/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "BLI_dot_export.hh" namespace blender { namespace DotExport { /* Graph Building ************************************************/ Node &Graph::new_node(StringRef label) { Node *node = new Node(*this); m_nodes.append(std::unique_ptr(node)); m_top_level_nodes.add_new(node); node->set_attribute("label", label); return *node; } Cluster &Graph::new_cluster(StringRef label) { Cluster *cluster = new Cluster(*this); m_clusters.append(std::unique_ptr(cluster)); m_top_level_clusters.add_new(cluster); cluster->set_attribute("label", label); return *cluster; } UndirectedEdge &UndirectedGraph::new_edge(NodePort a, NodePort b) { UndirectedEdge *edge = new UndirectedEdge(a, b); m_edges.append(std::unique_ptr(edge)); return *edge; } DirectedEdge &DirectedGraph::new_edge(NodePort from, NodePort to) { DirectedEdge *edge = new DirectedEdge(from, to); m_edges.append(std::unique_ptr(edge)); return *edge; } void Cluster::set_parent_cluster(Cluster *new_parent) { if (m_parent == new_parent) { return; } else if (m_parent == nullptr) { m_graph.m_top_level_clusters.remove(this); new_parent->m_children.add_new(this); } else if (new_parent == nullptr) { m_parent->m_children.remove(this); m_graph.m_top_level_clusters.add_new(this); } else { m_parent->m_children.remove(this); new_parent->m_children.add_new(this); } m_parent = new_parent; } void Node::set_parent_cluster(Cluster *cluster) { if (m_cluster == cluster) { return; } else if (m_cluster == nullptr) { m_graph.m_top_level_nodes.remove(this); cluster->m_nodes.add_new(this); } else if (cluster == nullptr) { m_cluster->m_nodes.remove(this); m_graph.m_top_level_nodes.add_new(this); } else { m_cluster->m_nodes.remove(this); cluster->m_nodes.add_new(this); } m_cluster = cluster; } /* Utility methods **********************************************/ void Graph::set_random_cluster_bgcolors() { for (Cluster *cluster : m_top_level_clusters) { cluster->set_random_cluster_bgcolors(); } } void Cluster::set_random_cluster_bgcolors() { float hue = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX; float staturation = 0.3f; float value = 0.8f; this->set_attribute("bgcolor", color_attr_from_hsv(hue, staturation, value)); for (Cluster *cluster : m_children) { cluster->set_random_cluster_bgcolors(); } } /* Dot Generation **********************************************/ std::string DirectedGraph::to_dot_string() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "digraph {\n"; this->export__declare_nodes_and_clusters(ss); ss << "\n"; for (const std::unique_ptr &edge : m_edges) { edge->export__as_edge_statement(ss); ss << "\n"; } ss << "}\n"; return ss.str(); } std::string UndirectedGraph::to_dot_string() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "graph {\n"; this->export__declare_nodes_and_clusters(ss); ss << "\n"; for (const std::unique_ptr &edge : m_edges) { edge->export__as_edge_statement(ss); ss << "\n"; } ss << "}\n"; return ss.str(); } void Graph::export__declare_nodes_and_clusters(std::stringstream &ss) const { ss << "graph "; m_attributes.export__as_bracket_list(ss); ss << "\n\n"; for (Node *node : m_top_level_nodes) { node->export__as_declaration(ss); } for (Cluster *cluster : m_top_level_clusters) { cluster->export__declare_nodes_and_clusters(ss); } } void Cluster::export__declare_nodes_and_clusters(std::stringstream &ss) const { ss << "subgraph cluster_" << (uintptr_t)this << " {\n"; ss << "graph "; m_attributes.export__as_bracket_list(ss); ss << "\n\n"; for (Node *node : m_nodes) { node->export__as_declaration(ss); } for (Cluster *cluster : m_children) { cluster->export__declare_nodes_and_clusters(ss); } ss << "}\n"; } void DirectedEdge::export__as_edge_statement(std::stringstream &ss) const { m_a.to_dot_string(ss); ss << " -> "; m_b.to_dot_string(ss); ss << " "; m_attributes.export__as_bracket_list(ss); } void UndirectedEdge::export__as_edge_statement(std::stringstream &ss) const { m_a.to_dot_string(ss); ss << " -- "; m_b.to_dot_string(ss); ss << " "; m_attributes.export__as_bracket_list(ss); } void AttributeList::export__as_bracket_list(std::stringstream &ss) const { ss << "["; m_attributes.foreach_item([&](StringRef key, StringRef value) { if (StringRef(value).startswith("<")) { /* Don't draw the quotes, this is an html-like value. */ ss << key << "=" << value << ", "; } else { ss << key << "=\"" << value << "\", "; } }); ss << "]"; } void Node::export__as_id(std::stringstream &ss) const { ss << '"' << (uintptr_t)this << '"'; } void Node::export__as_declaration(std::stringstream &ss) const { this->export__as_id(ss); ss << " "; m_attributes.export__as_bracket_list(ss); ss << "\n"; } void NodePort::to_dot_string(std::stringstream &ss) const { m_node->export__as_id(ss); if (m_port_name.has_value()) { ss << ":" << m_port_name.value(); } } std::string color_attr_from_hsv(float h, float s, float v) { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::setprecision(4) << h << ' ' << s << ' ' << v; return ss.str(); } NodeWithSocketsRef::NodeWithSocketsRef(Node &node, StringRef name, ArrayRef input_names, ArrayRef output_names) : m_node(&node) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "<"; /* Header */ ss << ""; /* Sockets */ uint socket_max_amount = std::max(input_names.size(), output_names.size()); for (uint i = 0; i < socket_max_amount; i++) { ss << ""; if (i < input_names.size()) { StringRef name = input_names[i]; if (name.size() == 0) { name = "No Name"; } ss << ""; } else { ss << ""; } ss << ""; if (i < output_names.size()) { StringRef name = output_names[i]; if (name.size() == 0) { name = "No Name"; } ss << ""; } else { ss << ""; } ss << ""; } ss << "
"; ss << ((name.size() == 0) ? "No Name" : name); ss << "
"; ss << name; ss << ""; ss << name; ss << "
>"; m_node->set_attribute("label", ss.str()); m_node->set_shape(Attr_shape::Rectangle); } } // namespace DotExport } // namespace blender