/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation. */ #include #include "DNA_node_types.h" #include "BKE_node.h" #include "COM_NodeOperation.h" #include "COM_NodeOperationBuilder.h" #include "COM_AlphaOverNode.h" #include "COM_BilateralBlurNode.h" #include "COM_BlurNode.h" #include "COM_BokehBlurNode.h" #include "COM_BokehImageNode.h" #include "COM_BoxMaskNode.h" #include "COM_BrightnessNode.h" #include "COM_ChannelMatteNode.h" #include "COM_ChromaMatteNode.h" #include "COM_ColorBalanceNode.h" #include "COM_ColorCorrectionNode.h" #include "COM_ColorCurveNode.h" #include "COM_ColorExposureNode.h" #include "COM_ColorMatteNode.h" #include "COM_ColorNode.h" #include "COM_ColorRampNode.h" #include "COM_ColorSpillNode.h" #include "COM_ColorToBWNode.h" #include "COM_CombineColorNode.h" #include "COM_CompositorNode.h" #include "COM_ConvertAlphaNode.h" #include "COM_ConvertOperation.h" #include "COM_Converter.h" #include "COM_CornerPinNode.h" #include "COM_CropNode.h" #include "COM_CryptomatteNode.h" #include "COM_DefocusNode.h" #include "COM_DenoiseNode.h" #include "COM_DespeckleNode.h" #include "COM_DifferenceMatteNode.h" #include "COM_DilateErodeNode.h" #include "COM_DirectionalBlurNode.h" #include "COM_DisplaceNode.h" #include "COM_DistanceMatteNode.h" #include "COM_DoubleEdgeMaskNode.h" #include "COM_EllipseMaskNode.h" #include "COM_ExecutionSystem.h" #include "COM_FilterNode.h" #include "COM_FlipNode.h" #include "COM_GammaNode.h" #include "COM_GlareNode.h" #include "COM_HueSaturationValueCorrectNode.h" #include "COM_HueSaturationValueNode.h" #include "COM_IDMaskNode.h" #include "COM_ImageNode.h" #include "COM_InpaintNode.h" #include "COM_InvertNode.h" #include "COM_KeyingNode.h" #include "COM_KeyingScreenNode.h" #include "COM_LensDistortionNode.h" #include "COM_LuminanceMatteNode.h" #include "COM_MapRangeNode.h" #include "COM_MapUVNode.h" #include "COM_MapValueNode.h" #include "COM_MaskNode.h" #include "COM_MathNode.h" #include "COM_MixNode.h" #include "COM_MovieClipNode.h" #include "COM_MovieDistortionNode.h" #include "COM_NormalNode.h" #include "COM_NormalizeNode.h" #include "COM_OutputFileNode.h" #include "COM_PixelateNode.h" #include "COM_PlaneTrackDeformNode.h" #include "COM_RenderLayersNode.h" #include "COM_RotateNode.h" #include "COM_ScaleNode.h" #include "COM_ScaleOperation.h" #include "COM_SeparateColorNode.h" #include "COM_SetAlphaNode.h" #include "COM_SetValueOperation.h" #include "COM_SplitViewerNode.h" #include "COM_Stabilize2dNode.h" #include "COM_SunBeamsNode.h" #include "COM_SwitchNode.h" #include "COM_SwitchViewNode.h" #include "COM_TextureNode.h" #include "COM_TimeNode.h" #include "COM_TonemapNode.h" #include "COM_TrackPositionNode.h" #include "COM_TransformNode.h" #include "COM_TranslateNode.h" #include "COM_TranslateOperation.h" #include "COM_ValueNode.h" #include "COM_VectorBlurNode.h" #include "COM_VectorCurveNode.h" #include "COM_ViewLevelsNode.h" #include "COM_ViewerNode.h" #include "COM_ZCombineNode.h" bool COM_bnode_is_fast_node(const bNode &b_node) { return !ELEM(b_node.type, CMP_NODE_BLUR, CMP_NODE_VECBLUR, CMP_NODE_BILATERALBLUR, CMP_NODE_DEFOCUS, CMP_NODE_BOKEHBLUR, CMP_NODE_GLARE, CMP_NODE_DBLUR, CMP_NODE_MOVIEDISTORTION, CMP_NODE_LENSDIST, CMP_NODE_DOUBLEEDGEMASK, CMP_NODE_DILATEERODE, CMP_NODE_DENOISE); } Node *COM_convert_bnode(bNode *b_node) { Node *node = nullptr; /* ignore undefined nodes with missing or invalid node data */ if (nodeTypeUndefined(b_node)) { return nullptr; } switch (b_node->type) { case CMP_NODE_COMPOSITE: node = new CompositorNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_R_LAYERS: node = new RenderLayersNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_TEXTURE: node = new TextureNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_RGBTOBW: node = new ColorToBWNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_MIX_RGB: node = new MixNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_TRANSLATE: node = new TranslateNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_SCALE: node = new ScaleNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_ROTATE: node = new RotateNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_FLIP: node = new FlipNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_FILTER: node = new FilterNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_ID_MASK: node = new IDMaskNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_BRIGHTCONTRAST: node = new BrightnessNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_SEPRGBA: node = new SeparateRGBANode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_COMBRGBA: node = new CombineRGBANode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_SEPHSVA: node = new SeparateHSVANode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_COMBHSVA: node = new CombineHSVANode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_SEPYUVA: node = new SeparateYUVANode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_COMBYUVA: node = new CombineYUVANode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_SEPYCCA: node = new SeparateYCCANode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_COMBYCCA: node = new CombineYCCANode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_ALPHAOVER: node = new AlphaOverNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_COLORBALANCE: node = new ColorBalanceNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_VIEWER: node = new ViewerNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_SPLITVIEWER: node = new SplitViewerNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_INVERT: node = new InvertNode(b_node); break; case NODE_GROUP: case NODE_GROUP_INPUT: case NODE_GROUP_OUTPUT: /* handled in NodeCompiler */ break; case CMP_NODE_NORMAL: node = new NormalNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_NORMALIZE: node = new NormalizeNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_IMAGE: node = new ImageNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_SETALPHA: node = new SetAlphaNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_PREMULKEY: node = new ConvertAlphaNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_MATH: node = new MathNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_HUE_SAT: node = new HueSaturationValueNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_COLORCORRECTION: node = new ColorCorrectionNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_MASK_BOX: node = new BoxMaskNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_MASK_ELLIPSE: node = new EllipseMaskNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_GAMMA: node = new GammaNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_CURVE_RGB: node = new ColorCurveNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_CURVE_VEC: node = new VectorCurveNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_HUECORRECT: node = new HueSaturationValueCorrectNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_MAP_UV: node = new MapUVNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_DISPLACE: node = new DisplaceNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_VALTORGB: node = new ColorRampNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_DIFF_MATTE: node = new DifferenceMatteNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_LUMA_MATTE: node = new LuminanceMatteNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_DIST_MATTE: node = new DistanceMatteNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_CHROMA_MATTE: node = new ChromaMatteNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_COLOR_MATTE: node = new ColorMatteNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_CHANNEL_MATTE: node = new ChannelMatteNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_BLUR: node = new BlurNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_BOKEHIMAGE: node = new BokehImageNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_BOKEHBLUR: node = new BokehBlurNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_DILATEERODE: node = new DilateErodeNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_INPAINT: node = new InpaintNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_DESPECKLE: node = new DespeckleNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_LENSDIST: node = new LensDistortionNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_RGB: node = new ColorNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_VALUE: node = new ValueNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_TIME: node = new TimeNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_DBLUR: node = new DirectionalBlurNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_ZCOMBINE: node = new ZCombineNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_TONEMAP: node = new TonemapNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_SWITCH: node = new SwitchNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_SWITCH_VIEW: node = new SwitchViewNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_GLARE: node = new GlareNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_MOVIECLIP: node = new MovieClipNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_COLOR_SPILL: node = new ColorSpillNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_OUTPUT_FILE: node = new OutputFileNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_MAP_VALUE: node = new MapValueNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_MAP_RANGE: node = new MapRangeNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_TRANSFORM: node = new TransformNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_STABILIZE2D: node = new Stabilize2dNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_BILATERALBLUR: node = new BilateralBlurNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_VECBLUR: node = new VectorBlurNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_MOVIEDISTORTION: node = new MovieDistortionNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_VIEW_LEVELS: node = new ViewLevelsNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_DEFOCUS: node = new DefocusNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_DOUBLEEDGEMASK: node = new DoubleEdgeMaskNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_CROP: node = new CropNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_MASK: node = new MaskNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_KEYINGSCREEN: node = new KeyingScreenNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_KEYING: node = new KeyingNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_TRACKPOS: node = new TrackPositionNode(b_node); break; /* not implemented yet */ case CMP_NODE_PIXELATE: node = new PixelateNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_PLANETRACKDEFORM: node = new PlaneTrackDeformNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_CORNERPIN: node = new CornerPinNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_SUNBEAMS: node = new SunBeamsNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_CRYPTOMATTE_LEGACY: node = new CryptomatteLegacyNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_CRYPTOMATTE: node = new CryptomatteNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_DENOISE: node = new DenoiseNode(b_node); break; case CMP_NODE_EXPOSURE: node = new ExposureNode(b_node); break; } return node; } /* TODO(jbakker): make this an std::optional. */ NodeOperation *COM_convert_data_type(const NodeOperationOutput &from, const NodeOperationInput &to) { const DataType src_data_type = from.getDataType(); const DataType dst_data_type = to.getDataType(); if (src_data_type == COM_DT_VALUE && dst_data_type == COM_DT_COLOR) { return new ConvertValueToColorOperation(); } if (src_data_type == COM_DT_VALUE && dst_data_type == COM_DT_VECTOR) { return new ConvertValueToVectorOperation(); } if (src_data_type == COM_DT_COLOR && dst_data_type == COM_DT_VALUE) { return new ConvertColorToValueOperation(); } if (src_data_type == COM_DT_COLOR && dst_data_type == COM_DT_VECTOR) { return new ConvertColorToVectorOperation(); } if (src_data_type == COM_DT_VECTOR && dst_data_type == COM_DT_VALUE) { return new ConvertVectorToValueOperation(); } if (src_data_type == COM_DT_VECTOR && dst_data_type == COM_DT_COLOR) { return new ConvertVectorToColorOperation(); } return nullptr; } void COM_convert_resolution(NodeOperationBuilder &builder, NodeOperationOutput *fromSocket, NodeOperationInput *toSocket) { InputResizeMode mode = toSocket->getResizeMode(); NodeOperation *toOperation = &toSocket->getOperation(); const float toWidth = toOperation->getWidth(); const float toHeight = toOperation->getHeight(); NodeOperation *fromOperation = &fromSocket->getOperation(); const float fromWidth = fromOperation->getWidth(); const float fromHeight = fromOperation->getHeight(); bool doCenter = false; bool doScale = false; float addX = (toWidth - fromWidth) / 2.0f; float addY = (toHeight - fromHeight) / 2.0f; float scaleX = 0; float scaleY = 0; switch (mode) { case COM_SC_NO_RESIZE: break; case COM_SC_CENTER: doCenter = true; break; case COM_SC_FIT_WIDTH: doCenter = true; doScale = true; scaleX = scaleY = toWidth / fromWidth; break; case COM_SC_FIT_HEIGHT: doCenter = true; doScale = true; scaleX = scaleY = toHeight / fromHeight; break; case COM_SC_FIT: doCenter = true; doScale = true; scaleX = toWidth / fromWidth; scaleY = toHeight / fromHeight; if (scaleX < scaleY) { scaleX = scaleY; } else { scaleY = scaleX; } break; case COM_SC_STRETCH: doCenter = true; doScale = true; scaleX = toWidth / fromWidth; scaleY = toHeight / fromHeight; break; } if (doCenter) { NodeOperation *first = nullptr; ScaleOperation *scaleOperation = nullptr; if (doScale) { scaleOperation = new ScaleOperation(); scaleOperation->getInputSocket(1)->setResizeMode(COM_SC_NO_RESIZE); scaleOperation->getInputSocket(2)->setResizeMode(COM_SC_NO_RESIZE); first = scaleOperation; SetValueOperation *sxop = new SetValueOperation(); sxop->setValue(scaleX); builder.addLink(sxop->getOutputSocket(), scaleOperation->getInputSocket(1)); SetValueOperation *syop = new SetValueOperation(); syop->setValue(scaleY); builder.addLink(syop->getOutputSocket(), scaleOperation->getInputSocket(2)); builder.addOperation(sxop); builder.addOperation(syop); unsigned int resolution[2] = {fromOperation->getWidth(), fromOperation->getHeight()}; scaleOperation->setResolution(resolution); sxop->setResolution(resolution); syop->setResolution(resolution); builder.addOperation(scaleOperation); } TranslateOperation *translateOperation = new TranslateOperation(); translateOperation->getInputSocket(1)->setResizeMode(COM_SC_NO_RESIZE); translateOperation->getInputSocket(2)->setResizeMode(COM_SC_NO_RESIZE); if (!first) { first = translateOperation; } SetValueOperation *xop = new SetValueOperation(); xop->setValue(addX); builder.addLink(xop->getOutputSocket(), translateOperation->getInputSocket(1)); SetValueOperation *yop = new SetValueOperation(); yop->setValue(addY); builder.addLink(yop->getOutputSocket(), translateOperation->getInputSocket(2)); builder.addOperation(xop); builder.addOperation(yop); unsigned int resolution[2] = {toOperation->getWidth(), toOperation->getHeight()}; translateOperation->setResolution(resolution); xop->setResolution(resolution); yop->setResolution(resolution); builder.addOperation(translateOperation); if (doScale) { translateOperation->getInputSocket(0)->setResizeMode(COM_SC_NO_RESIZE); builder.addLink(scaleOperation->getOutputSocket(), translateOperation->getInputSocket(0)); } /* remove previous link and replace */ builder.removeInputLink(toSocket); first->getInputSocket(0)->setResizeMode(COM_SC_NO_RESIZE); toSocket->setResizeMode(COM_SC_NO_RESIZE); builder.addLink(fromSocket, first->getInputSocket(0)); builder.addLink(translateOperation->getOutputSocket(), toSocket); } }