/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Contributor(s): Chingiz Dyussenov, Arystanbek Dyussenov, Nathan Letwory. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/collada/collada_utils.cpp * \ingroup collada */ /* COLLADABU_ASSERT, may be able to remove later */ #include "COLLADABUPlatform.h" #include "COLLADAFWGeometry.h" #include "COLLADAFWMeshPrimitive.h" #include "COLLADAFWMeshVertexData.h" #include "collada_utils.h" extern "C" { #include "DNA_modifier_types.h" #include "DNA_customdata_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_armature_types.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_linklist.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_customdata.h" #include "BKE_depsgraph.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h" #include "ED_armature.h" #include "WM_api.h" // XXX hrm, see if we can do without this #include "WM_types.h" #include "bmesh.h" #include "bmesh_tools.h" } float bc_get_float_value(const COLLADAFW::FloatOrDoubleArray& array, unsigned int index) { if (index >= array.getValuesCount()) return 0.0f; if (array.getType() == COLLADAFW::MeshVertexData::DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) return array.getFloatValues()->getData()[index]; else return array.getDoubleValues()->getData()[index]; } // copied from /editors/object/object_relations.c int bc_test_parent_loop(Object *par, Object *ob) { /* test if 'ob' is a parent somewhere in par's parents */ if (par == NULL) return 0; if (ob == par) return 1; return bc_test_parent_loop(par->parent, ob); } // a shortened version of parent_set_exec() // if is_parent_space is true then ob->obmat will be multiplied by par->obmat before parenting int bc_set_parent(Object *ob, Object *par, bContext *C, bool is_parent_space) { Object workob; Scene *sce = CTX_data_scene(C); if (!par || bc_test_parent_loop(par, ob)) return false; ob->parent = par; ob->partype = PAROBJECT; ob->parsubstr[0] = 0; if (is_parent_space) { float mat[4][4]; // calc par->obmat BKE_object_where_is_calc(sce, par); // move child obmat into world space mul_m4_m4m4(mat, par->obmat, ob->obmat); copy_m4_m4(ob->obmat, mat); } // apply child obmat (i.e. decompose it into rot/loc/size) BKE_object_apply_mat4(ob, ob->obmat, 0, 0); // compute parentinv BKE_object_workob_calc_parent(sce, ob, &workob); invert_m4_m4(ob->parentinv, workob.obmat); DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_OB | OB_RECALC_DATA); DAG_id_tag_update(&par->id, OB_RECALC_OB); /** done once after import */ #if 0 DAG_relations_tag_update(bmain); WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_TRANSFORM, NULL); #endif return true; } Object *bc_add_object(Scene *scene, int type, const char *name) { Object *ob = BKE_object_add_only_object(G.main, type, name); ob->data = BKE_object_obdata_add_from_type(G.main, type, name); ob->lay = scene->lay; DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_OB | OB_RECALC_DATA | OB_RECALC_TIME); BKE_scene_base_select(scene, BKE_scene_base_add(scene, ob)); return ob; } Mesh *bc_get_mesh_copy(Scene *scene, Object *ob, BC_export_mesh_type export_mesh_type, bool apply_modifiers, bool triangulate) { Mesh *tmpmesh; CustomDataMask mask = CD_MASK_MESH; Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)ob->data; DerivedMesh *dm = NULL; if (apply_modifiers) { switch (export_mesh_type) { case BC_MESH_TYPE_VIEW: { dm = mesh_create_derived_view(scene, ob, mask); break; } case BC_MESH_TYPE_RENDER: { dm = mesh_create_derived_render(scene, ob, mask); break; } } } else { dm = mesh_create_derived((Mesh *)ob->data, NULL); } tmpmesh = BKE_mesh_add(G.main, "ColladaMesh"); // name is not important here DM_to_mesh(dm, tmpmesh, ob, CD_MASK_MESH, true); tmpmesh->flag = mesh->flag; if (triangulate) { bc_triangulate_mesh(tmpmesh); } BKE_mesh_tessface_ensure(tmpmesh); return tmpmesh; } Object *bc_get_assigned_armature(Object *ob) { Object *ob_arm = NULL; if (ob->parent && ob->partype == PARSKEL && ob->parent->type == OB_ARMATURE) { ob_arm = ob->parent; } else { ModifierData *mod; for (mod = (ModifierData *)ob->modifiers.first; mod; mod = mod->next) { if (mod->type == eModifierType_Armature) { ob_arm = ((ArmatureModifierData *)mod)->object; } } } return ob_arm; } // Returns the highest selected ancestor // returns NULL if no ancestor is selected // IMPORTANT: This function expects that // all exported objects have set: // ob->id.tag & LIB_TAG_DOIT Object *bc_get_highest_selected_ancestor_or_self(LinkNode *export_set, Object *ob) { Object *ancestor = ob; while (ob->parent && bc_is_marked(ob->parent)) { ob = ob->parent; ancestor = ob; } return ancestor; } bool bc_is_base_node(LinkNode *export_set, Object *ob) { Object *root = bc_get_highest_selected_ancestor_or_self(export_set, ob); return (root == ob); } bool bc_is_in_Export_set(LinkNode *export_set, Object *ob) { return (BLI_linklist_index(export_set, ob) != -1); } bool bc_has_object_type(LinkNode *export_set, short obtype) { LinkNode *node; for (node = export_set; node; node = node->next) { Object *ob = (Object *)node->link; /* XXX - why is this checking for ob->data? - we could be looking for empties */ if (ob->type == obtype && ob->data) { return true; } } return false; } int bc_is_marked(Object *ob) { return ob && (ob->id.tag & LIB_TAG_DOIT); } void bc_remove_mark(Object *ob) { ob->id.tag &= ~LIB_TAG_DOIT; } void bc_set_mark(Object *ob) { ob->id.tag |= LIB_TAG_DOIT; } // Use bubble sort algorithm for sorting the export set void bc_bubble_sort_by_Object_name(LinkNode *export_set) { bool sorted = false; LinkNode *node; for (node = export_set; node->next && !sorted; node = node->next) { sorted = true; LinkNode *current; for (current = export_set; current->next; current = current->next) { Object *a = (Object *)current->link; Object *b = (Object *)current->next->link; if (strcmp(a->id.name, b->id.name) > 0) { current->link = b; current->next->link = a; sorted = false; } } } } /* Check if a bone is the top most exportable bone in the bone hierarchy. * When deform_bones_only == false, then only bones with NO parent * can be root bones. Otherwise the top most deform bones in the hierarchy * are root bones. */ bool bc_is_root_bone(Bone *aBone, bool deform_bones_only) { if (deform_bones_only) { Bone *root = NULL; Bone *bone = aBone; while (bone) { if (!(bone->flag & BONE_NO_DEFORM)) root = bone; bone = bone->parent; } return (aBone == root); } else return !(aBone->parent); } int bc_get_active_UVLayer(Object *ob) { Mesh *me = (Mesh *)ob->data; return CustomData_get_active_layer_index(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE); } std::string bc_url_encode(std::string data) { /* XXX We probably do not need to do a full encoding. * But in case that is necessary,then it can be added here. */ return bc_replace_string(data,"#", "%23"); } std::string bc_replace_string(std::string data, const std::string& pattern, const std::string& replacement) { size_t pos = 0; while ((pos = data.find(pattern, pos)) != std::string::npos) { data.replace(pos, pattern.length(), replacement); pos += replacement.length(); } return data; } /** * Calculate a rescale factor such that the imported scene's scale * is preserved. I.e. 1 meter in the import will also be * 1 meter in the current scene. */ void bc_match_scale(Object *ob, UnitConverter &bc_unit, bool scale_to_scene) { if (scale_to_scene) { mul_m4_m4m4(ob->obmat, bc_unit.get_scale(), ob->obmat); } mul_m4_m4m4(ob->obmat, bc_unit.get_rotation(), ob->obmat); BKE_object_apply_mat4(ob, ob->obmat, 0, 0); } void bc_match_scale(std::vector *objects_done, UnitConverter &bc_unit, bool scale_to_scene) { for (std::vector::iterator it = objects_done->begin(); it != objects_done->end(); ++it) { Object *ob = *it; if (ob -> parent == NULL) { bc_match_scale(*it, bc_unit, scale_to_scene); } } } void bc_triangulate_mesh(Mesh *me) { bool use_beauty = false; bool tag_only = false; int quad_method = MOD_TRIANGULATE_QUAD_SHORTEDGE; /* XXX: The triangulation method selection could be offered in the UI */ const struct BMeshCreateParams bm_create_params = {0}; BMesh *bm = BM_mesh_create( &bm_mesh_allocsize_default, &bm_create_params); BMeshFromMeshParams bm_from_me_params = {0}; bm_from_me_params.calc_face_normal = true; BM_mesh_bm_from_me(bm, me, &bm_from_me_params); BM_mesh_triangulate(bm, quad_method, use_beauty, tag_only, NULL, NULL, NULL); BMeshToMeshParams bm_to_me_params = {0}; BM_mesh_bm_to_me(bm, me, &bm_to_me_params); BM_mesh_free(bm); } /* * A bone is a leaf when it has no children or all children are not connected. */ bool bc_is_leaf_bone(Bone *bone) { for (Bone *child = (Bone *)bone->childbase.first; child; child = child->next) { if (child->flag & BONE_CONNECTED) return false; } return true; } EditBone *bc_get_edit_bone(bArmature * armature, char *name) { EditBone *eBone; for (eBone = (EditBone *)armature->edbo->first; eBone; eBone = eBone->next) { if (STREQ(name, eBone->name)) return eBone; } return NULL; } int bc_set_layer(int bitfield, int layer) { return bc_set_layer(bitfield, layer, true); /* enable */ } int bc_set_layer(int bitfield, int layer, bool enable) { int bit = 1u << layer; if (enable) bitfield |= bit; else bitfield &= ~bit; return bitfield; } /** * BoneExtended is a helper class needed for the Bone chain finder * See ArmatureImporter::fix_leaf_bones() * and ArmatureImporter::connect_bone_chains() */ BoneExtended::BoneExtended(EditBone *aBone) { this->set_name(aBone->name); this->chain_length = 0; this->is_leaf = false; this->tail[0] = 0.0f; this->tail[1] = 0.5f; this->tail[2] = 0.0f; this->use_connect = -1; this->roll = 0; this->bone_layers = 0; this->has_custom_tail = false; this->has_custom_roll = false; } char *BoneExtended::get_name() { return name; } void BoneExtended::set_name(char *aName) { BLI_strncpy(name, aName, MAXBONENAME); } int BoneExtended::get_chain_length() { return chain_length; } void BoneExtended::set_chain_length(const int aLength) { chain_length = aLength; } void BoneExtended::set_leaf_bone(bool state) { is_leaf = state; } bool BoneExtended::is_leaf_bone() { return is_leaf; } void BoneExtended::set_roll(float roll) { this->roll = roll; this->has_custom_roll = true; } bool BoneExtended::has_roll() { return this->has_custom_roll; } float BoneExtended::get_roll() { return this->roll; } void BoneExtended::set_tail(float vec[]) { this->tail[0] = vec[0]; this->tail[1] = vec[1]; this->tail[2] = vec[2]; this->has_custom_tail = true; } bool BoneExtended::has_tail() { return this->has_custom_tail; } float *BoneExtended::get_tail() { return this->tail; } inline bool isInteger(const std::string & s) { if (s.empty() || ((!isdigit(s[0])) && (s[0] != '-') && (s[0] != '+'))) return false; char * p; strtol(s.c_str(), &p, 10); return (*p == 0); } void BoneExtended::set_bone_layers(std::string layerString, std::vector &layer_labels) { std::stringstream ss(layerString); std::string layer; int pos; while (ss >> layer) { /* Blender uses numbers to specify layers*/ if (isInteger(layer)) { pos = atoi(layer.c_str()); if (pos >= 0 && pos < 32) { this->bone_layers = bc_set_layer(this->bone_layers, pos); continue; } } /* layer uses labels (not supported by blender). Map to layer numbers:*/ pos = find(layer_labels.begin(), layer_labels.end(), layer) - layer_labels.begin(); if (pos >= layer_labels.size()) { layer_labels.push_back(layer); /* remember layer number for future usage*/ } if (pos > 31) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many layers in Import. Layer %s mapped to Blender layer 31\n", layer.c_str()); pos = 31; } /* If numeric layers and labeled layers are used in parallel (unlikely), * we get a potential mixup. Just leave as is for now. */ this->bone_layers = bc_set_layer(this->bone_layers, pos); } } std::string BoneExtended::get_bone_layers(int bitfield) { std::string result = ""; std::string sep = ""; int bit = 1u; std::ostringstream ss; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (bit & bitfield) { ss << sep << i; sep = " "; } bit = bit << 1; } return ss.str(); } int BoneExtended::get_bone_layers() { return (bone_layers == 0) ? 1 : bone_layers; // ensure that the bone is in at least one bone layer! } void BoneExtended::set_use_connect(int use_connect) { this->use_connect = use_connect; } int BoneExtended::get_use_connect() { return this->use_connect; }