/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2001-2002 NaN Holding BV. All rights reserved. */ #pragma once /** \file * \ingroup bli */ #include "BLI_math_base.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "DNA_vec_types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Conversion Defines * \{ */ #define RAD2DEG(_rad) ((_rad) * (180.0 / M_PI)) #define DEG2RAD(_deg) ((_deg) * (M_PI / 180.0)) #define RAD2DEGF(_rad) ((_rad) * (float)(180.0 / M_PI)) #define DEG2RADF(_deg) ((_deg) * (float)(M_PI / 180.0)) /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Quaternions * Stored in (w, x, y, z) order. * \{ */ /* Initialize */ /* Convenience, avoids setting Y axis everywhere. */ void unit_axis_angle(float axis[3], float *angle); void unit_qt(float q[4]); void copy_qt_qt(float q[4], const float a[4]); /* Arithmetic. */ void mul_qt_qtqt(float q[4], const float a[4], const float b[4]); /** * \note * Assumes a unit quaternion? * * in fact not, but you may want to use a unit quaternion read on... * * Shortcut for 'q v q*' when \a v is actually a quaternion. * This removes the need for converting a vector to a quaternion, * calculating q's conjugate and converting back to a vector. * It also happens to be faster (17+,24* vs * 24+,32*). * If \a q is not a unit quaternion, then \a v will be both rotated by * the same amount as if q was a unit quaternion, and scaled by the square of * the length of q. * * For people used to python mathutils, its like: * def mul_qt_v3(q, v): (q * Quaternion((0.0, v[0], v[1], v[2])) * q.conjugated())[1:] * * \note Multiplying by 3x3 matrix is ~25% faster. */ void mul_qt_v3(const float q[4], float r[3]); /** * Simple multiply. */ void mul_qt_fl(float q[4], float f); /** * Raise a unit quaternion to the specified power. */ void pow_qt_fl_normalized(float q[4], float f); void sub_qt_qtqt(float q[4], const float a[4], const float b[4]); void invert_qt(float q[4]); void invert_qt_qt(float q1[4], const float q2[4]); /** * This is just conjugate_qt for cases we know \a q is unit-length. * we could use #conjugate_qt directly, but use this function to show intent, * and assert if its ever becomes non-unit-length. */ void invert_qt_normalized(float q[4]); void invert_qt_qt_normalized(float q1[4], const float q2[4]); void conjugate_qt(float q[4]); void conjugate_qt_qt(float q1[4], const float q2[4]); float dot_qtqt(const float a[4], const float b[4]); float normalize_qt(float q[4]); float normalize_qt_qt(float r[4], const float q[4]); /* Comparison. */ bool is_zero_qt(const float q[4]); /* interpolation */ /** * Generic function for implementing slerp * (quaternions and spherical vector coords). * * \param t: factor in [0..1] * \param cosom: dot product from normalized vectors/quats. * \param r_w: calculated weights. */ void interp_dot_slerp(float t, float cosom, float r_w[2]); void interp_qt_qtqt(float q[4], const float a[4], const float b[4], float t); void add_qt_qtqt(float q[4], const float a[4], const float b[4], float t); /* Conversion. */ void quat_to_mat3(float mat[3][3], const float q[4]); void quat_to_mat4(float mat[4][4], const float q[4]); /** * Apply the rotation of \a a to \a q keeping the values compatible with \a old. * Avoid axis flipping for animated f-curves for eg. */ void quat_to_compatible_quat(float q[4], const float a[4], const float old[4]); void mat3_normalized_to_quat(float q[4], const float mat[3][3]); void mat4_normalized_to_quat(float q[4], const float mat[4][4]); void mat3_to_quat(float q[4], const float mat[3][3]); void mat4_to_quat(float q[4], const float mat[4][4]); /** * Same as tri_to_quat() but takes pre-computed normal from the triangle * used for ngons when we know their normal. */ void tri_to_quat_ex(float quat[4], const float v1[3], const float v2[3], const float v3[3], const float no_orig[3]); /** * \return the length of the normal, use to test for degenerate triangles. */ float tri_to_quat(float q[4], const float a[3], const float b[3], const float c[3]); void vec_to_quat(float q[4], const float vec[3], short axis, short upflag); /** * Calculate a rotation matrix from 2 normalized vectors. * \note `v1` and `v2` must be normalized. */ void rotation_between_vecs_to_mat3(float m[3][3], const float v1[3], const float v2[3]); /** * \note Expects vectors to be normalized. */ void rotation_between_vecs_to_quat(float q[4], const float v1[3], const float v2[3]); void rotation_between_quats_to_quat(float q[4], const float q1[4], const float q2[4]); /** * Decompose a quaternion into a swing rotation (quaternion with the selected * axis component locked at zero), followed by a twist rotation around the axis. * * \param q: input quaternion. * \param axis: twist axis in [0,1,2] * \param r_swing: if not NULL, receives the swing quaternion. * \param r_twist: if not NULL, receives the twist quaternion. * \returns twist angle. */ float quat_split_swing_and_twist(const float q[4], int axis, float r_swing[4], float r_twist[4]); float angle_normalized_qt(const float q[4]); float angle_normalized_qtqt(const float q1[4], const float q2[4]); float angle_qt(const float q[4]); float angle_qtqt(const float q1[4], const float q2[4]); float angle_signed_normalized_qt(const float q[4]); float angle_signed_normalized_qtqt(const float q1[4], const float q2[4]); float angle_signed_qt(const float q[4]); float angle_signed_qtqt(const float q1[4], const float q2[4]); /** * TODO: don't what this is, but it's not the same as #mat3_to_quat. */ void mat3_to_quat_is_ok(float q[4], const float mat[3][3]); /* Other. */ /** * Utility function that performs `sinf` & `cosf` where the quadrants of the circle * will have exactly matching values when their sign is flipped. * This works as long as the denominator can be divided by 2 or 4, * otherwise `sinf` & `cosf` are used without any additional logic. * * Besides adjustments to precision, this function is the equivalent of: * \code {.c} * float phi = (2 * M_PI) * (float)i / (float)denominator; * *r_sin = sinf(phi); * *r_cos = cosf(phi); * \endcode * * \param numerator: An integer factor in [0..denominator] (inclusive). * \param denominator: The faction denominator (typically the number of segments of the circle). * \param r_sin: The resulting sine. * \param r_cos: The resulting cosine. */ void sin_cos_from_fraction(const int numerator, const int denominator, float *r_sin, float *r_cos); void print_qt(const char *str, const float q[4]); #define print_qt_id(q) print_qt(STRINGIFY(q), q) /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Axis Angle * \{ */ /* Conversion. */ void axis_angle_normalized_to_quat(float r[4], const float axis[3], float angle); void axis_angle_to_quat(float r[4], const float axis[3], float angle); /** * Axis angle to 3x3 matrix - safer version (normalization of axis performed). */ void axis_angle_to_mat3(float R[3][3], const float axis[3], float angle); /** * axis angle to 3x3 matrix * * This takes the angle with sin/cos applied so we can avoid calculating it in some cases. * * \param axis: rotation axis (must be normalized). * \param angle_sin: sin(angle) * \param angle_cos: cos(angle) */ void axis_angle_normalized_to_mat3_ex(float mat[3][3], const float axis[3], float angle_sin, float angle_cos); void axis_angle_normalized_to_mat3(float R[3][3], const float axis[3], float angle); /** * Axis angle to 4x4 matrix - safer version (normalization of axis performed). */ void axis_angle_to_mat4(float R[4][4], const float axis[3], float angle); /** * 3x3 matrix to axis angle. */ void mat3_normalized_to_axis_angle(float axis[3], float *angle, const float M[3][3]); /** * 4x4 matrix to axis angle. */ void mat4_normalized_to_axis_angle(float axis[3], float *angle, const float M[4][4]); void mat3_to_axis_angle(float axis[3], float *angle, const float M[3][3]); /** * 4x4 matrix to axis angle. */ void mat4_to_axis_angle(float axis[3], float *angle, const float M[4][4]); /** * Quaternions to Axis Angle. */ void quat_to_axis_angle(float axis[3], float *angle, const float q[4]); void angle_to_mat2(float R[2][2], float angle); /** * Create a 3x3 rotation matrix from a single axis. */ void axis_angle_to_mat3_single(float R[3][3], char axis, float angle); /** * Create a 4x4 rotation matrix from a single axis. */ void axis_angle_to_mat4_single(float R[4][4], char axis, float angle); void axis_angle_to_quat_single(float q[4], char axis, float angle); /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Exponential Map * \{ */ void quat_to_expmap(float expmap[3], const float q[4]); void quat_normalized_to_expmap(float expmap[3], const float q[4]); void expmap_to_quat(float r[4], const float expmap[3]); /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name XYZ Eulers * \{ */ void eul_to_quat(float quat[4], const float eul[3]); void eul_to_mat3(float mat[3][3], const float eul[3]); void eul_to_mat4(float mat[4][4], const float eul[3]); void mat3_normalized_to_eul(float eul[3], const float mat[3][3]); void mat4_normalized_to_eul(float eul[3], const float mat[4][4]); void mat3_to_eul(float eul[3], const float mat[3][3]); void mat4_to_eul(float eul[3], const float mat[4][4]); void quat_to_eul(float eul[3], const float quat[4]); void mat3_normalized_to_compatible_eul(float eul[3], const float old[3], float mat[3][3]); void mat3_to_compatible_eul(float eul[3], const float old[3], float mat[3][3]); void quat_to_compatible_eul(float eul[3], const float oldrot[3], const float quat[4]); void rotate_eul(float eul[3], char axis, float angle); /* Order independent. */ void compatible_eul(float eul[3], const float old[3]); void add_eul_euleul(float r_eul[3], float a[3], float b[3], short order); void sub_eul_euleul(float r_eul[3], float a[3], float b[3], short order); /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Arbitrary Order Eulers * \{ */ /* WARNING: must match the #eRotationModes in `DNA_action_types.h` * order matters - types are saved to file. */ typedef enum eEulerRotationOrders { EULER_ORDER_DEFAULT = 1, /* blender classic = XYZ */ EULER_ORDER_XYZ = 1, EULER_ORDER_XZY, EULER_ORDER_YXZ, EULER_ORDER_YZX, EULER_ORDER_ZXY, EULER_ORDER_ZYX, /* There are 6 more entries with duplicate entries included. */ } eEulerRotationOrders; /** * Construct quaternion from Euler angles (in radians). */ void eulO_to_quat(float quat[4], const float eul[3], short order); /** * Construct 3x3 matrix from Euler angles (in radians). */ void eulO_to_mat3(float mat[3][3], const float eul[3], short order); /** * Construct 4x4 matrix from Euler angles (in radians). */ void eulO_to_mat4(float mat[4][4], const float eul[3], short order); /** * Euler Rotation to Axis Angle. */ void eulO_to_axis_angle(float axis[3], float *angle, const float eul[3], short order); /** * The matrix is written to as 3 axis vectors. */ void eulO_to_gimbal_axis(float gmat[3][3], const float eul[3], short order); /** * Convert 3x3 matrix to Euler angles (in radians). */ void mat3_normalized_to_eulO(float eul[3], short order, const float mat[3][3]); /** * Convert 4x4 matrix to Euler angles (in radians). */ void mat4_normalized_to_eulO(float eul[3], short order, const float mat[4][4]); void mat3_to_eulO(float eul[3], short order, const float mat[3][3]); void mat4_to_eulO(float eul[3], short order, const float mat[4][4]); /** * Convert quaternion to Euler angles (in radians). */ void quat_to_eulO(float eul[3], short order, const float quat[4]); /** * Axis Angle to Euler Rotation. */ void axis_angle_to_eulO(float eul[3], short order, const float axis[3], float angle); /* Uses 2 methods to retrieve eulers, and picks the closest. */ void mat3_normalized_to_compatible_eulO(float eul[3], const float old[3], short order, const float mat[3][3]); void mat4_normalized_to_compatible_eulO(float eul[3], const float old[3], short order, const float mat[4][4]); void mat3_to_compatible_eulO(float eul[3], const float old[3], short order, const float mat[3][3]); void mat4_to_compatible_eulO(float eul[3], const float old[3], short order, const float mat[4][4]); void quat_to_compatible_eulO(float eul[3], const float old[3], short order, const float quat[4]); void rotate_eulO(float eul[3], short order, char axis, float angle); /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Dual Quaternions * \{ */ void copy_dq_dq(DualQuat *r, const DualQuat *dq); void normalize_dq(DualQuat *dq, float totw); void add_weighted_dq_dq(DualQuat *dq_sum, const DualQuat *dq, float weight); void mul_v3m3_dq(float r[3], float R[3][3], DualQuat *dq); void mat4_to_dquat(DualQuat *dq, const float basemat[4][4], const float mat[4][4]); void dquat_to_mat4(float R[4][4], const DualQuat *dq); /** * Axis matches #eTrackToAxis_Modes. */ void quat_apply_track(float quat[4], short axis, short upflag); void vec_apply_track(float vec[3], short axis); /** * Lens/angle conversion (radians). */ float focallength_to_fov(float focal_length, float sensor); float fov_to_focallength(float fov, float sensor); float angle_wrap_rad(float angle); float angle_wrap_deg(float angle); /** * Returns an angle compatible with angle_compat. */ float angle_compat_rad(float angle, float angle_compat); /** * Each argument us an axis in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', '-X', '-Y', '-Z'] * where the first 2 are a source and the second 2 are the target. */ bool mat3_from_axis_conversion( int src_forward, int src_up, int dst_forward, int dst_up, float r_mat[3][3]); /** * Use when the second axis can be guessed. */ bool mat3_from_axis_conversion_single(int src_axis, int dst_axis, float r_mat[3][3]); /** \} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif