/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation. */ #include "COM_DilateErodeOperation.h" #include "COM_OpenCLDevice.h" namespace blender::compositor { DilateErodeThresholdOperation::DilateErodeThresholdOperation() { this->add_input_socket(DataType::Value); this->add_output_socket(DataType::Value); flags_.complex = true; input_program_ = nullptr; inset_ = 0.0f; switch_ = 0.5f; distance_ = 0.0f; } void DilateErodeThresholdOperation::init_data() { if (distance_ < 0.0f) { scope_ = -distance_ + inset_; } else { if (inset_ * 2 > distance_) { scope_ = MAX2(inset_ * 2 - distance_, distance_); } else { scope_ = distance_; } } if (scope_ < 3) { scope_ = 3; } } void DilateErodeThresholdOperation::init_execution() { input_program_ = this->get_input_socket_reader(0); } void *DilateErodeThresholdOperation::initialize_tile_data(rcti * /*rect*/) { void *buffer = input_program_->initialize_tile_data(nullptr); return buffer; } void DilateErodeThresholdOperation::execute_pixel(float output[4], int x, int y, void *data) { float input_value[4]; const float sw = switch_; const float distance = distance_; float pixelvalue; const float rd = scope_ * scope_; const float inset = inset_; float mindist = rd * 2; MemoryBuffer *input_buffer = (MemoryBuffer *)data; float *buffer = input_buffer->get_buffer(); const rcti &input_rect = input_buffer->get_rect(); const int minx = MAX2(x - scope_, input_rect.xmin); const int miny = MAX2(y - scope_, input_rect.ymin); const int maxx = MIN2(x + scope_, input_rect.xmax); const int maxy = MIN2(y + scope_, input_rect.ymax); const int buffer_width = input_buffer->get_width(); int offset; input_buffer->read(input_value, x, y); if (input_value[0] > sw) { for (int yi = miny; yi < maxy; yi++) { const float dy = yi - y; offset = ((yi - input_rect.ymin) * buffer_width + (minx - input_rect.xmin)); for (int xi = minx; xi < maxx; xi++) { if (buffer[offset] < sw) { const float dx = xi - x; const float dis = dx * dx + dy * dy; mindist = MIN2(mindist, dis); } offset++; } } pixelvalue = -sqrtf(mindist); } else { for (int yi = miny; yi < maxy; yi++) { const float dy = yi - y; offset = ((yi - input_rect.ymin) * buffer_width + (minx - input_rect.xmin)); for (int xi = minx; xi < maxx; xi++) { if (buffer[offset] > sw) { const float dx = xi - x; const float dis = dx * dx + dy * dy; mindist = MIN2(mindist, dis); } offset++; } } pixelvalue = sqrtf(mindist); } if (distance > 0.0f) { const float delta = distance - pixelvalue; if (delta >= 0.0f) { if (delta >= inset) { output[0] = 1.0f; } else { output[0] = delta / inset; } } else { output[0] = 0.0f; } } else { const float delta = -distance + pixelvalue; if (delta < 0.0f) { if (delta < -inset) { output[0] = 1.0f; } else { output[0] = (-delta) / inset; } } else { output[0] = 0.0f; } } } void DilateErodeThresholdOperation::deinit_execution() { input_program_ = nullptr; } bool DilateErodeThresholdOperation::determine_depending_area_of_interest( rcti *input, ReadBufferOperation *read_operation, rcti *output) { rcti new_input; new_input.xmax = input->xmax + scope_; new_input.xmin = input->xmin - scope_; new_input.ymax = input->ymax + scope_; new_input.ymin = input->ymin - scope_; return NodeOperation::determine_depending_area_of_interest(&new_input, read_operation, output); } void DilateErodeThresholdOperation::get_area_of_interest(const int input_idx, const rcti &output_area, rcti &r_input_area) { BLI_assert(input_idx == 0); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(input_idx); r_input_area.xmin = output_area.xmin - scope_; r_input_area.xmax = output_area.xmax + scope_; r_input_area.ymin = output_area.ymin - scope_; r_input_area.ymax = output_area.ymax + scope_; } struct DilateErodeThresholdOperation::PixelData { int x; int y; int xmin; int xmax; int ymin; int ymax; const float *elem; float distance; int elem_stride; int row_stride; /** Switch. */ float sw; }; template typename TCompare> static float get_min_distance(DilateErodeThresholdOperation::PixelData &p) { /* TODO(manzanilla): bad performance, generate a table with relative offsets on operation * initialization to loop from less to greater distance and break as soon as #compare is * true. */ const TCompare compare; float min_dist = p.distance; const float *row = p.elem + ((intptr_t)p.ymin - p.y) * p.row_stride + ((intptr_t)p.xmin - p.x) * p.elem_stride; for (int yi = p.ymin; yi < p.ymax; yi++) { const float dy = yi - p.y; const float dist_y = dy * dy; const float *elem = row; for (int xi = p.xmin; xi < p.xmax; xi++) { if (compare(*elem, p.sw)) { const float dx = xi - p.x; const float dist = dx * dx + dist_y; min_dist = MIN2(min_dist, dist); } elem += p.elem_stride; } row += p.row_stride; } return min_dist; } void DilateErodeThresholdOperation::update_memory_buffer_partial(MemoryBuffer *output, const rcti &area, Span inputs) { const MemoryBuffer *input = inputs[0]; const rcti &input_rect = input->get_rect(); const float rd = scope_ * scope_; const float inset = inset_; PixelData p; p.sw = switch_; p.distance = rd * 2; p.elem_stride = input->elem_stride; p.row_stride = input->row_stride; for (BuffersIterator it = output->iterate_with(inputs, area); !it.is_end(); ++it) { p.x = it.x; p.y = it.y; p.xmin = MAX2(p.x - scope_, input_rect.xmin); p.ymin = MAX2(p.y - scope_, input_rect.ymin); p.xmax = MIN2(p.x + scope_, input_rect.xmax); p.ymax = MIN2(p.y + scope_, input_rect.ymax); p.elem = it.in(0); float pixel_value; if (*p.elem > p.sw) { pixel_value = -sqrtf(get_min_distance(p)); } else { pixel_value = sqrtf(get_min_distance(p)); } if (distance_ > 0.0f) { const float delta = distance_ - pixel_value; if (delta >= 0.0f) { *it.out = delta >= inset ? 1.0f : delta / inset; } else { *it.out = 0.0f; } } else { const float delta = -distance_ + pixel_value; if (delta < 0.0f) { *it.out = delta < -inset ? 1.0f : (-delta) / inset; } else { *it.out = 0.0f; } } } } DilateDistanceOperation::DilateDistanceOperation() { this->add_input_socket(DataType::Value); this->add_output_socket(DataType::Value); input_program_ = nullptr; distance_ = 0.0f; flags_.complex = true; flags_.open_cl = true; } void DilateDistanceOperation::init_data() { scope_ = distance_; if (scope_ < 3) { scope_ = 3; } } void DilateDistanceOperation::init_execution() { input_program_ = this->get_input_socket_reader(0); } void *DilateDistanceOperation::initialize_tile_data(rcti * /*rect*/) { void *buffer = input_program_->initialize_tile_data(nullptr); return buffer; } void DilateDistanceOperation::execute_pixel(float output[4], int x, int y, void *data) { const float distance = distance_; const float mindist = distance * distance; MemoryBuffer *input_buffer = (MemoryBuffer *)data; float *buffer = input_buffer->get_buffer(); const rcti &input_rect = input_buffer->get_rect(); const int minx = MAX2(x - scope_, input_rect.xmin); const int miny = MAX2(y - scope_, input_rect.ymin); const int maxx = MIN2(x + scope_, input_rect.xmax); const int maxy = MIN2(y + scope_, input_rect.ymax); const int buffer_width = input_buffer->get_width(); int offset; float value = 0.0f; for (int yi = miny; yi < maxy; yi++) { const float dy = yi - y; offset = ((yi - input_rect.ymin) * buffer_width + (minx - input_rect.xmin)); for (int xi = minx; xi < maxx; xi++) { const float dx = xi - x; const float dis = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (dis <= mindist) { value = MAX2(buffer[offset], value); } offset++; } } output[0] = value; } void DilateDistanceOperation::deinit_execution() { input_program_ = nullptr; } bool DilateDistanceOperation::determine_depending_area_of_interest( rcti *input, ReadBufferOperation *read_operation, rcti *output) { rcti new_input; new_input.xmax = input->xmax + scope_; new_input.xmin = input->xmin - scope_; new_input.ymax = input->ymax + scope_; new_input.ymin = input->ymin - scope_; return NodeOperation::determine_depending_area_of_interest(&new_input, read_operation, output); } void DilateDistanceOperation::execute_opencl(OpenCLDevice *device, MemoryBuffer *output_memory_buffer, cl_mem cl_output_buffer, MemoryBuffer **input_memory_buffers, std::list *cl_mem_to_clean_up, std::list * /*cl_kernels_to_clean_up*/) { cl_kernel dilate_kernel = device->COM_cl_create_kernel("dilate_kernel", nullptr); cl_int distance_squared = distance_ * distance_; cl_int scope = scope_; device->COM_cl_attach_memory_buffer_to_kernel_parameter( dilate_kernel, 0, 2, cl_mem_to_clean_up, input_memory_buffers, input_program_); device->COM_cl_attach_output_memory_buffer_to_kernel_parameter( dilate_kernel, 1, cl_output_buffer); device->COM_cl_attach_memory_buffer_offset_to_kernel_parameter( dilate_kernel, 3, output_memory_buffer); clSetKernelArg(dilate_kernel, 4, sizeof(cl_int), &scope); clSetKernelArg(dilate_kernel, 5, sizeof(cl_int), &distance_squared); device->COM_cl_attach_size_to_kernel_parameter(dilate_kernel, 6, this); device->COM_cl_enqueue_range(dilate_kernel, output_memory_buffer, 7, this); } void DilateDistanceOperation::get_area_of_interest(const int input_idx, const rcti &output_area, rcti &r_input_area) { BLI_assert(input_idx == 0); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(input_idx); r_input_area.xmin = output_area.xmin - scope_; r_input_area.xmax = output_area.xmax + scope_; r_input_area.ymin = output_area.ymin - scope_; r_input_area.ymax = output_area.ymax + scope_; } struct DilateDistanceOperation::PixelData { int x; int y; int xmin; int xmax; int ymin; int ymax; const float *elem; float min_distance; int scope; int elem_stride; int row_stride; const rcti &input_rect; PixelData(MemoryBuffer *input, const int distance, const int scope) : min_distance(distance * distance), scope(scope), elem_stride(input->elem_stride), row_stride(input->row_stride), input_rect(input->get_rect()) { } void update(BuffersIterator &it) { x = it.x; y = it.y; xmin = MAX2(x - scope, input_rect.xmin); ymin = MAX2(y - scope, input_rect.ymin); xmax = MIN2(x + scope, input_rect.xmax); ymax = MIN2(y + scope, input_rect.ymax); elem = it.in(0); } }; template typename TCompare> static float get_distance_value(DilateDistanceOperation::PixelData &p, const float start_value) { /* TODO(manzanilla): bad performance, only loop elements within minimum distance removing * coordinates and conditional if `dist <= min_dist`. May need to generate a table of offsets. */ const TCompare compare; const float min_dist = p.min_distance; float value = start_value; const float *row = p.elem + ((intptr_t)p.ymin - p.y) * p.row_stride + ((intptr_t)p.xmin - p.x) * p.elem_stride; for (int yi = p.ymin; yi < p.ymax; yi++) { const float dy = yi - p.y; const float dist_y = dy * dy; const float *elem = row; for (int xi = p.xmin; xi < p.xmax; xi++) { const float dx = xi - p.x; const float dist = dx * dx + dist_y; if (dist <= min_dist) { value = compare(*elem, value) ? *elem : value; } elem += p.elem_stride; } row += p.row_stride; } return value; } void DilateDistanceOperation::update_memory_buffer_partial(MemoryBuffer *output, const rcti &area, Span inputs) { PixelData p(inputs[0], distance_, scope_); for (BuffersIterator it = output->iterate_with(inputs, area); !it.is_end(); ++it) { p.update(it); *it.out = get_distance_value(p, 0.0f); } } ErodeDistanceOperation::ErodeDistanceOperation() : DilateDistanceOperation() { /* pass */ } void ErodeDistanceOperation::execute_pixel(float output[4], int x, int y, void *data) { const float distance = distance_; const float mindist = distance * distance; MemoryBuffer *input_buffer = (MemoryBuffer *)data; float *buffer = input_buffer->get_buffer(); const rcti &input_rect = input_buffer->get_rect(); const int minx = MAX2(x - scope_, input_rect.xmin); const int miny = MAX2(y - scope_, input_rect.ymin); const int maxx = MIN2(x + scope_, input_rect.xmax); const int maxy = MIN2(y + scope_, input_rect.ymax); const int buffer_width = input_buffer->get_width(); int offset; float value = 1.0f; for (int yi = miny; yi < maxy; yi++) { const float dy = yi - y; offset = ((yi - input_rect.ymin) * buffer_width + (minx - input_rect.xmin)); for (int xi = minx; xi < maxx; xi++) { const float dx = xi - x; const float dis = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (dis <= mindist) { value = MIN2(buffer[offset], value); } offset++; } } output[0] = value; } void ErodeDistanceOperation::execute_opencl(OpenCLDevice *device, MemoryBuffer *output_memory_buffer, cl_mem cl_output_buffer, MemoryBuffer **input_memory_buffers, std::list *cl_mem_to_clean_up, std::list * /*cl_kernels_to_clean_up*/) { cl_kernel erode_kernel = device->COM_cl_create_kernel("erode_kernel", nullptr); cl_int distance_squared = distance_ * distance_; cl_int scope = scope_; device->COM_cl_attach_memory_buffer_to_kernel_parameter( erode_kernel, 0, 2, cl_mem_to_clean_up, input_memory_buffers, input_program_); device->COM_cl_attach_output_memory_buffer_to_kernel_parameter( erode_kernel, 1, cl_output_buffer); device->COM_cl_attach_memory_buffer_offset_to_kernel_parameter( erode_kernel, 3, output_memory_buffer); clSetKernelArg(erode_kernel, 4, sizeof(cl_int), &scope); clSetKernelArg(erode_kernel, 5, sizeof(cl_int), &distance_squared); device->COM_cl_attach_size_to_kernel_parameter(erode_kernel, 6, this); device->COM_cl_enqueue_range(erode_kernel, output_memory_buffer, 7, this); } void ErodeDistanceOperation::update_memory_buffer_partial(MemoryBuffer *output, const rcti &area, Span inputs) { PixelData p(inputs[0], distance_, scope_); for (BuffersIterator it = output->iterate_with(inputs, area); !it.is_end(); ++it) { p.update(it); *it.out = get_distance_value(p, 1.0f); } } DilateStepOperation::DilateStepOperation() { this->add_input_socket(DataType::Value); this->add_output_socket(DataType::Value); flags_.complex = true; input_program_ = nullptr; } void DilateStepOperation::init_execution() { input_program_ = this->get_input_socket_reader(0); } /* Small helper to pass data from initialize_tile_data to execute_pixel. */ struct tile_info { rcti rect; int width; float *buffer; }; static tile_info *create_cache(int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax) { tile_info *result = (tile_info *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(tile_info), "dilate erode tile"); result->rect.xmin = xmin; result->rect.xmax = xmax; result->rect.ymin = ymin; result->rect.ymax = ymax; result->width = xmax - xmin; result->buffer = (float *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * (ymax - ymin) * result->width, "dilate erode cache"); return result; } void *DilateStepOperation::initialize_tile_data(rcti *rect) { MemoryBuffer *tile = (MemoryBuffer *)input_program_->initialize_tile_data(nullptr); int x, y, i; int width = tile->get_width(); int height = tile->get_height(); float *buffer = tile->get_buffer(); int half_window = iterations_; int window = half_window * 2 + 1; int xmin = MAX2(0, rect->xmin - half_window); int ymin = MAX2(0, rect->ymin - half_window); int xmax = MIN2(width, rect->xmax + half_window); int ymax = MIN2(height, rect->ymax + half_window); int bwidth = rect->xmax - rect->xmin; int bheight = rect->ymax - rect->ymin; /* NOTE: Cache buffer has original tile-size width, but new height. * We have to calculate the additional rows in the first pass, * to have valid data available for the second pass. */ tile_info *result = create_cache(rect->xmin, rect->xmax, ymin, ymax); float *rectf = result->buffer; /* temp holds maxima for every step in the algorithm, buf holds a * single row or column of input values, padded with FLT_MAX's to * simplify the logic. */ float *temp = (float *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * (2 * window - 1), "dilate erode temp"); float *buf = (float *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * (MAX2(bwidth, bheight) + 5 * half_window), "dilate erode buf"); /* The following is based on the van Herk/Gil-Werman algorithm for morphology operations. * first pass, horizontal dilate/erode. */ for (y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) { for (x = 0; x < bwidth + 5 * half_window; x++) { buf[x] = -FLT_MAX; } for (x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) { buf[x - rect->xmin + window - 1] = buffer[(y * width + x)]; } for (i = 0; i < (bwidth + 3 * half_window) / window; i++) { int start = (i + 1) * window - 1; temp[window - 1] = buf[start]; for (x = 1; x < window; x++) { temp[window - 1 - x] = MAX2(temp[window - x], buf[start - x]); temp[window - 1 + x] = MAX2(temp[window + x - 2], buf[start + x]); } start = half_window + (i - 1) * window + 1; for (x = -MIN2(0, start); x < window - MAX2(0, start + window - bwidth); x++) { rectf[bwidth * (y - ymin) + (start + x)] = MAX2(temp[x], temp[x + window - 1]); } } } /* Second pass, vertical dilate/erode. */ for (x = 0; x < bwidth; x++) { for (y = 0; y < bheight + 5 * half_window; y++) { buf[y] = -FLT_MAX; } for (y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) { buf[y - rect->ymin + window - 1] = rectf[(y - ymin) * bwidth + x]; } for (i = 0; i < (bheight + 3 * half_window) / window; i++) { int start = (i + 1) * window - 1; temp[window - 1] = buf[start]; for (y = 1; y < window; y++) { temp[window - 1 - y] = MAX2(temp[window - y], buf[start - y]); temp[window - 1 + y] = MAX2(temp[window + y - 2], buf[start + y]); } start = half_window + (i - 1) * window + 1; for (y = -MIN2(0, start); y < window - MAX2(0, start + window - bheight); y++) { rectf[bwidth * (y + start + (rect->ymin - ymin)) + x] = MAX2(temp[y], temp[y + window - 1]); } } } MEM_freeN(temp); MEM_freeN(buf); return result; } void DilateStepOperation::execute_pixel(float output[4], int x, int y, void *data) { tile_info *tile = (tile_info *)data; int nx = x - tile->rect.xmin; int ny = y - tile->rect.ymin; output[0] = tile->buffer[tile->width * ny + nx]; } void DilateStepOperation::deinit_execution() { input_program_ = nullptr; } void DilateStepOperation::deinitialize_tile_data(rcti * /*rect*/, void *data) { tile_info *tile = (tile_info *)data; MEM_freeN(tile->buffer); MEM_freeN(tile); } bool DilateStepOperation::determine_depending_area_of_interest(rcti *input, ReadBufferOperation *read_operation, rcti *output) { rcti new_input; int it = iterations_; new_input.xmax = input->xmax + it; new_input.xmin = input->xmin - it; new_input.ymax = input->ymax + it; new_input.ymin = input->ymin - it; return NodeOperation::determine_depending_area_of_interest(&new_input, read_operation, output); } void DilateStepOperation::get_area_of_interest(const int input_idx, const rcti &output_area, rcti &r_input_area) { BLI_assert(input_idx == 0); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(input_idx); r_input_area.xmin = output_area.xmin - iterations_; r_input_area.xmax = output_area.xmax + iterations_; r_input_area.ymin = output_area.ymin - iterations_; r_input_area.ymax = output_area.ymax + iterations_; } template static void step_update_memory_buffer(MemoryBuffer *output, const MemoryBuffer *input, const rcti &area, const int num_iterations, const float compare_min_value) { TCompareSelector selector; const int width = output->get_width(); const int height = output->get_height(); const int half_window = num_iterations; const int window = half_window * 2 + 1; const int xmin = MAX2(0, area.xmin - half_window); const int ymin = MAX2(0, area.ymin - half_window); const int xmax = MIN2(width, area.xmax + half_window); const int ymax = MIN2(height, area.ymax + half_window); const int bwidth = area.xmax - area.xmin; const int bheight = area.ymax - area.ymin; /* NOTE: #result has area width, but new height. * We have to calculate the additional rows in the first pass, * to have valid data available for the second pass. */ rcti result_area; BLI_rcti_init(&result_area, area.xmin, area.xmax, ymin, ymax); MemoryBuffer result(DataType::Value, result_area); /* #temp holds maxima for every step in the algorithm, #buf holds a * single row or column of input values, padded with #limit values to * simplify the logic. */ float *temp = (float *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * (2 * window - 1), "dilate erode temp"); float *buf = (float *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * (MAX2(bwidth, bheight) + 5 * half_window), "dilate erode buf"); /* The following is based on the van Herk/Gil-Werman algorithm for morphology operations. */ /* First pass, horizontal dilate/erode. */ for (int y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < bwidth + 5 * half_window; x++) { buf[x] = compare_min_value; } for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) { buf[x - area.xmin + window - 1] = input->get_value(x, y, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < (bwidth + 3 * half_window) / window; i++) { int start = (i + 1) * window - 1; temp[window - 1] = buf[start]; for (int x = 1; x < window; x++) { temp[window - 1 - x] = selector(temp[window - x], buf[start - x]); temp[window - 1 + x] = selector(temp[window + x - 2], buf[start + x]); } start = half_window + (i - 1) * window + 1; for (int x = -MIN2(0, start); x < window - MAX2(0, start + window - bwidth); x++) { result.get_value(start + x + area.xmin, y, 0) = selector(temp[x], temp[x + window - 1]); } } } /* Second pass, vertical dilate/erode. */ for (int x = 0; x < bwidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < bheight + 5 * half_window; y++) { buf[y] = compare_min_value; } for (int y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) { buf[y - area.ymin + window - 1] = result.get_value(x + area.xmin, y, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < (bheight + 3 * half_window) / window; i++) { int start = (i + 1) * window - 1; temp[window - 1] = buf[start]; for (int y = 1; y < window; y++) { temp[window - 1 - y] = selector(temp[window - y], buf[start - y]); temp[window - 1 + y] = selector(temp[window + y - 2], buf[start + y]); } start = half_window + (i - 1) * window + 1; for (int y = -MIN2(0, start); y < window - MAX2(0, start + window - bheight); y++) { result.get_value(x + area.xmin, y + start + area.ymin, 0) = selector(temp[y], temp[y + window - 1]); } } } MEM_freeN(temp); MEM_freeN(buf); output->copy_from(&result, area); } struct Max2Selector { float operator()(float f1, float f2) const { return MAX2(f1, f2); } }; void DilateStepOperation::update_memory_buffer_partial(MemoryBuffer *output, const rcti &area, Span inputs) { step_update_memory_buffer(output, inputs[0], area, iterations_, -FLT_MAX); } ErodeStepOperation::ErodeStepOperation() : DilateStepOperation() { /* pass */ } void *ErodeStepOperation::initialize_tile_data(rcti *rect) { MemoryBuffer *tile = (MemoryBuffer *)input_program_->initialize_tile_data(nullptr); int x, y, i; int width = tile->get_width(); int height = tile->get_height(); float *buffer = tile->get_buffer(); int half_window = iterations_; int window = half_window * 2 + 1; int xmin = MAX2(0, rect->xmin - half_window); int ymin = MAX2(0, rect->ymin - half_window); int xmax = MIN2(width, rect->xmax + half_window); int ymax = MIN2(height, rect->ymax + half_window); int bwidth = rect->xmax - rect->xmin; int bheight = rect->ymax - rect->ymin; /* NOTE: Cache buffer has original tile-size width, but new height. * We have to calculate the additional rows in the first pass, * to have valid data available for the second pass. */ tile_info *result = create_cache(rect->xmin, rect->xmax, ymin, ymax); float *rectf = result->buffer; /* temp holds maxima for every step in the algorithm, buf holds a * single row or column of input values, padded with FLT_MAX's to * simplify the logic. */ float *temp = (float *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * (2 * window - 1), "dilate erode temp"); float *buf = (float *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * (MAX2(bwidth, bheight) + 5 * half_window), "dilate erode buf"); /* The following is based on the van Herk/Gil-Werman algorithm for morphology operations. * first pass, horizontal dilate/erode */ for (y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) { for (x = 0; x < bwidth + 5 * half_window; x++) { buf[x] = FLT_MAX; } for (x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) { buf[x - rect->xmin + window - 1] = buffer[(y * width + x)]; } for (i = 0; i < (bwidth + 3 * half_window) / window; i++) { int start = (i + 1) * window - 1; temp[window - 1] = buf[start]; for (x = 1; x < window; x++) { temp[window - 1 - x] = MIN2(temp[window - x], buf[start - x]); temp[window - 1 + x] = MIN2(temp[window + x - 2], buf[start + x]); } start = half_window + (i - 1) * window + 1; for (x = -MIN2(0, start); x < window - MAX2(0, start + window - bwidth); x++) { rectf[bwidth * (y - ymin) + (start + x)] = MIN2(temp[x], temp[x + window - 1]); } } } /* Second pass, vertical dilate/erode. */ for (x = 0; x < bwidth; x++) { for (y = 0; y < bheight + 5 * half_window; y++) { buf[y] = FLT_MAX; } for (y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) { buf[y - rect->ymin + window - 1] = rectf[(y - ymin) * bwidth + x]; } for (i = 0; i < (bheight + 3 * half_window) / window; i++) { int start = (i + 1) * window - 1; temp[window - 1] = buf[start]; for (y = 1; y < window; y++) { temp[window - 1 - y] = MIN2(temp[window - y], buf[start - y]); temp[window - 1 + y] = MIN2(temp[window + y - 2], buf[start + y]); } start = half_window + (i - 1) * window + 1; for (y = -MIN2(0, start); y < window - MAX2(0, start + window - bheight); y++) { rectf[bwidth * (y + start + (rect->ymin - ymin)) + x] = MIN2(temp[y], temp[y + window - 1]); } } } MEM_freeN(temp); MEM_freeN(buf); return result; } struct Min2Selector { float operator()(float f1, float f2) const { return MIN2(f1, f2); } }; void ErodeStepOperation::update_memory_buffer_partial(MemoryBuffer *output, const rcti &area, Span inputs) { step_update_memory_buffer(output, inputs[0], area, iterations_, FLT_MAX); } } // namespace blender::compositor