/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * */ /** \file blender/blenkernel/intern/studiolight.c * \ingroup bke */ #include "BKE_studiolight.h" #include "BKE_appdir.h" #include "BKE_icons.h" #include "BLI_fileops.h" #include "BLI_fileops_types.h" #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_path_util.h" #include "BLI_rand.h" #include "BLI_string.h" #include "DNA_listBase.h" #include "IMB_imbuf.h" #include "IMB_imbuf_types.h" #include "GPU_texture.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" /* Statics */ static ListBase studiolights; #define STUDIOLIGHT_EXTENSIONS ".jpg", ".hdr" #define STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE 8 #define STUDIOLIGHT_IRRADIANCE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_HEIGHT 64 #define STUDIOLIGHT_IRRADIANCE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_WIDTH (STUDIOLIGHT_IRRADIANCE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_HEIGHT * 2) static const char *STUDIOLIGHT_CAMERA_FOLDER = "studiolights/camera/"; static const char *STUDIOLIGHT_WORLD_FOLDER = "studiolights/world/"; /* FUNCTIONS */ static void studiolight_free(struct StudioLight *sl) { for (int index = 0 ; index < 6 ; index ++) { if (sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[index] != NULL) { IMB_freeImBuf(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[index]); sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[index] = NULL; } if (sl->equirectangular_radiance_gputexture) { GPU_texture_free(sl->equirectangular_radiance_gputexture); sl->equirectangular_radiance_gputexture = NULL; } if (sl->equirectangular_irradiance_gputexture) { GPU_texture_free(sl->equirectangular_irradiance_gputexture); sl->equirectangular_irradiance_gputexture = NULL; } if (sl->equirectangular_radiance_buffer) { IMB_freeImBuf(sl->equirectangular_radiance_buffer); sl->equirectangular_radiance_buffer = NULL; } if (sl->equirectangular_irradiance_buffer) { IMB_freeImBuf(sl->equirectangular_irradiance_buffer); sl->equirectangular_irradiance_buffer = NULL; } } MEM_freeN(sl); } static struct StudioLight *studiolight_create(void) { struct StudioLight *sl = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*sl), __func__); sl->path[0] = 0x00; sl->name[0] = 0x00; sl->flag = 0; sl->index = BLI_listbase_count(&studiolights); sl->radiance_icon_id = BKE_icon_ensure_studio_light(sl, STUDIOLIGHT_ICON_ID_TYPE_RADIANCE); sl->irradiance_icon_id = BKE_icon_ensure_studio_light(sl, STUDIOLIGHT_ICON_ID_TYPE_IRRADIANCE); for (int index = 0 ; index < 6 ; index ++) { sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[index] = NULL; } return sl; } static void direction_to_equirectangular(float r[2], const float dir[3]) { r[0] = (atan2f(dir[1], dir[0]) - M_PI) / -(M_PI * 2); r[1] = (acosf(dir[2] / 1.0) - M_PI) / -M_PI; } static void equirectangular_to_direction(float r[3], float u, float v) { float phi = (-(M_PI * 2)) * u + M_PI; float theta = -M_PI * v + M_PI; float sin_theta = sinf(theta); r[0] = sin_theta * cosf(phi); r[1] = sin_theta * sinf(phi); r[2] = cosf(theta); } static void studiolight_calculate_radiance(ImBuf *ibuf, float color[4], const float direction[3]) { float uv[2]; direction_to_equirectangular(uv, direction); nearest_interpolation_color_wrap(ibuf, NULL, color, uv[0] * ibuf->x, uv[1] * ibuf->y); } static void studiolight_calculate_radiance_buffer( ImBuf *ibuf, float *colbuf, const float start_x, const float add_x, const float start_y, const float add_y, const float z, const int index_x, const int index_y, const int index_z) { float direction[3]; float yf = start_y; float xf; float *color = colbuf; for (int y = 0; y < STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE; y ++, yf += add_y) { xf = start_x; for (int x = 0; x < STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE; x ++, xf += add_x) { direction[index_x] = xf; direction[index_y] = yf; direction[index_z] = z; normalize_v3(direction); studiolight_calculate_radiance(ibuf, color, direction); color += 4; } } } static void studiolight_load_equierectangular_image(StudioLight *sl) { if (sl->flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EXTERNAL_FILE) { ImBuf *ibuf = NULL; ibuf = IMB_loadiffname(sl->path, 0, NULL); if (ibuf) { IMB_float_from_rect(ibuf); sl->equirectangular_radiance_buffer = ibuf; } } sl->flag |= STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_IMAGE_LOADED; } static void studiolight_create_equierectangular_radiance_gputexture(StudioLight *sl) { if (sl->flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EXTERNAL_FILE) { char error[256]; BKE_studiolight_ensure_flag(sl, STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_IMAGE_LOADED); ImBuf *ibuf = sl->equirectangular_radiance_buffer; sl->equirectangular_radiance_gputexture = GPU_texture_create_2D(ibuf->x, ibuf->y, GPU_RGBA16F, ibuf->rect_float, error); GPUTexture *tex = sl->equirectangular_radiance_gputexture; GPU_texture_bind(tex, 0); GPU_texture_filter_mode(tex, true); GPU_texture_wrap_mode(tex, true); GPU_texture_unbind(tex); } sl->flag |= STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_RADIANCE_GPUTEXTURE; } static void studiolight_create_equierectangular_irradiance_gputexture(StudioLight *sl) { if (sl->flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EXTERNAL_FILE) { char error[256]; BKE_studiolight_ensure_flag(sl, STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_IRRADIANCE_IMAGE_CALCULATED); ImBuf *ibuf = sl->equirectangular_irradiance_buffer; sl->equirectangular_irradiance_gputexture = GPU_texture_create_2D(ibuf->x, ibuf->y, GPU_RGBA16F, ibuf->rect_float, error); GPUTexture *tex = sl->equirectangular_irradiance_gputexture; GPU_texture_bind(tex, 0); GPU_texture_filter_mode(tex, true); GPU_texture_wrap_mode(tex, true); GPU_texture_unbind(tex); } sl->flag |= STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_IRRADIANCE_GPUTEXTURE; } static void studiolight_calculate_radiance_cubemap_buffers(StudioLight *sl) { if (sl->flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EXTERNAL_FILE) { BKE_studiolight_ensure_flag(sl, STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_IMAGE_LOADED); ImBuf* ibuf = sl->equirectangular_radiance_buffer; if (ibuf) { float *colbuf = MEM_mallocN(SQUARE(STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE) * sizeof(float[4]), __func__); const float add = 1.0f / (STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE + 1); const float start = ((1.0f / STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE) * 0.5f) - 0.5f; /* front */ studiolight_calculate_radiance_buffer(ibuf, colbuf, start, add, start, add, 0.5f, 0, 2, 1); sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_POS] = IMB_allocFromBuffer( NULL, colbuf, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE); /* back */ studiolight_calculate_radiance_buffer(ibuf, colbuf, -start, -add, start, add, -0.5f, 0, 2, 1); sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_NEG] = IMB_allocFromBuffer( NULL, colbuf, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE); /* left */ studiolight_calculate_radiance_buffer(ibuf, colbuf, -start, -add, start, add, 0.5f, 1, 2, 0); sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_X_POS] = IMB_allocFromBuffer( NULL, colbuf, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE); /* right */ studiolight_calculate_radiance_buffer(ibuf, colbuf, start, add, start, add, -0.5f, 1, 2, 0); sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_X_NEG] = IMB_allocFromBuffer( NULL, colbuf, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE); /* top */ studiolight_calculate_radiance_buffer(ibuf, colbuf, start, add, start, add, -0.5f, 0, 1, 2); sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_NEG] = IMB_allocFromBuffer( NULL, colbuf, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE); /* bottom */ studiolight_calculate_radiance_buffer(ibuf, colbuf, start, add, -start, -add, 0.5f, 0, 1, 2); sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_POS] = IMB_allocFromBuffer( NULL, colbuf, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE); #if 0 IMB_saveiff(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_X_POS], "/tmp/studiolight_radiance_left.png", IB_rectfloat); IMB_saveiff(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_X_NEG], "/tmp/studiolight_radiance_right.png", IB_rectfloat); IMB_saveiff(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_POS], "/tmp/studiolight_radiance_front.png", IB_rectfloat); IMB_saveiff(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_NEG], "/tmp/studiolight_radiance_back.png", IB_rectfloat); IMB_saveiff(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_POS], "/tmp/studiolight_radiance_bottom.png", IB_rectfloat); IMB_saveiff(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_NEG], "/tmp/studiolight_radiance_top.png", IB_rectfloat); #endif MEM_freeN(colbuf); } } sl->flag |= STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_BUFFERS_CALCULATED; } static inline void studiolight_evaluate_radiance_buffer(ImBuf *radiance_buffer, const float normal[3], float color[3], int *hits, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, float zvalue) { if (radiance_buffer == NULL) { return; } float angle; float *radiance_color = radiance_buffer->rect_float; float direction[3]; for (int y = 0; y < STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE; y ++) { for (int x = 0; x < STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE; x ++) { // calculate light direction; direction[zoffset] = zvalue; direction[xoffset] = (x / (float)STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE) - 0.5f; direction[yoffset] = (y / (float)STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE) - 0.5f; normalize_v3(direction); angle = fmax(0.0f, dot_v3v3(direction, normal)); madd_v3_v3fl(color, radiance_color, angle); (*hits) ++; radiance_color += 4; } } } static void studiolight_calculate_irradiance(StudioLight *sl, float color[3], const float normal[3]) { int hits = 0; copy_v3_fl(color, 0.0f); /* back */ studiolight_evaluate_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_POS], normal, color, &hits, 0, 2, 1, 0.5); /* front */ studiolight_evaluate_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_NEG], normal, color, &hits, 0, 2, 1, -0.5); /* left */ studiolight_evaluate_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_X_POS], normal, color, &hits, 1, 2, 0, 0.5); /* right */ studiolight_evaluate_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_X_NEG], normal, color, &hits, 1, 2, 0, -0.5); /* top */ studiolight_evaluate_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_POS], normal, color, &hits, 0, 1, 2, 0.5); /* bottom */ studiolight_evaluate_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_NEG], normal, color, &hits, 0, 1, 2, -0.5); if (hits) { mul_v3_fl(color, 3.0 / hits); } else { copy_v3_fl3(color, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); } } static void studiolight_calculate_diffuse_light(StudioLight *sl) { /* init light to black */ copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_X_POS], 0.0f); copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_X_NEG], 0.0f); copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_POS], 0.0f); copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_NEG], 0.0f); copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_POS], 0.0f); copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_NEG], 0.0f); if (sl->flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EXTERNAL_FILE) { const float normal_x_neg[3] = {-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; const float normal_x_pos[3] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; const float normal_y_neg[3] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}; const float normal_y_pos[3] = { 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f}; const float normal_z_neg[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f}; const float normal_z_pos[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; BKE_studiolight_ensure_flag(sl, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_BUFFERS_CALCULATED); studiolight_calculate_irradiance(sl, sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_X_POS], normal_x_pos); studiolight_calculate_irradiance(sl, sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_X_NEG], normal_x_neg); studiolight_calculate_irradiance(sl, sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_POS], normal_y_pos); studiolight_calculate_irradiance(sl, sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_NEG], normal_y_neg); studiolight_calculate_irradiance(sl, sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_POS], normal_z_pos); studiolight_calculate_irradiance(sl, sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_NEG], normal_z_neg); } sl->flag |= STUDIOLIGHT_DIFFUSE_LIGHT_CALCULATED; } static inline void studiolight_evaluate_specular_radiance_buffer(ImBuf *radiance_buffer, const float specular, const float normal[3], float color[3], int *hits, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, float zvalue) { if (radiance_buffer == NULL) { return; } float angle; float *radiance_color = radiance_buffer->rect_float; float direction[3]; for (int y = 0; y < STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE; y ++) { for (int x = 0; x < STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE; x ++) { // calculate light direction; direction[zoffset] = zvalue; direction[xoffset] = (x / (float)STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE) - 0.5f; direction[yoffset] = (y / (float)STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_CUBEMAP_SIZE) - 0.5f; normalize_v3(direction); angle = pow(fmax(0.0f, dot_v3v3(direction, normal)), specular); madd_v3_v3fl(color, radiance_color, angle); (*hits) ++; radiance_color += 4; } } } static void studiolight_calculate_specular_irradiance(StudioLight *sl, float color[3], const float normal[3]) { const float specular = 4.0f; int hits = 0; copy_v3_fl(color, 0.0f); /* back */ studiolight_evaluate_specular_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_POS], specular, normal, color, &hits, 0, 2, 1, 0.5); /* front */ studiolight_evaluate_specular_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_NEG], specular, normal, color, &hits, 0, 2, 1, -0.5); /* left */ studiolight_evaluate_specular_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_X_POS], specular, normal, color, &hits, 1, 2, 0, 0.5); /* right */ studiolight_evaluate_specular_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_X_NEG], specular, normal, color, &hits, 1, 2, 0, -0.5); /* top */ studiolight_evaluate_specular_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_POS], specular, normal, color, &hits, 0, 1, 2, 0.5); /* bottom */ studiolight_evaluate_specular_radiance_buffer(sl->radiance_cubemap_buffers[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_NEG], specular, normal, color, &hits, 0, 1, 2, -0.5); if (hits) { mul_v3_fl(color, specular / hits); } else { copy_v3_fl3(color, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); } } static void studiolight_calculate_irradiance_equirectangular_image(StudioLight *sl) { if (sl->flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EXTERNAL_FILE) { BKE_studiolight_ensure_flag(sl, STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_BUFFERS_CALCULATED); float *colbuf = MEM_mallocN(STUDIOLIGHT_IRRADIANCE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_WIDTH * STUDIOLIGHT_IRRADIANCE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_HEIGHT * sizeof(float[4]), __func__); float *color = colbuf; for (int y = 0; y < STUDIOLIGHT_IRRADIANCE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_HEIGHT ; y ++) { float yf = y / (float)STUDIOLIGHT_IRRADIANCE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_HEIGHT; for (int x = 0; x < STUDIOLIGHT_IRRADIANCE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_WIDTH ; x ++) { float xf = x / (float)STUDIOLIGHT_IRRADIANCE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_WIDTH; float dir[3]; equirectangular_to_direction(dir, xf, yf); studiolight_calculate_specular_irradiance(sl, color, dir); color[3] = 1.0f; color += 4; } } sl->equirectangular_irradiance_buffer = IMB_allocFromBuffer(NULL, colbuf, STUDIOLIGHT_IRRADIANCE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_WIDTH, STUDIOLIGHT_IRRADIANCE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_HEIGHT); MEM_freeN(colbuf); #if 0 IMB_saveiff(sl->equirectangular_irradiance_buffer, "/tmp/studiolight_specular_irradiance.png", IB_rectfloat); #endif } sl->flag |= STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_IRRADIANCE_IMAGE_CALCULATED; } static void studiolight_calculate_light_direction(StudioLight *sl) { float best_light = 0.0; sl->light_direction[0] = 0.0f; sl->light_direction[1] = 0.0f; sl->light_direction[2] = -1.0f; if ((sl->flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EXTERNAL_FILE) && (sl->flag & STUDIOLIGHT_ORIENTATION_WORLD)) { ImBuf *ibuf = NULL; ibuf = IMB_loadiffname(sl->path, 0, NULL); if (ibuf) { IMB_float_from_rect(ibuf); /* go over every pixel, determine light, if higher calc direction off the light */ float col[4]; float direction[3]; float new_light; for (int y = 0; y < ibuf->y; y ++) { for (int x = 0; x < ibuf->x; x ++) { nearest_interpolation_color_wrap(ibuf, NULL, col, x, y); new_light = col[0] + col[1] + col[2]; if (new_light > best_light) { float u = x / (float)ibuf->x; float v = y / (float)ibuf->y; equirectangular_to_direction(direction, u, v); sl->light_direction[0] = direction[1]; sl->light_direction[1] = direction[0]; sl->light_direction[2] = direction[2]; best_light = new_light; } } } IMB_freeImBuf(ibuf); } } sl->flag |= STUDIOLIGHT_LIGHT_DIRECTION_CALCULATED; } static void studiolight_add_files_from_datafolder(const int folder_id, const char *subfolder, int flag) { StudioLight *sl; struct direntry *dir; const char *folder = BKE_appdir_folder_id(folder_id, subfolder); if (folder) { unsigned int totfile = BLI_filelist_dir_contents(folder, &dir); int i; for (i = 0; i < totfile; i++) { if ((dir[i].type & S_IFREG)) { const char *filename = dir[i].relname; const char *path = dir[i].path; if (BLI_testextensie_n(filename, STUDIOLIGHT_EXTENSIONS, NULL)) { sl = studiolight_create(); sl->flag = STUDIOLIGHT_EXTERNAL_FILE | flag; BLI_strncpy(sl->name, filename, FILE_MAXFILE); BLI_strncpy(sl->path, path, FILE_MAXFILE); BLI_addtail(&studiolights, sl); } } } BLI_filelist_free(dir, totfile); dir = NULL; } } static int studiolight_flag_cmp_order(const StudioLight *sl) { /* Internal studiolights before external studio lights */ if (sl->flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EXTERNAL_FILE) { return 1; } return 0; } static int studiolight_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const StudioLight *sl1 = a; const StudioLight *sl2 = b; const int flagorder1 = studiolight_flag_cmp_order(sl1); const int flagorder2 = studiolight_flag_cmp_order(sl2); if (flagorder1 < flagorder2) { return -1; } else if (flagorder1 > flagorder2) { return 1; } else { return BLI_strcasecmp(sl1->name, sl2->name); } } /* icons */ static unsigned int* studiolight_radiance_preview(StudioLight *sl, int icon_size) { BKE_studiolight_ensure_flag(sl, STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_IMAGE_LOADED); uint *rect = MEM_mallocN(icon_size * icon_size * sizeof(uint), __func__); int icon_center = icon_size / 2; float sphere_radius = icon_center * 0.9; int offset = 0; for (int y = 0; y < icon_size; y++) { float dy = y - icon_center; for (int x = 0; x < icon_size; x++) { float dx = x - icon_center; /* calculate aliasing */ float alias = 0; const float alias_step = 0.333; for (float ay = dy - 0.5; ay < dy + 0.5; ay += alias_step) { for (float ax = dx - 0.5; ax < dx + 0.5; ax += alias_step) { if (sqrt(ay * ay + ax * ax) < sphere_radius) { alias += alias_step * alias_step; } } } uint pixelresult = 0x0; uint alias_i = clamp_i(alias * 256, 0, 255); if (alias_i != 0) { /* calculate normal */ uint alias_mask = alias_i << 24; float incoming[3]; copy_v3_fl3(incoming, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); float normal[3]; normal[0] = dx / sphere_radius; normal[2] = dy / sphere_radius; normal[1] = -sqrt(-(normal[0] * normal[0]) - (normal[2] * normal[2]) + 1); normalize_v3(normal); float direction[3]; reflect_v3_v3v3(direction, incoming, normal); float color[4]; studiolight_calculate_radiance(sl->equirectangular_radiance_buffer, color, direction); pixelresult = rgb_to_cpack( linearrgb_to_srgb(color[0]), linearrgb_to_srgb(color[1]), linearrgb_to_srgb(color[2])) | alias_mask; } rect[offset++] = pixelresult; } } return rect; } static unsigned int* studiolight_irradiance_preview(StudioLight *sl, int icon_size) { BKE_studiolight_ensure_flag(sl, STUDIOLIGHT_DIFFUSE_LIGHT_CALCULATED); uint *rect = MEM_mallocN(icon_size * icon_size * sizeof(uint), __func__); int icon_center = icon_size / 2; float sphere_radius = icon_center * 0.9; int offset = 0; for (int y = 0; y < icon_size; y++) { float dy = y - icon_center; for (int x = 0; x < icon_size; x++) { float dx = x - icon_center; /* calculate aliasing */ float alias = 0; const float alias_step = 0.333; for (float ay = dy - 0.5; ay < dy + 0.5; ay += alias_step) { for (float ax = dx - 0.5; ax < dx + 0.5; ax += alias_step) { if (sqrt(ay * ay + ax * ax) < sphere_radius) { alias += alias_step * alias_step; } } } uint pixelresult = 0x0; uint alias_i = clamp_i(alias * 256, 0, 255); if (alias_i != 0) { /* calculate normal */ uint alias_mask = alias_i << 24; float normal[3]; normal[0] = dx / sphere_radius; normal[1] = dy / sphere_radius; normal[2] = sqrt(-(normal[0] * normal[0]) - (normal[1] * normal[1]) + 1); normalize_v3(normal); float color[3]; mul_v3_v3fl(color, sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_X_POS], clamp_f(normal[0], 0.0, 1.0)); interp_v3_v3v3(color, color, sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_X_NEG], clamp_f(-normal[0], 0.0, 1.0)); interp_v3_v3v3(color, color, sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_POS], clamp_f(normal[1], 0.0, 1.0)); interp_v3_v3v3(color, color, sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_NEG], clamp_f(-normal[1], 0.0, 1.0)); interp_v3_v3v3(color, color, sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_POS], clamp_f(normal[2], 0.0, 1.0)); pixelresult = rgb_to_cpack( linearrgb_to_srgb(color[0]), linearrgb_to_srgb(color[1]), linearrgb_to_srgb(color[2])) | alias_mask; } rect[offset++] = pixelresult; } } return rect; } /* API */ void BKE_studiolight_init(void) { StudioLight *sl; /* go over the preset folder and add a studiolight for every image with its path */ /* order studio lights by name */ /* Also reserve icon space for it. */ /* Add default studio light */ sl = studiolight_create(); BLI_strncpy(sl->name, "INTERNAL_01", FILE_MAXFILE); sl->flag = STUDIOLIGHT_DIFFUSE_LIGHT_CALCULATED | STUDIOLIGHT_ORIENTATION_CAMERA; copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_X_POS], 0.0f); copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_X_NEG], 0.0f); copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_POS], 1.0f); copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Y_NEG], 0.0f); copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_POS], 0.0f); copy_v3_fl(sl->diffuse_light[STUDIOLIGHT_Z_NEG], 0.0f); BLI_addtail(&studiolights, sl); studiolight_add_files_from_datafolder(BLENDER_SYSTEM_DATAFILES, STUDIOLIGHT_CAMERA_FOLDER, STUDIOLIGHT_ORIENTATION_CAMERA); studiolight_add_files_from_datafolder(BLENDER_USER_DATAFILES, STUDIOLIGHT_CAMERA_FOLDER, STUDIOLIGHT_ORIENTATION_CAMERA); studiolight_add_files_from_datafolder(BLENDER_SYSTEM_DATAFILES, STUDIOLIGHT_WORLD_FOLDER, STUDIOLIGHT_ORIENTATION_WORLD); studiolight_add_files_from_datafolder(BLENDER_USER_DATAFILES, STUDIOLIGHT_WORLD_FOLDER, STUDIOLIGHT_ORIENTATION_WORLD); /* sort studio lights on filename. */ BLI_listbase_sort(&studiolights, studiolight_cmp); } void BKE_studiolight_free(void) { struct StudioLight *sl; while ((sl = BLI_pophead(&studiolights))) { studiolight_free(sl); } } struct StudioLight *BKE_studiolight_find(const char *name, int flag) { LISTBASE_FOREACH(StudioLight *, sl, &studiolights) { if (STREQLEN(sl->name, name, FILE_MAXFILE)) { if ((sl->flag & flag) == flag) { return sl; } else { /* flags do not match, so use default */ return studiolights.first; } } } /* When not found, use the default studio light */ return studiolights.first; } struct StudioLight *BKE_studiolight_findindex(int index) { LISTBASE_FOREACH(StudioLight *, sl, &studiolights) { if (sl->index == index) { return sl; } } /* When not found, use the default studio light */ return studiolights.first; } const struct ListBase *BKE_studiolight_listbase(void) { return &studiolights; } unsigned int *BKE_studiolight_preview(StudioLight *sl, int icon_size, int icon_id_type) { if (icon_id_type == STUDIOLIGHT_ICON_ID_TYPE_IRRADIANCE) { return studiolight_irradiance_preview(sl, icon_size); } else { return studiolight_radiance_preview(sl, icon_size); } } void BKE_studiolight_ensure_flag(StudioLight *sl, int flag) { if ((sl->flag & flag) == flag) { return; } if ((flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_IMAGE_LOADED)) { studiolight_load_equierectangular_image(sl); } if ((flag & STUDIOLIGHT_RADIANCE_BUFFERS_CALCULATED)) { studiolight_calculate_radiance_cubemap_buffers(sl); } if ((flag & STUDIOLIGHT_DIFFUSE_LIGHT_CALCULATED)) { studiolight_calculate_diffuse_light(sl); } if ((flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_RADIANCE_GPUTEXTURE)) { studiolight_create_equierectangular_radiance_gputexture(sl); } if ((flag & STUDIOLIGHT_LIGHT_DIRECTION_CALCULATED)) { studiolight_calculate_light_direction(sl); } if ((flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_IRRADIANCE_GPUTEXTURE)) { studiolight_create_equierectangular_irradiance_gputexture(sl); } if ((flag & STUDIOLIGHT_EQUIRECTANGULAR_IRRADIANCE_IMAGE_CALCULATED)) { studiolight_calculate_irradiance_equirectangular_image(sl); } }