/* * Copyright 2016, Blender Foundation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Contributor(s): Blender Institute * */ /** \file eevee_temporal_sampling.c * \ingroup draw_engine * * Temporal super sampling technique */ #include "DRW_render.h" #include "BLI_rand.h" #include "eevee_private.h" #include "GPU_texture.h" #define FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE 512 static struct { /* Temporal Anti Aliasing */ struct GPUShader *taa_resolve_sh; /* Pixel filter table: Only blackman-harris for now. */ float inverted_cdf[FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE]; } e_data = {NULL}; /* Engine data */ extern char datatoc_effect_temporal_aa_glsl[]; static void eevee_create_shader_temporal_sampling(void) { e_data.taa_resolve_sh = DRW_shader_create_fullscreen(datatoc_effect_temporal_aa_glsl, NULL); } static float UNUSED_FUNCTION(filter_box)(float UNUSED(x)) { return 1.0f; } static float filter_blackman_harris(float x) { /* Hardcoded 1px footprint [-0.5..0.5]. We resize later. */ const float width = 1.0f; x = 2.0f * M_PI * (x / width + 0.5f); return 0.35875f - 0.48829f * cosf(x) + 0.14128f * cosf(2.0f * x) - 0.01168f * cosf(3.0f * x); } /* Compute cumulative distribution function of a discrete function. */ static void compute_cdf(float (*func)(float x), float cdf[FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE]) { cdf[0] = 0.0f; /* Actual CDF evaluation. */ for (int u = 0; u < FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE - 1; ++u) { float x = (float)(u + 1) / (float)(FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE - 1); cdf[u + 1] = cdf[u] + func(x - 0.5f); /* [-0.5..0.5]. We resize later. */ } /* Normalize the CDF. */ for (int u = 0; u < FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE - 1; u++) { cdf[u] /= cdf[FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE - 1]; } /* Just to make sure. */ cdf[FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE - 1] = 1.0f; } static void invert_cdf(const float cdf[FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE], float invert_cdf[FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE]) { for (int u = 0; u < FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE; u++) { float x = (float)u / (float)(FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE - 1); for (int i = 0; i < FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { if (cdf[i] >= x) { if (i == FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE - 1) { invert_cdf[u] = 1.0f; } else { float t = (x - cdf[i]) / (cdf[i + 1] - cdf[i]); invert_cdf[u] = ((float)i + t) / (float)(FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE - 1); } break; } } } } /* Evaluate a discrete function table with linear interpolation. */ static float eval_table(float *table, float x) { CLAMP(x, 0.0f, 1.0f); x = x * (FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE - 1); int index = min_ii((int)(x), FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE - 1); int nindex = min_ii(index + 1, FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE - 1); float t = x - index; return (1.0f - t) * table[index] + t * table[nindex]; } static void eevee_create_cdf_table_temporal_sampling(void) { float *cdf_table = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE, "Eevee Filter CDF table"); float filter_width = 2.0f; /* Use a 2 pixel footprint by default. */ { /* Use blackman-harris filter. */ filter_width *= 2.0f; compute_cdf(filter_blackman_harris, cdf_table); } invert_cdf(cdf_table, e_data.inverted_cdf); /* Scale and offset table. */ for (int i = 0; i < FILTER_CDF_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { e_data.inverted_cdf[i] = (e_data.inverted_cdf[i] - 0.5f) * filter_width; } MEM_freeN(cdf_table); } void EEVEE_temporal_sampling_matrices_calc( EEVEE_EffectsInfo *effects, float viewmat[4][4], float persmat[4][4], const double ht_point[2]) { const float *viewport_size = DRW_viewport_size_get(); const DRWContextState *draw_ctx = DRW_context_state_get(); Scene *scene = draw_ctx->scene; RenderData *rd = &scene->r; float filter_size = rd->gauss; /* Sigh.. Stupid legacy naming. */ float ofs_x = eval_table(e_data.inverted_cdf, (float)(ht_point[0])) * filter_size; float ofs_y = eval_table(e_data.inverted_cdf, (float)(ht_point[1])) * filter_size; window_translate_m4( effects->overide_winmat, persmat, ofs_x / viewport_size[0], ofs_y / viewport_size[1]); mul_m4_m4m4(effects->overide_persmat, effects->overide_winmat, viewmat); invert_m4_m4(effects->overide_persinv, effects->overide_persmat); invert_m4_m4(effects->overide_wininv, effects->overide_winmat); } int EEVEE_temporal_sampling_init(EEVEE_ViewLayerData *UNUSED(sldata), EEVEE_Data *vedata) { EEVEE_StorageList *stl = vedata->stl; EEVEE_FramebufferList *fbl = vedata->fbl; EEVEE_TextureList *txl = vedata->txl; EEVEE_EffectsInfo *effects = stl->effects; /* Reset for each "redraw". When rendering using ogl render, * we accumulate the redraw inside the drawing loop in eevee_draw_background(). * But we do NOT accumulate between "redraw" (as in full draw manager drawloop) * because the opengl render already does that. */ effects->taa_render_sample = 1; const DRWContextState *draw_ctx = DRW_context_state_get(); ViewLayer *view_layer = draw_ctx->view_layer; IDProperty *props = BKE_view_layer_engine_evaluated_get(view_layer, COLLECTION_MODE_NONE, RE_engine_id_BLENDER_EEVEE); if ((BKE_collection_engine_property_value_get_int(props, "taa_samples") != 1 && /* FIXME the motion blur camera evaluation is tagging view_updated * thus making the TAA always reset and never stopping rendering. */ (effects->enabled_effects & EFFECT_MOTION_BLUR) == 0) || DRW_state_is_image_render()) { const float *viewport_size = DRW_viewport_size_get(); float persmat[4][4], viewmat[4][4]; if (!e_data.taa_resolve_sh) { eevee_create_shader_temporal_sampling(); eevee_create_cdf_table_temporal_sampling(); } /* Until we support reprojection, we need to make sure * that the history buffer contains correct information. */ bool view_is_valid = stl->g_data->valid_double_buffer; view_is_valid = view_is_valid && (stl->g_data->view_updated == false); effects->taa_total_sample = BKE_collection_engine_property_value_get_int(props, "taa_samples"); MAX2(effects->taa_total_sample, 0); DRW_viewport_matrix_get(persmat, DRW_MAT_PERS); DRW_viewport_matrix_get(viewmat, DRW_MAT_VIEW); DRW_viewport_matrix_get(effects->overide_winmat, DRW_MAT_WIN); /* The view is jittered by the oglrenderer. So avoid testing in this case. */ if (!DRW_state_is_image_render()) { view_is_valid = view_is_valid && compare_m4m4(persmat, effects->prev_drw_persmat, FLT_MIN); copy_m4_m4(effects->prev_drw_persmat, persmat); } /* Prevent ghosting from probe data. */ view_is_valid = view_is_valid && (effects->prev_drw_support == DRW_state_draw_support()); effects->prev_drw_support = DRW_state_draw_support(); if (((effects->taa_total_sample == 0) || (effects->taa_current_sample < effects->taa_total_sample)) || DRW_state_is_image_render()) { if (view_is_valid) { /* OGL render already jitter the camera. */ if (!DRW_state_is_image_render()) { effects->taa_current_sample += 1; double ht_point[2]; double ht_offset[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; unsigned int ht_primes[2] = {2, 3}; BLI_halton_2D(ht_primes, ht_offset, effects->taa_current_sample - 1, ht_point); EEVEE_temporal_sampling_matrices_calc(effects, viewmat, persmat, ht_point); DRW_viewport_matrix_override_set(effects->overide_persmat, DRW_MAT_PERS); DRW_viewport_matrix_override_set(effects->overide_persinv, DRW_MAT_PERSINV); DRW_viewport_matrix_override_set(effects->overide_winmat, DRW_MAT_WIN); DRW_viewport_matrix_override_set(effects->overide_wininv, DRW_MAT_WININV); } } else { effects->taa_current_sample = 1; } } else { effects->taa_current_sample = 1; } DRWFboTexture tex_double_buffer = {&txl->depth_double_buffer, DRW_TEX_DEPTH_24_STENCIL_8, 0}; DRW_framebuffer_init(&fbl->depth_double_buffer_fb, &draw_engine_eevee_type, (int)viewport_size[0], (int)viewport_size[1], &tex_double_buffer, 1); return EFFECT_TAA | EFFECT_DOUBLE_BUFFER | EFFECT_POST_BUFFER; } effects->taa_current_sample = 1; /* Cleanup to release memory */ DRW_TEXTURE_FREE_SAFE(txl->depth_double_buffer); DRW_FRAMEBUFFER_FREE_SAFE(fbl->depth_double_buffer_fb); return 0; } void EEVEE_temporal_sampling_cache_init(EEVEE_ViewLayerData *UNUSED(sldata), EEVEE_Data *vedata) { EEVEE_PassList *psl = vedata->psl; EEVEE_StorageList *stl = vedata->stl; EEVEE_TextureList *txl = vedata->txl; EEVEE_EffectsInfo *effects = stl->effects; if ((effects->enabled_effects & EFFECT_TAA) != 0) { psl->taa_resolve = DRW_pass_create("Temporal AA Resolve", DRW_STATE_WRITE_COLOR); DRWShadingGroup *grp = DRW_shgroup_create(e_data.taa_resolve_sh, psl->taa_resolve); DRW_shgroup_uniform_buffer(grp, "historyBuffer", &txl->color_double_buffer); DRW_shgroup_uniform_buffer(grp, "colorBuffer", &txl->color); DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(grp, "alpha", &effects->taa_alpha, 1); DRW_shgroup_call_add(grp, DRW_cache_fullscreen_quad_get(), NULL); } } void EEVEE_temporal_sampling_draw(EEVEE_Data *vedata) { EEVEE_PassList *psl = vedata->psl; EEVEE_TextureList *txl = vedata->txl; EEVEE_FramebufferList *fbl = vedata->fbl; EEVEE_StorageList *stl = vedata->stl; EEVEE_EffectsInfo *effects = stl->effects; if ((effects->enabled_effects & EFFECT_TAA) != 0) { if (effects->taa_current_sample != 1) { if (DRW_state_is_image_render()) { /* See EEVEE_temporal_sampling_init() for more details. */ effects->taa_alpha = 1.0f / (float)(effects->taa_render_sample); } else { effects->taa_alpha = 1.0f / (float)(effects->taa_current_sample); } DRW_framebuffer_bind(fbl->effect_fb); DRW_draw_pass(psl->taa_resolve); /* Restore the depth from sample 1. */ if (!DRW_state_is_image_render()) { DRW_framebuffer_blit(fbl->depth_double_buffer_fb, fbl->main, true, false); } /* Special Swap */ SWAP(struct GPUFrameBuffer *, fbl->effect_fb, fbl->double_buffer); SWAP(GPUTexture *, txl->color_post, txl->color_double_buffer); effects->swap_double_buffer = false; effects->source_buffer = txl->color_double_buffer; effects->target_buffer = fbl->main; } else { /* Save the depth buffer for the next frame. * This saves us from doing anything special * in the other mode engines. */ if (!DRW_state_is_image_render()) { DRW_framebuffer_blit(fbl->main, fbl->depth_double_buffer_fb, true, false); } } /* Make each loop count when doing a render. */ if (DRW_state_is_image_render()) { effects->taa_render_sample += 1; effects->taa_current_sample += 1; } else { if ((effects->taa_total_sample == 0) || (effects->taa_current_sample < effects->taa_total_sample)) { DRW_viewport_request_redraw(); } } } } void EEVEE_temporal_sampling_free(void) { DRW_SHADER_FREE_SAFE(e_data.taa_resolve_sh); }