/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Contributor(s): Janne Karhu * Brecht Van Lommel * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/blenlib/intern/BLI_kdtree.c * \ingroup bli */ #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_kdtree.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_strict_flags.h" typedef struct KDTreeNode { struct KDTreeNode *left, *right; float co[3]; int index; unsigned int d; /* range is only (0-2) */ } KDTreeNode; struct KDTree { KDTreeNode *nodes; unsigned int totnode; KDTreeNode *root; #ifdef DEBUG bool is_balanced; /* ensure we call balance first */ unsigned int maxsize; /* max size of the tree */ #endif }; #define KD_STACK_INIT 100 /* initial size for array (on the stack) */ #define KD_NEAR_ALLOC_INC 100 /* alloc increment for collecting nearest */ #define KD_FOUND_ALLOC_INC 50 /* alloc increment for collecting nearest */ /** * Creates or free a kdtree */ KDTree *BLI_kdtree_new(unsigned int maxsize) { KDTree *tree; tree = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(KDTree), "KDTree"); tree->nodes = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(KDTreeNode) * maxsize, "KDTreeNode"); tree->totnode = 0; tree->root = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG tree->is_balanced = false; tree->maxsize = maxsize; #endif return tree; } void BLI_kdtree_free(KDTree *tree) { if (tree) { MEM_freeN(tree->nodes); MEM_freeN(tree); } } /** * Construction: first insert points, then call balance. Normal is optional. */ void BLI_kdtree_insert(KDTree *tree, int index, const float co[3]) { KDTreeNode *node = &tree->nodes[tree->totnode++]; #ifdef DEBUG BLI_assert(tree->totnode <= tree->maxsize); #endif /* note, array isn't calloc'd, * need to initialize all struct members */ node->left = node->right = NULL; copy_v3_v3(node->co, co); node->index = index; node->d = 0; #ifdef DEBUG tree->is_balanced = false; #endif } static KDTreeNode *kdtree_balance(KDTreeNode *nodes, unsigned int totnode, unsigned int axis) { KDTreeNode *node; float co; unsigned int left, right, median, i, j; if (totnode <= 0) return NULL; else if (totnode == 1) return nodes; /* quicksort style sorting around median */ left = 0; right = totnode - 1; median = totnode / 2; while (right > left) { co = nodes[right].co[axis]; i = left - 1; j = right; while (1) { while (nodes[++i].co[axis] < co) ; while (nodes[--j].co[axis] > co && j > left) ; if (i >= j) break; SWAP(KDTreeNode, nodes[i], nodes[j]); } SWAP(KDTreeNode, nodes[i], nodes[right]); if (i >= median) right = i - 1; if (i <= median) left = i + 1; } /* set node and sort subnodes */ node = &nodes[median]; node->d = axis; node->left = kdtree_balance(nodes, median, (axis + 1) % 3); node->right = kdtree_balance(nodes + median + 1, (totnode - (median + 1)), (axis + 1) % 3); return node; } void BLI_kdtree_balance(KDTree *tree) { tree->root = kdtree_balance(tree->nodes, tree->totnode, 0); #ifdef DEBUG tree->is_balanced = true; #endif } static float squared_distance(const float v2[3], const float v1[3], const float n2[3]) { float d[3], dist; d[0] = v2[0] - v1[0]; d[1] = v2[1] - v1[1]; d[2] = v2[2] - v1[2]; dist = len_squared_v3(d); /* can someone explain why this is done?*/ if (n2 && (dot_v3v3(d, n2) < 0.0f)) { dist *= 10.0f; } return dist; } static KDTreeNode **realloc_nodes(KDTreeNode **stack, unsigned int *totstack, const bool is_alloc) { KDTreeNode **stack_new = MEM_mallocN((*totstack + KD_NEAR_ALLOC_INC) * sizeof(KDTreeNode *), "KDTree.treestack"); memcpy(stack_new, stack, *totstack * sizeof(KDTreeNode *)); // memset(stack_new + *totstack, 0, sizeof(KDTreeNode *) * KD_NEAR_ALLOC_INC); if (is_alloc) MEM_freeN(stack); *totstack += KD_NEAR_ALLOC_INC; return stack_new; } /** * Find nearest returns index, and -1 if no node is found. */ int BLI_kdtree_find_nearest( KDTree *tree, const float co[3], KDTreeNearest *r_nearest) { KDTreeNode *root, *node, *min_node; KDTreeNode **stack, *defaultstack[KD_STACK_INIT]; float min_dist, cur_dist; unsigned int totstack, cur = 0; #ifdef DEBUG BLI_assert(tree->is_balanced == true); #endif if (!tree->root) return -1; stack = defaultstack; totstack = KD_STACK_INIT; root = tree->root; min_node = root; min_dist = len_squared_v3v3(root->co, co); if (co[root->d] < root->co[root->d]) { if (root->right) stack[cur++] = root->right; if (root->left) stack[cur++] = root->left; } else { if (root->left) stack[cur++] = root->left; if (root->right) stack[cur++] = root->right; } while (cur--) { node = stack[cur]; cur_dist = node->co[node->d] - co[node->d]; if (cur_dist < 0.0f) { cur_dist = -cur_dist * cur_dist; if (-cur_dist < min_dist) { cur_dist = len_squared_v3v3(node->co, co); if (cur_dist < min_dist) { min_dist = cur_dist; min_node = node; } if (node->left) stack[cur++] = node->left; } if (node->right) stack[cur++] = node->right; } else { cur_dist = cur_dist * cur_dist; if (cur_dist < min_dist) { cur_dist = len_squared_v3v3(node->co, co); if (cur_dist < min_dist) { min_dist = cur_dist; min_node = node; } if (node->right) stack[cur++] = node->right; } if (node->left) stack[cur++] = node->left; } if (UNLIKELY(cur + 3 > totstack)) { stack = realloc_nodes(stack, &totstack, defaultstack != stack); } } if (r_nearest) { r_nearest->index = min_node->index; r_nearest->dist = sqrtf(min_dist); copy_v3_v3(r_nearest->co, min_node->co); } if (stack != defaultstack) MEM_freeN(stack); return min_node->index; } static void add_nearest(KDTreeNearest *ptn, unsigned int *found, unsigned int n, int index, float dist, const float *co) { unsigned int i; if (*found < n) (*found)++; for (i = *found - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (dist >= ptn[i - 1].dist) break; else ptn[i] = ptn[i - 1]; } ptn[i].index = index; ptn[i].dist = dist; copy_v3_v3(ptn[i].co, co); } /** * Find n nearest returns number of points found, with results in nearest. * Normal is optional, but if given will limit results to points in normal direction from co. * * \param r_nearest An array of nearest, sized at least \a n. */ int BLI_kdtree_find_nearest_n__normal( KDTree *tree, const float co[3], const float nor[3], KDTreeNearest r_nearest[], unsigned int n) { KDTreeNode *root, *node = NULL; KDTreeNode **stack, *defaultstack[KD_STACK_INIT]; float cur_dist; unsigned int totstack, cur = 0; unsigned int i, found = 0; #ifdef DEBUG BLI_assert(tree->is_balanced == true); #endif if (!tree->root || n == 0) return 0; stack = defaultstack; totstack = KD_STACK_INIT; root = tree->root; cur_dist = squared_distance(root->co, co, nor); add_nearest(r_nearest, &found, n, root->index, cur_dist, root->co); if (co[root->d] < root->co[root->d]) { if (root->right) stack[cur++] = root->right; if (root->left) stack[cur++] = root->left; } else { if (root->left) stack[cur++] = root->left; if (root->right) stack[cur++] = root->right; } while (cur--) { node = stack[cur]; cur_dist = node->co[node->d] - co[node->d]; if (cur_dist < 0.0f) { cur_dist = -cur_dist * cur_dist; if (found < n || -cur_dist < r_nearest[found - 1].dist) { cur_dist = squared_distance(node->co, co, nor); if (found < n || cur_dist < r_nearest[found - 1].dist) add_nearest(r_nearest, &found, n, node->index, cur_dist, node->co); if (node->left) stack[cur++] = node->left; } if (node->right) stack[cur++] = node->right; } else { cur_dist = cur_dist * cur_dist; if (found < n || cur_dist < r_nearest[found - 1].dist) { cur_dist = squared_distance(node->co, co, nor); if (found < n || cur_dist < r_nearest[found - 1].dist) add_nearest(r_nearest, &found, n, node->index, cur_dist, node->co); if (node->right) stack[cur++] = node->right; } if (node->left) stack[cur++] = node->left; } if (UNLIKELY(cur + 3 > totstack)) { stack = realloc_nodes(stack, &totstack, defaultstack != stack); } } for (i = 0; i < found; i++) r_nearest[i].dist = sqrtf(r_nearest[i].dist); if (stack != defaultstack) MEM_freeN(stack); return (int)found; } static int range_compare(const void *a, const void *b) { const KDTreeNearest *kda = a; const KDTreeNearest *kdb = b; if (kda->dist < kdb->dist) return -1; else if (kda->dist > kdb->dist) return 1; else return 0; } static void add_in_range(KDTreeNearest **ptn, unsigned int found, unsigned int *totfoundstack, int index, float dist, float *co) { KDTreeNearest *to; if (found >= *totfoundstack) { KDTreeNearest *temp = MEM_mallocN((*totfoundstack + KD_FOUND_ALLOC_INC) * sizeof(KDTreeNode), "KDTree.treefoundstack"); memcpy(temp, *ptn, *totfoundstack * sizeof(KDTreeNearest)); if (*ptn) MEM_freeN(*ptn); *ptn = temp; *totfoundstack += KD_FOUND_ALLOC_INC; } to = (*ptn) + found; to->index = index; to->dist = sqrtf(dist); copy_v3_v3(to->co, co); } /** * Range search returns number of points found, with results in nearest * Normal is optional, but if given will limit results to points in normal direction from co. * Remember to free nearest after use! */ int BLI_kdtree_range_search__normal( KDTree *tree, const float co[3], const float nor[3], KDTreeNearest **r_nearest, float range) { KDTreeNode *root, *node = NULL; KDTreeNode **stack, *defaultstack[KD_STACK_INIT]; KDTreeNearest *foundstack = NULL; float range2 = range * range, dist2; unsigned int totstack, cur = 0, found = 0, totfoundstack = 0; #ifdef DEBUG BLI_assert(tree->is_balanced == true); #endif if (!tree->root) return 0; stack = defaultstack; totstack = KD_STACK_INIT; root = tree->root; if (co[root->d] + range < root->co[root->d]) { if (root->left) stack[cur++] = root->left; } else if (co[root->d] - range > root->co[root->d]) { if (root->right) stack[cur++] = root->right; } else { dist2 = squared_distance(root->co, co, nor); if (dist2 <= range2) add_in_range(&foundstack, found++, &totfoundstack, root->index, dist2, root->co); if (root->left) stack[cur++] = root->left; if (root->right) stack[cur++] = root->right; } while (cur--) { node = stack[cur]; if (co[node->d] + range < node->co[node->d]) { if (node->left) stack[cur++] = node->left; } else if (co[node->d] - range > node->co[node->d]) { if (node->right) stack[cur++] = node->right; } else { dist2 = squared_distance(node->co, co, nor); if (dist2 <= range2) add_in_range(&foundstack, found++, &totfoundstack, node->index, dist2, node->co); if (node->left) stack[cur++] = node->left; if (node->right) stack[cur++] = node->right; } if (UNLIKELY(cur + 3 > totstack)) { stack = realloc_nodes(stack, &totstack, defaultstack != stack); } } if (stack != defaultstack) MEM_freeN(stack); if (found) qsort(foundstack, found, sizeof(KDTreeNearest), range_compare); *r_nearest = foundstack; return (int)found; }