/* * Copyright 2016, Blender Foundation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Contributor(s): Blender Institute * */ /** \file eevee_private.h * \ingroup DNA */ #ifndef __EEVEE_PRIVATE_H__ #define __EEVEE_PRIVATE_H__ struct Object; extern struct DrawEngineType draw_engine_eevee_type; /* Minimum UBO is 16384 bytes */ #define MAX_PROBE 128 /* TODO : find size by dividing UBO max size by probe data size */ #define MAX_GRID 64 /* TODO : find size by dividing UBO max size by grid data size */ #define MAX_PLANAR 16 /* TODO : find size by dividing UBO max size by grid data size */ #define MAX_LIGHT 128 /* TODO : find size by dividing UBO max size by light data size */ #define MAX_SHADOW_CUBE 42 /* TODO : Make this depends on GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS */ #define MAX_SHADOW_MAP 64 #define MAX_SHADOW_CASCADE 8 #define MAX_CASCADE_NUM 4 #define MAX_BLOOM_STEP 16 /* Only define one of these. */ // #define IRRADIANCE_SH_L2 // #define IRRADIANCE_CUBEMAP #define IRRADIANCE_HL2 typedef struct EEVEE_PassList { /* Shadows */ struct DRWPass *shadow_pass; struct DRWPass *shadow_cube_pass; struct DRWPass *shadow_cube_store_pass; struct DRWPass *shadow_cascade_pass; /* Probes */ struct DRWPass *probe_background; struct DRWPass *probe_glossy_compute; struct DRWPass *probe_diffuse_compute; struct DRWPass *probe_display; /* Effects */ struct DRWPass *motion_blur; struct DRWPass *bloom_blit; struct DRWPass *bloom_downsample_first; struct DRWPass *bloom_downsample; struct DRWPass *bloom_upsample; struct DRWPass *bloom_resolve; struct DRWPass *dof_down; struct DRWPass *dof_scatter; struct DRWPass *dof_resolve; struct DRWPass *minmaxz_downlevel; struct DRWPass *minmaxz_downdepth; struct DRWPass *minmaxz_copydepth; struct DRWPass *depth_pass; struct DRWPass *depth_pass_cull; struct DRWPass *depth_pass_clip; struct DRWPass *depth_pass_clip_cull; struct DRWPass *default_pass; struct DRWPass *default_flat_pass; struct DRWPass *default_hair_pass; struct DRWPass *material_pass; struct DRWPass *background_pass; } EEVEE_PassList; typedef struct EEVEE_FramebufferList { /* Effects */ struct GPUFrameBuffer *minmaxz_fb; struct GPUFrameBuffer *effect_fb; /* HDR */ struct GPUFrameBuffer *bloom_blit_fb; /* HDR */ struct GPUFrameBuffer *bloom_down_fb[MAX_BLOOM_STEP]; /* HDR */ struct GPUFrameBuffer *bloom_accum_fb[MAX_BLOOM_STEP-1]; /* HDR */ struct GPUFrameBuffer *dof_down_fb; struct GPUFrameBuffer *dof_scatter_far_fb; struct GPUFrameBuffer *dof_scatter_near_fb; struct GPUFrameBuffer *planarref_fb; struct GPUFrameBuffer *main; /* HDR */ } EEVEE_FramebufferList; typedef struct EEVEE_TextureList { /* Effects */ struct GPUTexture *color_post; /* R16_G16_B16 */ struct GPUTexture *dof_down_near; /* R16_G16_B16_A16 */ struct GPUTexture *dof_down_far; /* R16_G16_B16_A16 */ struct GPUTexture *dof_coc; /* R16_G16 */ struct GPUTexture *dof_near_blur; /* R16_G16_B16_A16 */ struct GPUTexture *dof_far_blur; /* R16_G16_B16_A16 */ struct GPUTexture *bloom_blit; /* R16_G16_B16 */ struct GPUTexture *bloom_downsample[MAX_BLOOM_STEP]; /* R16_G16_B16 */ struct GPUTexture *bloom_upsample[MAX_BLOOM_STEP-1]; /* R16_G16_B16 */ struct GPUTexture *planar_pool; struct GPUTexture *color; /* R16_G16_B16 */ } EEVEE_TextureList; typedef struct EEVEE_StorageList { /* Effects */ struct EEVEE_EffectsInfo *effects; struct EEVEE_PrivateData *g_data; } EEVEE_StorageList; /* ************ LIGHT UBO ************* */ typedef struct EEVEE_Light { float position[3], dist; float color[3], spec; float spotsize, spotblend, radius, shadowid; float rightvec[3], sizex; float upvec[3], sizey; float forwardvec[3], lamptype; } EEVEE_Light; typedef struct EEVEE_ShadowCube { float near, far, bias, exp; } EEVEE_ShadowCube; typedef struct EEVEE_ShadowMap { float shadowmat[4][4]; /* World->Lamp->NDC->Tex : used for sampling the shadow map. */ float near, far, bias, pad; } EEVEE_ShadowMap; typedef struct EEVEE_ShadowCascade { float shadowmat[MAX_CASCADE_NUM][4][4]; /* World->Lamp->NDC->Tex : used for sampling the shadow map. */ float split[4]; float bias[4]; } EEVEE_ShadowCascade; typedef struct EEVEE_ShadowRender { float shadowmat[6][4][4]; /* World->Lamp->NDC : used to render the shadow map. 6 frustrum for cubemap shadow */ float position[3]; float pad; int layer; float exponent; } EEVEE_ShadowRender; /* ************ LIGHT DATA ************* */ typedef struct EEVEE_LampsInfo { int num_light, cache_num_light; int num_cube, cache_num_cube; int num_map, cache_num_map; int num_cascade, cache_num_cascade; int update_flag; /* List of lights in the scene. */ /* XXX This is fragile, can get out of sync quickly. */ struct Object *light_ref[MAX_LIGHT]; struct Object *shadow_cube_ref[MAX_SHADOW_CUBE]; struct Object *shadow_map_ref[MAX_SHADOW_MAP]; struct Object *shadow_cascade_ref[MAX_SHADOW_CASCADE]; /* UBO Storage : data used by UBO */ struct EEVEE_Light light_data[MAX_LIGHT]; struct EEVEE_ShadowRender shadow_render_data; struct EEVEE_ShadowCube shadow_cube_data[MAX_SHADOW_CUBE]; struct EEVEE_ShadowMap shadow_map_data[MAX_SHADOW_MAP]; struct EEVEE_ShadowCascade shadow_cascade_data[MAX_SHADOW_CASCADE]; } EEVEE_LampsInfo; /* EEVEE_LampsInfo->update_flag */ enum { LIGHT_UPDATE_SHADOW_CUBE = (1 << 0), }; /* ************ PROBE UBO ************* */ typedef struct EEVEE_LightProbe { float position[3], parallax_type; float attenuation_fac; float attenuation_type; float pad3[2]; float attenuationmat[4][4]; float parallaxmat[4][4]; } EEVEE_LightProbe; typedef struct EEVEE_LightGrid { float mat[4][4]; int resolution[3], offset; float corner[3], attenuation_scale; float increment_x[3], attenuation_bias; /* world space vector between 2 opposite cells */ float increment_y[3], pad3; float increment_z[3], pad4; } EEVEE_LightGrid; typedef struct EEVEE_PlanarReflection { float plane_equation[4]; float clip_vec_x[3], attenuation_scale; float clip_vec_y[3], attenuation_bias; float clip_edge_x_pos, clip_edge_x_neg; float clip_edge_y_pos, clip_edge_y_neg; float facing_scale, facing_bias, pad[2]; float reflectionmat[4][4]; } EEVEE_PlanarReflection; /* ************ PROBE DATA ************* */ typedef struct EEVEE_LightProbesInfo { int num_cube, cache_num_cube; int num_grid, cache_num_grid; int num_planar, cache_num_planar; int update_flag; int updated_bounce; /* Actual number of probes that have datas. */ int num_render_cube; int num_render_grid; /* For rendering probes */ float probemat[6][4][4]; int layer; float texel_size; float padding_size; float samples_ct; float invsamples_ct; float roughness; float lodfactor; float lodmax; int shres; int shnbr; bool specular_toggle; /* List of probes in the scene. */ /* XXX This is fragile, can get out of sync quickly. */ struct Object *probes_cube_ref[MAX_PROBE]; struct Object *probes_grid_ref[MAX_GRID]; struct Object *probes_planar_ref[MAX_PLANAR]; /* UBO Storage : data used by UBO */ struct EEVEE_LightProbe probe_data[MAX_PROBE]; struct EEVEE_LightGrid grid_data[MAX_GRID]; struct EEVEE_PlanarReflection planar_data[MAX_PLANAR]; } EEVEE_LightProbesInfo; /* EEVEE_LightProbesInfo->update_flag */ enum { PROBE_UPDATE_CUBE = (1 << 0), }; /* ************ EFFECTS DATA ************* */ typedef struct EEVEE_EffectsInfo { int enabled_effects; /* Motion Blur */ float current_ndc_to_world[4][4]; float past_world_to_ndc[4][4]; float tmp_mat[4][4]; int motion_blur_samples; /* Depth Of Field */ float dof_near_far[2]; float dof_params[3]; float dof_bokeh[4]; float dof_layer_select[2]; int dof_target_size[2]; /* Bloom */ int bloom_iteration_ct; float source_texel_size[2]; float blit_texel_size[2]; float downsamp_texel_size[MAX_BLOOM_STEP][2]; float bloom_intensity; float bloom_sample_scale; float bloom_curve_threshold[4]; float unf_source_texel_size[2]; struct GPUTexture *unf_source_buffer; /* pointer copy */ struct GPUTexture *unf_base_buffer; /* pointer copy */ /* Not alloced, just a copy of a *GPUtexture in EEVEE_TextureList. */ struct GPUTexture *source_buffer; /* latest updated texture */ struct GPUFrameBuffer *target_buffer; /* next target to render to */ } EEVEE_EffectsInfo; enum { EFFECT_MOTION_BLUR = (1 << 0), EFFECT_BLOOM = (1 << 1), EFFECT_DOF = (1 << 2), }; /* ************** SCENE LAYER DATA ************** */ typedef struct EEVEE_SceneLayerData { /* Lamps */ struct EEVEE_LampsInfo *lamps; struct GPUUniformBuffer *light_ubo; struct GPUUniformBuffer *shadow_ubo; struct GPUUniformBuffer *shadow_render_ubo; struct GPUFrameBuffer *shadow_cube_target_fb; struct GPUFrameBuffer *shadow_cube_fb; struct GPUFrameBuffer *shadow_map_fb; struct GPUFrameBuffer *shadow_cascade_fb; struct GPUTexture *shadow_depth_cube_target; struct GPUTexture *shadow_color_cube_target; struct GPUTexture *shadow_depth_cube_pool; struct GPUTexture *shadow_depth_map_pool; struct GPUTexture *shadow_depth_cascade_pool; struct ListBase shadow_casters; /* Shadow casters gathered during cache iteration */ /* Probes */ struct EEVEE_LightProbesInfo *probes; struct GPUUniformBuffer *probe_ubo; struct GPUUniformBuffer *grid_ubo; struct GPUUniformBuffer *planar_ubo; struct GPUFrameBuffer *probe_fb; struct GPUFrameBuffer *probe_filter_fb; struct GPUTexture *probe_rt; struct GPUTexture *probe_depth_rt; struct GPUTexture *probe_pool; struct GPUTexture *irradiance_pool; struct GPUTexture *irradiance_rt; struct ListBase probe_queue; /* List of probes to update */ } EEVEE_SceneLayerData; /* ************ OBJECT DATA ************ */ typedef struct EEVEE_LampEngineData { bool need_update; struct ListBase shadow_caster_list; void *storage; /* either EEVEE_LightData, EEVEE_ShadowCubeData, EEVEE_ShadowCascadeData */ } EEVEE_LampEngineData; typedef struct EEVEE_LightProbeEngineData { bool need_update; bool ready_to_shade; int updated_cells; int num_cell; int probe_id; /* Only used for display data */ /* For planar reflection rendering */ float viewmat[4][4]; float persmat[4][4]; float planer_eq_offset[4]; struct ListBase captured_object_list; } EEVEE_LightProbeEngineData; typedef struct EEVEE_ObjectEngineData { bool need_update; } EEVEE_ObjectEngineData; /* *********************************** */ typedef struct EEVEE_Data { void *engine_type; EEVEE_FramebufferList *fbl; EEVEE_TextureList *txl; EEVEE_PassList *psl; EEVEE_StorageList *stl; } EEVEE_Data; typedef struct EEVEE_PrivateData { struct DRWShadingGroup *shadow_shgrp; struct DRWShadingGroup *depth_shgrp; struct DRWShadingGroup *depth_shgrp_cull; struct DRWShadingGroup *depth_shgrp_clip; struct DRWShadingGroup *depth_shgrp_clip_cull; struct DRWShadingGroup *cube_display_shgrp; struct GHash *material_hash; struct GHash *hair_material_hash; struct GPUTexture *minmaxz; } EEVEE_PrivateData; /* Transient data */ /* eevee_data.c */ EEVEE_SceneLayerData *EEVEE_scene_layer_data_get(void); EEVEE_ObjectEngineData *EEVEE_object_data_get(Object *ob); EEVEE_LightProbeEngineData *EEVEE_lightprobe_data_get(Object *ob); EEVEE_LampEngineData *EEVEE_lamp_data_get(Object *ob); /* eevee_materials.c */ void EEVEE_materials_init(void); void EEVEE_materials_cache_init(EEVEE_Data *vedata); void EEVEE_materials_cache_populate(EEVEE_Data *vedata, EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, Object *ob, struct Gwn_Batch *geom); void EEVEE_materials_cache_finish(EEVEE_Data *vedata); struct GPUMaterial *EEVEE_material_world_lightprobe_get(struct Scene *scene, struct World *wo); struct GPUMaterial *EEVEE_material_world_background_get(struct Scene *scene, struct World *wo); struct GPUMaterial *EEVEE_material_mesh_lightprobe_get(struct Scene *scene, Material *ma); struct GPUMaterial *EEVEE_material_mesh_get(struct Scene *scene, Material *ma); struct GPUMaterial *EEVEE_material_hair_get(struct Scene *scene, Material *ma); void EEVEE_materials_free(void); /* eevee_lights.c */ void EEVEE_lights_init(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata); void EEVEE_lights_cache_init(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, EEVEE_PassList *psl); void EEVEE_lights_cache_add(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, struct Object *ob); void EEVEE_lights_cache_shcaster_add(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, EEVEE_PassList *psl, struct Gwn_Batch *geom, float (*obmat)[4]); void EEVEE_lights_cache_finish(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata); void EEVEE_lights_update(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata); void EEVEE_draw_shadows(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, EEVEE_PassList *psl); void EEVEE_lights_free(void); /* eevee_lightprobes.c */ void EEVEE_lightprobes_init(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, EEVEE_Data *vedata); void EEVEE_lightprobes_cache_init(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, EEVEE_PassList *psl, EEVEE_StorageList *stl); void EEVEE_lightprobes_cache_add(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, Object *ob); void EEVEE_lightprobes_cache_finish(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, EEVEE_Data *vedata); void EEVEE_lightprobes_refresh(EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, EEVEE_Data *vedata); void EEVEE_lightprobes_free(void); /* eevee_effects.c */ void EEVEE_effects_init(EEVEE_Data *vedata); void EEVEE_effects_cache_init(EEVEE_Data *vedata); void EEVEE_create_minmax_buffer(EEVEE_Data *vedata); void EEVEE_draw_effects(EEVEE_Data *vedata); void EEVEE_effects_free(void); /* Shadow Matrix */ static const float texcomat[4][4] = { /* From NDC to TexCo */ {0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0}, {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0} }; /* Cubemap Matrices */ static const float cubefacemat[6][4][4] = { /* Pos X */ {{0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}, /* Neg X */ {{0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}, /* Pos Y */ {{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}, /* Neg Y */ {{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}, /* Pos Z */ {{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}, /* Neg Z */ {{-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}, }; #endif /* __EEVEE_PRIVATE_H__ */