/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /** \file * \ingroup bli */ #include #include #include #include #include "BLI_array.hh" #include "BLI_heap.h" #include "BLI_map.hh" #include "BLI_math_vector.h" #include "BLI_math_vector.hh" #include "BLI_memarena.h" #include "BLI_mesh_inset.hh" #include "BLI_polyfill_2d.h" #include "BLI_polyfill_2d_beautify.h" #include "BLI_set.hh" #include "BLI_span.hh" #include "BLI_vector.hh" #include "BLI_mesh_inset.hh" namespace blender::meshinset { class Vert; class Edge; class Triangle; /** The predecessor index to \a i in a triangle. */ static inline int pred_index(const int i) { return (i + 2) % 3; } /** The successor index to \a i in a triangle. */ static inline int succ_index(const int i) { return (i + 1) % 3; } /** The ith edge of triangle tri. Not shared with the adjacent triangle. */ class Edge { /* Assume Triangles are allocated on at least 4 byte boundaries. * Then, use the lower two bits of the pointer as the index (0,1,2) * saying which edge of the triangle we refer to. */ /** A pointer with lower two bits used for index. */ Triangle *tri_and_index_; public: Edge() : tri_and_index_(nullptr) { } Edge(const Triangle *tri, int tri_edge_index) { static_assert(sizeof(Triangle *) % 4 == 0); uintptr_t tri_x = reinterpret_cast(tri); BLI_assert(0 <= tri_edge_index && tri_edge_index < 3); tri_x |= tri_edge_index; tri_and_index_ = reinterpret_cast(tri_x); } /** The triangle containing this edge. */ Triangle *tri() const { uintptr_t tri_x = reinterpret_cast(tri_and_index_); tri_x &= ~3; return reinterpret_cast(tri_x); } /** Which edge of the triangle is it? 0, 1, or 2? */ int tri_edge_index() const { uintptr_t tri_x = reinterpret_cast(tri_and_index_); return tri_x & 3; } bool is_null() const { return tri_and_index_ == nullptr; } /** Return the edge next around this one's triangle. */ Edge triangle_succ() const { return Edge(this->tri(), succ_index(this->tri_edge_index())); } /** Return the edge before this in this one's triangle. */ Edge triangle_pred() const { return Edge(this->tri(), pred_index(this->tri_edge_index())); } uint64_t hash() const { /* Like the default hash for pointers but without the right-shift of 4 bits. */ uintptr_t ptr = reinterpret_cast(this->tri_and_index_); uint64_t hash = static_cast(ptr); return hash; } friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Edge e); protected: friend bool operator==(const Edge &a, const Edge &b) { return a.tri_and_index_ == b.tri_and_index_; } friend bool operator!=(const Edge &a, const Edge &b) { return a.tri_and_index_ != b.tri_and_index_; } }; static Edge null_edge = Edge(); enum VertFlags { VDELETED = 1 }; class Vert { public: float3 co; /** Any Edge leaving this vertesx. */ Edge e; int id{0}; uint8_t flags{0}; Vert(const float3 co, const Edge e) : co(co), e(e) { } Vert(const float3 co) : co(co), e(Edge(nullptr, 0)) { } void mark_deleted() { this->flags |= VDELETED; } bool is_deleted() const { return (this->flags & VDELETED) != 0; } friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Vert &v); friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Vert *v); }; class Triangle { enum TriangleFlags { /* TDELETED means the triangle is no longer part of its TriangleMesh. */ TDELETED = 1, /* TNORMAL_VALID means the normal_ member is the normal using current coordinates. */ TNORMAL_VALID = 1 << 1, /* TREGION means the triangle is part of the region still being inset. */ TREGION = 1 << 2, /* TSPOKEi means the ith edge is a spoke in the Straight Skeleton construction. */ TSPOKE0 = 1 << 3, TSPOKE1 = 1 << 4, TSPOKE2 = 1 << 5, /* TORIGi means the ith edge is an edge that was in the incoming mesh (before triangulation). */ TORIG0 = 1 << 6, TORIG1 = 1 << 7, TORIG2 = 1 << 8, }; Edge neighbor_[3]; Vert *vert_[3]; float3 normal_; int id_{0}; uint16_t flags_{0}; public: Triangle(Vert *v0, Vert *v1, Vert *v2) { neighbor_[0] = Edge(); neighbor_[1] = Edge(); neighbor_[2] = Edge(); vert_[0] = v0; vert_[1] = v1; vert_[2] = v2; if (v0 != nullptr && v0->e.is_null()) { v0->e = Edge(this, 0); } if (v1 != nullptr && v1->e.is_null()) { v1->e = Edge(this, 1); } if (v2 != nullptr && v2->e.is_null()) { v2->e = Edge(this, 2); } }; /** This triangle's ith vertex. */ Vert *vert(int i) const { return vert_[i]; } /** The neighbor edge corresponding to this triangle's ith edge. */ Edge neighbor(int i) const { return neighbor_[i]; } /** This Triangle's ith edge. */ Edge edge(int i) const { return Edge(this, i); } /** An id for this triangle. Should have been set using set_id(). */ int id() const { return id_; } /** Set the id of this triangle (should be done just once). */ void set_id(int id) { id_ = id; } /** Set the ith vertex of this triangle to \a v .*/ void set_vert(int i, Vert *v) { vert_[i] = v; flags_ &= ~TNORMAL_VALID; } /** A "ghost" triangle has a nullptr for vert[1]. */ bool is_ghost() const { return vert_[1] == nullptr; } /** Return the triangle normal. Assumes calculate_normal() has been called. */ float3 normal() const { BLI_assert(flags_ & TNORMAL_VALID); return normal_; } void calculate_normal(); void mark_deleted() { flags_ |= TDELETED; } bool is_deleted() const { return (flags_ & TDELETED) != 0; } /* Our algorithm cares which triangles are "in the region" or not. */ void mark_in_region() { flags_ |= TREGION; } void clear_in_region() { flags_ &= ~TREGION; } bool in_region() const { return (flags_ & TREGION) != 0; } /* Our algorithm cares which edges are "spokes". * As a convenience, always mark the spoke of the neibhgor edge too. */ void mark_spoke(int pos) { flags_ |= (TSPOKE0 << pos); Edge en = neighbor_[pos]; Triangle *tn = en.tri(); tn->flags_ |= (TSPOKE0 << en.tri_edge_index()); } void clear_spoke(int pos) { flags_ &= ~(TSPOKE0 << pos); Edge en = neighbor_[pos]; Triangle *tn = en.tri(); tn->flags_ &= ~(TSPOKE0 << en.tri_edge_index()); } bool is_spoke(int pos) const { return (flags_ & (TSPOKE0 << pos)) != 0; } /* Our algorithm cares about which edges are original edges * (i.e., not triangulation edges). */ void mark_orig(int pos) { flags_ |= (TORIG0 << pos); Edge en = neighbor_[pos]; if (!en.is_null()) { Triangle *tn = en.tri(); tn->flags_ |= (TORIG0 << en.tri_edge_index()); } } bool is_orig(int pos) const { return (flags_ & (TORIG0 << pos)) != 0; } friend void set_mutual_neighbors(Triangle *t1, int pos1, Triangle *t2, int pos2); friend void set_mutual_neighbors(Triangle *t1, int pos1, Edge e2); friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Triangle &tri); }; void Triangle::calculate_normal() { BLI_assert(!this->is_ghost()); float3 v0v1 = vert_[1]->co - vert_[0]->co; float3 v0v2 = vert_[2]->co - vert_[0]->co; normal_ = math::normalize(math::cross_high_precision(v0v1, v0v2)); flags_ |= TNORMAL_VALID; } /* For use when we may not have calculated tri->normal_ (mostly for debugging). */ static float3 triangle_normal(const Triangle *tri) { if (tri->is_ghost()) { return float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } BLI_assert(!tri->is_ghost()); float3 v0v1 = tri->vert(1)->co - tri->vert(0)->co; float3 v0v2 = tri->vert(2)->co - tri->vert(0)->co; return math::normalize(math::cross_high_precision(v0v1, v0v2)); } /** Mark triangles \a t1 and \a t2 as neighbors, where \a pos1 and \a pos2 * are the positions in triangles t1 and t2 respectively where the mutual edges occur. */ void set_mutual_neighbors(Triangle *t1, int pos1, Triangle *t2, int pos2) { BLI_assert(t1 != nullptr && t2 != nullptr); t1->neighbor_[pos1] = Edge(t2, pos2); t2->neighbor_[pos2] = Edge(t1, pos1); } /** Like above but with an Edge instead of t2, pos2. */ void set_mutual_neighbors(Triangle *t1, int pos1, Edge e2) { BLI_assert(t1 != nullptr); t1->neighbor_[pos1] = e2; Triangle *t2 = e2.tri(); t2->neighbor_[e2.tri_edge_index()] = Edge(t1, pos1); } /** Return the vertex at the source end of \a e. */ static Vert *v_src(Edge e) { return e.tri()->vert(e.tri_edge_index()); } /** Return the vertex at the destination end of \a e. */ static Vert *v_dst(Edge e) { return e.tri()->vert(succ_index(e.tri_edge_index())); } /** Return the edge paired with \a e in the neighbor triangle. */ static Edge neighbor_edge(Edge e) { const Triangle *t = e.tri(); if (t != nullptr) { return t->neighbor(e.tri_edge_index()); } return null_edge; } /** Return the edge that is the CCW rotation from \a e around its source. * Assume the source is not the "infinite" vertex of a ghost triangle. */ static Edge rot_ccw(Edge e) { BLI_assert(v_src(e) != nullptr); Edge ans = neighbor_edge(e.triangle_pred()); return ans; } /** Return the edge that is the CW rotation from \a e around its source. * Assume the source is not the "infinite" vertex of a ghost triangle. */ static Edge rot_cw(Edge e) { BLI_assert(v_src(e) != nullptr); Edge ans = neighbor_edge(e).triangle_succ(); return ans; } /** Return the edge from \a v1 to \a v2 if it exists, else null_edge */ static Edge edge_between(const Vert *v1, const Vert *v2) { Edge e = v1->e; if (e.is_null()) { return null_edge; } while (v_dst(e) != v2) { e = rot_ccw(e); if (e == v1->e) { return null_edge; } } return e; } /* Don't need this right now, but may want it later. */ #if 0 /** Return a Vector of the triangles with \a v as src. Includes any ghost triangles. */ static Vector triangles_of_vert(const Vert *v) { Vector ans; Edge e = v->e; if (!e.is_null()) { do { Triangle *t = e.tri(); if (t != nullptr) { ans.append(t); } e = rot_ccw(e); } while (e != v->e); } return ans; } #endif /** Calculate the vertex normal, assuming its triangles have had normals calculated. * In Blender, the vertex normal is the angle-weighted combination of the adjacent * face normals. */ static float3 vertex_normal(const Vert *vert) { float3 ans{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; Edge e0 = vert->e; BLI_assert(!e0.is_null()); Edge ecur = e0; do { Triangle *tri = ecur.tri(); if (!tri->is_ghost()) { Edge eprev = ecur.triangle_pred(); float3 din = math::normalize(vert->co - v_src(eprev)->co); float3 dout = math::normalize(v_dst(ecur)->co - vert->co); float fac = saacos(-math::dot(din, dout)); ans = ans + fac * tri->normal(); } ecur = rot_ccw(ecur); } while (ecur != e0); ans = math::normalize(ans); return ans; } /** Analog of BM_vert_calc_shell_factor. */ static float vertex_shell_factor(Vert *vert) { float accum_shell = 0.0f; float accum_angle = 0.0f; Edge e = vert->e; float3 vnorm = vertex_normal(vert); do { if (!e.tri()->is_ghost()) { Edge eprev = e.triangle_pred(); float face_angle = angle_v3v3v3(v_src(eprev)->co, v_src(e)->co, v_dst(e)->co); accum_shell += shell_v3v3_normalized_to_dist(vnorm, e.tri()->normal()) * face_angle; accum_angle += face_angle; } e = rot_ccw(e); } while (e != vert->e); if (accum_angle != 0.0f) { return accum_shell / accum_angle; } return 1.0f; } class TriangleMesh { Vector triangles_; Vector verts_; public: ~TriangleMesh() { for (Triangle *t : triangles_) { delete t; } for (Vert *v : verts_) { delete v; } } Vert *add_vert(const float3 co) { Vert *vert = new Vert(co); int v = int(verts_.append_and_get_index(vert)); vert->id = v; return vert; } Vert *get_vert_by_index(const int index) const { return verts_[index]; } Triangle *add_triangle(Vert *v0, Vert *v1, Vert *v2) { Triangle *tri = new Triangle(v0, v1, v2); int t = int(triangles_.append_and_get_index(tri)); tri->set_id(t); return tri; } /** Add pointer to already allocated Triangle \a tri. Takes ownership of memory.*/ void add_allocated_triangle(Triangle *tri) { int t = int(triangles_.append_and_get_index(tri)); tri->set_id(t); } /** Split vertex \a v with edges \a e1 and \a e2 (which must attach to v) * attached to the new vertex and the rest attached to the old, with a * zero-length edge between the new and old. Return the new vertex. */ Vert *split_vert(Vert *v, Edge e1, Edge e2); /** Collapse the edge \a e to the single vertex at its source end. * This will delete the trriangle that \a e is part of, and also the vertex * at the destination end of \a e, and will fix the affected neighbor relations. * Return the edge that is the collapse of the other two edges of the original * triangle, oriented away from the vertex that is the result of collapsing \a e. */ Edge collapse_edge(Edge e); /** Collapse the triangle \a tri to a single vertex (the one at \a pos). * This will delete the triangle and its three adjacent ones, delete two vertices, * and fix appropriate neighbor relations. * Return the vertex that it all collapses to. */ Vert *collapse_triangle(Triangle *tri, int pos); Span all_verts() const { return verts_.as_span(); } Span all_tris() const { return triangles_.as_span(); } void calculate_all_tri_normals(); friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TriangleMesh &trimesh); }; /** Some debugging output routines. */ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Edge e) { if (e.is_null()) { os << "enull"; } else { os << "e(t" << e.tri()->id() << "," << e.tri_edge_index() << ")"; } return os; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Vert &v) { os << "v" << v.id << " co" << v.co << " " << v.e; return os; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Vert *v) { if (v == nullptr) { os << "vnull"; } else { os << *v; } return os; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Triangle &tri) { os << "t" << tri.id() << "("; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (tri.vert(i) == nullptr) { os << "vnull"; } else { os << "v" << tri.vert(i)->id; } if (i < 2) { os << ","; } } os << ") nbr("; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { os << tri.neighbor(i); if (i < 2) { os << ","; } } os << ")"; if (tri.in_region()) { os << " r"; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (tri.is_spoke(i)) { os << " s" << i; } if (tri.is_orig(i)) { os << " o" << i; } } return os; } constexpr bool debug_ghost_triangles = false; std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TriangleMesh &trimesh) { os << "\nTriangleMesh\nVERTS\n"; for (const Vert *v : trimesh.all_verts()) { if (!v->is_deleted()) { os << v << "\n"; } } os << "\nTRIS\n"; for (const Triangle *t : trimesh.all_tris()) { if (!t->is_deleted() && (debug_ghost_triangles || !t->is_ghost())) { os << *t << "\n"; } } return os; } static void trimesh_draw(const std::string &label, const TriangleMesh &trimesh) { static bool append = false; /* Will be set to true after first call. */ /* Would like to use #BKE_tempdir_base() here, but that brings in dependence on kernel library. * This is just for developer debugging anyway, and should never be called in production Blender. */ #ifdef _WIN32 const char *drawfile = "./skel_debug_draw.html"; #else const char *drawfile = "/tmp/skel_debug_draw.html"; #endif constexpr int max_draw_width = 1800; constexpr int max_draw_height = 1600; constexpr double margin_expand = 0.05; constexpr int vert_radius = 3; constexpr bool draw_vert_labels = true; constexpr bool draw_face_labels = true; constexpr bool draw_ghost_labels = debug_ghost_triangles; Span verts = trimesh.all_verts(); Span tris = trimesh.all_tris(); /* Get the best projection axis. */ float3 avg_normal(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); for (const Triangle *tri : tris) { avg_normal = avg_normal + triangle_normal(tri); } avg_normal = math::normalize(avg_normal); float axis_mat[3][3]; axis_dominant_v3_to_m3(axis_mat, avg_normal); Array proj_vertco(verts.size()); for (int64_t i : verts.index_range()) { mul_v2_m3v3(proj_vertco[i], axis_mat, verts[i]->co); } float2 vmin(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX); float2 vmax(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); for (const float2 &pv : proj_vertco) { vmin[0] = math::min(vmin[0], pv[0]); vmin[1] = math::min(vmin[1], pv[1]); vmax[0] = math::max(vmax[0], pv[0]); vmax[1] = math::max(vmax[1], pv[1]); } double draw_margin = ((vmax.x - vmin.x) + (vmax.y - vmin.y)) * margin_expand; double minx = vmin.x - draw_margin; double maxx = vmax.x + draw_margin; double miny = vmin.y - draw_margin; double maxy = vmax.y + draw_margin; double width = maxx - minx; double height = maxy - miny; double aspect = height / width; int view_width = max_draw_width; int view_height = static_cast(view_width * aspect); if (view_height > max_draw_height) { view_height = max_draw_height; view_width = static_cast(view_height / aspect); } double scale = view_width / width; auto mapxy = [&](float2 z) -> float2 { return float2((z[0] - minx) * scale, (maxy - z[1]) * scale); }; std::ofstream f; if (append) { f.open(drawfile, std::ios_base::app); } else { f.open(drawfile); } if (!f) { std::cout << "Could not open file " << drawfile << "\n"; return; } f << "
" << label << "
\n" << "\n"; for (const Triangle *tri : tris) { if (tri->is_deleted()) { continue; } if (tri->is_ghost()) { if (draw_ghost_labels) { const float2 &uco = proj_vertco[tri->vert(0)->id]; const float2 &vco = proj_vertco[tri->vert(2)->id]; float2 p = mapxy(0.5f * (uco + vco)); f << "g" << tri->id() << "\n"; } } else { float2 center(0.0f, 0.0f); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { float2 p0 = mapxy(proj_vertco[tri->vert(i)->id]); float2 p1 = mapxy(proj_vertco[tri->vert(succ_index(i))->id]); /* Make spokes and boundary between in-region and out-region bolder. */ bool in_r = tri->in_region(); bool other_in_r = neighbor_edge(Edge(tri, i)).tri()->in_region(); bool spoke = tri->is_spoke(i); int width = spoke ? 4 : (in_r != other_in_r ? 3 : 1); f << "\n"; center = center + p0; } if (draw_face_labels) { center = center / 3.0f; f << "" << tri->id() << "\n"; /* Show first vertex with a dotted line from center to it. */ float2 p0 = mapxy(proj_vertco[tri->vert(0)->id]); f << "\n"; } } } for (const Vert *vert : verts) { if (vert->is_deleted()) { continue; } float2 p = mapxy(proj_vertco[vert->id]); f << R"(\n"; f << " [" << vert->id << "]" << vert->co << "\n"; f << "\n"; if (draw_vert_labels) { f << "v)" << vert->id << "\n"; } } f << "\n"; append = true; } void TriangleMesh::calculate_all_tri_normals() { for (Triangle *tri : triangles_) { if (!tri->is_ghost()) { tri->calculate_normal(); } } } /* Split vertex v with edges e1 and e2 (which must attach to v) * attached to the new vertex and the rest attached to the old, with a * zero-length edge between the new and old. Return the new vertex. * * We want to transform the diagram on the left to the one on the * right below. * * -------------------- --------------------------- * |\ /| |- -| * | \ / | | \- / | * | \ t3 / | | \\- / | * | \ / | | \ \ t3 / | * | \ / | | \ \- / | * | e2 \ / | | \ \ / | * | \ / | | \ \- / | * | \ / | | \tl \- / | * | \/ | | \ \ / | * | t0 v/\ t2 | ----> | t0 v -------/ v_new | * | / \ | | / /\ | * | / \ | | / tf /- \ t2 | * | / \ | | / /- \ | * | / t1 \ | | / /- -\ | * | / \ | | / /- \ | * | / e1 \ | | / /- t1 \ | * | / \ | | //- \ | * |------------------| |/- - | * -------------------------- * (diagram created using textik.com) */ Vert *TriangleMesh::split_vert(Vert *v, Edge e1, Edge e2) { constexpr bool dbg_level = 0; if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "split_vert v" << v->id << " " << e1 << " " << e2 << "\n"; } BLI_assert(v_src(e1) == v && v_src(e2) == v); /* Gather the edges CCW around v from e1. */ Vector fan; Edge ecur = e1; do { fan.append(ecur); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << " fan append " << ecur << "\n"; } ecur = rot_ccw(ecur); } while (ecur != e1); bool e1_is_spoke = e1.tri()->is_spoke(e1.tri_edge_index()); bool e2_is_spoke = e2.tri()->is_spoke(e2.tri_edge_index()); /* Now make a new vertex, v_new, at the same position as v. * Every triangle between e1 and e2 (ccw) gets v_new replacing v. * Two new triangles then fill in the gaps bewteen the sides e1 and e2 * and v_new. */ Vert *v_new = this->add_vert(v->co); /* The representative edge of v needs to change if it is currently an * edge in the fan except those in t0. Easy just to always reassign it * via the newly made triangles. */ v->e = null_edge; Triangle *tri_new_first = nullptr; Triangle *tri_new_last = nullptr; for (int64_t i : fan.index_range()) { ecur = fan[i]; if (ecur == e2) { break; } Triangle *tri = ecur.tri(); int pos = ecur.tri_edge_index(); BLI_assert(tri->vert(pos) == v); tri->set_vert(pos, v_new); if (ecur == e1) { /* Make the extra triangle containing e1 and v_new. */ Edge prev_tri_edge = tri->neighbor(pos); tri_new_first = this->add_triangle(v, v_dst(e1), v_new); set_mutual_neighbors(tri_new_first, 0, prev_tri_edge); set_mutual_neighbors(tri_new_first, 1, tri, pos); /* Neighbor for pos 2 of tri_new_first will be set when make tri_new_last. */ if (e1_is_spoke) { tri_new_first->clear_spoke(0); tri_new_first->mark_spoke(1); } if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "tri_new_first = " << *tri_new_first << "\n"; } } Edge ecur_pred = ecur.triangle_pred(); if (neighbor_edge(ecur_pred) == e2) { int pred_pos = pred_index(pos); /* Make the extra triangle containing neighbor_edge(e2) and v_new. */ Edge next_tri_edge = tri->neighbor(pred_pos); tri_new_last = this->add_triangle(v, v_new, v_src(ecur_pred)); BLI_assert(tri_new_first != nullptr); set_mutual_neighbors(tri_new_last, 0, tri_new_first, 2); set_mutual_neighbors(tri_new_last, 1, tri, pred_pos); set_mutual_neighbors(tri_new_last, 2, next_tri_edge); if (e2_is_spoke) { tri_new_last->mark_spoke(1); tri_new_last->clear_spoke(2); } if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "tri_new_last = " << *tri_new_last << "\n"; } } } return v_new; } /* Collapse the edge \a e to the single vertex at its source end. * This will delete the trriangle that \a e is part of, and also the vertex * at the destination end of \a e, and will fix the affected neighbor relations. * Return the edge that is the collapse of the other two edges of the original * triangle, oriented away from the vertex that is the result of collapsing \a e. * * The general setup looks like this: * * /- - * /- -\ -/ -\ * /- -\ -/ -\ * /- t2a -\ -/ t1b -\ * ------------------------------| * /| / \ /-\ * /- \ / v2-\ | -\ * /- | t2 /- \ t1 / -\ * /- t2b \ / \ | t1a -\ * -- \ / t -\ / -- * \--- \ /- \ | ---/ * \--- | /v0 e v1-/ ---/ * \--\- ----------- ------|-/ * /\ -/\ * / -\ t0 / -\ * /- -\ -/ -\ * / t0a -\ / t0b -\ * / -\v3-/ -\ * --------------- -/---------------- - * * It is possible that either or both of the "a" and "b" triangles may be missing * (that is, e.g., t0 and t1 might be neighbors, or only have one triangle betewen them). * The general result expected looks like this, and we return e'. * * - - * -- \- -/ -\ * -/ \- -/ -\ * -/ t2a \ / t1b - * ------------ |------------ * \ | /| * | -\ t2 | t1 /- | * | -\ | /- | * | -\ e'| /- | * | t2b -\ | /- t1a | * | -\v0/- | * |---------- -------------- * --/ | \-- * -/ | \- * --/ t0a | t0b \-- * -/ | \- * --------------|------------- * */ Edge TriangleMesh::collapse_edge(Edge e) { Triangle *t = e.tri(); int epos = e.tri_edge_index(); Vert *v0 = v_src(e); Vert *v1 = v_dst(e); Edge e_t0 = neighbor_edge(e); Edge e_t1 = neighbor_edge(Edge(t, succ_index(epos))); Edge e_t2 = neighbor_edge(Edge(t, pred_index(epos))); Triangle *t0 = e_t0.tri(); Triangle *t2 = e_t2.tri(); Edge e_t0a = neighbor_edge(e_t0.triangle_succ()); Edge e_t0b = neighbor_edge(e_t0.triangle_pred()); Triangle *t0a = e_t0a.tri(); bool t1t2_spoke = e_t1.tri()->is_spoke(e_t1.tri_edge_index()) || e_t2.tri()->is_spoke(e_t2.tri_edge_index()); bool t0at0b_spoke = e_t0a.tri()->is_spoke(e_t0a.tri_edge_index()) || e_t0b.tri()->is_spoke(e_t0b.tri_edge_index()); /* If v0 has e as representative edge, it will have to get a new one. * Similarly if v2 has an edge in t as representative edge, it will have to get a new one. * Similarly if the third vertex of t0 (v3) has a representative edge in t0, it needs a new one. */ Vert *v2 = v_src(e.triangle_succ().triangle_succ()); Vert *v3 = v_src(e_t0.triangle_pred()); if (v0->e.tri() == t) { v0->e = e_t2; BLI_assert(v_src(v0->e) == v0); } if (v2->e.tri() == t) { v2->e = rot_ccw(e_t1); BLI_assert(v_src(v2->e) == v2); } if (v3->e.tri() == t0) { v3->e = neighbor_edge(e_t0.triangle_succ()); BLI_assert(v_src(v3->e) == v3); } /* Change v1 to v0 in affected triangles. * If any triangle has v1 as a representative vertex, it needs a new one. */ Edge e_fix = e_t0b; Edge e_fix_done = e.triangle_succ(); do { BLI_assert(v_src(e_fix) == v1); Triangle *tri_fix = e_fix.tri(); tri_fix->set_vert(e_fix.tri_edge_index(), v0); tri_fix->calculate_normal(); Edge e_fix_next = rot_ccw(e_fix); e_fix = e_fix_next; } while (e_fix != e_fix_done); /* Fix up neighbor relations, spokes, and delete things. */ set_mutual_neighbors(t0a, e_t0a.tri_edge_index(), e_t0b); set_mutual_neighbors(t2, e_t2.tri_edge_index(), e_t1); if (t1t2_spoke) { e_t1.tri()->mark_spoke(e_t1.tri_edge_index()); } if (t0at0b_spoke) { e_t0a.tri()->mark_spoke(e_t0a.tri_edge_index()); } v1->mark_deleted(); t->mark_deleted(); t0->mark_deleted(); return e_t2; } /** Collapse the triangle \a tri to a single vertex (the one at \pos)). * This will delete the triangle and its three adjacent ones, delete two vertices, * and fix appropriate neighbor relations. * Return the vertex that it all collapses to. * * See the diagram before collapse_edge for the general setup. * If we also collapse edge e' after doing the first collapse, we get * the result desired here. */ Vert *TriangleMesh::collapse_triangle(Triangle *tri, int pos) { BLI_assert(!tri->is_ghost()); Edge e = tri->edge(pos); Vert *v = v_src(e); Edge e_prime = collapse_edge(e); collapse_edge(e_prime); return v; } /** Make the initial contours inset for \a contours * The contour must be a sequence of vertices in \a trimesh such that there is an edge * between each successive pair, and between the last and the first. * Initially there will be zero distance between the inset edge and the one it is inset from. * The return value is the vector of Edges paralleling \a cojntours but giving * the Egdes corresponding to the inset-by-zero original contours. * The Edges that connect the original contour vertices to their inset versions * need to be marked as "spokes". */ static Vector> init_contour_inset(TriangleMesh &trimesh, Span> contours) { Vector> ans; ans.reserve(contours.size()); for (const Vector &cont : contours) { /* Find the edges that make up the contour. */ int n = int(cont.size()); Array cont_edges(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int v_index = cont[i]; int v_next_index = cont[(i + 1) % n]; Vert *v = trimesh.get_vert_by_index(v_index); Vert *v_next = trimesh.get_vert_by_index(v_next_index); BLI_assert(v != nullptr && v_next != nullptr); Edge e = edge_between(v, v_next); BLI_assert(!e.is_null()); cont_edges[i] = e; } /* Split each vertex in the contour with split edges being contour edges. */ Vector split_verts; split_verts.reserve(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Vert *v = trimesh.get_vert_by_index(cont[i]); Edge e = cont_edges[i]; Edge e_prev_reverse = neighbor_edge(cont_edges[(i + n - 1) % n]); Vert *v_split = trimesh.split_vert(v, e, e_prev_reverse); split_verts.append(v_split); Edge e_spoke = edge_between(v, v_split); BLI_assert(!e_spoke.is_null()); e_spoke.tri()->mark_spoke(e_spoke.tri_edge_index()); } ans.append(Vector()); Vector &contour_edges = ans.last(); contour_edges.reserve(n); for (int i = 0; i < int(split_verts.size()); ++i) { Vert *v0 = split_verts[i]; Vert *v1 = split_verts[(i + 1) % n]; Edge e = edge_between(v0, v1); BLI_assert(!e.is_null()); contour_edges.append(e); } } return ans; } static float det(const float3 &v1, const float3 &v2, const float3 &n) { return math::dot(math::cross_high_precision(v1, v2), n); } /** Solve a*x*x + b*x + c = 0 and return the number of real roots, * and set *r_root1 to the first root and *r_root2 to the second, as each of those exist. */ static int solve_quadratic(float a, float b, float c, float *r_root1, float *r_root2) { if (a == 0.0f) { if (b == 0.0f) { return 0; } *r_root1 = -c / b; return 1; } float p = -b / a / 2; float q = c / a; float discr = p * p - q; if (fabsf(discr) < 2e-7 * abs(q)) { /* Duplicate zero. */ *r_root1 = p; return 1; } if (discr < 0.0f) { return 0; } /* Numerically stable solution to the quadratic eq. */ float x1 = p + copysignf(sqrtf(discr), p); if (x1 == 0.0f) { *r_root1 = x1; return 1; } float x2 = q / x1; *r_root1 = x1; *r_root2 = x2; return 2; } static std::pair calc_velo(const float3 &delta_prev, const float3 &delta_next, const float3 &normal) { float3 r1 = delta_next - delta_prev; r1 = r1 - math::cross_high_precision(math::cross_high_precision(r1, normal), normal); float3 velo; /* Get the best precision bisector. */ if (math::length_squared(r1) > 1e-12f * math::length_squared(delta_next)) { velo = r1; } else { float3 r2 = delta_next + delta_prev; velo = math::cross(r2, normal); } float dhdl = det(velo, delta_next, normal); if (dhdl < 0) { return std::pair(-velo, -dhdl); } else { return std::pair(velo, dhdl); } } class SkeletonVertex { float3 position_; float3 delta_prev_; float3 delta_next_; float3 normal_; float3 velo_; float dhdl_; float height_; public: SkeletonVertex( float3 position, float height, float3 *delta_prev, float3 *delta_next, float3 *normal); float3 position() const { return position_; } float3 delta_prev() const { return delta_prev_; } float3 delta_next() const { return delta_next_; } float3 normal() const { return normal_; } float3 velo() const { return velo_; } float dhdl() const { return dhdl_; } float height() const { return height_; } friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SkeletonVertex &skv); }; SkeletonVertex::SkeletonVertex( float3 position, float height, float3 *delta_prev, float3 *delta_next, float3 *normal) : position_(position), height_(height) { if (delta_prev != nullptr && delta_next != nullptr) { /* This is a moving SkeletonVertex. */ BLI_assert(normal != nullptr); delta_prev_ = *delta_prev; delta_next_ = *delta_next; normal_ = *normal; std::pair velo_dhdl = calc_velo(*delta_prev, *delta_next, *normal); velo_ = velo_dhdl.first; dhdl_ = velo_dhdl.second; } else { /* This is a stationary inner vertex. */ delta_prev_ = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); delta_next_ = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (normal != nullptr) { normal_ = *normal; } else { normal_ = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } velo_ = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); dhdl_ = 1.0; // Zero will cause trouble. } } static constexpr float inf = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SkeletonVertex &skv) { os << "skv(" << skv.position_ << ", dp=" << skv.delta_prev_ << ", dn=" << skv.delta_next_ << ", n=" << skv.normal_ << ", velo=" << skv.velo_ << ", dhdl=" << skv.dhdl_ << ", h=" << skv.height_ << ")"; return os; } class SkeletonEvent { Edge edge_; float height_{inf}; float3 final_pos_{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; int epoch_{0}; bool split_event_{false}; public: SkeletonEvent(Edge edge) : edge_(edge) { } SkeletonEvent(Edge edge, float height, float3 final_pos, bool split_event, int epoch) : edge_(edge), height_(height), final_pos_(final_pos), epoch_(epoch), split_event_(split_event) { } Edge edge() const { return edge_; } float height() const { return height_; } float3 final_pos() const { return final_pos_; } bool split_event() const { return split_event_; } bool is_valid() const { Triangle *t = edge_.tri(); return height_ != inf && !t->is_deleted() && t->in_region(); } int epoch() const { return epoch_; } friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SkeletonEvent &ev); }; std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SkeletonEvent &ev) { if (ev.is_valid()) { os << "ev(h=" << ev.height_ << ", edge=" << ev.edge_ << ", fpos=" << ev.final_pos_ << ", split=" << ev.split_event_ << ", epoch=" << ev.epoch_ << ")"; } else { os << ""; } return os; } class SkeletonEventCompare { public: /* Since we want lowest height first, have to implement "greater" * because priority queue will make the greatest element the one * that is "top" and popped next. */ bool operator()(const SkeletonEvent &ev1, const SkeletonEvent &ev2) { /* We want the later-added event if the triangles are the same. */ if (ev1.edge().tri() == ev2.edge().tri()) { return ev1.epoch() < ev2.epoch(); } if (ev1.height() > ev2.height()) { return true; } else if (ev1.height() < ev2.height()) { return false; } else { int s1 = ev1.split_event(); int s2 = ev2.split_event(); if (s1 > s2) { return true; } else if (s1 < s2) { return false; } else { /* Arbitrary tie breaker that is deterministic. */ return v_src(ev1.edge())->id > v_src(ev2.edge())->id; } } } }; class StraightSkeleton { /** Calculation argument parameters. . */ TriangleMesh &trimesh_; Span> contours_; float target_height_; /** Contoiur and Region data. */ Vector> contour_edges_; Set contour_edge_set_; int tot_region_triangles_{0}; /** Algorithm data structiures. */ Vector skel_vertices_; Map skel_vertex_map_; std::priority_queue, SkeletonEventCompare> event_queue_; int tot_flip_events_{0}; int epoch_{0}; public: /** Algorithm output data structures. */ Map vertex_height_map; Set remaining_triangles_set; StraightSkeleton(TriangleMesh &trimesh, Span> contours, float target_height); ~StraightSkeleton(); void compute(); private: SkeletonVertex *add_skeleton_vertex( float3 position, float height, float3 *delta_prev, float3 *delta_next, float3 *normal) { /* Store the allocated SkeletonVertex so can free at end. * TODO: allocate these from a pool. */ skel_vertices_.append(new SkeletonVertex(position, height, delta_prev, delta_next, normal)); return skel_vertices_.last(); } /** Set up data needed about contours and arrays, assumine contour_edges_ is set. */ void calculate_contour_and_region_data(); /** Record \a skv as the SkeletonVertex for the vertex with index \a vert_index. */ void set_skel_vertex_map(int vert_index, SkeletonVertex *skv) { skel_vertex_map_.add_overwrite(vert_index, skv); } /** Remove \a skv from the map. */ void remove_from_skel_vertex_map(int vert_index) { skel_vertex_map_.remove(vert_index); } SkeletonVertex *skel_vertex_map(int vert_index) const { return skel_vertex_map_.lookup_default(vert_index, nullptr); } bool skel_vertex_map_has_id(int vert_index) const { return skel_vertex_map_.contains(vert_index); } SkeletonVertex *get_skel_vertex(Edge e) const { return skel_vertex_map_.lookup_default(v_src(e)->id, nullptr); } /** Add events. */ void add_events(Vert *vert, float min_height, bool instant); /** Add the triangle with edge \a edge to the event queue. */ void add_triangle(Edge edge, float min_height); /** Handle vertex event (edge collapse). Return the new spoke edge. */ Edge handle_vertex_event(Edge edge); /** Handle split event where \a edge starts at a reflex vertex.. */ std::tuple handle_split_event(Edge edge); /** Handle a flip event. */ std::pair handle_flip_event(Edge edge); /** Handle a closing event. */ void handle_closing_event(Edge edge); /** For debugging . */ void dump_event_queue() const; void dump_state() const; }; StraightSkeleton::StraightSkeleton(TriangleMesh &trimesh, Span> contours, float target_height) : trimesh_(trimesh), contours_(contours), target_height_(target_height) { /* Build sets of the contour edges and region triangles, * to enable fast tests for being a contour edge or region triangle. */ } StraightSkeleton::~StraightSkeleton() { /* Free the SkeletonVertex memory. */ for (SkeletonVertex *skv : skel_vertices_) { delete skv; } } void StraightSkeleton::dump_event_queue() const { std::cout << "Event Queue\n"; /* Copy it, so can empty the copy while printing. */ std::priority_queue, SkeletonEventCompare> q = event_queue_; while (!q.empty()) { std::cout << q.top() << "\n"; q.pop(); } } void StraightSkeleton::dump_state() const { std::cout << "State\n"; dump_event_queue(); std::cout << trimesh_; trimesh_draw("dump_state", trimesh_); int num_t = int(trimesh_.all_tris().size()); for (int i = 0; i < num_t; ++i) { SkeletonVertex *skv = skel_vertex_map_.lookup_default(i, nullptr); if (skv != nullptr) { std::cout << "skv[" << i << "] = " << *skv << "\n"; } } } /** Calculate contour_edge_set_ and region_triangles_set_ . */ void StraightSkeleton::calculate_contour_and_region_data() { /* Get a Set containing all the contour edges. */ for (const Vector &contour : contour_edges_) { for (Edge e : contour) { contour_edge_set_.add(e); } } /* Find all the triangles interior to (left of) contours. * This is the closure of triangles reachable by triangle * neighbors, but not crossing any contour edge. * Mark each by setting their region flags, * and also count how many there are. */ for (const Vector &contour : contour_edges_) { if (contour.size() < 3) { /* There cannot be any contained triangles. */ continue; } Triangle *seed_tri = contour[0].tri(); seed_tri->mark_in_region(); tot_region_triangles_++; Vector stack; stack.append(seed_tri); while (!stack.is_empty()) { Triangle *tri = stack.pop_last(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Edge e = tri->edge(i); /* Cannot cross over contour edges. */ if (!contour_edge_set_.contains(e)) { Edge e_nbr = neighbor_edge(e); BLI_assert(!e_nbr.is_null()); Triangle *t_nbr = e_nbr.tri(); if (t_nbr && !t_nbr->is_ghost()) { if (!t_nbr->in_region()) { t_nbr->mark_in_region(); tot_region_triangles_++; stack.append(t_nbr); } } } } } } } /** Wavefront edges are between region triangles and non-region triangles. */ static bool is_wavefront_edge(Edge e) { if (e.is_null()) { return false; } bool r1 = e.tri()->in_region(); bool r2 = neighbor_edge(e).tri()->in_region(); return r1 != r2; } /** Return the first edge ccw of e that is a wavefront edge, or null_edge if none. */ static Edge find_ccw_wavefront_edge(Edge e) { Edge ans = rot_ccw(e); while (!is_wavefront_edge(ans)) { ans = rot_ccw(ans); if (ans == e) { return null_edge; } } return ans; } /** Return the first edge cw of e that is a wavefront edge, or null_edge if none. */ static Edge find_cw_wavefront_edge(Edge e) { Edge ans = rot_cw(e); while (!is_wavefront_edge(ans)) { ans = rot_cw(ans); if (ans == e) { return null_edge; } } return ans; } /** Return the first edge cw from \a edge that is a spoke or wavefront edge. */ static Edge find_cw_spoke_or_wavefront_edge(Edge edge) { Edge e = rot_cw(edge); do { if (e.tri()->is_spoke(e.tri_edge_index()) || is_wavefront_edge(e)) { return e; } e = rot_cw(e); } while (e != edge); return null_edge; } static Edge find_cw_wavefront_or_orig_edge(Edge edge) { Edge e = rot_cw(edge); do { if (is_wavefront_edge(e) || e.tri()->is_orig(e.tri_edge_index())) { return e; } e = rot_cw(e); } while (e != edge); return null_edge; } static constexpr float dhdl_epsilon = 1e-5f; static constexpr float collision_epsilon = 1e-5; void StraightSkeleton::add_events(Vert *vert, float min_height, bool instant) { constexpr int dbg_level = 0; if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "add_events " << *vert << " min_height=" << min_height << " instant=" << instant << "\n"; } if (!instant) { Edge e = vert->e; do { Triangle *tri = e.tri(); if (tri->in_region()) { add_triangle(e, min_height); } e = rot_ccw(e); } while (e != vert->e); } else { float best_sqr = inf; Edge best = null_edge; float3 ref_pos = vert->co; float3 best_pos = ref_pos; Edge e = vert->e; do { if (e.tri()->in_region()) { Edge face_edge = e.triangle_succ().triangle_succ(); bool out1 = is_wavefront_edge(face_edge); bool out2 = is_wavefront_edge(face_edge.triangle_succ()); SkeletonVertex *skv1 = get_skel_vertex(face_edge); SkeletonVertex *skv2 = get_skel_vertex(face_edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ()); if (out1 && skv1->dhdl() != 0.0f) { float3 pos = skv1->position() + skv1->velo() * (min_height - skv1->height()) / skv1->dhdl(); float d = math::distance_squared(pos, ref_pos); if (d < best_sqr) { best_sqr = d; best = face_edge; best_pos = pos; } } if (out2 && skv2->dhdl() != 0.0f) { float3 pos = skv2->position() + skv2->velo() * (min_height - skv2->height()) / skv2->dhdl(); float d = math::distance_squared(pos, ref_pos); if (d < best_sqr) { best_sqr = d; best = face_edge.triangle_succ(); best_pos = pos; } } } e = rot_ccw(e); } while (e != vert->e); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "instant case: pushing event for edge " << best << " at height " << min_height << "\n"; } event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(best, min_height, best_pos, false, epoch_)); e = vert->e; do { Edge face_edge = e.triangle_succ().triangle_succ(); if (face_edge.tri()->in_region() && face_edge != best && face_edge.triangle_succ() != best) { if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "instant case: pushing dummy event for edge " << face_edge << "\n"; } event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(face_edge)); } e = rot_ccw(e); } while (e != vert->e); } } void StraightSkeleton::add_triangle(Edge edge, float min_height) { constexpr int dbg_level = 0; if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "add_triangle(" << edge << ", " << min_height << ")\n"; } bool out1 = is_wavefront_edge(edge); bool out2 = is_wavefront_edge(edge.triangle_succ()); bool out3 = is_wavefront_edge(edge.triangle_pred()); int out_num = int(out1) + int(out2) + int(out3); SkeletonVertex *skv1 = get_skel_vertex(edge); SkeletonVertex *skv2 = get_skel_vertex(edge.triangle_succ()); SkeletonVertex *skv3 = get_skel_vertex(edge.triangle_pred()); if (dbg_level > 1) { std::cout << "out1=" << out1 << ", out2=" << out2 << ", out3=" << out3 << "\n"; std::cout << " skv1=" << *skv1 << "\n skv2=" << *skv2 << "\n skv3=" << *skv3 << "\n"; } /* This special case handling is needed, it seems. */ if (fabsf(skv1->dhdl()) < dhdl_epsilon) { if (skv2->dhdl() == 0.0f || skv3->dhdl() == 0.0f) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge)); return; } float best_sqr = inf; Edge best = null_edge; float3 ref_pos = skv1->position(); float3 best_pos = ref_pos; if (out1) { float3 pos = skv2->position() + skv2->velo() * (min_height - skv2->height()) / skv2->dhdl(); float d = math::distance_squared(pos, ref_pos); if (d < best_sqr) { best_sqr = d; best = edge; best_pos = pos; } } if (out3) { float3 pos = skv3->position() + skv3->velo() * (min_height - skv3->height()) / skv3->dhdl(); float d = math::distance_squared(pos, ref_pos); if (d < best_sqr) { best_sqr = d; best = edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ(); best_pos = pos; } } if (best.is_null()) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge)); } else { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(best, min_height, best_pos, false, epoch_)); } return; } if (fabsf(skv2->dhdl()) <= dhdl_epsilon) { if (skv1->dhdl() == 0.0f || skv3->dhdl() == 0.0f) { return; } float best_sqr = inf; Edge best = null_edge; float3 ref_pos = skv2->position(); float3 best_pos = ref_pos; if (out1) { float3 pos = skv1->position() + skv1->velo() * (min_height - skv1->height()) / skv1->dhdl(); float d = math::distance_squared(pos, ref_pos); if (d < best_sqr) { best_sqr = d; best = edge; best_pos = pos; } } if (out2) { /* CHECK: Should this test be if out3? */ float3 pos = skv3->position() + skv3->velo() * (min_height - skv3->height()) / skv3->dhdl(); float d = math::distance_squared(pos, ref_pos); if (d < best_sqr) { best_sqr = d; best = edge.triangle_succ(); /* CHECK another succ? */ best_pos = pos; } } if (best.is_null()) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge)); } else { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(best, min_height, best_pos, false, epoch_)); } return; } if (fabsf(skv3->dhdl()) <= dhdl_epsilon) { if (skv1->dhdl() == 0.0f || skv2->dhdl() == 0.0f) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge)); return; } float best_sqr = inf; Edge best = null_edge; float3 ref_pos = skv3->position(); float3 best_pos = ref_pos; if (out2) { float3 pos = skv2->position() + skv2->velo() * (min_height - skv2->height()) / skv2->dhdl(); float d = math::distance_squared(pos, ref_pos); if (d < best_sqr) { best_sqr = d; best = edge.triangle_succ(); best_pos = pos; } } if (out3) { float3 pos = skv1->position() + skv1->velo() * (min_height - skv1->height()) / skv1->dhdl(); float d = math::distance_squared(pos, ref_pos); if (d < best_sqr) { best_sqr = d; best = edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ(); best_pos = pos; } } if (best.is_null()) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge)); } else { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(best, min_height, best_pos, false, epoch_)); } return; } float3 x1 = v_src(edge)->co; float3 x2 = v_src(edge.triangle_succ())->co; float3 x3 = v_src(edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ())->co; float3 normal = math::normalize(skv1->normal() + skv2->normal() + skv3->normal()); float3 v1 = skv1->velo() / skv1->dhdl(); float3 v2 = skv2->velo() / skv2->dhdl(); float3 v3 = skv3->velo() / skv3->dhdl(); x1 = x1 + v1 * (min_height - skv1->height()); x2 = x2 + v2 * (min_height - skv2->height()); x3 = x3 + v3 * (min_height - skv3->height()); float3 dx1 = x1 - x2; float3 dx2 = x2 - x3; float3 dx3 = x1 - x3; float3 dv1 = v1 - v2; float3 dv2 = v2 - v3; float3 dv3 = v1 - v3; float c = det(dx1, dx2, normal); bool positive = c > 0.0f; if (out_num == 3) { /* Closing event. */ float a = det(dv1, dv2, normal); float b = det(dx1, dv2, normal) + det(dv1, dx2, normal); /* Solve 2*a*x+b = 0. */ float height = -0.5f * b / a; event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge, min_height + height, x1 + v1 * height, false, epoch_)); if (dbg_level > 1) { std::cout << "added closing event " << event_queue_.top() << "\n"; } return; } auto div_zero = [&](float a, float b) -> float { if (fabsf(b) > 1e-7) { return a / b; } if (!positive) { return 1e-16; } return std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); }; /* Use collapsing edges as indicator => solve simple linear equation. */ float dv1_sqr = math::length_squared(dv1); float dv2_sqr = math::length_squared(dv2); float dv3_sqr = math::length_squared(dv3); if (dv1_sqr == 0.0f && dv2_sqr == 0.0f && dv3_sqr == 0.0f) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge)); return; } float lin_height1 = div_zero(-math::dot(dx1, dv1), dv1_sqr); float lin_height2 = div_zero(-math::dot(dx2, dv2), dv2_sqr); float lin_height3 = div_zero(-math::dot(dx3, dv3), dv3_sqr); if (out_num == 2) { /* Vertex Event. */ if (dbg_level > 1) { std::cout << "out_num==2 vertex event case\n"; } float epsilon = positive ? 0.0f : fabsf(c) + 1e-6; // TODO: remove epsilon? if (!out1) { if ((lin_height2 < lin_height3 || !(lin_height3 >= -epsilon)) && lin_height2 >= -epsilon) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent( edge.triangle_succ(), lin_height2 + min_height, x2 + v2 * lin_height2, false, epoch_)); } else if (lin_height3 >= -epsilon) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ(), lin_height3 + min_height, x3 + v3 * lin_height3, false, epoch_)); } else { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge)); } } else if (!out2) { if ((lin_height1 < lin_height3 || !(lin_height3 >= -epsilon)) && lin_height1 >= -epsilon) { event_queue_.push( SkeletonEvent(edge, lin_height1 + min_height, x1 + v1 * lin_height1, false, epoch_)); } else if (lin_height3 >= -epsilon) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ(), lin_height3 + min_height, x3 + v3 * lin_height3, false, epoch_)); } else { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge)); } } else if (!out3) { if ((lin_height2 < lin_height1 || !(lin_height1 >= -epsilon)) && lin_height2 >= -epsilon) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent( edge.triangle_succ(), lin_height2 + min_height, x2 + v2 * lin_height2, false, epoch_)); } else if (lin_height1 >= -epsilon) { event_queue_.push( SkeletonEvent(edge, lin_height1 + min_height, x1 + v1 * lin_height1, false, epoch_)); } else { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge)); } } return; } /* General case -> solve quadratic equation a*x*x + b*x + c = 0 , */ float a = det(dv1, dv2, normal); float b = det(dx1, dv2, normal) + det(dv1, dx2, normal); float res1, res2; int nroots = solve_quadratic(a, b, c, &res1, &res2); float height = inf; for (int i = 0; i < nroots; ++i) { float h = i == 1 ? res1 : res2; if (0.0f <= h && h < height) { height = h; } } /* Replace the quadratic solution if the triangle is zero and doesn't change size. * TODO: change the constants for what is appropriate for floats. */ if (fabsf(a) < 1e-10f && fabsf(b) < 1e-4f && fabsf(c) < 1e-4f) { nroots = 1; res1 = 0.0f; } if (dbg_level > 1) { std::cout << "general case, nroots=" << nroots << " res1=" << res1 << " res2=" << res2 << "\n"; } /* Check if edge collapse times were missed. */ float lin_height1_ = div_zero(-math::length_squared(dx1), math::dot(dx1, dv1)); float lin_height2_ = div_zero(-math::length_squared(dx2), math::dot(dx2, dv2)); float lin_height3_ = div_zero(-math::length_squared(dx3), math::dot(dx3, dv3)); /* Note: for floats, changed 1e-7 to 1e-5 below. */ if (lin_height1 >= 0 && !(lin_height1 >= height) && fabsf(lin_height1 - lin_height1_) < 1e-5) { height = lin_height1; } if (lin_height2 >= 0 && !(lin_height2 >= height) && fabsf(lin_height2 - lin_height2_) < 1e-5) { height = lin_height2; } if (lin_height3 >= 0 && !(lin_height3 >= height) && fabsf(lin_height3 - lin_height3_) < 1e-5) { height = lin_height3; } /* Abort if there is no event. */ if (positive) { if (height == inf || !(height >= 0.0f)) { if (dbg_level > 1) { std::cout << "no event so force abort\n"; } event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge)); return; } } else { /* Note: changes 1e-8 to 1e-5 for float. */ if (nroots == 0 || !(res1 >= -fabsf(c) - 1e-8f)) { if (dbg_level > 1) { std::cout << "no event2 so force abort\n"; } event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge)); return; } height = res1; } float len1 = math::length_squared(dx1 + dv1 * height); float len2 = math::length_squared(dx2 + dv2 * height); float len3 = math::length_squared(dx3 + dv3 * height); if (dbg_level > 1) { std::cout << "len1=" << len1 << " len2=" << len2 << " len3=" << len3 << "\n"; } /* If no length is 0, then this is a split event and the special * edge is the longest one. * Add the edge to eh queue which has the split vertex as its origin. */ if (len1 > len2 && len1 > len3) { /* Vertex event. */ if (len2 <= len3 && out2 && !out1) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent( edge.triangle_succ(), height + min_height, x2 + v2 * height, false, epoch_)); } else if (len2 >= len3 && out3 && !out1) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ(), height + min_height, x3 + v3 * height, false, epoch_)); } else { /* Split/flip event. */ event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ(), height + min_height, x3 + v3 * height, true, epoch_)); } } else if (len2 > len3) { /* Vertex event. */ if (len1 <= len3 && out1 && !out2) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge, height + min_height, x1 + v1 * height, false, epoch_)); } else if (len1 >= len3 && out3 && !out2) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ(), height + min_height, x3 + v3 * height, false, epoch_)); } else { /* Split/flip event. */ event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge, height + min_height, x1 + v1 * height, true, epoch_)); } } else { /* Vertex event. */ if (len2 <= len1 && out2 && !out3) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent( edge.triangle_succ(), height + min_height, x2 + v2 * height, false, epoch_)); } else if (len2 >= len1 && out1 && !out3) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(edge, height + min_height, x1 + v1 * height, false, epoch_)); } else { /* Split/flip event. */ event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent( edge.triangle_succ(), height + min_height, x2 + v2 * height, true, epoch_)); } } } /* Handle a vertex event (some papers call this an edge event), * where the triangle X in the following diagram collapses, * and the labeled edge is part of the wavefront (one but not * both of the other edges of the triangle may be part of the * wavefront too). Suppose we have the following, where e * is the argument edge, and ep--e--en are part of the wavefront, * and s and sn are spokes. * We need to collapse edge e (deleting triangles X and C and vertex vn). * Then we need to split the remaining vertex v, splitting off edges * en to ep CCW. Note: it is possible that en is a side of X, so be * careful about that after collapsing e. * The newly formed edge from the split will be a spoke, and that * spoke is the return value. * The split has to happen so that v is the "inner" one after * the split -- i.e., the destination end of the new spoke. * * /-- --------\ -----|------- /---\ * /----- \ -------- -----/ | / ------\ * ---- \ -/ \ | / ---- * |--\ I \ H / -\ G | /- F ---/ * \ --\ ep | -/ \ | / en --/ | * | --\ \ -/ -\ | / ---/ | * | --\ \ / X \ | / ---/ | * \ --\ \ -/ -\ |- --/ E | * | --\|/v e vn - ---/ | * | A /-----------------------/---------------------- * \ /- -\ | -/ * | / --\ C \ D --/ * \ /- ---\ |sn -/ * | s / --\ \ --/ * | / B --\ | --/ * \ /- ---\ \ -/ * | / --\ |-/ * |/- ---------------- -- * - ----------------/ * */ Edge StraightSkeleton::handle_vertex_event(Edge edge) { BLI_assert(is_wavefront_edge(edge)); Vert *v = v_src(edge); Edge ep = find_ccw_wavefront_edge(edge); Edge en = find_ccw_wavefront_edge(neighbor_edge(edge)); BLI_assert(!ep.is_null() && !en.is_null()); Edge en_neighbor = neighbor_edge(en); trimesh_.collapse_edge(edge); en = neighbor_edge(en_neighbor); /* May have changed from old en. */ /* We want v to be inside after the split. */ Vert *vnew = trimesh_.split_vert(v, rot_ccw(ep), rot_cw(en)); Edge new_spoke = edge_between(vnew, v); BLI_assert(!new_spoke.is_null()); /* Mark new_spoke as a spoke. */ Triangle *tspoke = new_spoke.tri(); tspoke->mark_spoke(new_spoke.tri_edge_index()); return new_spoke; } std::tuple StraightSkeleton::handle_split_event(Edge edge) { constexpr int dbg_level = 0; if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "handle_split_event " << edge << "\n"; } Vert *vert = v_src(edge); Edge e1 = edge; Edge e2 = e1.triangle_succ(); Edge e3 = e2.triangle_succ(); Edge ew1 = find_cw_wavefront_edge(e1); Edge ew3 = find_ccw_wavefront_edge(e1); BLI_assert(!ew1.is_null() && !ew3.is_null()); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "e1=" << e1 << ", e2=" << e2 << ". e3=" << e3 << "\n"; std::cout << "ew1=" << ew1 << ". ew3=" << ew3 << "\n"; } /* Make the new wavefront verts by splitting vert twice. */ Vert *new_v0 = trimesh_.split_vert(vert, ew1, e1); Vert *new_v1 = trimesh_.split_vert(vert, neighbor_edge(e3), ew3); Edge evv0 = edge_between(vert, new_v0); Edge evv1 = edge_between(vert, new_v1); BLI_assert(!evv0.is_null() && !evv1.is_null()); evv0.tri()->mark_spoke(evv0.tri_edge_index()); evv1.tri()->mark_spoke(evv1.tri_edge_index()); /* Get triangle on other side of the collided edge (e2). */ Edge en_1 = neighbor_edge(e2); Edge en_2 = en_1.triangle_succ(); Edge en_3 = en_2.triangle_succ(); Vert *va = v_src(en_2); Vert *vb = v_src(en_3); Vert *vc = v_src(en_1); Triangle *tnew0 = trimesh_.add_triangle(vert, va, vb); Triangle *tnew1 = trimesh_.add_triangle(vert, vb, vc); Edge nbr_en_2 = neighbor_edge(en_2); Edge nbr_en_3 = neighbor_edge(en_3); set_mutual_neighbors(tnew0, 0, neighbor_edge(e1)); set_mutual_neighbors(tnew0, 1, nbr_en_2); set_mutual_neighbors(tnew0, 2, tnew1, 0); set_mutual_neighbors(tnew1, 1, nbr_en_3); set_mutual_neighbors(tnew1, 2, neighbor_edge(e3)); if (nbr_en_2.tri()->is_spoke(nbr_en_2.tri_edge_index())) { tnew0->mark_spoke(1); } if (nbr_en_3.tri()->is_spoke(nbr_en_3.tri_edge_index())) { tnew1->mark_spoke(1); } edge.tri()->mark_deleted(); en_1.tri()->mark_deleted(); return std::make_tuple(new_v0, vert, new_v1); } /* Handle a flip event. We need to flip a diagonal, tranforming this: * - * / --\ * e1/ v4 ---\e2 * / t0 ---\ * / ---\ * /v1 edge v3 -- * /-------------------------- * \ --/ * \ t1 ---/ * \ --/ * e3\ --/e4 * \v2 ---/ * --/ * * into this: * * - * /|-\ * / | --\ * / |v4 --\ * / | -\ * / | --\ * / t3 / t4 --\ * /v1 |enew v3 -- * \ | -- * \ | ---/ * \ | --/ * \ |v2 --/ * \ | ---/ * --/ * * Return the pair of edges (enew, neighbor_edge(enew)). * These are both "in_region" and so the new triangles need to be too. */ std::pair StraightSkeleton::handle_flip_event(Edge edge) { constexpr int dbg_level = 0; if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "handle_flip_event " << edge << "\n"; } Edge edge_rev = neighbor_edge(edge); Vert *v1 = v_src(edge); Vert *v2 = v_src(edge_rev.triangle_pred()); Vert *v3 = v_dst(edge); Vert *v4 = v_src(edge.triangle_pred()); Edge e1 = neighbor_edge(edge.triangle_pred()); Edge e2 = neighbor_edge(edge.triangle_succ()); Edge e3 = neighbor_edge(edge_rev.triangle_succ()); Edge e4 = neighbor_edge(edge_rev.triangle_pred()); Triangle *t0 = edge.tri(); Triangle *t1 = edge_rev.tri(); BLI_assert(t0->in_region() && t1->in_region()); /* Rather than trying to edit t0 and t1, just delete them and make new ones. */ t0->mark_deleted(); t1->mark_deleted(); /* If v1 and v3 might need new representative edges. They'll be assigned when make t3 and t4. */ v1->e = null_edge; v3->e = null_edge; Triangle *t3 = trimesh_.add_triangle(v1, v2, v4); Triangle *t4 = trimesh_.add_triangle(v2, v3, v4); set_mutual_neighbors(t3, 0, e3); set_mutual_neighbors(t3, 1, t4, 2); set_mutual_neighbors(t3, 2, e1); set_mutual_neighbors(t4, 0, e4); set_mutual_neighbors(t4, 1, e2); t3->mark_in_region(); t4->mark_in_region(); return std::pair(Edge(t3, 1), Edge(t4, 2)); } /** Handle the event where \a edge's triangle collapses. */ void StraightSkeleton::handle_closing_event(Edge edge) { constexpr int dbg_level = 0; if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "handle_closing_event : " << edge << "\n"; } /* Collapse the triangle that edge is part of, leaving only its first vertex still in trimesh. */ trimesh_.collapse_triangle(edge.tri(), edge.tri_edge_index()); } void StraightSkeleton::compute() { constexpr int dbg_level = 0; contour_edges_ = init_contour_inset(trimesh_, contours_); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "\nstraight_skeleton, target_height=" << target_height_ << "\ncontour_edges:\n"; for (int i : contour_edges_.index_range()) { std::cout << "contour " << i << ": "; for (int j : contour_edges_[i].index_range()) { std::cout << contour_edges_[i][j] << " "; } std::cout << "\n"; } } calculate_contour_and_region_data(); trimesh_.calculate_all_tri_normals(); /* Create the skeleton vertices, first for the contours. */ int count_non_zero = 0; for (Vector &contour : contour_edges_) { int n = int(contour.size()); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Edge e = contour[i]; Edge e_prev = contour[(i + n - 1) % n]; float e_weight = 1.0f; float e_prev_weight = 1.0f; /* TODO: add an edge_weight_map argument and use it to set e_weight. */ Vert *vprev = v_src(e_prev); Vert *v = v_src(e); Vert *vnext = v_dst(e); /* The reference code uses prev and next as if we go ccw around * the contour (as usual), but measures deltas going cw. */ float3 delta_prev = math::normalize(vprev->co - v->co) / e_prev_weight; float3 delta_next = math::normalize(v->co - vnext->co) / e_weight; if (math::length_squared(delta_next) > 0.0f) { count_non_zero++; } float3 normal = math::normalize(e_prev.tri()->normal() + e.tri()->normal()); SkeletonVertex *skv = add_skeleton_vertex(v->co, 0.0f, &delta_prev, &delta_next, &normal); /* TODO: handle case where a vertex is used > 1 time in contours. */ set_skel_vertex_map(v->id, skv); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "added skelvert for contour v" << v->id << " " << *skv << "\n"; } } } /* Add the initial events and skeleton vertices for inner verts. */ for (Triangle *tri : trimesh_.all_tris()) { if (!tri->in_region()) { continue; } Edge e = tri->edge(0); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Vert *v = tri->vert(i); float3 vnormal = vertex_normal(v); if (!skel_vertex_map_has_id(v->id)) { SkeletonVertex *skv = add_skeleton_vertex(v->co, 0.0f, nullptr, nullptr, &vnormal); set_skel_vertex_map(v->id, skv); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "added skelvert for internal v" << v->id << " " << *skv << "\n"; } } } add_triangle(e, 0.0f); }; if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "initial events\n"; dump_event_queue(); } if (event_queue_.empty()) { /* No events found. This is probably a bug. */ BLI_assert(false); return; } while (!event_queue_.empty()) { if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "\nTOP OF EVENT LOOP\n"; if (dbg_level > 1) { dump_state(); } else { dump_event_queue(); } } epoch_++; SkeletonEvent event = event_queue_.top(); event_queue_.pop(); if (!event.is_valid()) { if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "popped event not valid, ignored\n"; } continue; } float height = event.height(); Edge edge = event.edge(); if (height > target_height_) { if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "event height > target_height; repush event and break\n"; } event_queue_.push(event); break; } if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "process event " << event << "\n"; } bool out1 = is_wavefront_edge(edge); bool out2 = is_wavefront_edge(edge.triangle_succ()); bool out3 = is_wavefront_edge(edge.triangle_pred()); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "out1=" << out1 << " out2=" << out2 << " out3=" << out3 << "\n"; } if (!out2 && (!out1 || !out3)) { /* Split/vertex type flip events. */ if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "Split/vertex type flip event\n"; } bool flip_event = true; Edge flip_edge = edge.triangle_succ(); if (out1 && !event.split_event()) { /* The exact same condition as for inner vertex event below. # In this case I can't be sure that this isn't an inner vertex event! # To check one could e.g. check if the length of the edge 1... */ SkeletonVertex *skv2 = get_skel_vertex(flip_edge); if (skv2->dhdl() != 0.0f) { float3 p2 = skv2->position() + skv2->velo() * (height - skv2->height()) / skv2->dhdl(); if (math::distance_squared(event.final_pos(), p2) < collision_epsilon) { /* TODO: remove epsilon here. */ flip_event = false; if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "not flip event\n"; } } else { /* Decide which edge to flip. */ SkeletonVertex *skv3 = get_skel_vertex(edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ()); if (skv3->dhdl() != 0.0f) { float3 p3 = skv3->position() + skv3->velo() * (height - skv3->height()) / skv3->dhdl(); if (math::distance_squared(event.final_pos(), p3) > math::distance_squared(p3, p2)) { flip_edge = flip_edge.triangle_succ(); } } } } else { flip_edge = flip_edge.triangle_succ(); /* TODO: is this correct? */ } } if (flip_event && tot_flip_events_ < 2 * tot_region_triangles_ * tot_region_triangles_) { /* TODO: check if this limit on total flip events is correct. */ /* Rotate the flip_edge. */ if (dbg_level) { std::cout << "handle_flip_event for flip_edge = " << flip_edge << "\n"; } std::pair edge_pair = handle_flip_event(flip_edge); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "handle_flip_event returned " << edge_pair.first << " and " << edge_pair.second << "\n"; std::cout << "add_triangle for those two edges at height " << height << "\n"; } add_triangle(edge_pair.first, height); add_triangle(edge_pair.second, height); /* TODO: Python code here may replace the added last two events by dummy ones in a * peculiar test to avoid flip loops. */ tot_flip_events_++; continue; } } /* Set the new vertex position. */ v_src(edge)->co = event.final_pos(); if (out1 && out2 && out3) { BLI_assert(!event.split_event()); vertex_height_map.add(v_src(edge)->id, height); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "handle_closing_event for edge " << edge << "\n"; } handle_closing_event(edge); } else if (out1 && (!out2 || !out3)) { BLI_assert(!event.split_event()); /* Vertex event. */ if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "vertex event\n"; } SkeletonVertex *skv = get_skel_vertex(edge); SkeletonVertex *skv_next = get_skel_vertex(edge.triangle_succ()); float3 delta_prev = skv->delta_prev(); float3 delta_next = skv_next->delta_next(); float3 normal = math::normalize(skv->normal() + skv_next->normal()); SkeletonVertex *new_skv = add_skeleton_vertex( event.final_pos(), height, &delta_prev, &delta_next, &normal); set_skel_vertex_map(v_src(edge)->id, new_skv); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "handle_vertex_event for edge " << edge << "\n"; } Edge new_spoke = handle_vertex_event(edge); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "handle_vertex_event returned " << new_spoke << "\n"; } Vert *new_v = v_dst(new_spoke); set_skel_vertex_map(v_src(new_spoke)->id, skv); new_v->co = event.final_pos(); vertex_height_map.add(new_v->id, height); /* Also need to set the height for the other end of the spoke, which has 0 length right now. */ vertex_height_map.add(v_src(new_spoke)->id, height); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "add_events for v" << new_v->id << " at height " << height << " instant=" << (fabsf(new_skv->dhdl()) <= dhdl_epsilon) << "\n"; } add_events(new_v, height, fabsf(skv->dhdl()) <= dhdl_epsilon); /* Check for the whisker case. */ if (out2 || out3) { Edge new_spoke_rev = neighbor_edge(new_spoke); Edge e; if (out3) { e = neighbor_edge(find_cw_wavefront_edge(new_spoke_rev)); } else { e = find_ccw_wavefront_edge(new_spoke_rev); } if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "whisker case test, e = " << e << "\n"; } SkeletonVertex *skv2 = get_skel_vertex(e); SkeletonVertex *skv3 = get_skel_vertex(e.triangle_succ()); BLI_assert(skv2 != nullptr && skv3 != nullptr); float3 p2 = skv2->position() + skv2->velo() * (skv2->dhdl() != 0.0f ? (height - skv2->height()) / skv2->dhdl() : 0.0f); float3 p3 = skv3->position() + skv3->velo() * (skv3->dhdl() != 0.0f ? (height - skv3->height()) / skv3->dhdl() : 0.0f); if (math::distance_squared(p2, p3) < collision_epsilon) { event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(e, height, event.final_pos(), false, epoch_)); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "whisker pushed event " << event_queue_.top() << "\n"; } } } } else if (!out1 && out2 != out3) { BLI_assert(event.split_event()); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "Split event\n"; } /* First detect whether it is a real split or a "collision" event. */ SkeletonVertex *skv2 = get_skel_vertex(edge.triangle_succ()); SkeletonVertex *skv3 = get_skel_vertex(edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ()); float3 p2 = skv2->position() + skv2->velo() * (skv2->dhdl() != 0.0f ? (height - skv2->height()) / skv2->dhdl() : 0); float3 p3 = skv3->position() + skv3->velo() * (skv3->dhdl() != 0.0f ? (height - skv3->height()) / skv3->dhdl() : 0); bool collide1 = false; bool collide2 = false; float d1 = math::distance_squared(event.final_pos(), p2); float d2 = math::distance_squared(event.final_pos(), p3); if (d1 < collision_epsilon || d2 < collision_epsilon) { if (d1 < d2) { collide1 = true; } else { collide2 = true; } } if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "collide1=" << collide1 << " collide2=" << collide2 << "\n"; } Edge e1 = neighbor_edge(edge); Edge e2 = neighbor_edge(edge.triangle_succ().triangle_succ()); BLI_assert(e1.tri()->in_region() && e2.tri()->in_region()); BLI_assert(v_src(e1.triangle_succ()) == v_src(edge) && v_src(e2) == v_src(edge)); /* Find the edge that holds the split event from the reflex vertex. */ Edge reflex = null_edge; Edge e = e1.triangle_succ(); do { if (!e.tri()->in_region() && !neighbor_edge(e).tri()->in_region()) { reflex = neighbor_edge(e); break; } e = rot_ccw(e); } while (e != e1.triangle_succ()); BLI_assert(!reflex.is_null()); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "reflex = " << reflex << "\n"; } SkeletonVertex *ske1 = get_skel_vertex(e1); SkeletonVertex *ske1n = get_skel_vertex(e1.triangle_succ()); SkeletonVertex *ske2 = get_skel_vertex(e2); SkeletonVertex *ske2n = get_skel_vertex(e2.triangle_succ()); float3 delta_prev = ske1->delta_next(); float3 delta_next = ske1n->delta_next(); float3 delta_prev2 = ske2->delta_prev(); float3 delta_next2 = ske2n->delta_prev(); float3 normal1 = math::normalize(ske1->normal() + ske1n->normal()); float3 normal2 = math::normalize(ske2->normal() + ske2n->normal()); SkeletonVertex *skv1 = add_skeleton_vertex( event.final_pos(), height, &delta_prev, &delta_next, &normal1); skv2 = add_skeleton_vertex(event.final_pos(), height, &delta_prev2, &delta_next2, &normal2); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "handle_split_event for edge " << edge << "\n"; } std::tuple vtriple = handle_split_event(edge); Vert *left_v = std::get<0>(vtriple); Vert *center_v = std::get<1>(vtriple); Vert *right_v = std::get<2>(vtriple); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "handle_split_event returned\n left_v = " << *left_v << "\n center_v = " << *center_v << "\n right_v = " << *right_v << "\n"; } set_skel_vertex_map(left_v->id, skv1); set_skel_vertex_map(right_v->id, skv2); vertex_height_map.add(center_v->id, height); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "add_events for v" << left_v->id << " and v" << right_v->id << " at height " << height << "\n"; } add_events(left_v, height, abs(skv1->dhdl()) <= dhdl_epsilon); add_events(right_v, height, abs(skv2->dhdl()) <= dhdl_epsilon); if (collide2) { Edge e = center_v->e; Edge collide_edge = null_edge; do { if (right_v == v_src(e.triangle_succ())) { collide_edge = e; break; } e = rot_ccw(e); } while (e != center_v->e); BLI_assert(!collide_edge.is_null()); Edge event_e = neighbor_edge(neighbor_edge(collide_edge).triangle_pred()); event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(event_e, height, event.final_pos(), false, epoch_)); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "collide2 so pushed event " << event_queue_.top() << "\n"; } } if (collide1) { Edge e = center_v->e; Edge collide_edge = null_edge; do { if (left_v == v_src(e.triangle_succ())) { collide_edge = e; break; } e = rot_ccw(e); } while (e != center_v->e); BLI_assert(!collide_edge.is_null()); Edge event_e = neighbor_edge(collide_edge.triangle_succ()); event_queue_.push(SkeletonEvent(event_e, height, event.final_pos(), false, epoch_)); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "collide1 so pushed event " << event_queue_.top() << "\n"; } } } else { /* Unknown event. */ if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "unknown event " << event << " out1=" << out1 << " out2=" << out2 << " out3=" << out3 << "\n"; } continue; // BLI_assert_unreachable(); } } if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "finished, events left: " << event_queue_.size() << "\n"; } /* Finish off remaining events. */ while (!event_queue_.empty()) { SkeletonEvent event = event_queue_.top(); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "process final event " << event << "\n"; } event_queue_.pop(); if (event.edge().is_null() || !event.is_valid()) { continue; } Triangle *tri = event.edge().tri(); remaining_triangles_set.add(tri); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Vert *vert = tri->vert(i); SkeletonVertex *skv = skel_vertex_map(vert->id); if (skv != nullptr) { if (skv->dhdl() != 0.0f) { vert->co = vert->co + skv->velo() * (target_height_ - skv->height()) / skv->dhdl(); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << " skelv=" << *skv << ", v" << vert->id << ".co = " << vert->co << "\n"; } } vertex_height_map.add(vert->id, target_height_); /* Remove skv from map so that don't process it multiple times. */ remove_from_skel_vertex_map(vert->id); } } } } static float3 poly_normal(Span verts) { Array poly(verts.size()); for (const int64_t i : verts.index_range()) { poly[i] = verts[i]->co; } float3 n = math::cross_poly(poly.as_span()); return math::normalize(n); } /** Canonicalize an int pair by putting smaller int first. */ static inline std::pair canon_pair(int a, int b) { return a < b ? std::pair(a, b) : std::pair(b, a); } /** Which position in triangle \a tri does the canonicalized pair of vertex ids \a vert_id_pair * appear as an edge? It is whichever of the pair ids appears first as long as the other is next. */ static int edgepos_by_canon_pair(const Triangle *tri, const std::pair vert_id_pair) { int a = vert_id_pair.first; int b = vert_id_pair.second; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if ((tri->vert(i)->id == a && tri->vert(succ_index(i))->id == b) || (tri->vert(i)->id == b && tri->vert(succ_index(i))->id == a)) { return i; } } return -1; } /** The vector has triangles which share edges but don't have neighbors preoperly * set yet. Set them. It is assumed that edges have only 1 or 2 triangles containing them. */ static void connect_neighbors(Span tris) { /* Map from canonicalized vert ids pairs to triangles. */ Map, std::pair> map; map.reserve(tris.size() * 2); for (const int64_t t : tris.index_range()) { Triangle *tri = tris[t]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { std::pair vpair = canon_pair(tri->vert(i)->id, tri->vert(succ_index(i))->id); if (!map.contains(vpair)) { map.add_new(vpair, std::pair(tri, nullptr)); } else { std::pair adj_tris = map.lookup(vpair); /* If adj_tris.second is not null, there are >= 3 triangles on the same edge. * This shouldn't happen, but if it just overwrite. Assert during development, however. */ BLI_assert(adj_tris.second == nullptr); adj_tris.second = tri; map.add_overwrite(vpair, adj_tris); } } } /* Now can set the neighbor pointers correctly. */ for (auto map_iter : map.items()) { Triangle *t1 = map_iter.value.first; Triangle *t2 = map_iter.value.second; if (t1 != nullptr && t2 != nullptr) { int t1_edgepos = edgepos_by_canon_pair(t1, map_iter.key); int t2_edgepos = edgepos_by_canon_pair(t2, map_iter.key); BLI_assert(t1_edgepos != -1 && t2_edgepos != -1); /* These may already be connected, as part of triangulation. */ if (t1->neighbor(t1_edgepos) != null_edge && t2->neighbor(t2_edgepos) != null_edge) { continue; } set_mutual_neighbors(t1, t1_edgepos, t2, t2_edgepos); } } } /* Like BLI_math's is_quad_flip_v3_first_third_fast_with_normal, with const float3's. */ static bool is_quad_flip_first_third( const float3 &v1, const float3 &v2, const float3 &v3, const float3 &v4, const float3 &normal) { float3 dir_v3v1 = v3 - v1; float3 tangent = math::cross(dir_v3v1, normal); float dot = math::dot(v1, tangent); return (math::dot(v4, tangent) >= dot) || (math::dot(v2, tangent) <= dot); } /** Triangulate face f of input and return it as a Vector of Triangle *. The vertices with * coordinates for face f will be found in base_trimesh. Caller assumes ownership of the * Triangles. */ static Vector triangulate_face(int f, const MeshInset_Input &input, const TriangleMesh &base_trimesh) { Vector ans; Span face = input.face[f].as_span(); int flen = int(face.size()); if (flen <= 2) { return ans; } ans.reserve(flen - 2); Array fvert(flen); for (int i = 0; i < flen; ++i) { fvert[i] = base_trimesh.get_vert_by_index(face[i]); BLI_assert(fvert[i] != nullptr); } if (flen == 3) { Triangle *t = new Triangle(fvert[0], fvert[1], fvert[2]); ans.append(t); return ans; } /* Need the face normal for the rest of this. */ float3 norm = poly_normal(fvert.as_span()); if (flen == 4) { Vert *v0 = fvert[0]; Vert *v1 = fvert[1]; Vert *v2 = fvert[2]; Vert *v3 = fvert[3]; Triangle *t0; Triangle *t1; float d02_sqr = math::distance_squared(v0->co, v2->co); float d13_sqr = math::distance_squared(v1->co, v3->co); if (d13_sqr < d02_sqr || UNLIKELY(is_quad_flip_first_third(v0->co, v1->co, v2->co, v3->co, norm))) { t0 = new Triangle(v0, v1, v3); t1 = new Triangle(v1, v2, v3); set_mutual_neighbors(t0, 1, t1, 2); t0->mark_orig(0); t0->mark_orig(2); t1->mark_orig(0); t1->mark_orig(1); } else { t0 = new Triangle(v0, v1, v2); t1 = new Triangle(v0, v2, v3); set_mutual_neighbors(t0, 2, t1, 0); t0->mark_orig(0); t0->mark_orig(1); t1->mark_orig(1); t1->mark_orig(2); } ans.append(t0); ans.append(t1); } else { /* Face has 5 or more edges; use polyfill. */ /* Project vertices to 2d along negative face normal. */ float axis_mat[3][3]; float(*projverts)[2]; unsigned int(*tris)[3]; const int totfilltri = flen - 2; tris = static_cast(MEM_malloc_arrayN(totfilltri, sizeof(*tris), __func__)); projverts = static_cast(MEM_malloc_arrayN(flen, sizeof(*projverts), __func__)); axis_dominant_v3_to_m3_negate(axis_mat, norm); Map vert_index_to_facepos; for (int j = 0; j < flen; ++j) { mul_v2_m3v3(projverts[j], axis_mat, base_trimesh.get_vert_by_index(face[j])->co); vert_index_to_facepos.add(face[j], j); } MemArena *pf_arena = BLI_memarena_new(BLI_POLYFILL_ARENA_SIZE, __func__); Heap *pf_heap = BLI_heap_new_ex(BLI_POLYFILL_ALLOC_NGON_RESERVE); BLI_polyfill_calc(projverts, flen, 0, tris); BLI_polyfill_beautify(projverts, flen, tris, pf_arena, pf_heap); /* First add the triangles, without setting neighbors yet. */ for (int t = 0; t < totfilltri; ++t) { unsigned int *tri = tris[t]; Vert *v[3]; for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { BLI_assert(tri[k] < flen); v[k] = fvert[tri[k]]; } Triangle *newtri = new Triangle(v[0], v[1], v[2]); /* Find and mark the original edges. */ for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int v1 = newtri->vert(k)->id; int v2 = newtri->vert((k + 1) % 3)->id; int pos = vert_index_to_facepos.lookup_default(v1, -1); if (pos != -1) { BLI_assert(face[pos] == v1); if (face[(pos + 1) % flen] == v2) { newtri->mark_orig(k); } } } ans.append(newtri); } MEM_freeN(tris); MEM_freeN(projverts); BLI_memarena_free(pf_arena); BLI_heap_free(pf_heap, nullptr); } return ans; } static void add_ghost_triangles(TriangleMesh &trimesh) { /* First get vector of edges that have no neighbor. */ Vector boundary_edges; for (const Triangle *t : trimesh.all_tris()) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Edge e = Edge(t, i); if (neighbor_edge(e).is_null()) { boundary_edges.append(e); } } } /* Process the boundary_edges in order (for deterministic result), * but keep track of the ones that have already been handled. */ Set visited; visited.reserve(boundary_edges.size()); for (const Edge e : boundary_edges) { if (visited.contains(e)) { continue; } Edge ecur = e; Triangle *prev_ghost = nullptr; Triangle *first_ghost = nullptr; do { visited.add_new(ecur); Vert *v0 = v_src(ecur); Vert *v1 = v_dst(ecur); Triangle *ghost_tri = trimesh.add_triangle(v0, nullptr, v1); /* Mark neighbor pairs: ecur is paired with ghost_tri's edge 2, * and ghost_tri's edge 0 is paired with the previous ghost_tri's * edge 1. */ set_mutual_neighbors(ghost_tri, 2, ecur); if (prev_ghost != nullptr) { set_mutual_neighbors(ghost_tri, 0, prev_ghost, 1); } prev_ghost = ghost_tri; if (first_ghost == nullptr) { first_ghost = ghost_tri; } /* Find next ecur by going clockwise around v1 from ecur's * triangle successor until get an edge with no neighbor. */ Edge etry = ecur.triangle_succ(); while (etry != e && !neighbor_edge(etry).is_null()) { etry = neighbor_edge(etry).triangle_succ(); BLI_assert(v_dst(etry) != v0); } ecur = etry; } while (ecur != e); /* Finally, connect the edges of prev_ghost to first_ghost because of wrap-around. */ set_mutual_neighbors(prev_ghost, 1, first_ghost, 0); } } static TriangleMesh triangulate_input(const MeshInset_Input &input) { TriangleMesh trimesh; /* First populate the verts_ array with original vertices. */ for (const int64_t v : input.vert.index_range()) { /* We will need to add representative edges later. */ trimesh.add_vert(input.vert[v]); } /* Triangulate each face. */ /* TODO: perhaps parallelize the following loop. */ int flen = int(input.face.size()); for (int f = 0; f < flen; ++f) { Vector face_tris = triangulate_face(f, input, trimesh); for (Triangle *tri : face_tris) { trimesh.add_allocated_triangle(tri); } } connect_neighbors(trimesh.all_tris()); add_ghost_triangles(trimesh); return trimesh; } /** Starting with an original contour edge (not the inset copy), \a e_contour, * find the face that has that edge and follows spoke edges around until it joins back. * Return the vector of integer ids (in the trimesh indexing scheme) that make up the face. * Also, add any encountered wavefront edges to \a wavefront_edges (use the direction * of wavefront edge that goes ccw around the wavefront). */ static Vector get_face_from_contour_edge(Edge e_contour, const TriangleMesh &trimesh, Vector &wavefront_edges) { Vector face; face.append(v_src(e_contour)->id); face.append(v_dst(e_contour)->id); Edge e = find_cw_spoke_or_wavefront_edge(neighbor_edge(e_contour)); BLI_assert(!e.is_null()); /* We should always find a spoke coming back to e_contour, but * just in case, provide an emergency out. */ int count = 0; int limit = int(trimesh.all_verts().size()) * 3; do { face.append(v_dst(e)->id); e = find_cw_spoke_or_wavefront_edge(neighbor_edge(e)); if (is_wavefront_edge(e)) { wavefront_edges.append(neighbor_edge(e)); } if (++count > limit) { BLI_assert_unreachable(); return Vector(0); } } while (v_dst(e) != v_src(e_contour)); return face; } /** Assuming that the \a edges form some number of vertex-disjoint cycles, * find those cycles and return them. */ static Vector> find_cycle_partition(const Vector &edges) { constexpr int dbg_level = 0; if (dbg_level > 1) { std::cout << "find_cycle_partition"; for (const Edge e : edges) { std::cout << " " << e; } std::cout << "\n"; } Vector> ans; /* If the cycles are vertex-disjoint, we can find the continuation edge * of the current cycle by finding the (should-be-unique) edge whose * source is that current tail's destination. */ Map src_to_edge; const int num_e = int(edges.size()); src_to_edge.reserve(num_e); for (int ei = 0; ei < num_e; ++ei) { Edge e = edges[ei]; Vert *vs = v_src(e); src_to_edge.add_new(vs->id, ei); } Array edge_used(edges.size(), false); for (;;) { int seed_i = 0; while (seed_i < edges.size() && edge_used[seed_i]) { seed_i++; } if (seed_i == edges.size()) { break; } ans.append(Vector(1, edges[seed_i])); edge_used[seed_i] = true; Vector &curcycle = ans.last(); Edge curtail = curcycle.last(); const Vert *vstart = v_src(curtail); for (;;) { const Vert *vtail = v_dst(curtail); if (vtail == vstart) { break; } int enexti = src_to_edge.lookup_default(vtail->id, -1); if (enexti == -1 || edge_used[enexti]) { /* The assumptions of this function are not true. */ BLI_assert_unreachable(); break; } Edge enext = edges[enexti]; edge_used[enexti] = true; curcycle.append(enext); curtail = enext; } } if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "answer\n"; for (const Vector &cycle : ans) { for (const Edge e : cycle) { std::cout << " " << e; } std::cout << "\n"; } } return ans; } /** Find and append the faces inside the wavefront cycle \a contour and append them to \a * out_faces. */ static void append_interior_faces_for_cycle(Vector> &out_faces, const Vector contour) { constexpr int dbg_level = 0; if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "append_interior_faces_for_cycle "; for (Edge e : contour) { std::cout << " " << e; } std::cout << "\n"; } if (contour.size() < 3) { return; } Vector stack; Set processed; for (Edge e : contour) { stack.append(e); } while (!stack.is_empty()) { Edge estart = stack.pop_last(); if (processed.contains(estart)) { continue; } /* Find a cycle of edges starting with estart that contain only original edges * or wavefront edges. */ processed.add(estart); out_faces.append(Vector()); Vector &face = out_faces.last(); face.append(v_src(estart)->id); Edge ecur = estart; do { Edge enext = find_cw_wavefront_or_orig_edge(neighbor_edge(ecur)); if (enext.is_null()) { /* Shouldn't happen unless didn't propagate "origness" properly. Just choose an edge. */ BLI_assert_unreachable(); enext = rot_cw(neighbor_edge(estart)); } processed.add(enext); face.append(v_src(enext)->id); if (!is_wavefront_edge(enext)) { Edge en = neighbor_edge(enext); if (!processed.contains(en)) { stack.append(en); } } ecur = enext; } while (v_dst(ecur) != v_src(estart)); if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "added face"; for (int v : face) { std::cout << " " << v; } std::cout << "\n"; } } } /** Find the vertices and faces that make up the final result from \a trimesh. * Many triangles in the triangle mesh need to be merged to form an output face, * though we can sometimes avoid a merging step by just tracing around the * expected boundaries of faces. */ static MeshInset_Result trimesh_to_output(const TriangleMesh &trimesh, const MeshInset_Input &input) { constexpr bool dbg_level = 0; if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "trimesh_to_output\n"; } MeshInset_Result result; /* Put the non-deleted vertices into result.vert, and keep track * of how to map a trimesh vertex index to an output vertex index. */ int tot_all_verts = int(trimesh.all_verts().size()); Array vert_index_to_output_index(tot_all_verts); int totv = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tot_all_verts; ++i) { const Vert *v = trimesh.get_vert_by_index(i); vert_index_to_output_index[i] = totv; if (!v->is_deleted()) { totv++; } } result.vert = Array(totv); result.orig_vert = Array(totv, -1); int out_v_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tot_all_verts; ++i) { const Vert *v = trimesh.get_vert_by_index(i); if (!v->is_deleted()) { if (i < input.vert.size()) { result.orig_vert[out_v_index] = i; } result.vert[out_v_index++] = v->co; } } /* Each edge in an original contour will generate a face * with that edge and some spokes and wavefront edges. */ Vector> out_faces; Vector wavefront_edges; int num_contours = int(input.contour.size()); for (int contour_index = 0; contour_index < num_contours; ++contour_index) { const Vector &contour = input.contour[contour_index]; int n = int(contour.size()); for (int ci = 0; ci < n; ++ci) { const Vert *v_ci = trimesh.get_vert_by_index(contour[ci]); const Vert *v_ci1 = trimesh.get_vert_by_index(contour[(ci + 1) % n]); Edge e_contour = edge_between(v_ci, v_ci1); BLI_assert(!e_contour.is_null()); Vector face = get_face_from_contour_edge(e_contour, trimesh, wavefront_edges); /* Fix indices for output vert indexing. */ if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "new outer face:"; for (int i : face.index_range()) { if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << " " << face[i]; } } std::cout << "\n"; } out_faces.append(face); } } /* Find the remaining inner faces. */ if (wavefront_edges.size() > 0) { Vector> cycles = find_cycle_partition(wavefront_edges); /* TODO: handle inner faces propery by preserving the * exsiting geometry, which means dissolving only the triangulation edges. */ for (const Vector &cycle : cycles) { append_interior_faces_for_cycle(out_faces, cycle); } } /* Change indices in faces to output vertex numbers, */ for (int64_t fi : out_faces.index_range()) { Vector &face = out_faces[fi]; for (int64_t i : face.index_range()) { face[i] = vert_index_to_output_index[face[i]]; } } result.face = Array>(out_faces.size()); for (int64_t fi : out_faces.index_range()) { result.face[fi] = out_faces[fi]; } if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "result:\n"; for (int i : result.vert.index_range()) { std::cout << "vert[" << i << "] = " << result.vert[i] << "\n"; } for (int i : result.face.index_range()) { const Vector &f = result.face[i]; std::cout << "face[" << i << "] ="; for (int j : f.index_range()) { std::cout << " " << f[j]; } std::cout << "\n"; } for (int i : result.orig_vert.index_range()) { std::cout << "orig_vert[" << i << "] = " << result.orig_vert[i] << "\n"; } } return result; } MeshInset_Result mesh_inset_calc(const MeshInset_Input &input) { constexpr int dbg_level = 0; if (dbg_level > 0) { std::cout << "mesh_inset_calc\n"; if (dbg_level > 1) { std::cout << "input\n"; for (int i : input.vert.index_range()) { std::cout << "vert[" << i << "] = " << input.vert[i] << "\n"; } for (int i : input.face.index_range()) { std::cout << "face[" << i << "] ="; const Vector &f = input.face[i]; for (int j : f.index_range()) { std::cout << " " << f[j]; } std::cout << "\n"; } for (int i : input.contour.index_range()) { std::cout << "contour[" << i << "] ="; const Vector &c = input.contour[i]; for (int j : c.index_range()) { std::cout << " " << c[j]; } std::cout << "\n"; } } } TriangleMesh trimesh = triangulate_input(input); StraightSkeleton ss(trimesh, input.contour, input.inset_amount); ss.compute(); if (input.slope != 0.0f) { /* Gather all the deltas before applying, as changing height changes the vertex normals. */ Array vco_delta(trimesh.all_verts().size(), float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); trimesh.calculate_all_tri_normals(); for (int64_t v_index : trimesh.all_verts().index_range()) { Vert *v = trimesh.get_vert_by_index(int(v_index)); if (!v->is_deleted()) { if (ss.vertex_height_map.contains(v->id)) { float h = ss.vertex_height_map.lookup(v->id); if (h != 0.0f) { float shell_factor = vertex_shell_factor(v); vco_delta[v_index] = vertex_normal(v) * shell_factor * h * input.slope; } } } } for (int64_t v_index : trimesh.all_verts().index_range()) { Vert *v = trimesh.get_vert_by_index(int(v_index)); v->co += vco_delta[v->id]; } } if (dbg_level > 0) { trimesh_draw("after ss " + std::to_string(input.inset_amount), trimesh); std::cout << trimesh << "\n"; } return trimesh_to_output(trimesh, input); } } // namespace blender::meshinset