/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Contributor(s): Joseph Eagar. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/bmesh/operators/bmo_beautify.c * \ingroup bmesh * * Beautify the mesh by rotating edes between triangles * to more attractive positions until no more rotations can be made. * * In princible this is very simple however there is the possability of * going into an eternal loop where edges keep rotating. * To avoid this - each edge stores a hash of it previous * states so as not to rotate back. * * TODO * - Take face normals into account. */ #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_heap.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "bmesh.h" #include "intern/bmesh_operators_private.h" // #define DEBUG_TIME #ifdef DEBUG_TIME # include "PIL_time.h" #endif enum { VERT_RESTRICT_TAG = (1 << 0), }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* GHash for edge rotation */ typedef struct EdRotState { int v1, v2; /* edge vert, small -> large */ int f1, f2; /* face vert, small -> large */ } EdRotState; static unsigned int erot_ghashutil_hash(const void *ptr) { const EdRotState *e_state = (const EdRotState *)ptr; unsigned int hash = BLI_ghashutil_inthash(SET_INT_IN_POINTER(e_state->v1)); hash ^= BLI_ghashutil_inthash(SET_INT_IN_POINTER(e_state->v2)); hash ^= BLI_ghashutil_inthash(SET_INT_IN_POINTER(e_state->f1)); hash ^= BLI_ghashutil_inthash(SET_INT_IN_POINTER(e_state->f2)); return hash; } static int erot_ghashutil_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const EdRotState *e_state_a = (const EdRotState *)a; const EdRotState *e_state_b = (const EdRotState *)b; if (e_state_a->v1 < e_state_b->v1) return -1; else if (e_state_a->v1 > e_state_b->v1) return 1; else if (e_state_a->v2 < e_state_b->v2) return -1; else if (e_state_a->v2 > e_state_b->v2) return 1; else if (e_state_a->f1 < e_state_b->f1) return -1; else if (e_state_a->f1 > e_state_b->f1) return 1; else if (e_state_a->f2 < e_state_b->f2) return -1; else if (e_state_a->f2 > e_state_b->f2) return 1; else return 0; } static GHash *erot_ghash_new(void) { return BLI_ghash_new(erot_ghashutil_hash, erot_ghashutil_cmp, __func__); } /* ensure v0 is smaller */ #define EDGE_ORD(v0, v1) \ if (v0 > v1) { \ v0 ^= v1; \ v1 ^= v0; \ v0 ^= v1; \ } (void)0 static void erot_state_ex(const BMEdge *e, int v_index[2], int f_index[2]) { BLI_assert(BM_edge_is_manifold((BMEdge *)e)); BLI_assert(BM_vert_in_edge(e, e->l->prev->v) == false); BLI_assert(BM_vert_in_edge(e, e->l->radial_next->prev->v) == false); /* verts of the edge */ v_index[0] = BM_elem_index_get(e->v1); v_index[1] = BM_elem_index_get(e->v2); EDGE_ORD(v_index[0], v_index[1]); /* verts of each of the 2 faces attached to this edge * (that are not apart of this edge) */ f_index[0] = BM_elem_index_get(e->l->prev->v); f_index[1] = BM_elem_index_get(e->l->radial_next->prev->v); EDGE_ORD(f_index[0], f_index[1]); } static void erot_state_current(const BMEdge *e, EdRotState *e_state) { erot_state_ex(e, &e_state->v1, &e_state->f1); } static void erot_state_alternate(const BMEdge *e, EdRotState *e_state) { erot_state_ex(e, &e_state->f1, &e_state->v1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Calculate the improvement of rotating the edge */ /** * \return a negative value means the edge can be rotated. */ static float bm_edge_calc_rotate_beauty(const BMEdge *e, const int flag) { /* not a loop (only to be able to break out) */ do { float v1_xy[2], v2_xy[2], v3_xy[2], v4_xy[2]; /* first get the 2d values */ { const float *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4; bool is_zero_a, is_zero_b; float no[3]; float axis_mat[3][3]; v1 = e->l->prev->v->co; /* first face co */ v2 = e->l->v->co; /* e->v1 or e->v2*/ v3 = e->l->radial_next->prev->v->co; /* second face co */ v4 = e->l->next->v->co; /* e->v1 or e->v2*/ if (flag & VERT_RESTRICT_TAG) { BMVert *v_a = e->l->prev->v, *v_b = e->l->radial_next->prev->v; if (BM_elem_flag_test(v_a, BM_ELEM_TAG) == BM_elem_flag_test(v_b, BM_ELEM_TAG)) { break; } } if (UNLIKELY(v1 == v3)) { // printf("This should never happen, but does sometimes!\n"); break; } // printf("%p %p %p %p - %p %p\n", v1, v2, v3, v4, e->l->f, e->l->radial_next->f); BLI_assert((ELEM3(v1, v2, v3, v4) == false) && (ELEM3(v2, v1, v3, v4) == false) && (ELEM3(v3, v1, v2, v4) == false) && (ELEM3(v4, v1, v2, v3) == false)); is_zero_a = area_tri_v3(v2, v3, v4) <= FLT_EPSILON; is_zero_b = area_tri_v3(v2, v4, v1) <= FLT_EPSILON; if (LIKELY(is_zero_a == false && is_zero_b == false)) { float no_a[3], no_b[3]; normal_tri_v3(no_a, v2, v3, v4); /* a */ normal_tri_v3(no_b, v2, v4, v1); /* b */ add_v3_v3v3(no, no_a, no_b); if (UNLIKELY(normalize_v3(no) <= FLT_EPSILON)) { break; } } else if (is_zero_a == false) { normal_tri_v3(no, v2, v3, v4); /* a */ } else if (is_zero_b == false) { normal_tri_v3(no, v2, v4, v1); /* b */ } else { /* both zero area, no useful normal can be calculated */ break; } // { float a = angle_normalized_v3v3(no_a, no_b); printf("~ %.7f\n", a); fflush(stdout);} axis_dominant_v3_to_m3(axis_mat, no); mul_v2_m3v3(v1_xy, axis_mat, v1); mul_v2_m3v3(v2_xy, axis_mat, v2); mul_v2_m3v3(v3_xy, axis_mat, v3); mul_v2_m3v3(v4_xy, axis_mat, v4); } // printf("%p %p %p %p - %p %p\n", v1, v2, v3, v4, e->l->f, e->l->radial_next->f); if (is_quad_convex_v2(v1_xy, v2_xy, v3_xy, v4_xy)) { float len1, len2, len3, len4, len5, len6, opp1, opp2, fac1, fac2; /* testing rule: * the area divided by the total edge lengths */ len1 = len_v2v2(v1_xy, v2_xy); len2 = len_v2v2(v2_xy, v3_xy); len3 = len_v2v2(v3_xy, v4_xy); len4 = len_v2v2(v4_xy, v1_xy); len5 = len_v2v2(v1_xy, v3_xy); len6 = len_v2v2(v2_xy, v4_xy); opp1 = area_tri_v2(v1_xy, v2_xy, v3_xy); opp2 = area_tri_v2(v1_xy, v3_xy, v4_xy); fac1 = opp1 / (len1 + len2 + len5) + opp2 / (len3 + len4 + len5); opp1 = area_tri_v2(v2_xy, v3_xy, v4_xy); opp2 = area_tri_v2(v2_xy, v4_xy, v1_xy); fac2 = opp1 / (len2 + len3 + len6) + opp2 / (len4 + len1 + len6); /* negative number if we're OK */ return fac2 - fac1; } } while (false); return FLT_MAX; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Update the edge cost of rotation in the heap */ /* recalc an edge in the heap (surrounding geometry has changed) */ static void bm_edge_update_beauty_cost_single(BMEdge *e, Heap *eheap, HeapNode **eheap_table, GHash **edge_state_arr, const int flag) { if (BM_elem_flag_test(e, BM_ELEM_TAG)) { const int i = BM_elem_index_get(e); GHash *e_state_hash = edge_state_arr[i]; if (eheap_table[i]) { BLI_heap_remove(eheap, eheap_table[i]); eheap_table[i] = NULL; } /* check if we can add it back */ BLI_assert(BM_edge_is_manifold(e) == true); //BLI_assert(BMO_elem_flag_test(bm, e->l->f, FACE_MARK) && // BMO_elem_flag_test(bm, e->l->radial_next->f, FACE_MARK)); /* check we're not moving back into a state we have been in before */ if (e_state_hash != NULL) { EdRotState e_state_alt; erot_state_alternate(e, &e_state_alt); if (BLI_ghash_haskey(e_state_hash, (void *)&e_state_alt)) { // printf(" skipping, we already have this state\n"); return; } } { /* recalculate edge */ const float cost = bm_edge_calc_rotate_beauty(e, flag); if (cost < 0.0f) { eheap_table[i] = BLI_heap_insert(eheap, cost, e); } else { eheap_table[i] = NULL; } } } } /* we have rotated an edge, tag other egdes and clear this one */ static void bm_edge_update_beauty_cost(BMEdge *e, Heap *eheap, HeapNode **eheap_table, GHash **edge_state_arr, const int flag) { BMLoop *l; BLI_assert(e->l->f->len == 3 && e->l->radial_next->f->len == 3); l = e->l; bm_edge_update_beauty_cost_single(l->next->e, eheap, eheap_table, edge_state_arr, flag); bm_edge_update_beauty_cost_single(l->prev->e, eheap, eheap_table, edge_state_arr, flag); l = l->radial_next; bm_edge_update_beauty_cost_single(l->next->e, eheap, eheap_table, edge_state_arr, flag); bm_edge_update_beauty_cost_single(l->prev->e, eheap, eheap_table, edge_state_arr, flag); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Beautify Fill */ #define ELE_NEW 1 #define FACE_MARK 2 /** * \note All edges in \a edge_array must be tagged and * have their index values set according to their position in the array. */ static void bm_mesh_beautify_fill(BMesh *bm, BMEdge **edge_array, const int edge_array_len, const int flag) { Heap *eheap; /* edge heap */ HeapNode **eheap_table; /* edge index aligned table pointing to the eheap */ GHash **edge_state_arr = MEM_callocN(edge_array_len * sizeof(GHash *), __func__); BLI_mempool *edge_state_pool = BLI_mempool_create(sizeof(EdRotState), 512, 512, BLI_MEMPOOL_SYSMALLOC); int i; #ifdef DEBUG_TIME TIMEIT_START(beautify_fill); #endif eheap = BLI_heap_new_ex(edge_array_len); eheap_table = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(HeapNode *) * edge_array_len, __func__); /* build heap */ for (i = 0; i < edge_array_len; i++) { BMEdge *e = edge_array[i]; const float cost = bm_edge_calc_rotate_beauty(e, flag); if (cost < 0.0f) { eheap_table[i] = BLI_heap_insert(eheap, cost, e); } else { eheap_table[i] = NULL; } } while (BLI_heap_is_empty(eheap) == false) { BMEdge *e = BLI_heap_popmin(eheap); i = BM_elem_index_get(e); eheap_table[i] = NULL; e = BM_edge_rotate(bm, e, false, BM_EDGEROT_CHECK_EXISTS); if (LIKELY(e)) { GHash *e_state_hash = edge_state_arr[i]; /* add the new state into the hash so we don't move into this state again * note: we could add the previous state too but this isn't essential) * for avoiding eternal loops */ EdRotState *e_state = BLI_mempool_alloc(edge_state_pool); erot_state_current(e, e_state); if (UNLIKELY(e_state_hash == NULL)) { edge_state_arr[i] = e_state_hash = erot_ghash_new(); /* store previous state */ } BLI_assert(BLI_ghash_haskey(e_state_hash, (void *)e_state) == false); BLI_ghash_insert(e_state_hash, e_state, NULL); // printf(" %d -> %d, %d\n", i, BM_elem_index_get(e->v1), BM_elem_index_get(e->v2)); /* maintain the index array */ edge_array[i] = e; BM_elem_index_set(e, i); /* recalculate faces connected on the heap */ bm_edge_update_beauty_cost(e, eheap, eheap_table, edge_state_arr, flag); /* update flags */ BMO_elem_flag_enable(bm, e, ELE_NEW); BMO_elem_flag_enable(bm, e->l->f, FACE_MARK | ELE_NEW); BMO_elem_flag_enable(bm, e->l->radial_next->f, FACE_MARK | ELE_NEW); } } BLI_heap_free(eheap, NULL); MEM_freeN(eheap_table); for (i = 0; i < edge_array_len; i++) { if (edge_state_arr[i]) { BLI_ghash_free(edge_state_arr[i], NULL, NULL); } } MEM_freeN(edge_state_arr); BLI_mempool_destroy(edge_state_pool); #ifdef DEBUG_TIME TIMEIT_END(beautify_fill); #endif } void bmo_beautify_fill_exec(BMesh *bm, BMOperator *op) { BMIter iter; BMOIter siter; BMFace *f; BMEdge *e; const bool use_restrict_tag = BMO_slot_bool_get(op->slots_in, "use_restrict_tag"); const int flag = (use_restrict_tag ? VERT_RESTRICT_TAG : 0); BMEdge **edge_array; int edge_array_len = 0; BMO_ITER (f, &siter, op->slots_in, "faces", BM_FACE) { if (f->len == 3) { BMO_elem_flag_enable(bm, f, FACE_MARK); } } BM_ITER_MESH (e, &iter, bm, BM_EDGES_OF_MESH) { BM_elem_flag_disable(e, BM_ELEM_TAG); } /* will over alloc if some edges can't be rotated */ edge_array = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*edge_array) * BMO_slot_buffer_count(op->slots_in, "edges"), __func__); BMO_ITER (e, &siter, op->slots_in, "edges", BM_EDGE) { /* edge is manifold and can be rotated */ if (BM_edge_rotate_check(e) && /* faces are tagged */ BMO_elem_flag_test(bm, e->l->f, FACE_MARK) && BMO_elem_flag_test(bm, e->l->radial_next->f, FACE_MARK)) { BM_elem_index_set(e, edge_array_len); /* set_dirty */ BM_elem_flag_enable(e, BM_ELEM_TAG); edge_array[edge_array_len] = e; edge_array_len++; } } bm->elem_index_dirty |= BM_EDGE; bm_mesh_beautify_fill(bm, edge_array, edge_array_len, flag); MEM_freeN(edge_array); BMO_slot_buffer_from_enabled_flag(bm, op, op->slots_out, "geom.out", BM_EDGE | BM_FACE, ELE_NEW); }