/* * Copyright 2013, Blender Foundation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Contributor: * Lukas Toenne */ #include extern "C" { #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "DNA_node_types.h" #include "BKE_node.h" } #include "COM_CompositorContext.h" #include "COM_Converter.h" #include "COM_Debug.h" #include "COM_Node.h" #include "COM_SocketProxyNode.h" #include "COM_NodeGraph.h" /* own include */ /******************* **** NodeGraph **** *******************/ NodeGraph::NodeGraph() { } NodeGraph::~NodeGraph() { for (int index = 0; index < this->m_nodes.size(); index++) { Node *node = this->m_nodes[index]; delete node; } } void NodeGraph::from_bNodeTree(const CompositorContext &context, bNodeTree *tree) { add_bNodeTree(context, 0, tree, NODE_INSTANCE_KEY_BASE); } bNodeSocket *NodeGraph::find_b_node_input(bNode *b_group_node, const char *identifier) { for (bNodeSocket *b_sock = (bNodeSocket *)b_group_node->inputs.first; b_sock; b_sock = b_sock->next) { if (STREQ(b_sock->identifier, identifier)) return b_sock; } return NULL; } bNodeSocket *NodeGraph::find_b_node_output(bNode *b_group_node, const char *identifier) { for (bNodeSocket *b_sock = (bNodeSocket *)b_group_node->outputs.first; b_sock; b_sock = b_sock->next) { if (STREQ(b_sock->identifier, identifier)) return b_sock; } return NULL; } void NodeGraph::add_node(Node *node, bNodeTree *b_ntree, bNodeInstanceKey key, bool is_active_group) { node->setbNodeTree(b_ntree); node->setInstanceKey(key); node->setIsInActiveGroup(is_active_group); m_nodes.push_back(node); DebugInfo::node_added(node); } void NodeGraph::add_link(NodeOutput *fromSocket, NodeInput *toSocket) { m_links.push_back(Link(fromSocket, toSocket)); /* register with the input */ toSocket->setLink(fromSocket); } void NodeGraph::add_bNodeTree(const CompositorContext &context, int nodes_start, bNodeTree *tree, bNodeInstanceKey parent_key) { const bNodeTree *basetree = context.getbNodeTree(); /* update viewers in the active edittree as well the base tree (for backdrop) */ bool is_active_group = ((parent_key.value == basetree->active_viewer_key.value) || (tree == basetree)); /* add all nodes of the tree to the node list */ for (bNode *node = (bNode *)tree->nodes.first; node; node = node->next) { bNodeInstanceKey key = BKE_node_instance_key(parent_key, tree, node); add_bNode(context, tree, node, key, is_active_group); } NodeRange node_range(m_nodes.begin() + nodes_start, m_nodes.end()); /* add all nodelinks of the tree to the link list */ for (bNodeLink *nodelink = (bNodeLink *)tree->links.first; nodelink; nodelink = nodelink->next) { add_bNodeLink(node_range, nodelink); } } void NodeGraph::add_bNode(const CompositorContext &context, bNodeTree *b_ntree, bNode *b_node, bNodeInstanceKey key, bool is_active_group) { /* replace muted nodes by proxies for internal links */ if (b_node->flag & NODE_MUTED) { add_proxies_mute(b_ntree, b_node, key, is_active_group); return; } /* replace slow nodes with proxies for fast execution */ if (context.isFastCalculation() && !Converter::is_fast_node(b_node)) { add_proxies_skip(b_ntree, b_node, key, is_active_group); return; } /* special node types */ if (b_node->type == NODE_GROUP) { add_proxies_group(context, b_node, key); return; } Node *node = Converter::convert(b_node); if (node) add_node(node, b_ntree, key, is_active_group); } NodeInput *NodeGraph::find_input(const NodeRange &node_range, bNodeSocket *b_socket) { for (NodeGraph::NodeIterator it = node_range.first; it != node_range.second; ++it) { Node *node = *it; for (int index = 0; index < node->getNumberOfInputSockets(); index++) { NodeInput *input = node->getInputSocket(index); if (input->getbNodeSocket() == b_socket) return input; } } return NULL; } NodeOutput *NodeGraph::find_output(const NodeRange &node_range, bNodeSocket *b_socket) { for (NodeGraph::NodeIterator it = node_range.first; it != node_range.second; ++it) { Node *node = *it; for (int index = 0; index < node->getNumberOfOutputSockets(); index++) { NodeOutput *output = node->getOutputSocket(index); if (output->getbNodeSocket() == b_socket) return output; } } return NULL; } void NodeGraph::add_bNodeLink(const NodeRange &node_range, bNodeLink *b_nodelink) { /// @note: ignore invalid links if (!(b_nodelink->flag & NODE_LINK_VALID)) return; NodeInput *input = find_input(node_range, b_nodelink->tosock); NodeOutput *output = find_output(node_range, b_nodelink->fromsock); if (!input || !output) return; if (input->isLinked()) return; add_link(output, input); } /* **** Special proxy node type conversions **** */ void NodeGraph::add_proxies_mute(bNodeTree *b_ntree, bNode *b_node, bNodeInstanceKey key, bool is_active_group) { for (bNodeLink *b_link = (bNodeLink *)b_node->internal_links.first; b_link; b_link = b_link->next) { SocketProxyNode *proxy = new SocketProxyNode(b_node, b_link->fromsock, b_link->tosock); add_node(proxy, b_ntree, key, is_active_group); } } void NodeGraph::add_proxies_skip(bNodeTree *b_ntree, bNode *b_node, bNodeInstanceKey key, bool is_active_group) { for (bNodeSocket *output = (bNodeSocket *)b_node->outputs.first; output; output = output->next) { bNodeSocket *input; /* look for first input with matching datatype for each output */ for (input = (bNodeSocket *)b_node->inputs.first; input; input = input->next) { if (input->type == output->type) break; } if (input) { SocketProxyNode *proxy = new SocketProxyNode(b_node, input, output); add_node(proxy, b_ntree, key, is_active_group); } } } void NodeGraph::add_proxies_group_inputs(bNode *b_node, bNode *b_node_io) { bNodeTree *b_group_tree = (bNodeTree *)b_node->id; BLI_assert(b_group_tree); /* should have been checked in advance */ /* not important for proxies */ bNodeInstanceKey key = NODE_INSTANCE_KEY_BASE; bool is_active_group = false; for (bNodeSocket *b_sock_io = (bNodeSocket *)b_node_io->outputs.first; b_sock_io; b_sock_io = b_sock_io->next) { bNodeSocket *b_sock_group = find_b_node_input(b_node, b_sock_io->identifier); if (b_sock_group) { SocketProxyNode *proxy = new SocketProxyNode(b_node_io, b_sock_group, b_sock_io); add_node(proxy, b_group_tree, key, is_active_group); } } } void NodeGraph::add_proxies_group_outputs(bNode *b_node, bNode *b_node_io, bool use_buffer) { bNodeTree *b_group_tree = (bNodeTree *)b_node->id; BLI_assert(b_group_tree); /* should have been checked in advance */ /* not important for proxies */ bNodeInstanceKey key = NODE_INSTANCE_KEY_BASE; bool is_active_group = false; for (bNodeSocket *b_sock_io = (bNodeSocket *)b_node_io->inputs.first; b_sock_io; b_sock_io = b_sock_io->next) { bNodeSocket *b_sock_group = find_b_node_output(b_node, b_sock_io->identifier); if (b_sock_group) { if (use_buffer) { SocketBufferNode *buffer = new SocketBufferNode(b_node_io, b_sock_io, b_sock_group); add_node(buffer, b_group_tree, key, is_active_group); } else { SocketProxyNode *proxy = new SocketProxyNode(b_node_io, b_sock_io, b_sock_group); add_node(proxy, b_group_tree, key, is_active_group); } } } } void NodeGraph::add_proxies_group(const CompositorContext &context, bNode *b_node, bNodeInstanceKey key) { bNodeTree *b_group_tree = (bNodeTree *)b_node->id; /* missing node group datablock can happen with library linking */ if (!b_group_tree) { /* this error case its handled in convertToOperations() so we don't get un-convertred sockets */ return; } /* use node list size before adding proxies, so they can be connected in add_bNodeTree */ int nodes_start = m_nodes.size(); /* create proxy nodes for group input/output nodes */ for (bNode *b_node_io = (bNode *)b_group_tree->nodes.first; b_node_io; b_node_io = b_node_io->next) { if (b_node_io->type == NODE_GROUP_INPUT) add_proxies_group_inputs(b_node, b_node_io); if (b_node_io->type == NODE_GROUP_OUTPUT && (b_node_io->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT)) add_proxies_group_outputs(b_node, b_node_io, context.isGroupnodeBufferEnabled()); } add_bNodeTree(context, nodes_start, b_group_tree, key); }