/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup bke */ #ifdef WIN32 # include "BLI_winstuff.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "DNA_defaults.h" #include "DNA_gpencil_types.h" #include "DNA_mask_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_text_types.h" #include "DNA_view3d_types.h" #include "DNA_workspace_types.h" #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "BLI_math_vector.h" #include "BLI_mempool.h" #include "BLI_rect.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLT_translation.h" #include "BKE_icons.h" #include "BKE_idprop.h" #include "BKE_idtype.h" #include "BKE_lib_query.h" #include "BKE_node.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "BKE_workspace.h" static void screen_free_data(ID *id) { bScreen *screen = (bScreen *)id; ARegion *region; /* No animdata here. */ for (region = screen->regionbase.first; region; region = region->next) { BKE_area_region_free(NULL, region); } BLI_freelistN(&screen->regionbase); BKE_screen_area_map_free(AREAMAP_FROM_SCREEN(screen)); BKE_previewimg_free(&screen->preview); /* Region and timer are freed by the window manager. */ MEM_SAFE_FREE(screen->tool_tip); } static void screen_foreach_id_dopesheet(LibraryForeachIDData *data, bDopeSheet *ads) { if (ads != NULL) { BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS_ID(data, ads->source, IDWALK_CB_NOP); BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, ads->filter_grp, IDWALK_CB_NOP); } } void BKE_screen_foreach_id_screen_area(LibraryForeachIDData *data, ScrArea *area) { BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, area->full, IDWALK_CB_NOP); /* TODO this should be moved to a callback in `SpaceType`, defined in each editor's own code. * Will be for a later round of cleanup though... */ LISTBASE_FOREACH (SpaceLink *, sl, &area->spacedata) { switch (sl->spacetype) { case SPACE_VIEW3D: { View3D *v3d = (View3D *)sl; BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, v3d->camera, IDWALK_CB_NOP); BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, v3d->ob_center, IDWALK_CB_NOP); if (v3d->localvd) { BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, v3d->localvd->camera, IDWALK_CB_NOP); } break; } case SPACE_GRAPH: { SpaceGraph *sipo = (SpaceGraph *)sl; screen_foreach_id_dopesheet(data, sipo->ads); break; } case SPACE_PROPERTIES: { SpaceProperties *sbuts = (SpaceProperties *)sl; BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS_ID(data, sbuts->pinid, IDWALK_CB_NOP); break; } case SPACE_FILE: break; case SPACE_ACTION: { SpaceAction *saction = (SpaceAction *)sl; screen_foreach_id_dopesheet(data, &saction->ads); BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, saction->action, IDWALK_CB_NOP); break; } case SPACE_IMAGE: { SpaceImage *sima = (SpaceImage *)sl; BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, sima->image, IDWALK_CB_USER_ONE); BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, sima->mask_info.mask, IDWALK_CB_USER_ONE); BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, sima->gpd, IDWALK_CB_USER); break; } case SPACE_SEQ: { SpaceSeq *sseq = (SpaceSeq *)sl; BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, sseq->gpd, IDWALK_CB_USER); break; } case SPACE_NLA: { SpaceNla *snla = (SpaceNla *)sl; screen_foreach_id_dopesheet(data, snla->ads); break; } case SPACE_TEXT: { SpaceText *st = (SpaceText *)sl; BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, st->text, IDWALK_CB_NOP); break; } case SPACE_SCRIPT: { SpaceScript *scpt = (SpaceScript *)sl; BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, scpt->script, IDWALK_CB_NOP); break; } case SPACE_OUTLINER: { SpaceOutliner *so = (SpaceOutliner *)sl; BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS_ID(data, so->search_tse.id, IDWALK_CB_NOP); if (so->treestore != NULL) { TreeStoreElem *tselem; BLI_mempool_iter iter; BLI_mempool_iternew(so->treestore, &iter); while ((tselem = BLI_mempool_iterstep(&iter))) { BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS_ID(data, tselem->id, IDWALK_CB_NOP); } } break; } case SPACE_NODE: { SpaceNode *snode = (SpaceNode *)sl; const bool is_private_nodetree = snode->id != NULL && ntreeFromID(snode->id) == snode->nodetree; BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS_ID(data, snode->id, IDWALK_CB_NOP); BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS_ID(data, snode->from, IDWALK_CB_NOP); BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS( data, snode->nodetree, is_private_nodetree ? IDWALK_CB_EMBEDDED : IDWALK_CB_USER_ONE); LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNodeTreePath *, path, &snode->treepath) { if (path == snode->treepath.first) { /* first nodetree in path is same as snode->nodetree */ BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, path->nodetree, is_private_nodetree ? IDWALK_CB_EMBEDDED : IDWALK_CB_USER_ONE); } else { BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, path->nodetree, IDWALK_CB_USER_ONE); } if (path->nodetree == NULL) { break; } } BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, snode->edittree, IDWALK_CB_NOP); break; } case SPACE_CLIP: { SpaceClip *sclip = (SpaceClip *)sl; BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, sclip->clip, IDWALK_CB_USER_ONE); BKE_LIB_FOREACHID_PROCESS(data, sclip->mask_info.mask, IDWALK_CB_USER_ONE); break; } default: break; } } } static void screen_foreach_id(ID *id, LibraryForeachIDData *data) { if (BKE_lib_query_foreachid_process_flags_get(data) & IDWALK_INCLUDE_UI) { bScreen *screen = (bScreen *)id; LISTBASE_FOREACH (ScrArea *, area, &screen->areabase) { BKE_screen_foreach_id_screen_area(data, area); } } } IDTypeInfo IDType_ID_SCR = { .id_code = ID_SCR, .id_filter = 0, .main_listbase_index = INDEX_ID_SCR, .struct_size = sizeof(bScreen), .name = "Screen", .name_plural = "screens", .translation_context = BLT_I18NCONTEXT_ID_SCREEN, .flags = IDTYPE_FLAGS_NO_COPY | IDTYPE_FLAGS_NO_MAKELOCAL, .init_data = NULL, .copy_data = NULL, .free_data = screen_free_data, .make_local = NULL, .foreach_id = screen_foreach_id, }; /* ************ Spacetype/regiontype handling ************** */ /* keep global; this has to be accessible outside of windowmanager */ static ListBase spacetypes = {NULL, NULL}; /* not SpaceType itself */ static void spacetype_free(SpaceType *st) { ARegionType *art; PanelType *pt; HeaderType *ht; for (art = st->regiontypes.first; art; art = art->next) { BLI_freelistN(&art->drawcalls); for (pt = art->paneltypes.first; pt; pt = pt->next) { if (pt->rna_ext.free) { pt->rna_ext.free(pt->rna_ext.data); } BLI_freelistN(&pt->children); } for (ht = art->headertypes.first; ht; ht = ht->next) { if (ht->rna_ext.free) { ht->rna_ext.free(ht->rna_ext.data); } } BLI_freelistN(&art->paneltypes); BLI_freelistN(&art->headertypes); } BLI_freelistN(&st->regiontypes); } void BKE_spacetypes_free(void) { SpaceType *st; for (st = spacetypes.first; st; st = st->next) { spacetype_free(st); } BLI_freelistN(&spacetypes); } SpaceType *BKE_spacetype_from_id(int spaceid) { SpaceType *st; for (st = spacetypes.first; st; st = st->next) { if (st->spaceid == spaceid) { return st; } } return NULL; } ARegionType *BKE_regiontype_from_id_or_first(SpaceType *st, int regionid) { ARegionType *art; for (art = st->regiontypes.first; art; art = art->next) { if (art->regionid == regionid) { return art; } } printf( "Error, region type %d missing in - name:\"%s\", id:%d\n", regionid, st->name, st->spaceid); return st->regiontypes.first; } ARegionType *BKE_regiontype_from_id(SpaceType *st, int regionid) { ARegionType *art; for (art = st->regiontypes.first; art; art = art->next) { if (art->regionid == regionid) { return art; } } return NULL; } const ListBase *BKE_spacetypes_list(void) { return &spacetypes; } void BKE_spacetype_register(SpaceType *st) { SpaceType *stype; /* sanity check */ stype = BKE_spacetype_from_id(st->spaceid); if (stype) { printf("error: redefinition of spacetype %s\n", stype->name); spacetype_free(stype); MEM_freeN(stype); } BLI_addtail(&spacetypes, st); } bool BKE_spacetype_exists(int spaceid) { return BKE_spacetype_from_id(spaceid) != NULL; } /* ***************** Space handling ********************** */ void BKE_spacedata_freelist(ListBase *lb) { SpaceLink *sl; ARegion *region; for (sl = lb->first; sl; sl = sl->next) { SpaceType *st = BKE_spacetype_from_id(sl->spacetype); /* free regions for pushed spaces */ for (region = sl->regionbase.first; region; region = region->next) { BKE_area_region_free(st, region); } BLI_freelistN(&sl->regionbase); if (st && st->free) { st->free(sl); } } BLI_freelistN(lb); } static void panel_list_copy(ListBase *newlb, const ListBase *lb) { BLI_listbase_clear(newlb); BLI_duplicatelist(newlb, lb); /* copy panel pointers */ Panel *new_panel = newlb->first; Panel *panel = lb->first; for (; new_panel; new_panel = new_panel->next, panel = panel->next) { new_panel->activedata = NULL; panel_list_copy(&new_panel->children, &panel->children); } } ARegion *BKE_area_region_copy(SpaceType *st, ARegion *region) { ARegion *newar = MEM_dupallocN(region); newar->prev = newar->next = NULL; BLI_listbase_clear(&newar->handlers); BLI_listbase_clear(&newar->uiblocks); BLI_listbase_clear(&newar->panels_category); BLI_listbase_clear(&newar->panels_category_active); BLI_listbase_clear(&newar->ui_lists); newar->visible = 0; newar->gizmo_map = NULL; newar->regiontimer = NULL; newar->headerstr = NULL; newar->draw_buffer = NULL; /* use optional regiondata callback */ if (region->regiondata) { ARegionType *art = BKE_regiontype_from_id(st, region->regiontype); if (art && art->duplicate) { newar->regiondata = art->duplicate(region->regiondata); } else if (region->flag & RGN_FLAG_TEMP_REGIONDATA) { newar->regiondata = NULL; } else { newar->regiondata = MEM_dupallocN(region->regiondata); } } if (region->v2d.tab_offset) { newar->v2d.tab_offset = MEM_dupallocN(region->v2d.tab_offset); } panel_list_copy(&newar->panels, ®ion->panels); BLI_listbase_clear(&newar->ui_previews); BLI_duplicatelist(&newar->ui_previews, ®ion->ui_previews); return newar; } /* from lb2 to lb1, lb1 is supposed to be freed */ static void region_copylist(SpaceType *st, ListBase *lb1, ListBase *lb2) { ARegion *region; /* to be sure */ BLI_listbase_clear(lb1); for (region = lb2->first; region; region = region->next) { ARegion *arnew = BKE_area_region_copy(st, region); BLI_addtail(lb1, arnew); } } /* lb1 should be empty */ void BKE_spacedata_copylist(ListBase *lb1, ListBase *lb2) { SpaceLink *sl; BLI_listbase_clear(lb1); /* to be sure */ for (sl = lb2->first; sl; sl = sl->next) { SpaceType *st = BKE_spacetype_from_id(sl->spacetype); if (st && st->duplicate) { SpaceLink *slnew = st->duplicate(sl); BLI_addtail(lb1, slnew); region_copylist(st, &slnew->regionbase, &sl->regionbase); } } } /* facility to set locks for drawing to survive (render) threads accessing drawing data */ /* lock can become bitflag too */ /* should be replaced in future by better local data handling for threads */ void BKE_spacedata_draw_locks(int set) { SpaceType *st; for (st = spacetypes.first; st; st = st->next) { ARegionType *art; for (art = st->regiontypes.first; art; art = art->next) { if (set) { art->do_lock = art->lock; } else { art->do_lock = false; } } } } /** * Version of #BKE_area_find_region_type that also works if \a slink * is not the active space of \a area. */ ARegion *BKE_spacedata_find_region_type(const SpaceLink *slink, const ScrArea *area, int region_type) { const bool is_slink_active = slink == area->spacedata.first; const ListBase *regionbase = (is_slink_active) ? &area->regionbase : &slink->regionbase; ARegion *region = NULL; BLI_assert(BLI_findindex(&area->spacedata, slink) != -1); for (region = regionbase->first; region; region = region->next) { if (region->regiontype == region_type) { break; } } /* Should really unit test this instead. */ BLI_assert(!is_slink_active || region == BKE_area_find_region_type(area, region_type)); return region; } static void (*spacedata_id_remap_cb)(struct ScrArea *area, struct SpaceLink *sl, ID *old_id, ID *new_id) = NULL; void BKE_spacedata_callback_id_remap_set(void (*func)(ScrArea *area, SpaceLink *sl, ID *, ID *)) { spacedata_id_remap_cb = func; } /* UNUSED!!! */ void BKE_spacedata_id_unref(struct ScrArea *area, struct SpaceLink *sl, struct ID *id) { if (spacedata_id_remap_cb) { spacedata_id_remap_cb(area, sl, id, NULL); } } /** * Avoid bad-level calls to #WM_gizmomap_tag_refresh. */ static void (*region_refresh_tag_gizmomap_callback)(struct wmGizmoMap *) = NULL; void BKE_region_callback_refresh_tag_gizmomap_set(void (*callback)(struct wmGizmoMap *)) { region_refresh_tag_gizmomap_callback = callback; } void BKE_screen_gizmo_tag_refresh(struct bScreen *screen) { if (region_refresh_tag_gizmomap_callback == NULL) { return; } ScrArea *area; ARegion *region; for (area = screen->areabase.first; area; area = area->next) { for (region = area->regionbase.first; region; region = region->next) { if (region->gizmo_map != NULL) { region_refresh_tag_gizmomap_callback(region->gizmo_map); } } } } /** * Avoid bad-level calls to #WM_gizmomap_delete. */ static void (*region_free_gizmomap_callback)(struct wmGizmoMap *) = NULL; void BKE_region_callback_free_gizmomap_set(void (*callback)(struct wmGizmoMap *)) { region_free_gizmomap_callback = callback; } void BKE_area_region_panels_free(ListBase *lb) { Panel *panel, *panel_next; for (panel = lb->first; panel; panel = panel_next) { panel_next = panel->next; if (panel->activedata) { MEM_freeN(panel->activedata); } BKE_area_region_panels_free(&panel->children); } BLI_freelistN(lb); } /* not region itself */ void BKE_area_region_free(SpaceType *st, ARegion *region) { uiList *uilst; if (st) { ARegionType *art = BKE_regiontype_from_id(st, region->regiontype); if (art && art->free) { art->free(region); } if (region->regiondata) { printf("regiondata free error\n"); } } else if (region->type && region->type->free) { region->type->free(region); } if (region->v2d.tab_offset) { MEM_freeN(region->v2d.tab_offset); region->v2d.tab_offset = NULL; } BKE_area_region_panels_free(®ion->panels); for (uilst = region->ui_lists.first; uilst; uilst = uilst->next) { if (uilst->dyn_data) { uiListDyn *dyn_data = uilst->dyn_data; if (dyn_data->items_filter_flags) { MEM_freeN(dyn_data->items_filter_flags); } if (dyn_data->items_filter_neworder) { MEM_freeN(dyn_data->items_filter_neworder); } MEM_freeN(dyn_data); } if (uilst->properties) { IDP_FreeProperty(uilst->properties); } } if (region->gizmo_map != NULL) { region_free_gizmomap_callback(region->gizmo_map); } BLI_freelistN(®ion->ui_lists); BLI_freelistN(®ion->ui_previews); BLI_freelistN(®ion->panels_category); BLI_freelistN(®ion->panels_category_active); } /* not area itself */ void BKE_screen_area_free(ScrArea *area) { SpaceType *st = BKE_spacetype_from_id(area->spacetype); ARegion *region; for (region = area->regionbase.first; region; region = region->next) { BKE_area_region_free(st, region); } MEM_SAFE_FREE(area->global); BLI_freelistN(&area->regionbase); BKE_spacedata_freelist(&area->spacedata); BLI_freelistN(&area->actionzones); } void BKE_screen_area_map_free(ScrAreaMap *area_map) { for (ScrArea *area = area_map->areabase.first, *area_next; area; area = area_next) { area_next = area->next; BKE_screen_area_free(area); } BLI_freelistN(&area_map->vertbase); BLI_freelistN(&area_map->edgebase); BLI_freelistN(&area_map->areabase); } /** Free (or release) any data used by this screen (does not free the screen itself). */ void BKE_screen_free(bScreen *screen) { screen_free_data(&screen->id); } /* ***************** Screen edges & verts ***************** */ ScrEdge *BKE_screen_find_edge(bScreen *screen, ScrVert *v1, ScrVert *v2) { ScrEdge *se; BKE_screen_sort_scrvert(&v1, &v2); for (se = screen->edgebase.first; se; se = se->next) { if (se->v1 == v1 && se->v2 == v2) { return se; } } return NULL; } void BKE_screen_sort_scrvert(ScrVert **v1, ScrVert **v2) { ScrVert *tmp; if (*v1 > *v2) { tmp = *v1; *v1 = *v2; *v2 = tmp; } } void BKE_screen_remove_double_scrverts(bScreen *screen) { ScrVert *v1, *verg; ScrEdge *se; ScrArea *area; verg = screen->vertbase.first; while (verg) { if (verg->newv == NULL) { /* !!! */ v1 = verg->next; while (v1) { if (v1->newv == NULL) { /* !?! */ if (v1->vec.x == verg->vec.x && v1->vec.y == verg->vec.y) { /* printf("doublevert\n"); */ v1->newv = verg; } } v1 = v1->next; } } verg = verg->next; } /* replace pointers in edges and faces */ se = screen->edgebase.first; while (se) { if (se->v1->newv) { se->v1 = se->v1->newv; } if (se->v2->newv) { se->v2 = se->v2->newv; } /* edges changed: so.... */ BKE_screen_sort_scrvert(&(se->v1), &(se->v2)); se = se->next; } area = screen->areabase.first; while (area) { if (area->v1->newv) { area->v1 = area->v1->newv; } if (area->v2->newv) { area->v2 = area->v2->newv; } if (area->v3->newv) { area->v3 = area->v3->newv; } if (area->v4->newv) { area->v4 = area->v4->newv; } area = area->next; } /* remove */ verg = screen->vertbase.first; while (verg) { v1 = verg->next; if (verg->newv) { BLI_remlink(&screen->vertbase, verg); MEM_freeN(verg); } verg = v1; } } void BKE_screen_remove_double_scredges(bScreen *screen) { ScrEdge *verg, *se, *sn; /* compare */ verg = screen->edgebase.first; while (verg) { se = verg->next; while (se) { sn = se->next; if (verg->v1 == se->v1 && verg->v2 == se->v2) { BLI_remlink(&screen->edgebase, se); MEM_freeN(se); } se = sn; } verg = verg->next; } } void BKE_screen_remove_unused_scredges(bScreen *screen) { ScrEdge *se, *sen; ScrArea *area; int a = 0; /* sets flags when edge is used in area */ area = screen->areabase.first; while (area) { se = BKE_screen_find_edge(screen, area->v1, area->v2); if (se == NULL) { printf("error: area %d edge 1 doesn't exist\n", a); } else { se->flag = 1; } se = BKE_screen_find_edge(screen, area->v2, area->v3); if (se == NULL) { printf("error: area %d edge 2 doesn't exist\n", a); } else { se->flag = 1; } se = BKE_screen_find_edge(screen, area->v3, area->v4); if (se == NULL) { printf("error: area %d edge 3 doesn't exist\n", a); } else { se->flag = 1; } se = BKE_screen_find_edge(screen, area->v4, area->v1); if (se == NULL) { printf("error: area %d edge 4 doesn't exist\n", a); } else { se->flag = 1; } area = area->next; a++; } se = screen->edgebase.first; while (se) { sen = se->next; if (se->flag == 0) { BLI_remlink(&screen->edgebase, se); MEM_freeN(se); } else { se->flag = 0; } se = sen; } } void BKE_screen_remove_unused_scrverts(bScreen *screen) { ScrVert *sv, *svn; ScrEdge *se; /* we assume edges are ok */ se = screen->edgebase.first; while (se) { se->v1->flag = 1; se->v2->flag = 1; se = se->next; } sv = screen->vertbase.first; while (sv) { svn = sv->next; if (sv->flag == 0) { BLI_remlink(&screen->vertbase, sv); MEM_freeN(sv); } else { sv->flag = 0; } sv = svn; } } /* ***************** Utilities ********************** */ /** * Find a region of type \a region_type in the currently active space of \a area. * * \note This does _not_ work if the region to look up is not in the active * space. Use #BKE_spacedata_find_region_type if that may be the case. */ ARegion *BKE_area_find_region_type(const ScrArea *area, int region_type) { if (area) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (ARegion *, region, &area->regionbase) { if (region->regiontype == region_type) { return region; } } } return NULL; } ARegion *BKE_area_find_region_active_win(ScrArea *area) { if (area) { ARegion *region = BLI_findlink(&area->regionbase, area->region_active_win); if (region && (region->regiontype == RGN_TYPE_WINDOW)) { return region; } /* fallback to any */ return BKE_area_find_region_type(area, RGN_TYPE_WINDOW); } return NULL; } ARegion *BKE_area_find_region_xy(ScrArea *area, const int regiontype, int x, int y) { ARegion *region_found = NULL; if (area) { ARegion *region; for (region = area->regionbase.first; region; region = region->next) { if ((regiontype == RGN_TYPE_ANY) || (region->regiontype == regiontype)) { if (BLI_rcti_isect_pt(®ion->winrct, x, y)) { region_found = region; break; } } } } return region_found; } /** * \note This is only for screen level regions (typically menus/popups). */ ARegion *BKE_screen_find_region_xy(bScreen *screen, const int regiontype, int x, int y) { ARegion *region_found = NULL; LISTBASE_FOREACH (ARegion *, region, &screen->regionbase) { if ((regiontype == RGN_TYPE_ANY) || (region->regiontype == regiontype)) { if (BLI_rcti_isect_pt(®ion->winrct, x, y)) { region_found = region; break; } } } return region_found; } /** * \note Ideally we can get the area from the context, * there are a few places however where this isn't practical. */ ScrArea *BKE_screen_find_area_from_space(struct bScreen *screen, SpaceLink *sl) { ScrArea *area; for (area = screen->areabase.first; area; area = area->next) { if (BLI_findindex(&area->spacedata, sl) != -1) { break; } } return area; } /** * \note Using this function is generally a last resort, you really want to be * using the context when you can - campbell */ ScrArea *BKE_screen_find_big_area(bScreen *screen, const int spacetype, const short min) { ScrArea *area, *big = NULL; int size, maxsize = 0; for (area = screen->areabase.first; area; area = area->next) { if ((spacetype == SPACE_TYPE_ANY) || (area->spacetype == spacetype)) { if (min <= area->winx && min <= area->winy) { size = area->winx * area->winy; if (size > maxsize) { maxsize = size; big = area; } } } } return big; } ScrArea *BKE_screen_area_map_find_area_xy(const ScrAreaMap *areamap, const int spacetype, int x, int y) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (ScrArea *, area, &areamap->areabase) { if (BLI_rcti_isect_pt(&area->totrct, x, y)) { if ((spacetype == SPACE_TYPE_ANY) || (area->spacetype == spacetype)) { return area; } break; } } return NULL; } ScrArea *BKE_screen_find_area_xy(bScreen *screen, const int spacetype, int x, int y) { return BKE_screen_area_map_find_area_xy(AREAMAP_FROM_SCREEN(screen), spacetype, x, y); } void BKE_screen_view3d_sync(View3D *v3d, struct Scene *scene) { if (v3d->scenelock && v3d->localvd == NULL) { v3d->camera = scene->camera; if (v3d->camera == NULL) { ARegion *region; for (region = v3d->regionbase.first; region; region = region->next) { if (region->regiontype == RGN_TYPE_WINDOW) { RegionView3D *rv3d = region->regiondata; if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) { rv3d->persp = RV3D_PERSP; } } } } } } void BKE_screen_view3d_scene_sync(bScreen *screen, Scene *scene) { /* are there cameras in the views that are not in the scene? */ ScrArea *area; for (area = screen->areabase.first; area; area = area->next) { SpaceLink *sl; for (sl = area->spacedata.first; sl; sl = sl->next) { if (sl->spacetype == SPACE_VIEW3D) { View3D *v3d = (View3D *)sl; BKE_screen_view3d_sync(v3d, scene); } } } } void BKE_screen_view3d_shading_init(View3DShading *shading) { const View3DShading *shading_default = DNA_struct_default_get(View3DShading); memcpy(shading, shading_default, sizeof(*shading)); } /* magic zoom calculation, no idea what * it signifies, if you find out, tell me! -zr */ /* simple, its magic dude! * well, to be honest, this gives a natural feeling zooming * with multiple keypad presses (ton) */ float BKE_screen_view3d_zoom_to_fac(float camzoom) { return powf(((float)M_SQRT2 + camzoom / 50.0f), 2.0f) / 4.0f; } float BKE_screen_view3d_zoom_from_fac(float zoomfac) { return ((sqrtf(4.0f * zoomfac) - (float)M_SQRT2) * 50.0f); } bool BKE_screen_is_fullscreen_area(const bScreen *screen) { return ELEM(screen->state, SCREENMAXIMIZED, SCREENFULL); } bool BKE_screen_is_used(const bScreen *screen) { return (screen->winid != 0); } void BKE_screen_header_alignment_reset(bScreen *screen) { int alignment = (U.uiflag & USER_HEADER_BOTTOM) ? RGN_ALIGN_BOTTOM : RGN_ALIGN_TOP; LISTBASE_FOREACH (ScrArea *, area, &screen->areabase) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (ARegion *, region, &area->regionbase) { if (ELEM(region->regiontype, RGN_TYPE_HEADER, RGN_TYPE_TOOL_HEADER)) { if (ELEM(area->spacetype, SPACE_FILE, SPACE_USERPREF, SPACE_OUTLINER, SPACE_PROPERTIES)) { region->alignment = RGN_ALIGN_TOP; continue; } region->alignment = alignment; } if (region->regiontype == RGN_TYPE_FOOTER) { if (ELEM(area->spacetype, SPACE_FILE, SPACE_USERPREF, SPACE_OUTLINER, SPACE_PROPERTIES)) { region->alignment = RGN_ALIGN_BOTTOM; continue; } region->alignment = (U.uiflag & USER_HEADER_BOTTOM) ? RGN_ALIGN_TOP : RGN_ALIGN_BOTTOM; } } } screen->do_refresh = true; }