LT: return &(bmain->lattices); case ID_LA: return &(bmain->lights); case ID_CA: return &(bmain->cameras); case ID_IP: return &(bmain->ipo); case ID_KE: return &(bmain->shapekeys); case ID_WO: return &(bmain->worlds); case ID_SCR: return &(bmain->screens); case ID_VF: return &(bmain->fonts); case ID_TXT: return &(bmain->texts); case ID_SPK: return &(bmain->speakers); case ID_LP: return &(bmain->lightprobes); case ID_SO: return &(bmain->sounds); case ID_GR: return &(bmain->collections); case ID_AR: return &(bmain->armatures); case ID_AC: return &(bmain->actions); case ID_NT: return &(bmain->nodetrees); case ID_BR: return &(bmain->brushes); case ID_PA: return &(bmain->particles); case ID_WM: return &(bmain->wm); case ID_GD: return &(bmain->gpencils); case ID_MC: return &(bmain->movieclips); case ID_MSK: return &(bmain->masks); case ID_LS: return &(bmain->linestyles); case ID_PAL: return &(bmain->palettes); case ID_PC: return &(bmain->paintcurves); case ID_CF: return &(bmain->cachefiles); case ID_WS: return &(bmain->workspaces); case ID_HA: return &(bmain->hairs); case ID_PT: return &(bmain->pointclouds); case ID_VO: return &(bmain->volumes); case ID_SIM: return &(bmain->simulations); } return NULL; } /** * puts into array *lb pointers to all the #ListBase structs in main, * and returns the number of them as the function result. This is useful for * generic traversal of all the blocks in a Main (by traversing all the * lists in turn), without worrying about block types. * * \note #MAX_LIBARRAY define should match this code */ int set_listbasepointers(Main *bmain, ListBase **lb) { /* BACKWARDS! also watch order of free-ing! (mesh<->mat), first items freed last. * This is important because freeing data decreases user-counts of other data-blocks, * if this data is its self freed it can crash. */ /* Libraries may be accessed from pretty much any other ID. */ lb[INDEX_ID_LI] = &(bmain->libraries); lb[INDEX_ID_IP] = &(bmain->ipo); /* Moved here to avoid problems when freeing with animato (aligorith). */ lb[INDEX_ID_AC] = &(bmain->actions); lb[INDEX_ID_KE] = &(bmain->shapekeys); /* Referenced by gpencil, so needs to be before that to avoid crashes. */ lb[INDEX_ID_PAL] = &(bmain->palettes); /* Referenced by nodes, objects, view, scene etc, before to free after. */ lb[INDEX_ID_GD] = &(bmain->gpencils); lb[INDEX_ID_NT] = &(bmain->nodetrees); lb[INDEX_ID_IM] = &(bmain->images); lb[INDEX_ID_TE] = &(bmain->textures); lb[INDEX_ID_MA] = &(bmain->materials); lb[INDEX_ID_VF] = &(bmain->fonts); /* Important!: When adding a new object type, * the specific data should be inserted here. */ lb[INDEX_ID_AR] = &(bmain->armatures); lb[INDEX_ID_CF] = &(bmain->cachefiles); lb[INDEX_ID_ME] = &(bmain->meshes); lb[INDEX_ID_CU] = &(bmain->curves); lb[INDEX_ID_MB] = &(bmain->metaballs); lb[INDEX_ID_HA] = &(bmain->hairs); lb[INDEX_ID_PT] = &(bmain->pointclouds); lb[INDEX_ID_VO] = &(bmain->volumes); lb[INDEX_ID_LT] = &(bmain->lattices); lb[INDEX_ID_LA] = &(bmain->lights); lb[INDEX_ID_CA] = &(bmain->cameras); lb[INDEX_ID_TXT] = &(bmain->texts); lb[INDEX_ID_SO] = &(bmain->sounds); lb[INDEX_ID_GR] = &(bmain->collections); lb[INDEX_ID_PAL] = &(bmain->palettes); lb[INDEX_ID_PC] = &(bmain->paintcurves); lb[INDEX_ID_BR] = &(bmain->brushes); lb[INDEX_ID_PA] = &(bmain->particles); lb[INDEX_ID_SPK] = &(bmain->speakers); lb[INDEX_ID_LP] = &(bmain->lightprobes); lb[INDEX_ID_WO] = &(bmain->worlds); lb[INDEX_ID_MC] = &(bmain->movieclips); lb[INDEX_ID_SCR] = &(bmain->screens); lb[INDEX_ID_OB] = &(bmain->objects); lb[INDEX_ID_LS] = &(bmain->linestyles); /* referenced by scenes */ lb[INDEX_ID_SCE] = &(bmain->scenes); lb[INDEX_ID_WS] = &(bmain->workspaces); /* before wm, so it's freed after it! */ lb[INDEX_ID_WM] = &(bmain->wm); lb[INDEX_ID_MSK] = &(bmain->masks); lb[INDEX_ID_SIM] = &(bmain->simulations); lb[INDEX_ID_NULL] = NULL; return (MAX_LIBARRAY - 1); }