/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /** \file * \ingroup bli * * A min-heap / priority queue ADT. */ #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_heap.h" #include "BLI_strict_flags.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" /***/ struct HeapNode { float value; uint index; void *ptr; }; struct HeapNode_Chunk { struct HeapNode_Chunk *prev; uint size; uint bufsize; struct HeapNode buf[0]; }; /** * Number of nodes to include per #HeapNode_Chunk when no reserved size is passed, * or we allocate past the reserved number. * * \note Optimize number for 64kb allocs. * \note keep type in sync with tot_nodes in heap_node_alloc_chunk. */ #define HEAP_CHUNK_DEFAULT_NUM \ ((uint)((MEM_SIZE_OPTIMAL((1 << 16) - sizeof(struct HeapNode_Chunk))) / sizeof(HeapNode))) struct Heap { uint size; uint bufsize; HeapNode **tree; struct { /* Always keep at least one chunk (never NULL) */ struct HeapNode_Chunk *chunk; /* when NULL, allocate a new chunk */ HeapNode *free; } nodes; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Internal Functions * \{ */ #define HEAP_PARENT(i) (((i)-1) >> 1) #define HEAP_LEFT(i) (((i) << 1) + 1) #define HEAP_RIGHT(i) (((i) << 1) + 2) #define HEAP_COMPARE(a, b) ((a)->value < (b)->value) #if 0 /* UNUSED */ # define HEAP_EQUALS(a, b) ((a)->value == (b)->value) #endif BLI_INLINE void heap_swap(Heap *heap, const uint i, const uint j) { #if 1 HeapNode **tree = heap->tree; HeapNode *pi = tree[i], *pj = tree[j]; pi->index = j; tree[j] = pi; pj->index = i; tree[i] = pj; #elif 0 SWAP(uint, heap->tree[i]->index, heap->tree[j]->index); SWAP(HeapNode *, heap->tree[i], heap->tree[j]); #else HeapNode **tree = heap->tree; union { uint index; HeapNode *node; } tmp; SWAP_TVAL(tmp.index, tree[i]->index, tree[j]->index); SWAP_TVAL(tmp.node, tree[i], tree[j]); #endif } static void heap_down(Heap *heap, uint i) { /* size won't change in the loop */ HeapNode **const tree = heap->tree; const uint size = heap->size; while (1) { const uint l = HEAP_LEFT(i); const uint r = HEAP_RIGHT(i); uint smallest = i; if (LIKELY(l < size) && HEAP_COMPARE(tree[l], tree[smallest])) { smallest = l; } if (LIKELY(r < size) && HEAP_COMPARE(tree[r], tree[smallest])) { smallest = r; } if (UNLIKELY(smallest == i)) { break; } heap_swap(heap, i, smallest); i = smallest; } } static void heap_up(Heap *heap, uint i) { HeapNode **const tree = heap->tree; while (LIKELY(i > 0)) { const uint p = HEAP_PARENT(i); if (HEAP_COMPARE(tree[p], tree[i])) { break; } heap_swap(heap, p, i); i = p; } } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Internal Memory Management * \{ */ static struct HeapNode_Chunk *heap_node_alloc_chunk(uint tot_nodes, struct HeapNode_Chunk *chunk_prev) { struct HeapNode_Chunk *chunk = MEM_mallocN( sizeof(struct HeapNode_Chunk) + (sizeof(HeapNode) * tot_nodes), __func__); chunk->prev = chunk_prev; chunk->bufsize = tot_nodes; chunk->size = 0; return chunk; } static struct HeapNode *heap_node_alloc(Heap *heap) { HeapNode *node; if (heap->nodes.free) { node = heap->nodes.free; heap->nodes.free = heap->nodes.free->ptr; } else { struct HeapNode_Chunk *chunk = heap->nodes.chunk; if (UNLIKELY(chunk->size == chunk->bufsize)) { chunk = heap->nodes.chunk = heap_node_alloc_chunk(HEAP_CHUNK_DEFAULT_NUM, chunk); } node = &chunk->buf[chunk->size++]; } return node; } static void heap_node_free(Heap *heap, HeapNode *node) { node->ptr = heap->nodes.free; heap->nodes.free = node; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Public Heap API * \{ */ Heap *BLI_heap_new_ex(uint tot_reserve) { Heap *heap = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(Heap), __func__); /* ensure we have at least one so we can keep doubling it */ heap->size = 0; heap->bufsize = MAX2(1u, tot_reserve); heap->tree = MEM_mallocN(heap->bufsize * sizeof(HeapNode *), "BLIHeapTree"); heap->nodes.chunk = heap_node_alloc_chunk( (tot_reserve > 1) ? tot_reserve : HEAP_CHUNK_DEFAULT_NUM, NULL); heap->nodes.free = NULL; return heap; } Heap *BLI_heap_new(void) { return BLI_heap_new_ex(1); } void BLI_heap_free(Heap *heap, HeapFreeFP ptrfreefp) { if (ptrfreefp) { uint i; for (i = 0; i < heap->size; i++) { ptrfreefp(heap->tree[i]->ptr); } } struct HeapNode_Chunk *chunk = heap->nodes.chunk; do { struct HeapNode_Chunk *chunk_prev; chunk_prev = chunk->prev; MEM_freeN(chunk); chunk = chunk_prev; } while (chunk); MEM_freeN(heap->tree); MEM_freeN(heap); } void BLI_heap_clear(Heap *heap, HeapFreeFP ptrfreefp) { if (ptrfreefp) { uint i; for (i = 0; i < heap->size; i++) { ptrfreefp(heap->tree[i]->ptr); } } heap->size = 0; /* Remove all except the last chunk */ while (heap->nodes.chunk->prev) { struct HeapNode_Chunk *chunk_prev = heap->nodes.chunk->prev; MEM_freeN(heap->nodes.chunk); heap->nodes.chunk = chunk_prev; } heap->nodes.chunk->size = 0; heap->nodes.free = NULL; } HeapNode *BLI_heap_insert(Heap *heap, float value, void *ptr) { HeapNode *node; if (UNLIKELY(heap->size >= heap->bufsize)) { heap->bufsize *= 2; heap->tree = MEM_reallocN(heap->tree, heap->bufsize * sizeof(*heap->tree)); } node = heap_node_alloc(heap); node->ptr = ptr; node->value = value; node->index = heap->size; heap->tree[node->index] = node; heap->size++; heap_up(heap, node->index); return node; } void BLI_heap_insert_or_update(Heap *heap, HeapNode **node_p, float value, void *ptr) { if (*node_p == NULL) { *node_p = BLI_heap_insert(heap, value, ptr); } else { BLI_heap_node_value_update_ptr(heap, *node_p, value, ptr); } } bool BLI_heap_is_empty(const Heap *heap) { return (heap->size == 0); } uint BLI_heap_len(const Heap *heap) { return heap->size; } HeapNode *BLI_heap_top(const Heap *heap) { return heap->tree[0]; } float BLI_heap_top_value(const Heap *heap) { BLI_assert(heap->size != 0); return heap->tree[0]->value; } void *BLI_heap_pop_min(Heap *heap) { BLI_assert(heap->size != 0); void *ptr = heap->tree[0]->ptr; heap_node_free(heap, heap->tree[0]); if (--heap->size) { heap_swap(heap, 0, heap->size); heap_down(heap, 0); } return ptr; } void BLI_heap_remove(Heap *heap, HeapNode *node) { BLI_assert(heap->size != 0); uint i = node->index; while (i > 0) { uint p = HEAP_PARENT(i); heap_swap(heap, p, i); i = p; } BLI_heap_pop_min(heap); } void BLI_heap_node_value_update(Heap *heap, HeapNode *node, float value) { if (value < node->value) { node->value = value; heap_up(heap, node->index); } else if (value > node->value) { node->value = value; heap_down(heap, node->index); } } void BLI_heap_node_value_update_ptr(Heap *heap, HeapNode *node, float value, void *ptr) { node->ptr = ptr; /* only difference */ if (value < node->value) { node->value = value; heap_up(heap, node->index); } else if (value > node->value) { node->value = value; heap_down(heap, node->index); } } float BLI_heap_node_value(const HeapNode *heap) { return heap->value; } void *BLI_heap_node_ptr(const HeapNode *heap) { return heap->ptr; } static bool heap_is_minheap(const Heap *heap, uint root) { if (root < heap->size) { if (heap->tree[root]->index != root) { return false; } const uint l = HEAP_LEFT(root); if (l < heap->size) { if (HEAP_COMPARE(heap->tree[l], heap->tree[root]) || !heap_is_minheap(heap, l)) { return false; } } const uint r = HEAP_RIGHT(root); if (r < heap->size) { if (HEAP_COMPARE(heap->tree[r], heap->tree[root]) || !heap_is_minheap(heap, r)) { return false; } } } return true; } bool BLI_heap_is_valid(const Heap *heap) { return heap_is_minheap(heap, 0); } /** \} */