/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include "BLI_ressource_strings.h" #include "testing/testing.h" #define GHASH_INTERNAL_API #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_ghash.h" #include "BLI_rand.h" #include "BLI_string.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "PIL_time_utildefines.h" /* Using http://corpora.uni-leipzig.de/downloads/eng_wikipedia_2010_1M-text.tar.gz * (1 million of words, about 122MB of text) from * http://corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/download.html */ #if 0 # define TEXT_CORPUS_PATH \ "/path/to/Téléchargements/eng_wikipedia_2010_1M-text/eng_wikipedia_2010_1M-sentences.txt" #endif /* Resizing the hash has a huge cost over global filling operation! */ //#define GHASH_RESERVE /* Run the longest tests! */ //#define GHASH_RUN_BIG /* Size of 'small case' ghash (number of entries). */ #define TESTCASE_SIZE_SMALL 17 #define PRINTF_GHASH_STATS(_gh) \ { \ double q, lf, var, pempty, poverloaded; \ int bigb; \ q = BLI_ghash_calc_quality_ex((_gh), &lf, &var, &pempty, &poverloaded, &bigb); \ printf( \ "GHash stats (%u entries):\n\t" \ "Quality (the lower the better): %f\n\tVariance (the lower the better): %f\n\tLoad: " \ "%f\n\t" \ "Empty buckets: %.2f%%\n\tOverloaded buckets: %.2f%% (biggest bucket: %d)\n", \ BLI_ghash_len(_gh), \ q, \ var, \ lf, \ pempty * 100.0, \ poverloaded * 100.0, \ bigb); \ } \ void(0) /* Str: whole text, lines and words from a 'corpus' text. */ static void str_ghash_tests(GHash *ghash, const char *id) { printf("\n========== STARTING %s ==========\n", id); #ifdef TEXT_CORPUS_PATH size_t data_size = 0; char *data; { struct stat st; if (stat(TEXT_CORPUS_PATH, &st) == 0) data_size = st.st_size; } if (data_size != 0) { FILE *f = fopen(TEXT_CORPUS_PATH, "r"); data = (char *)MEM_mallocN(data_size + 1, __func__); if (fread(data, sizeof(*data), data_size, f) != data_size) { printf("ERROR in reading file %s!", TEXT_CORPUS_PATH); MEM_freeN(data); data = BLI_strdup(words10k); } data[data_size] = '\0'; fclose(f); } else { data = BLI_strdup(words10k); } #else char *data = BLI_strdup(words10k); #endif char *data_p = BLI_strdup(data); char *data_w = BLI_strdup(data); char *data_bis = BLI_strdup(data); { char *p, *w, *c_p, *c_w; TIMEIT_START(string_insert); #ifdef GHASH_RESERVE BLI_ghash_reserve(ghash, strlen(data) / 32); /* rough estimation... */ #endif BLI_ghash_insert(ghash, data, POINTER_FROM_INT(data[0])); for (p = c_p = data_p, w = c_w = data_w; *c_w; c_w++, c_p++) { if (*c_p == '.') { *c_p = *c_w = '\0'; if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(ghash, p)) { BLI_ghash_insert(ghash, p, POINTER_FROM_INT(p[0])); } if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(ghash, w)) { BLI_ghash_insert(ghash, w, POINTER_FROM_INT(w[0])); } p = c_p + 1; w = c_w + 1; } else if (*c_w == ' ') { *c_w = '\0'; if (!BLI_ghash_haskey(ghash, w)) { BLI_ghash_insert(ghash, w, POINTER_FROM_INT(w[0])); } w = c_w + 1; } } TIMEIT_END(string_insert); } PRINTF_GHASH_STATS(ghash); { char *p, *w, *c; void *v; TIMEIT_START(string_lookup); v = BLI_ghash_lookup(ghash, data_bis); EXPECT_EQ(POINTER_AS_INT(v), data_bis[0]); for (p = w = c = data_bis; *c; c++) { if (*c == '.') { *c = '\0'; v = BLI_ghash_lookup(ghash, w); EXPECT_EQ(POINTER_AS_INT(v), w[0]); v = BLI_ghash_lookup(ghash, p); EXPECT_EQ(POINTER_AS_INT(v), p[0]); p = w = c + 1; } else if (*c == ' ') { *c = '\0'; v = BLI_ghash_lookup(ghash, w); EXPECT_EQ(POINTER_AS_INT(v), w[0]); w = c + 1; } } TIMEIT_END(string_lookup); } BLI_ghash_free(ghash, nullptr, nullptr); MEM_freeN(data); MEM_freeN(data_p); MEM_freeN(data_w); MEM_freeN(data_bis); printf("========== ENDED %s ==========\n\n", id); } TEST(ghash, TextGHash) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p, BLI_ghashutil_strcmp, __func__); str_ghash_tests(ghash, "StrGHash - GHash"); } TEST(ghash, TextMurmur2a) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p_murmur, BLI_ghashutil_strcmp, __func__); str_ghash_tests(ghash, "StrGHash - Murmur"); } /* Int: uniform 100M first integers. */ static void int_ghash_tests(GHash *ghash, const char *id, const uint count) { printf("\n========== STARTING %s ==========\n", id); { uint i = count; TIMEIT_START(int_insert); #ifdef GHASH_RESERVE BLI_ghash_reserve(ghash, count); #endif while (i--) { BLI_ghash_insert(ghash, POINTER_FROM_UINT(i), POINTER_FROM_UINT(i)); } TIMEIT_END(int_insert); } PRINTF_GHASH_STATS(ghash); { uint i = count; TIMEIT_START(int_lookup); while (i--) { void *v = BLI_ghash_lookup(ghash, POINTER_FROM_UINT(i)); EXPECT_EQ(POINTER_AS_UINT(v), i); } TIMEIT_END(int_lookup); } { void *k, *v; TIMEIT_START(int_pop); GHashIterState pop_state = {0}; while (BLI_ghash_pop(ghash, &pop_state, &k, &v)) { EXPECT_EQ(k, v); } TIMEIT_END(int_pop); } EXPECT_EQ(BLI_ghash_len(ghash), 0); BLI_ghash_free(ghash, nullptr, nullptr); printf("========== ENDED %s ==========\n\n", id); } TEST(ghash, IntGHash12000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); int_ghash_tests(ghash, "IntGHash - GHash - 12000", 12000); } #ifdef GHASH_RUN_BIG TEST(ghash, IntGHash100000000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); int_ghash_tests(ghash, "IntGHash - GHash - 100000000", 100000000); } #endif TEST(ghash, IntMurmur2a12000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p_murmur, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); int_ghash_tests(ghash, "IntGHash - Murmur - 12000", 12000); } #ifdef GHASH_RUN_BIG TEST(ghash, IntMurmur2a100000000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p_murmur, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); int_ghash_tests(ghash, "IntGHash - Murmur - 100000000", 100000000); } #endif /* Int: random 50M integers. */ static void randint_ghash_tests(GHash *ghash, const char *id, const uint count) { printf("\n========== STARTING %s ==========\n", id); uint *data = (uint *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*data) * (size_t)count, __func__); uint *dt; uint i; { RNG *rng = BLI_rng_new(1); for (i = count, dt = data; i--; dt++) { *dt = BLI_rng_get_uint(rng); } BLI_rng_free(rng); } { TIMEIT_START(int_insert); #ifdef GHASH_RESERVE BLI_ghash_reserve(ghash, count); #endif for (i = count, dt = data; i--; dt++) { BLI_ghash_insert(ghash, POINTER_FROM_UINT(*dt), POINTER_FROM_UINT(*dt)); } TIMEIT_END(int_insert); } PRINTF_GHASH_STATS(ghash); { TIMEIT_START(int_lookup); for (i = count, dt = data; i--; dt++) { void *v = BLI_ghash_lookup(ghash, POINTER_FROM_UINT(*dt)); EXPECT_EQ(POINTER_AS_UINT(v), *dt); } TIMEIT_END(int_lookup); } BLI_ghash_free(ghash, nullptr, nullptr); MEM_freeN(data); printf("========== ENDED %s ==========\n\n", id); } TEST(ghash, IntRandGHash12000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); randint_ghash_tests(ghash, "RandIntGHash - GHash - 12000", 12000); } #ifdef GHASH_RUN_BIG TEST(ghash, IntRandGHash50000000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); randint_ghash_tests(ghash, "RandIntGHash - GHash - 50000000", 50000000); } #endif TEST(ghash, IntRandMurmur2a12000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p_murmur, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); randint_ghash_tests(ghash, "RandIntGHash - Murmur - 12000", 12000); } #ifdef GHASH_RUN_BIG TEST(ghash, IntRandMurmur2a50000000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p_murmur, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); randint_ghash_tests(ghash, "RandIntGHash - Murmur - 50000000", 50000000); } #endif static uint ghashutil_tests_nohash_p(const void *p) { return POINTER_AS_UINT(p); } static bool ghashutil_tests_cmp_p(const void *a, const void *b) { return a != b; } TEST(ghash, Int4NoHash12000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(ghashutil_tests_nohash_p, ghashutil_tests_cmp_p, __func__); randint_ghash_tests(ghash, "RandIntGHash - No Hash - 12000", 12000); } #ifdef GHASH_RUN_BIG TEST(ghash, Int4NoHash50000000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(ghashutil_tests_nohash_p, ghashutil_tests_cmp_p, __func__); randint_ghash_tests(ghash, "RandIntGHash - No Hash - 50000000", 50000000); } #endif /* Int_v4: 20M of randomly-generated integer vectors. */ static void int4_ghash_tests(GHash *ghash, const char *id, const uint count) { printf("\n========== STARTING %s ==========\n", id); void *data_v = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(uint[4]) * (size_t)count, __func__); uint(*data)[4] = (uint(*)[4])data_v; uint(*dt)[4]; uint i, j; { RNG *rng = BLI_rng_new(1); for (i = count, dt = data; i--; dt++) { for (j = 4; j--;) { (*dt)[j] = BLI_rng_get_uint(rng); } } BLI_rng_free(rng); } { TIMEIT_START(int_v4_insert); #ifdef GHASH_RESERVE BLI_ghash_reserve(ghash, count); #endif for (i = count, dt = data; i--; dt++) { BLI_ghash_insert(ghash, *dt, POINTER_FROM_UINT(i)); } TIMEIT_END(int_v4_insert); } PRINTF_GHASH_STATS(ghash); { TIMEIT_START(int_v4_lookup); for (i = count, dt = data; i--; dt++) { void *v = BLI_ghash_lookup(ghash, (void *)(*dt)); EXPECT_EQ(POINTER_AS_UINT(v), i); } TIMEIT_END(int_v4_lookup); } BLI_ghash_free(ghash, nullptr, nullptr); MEM_freeN(data); printf("========== ENDED %s ==========\n\n", id); } TEST(ghash, Int4GHash2000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new( BLI_ghashutil_uinthash_v4_p, BLI_ghashutil_uinthash_v4_cmp, __func__); int4_ghash_tests(ghash, "Int4GHash - GHash - 2000", 2000); } #ifdef GHASH_RUN_BIG TEST(ghash, Int4GHash20000000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new( BLI_ghashutil_uinthash_v4_p, BLI_ghashutil_uinthash_v4_cmp, __func__); int4_ghash_tests(ghash, "Int4GHash - GHash - 20000000", 20000000); } #endif TEST(ghash, Int4Murmur2a2000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new( BLI_ghashutil_uinthash_v4_p_murmur, BLI_ghashutil_uinthash_v4_cmp, __func__); int4_ghash_tests(ghash, "Int4GHash - Murmur - 2000", 2000); } #ifdef GHASH_RUN_BIG TEST(ghash, Int4Murmur2a20000000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new( BLI_ghashutil_uinthash_v4_p_murmur, BLI_ghashutil_uinthash_v4_cmp, __func__); int4_ghash_tests(ghash, "Int4GHash - Murmur - 20000000", 20000000); } #endif /* GHash inthash_v2 tests */ TEST(ghash, Int2NoHash12000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(ghashutil_tests_nohash_p, ghashutil_tests_cmp_p, __func__); randint_ghash_tests(ghash, "RandIntGHash - No Hash - 12000", 12000); } #ifdef GHASH_RUN_BIG TEST(ghash, Int2NoHash50000000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(ghashutil_tests_nohash_p, ghashutil_tests_cmp_p, __func__); randint_ghash_tests(ghash, "RandIntGHash - No Hash - 50000000", 50000000); } #endif /* MultiSmall: create and manipulate a lot of very small ghash's * (90% < 10 items, 9% < 100 items, 1% < 1000 items). */ static void multi_small_ghash_tests_one(GHash *ghash, RNG *rng, const uint count) { uint *data = (uint *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*data) * (size_t)count, __func__); uint *dt; uint i; for (i = count, dt = data; i--; dt++) { *dt = BLI_rng_get_uint(rng); } #ifdef GHASH_RESERVE BLI_ghash_reserve(ghash, count); #endif for (i = count, dt = data; i--; dt++) { BLI_ghash_insert(ghash, POINTER_FROM_UINT(*dt), POINTER_FROM_UINT(*dt)); } for (i = count, dt = data; i--; dt++) { void *v = BLI_ghash_lookup(ghash, POINTER_FROM_UINT(*dt)); EXPECT_EQ(POINTER_AS_UINT(v), *dt); } BLI_ghash_clear(ghash, nullptr, nullptr); MEM_freeN(data); } static void multi_small_ghash_tests(GHash *ghash, const char *id, const uint count) { printf("\n========== STARTING %s ==========\n", id); RNG *rng = BLI_rng_new(1); TIMEIT_START(multi_small_ghash); uint i = count; while (i--) { const int count = 1 + (BLI_rng_get_int(rng) % TESTCASE_SIZE_SMALL) * (!(i % 100) ? 100 : (!(i % 10) ? 10 : 1)); multi_small_ghash_tests_one(ghash, rng, count); } TIMEIT_END(multi_small_ghash); TIMEIT_START(multi_small2_ghash); uint i = count; while (i--) { const int count = 1 + (BLI_rng_get_int(rng) % TESTCASE_SIZE_SMALL) / 2 * (!(i % 100) ? 100 : (!(i % 10) ? 10 : 1)); multi_small_ghash_tests_one(ghash, rng, count); } TIMEIT_END(multi_small2_ghash); BLI_ghash_free(ghash, nullptr, nullptr); BLI_rng_free(rng); printf("========== ENDED %s ==========\n\n", id); } TEST(ghash, MultiRandIntGHash2000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); multi_small_ghash_tests(ghash, "MultiSmall RandIntGHash - GHash - 2000", 2000); } TEST(ghash, MultiRandIntGHash200000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); multi_small_ghash_tests(ghash, "MultiSmall RandIntGHash - GHash - 200000", 200000); } TEST(ghash, MultiRandIntMurmur2a2000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p_murmur, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); multi_small_ghash_tests(ghash, "MultiSmall RandIntGHash - Murmur2a - 2000", 2000); } TEST(ghash, MultiRandIntMurmur2a200000) { GHash *ghash = BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_inthash_p_murmur, BLI_ghashutil_intcmp, __func__); multi_small_ghash_tests(ghash, "MultiSmall RandIntGHash - Murmur2a - 200000", 200000); }