/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #pragma once #include "BLI_array.hh" #include "BLI_dot_export.hh" namespace blender { /** * An InplacePriorityQueue adds priority queue functionality to an existing array. The underlying * array is not changed. Instead, the priority queue maintains indices into the original array. * * The priority queue provides efficient access to the element in order of their priorities. * * When a priority changes, the priority queue has to be informed using one of the following * methods: #priority_decreased, #priority_increased or #priority_changed. */ template< /* Type of the elements in the underlying array. */ typename T, /* Binary function that takes two `const T &` inputs and returns true, * when the first input has greater priority than the second. */ typename FirstHasHigherPriority = std::greater> class InplacePriorityQueue { private: /* Underlying array the priority queue is built upon. This is a span instead of a mutable span, * because this data structure never changes the values itself. */ Span data_; /* Maps indices from the heap (binary tree in array format) to indices of the underlying/original * array. */ Array heap_to_orig_; /* This is the inversion of the above mapping. */ Array orig_to_heap_; /* Number of elements that are currently in the priority queue. */ int64_t heap_size_ = 0; /* Function that can be changed to customize how the priority of two elements is compared. */ FirstHasHigherPriority first_has_higher_priority_fn_; public: /** * Construct the priority queue on top of the data in the given span. */ InplacePriorityQueue(Span data) : data_(data), heap_to_orig_(data_.size()), orig_to_heap_(data_.size()) { for (const int64_t i : IndexRange(data_.size())) { heap_to_orig_[i] = i; orig_to_heap_[i] = i; } this->rebuild(); } /** * Rebuilds the priority queue from the array that has been passed to the constructor. */ void rebuild() { const int final_heap_size = data_.size(); if (final_heap_size > 1) { for (int64_t i = this->get_parent(final_heap_size - 1); i >= 0; i--) { this->heapify(i, final_heap_size); } } heap_size_ = final_heap_size; } /** * Returns the number of elements in the priority queue. * This is less or equal than the size of the underlying array. */ int64_t size() const { return heap_size_; } /** * Returns true, when the priority queue contains no elements. If this returns true, #peek and * #pop must not be used. */ bool is_empty() const { return heap_size_ == 0; } /** * Get the element with the highest priority in the priority queue. * The returned reference is const, because the priority queue has read-only access to the * underlying data. If you need a mutable reference, use #peek_index instead. */ const T &peek() const { return data_[this->peek_index()]; } /** * Get the element with the highest priority in the priority queue and remove it. * The returned reference is const, because the priority queue has read-only access to the * underlying data. If you need a mutable reference, use #pop_index instead. */ const T &pop() { return data_[this->pop_index()]; } /** * Get the index of the element with the highest priority in the priority queue. */ int64_t peek_index() const { BLI_assert(!this->is_empty()); return heap_to_orig_[0]; } /** * Get the index of the element with the highest priority in the priority queue and remove it. */ int64_t pop_index() { BLI_assert(!this->is_empty()); const int64_t top_index_orig = heap_to_orig_[0]; heap_size_--; if (heap_size_ > 1) { this->swap_indices(0, heap_size_); this->heapify(0, heap_size_); } return top_index_orig; } /** * Inform the priority queue that the priority of the element at the given index has been * decreased. */ void priority_decreased(const int64_t index) { const int64_t heap_index = orig_to_heap_[index]; if (heap_index >= heap_size_) { /* This element is not in the queue currently. */ return; } this->heapify(heap_index, heap_size_); } /** * Inform the priority queue that the priority of the element at the given index has been * increased. */ void priority_increased(const int64_t index) { int64_t current = orig_to_heap_[index]; if (current >= heap_size_) { /* This element is not in the queue currently. */ return; } while (true) { if (current == 0) { break; } const int64_t parent = this->get_parent(current); if (this->first_has_higher_priority(parent, current)) { break; } this->swap_indices(current, parent); current = parent; } } /** * Inform the priority queue that the priority of the element at the given index has been * changed. */ void priority_changed(const int64_t index) { this->priority_increased(index); this->priority_decreased(index); } /** * Returns the indices of all elements that are in the priority queue. * There are no guarantees about the order of indices. */ Span active_indices() const { return heap_to_orig_.as_span().take_front(heap_size_); } /** * Returns the indices of all elements that are not in the priority queue. * The indices are in reverse order of their removal from the queue. * I.e. the index that has been removed last, comes first. */ Span inactive_indices() const { return heap_to_orig_.as_span().drop_front(heap_size_); } /** * Returns the concatenation of the active and inactive indices. */ Span all_indices() const { return heap_to_orig_; } /** * Return the heap used by the priority queue as dot graph string. * This exists for debugging purposes. */ std::string to_dot() const { return this->partial_to_dot(heap_size_); } private: bool first_has_higher_priority(const int64_t a, const int64_t b) { const T &value_a = data_[heap_to_orig_[a]]; const T &value_b = data_[heap_to_orig_[b]]; return first_has_higher_priority_fn_(value_a, value_b); } void swap_indices(const int64_t a, const int64_t b) { std::swap(heap_to_orig_[a], heap_to_orig_[b]); orig_to_heap_[heap_to_orig_[a]] = a; orig_to_heap_[heap_to_orig_[b]] = b; } void heapify(const int64_t parent, const int64_t heap_size) { int64_t max_index = parent; const int left = this->get_left(parent); const int right = this->get_right(parent); if (left < heap_size && this->first_has_higher_priority(left, max_index)) { max_index = left; } if (right < heap_size && this->first_has_higher_priority(right, max_index)) { max_index = right; } if (max_index != parent) { this->swap_indices(parent, max_index); this->heapify(max_index, heap_size); } if (left < heap_size) { BLI_assert(!this->first_has_higher_priority(left, parent)); } if (right < heap_size) { BLI_assert(!this->first_has_higher_priority(right, parent)); } } int64_t get_parent(const int64_t child) const { BLI_assert(child > 0); return (child - 1) / 2; } int64_t get_left(const int64_t parent) const { return parent * 2 + 1; } int64_t get_right(const int64_t parent) const { return parent * 2 + 2; } std::string partial_to_dot(const int size) const { dot::DirectedGraph digraph; Array dot_nodes(size); for (const int i : IndexRange(size)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << data_[heap_to_orig_[i]]; const std::string name = ss.str(); dot::Node &node = digraph.new_node(name); node.set_shape(dot::Attr_shape::Rectangle); node.attributes.set("ordering", "out"); dot_nodes[i] = &node; if (i > 0) { const int64_t parent = this->get_parent(i); digraph.new_edge(*dot_nodes[parent], node); } } return digraph.to_dot_string(); } }; } // namespace blender