/** * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender * Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under * the Blender License. See http://www.blender.org/BL/ for information * about this. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * openssl decryption wrapper library */ #include #include #include "openssl/rsa.h" #include "openssl/rc4.h" #include "openssl/err.h" #include "zlib.h" #include "GEN_messaging.h" #include "blenkey.h" #include "BLO_getPubKey.h" // real and stub implemented at writestream ... #include "BLO_readStreamGlue.h" #include "BLO_decrypt.h" #include "BLO_en_de_cryptHeader.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif struct decryptStructType { struct readStreamGlueStruct *streamGlue; unsigned int streamDone; unsigned char *deCryptKey; int deCryptKeyLen; // NOTE: signed int unsigned char headerbuffer[EN_DE_CRYPTHEADERSTRUCTSIZE]; uint32_t datacrc; // crypted data checksum struct BLO_en_de_cryptHeaderStruct *streamHeader; RC4_KEY rc4_key; void *endControl; }; BLO_decryptStructHandle BLO_decrypt_begin( void *endControl) { struct decryptStructType *control; control = malloc(sizeof(struct decryptStructType)); if (!control) return NULL; control->streamGlue = NULL; control->streamDone = 0; control->deCryptKey = NULL; control->deCryptKeyLen = 0; strcpy(control->headerbuffer, ""); control->datacrc = 0; control->streamHeader = malloc(EN_DE_CRYPTHEADERSTRUCTSIZE); if (!control->streamHeader) { free(control); return NULL; } control->streamHeader->magic = 0; control->streamHeader->length = 0; strcpy(control->streamHeader->pubKey, ""); control->streamHeader->pubKeyLen = 0; strcpy(control->streamHeader->cryptedKey, ""); control->streamHeader->cryptedKeyLen = 0; control->streamHeader->datacrc = 0; control->streamHeader->headercrc = 0; control->endControl = endControl; return((BLO_decryptStructHandle) control); } int BLO_decrypt_process( BLO_decryptStructHandle BLO_decryptHandle, unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataIn) { int err = 0; struct decryptStructType *BLO_decrypt = (struct decryptStructType *) BLO_decryptHandle; if (!BLO_decrypt) { err = BRS_SETFUNCTION(BRS_DECRYPT) | BRS_SETGENERR(BRS_NULL); return err; } /* First check if we have our header filled in yet */ if (BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->cryptedKeyLen == 0) { unsigned int processed; if (dataIn == 0) return err; /* really need data to do anything */ processed = ((dataIn + BLO_decrypt->streamDone) <= EN_DE_CRYPTHEADERSTRUCTSIZE) ? dataIn : EN_DE_CRYPTHEADERSTRUCTSIZE; memcpy(BLO_decrypt->headerbuffer + BLO_decrypt->streamDone, data, processed); BLO_decrypt->streamDone += processed; dataIn -= processed; data += processed; if (BLO_decrypt->streamDone == EN_DE_CRYPTHEADERSTRUCTSIZE) { /* we have the whole header, absorb it */ struct BLO_en_de_cryptHeaderStruct *header; uint32_t crc; //static unsigned char rsa_e[] = "\x11"; static unsigned char rsa_e[] = "\x01\x00\x01"; RSA *rsa = NULL; byte *publisherPubKey; int publisherPubKeyLen; header = (struct BLO_en_de_cryptHeaderStruct *) BLO_decrypt->headerbuffer; crc = crc32(0L, (const Bytef *) header, EN_DE_CRYPTHEADERSTRUCTSIZE - 4); if (header->magic == 'A') { #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "BLO_en_de_cryptHeaderStruct Magic confirmed\n"); #endif } else { #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "ERROR BLO_en_de_cryptHeaderStruct Magic NOT confirmed\n"); #endif err = BRS_SETFUNCTION(BRS_DECRYPT) | BRS_SETGENERR(BRS_MAGIC); if (BLO_decrypt->streamGlue) free(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue); if (BLO_decrypt->streamHeader) free(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader); if (BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey) free(BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); free(BLO_decrypt); return err; } if (crc == ntohl(header->headercrc)) { #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "BLO_en_de_cryptHeader CRC correct\n"); #endif } else { #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "ERROR BLO_en_de_cryptHeader CRC NOT correct\n"); #endif err = BRS_SETFUNCTION(BRS_DECRYPT) | BRS_SETGENERR(BRS_CRCHEADER); if (BLO_decrypt->streamGlue) free(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue); if (BLO_decrypt->streamHeader) free(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader); if (BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey) free(BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); free(BLO_decrypt); return err; } BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->length = ntohl(header->length); BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->pubKeyLen = ntohl(header->pubKeyLen); memcpy(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->pubKey, header->pubKey, BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->pubKeyLen); // case Publisher: get the .BPkey public key // case Player/Plugin: simply use the data stream public key err = getPubKey(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->pubKey, BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->pubKeyLen, &publisherPubKey, &publisherPubKeyLen); switch (err) { case 0: // everything OK break; case 1: // publisher without a key case 2: // publishers keylen != case 3: // publishers key != default: #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "ALERT users-pubKey != datastream-pubKey, stop reading\n"); #endif err = BRS_SETFUNCTION(BRS_DECRYPT) | BRS_SETSPECERR(BRS_NOTOURPUBKEY); if (BLO_decrypt->streamGlue) free(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue); if (BLO_decrypt->streamHeader) free(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader); if (BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey) free(BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); free(BLO_decrypt); return err; break; } BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->cryptedKeyLen = ntohl(header->cryptedKeyLen); memcpy(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->cryptedKey, header->cryptedKey, BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->cryptedKeyLen); #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "BLO_decrypt_process gets %u bytes\n", (unsigned int) BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->length); #endif BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->datacrc = ntohl(header->datacrc); // finished absorbing and testing the header, create rsa key from it rsa = RSA_new(); if (rsa == NULL) { #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "Error in RSA_new\n"); #endif err = BRS_SETFUNCTION(BRS_DECRYPT) | BRS_SETSPECERR(BRS_RSANEWERROR); if (BLO_decrypt->streamGlue) free(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue); if (BLO_decrypt->streamHeader) free(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader); if (BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey) free(BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); free(BLO_decrypt); return err; } // static exponent rsa->e = BN_bin2bn(rsa_e, sizeof(rsa_e)-1, rsa->e); // public part into rsa->n rsa->n = BN_bin2bn(publisherPubKey, publisherPubKeyLen, rsa->n); //DEBUG RSA_print_fp(stdout, rsa, 0); BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey = malloc(RSA_size(rsa) * sizeof(unsigned char)); if (! BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey) { err = BRS_SETFUNCTION(BRS_DECRYPT) | BRS_SETGENERR(BRS_MALLOC); if (BLO_decrypt->streamGlue) free(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue); if (BLO_decrypt->streamHeader) free(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader); if (BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey) free(BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); free(BLO_decrypt); RSA_free(rsa); return err; } // decrypt the cryptkey BLO_decrypt->deCryptKeyLen = RSA_public_decrypt( BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->cryptedKeyLen, BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->cryptedKey, BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (BLO_decrypt->deCryptKeyLen == -1) { #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "Error in RSA_public_decrypt %s\n", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); #endif err = BRS_SETFUNCTION(BRS_DECRYPT) | BRS_SETSPECERR(BRS_DECRYPTERROR); if (BLO_decrypt->streamGlue) free(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue); if (BLO_decrypt->streamHeader) free(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader); if (BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey) free(BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); free(BLO_decrypt); RSA_free(rsa); return err; } // Finally set the RC4 deCryptKey RC4_set_key(&(BLO_decrypt->rc4_key), BLO_decrypt->deCryptKeyLen, BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); RSA_free(rsa); } } /* Is there really (still) new data available ? */ if (dataIn > 0) { unsigned char *deCryptBuf = malloc(dataIn); if (! deCryptBuf) { err = BRS_SETFUNCTION(BRS_DECRYPT) | BRS_SETGENERR(BRS_MALLOC); if (BLO_decrypt->streamGlue) free(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue); if (BLO_decrypt->streamHeader) free(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader); if (BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey) free(BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); free(BLO_decrypt); return err; } BLO_decrypt->streamDone += dataIn; // update datacrc BLO_decrypt->datacrc = crc32( BLO_decrypt->datacrc, (const Bytef *) data, dataIn); // TODO FIXME we might need to keylength-align the data ! RC4(&(BLO_decrypt->rc4_key), dataIn, data, deCryptBuf); // give data to streamGlueRead, it will find out what to do next err = readStreamGlue( BLO_decrypt->endControl, &(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue), (unsigned char *) deCryptBuf, dataIn); free(deCryptBuf); } return err; } /** * openssl decrypt final call and cleanup * @param BLO_decrypt Pointer to decrypt control structure * @retval streamGlueRead return value */ int BLO_decrypt_end( BLO_decryptStructHandle BLO_decryptHandle) { int err = 0; struct decryptStructType *BLO_decrypt = (struct decryptStructType *) BLO_decryptHandle; if (!BLO_decrypt) { err = BRS_SETFUNCTION(BRS_DECRYPT) | BRS_SETGENERR(BRS_NULL); if (BLO_decrypt->streamGlue) free(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue); if (BLO_decrypt->streamHeader) free(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader); if (BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey) free(BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); free(BLO_decrypt); return err; } if (BLO_decrypt->streamDone == BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->length + EN_DE_CRYPTHEADERSTRUCTSIZE) { #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "Crypted data length is correct\n"); #endif } else { #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "Crypted data length is NOT correct\n"); #endif err = BRS_SETFUNCTION(BRS_DECRYPT) | BRS_SETGENERR(BRS_DATALEN); if (BLO_decrypt->streamGlue) free(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue); if (BLO_decrypt->streamHeader) free(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader); if (BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey) free(BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); free(BLO_decrypt); return err; } if (BLO_decrypt->datacrc == BLO_decrypt->streamHeader->datacrc) { #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "Crypted data CRC is correct\n"); #endif } else { #ifndef NDEBUG fprintf(GEN_errorstream, "Crypted data CRC is NOT correct\n"); #endif err = BRS_SETFUNCTION(BRS_DECRYPT) | BRS_SETGENERR(BRS_CRCDATA); if (BLO_decrypt->streamGlue) free(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue); if (BLO_decrypt->streamHeader) free(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader); if (BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey) free(BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); free(BLO_decrypt); return err; } free(BLO_decrypt->streamGlue); free(BLO_decrypt->streamHeader); free(BLO_decrypt->deCryptKey); free(BLO_decrypt); return err; }